Notes for Philosophy of Technology: the Technological Condition

Philosophical Inputs and Outputs of Technology
Mario Bunge

Bunge: tasks of the philosophy of technology.

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Bunge: epistemology of technology.

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Bunge: metaphysics of technology.

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Toward a Philosophy of Technology
Hans Jonas

Jonas: major themes are formal dynamics and substantive content of technology.

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Social Constructivism: Opening the Black Box and Finding it Empty
Langdon Winner

Winner: how to prepare as philosopher of technology.

(233) Where does one go to learn what one needs to know to write confidently about philosophy and technology?

Heidegger's Philosophy of Technology
Don Idhe

Idhe: artful praxis strategic counter-balance to threat of closure in Heidegger.

(292) Technology, then, becomes the combined powers of what was earlier both readiness-to-hand and presence-at-hand. Humanity is effected essentially because science itself is technological in its contemporary sense and operates in the praxical dimension. . . . [I]n terms of Heidegger's systematic concern with praxical, now technological humanity, artful praxis is not some simple addition to the current epoch of Being, but is the strategic counter-balance to what Heidegger fears is the threat of closure.

Critical Evaluation of Heidegger and Borgmann
Andrew Feenberg

Feenberg: responsible models of creating with technology.

(335) Our models should be such things as reskilled work, medical practices that respect the person, architectural and urban designs that create humane living spaces, computer designs that mediate new social forms.

Tool-Users vs. Homo Sapiens and The Megamachine
Lewis Mumford

The "Autonomy" of the Technological Phenomenon
Jacques Ellul

The New Forms of Control
Herbert Marcuse

A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century
Donna Haraway

Three Ways of Being-With Technology
Carl Mitcham

A Phenomenology of Technics
Don Idhe

Information and Reality at the Turn of the Century
Albert Borgmann

Luddism as Epistemology
Langdon Winner

Democratic Rationalization: Technology, Power, and Freedom
Andrew Feenberg