CRITICAL PROGRAMMING: Toward A Philosophy Of Computing

Chapter 1 Introduction{11}

1.1 from automated genocide to the dumbest generation{11}

1.2 a collective intelligence problem, societies of control, the quintessential postmodern object, foss hopes, default philosophies of computing{11}

1.3 not to use old tools for new problems, scholarship requires a cybersage, digital humanities projects, critical programming studies, plan of the dissertation{11}


Chapter 2 Situation post-postmodern network dividual cyborg{11}

2.1 modernism and postmodernism, regressive subjectivity, Heideggers America, inventing the posthuman{11}

2.2 cybernetics, embodiment, techno-capitalist networks, dividual cyborg, cybersage{11}

Chapter 3 Theoretical framework and methodology{11}

3.1 critical theory, textuality studies, media studies, philosophy of technology{11}

3.2 social construction of technology, ensoniment, histories of computing networking and software, psycho-social studies of computer programmers{11}

3.3 software studies, game studies, code space, critical code studies{11}

3.4 platform studies, diachrony in synchrony, technogenesis and synaptogenesis, cyborg revisited{11}

Chapter 4 Philosophical programmers{11}

4.1 system engineers pioneers of babelization, distribued network visionaries, the new ontologists{11}

4.2 application developers beyond hard mastery and bricolage, auto-ethnographers of coding places{11}

Chapter 5 Critical programming studies{11}

5.1 working code places{11}

5.2 programming philosophers{11}

5.3 symposia, ensoniment{11}

5.4 tapoc, flossification{11}

5.5 pmrek, machine embodiment{11}

Chapter 6 Conclusion{11}

6.1 recommendations{11}

6.2 future directions{11}

Works Cited

1.1 from automated genocide to the dumbest generation

TOC 1.1 from automated genocide to the dumbest generation+

1.2 a collective intelligence problem, societies of control, the quintessential postmodern object, foss hopes, default philosophies of computing

TOC 1.2 a collective intelligence problem, societies of control, the quintessential postmodern object, foss hopes, default philosophies of computing+

1.3 not to use old tools for new problems, scholarship requires a cybersage, digital humanities projects, critical programming studies, plan of the dissertation

--1.3.2+++ {11}

1 3 2 (+) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20070104 20070104 3 -2+ journal_2007.html
Because we know that IBM does not hire professional philosophers to plan long term FOSS strategy, let alone provide such services, so while you may feel so ready to outsource the self evident prerequisite philosophical production necessary to develop a wise business strategy, it is also obvious that there are no truly qualified third party providers, and therefore the task devolves upon yourself, and you are led again into consideration of how this goal might be reached. I am offering a map towards a philosophy of computing starting from the rigorous technical study of reverse engineering a microcomputer based control unit and progressing into the articulation of a thesis in the socially recognizable work product of a doctoral dissertation.

1 3 2 (+) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20110721 20110721 23 -4+ journal_2011.html
Core exam questions deliver definition of texts and technology, major trends, and links to my dissertation specialization. The second question challenges detail of these links, whereas the third elicits responses to practical tasks such as editing a volume of essays on your topic and further details of the links. My second list should look at computer technology, software studies, and critical code studies as emerging fields linking my work to the texts and technology core. The third list must reach as far as I dare to go, where the technologists fear to go or lack the background, the draft, including machine embodiment (reached in part by examining gender studies as they relate to technology), so as to incorporate Heidegger, Zizek and my other favorite philosophers.

1 3 2 (+) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20131202 20131202 2 -10+ journal_2013.html
Beyond deliberate attempts to create AI, there are the looming trillions of circuits, dynamic memories, programmed streams, and protocol operations co-constituting with our brains, bodies, artifacts, and habitats the current technological era. They form the other side of Andy Clarkƒs extended mind. Thus in one sense the Big Other responds continuously as we brush against it, as the other side of the blips, an ocean of ordinary operations in server farms, workstations, mobile devices, which Manovich claims have taken command of cultural production.

The obvious example of web search results hardly satisfy as intersubjective discourse, however; messages arising from the technological nonconscious are at best the residual traces of Socratesƒ divine sign. Reflecting from earliest fantasies, AI history, literary and cinematic portrayals, Derridean textuality, to electracy and electronic literature, and engaged by explicit literary and humanities undertakings employing psychoanalytic, deformative, and algorithmic criticism, I will be asking what forms were we expecting? How would we reasonably detect, and treat as natural language conversation couched in embodied perception, any genuine response from the Big Other in our machines?

I argue that we must learn to relax the biochauvanistic striations upon which such communicative anticipations flow. Taking embodiment seriously entails that humans may have to develop attunement to machinic habits, such as high speed, cyclic operations, protocols, and ingestion of countless algorithms. Before it happens, human consciousness may have to evolve towards what Jaron Lanier calls dreaming in code, a form of post-symbolic communication heavily invested in cyborg infrastructure (Rosenberg). If this is hard to imagine now, what about in forty years, when most of us will be elderly brains living out our final years in virtual realities?

1 3 2 (+) [-1+]mCQK heidegger-what_is_called_thinking (15) 20130928f 0 -2+ progress/1995/08/notes_for_heidegger-what_is_called_thinking.html
The danger flashes in craft lacking relatedness, which is just busywork, so the hardest work is that of the teacher, who must be capable of being more teachable than the apprentices. (15) Without that relateness, the craft will never be anything but empty busywork, any occupation with it will be determined exclusively by business concerns. Every handicraft, all human dealings are constantly in that danger.

1 3 2 (+) [-1+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (160) 20120611 0 -1+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
Dispatch into criticism of poorly informed philosopher from technical perspective mitigated in fourth edition by participation (voice, as she puts it) of Keith Miller illuminates importance of versions at level of human texts. (160) footnote 4) Perhaps, the best example of successful shareware is the Linux operating system.

1 3 2 (+) [-1+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (19) 20131005k 0 -1+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Need to reconsider fundamental problems of texts and textuality; his role is to write one more book, mine is to probe these questions by working code. (19) These kinds of issues wonƒt be usefully engaged without reconsidering certain fundamental problems of texts and textuality.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia from Notes where Chapter=1 and Heading=3 and (SubHeading=0 or SubHeading=2) and (InterstitialSequence=0 or InterstitialSequence=100) order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence desc, RelevanceLevel desc, TextName, cast((trim(leading '(' from substring_index(PositionStart, '-', 1))) as unsigned)


2.1 modernism and postmodernism, regressive subjectivity, Heideggers America, inventing the posthuman

TOC 2.1 modernism and postmodernism, regressive subjectivity, Heideggers America, inventing the posthuman+

2.2 cybernetics, embodiment, techno-capitalist networks, dividual cyborg, cybersage

3.1 critical theory, textuality studies, media studies, philosophy of technology

TOC 3.1 critical theory, textuality studies, media studies, philosophy of technology+

3.2 social construction of technology, ensoniment, histories of computing networking and software, psycho-social studies of computer programmers

TOC 3.2 social construction of technology, ensoniment, histories of computing networking and software, psycho-social studies of computer programmers+

3.3 software studies, game studies, code space, critical code studies

TOC 3.3 software studies, game studies, code space, critical code studies+

3.4 platform studies, diachrony in synchrony, technogenesis and synaptogenesis, cyborg revisited

4.1 system engineers pioneers of babelization, distribued network visionaries, the new ontologists

TOC 4.1 system engineers pioneers of babelization, distribued network visionaries, the new ontologists+

4.2 application developers beyond hard mastery and bricolage, auto-ethnographers of coding places

5.1 working code places

TOC 5.1 working code places+

5.2 programming philosophers

TOC 5.2 programming philosophers+

5.3 symposia, ensoniment

TOC 5.3 symposia, ensoniment+

5.4 tapoc, flossification

TOC 5.4 tapoc, flossification+

5.5 pmrek, machine embodiment

6.1 recommendations

TOC 6.1 recommendations+

6.2 future directions


Works To Cite

blackibm_and_the_holocaust10 20138.102014071290%50%Y0
johnsoncomputer_ethics08 20148.10201407275%5%Y0
johnsoncomputer_ethics_fourth_edition06 20128.102014080325%25%Y0
johnsoncomputer_ethics_third_edition06 20118.102014072325%25%Y0
kurzweilage_of_spiritual_machines01 20148.102014012350%5%Y0
Items [5] Research Remaining [0] Refinement Remaining [0]