CRITICAL PROGRAMMING: Toward A Philosophy Of Computing{13}

Chapter 1 Introduction{13}

1.1 from automated genocide to the dumbest generation{13}

1.2 a collective intelligence problem, societies of control, the quintessential postmodern object, foss hopes, default philosophies of computing{13}

1.3 not to use old tools for new problems, scholarship requires a cybersage, digital humanities projects, critical programming studies, plan of the dissertation{13}


Chapter 2 Situation post-postmodern network dividual cyborg{13}

2.1 modernism and postmodernism, regressive subjectivity, inventing the posthuman in Heideggers America{13}

2.2 closed world cybernetics, cyborg embodiment, techno-capitalist networks, dividual cyborg, cybersage{13}

Chapter 3 Theoretical framework and methodology{13}

3.1 critical theory, textuality studies, media studies, social construction of technology, histories of computing software and networking, psycho-social studies of computer programmers, philosophers of computing technologies, software studies, code studies, procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony, workarea{13}

3.2 philosophical programmers, working code places, programming philosophers, critical programming{13}

Chapter 4 Critical programming studies{13}

4.1 symposia, ensoniment{13}

4.2 tapoc, fossification{13}

4.3 pmrek, machine embodiment{13}

Chapter 5 Conclusion{13}

5.1 cyborg revisited{13}

5.2 recommendations{13}

5.3 future directions{13}

Chapter 6 Philosophical programmers{13}

6.1 system architects pioneers of babelization, distribued network visionaries, the new ontologists{13}

6.2 application developers beyond hard mastery and bricolage, auto-ethnographers of coding places{13}

Chapter 7 Syllabus for a Philosophy of Computing{13}

7.1 philosophies{13}

7.2 hermeneutics of computing{13}

7.3 phenomenology of electronic technology{13}

7.4 programming languages{13}

7.5 new ontologies{13}

7.6 tcpip networking protocols{13}

7.7 philosophical programmers{13}

7.8 programming styles{13}

7.9 use and advantages of foss{13}

7.10 coding communities{13}

7.11 lifecycle project management{13}

7.12 virtualization{13}

7.13 programming philosophers{13}

7.14 revisiting ancient computing{13}

7.15 holding power of programming platforms{13}

7.16 governmentality of software{13}

7.17 can software be innocent{13}

7.18 programmed responses{13}

Chapter 8 Syllabus for Advanced Server Side Programming{13}

8.1 http client server architectures, brief history of computing, protocol, ipv6, http overview, request response cycle{13}

8.2 web services, soap, restful{13}

8.3 php design patterns, mvc{13}

8.4 testing patterns, test driven programming{13}

8.5 coding dojo{13}

8.6 application development{13}

8.7 automating tests{13}

8.8 user input via web forms{13}

8.9 content management systems{13}

Chapter 9 Governmentality of software{13}

9.1 governmentality, foucault, archeology, genealogy, biopolitics, power relations, protocol{13}

9.2 software, berry, phenomenology, what is software, coding communities, analysis of our source code{13}

9.3 governmentality of software, berardi, semiocapitalism, class struggle, depression panic catastrophe, bioprogramming, thinking differently{13}

Chapter 10 Syllabus for Server Side Programming{13}

10.1 programming styles, client, server, php{13}

10.2 server processes, webserver, database{13}

Works Cited

Chapter 1 Introduction


1 0+ 0 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20140218 20140218 1 -26+ journal_2014.html
I am trying to tackle a very large problem, no less it seems than the intellectual fate of humanity or at least in the United States, complementing rhetorical work by Bauerlein to which Hayles refers shape of current mass society of small people prospering in network age coconstitute their technological milieu with inhuman systems they construct. The overall research question cast as, quickly, how have humans become dumber while machines continue to get smarter, is approached through articulating an ontology epitomized by post-postmodern network dividual cyborgs, as beings embodying the present human condition in the US, all of us and our electronic devices, enacting network consumption, tightly coupled to the built environment, including more and more intelligent machines, arrived at, and forming a second research question, through decades of immersion in and constitution as expanding computer technologies in the overall context of late capitalist Internet age America that has come about to resemble a more banal version of the nightmare Heidegger proclaimed was becoming America in the analysis titled Understanding Technology Ontotheologically, or: the Danger and the Promise of Heidegger, an American Perspective by Iain Thomson. Key theorists in the development of the overall research question include, in alphabetical order: Theodor Adorno, Jean Baudrillard, Manuel Castells, Andy Clark, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Felix Guattari, Andrew Feenberg, Michel Foucault, Martin Heidgger, Michael Heim, Max Horkheimer, Don Ihde, Fredric Jameson, Friedrich Kittler, Jean Francois Lyotard, Walter Ong, Neil Postman, Sherry Turkle, Joseph Weizenbaum, Langdon Winner, and Slavoj Zizek. The second and third chapters of the dissertation lay this groundwork, and then begin to craft a digital humanities response through the framework of diachrony in synchrony expressed as the intermingling of technogenesis and synaptogenesis generating the current milieu, heavily inspired by ideas articulated in the work of N. Katherine Hayles, Ian Bogost, Nick Montfort, Alexander Galloway, Wendy Chun, Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii, David Berry, Bruno Latour, Luc Boltanski, Eve Chiapello, Catherine Malabou, Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, Rob Kitchin, Martin Dodge, Jerome McGann, Lev Manovich, Jonathan Sterne, David Campbell-Kelly, Paul N. Edwards, David Golumbia, Lawrence Lessig, Matthew Fuller, and David MacKenzie. The third chapter develops a theoretical framework and methodology combining critical theory, textuality, and media studies with the social construction of technology, applied to histories of computers, networking, and software, which characterizes popular theory today if we tried to identify philosophies of computer programming. This background sets the stage for review of the related disciplines flourishing in this theoretical space afforded by the ontogenetic character of such studies, picking up with software in the well established field of software studies, the fledgling critical code studies and platform studies at early 2010s state of the art, arriving at a critical framework for revisiting cyborg identity deeply intertwining human and machine practices and concerns. After revisiting the dividual cyborg and equipping it with the latest tools and prostheses, the fourth chapter undertakes a speculative reimagining of the history of computing and the ensuing changes to human being as told by those I refer to as philosophical programmers, technologists whose deliberate and unconscious design choices, philosophical stances, and biases map onto the analysis developed in the previous chapters and, more importantly, offer unexplored and underrepresented strategies, tactics, and degrees of freedom to form a response, which I call critical programming. The bulk of the dissertation research involves examining the work and writings of these pioneers of computers, programming languages, networking protocols, and operating systems, beginning with Burks, Goldstine and von Neumann, Douglas Engelbart, John Kemeny, Kernighan and Ritchie, Knuth and Pardo, J. C. R. Licklider, Seymour Papert, Bruce Shneiderman, Herbert Simon, Bjourne Stroustrup, Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds, and Terry Winograd. It will also incorporate writings and interviews of individual application developers, shifting into technically oriented ethnographic studies of programming practices, especially free, open source projects, and research in learning programming that will round out the fourth chapter with works by Janet Abbate, Frederick Brooks, Jr., Hafner and Lyon, Philip Kraft, Susan Lammers, Oram and Wilson, Scott Rosenberg, Shasha and Lazere, Yuri Takhteyev, Ellen Ullman, and Gerald Weinberg. The fifth chapter presents working code places where programming philosophers, as counterparts to the technically oriented theorists of the previous chapter, deliberately conceive, create, deploy, and reflect upon their own programming efforts to investigate humanities questions and address the overall problem of declining human intelligence in the midst of accelerating machine intelligence. The means by which humans and machines together coexist as digital humanities scholarship thought time is by critical programming. Key theorists of this synthetic level are again N. Katherine Hayles and Jerome McGann, joined by Stephen Ramsay, Bruce Janz, J. D. Applen, Rudy McDaniel, Gregory Ulmer, and Marcel OƒGorman. First foregrounding the work of a number of contemporary programming philosophers then delving into three software projects that I have been developing for the past decade as sites for expanding my philosophical horizons in the context of my professional work as a software engineer and my doctoral studies in the UCF texts and technology program, critical programming is explored in a combination of contexts to iterate a set of thoughts emerging from lifelong programming and writing. The symposia project begins with the ensoniment of Platoƒs Symposium via formant speech synthesis of the ancient Greek text normally silently read in translation, then invites wholesale reconsideration the ocularcentric experience of Western philosophy while spanning numerous opportunities for what Hayles calls Big Humanities projects. The tapoc project self-reflexively encompasses the iterative generation of this dissertation as working code places, and explores the idea of philosophical finesse through flossification, literally turning literary text into GPL licensed code. The pmrek project challenges both mastery of the entire diachrony in synchrony constituting a complex, programmed physical electronic control system in the context of pinball platform studies, and intuiting what machine embodiment may be like from sustained acculturation close to the machine.

1 0+ 0 (200) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130331 TAPOC_20130331 0 -6+ journal_2013.html
The electronic age launched with utopian visions of universal intelligence augmentation arising through the human computer symbiosis. The problem is that humans have begun following a negative trajectory, getting dumber, while machines continue to get smarter. In fact, it may be that we arrive at Turkleƒs robotic moment and other sorry states of affairs like the failure of American schools to produce STEM workers because our evolution has shifted from actively engaging computer technologies by programming them to a seemingly active engagement that belies passive consumption confined within immediate, intermediating interface agency relations. I am suggesting we have reached this condition not only because of postmodern tendencies, as analyzed by Turkle, and willful avoidance, as exemplified by Ong, but also because historical contingencies like the dominance of closed, proprietary systems that held sway before the turn of the century retarded development of human intelligence while continuing to augment machine intelligence [improving improvement down to base proficiencies to the point of not knowing how anything works]. Influenced by this same trajectory, philosophy has failed to notice, or misidentified, this shocking downward trend toward [deprivileged comportment, ignorance, dumbing down], satisfied with the belief that avoiding the dangers inherent in studying technical affairs preserves the authenticity of the human spirit, avoiding cyborg identities at all costs. Thus it is telling that Derrida summons his thoughts around his personal computer, not coincidentally being a Macintosh, the quintessential delightful interface harboring a proprietary, closed system manufactured by a totalitarian corporation, musing over the mysteries of archiving by technological systems he did not write in languages he would never wish to pronounce, even if he were legally permitted to question them: the commodity consumer closed source other antithesis of the philosophical spirit.

1 0+ 0 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130515 20130515 0 -3+ journal_2013.html
The philosophy of computing and philosophy of programming are both uninstantiated as explicit critical disciplines. A default concretizes around humanities philosophies of technology in academic circles and engineering philosophies of technology in technical communities. Programming philosophers are hard to find when they work in industry rather than the humanities; their private musings might be found in source code comments, though most are uttered in strange languages like C++, sometimes doubly occluded on account of nondisclosure and superseded revisions.

1 0+ 0 (400) [-3+]mCQK bork-journal 20140406 20140406a 0 -3+ journal_2014.html

1 0+ 0 (500) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130227 TAPOC_20130227 0 -10+ journal_2013.html
Critical programming studies the ƒproƒ, as in processes, in contrast to traditional early digital humanities, which emphasize the ƒgramƒ, as in texts. Nietzsche was prescient in stating that our writing machines write us[, though lacking the verb now borrowed from computer science to describe how synaptogenesis occurs through our interaction with media]. Others boldly conjecture that we are profoundly influenced by all media. Kittler was likewise on target in stating that the proper domain of media studies concerns their schematism of perceptibility, including the electronic circuits and software networks creating the real virtualities constituting dynamic media[, which we refer to as internet, LAN, and localhost phenomena]. Many now recognize this function to be an important aspect of the human computer symbiosis, far advanced from the discreet purposes enumerated by Lickliderƒs famous 1962 essay, itself a leap beyond conceiving computing machinery as primarily calculation tools. Profound transformations of commingling synaptogenesis and technogenesis, to use the terms put forward by N. Katherine Hayles in How We Think, now must be considered, as must be the means of doing the considering. I will argue that Haylesƒ conception of posthuman, cyborg, cognitive-embodied processes are the appropriate replacements for the liberal humanist subjects of earlier times, transitioning from solely human driven to thought whose burden technological others now undertake on our behalf, and for that reason I propose to engage in philosophy [philosophy or philosophical study of the human computer symbiosis constituting the control society dividual] by practicing a radical digital humanities discipline that writes and reads computer software and technical documentation in addition to traditional literature. Working code as a significant (at least twenty percent) percentage of digital humanities research scholarship considers and innovates the possibilities of C++ rather than English alone; builds circuits, assembles networks, and implements webservers rather than outputting printed matter. Beginning with an analysis of the control society dividual as the post-postmodern subject, I will argue that its deep interpenetration of biology, machinic processes, society, and technologies requires rigorous consideration of the materiality of code in order to respond intelligibly to traditional humanities questions down to the basic Socratic maxim ƒknow thyselfƒ.

1 0+ 0 (600) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130224 TAPOC_20130224 0 -11+ journal_2013.html
Critical programming studies digital humanities scholarship working code toward a philosophy of computing. It arises with a second consideration of programming as a basic knowledge like language, writing, arithmetic, now made available by internet, as in that which follows orality and literacy, creating a period break from frameworks based on first generation digital humanities scholarship. First generation approaches characterize the phenomenon of human computer symbiosis as an impenetrable, intergalactic gulf between human cognizers and machine intelligence, rendering encounters with bugs, error messages, timing glitches, on the one hand, and fortuitous deformations, on the other hand, appropriate localizations for scholarly attention, and developing, at best, ethical imperatives to use the best tool for the job, favor open systems, and then go off and evaluate solutions, having deeply internalized prohibitions against a slew of digital cyberspace delinquencies like pirating copyrighted materials to perform research objectives. The problem is systemic, for along with avoiding copyright infringement, digital humanities scholarship also shunning writing software and building circuits, constrains activity to, using the Heideggerian term, ready at hand cyberspace, and therefore default philosophies of computing. A great deal of valuable work has been done by twentieth and early twenty first century texts and technology studies, responding to the fundamental question of what follows orality and literacy as the great evolutionary intellectual stages of humanity. However, even at the fringes of traditional humanities, interpellations via Ulmer[, whose Derridean approach reflects a utopic yearning that is also a psychotic state,] electracy nonetheless privilege traditional critical perspectives, especially for being those on the fringes, such as Derridean grammatology, Foucauldian biopower, Deleuzian control socities, and so on, because they found much other theory, that need revisions to reprivilege the electric, technology half along with the tracing, textual half in order to properly reconsider the electronic, that is, a rigorously technical engineering perspective suitable for creative internet experience. Digital humanities scholarship done by designing and running stored program computer code represents a new type of study with an active component (twenty percent of total intellectual labor) whose unpredictable synergies are sought to inform ongoing philosophical thoughts about humans and computers. By following orality and literacy with internet, an invitation to complement the first generation approaches, which were reached by critical analysis of the ready at hand cyberspace, with research methodologies emerging from philosophically informed software engineering suggests itself to base my proposal. Therefore, the framework of my project begins with an elaboration of the control society dividual as the principal human internet actor and the materiality of code as the principal phenomenological unit. [recapitule responses to the candidacy exam questions] This is the background for entering software studies, platform studies, and critical code studies that in turn set the stage for critical programming. From this perspective working code of a number of software projects can be critically studied, and future projects specifically targeting digital humanities can be considered.

1 0+ 0 (700) [-3+]mCQK bork-journal 20140125 20140125 0 -1+ journal_2014.html

1 0+ 0 (800) [-3+]mCQK bork-journal 20140606 20140606a 1 -2+ journal_2014.html

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=1 and (Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

1.1 from automated genocide to the dumbest generation


1 0+ 0 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20140218 20140218 1 -26+ journal_2014.html
I am trying to tackle a very large problem, no less it seems than the intellectual fate of humanity or at least in the United States, complementing rhetorical work by Bauerlein to which Hayles refers shape of current mass society of small people prospering in network age coconstitute their technological milieu with inhuman systems they construct. The overall research question cast as, quickly, how have humans become dumber while machines continue to get smarter, is approached through articulating an ontology epitomized by post-postmodern network dividual cyborgs, as beings embodying the present human condition in the US, all of us and our electronic devices, enacting network consumption, tightly coupled to the built environment, including more and more intelligent machines, arrived at, and forming a second research question, through decades of immersion in and constitution as expanding computer technologies in the overall context of late capitalist Internet age America that has come about to resemble a more banal version of the nightmare Heidegger proclaimed was becoming America in the analysis titled Understanding Technology Ontotheologically, or: the Danger and the Promise of Heidegger, an American Perspective by Iain Thomson. Key theorists in the development of the overall research question include, in alphabetical order: Theodor Adorno, Jean Baudrillard, Manuel Castells, Andy Clark, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Felix Guattari, Andrew Feenberg, Michel Foucault, Martin Heidgger, Michael Heim, Max Horkheimer, Don Ihde, Fredric Jameson, Friedrich Kittler, Jean Francois Lyotard, Walter Ong, Neil Postman, Sherry Turkle, Joseph Weizenbaum, Langdon Winner, and Slavoj Zizek. The second and third chapters of the dissertation lay this groundwork, and then begin to craft a digital humanities response through the framework of diachrony in synchrony expressed as the intermingling of technogenesis and synaptogenesis generating the current milieu, heavily inspired by ideas articulated in the work of N. Katherine Hayles, Ian Bogost, Nick Montfort, Alexander Galloway, Wendy Chun, Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii, David Berry, Bruno Latour, Luc Boltanski, Eve Chiapello, Catherine Malabou, Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, Rob Kitchin, Martin Dodge, Jerome McGann, Lev Manovich, Jonathan Sterne, David Campbell-Kelly, Paul N. Edwards, David Golumbia, Lawrence Lessig, Matthew Fuller, and David MacKenzie. The third chapter develops a theoretical framework and methodology combining critical theory, textuality, and media studies with the social construction of technology, applied to histories of computers, networking, and software, which characterizes popular theory today if we tried to identify philosophies of computer programming. This background sets the stage for review of the related disciplines flourishing in this theoretical space afforded by the ontogenetic character of such studies, picking up with software in the well established field of software studies, the fledgling critical code studies and platform studies at early 2010s state of the art, arriving at a critical framework for revisiting cyborg identity deeply intertwining human and machine practices and concerns. After revisiting the dividual cyborg and equipping it with the latest tools and prostheses, the fourth chapter undertakes a speculative reimagining of the history of computing and the ensuing changes to human being as told by those I refer to as philosophical programmers, technologists whose deliberate and unconscious design choices, philosophical stances, and biases map onto the analysis developed in the previous chapters and, more importantly, offer unexplored and underrepresented strategies, tactics, and degrees of freedom to form a response, which I call critical programming. The bulk of the dissertation research involves examining the work and writings of these pioneers of computers, programming languages, networking protocols, and operating systems, beginning with Burks, Goldstine and von Neumann, Douglas Engelbart, John Kemeny, Kernighan and Ritchie, Knuth and Pardo, J. C. R. Licklider, Seymour Papert, Bruce Shneiderman, Herbert Simon, Bjourne Stroustrup, Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds, and Terry Winograd. It will also incorporate writings and interviews of individual application developers, shifting into technically oriented ethnographic studies of programming practices, especially free, open source projects, and research in learning programming that will round out the fourth chapter with works by Janet Abbate, Frederick Brooks, Jr., Hafner and Lyon, Philip Kraft, Susan Lammers, Oram and Wilson, Scott Rosenberg, Shasha and Lazere, Yuri Takhteyev, Ellen Ullman, and Gerald Weinberg. The fifth chapter presents working code places where programming philosophers, as counterparts to the technically oriented theorists of the previous chapter, deliberately conceive, create, deploy, and reflect upon their own programming efforts to investigate humanities questions and address the overall problem of declining human intelligence in the midst of accelerating machine intelligence. The means by which humans and machines together coexist as digital humanities scholarship thought time is by critical programming. Key theorists of this synthetic level are again N. Katherine Hayles and Jerome McGann, joined by Stephen Ramsay, Bruce Janz, J. D. Applen, Rudy McDaniel, Gregory Ulmer, and Marcel OƒGorman. First foregrounding the work of a number of contemporary programming philosophers then delving into three software projects that I have been developing for the past decade as sites for expanding my philosophical horizons in the context of my professional work as a software engineer and my doctoral studies in the UCF texts and technology program, critical programming is explored in a combination of contexts to iterate a set of thoughts emerging from lifelong programming and writing. The symposia project begins with the ensoniment of Platoƒs Symposium via formant speech synthesis of the ancient Greek text normally silently read in translation, then invites wholesale reconsideration the ocularcentric experience of Western philosophy while spanning numerous opportunities for what Hayles calls Big Humanities projects. The tapoc project self-reflexively encompasses the iterative generation of this dissertation as working code places, and explores the idea of philosophical finesse through flossification, literally turning literary text into GPL licensed code. The pmrek project challenges both mastery of the entire diachrony in synchrony constituting a complex, programmed physical electronic control system in the context of pinball platform studies, and intuiting what machine embodiment may be like from sustained acculturation close to the machine.

1 0+ 0 (200) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130331 TAPOC_20130331 0 -6+ journal_2013.html
The electronic age launched with utopian visions of universal intelligence augmentation arising through the human computer symbiosis. The problem is that humans have begun following a negative trajectory, getting dumber, while machines continue to get smarter. In fact, it may be that we arrive at Turkleƒs robotic moment and other sorry states of affairs like the failure of American schools to produce STEM workers because our evolution has shifted from actively engaging computer technologies by programming them to a seemingly active engagement that belies passive consumption confined within immediate, intermediating interface agency relations. I am suggesting we have reached this condition not only because of postmodern tendencies, as analyzed by Turkle, and willful avoidance, as exemplified by Ong, but also because historical contingencies like the dominance of closed, proprietary systems that held sway before the turn of the century retarded development of human intelligence while continuing to augment machine intelligence [improving improvement down to base proficiencies to the point of not knowing how anything works]. Influenced by this same trajectory, philosophy has failed to notice, or misidentified, this shocking downward trend toward [deprivileged comportment, ignorance, dumbing down], satisfied with the belief that avoiding the dangers inherent in studying technical affairs preserves the authenticity of the human spirit, avoiding cyborg identities at all costs. Thus it is telling that Derrida summons his thoughts around his personal computer, not coincidentally being a Macintosh, the quintessential delightful interface harboring a proprietary, closed system manufactured by a totalitarian corporation, musing over the mysteries of archiving by technological systems he did not write in languages he would never wish to pronounce, even if he were legally permitted to question them: the commodity consumer closed source other antithesis of the philosophical spirit.

1 0+ 0 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130515 20130515 0 -3+ journal_2013.html
The philosophy of computing and philosophy of programming are both uninstantiated as explicit critical disciplines. A default concretizes around humanities philosophies of technology in academic circles and engineering philosophies of technology in technical communities. Programming philosophers are hard to find when they work in industry rather than the humanities; their private musings might be found in source code comments, though most are uttered in strange languages like C++, sometimes doubly occluded on account of nondisclosure and superseded revisions.

1 0+ 0 (400) [-3+]mCQK bork-journal 20140406 20140406a 0 -3+ journal_2014.html

1 0+ 0 (500) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130227 TAPOC_20130227 0 -10+ journal_2013.html
Critical programming studies the ƒproƒ, as in processes, in contrast to traditional early digital humanities, which emphasize the ƒgramƒ, as in texts. Nietzsche was prescient in stating that our writing machines write us[, though lacking the verb now borrowed from computer science to describe how synaptogenesis occurs through our interaction with media]. Others boldly conjecture that we are profoundly influenced by all media. Kittler was likewise on target in stating that the proper domain of media studies concerns their schematism of perceptibility, including the electronic circuits and software networks creating the real virtualities constituting dynamic media[, which we refer to as internet, LAN, and localhost phenomena]. Many now recognize this function to be an important aspect of the human computer symbiosis, far advanced from the discreet purposes enumerated by Lickliderƒs famous 1962 essay, itself a leap beyond conceiving computing machinery as primarily calculation tools. Profound transformations of commingling synaptogenesis and technogenesis, to use the terms put forward by N. Katherine Hayles in How We Think, now must be considered, as must be the means of doing the considering. I will argue that Haylesƒ conception of posthuman, cyborg, cognitive-embodied processes are the appropriate replacements for the liberal humanist subjects of earlier times, transitioning from solely human driven to thought whose burden technological others now undertake on our behalf, and for that reason I propose to engage in philosophy [philosophy or philosophical study of the human computer symbiosis constituting the control society dividual] by practicing a radical digital humanities discipline that writes and reads computer software and technical documentation in addition to traditional literature. Working code as a significant (at least twenty percent) percentage of digital humanities research scholarship considers and innovates the possibilities of C++ rather than English alone; builds circuits, assembles networks, and implements webservers rather than outputting printed matter. Beginning with an analysis of the control society dividual as the post-postmodern subject, I will argue that its deep interpenetration of biology, machinic processes, society, and technologies requires rigorous consideration of the materiality of code in order to respond intelligibly to traditional humanities questions down to the basic Socratic maxim ƒknow thyselfƒ.

1 0+ 0 (600) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130224 TAPOC_20130224 0 -11+ journal_2013.html
Critical programming studies digital humanities scholarship working code toward a philosophy of computing. It arises with a second consideration of programming as a basic knowledge like language, writing, arithmetic, now made available by internet, as in that which follows orality and literacy, creating a period break from frameworks based on first generation digital humanities scholarship. First generation approaches characterize the phenomenon of human computer symbiosis as an impenetrable, intergalactic gulf between human cognizers and machine intelligence, rendering encounters with bugs, error messages, timing glitches, on the one hand, and fortuitous deformations, on the other hand, appropriate localizations for scholarly attention, and developing, at best, ethical imperatives to use the best tool for the job, favor open systems, and then go off and evaluate solutions, having deeply internalized prohibitions against a slew of digital cyberspace delinquencies like pirating copyrighted materials to perform research objectives. The problem is systemic, for along with avoiding copyright infringement, digital humanities scholarship also shunning writing software and building circuits, constrains activity to, using the Heideggerian term, ready at hand cyberspace, and therefore default philosophies of computing. A great deal of valuable work has been done by twentieth and early twenty first century texts and technology studies, responding to the fundamental question of what follows orality and literacy as the great evolutionary intellectual stages of humanity. However, even at the fringes of traditional humanities, interpellations via Ulmer[, whose Derridean approach reflects a utopic yearning that is also a psychotic state,] electracy nonetheless privilege traditional critical perspectives, especially for being those on the fringes, such as Derridean grammatology, Foucauldian biopower, Deleuzian control socities, and so on, because they found much other theory, that need revisions to reprivilege the electric, technology half along with the tracing, textual half in order to properly reconsider the electronic, that is, a rigorously technical engineering perspective suitable for creative internet experience. Digital humanities scholarship done by designing and running stored program computer code represents a new type of study with an active component (twenty percent of total intellectual labor) whose unpredictable synergies are sought to inform ongoing philosophical thoughts about humans and computers. By following orality and literacy with internet, an invitation to complement the first generation approaches, which were reached by critical analysis of the ready at hand cyberspace, with research methodologies emerging from philosophically informed software engineering suggests itself to base my proposal. Therefore, the framework of my project begins with an elaboration of the control society dividual as the principal human internet actor and the materiality of code as the principal phenomenological unit. [recapitule responses to the candidacy exam questions] This is the background for entering software studies, platform studies, and critical code studies that in turn set the stage for critical programming. From this perspective working code of a number of software projects can be critically studied, and future projects specifically targeting digital humanities can be considered.

1 0+ 0 (700) [-3+]mCQK bork-journal 20140125 20140125 0 -1+ journal_2014.html

1 0+ 0 (800) [-3+]mCQK bork-journal 20140606 20140606a 1 -2+ journal_2014.html

1.1.1+++ from automated genocide to the dumbest generation

1 1 1 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140825 20140825 0 -3+ journal_2014.html
Histories of computing technologies often feature images of early electronic machinery developed in America and Britain during World War II, and connect their emergence to heroic narratives of triumphant, democratic civilization over genocidal, totalitarian regimes. By a seamless progression of innovation, commercialization, and dissemination, these forerunners lay the ground for subsequent eras of mainframe, mini, personal, networked, and state of the art miniaturized, mobile, multimedia devices. In this work that suggests an approach toward a philosophy of computing, rather than another history, the inaugural image shall instead be the 1933 advertisement for Hollerith punch card machinery, the one with which Edwin Black begins his 2001 book IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and Americaƒs Most Powerful Corporation.

1 1 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140728 20140728 0 -2+ journal_2014.html
Revising the layout of the first section to be from automated genocide to the dumbest generation, after introducing Black mention Johnsonƒs three periods in the development of computer ethics, then present familiar dystopian themes arising from this initial philosophical position of the computer as opponent, Edwards closed world, McLuhan statement that humans are the sex organs of machines, culminating in science fiction portrayals of the Matrix and others. Shift to the banal development of American computer literacy, from initial exuberance of Kemeny and Kay transformed into interface usability training with the ultimate aims of streamlined media consumption and social networking, culminating in the dumbest generation and the robotic moment, then to Ruskkoff kicking us out of spectator stupor by forcing us to consider ten reasonable statements founding an ethical stance or position preferable to blindness or resignation to uncontrollable impact of technologies upon humans and souls in their lifetimes.

1 1 1 (300) [-8+]mCQK black-ibm_and_the_holocaust (vi) 20140330 0 0+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_black-ibm_and_the_holocaust.html
The book IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black, a book the author attests was difficult to write and should be just as difficult to read, especially for American digital humanists who include it in their philosophy of computing canon, begins with a reproduction of a 1933 Dehomag advertisement featuring an all-seeing eye enlightening an IBM punch card used by early mechanical computers, a factory sporting a massive smokestack, and the words translated as, see everything with Hollerith punchcards, alludes to the commencement of a horrifying holocaust narrative implicating IBM machinery, its employees, its partners in America and Europe, with their bureaucratic counterparts in the murderous Nazi regime like the infamous Adolf Eichmann, symbolizing the evil latent in apparently benign technological devices. (vi)

1 1 1 (400) [-4+]mCQK black-ibm_and_the_holocaust (8) 20131020b 1 -2+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_black-ibm_and_the_holocaust.html
Punch card and sorting systems were used for the automation of human destruction by the Nazis under guidance of IBM Germany, which lucrative business, Black argues with voluminous documentary evidence, the parent company in the United States tolerated if not encouraged with a blind eye to its purposes.

1 1 1 (500) [-4+]mCQK black-ibm_and_the_holocaust (8) 20131020a 0 -1+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_black-ibm_and_the_holocaust.html
IBM was gripped by its amoral corporate mantra and dazzled by its universe of technical possibilities; collective intelligence, punch drunk with newly discovered organizational possibilities of automated high speed tabulating, sorting, and printing machinery, materialized in the German populace as what Hannah Arendt called the banality of evil, such that actors like Adolf Eichmann would fail to admit any sense of wrongdoing.

1 1 1 (600) [-4+]mCQK black-ibm_and_the_holocaust (424) 20140712n 0 -5+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_black-ibm_and_the_holocaust.html
America retook Dehomag using rhetoric that is assets and employees were property of an American enterprise, though took years of bureaucratic thrashing like poorly networked computer processes to change name to IBM Deutschland.

1 1 1 (700) [-6+]mCQK black-ibm_and_the_holocaust (424) 20140712m 0 -4+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_black-ibm_and_the_holocaust.html
As IBM enabled USSBS attributed to atomic bombing decision in 1945, Dehomag utilized to perform census of occupation once again on likely many of the same people but for a different customer than the Nazis, the occupying forces, whose collective action also resulted in horrific mass killing in Japan, neither really questioned for their meanness or inhumanity yet constituting significant bodies of both societies. "For Dehomag, the 1946 census of occupation was a project organized quickly and economically. People counting was what they did best. The questions remained the same. Only the client name changed." (424)

1 1 1 (800) [-6+]mCQK black-ibm_and_the_holocaust (425) 20140712o 0 -5+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_black-ibm_and_the_holocaust.html
IBM published but quickly withdrew promotional book on history of computing in Europe that detailed the exploits of famous employees on both American and Nazi sides, a very rare book indeed, which Black claims decades ago not even found in Internet libraries. "The men who headed up the IBM enterprise in Nazi Europe and America become revered giants within the corporationƒs global community. Chauncey became chairman of the IBM World Trade Corporation, and the European subsidiary managers were rewarded for the loyalty with op jobs. Their exploits during the Nazi era were lionized with amazing specificity in a promotional book entitled The History of Computing in Europe, published in 1967 by IBM itself. However, an internal IBM review decided to immediately withdraw the book from the market. It is no longer available in any publicly accessible library anywhere in the world." (425)

1 1 1 (900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140818 20140818a 12 -1+ journal_2014.html
It is significant that that dreadful IBM publication remains hidden, and that we putative philosophers should engage in scholarly quests to study it along with other early workers in the field, and poses an example of pursuing philosophies implicitly and explicitly baked into program code statements and comments, for which as a holy grail we posit the missing IBM text and as everyday examples myriad floss projects of the Internet era found in source code revisions of content published under floss licenses like GPL, creative commons, US patent, copyright and finally the absolute freedom of undiscriminated multitudinous public domain, in chapter four.

1 1 1 (1000) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (278) 20140331b 0 -2+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
In the final pages of the epilogue to his famous Psychology of Computer Programming, Weinberg warns of the danger of banality of evil through unwitting use of programming talent, though made in ironic, innocent ignorance of the real involvement of IBM in the holocaust with which my tale opens, that Lanier argues lurk in siren servers. "Because computers are such fascinating beasts, because programming is such a game, such a joy, we who program computers are in danger of becoming the unwitting pawns of those who would use our toys for not-so-playful ends. Can there be any doubt that if Hitler had computers at his command, one of the first application would have been keeping closer track of Jews and Gypsies so that all who should have gone to the ovens did go to the ovens?" (278) Is this a reflection of the need for a renewed critique and distancing oneself from technology?

1 1 1 (1100) [-4+]mCQK black-ibm_and_the_holocaust (16) 20131020i 3 -2+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_black-ibm_and_the_holocaust.html
Black awakens us from this predigital nightmare perpetrated by the German and American government war machines, and more shockingly IBM employees in subsidiaries of this budding transnational, to renewed fears in the Age of Realization that more lists will be compiled against more people, perhaps now dropping smart bombs from drones rather than operating death camps; it is important to think about how information is gathered and processed, whether by human programmers as steeped in evil as the vilest hacker, morally ambivalent like Eichmann, or blind to the purpose of their efforts, or perhaps the lists are already being made by machines on their own, leading to future genocides portrayed in science fiction apocalypses?

1 1 1 (1200) [-4+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (279) 20140331c 0 -1+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Bad systems can be built by well intentioned people.

1 1 1 (1300) [-4+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (279) 20140331d 0 -3+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Tyranny over liberty seems to be the default trajectory of the specific milieu in which our computer revolutions have occurred, in spite of the good intentions of those we salute as the architects of the information age.

1 1 1 (1400) [-4+]mCQK licklider-man_computer_symbiosis (74) 20140330 0 -5+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_licklider-man_computer_symbiosis.html
Soon after the second world war, Licklider promotes aims of letting computers facilitate formulative thinking as well as solving formulated problems, so that together in symbiosis, humans and machines can make decisions in complex situations, and he offers an explicit vision of technological prerequisites to achieve social goals, such as time sharing, memory hardware, programming languages, and input output equipment that is well tracked by the ensuing history: we can now see how them implemented in ontological assumptions of Rushkoff for the ten commands to make sense.

1 1 1 (1500) [-6+]mCQK kemeny-man_and_computer (71) 20130310e 0 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_kemeny-man_and_computer.html
John Kemeny, inventor of BASIC programming language, shared the optimism of Licklider that a great future of continuous improvement was in store for both machines and humans. "We are witnessing even now the evolution of a species in which the individual is subsumed under a group consciousness. Indeed it is a telepathic race. And I expect that computer networks will display all the marvelous traits that science fiction predicted for such strange beings." (71) Ironically, the outcome is human devolution and machine evolution, unless we change course.

1 1 1 (1600) [-6+]mCQK kemeny-man_and_computer (145-146) 20130413r 0 -2+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_kemeny-man_and_computer.html
Part rhetorical, cautionary tale that seems to have occurred in part as a result of technological progress meant to prevent it, start here and develop historical and theoretical narratives to explain why the symbiote has reached its current evolutionary state that seems worse, instead of better than Kemeny enthusiastically predicts, for not faithfully following the project he envisions. "The best-intentioned people, if they lack the technical expertise and the tools to achieve our goals, can make the situation worse instead of better. Therefore we must look to the coming of a new man-computer partnership to provide the means which, combined with sufficient concern by men for their fellowmen and for future generations, can hopefully bring about a new golden age for mankind." (145-146)

1 1 1 (1700) [-6+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (116) 20140330 0 -7+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Weizenbaum, in pointing out the growing zombie hordes of compulsive computer users decades before MMORPGs, documents the early effects of the human computer symbiosis gone bad. "Wherever computer centers have become established, that is to say, in countless places in the United States, as well as in virtually all other industrial regions of the world, bright young men of disheveled appearance, often with sunken glowing eyes, can be seen sitting at computer consoles, their arms tensed and waiting to fire their fingers, already poised to strike, at the buttons and keys on which their attention seems to be as riveted as a gamblerƒs on the rolling dice. . . . Their rumpled clothes, their unwashed and unshaven faces, and their uncombed hair all testify that they are
oblivious to their bodies and to the world in which they move. They exist, at least when so engaged, only through and for the computers. These are computer bums, compulsive programmers." (116) But in emphasizing extreme cases draws our attention away from the mundane, long term effects of using particular technologies, just as writers who analyze geek cultures shift focus from what has happened to the everyday America.

1 1 1 (1800) [-4+]mCQK rosenberg-dreaming_in_code (130) 20140330 0 -1+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_rosenberg-dreaming_in_code.html
If, as Kemeny feared, a combination of deficiencies in technical training and good intentions characterized the past few decades, then the arrival of geeks on the cultural scene should raise less alarm than the hordes of mostly inept users that fills out with them the middle and lower classes; such is the opinion of Langdon Winner, for example, who seeks to dispel the rhetoric he calls mythinformation.

1 1 1 (1900) [-6+]mCQK winner-mythinformation (597) 20131019h 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_winner-mythinformation.html
Current computer revolution influenced by absent mind rather than new wonders in AI. "Some observers forecast that the computer revolution will eventually be guided by new wonders in artificial intelligence. Its present course is influenced by something much more familiar:
the absent mind." (597)

1 1 1 (2000) [-6+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (315) 20130930o 0 -1+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
Promethean inferiority complex as comportment toward technology. "I want to suggest that something like the subalternity Gunther Anders years ago in a somewhat different connection called it Promethean shame, a Promethean inferiority complex in front of the machine is what we now feel for culture more generally." (315) We are shamed of our unknowing relationship to the culture we nevertheless created as we are towards technological artifacts.

1 1 1 (2100) [-6+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (16) 20140102i 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Social hopes for Internet seem to be failing, draining values and denying deep thinking rather than fostering highly articulated connections and new forms of creativity. "A society that looked at the Internet as a path toward highly articulated connections and new methods of creating meaning is instead finding itself disconnected, denied deep thinking, and drained of enduring values." (16)

1 1 1 (2200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140404 20140404a 6 -1+ journal_2014.html
Galloway explains how control exists after decentralization as protocol that as the technical theory implied by popular social theory of Hardt and Negri defaults to favoring large bureucracies over smaller units of collective intelligence giving them ability to leverage that added knowledge power, in sense of Foucault governmentality biopower, whose very structure in France and America created the Internet to the point it never ceases to write itself because there are always countless virtual machines running the thought shared by humans and this machinic other sharing the planet with us during the duration of a life time.

1 1 1 (2300) [-6+]mCQK lanier-who_owns_the_future (1-2) 20140313a 0 -2+ progress/2014/03/notes_for_lanier-who_owns_the_future.html
To Lanier our network usage as the little people being monetized by a few powerful corporations by their siren servers, seems the problem of the times. "The clamor for online attention only turns into money for a token minority of ordinary people, but there is another new, tiny class of people who always benefit. Those who keep the new ledgers, the giant computing services that model you, spy on you, and predict your actions, turn you life activities into the greatest fortunes in history." (1-2) My hypothesis is that the problem is complicated with humans getting dumber for want of spending ten to twenty percent of their time programming, working code, replaced by ordinary computer application use like alienated labor in front of machinery control panels monitoring gauges, pushing buttons, turning dials.

1 1 1 (2400) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20140308 20140308 0 -9+ journal_2014.html
The basic hypothesis of the dissertation project needs adjustment to acknowledge that the decline in human intelligence, industriousness, and creativity whose empirical validity is a research question will not consummate in a regression to prehuman forms, a digital dark age, or machine apocalypse, but rather leave behind traces suggesting that more advantageous synergies with machine intelligence could have been achieved. Thus the imagery in WALL-E of the evolutionary effects of generations lived in the machine controlled spaceship environment depicts obese, shallowly content, physically and mentally disadvantaged consumers whose needs are met and whose desires are fulfilled precisely because they are also supplied by the surrounding intelligence of the built environment. My project therefore aligns with critiques of late capitalist societies from Allan Bloomƒs Closing of the American Mind through Catherine Malabouƒs What Should We Do With Our Brain? to state of the art Jaron Lanier Who Owns the Future?, while adding consideration of the significant effects of dynamic media shot through with machine intelligence and pervasive automation by coded objects on bodies themselves and their extended but still closed minds, which I call the post-postmodern network dividual cyborg. This hypothetical characterization of subjectivity should be understood as a diagram of current, mainstream America, the little people of the projective city articulated by Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello in The New Spirit of Capitalism. It connects the techno-evangelistic future predictions of Ray Kurzweilƒs Age of Spiritual Machines with the more modest moralism of Douglas Rushkoffƒs Program or Be Programmed, by recognizing with N. Katherine Hayles, Paul N. Edwards, David Golumbia, and Nathan Ensmenger among others the situated, contested histories of the dominant technologies whose current, default configurations are taken as inevitable outcomes of the progress of civilization.

1 1 1 (2500) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (26) 20140531b 0 -3+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Philip Roth coined term Dumbest Generation in novel The Human Stain; Bauerlein applies to the large segment of young Americans entering adulthood ignorant and little concerned with liberal arts learning and civic awareness.

1 1 1 (2600) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140811 20140811 0 -3+ journal_2014.html
My basic premise is that the dumbest generation has infected human being to steer it toward Wall-E torpor rather than familiar science fiction apocalyptic narratives from Colossus and 2001 Space Odyssey to Terminator to Matrix to Caprica, examples of societies confronting their technologies, the story of the norm versus the heroic tales of individuals such as the system building engineers now popular in science and technology studies, expertly presented by Latour, Hayles, and others, whether they claim the title themselves, digital humanities theorists.

1 1 1 (2700) [-4+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (116) 20130712 4 -3+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Compulsive programmer computer bum replaced and quantitatively outnumbered by compulsive gamer, social networker, and other consumer practices, time wasted in front of the screen and behind the wheel.

1 1 1 (2800) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (4) 20140529g 0 -4+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Beyond exceptional cases revealing systemic ill of competitive frenzy focusing on measurable results, most children spend more time with media than homework.

1 1 1 (2900) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (77) 20140531t 0 -2+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Studies conclude leisure time kids spend with media equivalent to full time job.

1 1 1 (3000) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (103) 20140601j 0 -3+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Belief that screen interactivity invites collaboration and activity where solipsistic, passive reading was the prior condition.

1 1 1 (3100) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (106) 20140601k 0 -3+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Sesame Street effect that only fun learning is good, also legitimating indiscriminate tinkering with electronic tools; each doing their part expanding collective intelligence seems appropriate.

1 1 1 (3200) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (107) 20140601l 0 -7+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
No reciprocal effect for individual minds, which stall as collective machine intelligence augments.

1 1 1 (3300) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (7) 20140529i 0 -6+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Bauerlein claims his book focuses on examining empirical research that when collected reveals declining intellectual condition of young Americans rather than their behavior and values.

1 1 1 (3400) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (9) 20140529k 0 -5+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
The closed American mind has not opened, although conduct has improved, producing sense that the kids are alright.

1 1 1 (3500) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (46) 20140531i 0 -6+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Literary reader rates among 18-24-year-olds drop significantly in last twenty years, even with very low threshold for what counts as literary reading.

1 1 1 (3600) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (50) 20140531j 0 -2+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Leisure reading correlates directly on reading comprehension scores and academic progress.

1 1 1 (3700) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (53) 20140531k 0 -2+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Kids reject books like vegetables, unconcerned that aliteracy poses career obstacle.

1 1 1 (3800) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (109-110) 20140601m 0 -5+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Vocabulary, memory, analytic talents and erudition do not expand through online experience.

1 1 1 (3900) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (101) 20140601i 0 -10+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Cornerstone of civilization replaced with dissimilar building block, imagination inspiring books with screen virtual realities; another ironic iteration of Platonic criticism of writing.

1 1 1 (4000) [-6+]mCQK postman-technopoly (20) 20131227m 0 -5+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_postman-technopoly.html
Technopoly is the unnamed multispectrum Big Other that alters the structure of human interests down to our symbols while affecting communities, populations, reached by taking an ecological view, expansive, appreciative of the overall impact on cognition rather than honed to unit operations. "New technologies alter the structure of our interests: the things we think about. They alter the character of our symbols: the things with think with. And they alter the nature of community: the arena in which thoughts develop. As Thamus spoke to Innis across the centuries, it is essential that we listen to their conversation, join in it, revitalize it. For something has happened in America that is strange and dangerous, and there is only a dull and even stupid awareness of what it is in part because it has no name." (20) Postman makes the call to revitalize speaking across centuries invoking the familiar Platonic Thamus to counter long term stupefaction being produced by current technologies.

1 1 1 (4100) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (126) 20140601r 0 -2+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Time to analyze how worse intellectual dispositions of youth are strengthened by digital practices including gaming, blogging, manipulating devices.

1 1 1 (4200) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (126) 20140601s 0 -3+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Digital practices disrupt informal, physical settings where reading, discussions, and physical play took place for prior generations, stunting vocabulary growth.

1 1 1 (4300) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (133) 20140603e 0 -6+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Peer absorption for identity building is greatest unmentioned vice of digital media.

1 1 1 (4400) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (133-134) 20140603f 0 -3+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Limits of social life once managed by family unit surpassed by communication technologies; significance of Web is nonstop peer contact rather than a universe of knowledge.

1 1 1 (4500) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (267) 20140411r 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Shared attention of parents a new challenge for children.

1 1 1 (4600) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (149) 20140603m 0 -10+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Nielsen research highlights what works, reminding us that the Web is now a consumer habitat, not an educational one; children develop habits the undermine classroom goals.

1 1 1 (4700) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (160) 20140603q 0 -3+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Threshold into adulthood has changed because the rituals that used to introduce adulthood shunted by digital realm as used by young Americans.

1 1 1 (4800) [-6+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (10) 20140529l 0 -16+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Attention extended to virtual social space forming extensive, autonomous generational cocoon so that minds plateau at social joys of age 18, endangering civic health of the United States by ignoring cultural and civic inheritance. "All the ingredients for making an informed and intelligent citizen are in place.
(10) But it hasnƒt happened. . . . A different social life and a different mental life have formed among them. Technology has bred it, but the result doesnƒt tally with the fulsome descriptions of digital empowerment, global awareness, and virtual communities. Instead of opening young American minds to the stores of civilization and science and politics, technology has contracted their horizon to themselves, to the social scene around them. Young people have never been so intensely mindful of and present to one another, so enable in adolescent contact. Teen images and songs, hot gossip and games, and youth-to-youth communications no longer limited by time or space wrap them up in a generational cocoon reaching all the way into their bedrooms. The autonomy has a cost: the more they attend to themselves, the less they remember the past and envision a future. They have all the advantages of modernity and democracy, but when the gifts of life lead to social joys, not intellectual labor, the minds of the young plateau at age 18. . . . Meanwhile, their intellects refuse the cultural and civic inheritance that has made us what we are up to now." (10)

1 1 1 (4900) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (215) 20140612d 0 -2+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Connection between healthy vigilant citizenry and abundant knowledge.

1 1 1 (5000) [-6+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (201-202) 20140611a 0 -14+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Too late for them to catch up on knowledge and culture traits from missed liberal education in their twenties due to encroaching adult responsibilities but only becoming partial citizens. "The twenty-first-century teen, connected and multitasked, autonomous yet peer-mindful, marks no great leap forward in human intelligence, global thinking, or netizen -ship. Young users have learned a thousand new things, no doubt. They upload and download, suft and chat, post and design, but they havenƒt learned to analyze a complex text, store facts in their heads, comprehend a foreign policy decision, take lessons from history, or spell correctly. Never having recognized their responsibility to the past, they have opened a fissure in our civic foundations, and it shows in their halting passage into adulthood and citizenship. . . . Perhaps during their twenties they adapt, acquiring smarter work and finance habits. But the knowledge and culture traits never catch up. Itƒs too late to read Dante and Milton. There is too little time for the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution. Political ideas come from a news talk guest or a Sunday op-ed, not a steady diet of books old and new.
(202) If young people donƒt read, they shut themselves out of public affairs. Without a knowledge formation in younger years, adults function as more or less partial citizens." (201-202)

1 1 1 (5100) [-6+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (233) 20140612p 0 -3+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Dim intellectual, civic understanding, liberal education futures. "As of 2008, the intellectual future of the United States looks dim. Not the economic future, or the technological, medical, or media future, but the future of civic understanding and liberal education. The social pressures and leisure preferences of young Americans, for all their silliness and brevity, help set the heading of the American mind, and the direction is downward." (233) Downward heading of American mind towards WALL-E characters net effect of social pressures and leisure preferences of young Americans of the dumbest generation.

1 1 1 (5200) [-6+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (234) 20140606g 0 -10+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Depiction and diagnosis of the Dumbest Generation. "The Dumbest Generation cares little for history books, civic principles, foreign affairs, comparative religions, and serious media and art, and it knows less. Careening through their formative years, they donƒt catch the knowledge bug, and tradition might as well be a foreign word. Other things monopolize their attention the allure of screens, peer absorption, career goals. They are latter-day Rip Van Winkles, sleeping through the movements of culture and events of history, preferring the company of peers to great books and powerful ideas and momentous happenings. . . . Among the Millennials, intellectual life canƒt compete with social life, and if social life has no intellectual content, traditions wither and die. Books canƒt hold their own with screen images, and without help, high art always loses to low amusements.
(235) The latest social and leisure dispositions of the young are killing the culture, and when they turn 40 years old and realize what they failed to learn in their younger days, it will be too late." (234) Tradition-infused intellectual life cannot compete with screen-mediated social life, the latter killing culture.

1 1 1 (5300) [-6+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (235) 20140606i 8 -4+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Is the Dumbest Generation redeemable, or will their habits setting the course for a WALL-E future? " The Dumbest Generation will cease being dumb only when it regards adolescence as an inferior realm of petty strivings and adulthood as a realm of civic, historical, and cultural awareness that puts them in touch with the perennial ideas and struggles. The youth of America occupy a point in history like every other generation did and will, and their time will end. But the effects of their habits will outlast them, and if things do not change they will be remembered as the fortunate ones who were unworthy of the privileges they inherited. They may even be recalled as the generation that lost that great American heritage, forever." (235)

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=1 and (Heading=1 or Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 1.1 from automated genocide to the dumbest generation+

1.2 a collective intelligence problem, societies of control, the quintessential postmodern object, foss hopes, default philosophies of computing

-1.2.1+++ a collective intelligence problem

1 2 1 (100) [-6+]mCQK jenkins-convergence_culture (4) 20140829 0 -2+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_jenkins-convergence_culture.html
Jenkins names collective intelligence the collective process involving humans collaborating along with information technologies, together consuming and creating knowledge. "Consumption has become a collective process and thatƒs what this book means by
collective intelligence, a term coined by French cyberneticist Pierre L vy. None of us can know everything; each of us knows something; and we can put the pieces together if we pool our resources and combine our skills." (4)

1 2 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK kemeny-man_and_computer (144) 20131103b 0 -9+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_kemeny-man_and_computer.html
Stoked by the success of the Dartmouth implementation of BASIC programming as a core student competency, John Kemeny, who invented the language in the late 1960s, envisioned symbiotic evolution as the hoped for trajectory of human and machine species. "Given the rate of human reproduction, a century is much too short a period for the usual forces of evolution and natural selection to bring about a significant change. Our best hope therefore lies in a new kind of evolutionary process which I have called
symbiotic evolution.
(144) The existence of computer-communication networks will enable human beings at widely separated locations to function as a team. The vast capabilities of computer memories will enable use to make effective use of the explosion of human information and knowledge.
(144-145) However, this evolutionary development is only possible if man is willing to make drastic changes in his life style and in his conception of his own goals. . . . Since it is unlikely that any educational system can provide a training that will see us through a lifetime, we may have to devise a system in which learning continues throughout oneƒs productive life." (144) He reiterates at the educational level the enthusiasm Herbert Simon held for anticipated overall social and economic improvements.

1 2 1 (300) [-4+]mCQK simon-shape_of_automation (45) 20131009f 0 -1+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_simon-shape_of_automation.html
Prediction by Simon that rapid automation under full employment with stable skill profile will make workplace happier and more relaxed, most people being in sales: critiques of global capitalism instead describe an erosion of the middle class aided by ERP and communication technologies.

1 2 1 (400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130312 TAPOC_20130312 0 -1+ journal_2013.html
Strengthening argument that technical and cultural specificities of network age have resulted in a degenerative state in which humans are getting stupider while machines are getting smarter by revisiting Kemenyƒs enthusiastic predictions that widespread programming instruction would result in continuous augmentation of human intellect along with machines by ever mutually advantaging symbiosis.

1 2 1 (500) [-6+]mCQK postman-technopoly (8) 20131227b 0 -2+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_postman-technopoly.html
Technology redefines important terms. "The old words still look the same, are still used in the same kinds of sentences. But they do not have the same meanings; in some cases, they have opposite meanings, and this is what Thamus wishes to teach us that technology imperiously commandeers our most important terminology." (8)

1 2 1 (600) [-4+]mCQK postman-technopoly (xii) 20131227 0 -3+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_postman-technopoly.html
Uncontrolled growth of technology destroys vital sources of humanity; thus the concluding recommendation is to restore history to education.

1 2 1 (700) [-4+]mCQK winner-mythinformation (594) 20131019d 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_winner-mythinformation.html
Plato and Veblen also realized democracy not a matter of distributing information.

1 2 1 (800) [-4+]mCQK misa-leonardo_to_the_internet (xvi) 20131006d 0 -2+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_misa-leonardo_to_the_internet.html
Do we have any better use correlative growing of operating systems and applications as consumers, does it just mean we would have had internet based television sooner?

1 2 1 (900) [-4+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (31-32) 20131108 0 -5+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Most fateful social change was eschewing all deliberate thought of substantive change.

1 2 1 (1000) [-6+]mCQK winner-mythinformation (592) 20131019a 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_winner-mythinformation.html
Mythinformation conviction that widespread adoption of computers and communications systems will automatically produce better world for human living. "Taken as a whole, beliefs of this kind constitute what I would call
mythinformation: the almost religious conviction that a widespread adoption of computers and communications systems along with easy access to electronic information will automatically produce a better world for human living." (592)

1 2 1 (1100) [-6+]mCQK winner-mythinformation (595) 20131019f 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_winner-mythinformation.html
Mythinformation expressive contemporary ideology that all aspects of life benefit from speedy digitized information processing. "Despite its shortcomings as political theory, mythinformation is noteworthy as an expressive contemporary ideology." (595)

1 2 1 (1200) [-4+]mCQK winner-mythinformation (593) 20131019c 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_winner-mythinformation.html
Political assumptions of computer romantics mistake supply of information with ability to leverage it.

1 2 1 (1300) [-5+]mCQK postman-technopoly (9) 20131227c 0 -6+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_postman-technopoly.html
Innis knowledge monopolies: are there additional dangers in computers than the coverage provided by Plato that Postman admits grounds his thought, alluding to Kittler? (9) Here, there are several more principles to be mined from the judgment of Thamus that require mentioning because they presage all I will write about. . . . Harold Innis, the father of modern communication studies, repeatedly spoke of the knowledge monopolies created by important technologies. He meant precisely what Thamus had in mind: those who have control over the workings of a particular technology accumulate power and inevitably form a kind of conspiracy against those who have no access to the specialized knowledge made available by the technology.

1 2 1 (1400) [-6+]mCQK winner-mythinformation (595) 20131019e 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_winner-mythinformation.html
False assumption that ordinary citizens equipped with microcomputers will be able to counter influence of computer-based organizations. "Presumably, ordinary citizens equipped with microcomputers will be able to counter the influence of large, computer-based organizations.
(595) Using a personal computer makes one no more powerful vis-a-vis, say, the National Security Agency than flying a hang glider establishes a person as a match for the U.S. Air Force." (595)

1 2 1 (1500) [-6+]mCQK postman-technopoly (10-11) 20131231 0 -11+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_postman-technopoly.html
Computers like television afford little to masses and intrude, making losers. "We have a similar situation in the development and spread of computer technology, for here too there are winners and losers. . . . But to what extent has computer technology been an advantage to the masses of people? To steelworkers, vegetable-store owners, teachers, garage mechanics, musicians, bricklayers, dentists, and most of the rest into whose lives the computer now intrudes? . . . In a word, almost nothing that they need happens to the losers. Which is why they are losers." (10-11)

1 2 1 (1600) [-6+]mCQK postman-technopoly (9-10) 20131227d 0 -5+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_postman-technopoly.html
Example of television as knowledge monopoly undermining school system grounded on printed word. "Let us take as an example the case of television. . . . television may bring a gradual end to the careers of schoolteachers, since school was an invention of the printing press and must stand or fall on the issue of how much importance the printed word has." (9-10)

1 2 1 (1700) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (viii) 20140529 0 -5+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Growing number of books criticizing digital tools and technologization.

1 2 1 (1800) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (ix) 20140529a 0 -2+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Intellectual growth stunted by social demands heightened by technologies.

1 2 1 (1900) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (xi) 20140529d 0 -6+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Opportunity cost of digital diversions that supplant prior limits to teen life.

1 2 1 (2000) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (8) 20140529j 0 -4+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Paradox of information age is idealization of knowledge and communications, accompanied by less reading and knowledge of traditional intellectual objects beyond artifacts of youth culture.

1 2 1 (2100) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (xii) 20140529e 0 -3+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Displacement of old media and traditional literacy by new media communications technologies.

1 2 1 (2200) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (5-6) 20140529h 0 -5+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
No overall improvement for all the enhanced learning techniques; overall downward trend toward increasing leisure activities and less time spent reading.

1 2 1 (2300) [-6+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (16) 20140531a 0 -7+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Anti-intellectual outlook is a common, shame-free condition of American youth consumer culture enmeshed in juvenile matters. "Most young Americans possess little of the knowledge that makes for an informed citizen, and too few of them master the skills needed to negotiate an information-heavy, communication-based society and economy. Furthermore, they avoid the resources and media that might enlighten them and boost their talents. An anti-intellectual outlook prevails in their leisure lives, squashing the lessons of school, and intead of producing a knowledgeable and querulous young mind, the youth culture of American society yields an adolescent consumer enmeshed in juvenile matters and secluded from adult realities. . . . The insulated mindset of individuals who know precious little history and civics and never read a book or visit a museum is fast becoming a common, shame-free condition." (16) Gives research findings from math/science/technology and fine arts.

1 2 1 (2400) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (30) 20140531c 2 -16+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Paradox of slipping knowledge skills in abundance of resources.

1 2 1 (2500) [-6+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (140) 20140610 0 -4+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Sustained linear, hierarchical, sequential thinking in decline along with book reading. "The sense of inevitability technologyƒs here to stay, so we might as well go with it prompts researchers to accept the practices technology fosters, to tolerate and respect the habits young people develop as a serious and catholic literacy.
(141) Screen reading isnƒt a supplement anymore, is no longer an extension of thinking skills beyond the linear-sequential model. Itƒs a primary activity, and the cultivation of nonlinear, nonhierarchical, nonsequential thought patterns through Web reading now transpires on top of a thin and cracking foundation of print reading. For the linear, hierarchical, sequential thinking solicited by books has a shaky hold on the youthful mind, and as teens and young adults read linear texts in a linear fashion less and less, the less they engage in sustained linear thinking." (140)

1 2 1 (2600) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (143-144) 20140603k 0 -17+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Nielsen Norman model of web users reveals little sustained linear, word for word reading habits, lack of concentration and otherwise insufficient reading habits for the 80 percent; to improve they need to develop more basic literacy and patience, not more computer literacy and screen time.

1 2 1 (2700) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (152) 20140603n 0 -6+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Desire for greatest amount of content for least amount of work, exemplified by intellectual style of Wikipedia prose, yielding uninspiring knowledge language in competition with amusing social language.

1 2 1 (2800) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (158) 20140603p 0 -7+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Compare analysis of Web users to Horkheim and Adorno mass consumers.

1 2 1 (2900) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (13) 20140531 5 -3+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Astonishing ignorance of young person on the street actively cut off from world affairs, encased in immediate realities, affirmed by standardized tests and other national surveys.

1 2 1 (3000) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (34) 20140531d 0 -1+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Decline in general knowledge not noticed because most knowledge purveyors niche oriented.

1 2 1 (3100) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (40) 20140531g 0 -3+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Current generation flaunts aliteracy as valid peer behavior, knowing but choosing not to read books because it is counterproductive.

1 2 1 (3200) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (58) 20140531m 0 -2+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Benefits of reading books include providing place for reflection, finding role models, expressions of feelings, and moral convictions, sensing plot, character, argument structure, and aesthetic styles.

1 2 1 (3300) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (63) 20140531o 0 -1+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Problems of poor reading and writing skills of workplace entrants and need for remedial courses by college freshmen.

1 2 1 (3400) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (66-67) 20140531q 0 -7+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
E-literacy derives from valorization of digital practices moreso than bibliphobia, yet knowledge and skill levels have not increased; echoes critique of writing in Plato.

1 2 1 (3500) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (232-233) 20140612o 0 -11+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Shared belief in value of liberal education because lay support needed for liberal arts to flourish, part of democratic faith; ignoring society ennobling traditions makes ignorant citizens, highlighting effects of general population leisure trends.

1 2 1 (3600) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (210) 20140614b 0 -4+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Civic knowledge wound up in knowledge of events.

1 2 1 (3700) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (235) 20140606h 0 -7+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Adults are blind or unconscionably unresponsive, and obliged to speak out to reverse moral poles.

1 2 1 (3800) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (99) 20140601h 0 -3+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Antagonism of books versus computers indicates replacement rather than complement; a zero-sum game for time and money of young people.

1 2 1 (3900) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (127) 20140603 0 -3+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Essential cultivation of oral mother tongue natural language depended upon for educational success harmed by digital practices; private zone verbal media should be appraised along with schools and teachers.

1 2 1 (4000) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (129-130) 20140603b 0 -5+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Dire intellectual effect of habitual consumption of low rare-word media; can a comparison be made to software monocultures?

1 2 1 (4100) [-6+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (201) 20140611 0 -6+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Ingredients in place for producing WALL-E humans from the dumbest generation. "The ingredients come together into an annihilating recipe. Adolescent urgings, a teen world cranked up by technology, a knowledge world cranked down by abdicating mentors . . . they commingle and produce young Americans whose wits are just as keen as ever, but who waste them on screen diversions; kids whose ambitions may even exceed their forebearsƒ, but whose aims merge on career and consumer goals, not higher learning; youths who experience a typical stage of alienation from the adult world, but whose alienation doesnƒt stem from countercultural ideas and radical mentors (Karl Marx, Herbert Marcuse, Michel Foucault, etc.), but from an enveloping immersion in peer stuff." (201) Keen wit wasted on screen diversions, excessive ambitions but merging on consumer goals, alienation from adult world through immersion in peer stuff rather than countercultural ideas and radical mentors.

1 2 1 (4200) [-6+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (203) 20140611c 0 -12+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Lack of experience in cultural knowledge the unnoticed complement of STEM deficit, both endangering future of American society. "When people warn of Americaƒs future, they usually talk about competitiveness in science, technology, and productivity, not in ideas and values. But the current domestic and geopolitical situation demands that we generate not only more engineers, biochemists, nanophysicists, and entrepreneurs, but also men and women experienced in the ways of culture, prepared for contest in the marketplace of ideas. Knowledge-workers, wordsmiths, policy wonks . . . they donƒt emerge from nowhere. They need a long foreground of reading and writing, a home and school environment open to their development, a pipeline ahead and behind them. They need mentors to commend them when theyƒre right and rebuke them when theyƒre wrong. . . . The formula is flexible, but with the Dumbest Generation its breakdown is under way, and with it the vitality of democracy in the United States." (203)

1 2 1 (4300) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (223) 20140612h 0 -11+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
National implications of dumbest generation reached as culture war outcome of youth movement is young adults under thirty prepared to be culture warriors like Jefferson and print culture, for full, not just partial, civic life.

1 2 1 (4400) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (231) 20140612n 0 -8+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Need for pipeline of intellectuals for healthy society, eighty percent of lesser intellectuals as well as minority of superlative culture warriors.

1 2 1 (4500) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (78) 20140531u 0 -5+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Bedroom has become multimedia center leading to more individualized, unmonitored use.

--1.2.2+++ societies of control

1 2 2 (100) [-4+]mCQK kitchin_and_dodge-code_space (11) 20131103d 0 -9+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kitchin_and_dodge-code_space.html
Disciplinarity, interpellation, production like Foucault biopower.

1 2 2 (200) [-4+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (77) 20140107c 0 -6+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Centralization, standards and hierarchies at heart of networks and digital media; compare to analyses of Galloway and Lessig.

1 2 2 (300) [-6+]mCQK lessig-free_culture (170) 20131003p 0 -2+ progress/2008/11/notes_for_lessig-free_culture.html
Legal rights to control cultural development more concentrated than ever. "
Never in our history have fewer had a legal right to control more of the development of our culture than now.
(170) Law plus technology plus the market now interact to turn this historically benign regulation into the most significant regulation of culture that our free society has known." (170)

1 2 2 (400) [-6+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (103) 20131108b 0 -2+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
What is our position today if we are so much farther removed from understanding how computer technologies work than when Weizenbaum wrote. "If todayƒs programmers are largely unaware of the detailed structures of the physical machines they are using, of their languages, and of the translators that manipulate their programs, then they must also be largely ignorant of many of the arguments I have made here, particularly of those arguments concerning the universality of computers and the nature of effective procedures. How then do these programmers come to sense the power of the computer?" (103) We simply believe in their universal power because they do many things.

1 2 2 (500) [-4+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (259) 20131010j 0 -2+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Studs Terkel common people believe power exercised by leaders, yet American Secretary of State believes events befall us, and Chief of Staff a slave to computers; see Edwards.

1 2 2 (600) [-3+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (5-6) 20140826 1 -5+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html

1 2 2 (800) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (147) 20130923w 0 -1+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Control is now like a law of nature it is so imbricated in biopower and technological systems. "While control used to be a law of society, now it is more like a law of nature." (147) We must be thorough in our scientific approach to self reflection.

1 2 2 (900) [-4+]mCQK winner-mythinformation (596) 20131019g 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_winner-mythinformation.html
Three areas of concern: pervasive surveillance, dissolution of face-to-face social bonds, integrity of social forms dependent on spatial and temporal limits built into human embodiment but distorted by intelligent networks.

1 2 2 (1000) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (7) 20131029 0 -4+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Closed-world discourse language used by Edwards and repeated by many others who agree they are seeing, technologies, practices supporting vision of centrally controlled, automated power, as if the machines had taken over long ago and were systematically controlling humanity this moment in part due to poor execution of Kemeny vision. "I use the phrase
closed-world discourse to describe the language, technologies, and practices that together supported the visions of centrally controlled, automated global power at the heart of American Cold War politics. Computers helped create and sustain this discourse in two ways. First, they allowed the practical construction of central real-time military control systems on a gigantic scale. Second, they facilitated the metaphorical understanding of world politics as a sort of system subject to technological management." (7) As media sustaining when run in human brains and machines, everything is created and sustained by computers constituting military control systems and supporting metaphorical understanding of world politics as technically manageable system.

1 2 2 (1100) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (27) 20131029a 0 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Cyborg discourse of human automata took particular trajectory under closed-world discourse through creation of iconographies and political subject position that persisted through the 1980s in the US. "Cyborg discourse is the discourse of human automata: of cybernetic organisms for whom the human/machine boundary has been erased. Closed-world discourse represents the form of politics for such beings: a politics of the theorization and control of systems." (27)

1 2 2 (1200) [-9]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (xl-xli) 20121112 2 -5+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
From the machine side of reality human souls are encased in network phenomena. " Understanding media despite McLuhanƒs title remains an impossibility precisely because the dominant information technologies of the day control all understanding and its illusion. . . .
What counts are not the messages or the content with which they equip so-called souls for the duration of a technological era, but rather (and in strict accordance with McLuhan) their circuits, the very schematism of perceptibility." (xl-xli)

1 2 2 (1400) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (8-9) 20131028d 14 -1+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Chun gives much attention to philosophical reflection about the dream of programmability as return to world of Laplaceian determinism, the Dehomag image under which humans encouraged to be overwhelmed by machines for the benefit of their aspirations, even if they were to systematically exterminate thousands of their fellow animals. " As chapter 1 elaborates, computers, understood as software and hardware machines, have made possible a
dream of programmability, a return to a world of Laplaceian determinism in which an all-knowing intelligence can comprehend the future by apprehending the past and present." (8-9) Respecting attentiveness to fatalistic enslavement to interfaces, there is much potential for adjusting trajectories, provided attention is given to schematism of perceptibility when it comes to media studies.

1 2 2 (1500) [-6+]mCQK gane-computerized_capitalism (434-435) 20130921a 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_gane-computerized_capitalism.html
Analogous to Kittler view that all media systems think about are their effectiveness, never what human oriented ends they serve, supply, instantiate. "Knowledge, then, has not only become a commodity, but strangely structures the basis of commodity production itself, to the extent that it has become ƒthe principle force of production over the last few decadesƒ (Lyotard 1984: 5). . . . For, to politicize McLuhanƒs famous dictum, the medium of commodity exchange becomes more important than the content of what is being exchanged." (434-435) In one respect their feedback given the low bandwidth to begin with is merely to keep working, although in the age of Internet protocols distributed cognition overabundance of computing power there is no reason to hold back.

1 2 2 (1600) [-4+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (103) 20131002p 0 -1+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Alien temporalities of computer writing and reading compared to human operations of the same names feeds conclusion that machines using software have gone off on their own hidden commands to do their own bidding, entrained by their own traces (programming language data structures as graphemes).

1 2 2 (1700) [-6+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (xiii) 20131103 0 -1+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Translator. "Of the many learned cliches circulating in the widening gyre of media studies, the most persistent may be the assurance that all the nasty things we can say about computers were already spelled out in Platoƒs critique of writing in
Phaedrus." (xiii) Persistent nasty clich in media studies that Phaedrus provided a comprehensive critique of computers.

1 2 2 (1800) [-6+]mCQK kittler-there_is_no_software (148) 20131103 0 -5+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_kittler-there_is_no_software.html
We do not know what our writing does, especially now that it mixes into autonomous machine behavior. "This claim in itself has had the effect of duplicating the implosion of hardware by an explosion of software. Programming languages have eroded the monopoly of ordinary languages and grown into a new hierarchy of their own. This
postmodern Tower of Babel reaches from simple operation codes whose linguistic extension is still a hardware configuration, passing through an assembler whose extension is the very opcode, up to high-level programming languages whose extension is that very assembler. In consequence, far-reaching chains of self-similarities in the sense defined by fractal theory organize the software as well as the hardware of every writing. What remains a problem is only recognizing these layers which, like modern media technologies in general, have been explicitly contrived to evade perception." (148) How can we know what our writing does to us if we cannot follow it, incredibly fast and small in circuits in place of paper.

1 2 2 (1900) [-4+]mCQK johnson-user_centered_technology (28) 20131103b 0 -2+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_johnson-user_centered_technology.html
User-friendly may not be designed in best interests of users: easy to use but purpose still baffling, potentially promoting unethical uses of technology.

1 2 2 (2000) [-4+]mCQK heim-electric_language (131) 20131102l 0 -5+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_heim-electric_language.html
Users build metaphors for operational guesses at underlying structure, learning to interact by recovering from errors: this becomes the primary comportment of humans to machines.

1 2 2 (2100) [-4+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (146-147) 20140111d 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Disinterest enough for technology leaders to maintain their monopolies, perhaps because the small people spend so much of their psychic energy manipulating user interfaces from social networks to automobiles.

1 2 2 (2200) [-6+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (20) 20140103a 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Masses one full dimensional leap behind those in power, potentially releasing collective agency to machines instead of elite human groups, for they are also not the ones who design what those in power manipulate effortlessly to their advantage, they are more like addicts, lucky they know how to operate them. "As a result, most of society remains one full dimensional leap of awareness and capability behind the few who manage to monopolize access to the real power of any media age.
(20) Before, failing meant surrendering our agency to a new elite. In a digital age, failure could mean relinquishing our nascent collective agency to the machines themselves." (20) This is the danger foreshadowed, in different ways, by movies Fail Safe and WALL-E.

--1.2.3+++ the quintessential postmodern object

1 2 3 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140624 TAPOC_20140624 0 -3+ journal_2014.html
The point is that Bauerlein provides an argument for why digital technologies contribute to making the dumbest generation, but shifts to criticize the behavior and putative agenda of elite and everyday cultural custodians; I propose we continue going down the route of investigating and philosophizing technologies and human nature by artistic practices. Later poieisis. Go on calling it handiwork even if now custom floss programming working code with them.

1 2 3 (200) [-4+]mCQK norman-design_of_everyday_things (43) 20131006d 3 -5+ progress/2009/11/notes_for_norman-design_of_everyday_things.html
One of the foils of ambition, taught helplessness processes evident in mathematics curriculum and also with technologies.

1 2 3 (300) [-9]mCQK kemeny-man_and_computer (79) 20131103f 0 -7+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_kemeny-man_and_computer.html
At the other extreme from taught helplessness, anticipating terms elucidated by Ian Bogost, is taught procedural literacy, as Kemeny argues that learning through teaching the computer exemplifies symbiotic transformation. "The students learn an enormous amount by being
forced to teach the computer how to solve a given problem. . . . The student must concentrate on the basic principles; he must understand the algorithm thoroughly in order to be able to explain it to a computer. On the other hand, he does not have to do any of the arithmetic or algebra. At Dartmouth we have seen hundreds of examples of spectacular success of learning through teaching the computer." (79) It is, of course, necessary to keep the momentum going so that programming skill becomes like handwriting, cooking, general home economics.

1 2 3 (400) [-6+]mCQK kemeny-man_and_computer (42-43) 20130307w 0 -1+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_kemeny-man_and_computer.html
That we are collectively not bothered that programming skill may devolve from anticipated height in 1980s to mere use competency evidence in current absence of widespread programming instruction. "More importantly, the use of computers has been made so simple that acquiring programming skill is no harder than learning how to use a large library." (42-43) Instead, the deep thinker following how software works in order to use it is replaced by the manipulation of complex user interfaces distributed among countless other software systems.

1 2 3 (500) [-6+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (135-136) 20140110s 0 -8+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Public schools teach computer use, not programming. "We do not teach programming in most public schools. Instead of teaching programming, most schools with computer literacy curricula teach
programs. Kids learn how to use popular spreadsheet, word processing, and browsing software so that they can operate effectively in the high-tech workplace.
(136) Their bigger problem is that their entire orientation to computing will be from the perspective of users. . . . Success means learning how to behave in the way the program needs her to." (135-136) User orientation defining success as behaving in conformance with programmed visions, making us more striated.

1 2 3 (600) [-7+]mCQK manovich-software_takes_command (97-98) 20131124 7 -2+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_manovich-software_takes_command.html
Learning having enactive, iconic and symbolic components means removing need to program from interface unintentionally weakened human intelligence. (97-98)
(98) Kayƒs interpretation of this theory was that a user interface should appeal to all these three mentalities. In contrast to a command-line interface, which is not accessible for children and forces the adult to use only symbolic mentality, the new interface should also make use of emotive and iconic mentalities.

1 2 3 (700) [-6+]mCQK kemeny-man_and_computer (80) 20131103g 0 -2+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_kemeny-man_and_computer.html
Danger in simplification of interface so procedural rhetoric no longer learned in the process. "Most students leave Dartmouth with a thorough understanding of the nature of modern computers and with a good idea as to how they may be used in later life. Since in CAI the student plays a rather passive role, somewhat like
learning a language from a phonograph record, none of these benefits accrue." (80)

1 2 3 (800) [-6+]mCQK koerner-readin_writin_ruby_on_rails (29-30) 20131214 0 -3+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_koerner-readin_writin_ruby_on_rails.html
Gibson shocked by ineptness of students in basic computer science in late 1990s. "J. Paul Gibson began to teach programming classes for teens out of frustration. A computer scientist at the National University of Ireland, he had by 1998 become shocked at the ineptness of his students." (29-30)

1 2 3 (900) [-6+]mCQK koerner-readin_writin_ruby_on_rails (30) 20131214b 0 -2+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_koerner-readin_writin_ruby_on_rails.html
Failure of Logo a consequence of teaching method. "But Logo seldom delivered on its lofty promise. The main problem was not the language itself but the lackluster way in which it was taught: Many instructors simply plopped students in front of computers for one hour a week and hoped for the best." (30) Compare to scholarship.

1 2 3 (1000) [-6+]mCQK papert-mindstorms (5) 20131107 0 -3+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_papert-mindstorms.html
Tension between the computer programming the child and the child programming the computer. "In many schools today, the phrase computer-aided instruction means making the computer teach the child. One might say the
computer is being used to program the child. In my vision, the child programs the computer and, in doing so, both acquires a sense of mastery over a piece of the most modern and powerful technology and establishes an intimate contact with some of the deepest ideas from science, from mathematics, and from the art of intellectual model building." (5)

1 2 3 (1100) [-6+]mCQK mayer-teaching_and_learning_computer_programming (2) 20131105c 0 -1+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_mayer-teaching_and_learning_computer_programming.html
Scholarship on teaching and learning programming reveals early exuberance and powerful claims, followed by disappointing empirical results, to a transition to its treatment as regular academic subject. "The history of research on teaching and learning computer programming can be analyzed into three phases: an initial phase in which many strong claims were made concerning the expected outcomes and best methods of instruction for computer programming, and observation phase in which mounting data pointed to problems in studentsƒ learning, and a research phase in which theory-based studies were carried out to systematically understand the processes underlying learning and teaching computer programming." (2)

1 2 3 (1200) [-6+]mCQK koerner-readin_writin_ruby_on_rails (30) 20131214c 2 -6+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_koerner-readin_writin_ruby_on_rails.html
Computers in school transformed from exploratory tools to become library aids. " The resulting disillusionment coincided with the emergence of media that transformed school computers from exploratory tools into library aids. . . . Programming vanished from elementary schools for decades, even as computer science became an ever more popular pursuit at the collegiate level. A cultural consensus seemed to spring up: Kids should be taught a nebulous set of computer skills, but programing well, that was for grown-ups." (30) Children taught nebulous set of computer skills rather than programming.

1 2 3 (1300) [-6+]mCQK brin-why_johnny_cant_code (np) 20130912 0 -1+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_brin-why_johnny_cant_code.html
Everyday computers no longer come ready to learn programming. "Only, quietly and without fanfare, or even any comment or notice by software pundits, we have drifted into a situation where almost none of the millions of personal computers in America offers a line-programming language simple enough for kids to pick up fast." (np)

1 2 3 (1400) [-6+]mCQK brin-why_johnny_cant_code (np) 20130912c 0 -1+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_brin-why_johnny_cant_code.html
Recognizes this is an undesirable, self inflicted global condition like tragedy of the commons devouring seed corn, and although this profoundly affects global evolution, it has gone unnoticed in a way Heidegger feared would happen, perhaps retarding further human intelligence augmentation in the symbolic register that coincidentally allows machines to continue to get smarter. "In effect, we have allowed a situation to develop that is like a civilization devouring its seed corn." (np) We could all fall into new dark ages if the global supply of capable technologists diminishes beyond a critical threshold, or the machines take over as dramatized in many science fictions.

1 2 3 (1500) [-9]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (13-14) 20140102g 0 -4+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Civilization on an important threshold. "In the emerging, highly programmed landscape ahead, you will either create the software or you will be the software. Itƒs really that simple: Program, or be programmed. Choose the former, and you gain access to the control panel of civilization. Choose the latter, and it could be the last real choice you get to make." (13-14) Program or be programmed.

1 2 3 (1600) [-6+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (9) 20140102b 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Diminishing chances of having a choice in digital matters by relegating programming to others. "You can relegate your programming to others, but then you have to trust them that their programs are really doing what youƒre asking, and in a way that is in your best interests. And the longer you live this way, the less access you have to the knowledge that it could be any other way, or that you ever had a choice in the matter." (9)

1 2 3 (1700) [-6+]mCQK burnett-how_images_think (99) 20130912h 0 -3+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnett-how_images_think.html
Majority of humans face software from position of profound illiteracy due to opaqueness of coding and programming language illiteracy. "The opaqueness of coding and the skills needed to create software are out of reach for the vast majority of people. Imagine a situation of illiteracy with respect to language that is so widespread most people would not even have a rudimentary understanding of the grammar of their mother tongue. This is the reality most individuals face with software." (99)

1 2 3 (1800) [-6+]mCQK manovich-software_takes_command (105) 20130825b 0 -7+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_manovich-software_takes_command.html
Is it only historical accident that the Macintosh did not ship with a user development environment, corrupting Kays vision? "Unfortunately, when in 1984 Apple shipped Macintosh, which was to become the first commercially successful personal computer modeled after the PARC system, it did not have an easy-to-use programming environment. . . . Only more recently, as the general computer literacy has widened and many new high-level programming languages have become available Perl, PHP, Python, JavaScript, etc.--have more people started to create their own tools by writing software. A good example of a contemporary programming environment, very popular among artists and designers and which, in my view, is close to Kayƒs vision, is Processing." (105)

1 2 3 (1900) [-6+]mCQK burnett-how_images_think (128) 20131027 0 -3+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnett-how_images_think.html
Unapproachability of computers due to opaqueness, illiteracy of humans, knowable only through use despite the fact that their architecture is forty years old. "The challenge is that computers now have many different uses, but they remain dependent upon programming principles that have not changed for forty years. In addition, the interior workings of computers remain, for the most part, opaque to users. This is why computers are dealt with as if they are other to humans, as if they are unapproachable and can only be understood through use." (128)

1 2 3 (2000) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (264) 20131106x 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Access to programming in different form today. "But the widespread access to programming that was provided by early microcomputers does not exist in the same form today as it did in the 1970s and 1980s. When people turn on todayƒs computers, they do not see a READY prompt that allows the user to immediately enter a BASIC program." (264) No READY prompt.

1 2 3 (2100) [-6+]mCQK turkle-life_on_the_screen (34) 20120504 0 -5+ progress/2011/05/notes_for_turkle-life_on_the_screen.html
Mac is the quintessential postmodern object. "epistemological transparency of free, open source objects; Turkle continues the surface, consumer comportment through her later work. (34) Unlike the personal computers that had come before, the Mac encouraged users to stay at a surface level of visual representation and gave no hint of inner mechanisms.
(34) the tools of the modernist culture of calculation became layered underneath the experience of the culture of simulation.
(35) these developments all pointed to a new kind of experience in which people do not so much command machines as enter into conversations with them.
(35) It encouraged play and tinkering. Mastering the Macintosh meant getting the lay of the land rather than figuring out the hierarchy of underlying structure and rules." (affordance) Attention to depth and design, programming level knowledge of technologies, returns by virtue of

1 2 3 (2200) [-6+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (137-138) 20140115 0 -7+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Dependence on private automobiles like dependence on proprietary software. "Throughout the twentieth century, we remained blissfully ignorant of the real biases of automotive transportation. We approached our cars as consumers, through ads, rather than as engineers or, better, civic planners. We gladly surrendered our public streetcars to private automobiles, unaware of the real expenses involved. . . . As a result, we couldnƒt see that our national landscape was being altered to manufacture dependence on the automobile." (137-138)

1 2 3 (2300) [-6+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (147) 20140111e 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Diminishing capabilities of Americans, increasing dependence on machines and other societies. "The biases of the digital age will not just be those of the people who programmed it, but of the programs, machines, and life-forms they have unleashed. In the short term, we are looking at a society increasingly dependent on machines, yet decreasingly capable of making or even using them effectively. Other societies, such as China, where programming is more valued, seem destined to surpass us unless, of course, the other forms of cultural repression in force there offset their progress as technologists." (147)

1 2 3 (2400) [-6+]mCQK stallman-free_software_free_society (124) 20131108 0 -1+ progress/2007/06/notes_for_stallman-free_software_free_society.html
Scarcity of willingness to work together for public good, not scarcity of technical innovation, could be considered contributing to making us dumber collectively. "Since the age of Reagan, the greatest scarcity in the United States is not technical innovation, but rather the willingness to work together for the public good." (124)

1 2 3 (2500) [-6+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (59) 20140105l 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Entrained striations, choice filter creation, programmed visions. "Meanwhile, the more we learn to conform to the available choices, the more predictable and machineline we become ourselves. We train ourselves to stay between the lines, line an image dragged onto a snap-to grid.
(59) Likewise, through our series of choices about the news we read, feeds to which we subscribe, and websites we visit, we create a choice filter around ourselves." (59) Trajectory of WALL-E humans.

1 2 3 (2700) [-4+]mCQK deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control (7) 20130914e 0 -1+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control.html
Acknowledging programmed docility evokes philosophical question how to know to self determine as a person navigating the built environment.

1 2 3 (2800) [-4+]mCQK feenberg-questioning_technology (167) 20131029f 0 -7+ progress/2009/11/notes_for_feenberg-questioning_technology.html
To Habermas colonization of lifeworld by system is central social pathology.

1 2 3 (2900) [-4+]mCQK feenberg-questioning_technology (190) 20130917j 0 -2+ progress/2009/11/notes_for_feenberg-questioning_technology.html
To Borgmann individuals demoted to disposable experiences where they were once commanding presences part of tale of dividual subjectivity.

1 2 3 (3000) [-4+]mCQK johnson-user_centered_technology (26-27) 20130930d 0 -3+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_johnson-user_centered_technology.html
System-centered model of technology embodies designer image.

1 2 3 (3100) [-4+]mCQK johnson-user_centered_technology (29) 20131103c 0 -7+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_johnson-user_centered_technology.html
Appears system is driving the user; add users situation to design model, representing user activities of learning, doing and producing.

1 2 3 (3200) [-4+]mCQK turkle-life_on_the_screen (61) 20131108m 0 -7+ progress/2011/05/notes_for_turkle-life_on_the_screen.html
Popular software designed for immersion; programming skills no longer required for full membership in computer culture.

1 2 3 (3300) [-4+]mCQK simon-shape_of_automation (67) 20131009l 0 -4+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_simon-shape_of_automation.html
Notes Greshams Law of Planning in which programmed activity drives out nonprogrammed activity like the Freudian ego over the id; provisions must be made to maintain nonprogrammed decision making responsibilities: does this contribute to our becoming stupid?

1 2 3 (3400) [-4+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (138-139) 20140110v 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Digital technology conveys our souls (Kittler) as boundaries of perceptual and conceptual apparatus (Clark, Hayles).

1 2 3 (3500) [-4+]mCQK kitchin_and_dodge-code_space (9) 20131103c 0 -2+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kitchin_and_dodge-code_space.html
Era of everyware.

1 2 3 (3600) [-6+]mCQK lanier-who_owns_the_future (2) 20140313d 0 -1+ progress/2014/03/notes_for_lanier-who_owns_the_future.html
Value collectively created by ordinary users atomized, a new form of alienation of labor saps value from middle class and keeps the weak weak, does not strengthen or make them smarter. "Instead of enlarging our overall economy by creating more value that is on the books, the rise of digital networking is enriching a relative few while moving the value created by the many off the books." (2)

1 2 3 (3700) [-4+]mCQK drucker_and_mcvarish-graphic_design (253) 20131028 0 -5+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_drucker_and_mcvarish-graphic_design.html
Role of fantasy in depicting computers.

1 2 3 (3800) [-6+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (68) 20120614i 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Portrayals of inanimate coming to life range from horrifying to gratifying. "Traditional science fiction, from
Frankenstein to the Chucky movies, portrays the inanimate coming to life as terrifying. Recently, however, it has also been portrayed as gratifying, nearly redemptive." (68) Compare to Heim seeing computer as component versus opponent.

1 2 3 (3900) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (111) 20140412 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Opacity of robot programming forces behavior as with an likewise opaque human, at interface level.

1 2 3 (4000) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (124) 20120614m 0 -9+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Democratization of sense of connection originally noticed with programmers now at everyone taking them at interface value; programs now designed to convince us they are adequate companions.

1 2 3 (4100) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (139) 20120614p 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
People project affect onto computers.

1 2 3 (4200) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (124) 20140412a 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Concern that promise of robotic solutions are defaulting, and our practice interacting with robots accustoming us to reduced emotional range.

1 2 3 (4300) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (140) 20120607 0 -8+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Affective computing attempting to steer technological evolution by adding winning personality to ease of use, threatening reduction of affect like intelligence.

1 2 3 (4400) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (141) 20120607a 0 -13+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Computer scientist John Lester makes optimistic predictions that humans will fill robots with same personal history as their phones; like the robots of Tony Stark in the Ironman movies, the animated butler, prosthetic suit, and code space of the room itself will create true cyborgs.

1 2 3 (4500) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (139) 20140412b 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Turkle limits artificial comprehension for lack of human life cycle, as did Lyotard.

1 2 3 (4600) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (162-163) 20140411 0 -7+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Social judgment of multitasking has shifted from blight to virtue, in spite of psychological research, due to neurochemical high it produces.

1 2 3 (4700) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (168) 20120607b 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Sociable robots imagined as people, and people online imagined as objects; bring in Latin origins of the word computer in computarat.

1 2 3 (4800) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (223) 20140411c 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Example of slipping away in games than online accomplishment improving character or providing practice for accomplishing mundane tasks.

1 2 3 (4900) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (223) 20140411d 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Feeling of creation in simulation games, not creation or its pressures, is the sweet spot of simulation.

1 2 3 (5000) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (226) 20140411e 0 -15+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
In the zone, flow state fully immersed in focused activity, there are clear expectations and attainable goals, allowing action without self-consciousness, compelling through constraints creates pure space: source of Weizenbaum computer bum imagery, flow space seems comparable to draft of thinking Heidegger praised, so remains ambiguous like pharmakon.

1 2 3 (5100) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (227) 20140411f 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Neurochemical response stimulated by connectivity to answer the seeking drive, which resembles addiction; substitution for archive fever of print era?

1 2 3 (5200) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (242) 20140411j 0 -18+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Arguments that disparage books as disconnected appeal to idealized online reading practices, ignoring daydreaming and introspection that used to attend reading books, and along with multitasking often do not inspire heroic narratives, but instead new anxieties.

1 2 3 (5300) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (237) 20140411g 0 -7+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Online confessional sites as symptoms visited to relieve anxieties; Turkle does not blame technology for creating myths people believe that it does not matter they are disappointing each other.

1 2 3 (5400) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (240) 20140411i 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Internet gives us new ways not to think by keeping us busy externalizing problems, recalling Weizenbaum absent mind.

1 2 3 (5500) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (256) 20140411m 0 -14+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Extreme self-policing aims for a precorrected self, new regime of self-surveillance; connect to Foucault on panopticism and Heim on word processing.

1 2 3 (5600) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (260) 20140411n 0 -11+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Anxiety of always replacing protean self of earlier Internet.

1 2 3 (5700) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (260) 20140412c 0 -12+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Persistence of people and data leaves no psychosocial moratorium or separation with the past, leading to fictional Peter Pan beliefs that there is no electronic shadow; real consequences of loss of privacy for intimacy and democracy.

1 2 3 (5800) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (272) 20140411s 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Storr agrees with Erikson that space of solitude needed for creative process, which Turkle argues ist lost in din of Internet bazaar.

1 2 3 (5900) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (280) 20140413b 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Postfamilial families assemble alone together with their devices.

1 2 3 (6000) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (283) 20140413d 0 -8+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Idea of robotic companion serves as symptom exploiting disappointments with other humans, and dream for relationships we can control; connect to Descartes automaton.

1 2 3 (6100) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (286) 20140413f 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Conventional wisdom dangerously inadequate, taking performance of emotion by caring machines as emotion enough.

1 2 3 (6200) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (295) 20140413k 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
At center of perfect storm, tempted by sociable robots to complete arc started by overwhelming social media technologies, leading to not only programmed visions of Chun but programmed emotions, expectations of simplified and reduced relationships with each other.

--1.2.4+++ foss hopes

1 2 4 (100) [-4+]mCQK brin-why_johnny_cant_code (np) 20130912b 0 -1+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_brin-why_johnny_cant_code.html
Absence of modern programming languages providing easy, effective, interesting pedagogy like BASIC.

1 2 4 (200) [-6+]mCQK guattari-machinic_heterogenesis (18) 20131209c 0 -5+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_guattari-machinic_heterogenesis.html
Renewal of technology workforce may be failing, stupefying assumption. "At the same time, maintenance of the consistency of machinic ordering requires that the quotient of human gesture and intelligence that figures in its composition must also be renewed. . . . The reproducibility of machines is thus not a pure, programmed repetition." (18)

1 2 4 (300) [-6+]mCQK turkle-life_on_the_screen (32) 20131108b 0 -7+ progress/2011/05/notes_for_turkle-life_on_the_screen.html
Turkle distinguishes between hacker, hobbyist, and user. "The hacker style made an art form of navigating the complexity of opaque computer microworlds.
(32) For hobbyists, the goal was to reduce a machine to its simplest elements in order to understand it as fully as possible. . . . In the early days of the personal computer culture, a satisfying understanding of the central processing unit (CPU) of home computers was turned into an ideal for how to understand society; the rules of the community should be transparent to all its members.
(32) A user is involved with the machine in a hands-on way, but is not interested in the technology except as it enables an application." (32)

1 2 4 (400) [-6+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (279) 20140413a 0 -16+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Recounts struggle computing pioneers had to come up with uses for personal computers, suggesting instead that humans have become the killer app for keeping them busy. "Some of the most brilliant computer scientists in the world such pioneers of information processing and artificial intelligence as Robert Fano, J.C.R. Licklider, Marvin Minsky, and Seymour Papert were asked to brainstorm on the question [what everyday people would do with home computers]. My notes from this meeting show suggestions on tax preparation and teaching children to program. No one thought that anyone except academics would really want to write on computers. Several people suggested a calendar; others thought that was a dumb idea. There would be games.
(279-280) Now we know that once computers connected us with each other, once we became tethered to the network, we really didnƒt need to keep computers busy.
They keep us busy. It is as though we have become their killer app. . . . Niels Bohr suggests that the opposite of a deep truth is a truth no less profound. As we contemplate online life, it helps to keep this in mind." (279) No less profound opposite of deep truth that our time online is busywork.

1 2 4 (500) [-4+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (284) 20130913q 0 -1+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
To Campbelly-Kelley the history of the modern computer as information machine concludes with commerce, recreation, and socializing seeming to have replaced the initial excitement of access to knowledge that the Internet offered.

1 2 4 (600) [-4+]mCQK tanz-curse_of_cow_clicker (118) 20131013j 0 -5+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_tanz-curse_of_cow_clicker.html
Interesting to click nothing just to win a silly virtual award: a sign we are getting more stupid?

1 2 4 (700) [-5+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (19) 20140103 0 -6+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Teaching kids to write with software seems enough of a response to formerly unidirectional, producer biased mass media, but should be writing software; programming is the underlying capability of the era, as Heidegger noted. (19) Computers and networks finally offer us the ability to write. And we do write with them on our websites, blogs, and social networks. But the underlying capability of the computer era is actually programming which almost none of us knows how to do. We simply use the programs that have been made for us, and enter out text in the appropriate box on the screen. We teach kids how to use software to write, but not how to write software. This means they have access to the capabilities given to them by others, but not the power to determine the value-creating capabilities of these technologies for themselves.

1 2 4 (800) [-4+]mCQK deleuze_guattari-thousand_plateaus (180) 20130915v 0 -1+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_deleuze_guattari-thousand_plateaus.html
Programming as subjectivity practice like linguistics, both apparently incompatible with child at play.

1 2 4 (900) [-6+]mCQK levy-hackers (46) 20131004e 0 -7+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_levy-hackers.html
Contrast positive view of time spent hacking to Weizenbaum computer bums. "According to the standard thinking on computers, their time was so precious that one should only attempt things which took maximum advantage of the computer, things that otherwise would take roomfuls of mathematicians days of mindless calculating. Hackers felt otherwise: anything that seemed interesting or fun was fodder for computing--and using interactive computers, with on one looking over your shoulder and demanding clearance for your specific project, you could act on that belief.
(48) At other universities, professors were making public proclamations that computers would never be able to beat a human being in chess. Hackers knew better. They would be the ones who would guide computers to greater heights than anyone expected. And the hackers, by fruitful, meaningful association with the computer, would be foremost among the beneficiaries.
(49) If everyone could interact with computers with the same innocent, productive, creative impulse that hackers did, the Hacker Ethic might spread through society like a benevolent ripple, and computers would indeed change the world for the better." (46)

1 2 4 (1000) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (44) 20131005e 0 -1+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Bricolage, wildcat technical activities on the fringe now, along with the lone genius; redeemed during initiation of disruptive technologies like personal computer, Internet, smart phones.

1 2 4 (1100) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (238) 20131019q 0 -2+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Anxiety and ignorance produce vicious cycles of learned helplessness and even rational avoidance of studying computer code. "Intimate involvements and identification with machines pose what Bettelheim calls the unspoken anxiety of our age : Do machines still serve our human purpose or are they cranking away by now without purpose? Even more unnerving: are they working away from their own ends which we no longer know or control?" (238) This is the position Kittler assumes, unfortunately backing up a pessimism with putatively wise statements about the futility of sensibly speaking to anyone, even oneself, about programming, about the art of working code, and that humans no longer know what the computers are doing, or in control of them, further provoking anxieties.

1 2 4 (1200) [-4+]mCQK kemeny-man_and_computer (96) 20130314 0 -1+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_kemeny-man_and_computer.html
Explosion of jobs for editors did not occur as predicted; instead, amateur, ad hoc content arrangement and absence of consciously crafted metadata is part of why we are getting stupider.

1 2 4 (1300) [-9]mCQK fuller-software_studies (45-46) 20130522 3 -1+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Code, to Kittler, presents an insoluable dilemma yielding random buzz either way, either society producing human working code software industries full of casual philosophers, or, after turning over to machines to do the work on their own with humans merely tending their server farms, extended cognition descends into necessarily inexplicable, incomprehensible, unphilosophical zones and temporal orders of magnitude. " Thus,
either we write code that in the manner of natural constants reveals the determinations of the matter itself, but at the same time pay the price of millions of lines of code and billions of dollars for digital hardware; or else we leave the task up to the machines that derive code from their own environment, although we then cannot read that is to say: articulate this code." (45-46) Instead of studying code we must be good scholars and cultural observers.

1 2 4 (1400) [-4+]mCQK winner-mythinformation (589) 20130909 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_winner-mythinformation.html
Skepticism that revolutionary spirit really present in movers and shakers in computer fields, as does Golumbia; it is really the absent mind that drives innovation.

1 2 4 (1500) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (26-27) 20131031 0 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Support for Winner mythinformation by Golumbia.

1 2 4 (1600) [-4+]mCQK lessig-free_culture (201) 20131003q 0 -3+ progress/2008/11/notes_for_lessig-free_culture.html
Huge proportion of American population regularly violates laws while deeming itself a free society.

1 2 4 (1700) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (255) 20140411l 0 -13+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Young people believe digital memory will create a more tolerant society, and their favorite websites are run by good people of their generation and ignore their actual corporate governance; her insight connects well it Lanier critiquing these siren servers.

1 2 4 (1800) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (44-45) 20131005f 0 -6+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
With electronic computers and FOSS virtual worlds permit technical invention to individuals again: this is a tactic that becomes a strategy of the community of such practitioners (Feenberg).

1 2 4 (1900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140313 20140313b 4 -2+ journal_2014.html
We see that the generation raised on Microsoft and other proprietary closed networks prior to Internet and floss botched job of teaching future generations. The absent mind laments Weizenbaum incarnate in this generation of geeks including subsequent initial generations of digital natives reaching ontology implied by Lanier did not think hard enough about why and how it was so important back then, and continues to not get it now when it is so much easier with wide proliferation of floss.

1 2 4 (2000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140831 20140831 9 -1+ journal_2014.html
Myself and many others may have made Theuth error expecting more from foss as democratizing, empowering little people towards equity imagined by Lanier of built up lifetime network activity as some strange kind of individual property.

1 2 4 (2100) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (45-46) 20131005g 0 -1+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
And likewise as they mature, free, open source development communities adopt useful behaviors of corporate norms.

1 2 4 (2200) [-4+]mCQK heim-electric_language (220) 20130930i 0 -1+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_heim-electric_language.html
Stupidity increases as the bazaar model replaces the cathedral, on-demand publication requiring everyone to select what is worth reading.

1 2 4 (2300) [-8+]mCQK bork-journal 20140310 20140310 5 -1+ journal_2014.html
We arrive at this condition of deriving philosophies of computing from the defaults we interpret from reading source code, documentation and philosophically oriented publications in the category Mitcham calls engineering philosophy of technology, alluded to in unanswered exam questions about how theories from other disciplines can frame and shape our understanding of computers and their limits, perhaps because philosophy has avoided computing.

1 2 4 (2400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140903 20140903 0 -4+ journal_2014.html
Defaulting we depend upon large corporations to provide and manage infosphere, cyberspace, Internet, and can home in on default philosophies of computing, PHI as I call them, by writing, code, engineering work of dominant technologies over human populations over certain time frames PHI; spend some time contemplating dilemma Kittler makes of code and concludes what to do instead of studying code, for example English Greek Latin German French C++, for example social criticism, as good scholars and cultural observers. If we were ready, we would just dive into this conundrum left by Kittler begins very long endnote composed on whiteboard as we drift through the years today. Starting with Busa is how we get a sense of defaults, like Derrida addressing his Macintoch, reporting his joy at discovering particular IBM machinery in 1949 suitable for his programming experiment digitizing Aquinas. We likewise get a sense of the thinking behind early and mature PHI by Bill Gates as representative default philosophers of computing by reading letter to hobbyists, road ahead, and also perhaps assembly language implementing programming languages.

1 2 5 (200) [0+]mCQK mitcham-thinking_through_technology (ix) 20140310b 0 -3+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mitcham-thinking_through_technology.html
Distinction between engineering and humanities philosophy of technology: obviously relevant to philosophy of computing.

1 2 5 (300) [-4+]mCQK mitcham-thinking_through_technology (ix) 20140310v 2 -1+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mitcham-thinking_through_technology.html
Humanities philosophy of technology, while from more philosophical traditions is ignorant of the operations and practices that really go on in technology engineering.

1 2 5 (400) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics (1) 20140727 0 -2+ progress/2014/08/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics.html
Impact of computers not yet judged fundamental like Industrial Revolution, thus appearance of first edition of Computer Ethics in a series on occupational ethics.

1 2 5 (500) [-4+]mCQK ihde-philosophy_of_technology (14) 20130929k 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_ihde-philosophy_of_technology.html
Connects Kapp and Bunge but argues philosophy of technology has only gained disciplinary recognition in the 1970s.

1 2 5 (600) [-6+]mCQK bynum_rogerson-ethics_in_the_information_age (7) 20140112a 0 -4+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_bynum_rogerson-ethics_in_the_information_age.html
Credit to Weiner for defining computer ethics. "Computer ethics as a field of academic study was founded by MIT professor
Norbert Wiener during World War Two (early 1940s) while helping to develop an anti-aircraft cannon capable of shooting down fast warplanes. The engineering challenge of this project caused Wiener and some colleagues to create a new field of research that Wiener called cybernetics the science of information feedback systems.
(7) In 1950 Wiener published his monumental computer ethics book.
The Human Use of Human Beings, which not only established him as the founder of computer ethics, but far more importantly laid down a comprehensive computer ethics foundation which remains today (more than half a century later) a powerful basis for computer ethics research and analysis." (7)

1 2 5 (700) [-6+]mCQK bynum_rogerson-ethics_in_the_information_age (9) 20140112b 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_bynum_rogerson-ethics_in_the_information_age.html
Temptation to follow Maner conducting conference workshops and presentations to promote critical programming. "In the mid-1970s, philosopher (and later computer science professor)
Walter Maner began to use the term computer ethics to refer to that field of applied ethics dealing with ethical problems aggravated, transformed, or created by computer technology. . . . Manerƒs trailblazing course, plus his Starter Kit and the many conference workshops he conducted, had a significant impact upon the teaching of computer ethics across America." (9)

1 2 5 (800) [-4+]mCQK bynum_rogerson-ethics_in_the_information_age (9-10) 20140112c 0 -4+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_bynum_rogerson-ethics_in_the_information_age.html
Moor article appears during first turn toward computing by philosophers and humanists.

1 2 5 (900) [-6+]mCQK bynum_rogerson-ethics_in_the_information_age (2-3) 20140112 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_bynum_rogerson-ethics_in_the_information_age.html
Fear of policy vacuums for temporal constraints of emergent critical production and policy. "Technology changes so rapidly that new possibilities emerge before the social consequences can be fathomed (Rogerson and Bynum 1995). New social/ethical policies for the information age, therefore, are urgently needed to fill rapidly multiplying policy vacuums (Moor 1985)." (2-3)

1 2 5 (1000) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics (5) 20140727g 0 -3+ progress/2014/08/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics.html
Credits the work as first attempt to bring philosophical thought to ethical issues surrounding computers.

1 2 5 (1100) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics (4) 20140727f 0 -2+ progress/2014/08/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics.html
Does not discuss popular topics like treat to uniqueness of human intelligence for lack of specificity.

1 2 5 (1200) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics (2-3) 20140727c 0 -3+ progress/2014/08/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics.html
Book focuses on significance of moral issues for computer professionals that are dealt with at the level of social policy or individual responsibility.

1 2 5 (1300) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics (2) 20140727b 0 -3+ progress/2014/08/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics.html
Computer use has created not unique ethical questions but new forms of raising them.

1 2 5 (1400) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics (2) 20140727a 0 -2+ progress/2014/08/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics.html
Hacking summarily judged as having no moral distinction to physically breaking into an office and stealing files; many moral issues dissolved by finding adequate comparisons between activities done with computers and familiar actions.

1 2 5 (1500) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics (3) 20140727d 0 -1+ progress/2014/08/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics.html
Interested in questions that draw ordinary moral rules into unfamiliar areas, which Moor will call conceptual muddles.

1 2 5 (1600) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics (3) 20140727e 0 -12+ progress/2014/08/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics.html
Chapter progression from introduction to ethical concepts, why be interested in professional ethics including the ACM Code of Professional Conduct, responsibility and liability, effects resulting from increasing use of computers on privacy, on power relations, and finally regulating ownership of software.

1 2 5 (1700) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (vi) 20140725 0 -16+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Johnson saw a task as early philosopher of computer ethics to distinguish hype from serious analyses, using strategy of identifying what remained the same versus what really changed in society as well as taking into account multidirectional relationship between technology and society.

1 2 5 (1800) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (17) 20130930a 0 -2+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
Good use of ancient philosophy genus and species distinction.

1 2 5 (1900) [-6+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (160) 20130930d 0 -1+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
The sloppy Linux operating system shareware quote appearing in a footnote about which my argument that philosophy uninformed through either becoming technologist or through deep alliance with technologists fails to think clearly about the subject matter. "footnote 4) Perhaps, the best example of successful shareware is the Linux operating system." (160)

1 2 5 (2000) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (vi) 20130930 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Additional voice of computer scientist Keith Miller fills gap Johnson recognized in her previous scholarship, balancing desires to protect integrity of computer science and provide accessible details to less technically sophisticated readers.

1 2 5 (2100) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (vi) 20140728 0 -7+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Adding voice of a computer scientist to less technical humanities presentation helps Johnson avoid indulgence of rationalized ignorance that opens her approach to computer ethics to similar criticisms Bauerlein makes of adolescents missing connection to tradition.

1 2 5 (2200) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (vii) 20130930a 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Information technology replaces computer for rest of book following first chapter.

1 2 5 (2300) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (5) 20140725c 0 -8+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
The why computer ethics metaquestion involves clusters of issues surrounding putative uniqueness of situations created by information technologies with respect to traditional ethical approaches; propose more general perspective connecting ethics and technology than prior focus on uniqueness of new computing technologies, which Johnson calls the standard account.

1 2 5 (2400) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (7) 20140725d 0 -8+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Standard account introduced by James Moor that new possibilities created by computers raise ethical questions.

1 2 5 (2500) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (9) 20140725f 0 -9+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
For Moor task of computer ethics is filling policy vacuums by sorting out conceptual muddles, for example conceptualizing computer software to best fit prevailing intellectual property law.

1 2 5 (2600) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (11) 20140725i 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Policy vacuums often filled by defaults that perpetuate existing tensions or bad policy decisions, all of which ethical analysis may reveal.

1 2 5 (2700) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (11) 20140729 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Response to emerging technology also conditioned by conceptual models, such as lifelong learning.

1 2 5 (2800) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (11) 20140725j 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
People already have well developed expectations and conceptual models about computer technologies; no longer new.

1 2 5 (2900) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (10) 20140725h 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Standard account not specific to IT but rather focuses on new technologies in general at their introduction stage.

1 2 5 (3000) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (vii) 20120615 0 -8+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Moves away from uniqueness and address to computing professionals to how computer ethics and its encompassing IT fits within cultural milieu of information societies, late capitalism, digital order, and thus the new methodology of sociotechnical computer ethics, consonant with Latour, Sterne, many other theorists relevant to texts and technology studies.

1 2 5 (3100) [-3+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (18) 20130930b 0 -2+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html

1 2 5 (3200) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (12) 20140727c 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Socialtechnical systems perspective intended to widen scope of IT ethics to complete lifecycle, away from emphasis on newness and other shortcomings of standard account.

1 2 5 (3300) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (12) 20140729c 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Consider looking at end of life of technologies for retrospective study and learning.

1 2 5 (3400) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (21-22) 20140727n 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Believes better choices will derive from better understanding about sociotechnical systems; computer ethics focuses on role of IT in constituting the moral world.

1 2 5 (3500) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (vii-viii) 20140723b 0 -7+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
Wishes that computer ethics led technology rather than followed it.

1 2 5 (3600) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (viii) 20140723d 0 -6+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
Examples of technology following ethics demonstrates need for technologically savvy philosophers and everyday users.

1 2 5 (3700) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (12) 20140727a 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Role of philosophers of computing to play role in design missed when presumption of technological determinism shunts consideration of different possibilities, though Johnson notes Nissenbaum TrackMeNot based on value sensitive design approach of IT ethics.

1 2 5 (3800) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (vii) 20130930b 0 -8+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
New theoretical approach based on science and technology studies; still using provocative scenarios targeted at college-age students.

1 2 5 (3900) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (5) 20140725b 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Familiar call for studying ethical implications of IT choices to help steer development of future technologies.

1 2 5 (4000) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (12) 20140727 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Surprising inaccuracy in basic personal computer history putting GUI ahead of command line while making point about privileged context of invention of Apple in a garage.

1 2 5 (4100) [-4+]mCQK black-ibm_and_the_holocaust (406) 20140712b 0 -8+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_black-ibm_and_the_holocaust.html
Troops objective to save beloved Dehomag IBM machinery, anticipating movie Monuments Men.

1 2 5 (4200) [-4+]mCQK black-ibm_and_the_holocaust (416) 20140712d 0 -1+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_black-ibm_and_the_holocaust.html
Same equipment used by Nazis quickly repurposed for running the defeated government, a government acting upon the very people still operating it as when they did it under the Nazis; Black notes employees from corporations in other industries scrutinized for war crimes, at weak end of continuum with Eichmann at the other end.

1 2 5 (4300) [-4+]mCQK black-ibm_and_the_holocaust (419) 20140712e 0 -3+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_black-ibm_and_the_holocaust.html
Watson and IBM kept out of reparations discourse to quietly continue working on computing machinery, quickly settling restitution resolution.

1 2 5 (4400) [-4+]mCQK black-ibm_and_the_holocaust (420) 20140712f 0 -3+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_black-ibm_and_the_holocaust.html
Though other businessmen considered war criminals no IBM employees prosecuted, even top German Dehomag employees and shareholders.

1 2 5 (4500) [-6+]mCQK black-ibm_and_the_holocaust (421) 20140712g 0 -6+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_black-ibm_and_the_holocaust.html
Instead of being implicated in war crimes, IBM provided media services enabling Nuremberg Trials donated by Watson. "Indeed, the trial process was slowed by the necessity of translating all documents, exhibits, and testimony into several languages of the war crime tribunal: French, Russian, German, and English. Justice Jackson turned to a newly invented process called
simultaneous translation. One company reviewed all the evidence and translated it not only for real time usage at the trial proceedings, but for posterity. That company was International Business Machines. It made the final translated record of all evidence back and forth from French, Russian, German, Polish, and English. Watson offered to undertake the massive evidence handling free of charge." (421)

1 2 5 (4600) [-4+]mCQK black-ibm_and_the_holocaust (422) 20140712j 0 -6+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_black-ibm_and_the_holocaust.html
SHAEF Bad Nauheim site perfoming social calculations on public reaction to severe bombing against Japan exemplifies collective thinking at national level made plain during war time, today revolving around information collection in concerned alignment with Black but acknowledging less severe outcome of dumbest generation.

1 2 5 (4700) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xvi) 20140903 0 -2+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Would have been ironic if IBM punch card machinery that started digital humanities reappropriated from occupied Europe or tabulated for the USBSS.

1 2 5 (4800) [-4+]mCQK black-ibm_and_the_holocaust (423) 20140712l 0 -6+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_black-ibm_and_the_holocaust.html
Political decision to use atomic bombs supplied by forerunner technologies to which Gates applies same reasoning for putatively less lethal purposes.

1 2 5 (4900) [-6+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (269) 20140629 7 -7+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Interesting statement the technology will enable society to make political decisions about surveillance levels. "
(269-270) Almost everyone is willing to accept some restrictions in exchange for a sense of security. . . . It might take only a few more incidents like the bombing in Oklahoma City within the borders of the United States for attitudes toward strong privacy protection to shift. What today seems like digital Big Brother might one day become the norm if the alternative is being left to the mercy of terrorists and criminals. I am not advocating either position technology will enable society to make a political decision." (269)

1 2 5 (5000) [-4+]mCQK ong-orality_and_literacy (79) 20131006x 0 -2+ progress/2008/08/notes_for_ong-orality_and_literacy.html
Good point that once the word is technologized, it must always be criticized with state of the art word technologies, which seems to lead to a paradox or at least dilemma at the heart of any philosophy of the word, leaving computing and programming to default philosophers in industry leaders rather than academics.

1 2 5 (5100) [-6+]mCQK heim-computer_as_component (304-305) 20120331 12 -6+ progress/1995/07/notes_for_heim-computer_as_component.html
Nostalgic image of Heidegger, whose textual studies are now conducted via computerized analyses, now joined by new media unimaginable to Heim despite the fact that he proclaimed himself the philosopher of virtual reality in the 1990s following his earlier interest in what he called electric language. " Heidegger speculated an all-enframing Gestell [technological system], ominous and threatening, but an abstraction looming like a metaphysical sphinx, terrorizing thought with a puzzling lack of specificity. Now here was computer text concretely manifesting that abstraction. . . . Heidegger was now on computer." (304-305)

1 2 5 (5200) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (33n1) 20131021 0 -4+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Famous example of Chomsky disparaging Foucault and Lacan on Usenet. "In a widely circulated Usenet text whose authorship Chomsky has never disputed (Chomsky 1996), and which strongly resembles many of his other writings in tone and subject matter, Chomsky explains that Foucault offers simple and familiar ideas . . . dressed up in complicated and pretentious rhetoric and that Lacan, whom Chomsky met several times, was an amusing and perfectly self-conscious charlatan." (33n1)

1 2 5 (5300) [-6+]mCQK conley-rethinking_technologies (ix) 20131205 0 -4+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_conley-rethinking_technologies.html
Duck rabbit outlook accompanying typical survey of modern Western technological situation, with surprising positive postmodern claims implying damnation claims against more familiar closed world perceptions of technologies. "As electronic communication and accelerated modes of transportation shrink our planet more and more and more, technologies are often assumed to be the science of either salvation or human damnation. On the one hand, postmodern celebrations of contemporary technology and related cultural sensibilities as the most varied, mixed, and advanced assert that they are so beneficial they even help women and other cultural minorities gain higher status. They accomplish what humanistic discourses could never do. On the other hand, elegies on the death of nature and the dangers of automation and dehumanization counter the expression of praise." (ix) Connect to Arendt.

1 2 5 (5400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140317 20140317 9 -1+ journal_2014.html
It is perhaps a problem of how philosophers philosophize, sensed by Chomsky of Lacan and Zizek, Heim of Heidegger, as Latour deprecates using old tools for new problems.

1 2 5 (5500) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (vii) 20140723 0 -14+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
Johnson reflecting back on technological milieu of first edition in awe of changes that have taken place, traversing memories of eight bit Osborne barely able to write the book, to thirty two bit computing capable of supporting TCP/IPv4 networking captivating her teenage daughter.

1 2 5 (5600) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (vii) 20140723a 0 -3+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
Senses task to address technology changes versus core issues and underlying philosophical assumptions of computer ethics: professional ethics, privacy, property, accountability, social implications.

1 2 5 (5700) [-9]mCQK ong-orality_and_literacy (7) 20130306 0 -4+ progress/2008/08/notes_for_ong-orality_and_literacy.html
Ong turns away from computer languages and thus considering working code in humanities discourse claiming there is an inseparable gulf between computer languages and languages growing out of unconscious over long historical periods, although for lifetime programmers C++ may be as naturally learned as a foreign language. "
We are not here concerned with so-called computer ƒlanguagesƒ, which resemble human languages (English, Sanskrit, Malayalam, Mandarin Chinese, Twi or Shoshone etc.) in some ways but are forever totally unlike human languages in that they do not grow out of the unconscious but directly out of consciousness. Computer language rules (ƒgrammarƒ) are stated first and thereafter used. The ƒrulesƒ of grammar in natural human languages are used first and can be abstracted from usage and stated explicitly in words only with difficulty and never completely." (7) Even at the level of languages themselves evolving through use over in human communities, programming languages also share with spoken and written mother tongues in the common algorithms implemented in millions of programs worldwide, and the evolution of languages standards through working groups rather than abstractly by bureaucratic committees.

1 2 5 (5800) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (viii) 20140723e 0 -2+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
Johnson overviews changing ethical focus over historical periods of modern computing, beginning with fears surrounding challenges of computer as opponent and potential catastrophes of automated decision making, noting popular science fiction and work of James Moor.

1 2 5 (5900) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (ix) 20140723f 0 -1+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
Issues in late 1970s focused on data collection and threat of big government, which Black echoes in study of IBM and the holocaust; Weizenbaum and Mowshowitz noted as primary theorists.

1 2 5 (6000) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (ix) 20140723g 0 -7+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
Focus shifted to ethical issues surrounding software in 1980s personal computer era, especially games, piracy, and hacking.

1 2 5 (6100) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (ix) 20140723h 0 -7+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
Attention on Internet in 1990s as traditional media transferred and recreated in digital media, as well as exacerbating past privacy, democracy, and property issues; hint at future visualization and virtual reality topics.

1 2 5 (6200) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (x) 20140723i 0 -3+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
Goal of ethics built into design not treated seriously by scholars in computer ethics.

1 2 5 (6300) [-3+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (17-18) 20130424 0 -2+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html

1 2 5 (6400) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (xii) 20140723j 0 -6+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
Continues to present computer and IT ethical issues new species of generic moral issues; need to consider implications of their instrumentation of human action.

1 2 5 (6500) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (xv) 20140723q 0 -1+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
Practical ethics negotiate between theory and real world situations.

1 2 5 (6600) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (xv) 20140723r 0 -2+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
In the end the book Computer Ethics really addresses a family of technologies dealing with information; Johnson never asks the fundamental philosophical question of what is computing.

1 2 5 (6700) [-6+]mCQK seneca-letter_90 (232-233) 20110724 0 -17+ progress/1995/07/notes_for_seneca-letter_90.html
Mention of stenographic symbols should enter texts and technology studies. "It was reason indeed that devised these handicrafts, but not right reason. . . ."It was the sage that invented these things," says Posidonius, "but they were not important enough for him to handle personally and so he have them to his more mechanical assistants." No; these inventions were thought up by the same people who are concerned with them today. We know that certain inventions have been made within our own memory, as for example the use of windows which admit clear light through transparent panes, or vaulted baths with conduits let into the walls for diffusing heat which warms the upper and lower space alike. . . . And what of the stenographic symbols which can take down a speech however rapidly delivered and enable the hand to keep pace with the agility of the tongue? But these are inventions of low-grade slaves.
(233) Wisdomƒs seat is higher; she does not train hands but is mistress of souls. . . . She is not, say I, the artisan of the appliances of our daily use; why attribute such trifles to her?" (232-233)

1 2 5 (6800) [-4+]mCQK seneca-letter_90 (226-227) 20111108 0 -18+ progress/1995/07/notes_for_seneca-letter_90.html
Function of philosophy to discover human and divine truths, disagree with Posidonius that arts of daily life invented by philosophy; looks back to mythic age before marble and gold.

1 2 5 (6900) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (10) 20140120c 0 0+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Goal of book is to enhance predictions focusing on demographic, economic and political trends with emerging machine capabilities as intelligent agents.

1 2 5 (7000) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (12) 20140120f 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Emergence of intelligent life does not affect overall measure of increasing entropy.

1 2 5 (7100) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (13) 20140120g 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Written record of achievement key requirement for evolutionary process such as DNA encoding.

1 2 5 (7200) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (46) 20140123 0 -9+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
DNA as software, ROM controlling the machinery of life.

1 2 5 (7300) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (16) 20140120i 0 -17+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Definitions of technology: study of crafting as shaping resourced for practical purposes, human application of knowledge to fashioning tools, transcendence of materials comprising them as in art and language.

1 2 5 (7400) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (18) 20140120k 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Computation defined as ability solve problems, implying ability to remember.

1 2 5 (7500) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (21) 20140120m 0 -8+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Exponential growth of computing discernible since beginning of twentieth century, not just since Moores Law.

1 2 5 (7600) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (4) 20140120b 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Asserts formidable combination of human level intelligence and speed, accuracy, and sharing ability of machines will challenge human mastery in many domains beyond chess.

1 2 5 (7700) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (2) 20140120 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Identity questions will dominate politics and philosophy in the next century.

1 2 5 (7800) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (3) 20140120a 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Predictions that machines will read on their own by current decade, then into the physical world, reinforcing literacy as primary component of human intelligence; also slides from information sharing to knowledge sharing among machines, which many would contest.

1 2 5 (7900) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (29) 20140120n 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Time moves in relation to the amount of chaos.

1 2 5 (8000) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (29-30) 20140120o 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Law of accelerating returns the opposite spiral of law of time and chaos, and applies specifically to evolutionary processes, where order increases and time speeds up.

1 2 5 (8100) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (30) 20140120p 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Measure of order tied to purpose of information; evolutionary trend towards greater order results in greater complexity.

1 2 5 (8200) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (10) 20140120d 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
From the Big Bang to evolution of life on Earth, time moves in exponential fashion, seeming linear only when nothing much happens.

1 2 5 (8300) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (11) 20140120e 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
We are again in the knee of the curve when exciting things happen.

1 2 5 (8400) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (14) 20140120h 0 -7+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Technology includes written record of tool making, which is essential for evolutionary processes.

1 2 5 (8500) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (18) 20140120j 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Requirements of intelligence and physical ability to manipulate the environment, from which von Neumann intuited self-replicating automata in virtual environments.

1 2 5 (8600) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (19) 20140120l 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Seven life cycle stages for technologies: precursor, invention, development, maturity, pretenders, obsolescence, antiquity; example of phonograph record fitting connection to Sterne.

1 2 5 (8700) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (32) 20140120q 0 -9+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Evolution speeds up by building on its own increasing order, and computation is the essence of order, making computational technology the quintessential evolutionary process.

1 2 5 (8800) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (36) 20140120s 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Next evolutionary milestone will be autonomous technology creating its own next generation.

1 2 5 (8900) [-4+]mCQK kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines (35) 20140120r 0 -9+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_kurzweil-age_of_spiritual_machines.html
Two resources of internal growing order and environmental chaos unbounded for computation, though machines will provide their own innovation (Kittler automatic programming); three dimensional chip design, nanotube, optical, crystalline, DNA, quantum computing technologies keep Law of Accelerating Returns going.

1 2 5 (9000) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (7) 20140619 0 -1+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Gates a default philosopher of computing because he is intentionally directing the fruition of his vision towards ultimate market and new form of human communication.

1 2 5 (9100) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (xii) 20140418a 0 -2+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Gates expresses surprise at misunderstandings about technology held by most people speculating about the information highway.

1 2 5 (9200) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (252) 20140524d 0 -1+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Gates takes position of philosopher king, a big person of the developing projective city; strange to call it a revolution if the plan is to manage its arrival.

1 2 5 (9300) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (xii-xiii) 20140418c 0 -2+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Travel guide metaphor acknowledges little importance of opinions of everyday consumers beyond accepting the technologies that have been designed and marketed to them; recall sarcastic where does Microsoft want to drag you today inversion of trademarked corporate slogan.

1 2 5 (9400) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (91) 20140429b 0 -1+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Internet most important computing development since IBM PC.

1 2 5 (9500) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (250-251) 20140524a 0 -7+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Optimistic predictions of impact on masses, reminiscent of Phaedrus.

1 2 5 (9600) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (275-276) 20140629b 0 -4+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Hopes Microsoft will play a major role in shaping information highway despite already having been a major force in development of personal computer.

1 2 5 (9700) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (276) 20140629c 0 -7+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Clearly states that Microsoft corporate strategy is following his visions of the information highway in addition to listening to customers.

1 2 5 (9800) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (xi) 20140418 1 -5+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Personal computer revolution Gates and Allen jumped into and fundamentally influenced will be followed by communications revolution, fundamentally shaped by the personal computer.

1 2 5 (9900) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (19) 20140426u 0 -2+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Trickle down prosperity an underlying philosophical position of Gates.

1 2 5 (10000) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (214) 20140519h 0 -9+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Changes to architecture later studied by Kitchin and Dodge theorized and tested with the extravagant house Gates is building.

1 2 5 (10100) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (251) 20140524b 0 -1+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Shifting richness defining good life.

1 2 5 (10200) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (164-165) 20140628 0 -8+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Gates sees no problem with not caring whether interaction with other people or simulations as long as desires are fulfilled.

1 2 5 (10300) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (205) 20140519 0 -3+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Fear that the information highway will turn homes into cozy entertainment providers prelude to Turkle alone together, although Gates wants to argue the contrary.

1 2 5 (10400) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (251) 20140524c 0 -1+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
First concern is dislocation of workers, creating need for retraining.

1 2 5 (10500) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (252) 20140524e 0 -3+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Claims that few business sectors have been hurt by the PC, and job categories always changing, ignore shift to flexibility and part time status imposed on workers so important to Boltanski and Chiapello.

1 2 5 (10600) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (261) 20140524m 0 -7+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
New competition for knowledge workers in industrialized countries, but net effect will be wealthier world.

1 2 5 (10700) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (262) 20140524o 0 -6+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Gates not worried about revolution of expectations by the disenfranchised or xenophobia.

1 2 5 (10800) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (257) 20140524h 0 -3+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Egalitarian access to most information.

1 2 5 (10900) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (259) 20140524k 0 -2+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Ethical problems surrounding distributing information as intellectual property similar to medicine, focusing on high development costs rather than manufacturing and distribution.

1 2 5 (11000) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (258-259) 20140524j 0 -5+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Settle for virtual equity, as if access to information equalizes social situations.

1 2 5 (11100) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (271) 20140524w 0 -7+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Media advances affect politics; argues information highway will empower citizen interest groups and allow even smallest cause to be debated.

1 2 5 (11200) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (197) 20140515l 0 -4+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Fundamental social problems need fixed; misses ignorance of tradition, decline in literacy, and indulgence that Bauerlein highlights.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=1 and (Heading=2) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 1.2 a collective intelligence problem, societies of control, the quintessential postmodern object, foss hopes, default philosophies of computing+

1.3 not to use old tools for new problems, scholarship requires a cybersage, digital humanities projects, critical programming studies, plan of the dissertation

-1.3.1+++ not to use old tools for new problems

1 3 1 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130311 TAPOC_20130311 0 -5+ journal_2013.html
A problem for the philosophy of computing is the apparent stagnation of the continuous iterative augmentation of human intelligence, while machine cognition skyrockets, and intelligent TCP/IP networks take off and take command of their own affairs unbeknown to their former masters " While this trend has inspired numerous science fiction dystopia, its mundane effects are noted everywhere in the failures of American education to create new generations of STEM workers, addiction to electronic devices, and decline in humanities and liberal studies. My thesis is that this suboptimal trajectory in the historical transformation of the human computer symbiosis was a likely outcome of the unique technical and cultural conditions under which the network age arose, and was felt by a number of theorists writing in other humanities areas (Horkheimer and Adorno; Derrida; Turkle), and that its aysmmetrical track can be realigned to resume mutual, synergetic capability expansion extolled by early theorists (Licklider; Engelbart; Kemeny) by giving programming a second look in digital humanities scholarship. My approach is guided by philosophical insights that promote constructive coevolution of humans and machines by paying attention to the nuances of their many levels of interaction and also call for building as well as interpreting these interfaces (Hayles; Clark; Bogost; Berry; Ramsay). It extends them with the suggestions of subdisciplines that have emerged in the last decade: software studies, critical code studies, and platform studies." (Kittler; Manovich)

1 3 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (282) 20140413c 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Technology, to express its unconscious, wants to be a symptom. "Kevin Kelly asks, What does technology want? and insists that, whatever it is, technology is going to get it. Accepting his premise, what if one of the things technology wants is to exploit our disappointments and emotional vulnerabilities? When this is what technology wants, it wants to be a symptom." (282)

1 3 1 (300) [-4+]mCQK thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically (155) 20131013h 0 -4+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically.html
America the avant-garde of ontohistorical technologization, working hardest to obscure insight that we are not entities making ourselves: does this contribute to our becoming more stupid?

1 3 1 (400) [-4+]mCQK levin-modernity_and_hegemony_of_vision (15) 20131104 0 -10+ progress/2011/08/notes_for_levin-modernity_and_hegemony_of_vision.html
Critique of Heidegger by Rapaport considering Derrida Cinders: indifference in essence of freedom at such a high level.

1 3 1 (500) [-4+]mCQK rice-rhetoric_of_cool (143-144) 20131009n 0 -4+ progress/2009/02/notes_for_rice-rhetoric_of_cool.html
Composition research wary of using new tools, like typewriter and computer display, without in depth empirical study; meanwhile generations grow up using these tools daily.

1 3 1 (600) [-4+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (3) 20120815 0 -2+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Tanselle in Foreword argues computer as tool does not fundamentally alter reading or subjectivity, whereas Manovich, Hayles and others disagree; seems to not consider digitally native electronic texts, only electronic versions of texts originally composed with prior media forms.

1 3 1 (700) [-7+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (192) 20130929i 0 -2+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Statement of postmodern orthodoxy that body is primarily linguistic and discursively formed yet another reason to explore ME alongside putatively disembodied technologies like the WWW, philosophies of embodiment in general. (192) One contemporary belief likely to stupefy future generations is the postmodern orthodoxy that the body is primarily, if not entirely, a linguistic and discursive construction. Coincident with cybernetic developments that stripped information of its body were discursive analyses within the humanities, especially the archeology of knowledge pioneered by Michel Foucault, that saw the body as a play of discourse systems.

1 3 1 (800) [-6+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (xxx-xxxi) 20130913d 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
That there is a culture of real virtuality seems a point Zizek refuses to engage, making him a hold out of pre-posthumanism, although not for being modern in Latour sense. "This is a new communication realm, and ultimately a new medium, whose backbone is made of computer networks, whose language is digital, and whose senders are globally distributed and globally interactive. . . . This is why, observing more than a decade ago the emerging trends of what now has taken shape as a communication revolution, I proposed in the first edition of this book the hypothesis that a new culture is forming,
the culture of real virtuality, in which the digitized networks of multimodal communication have become so inclusive of all cultural expressions and personal experiences that they have made virtuality a fundamental dimension of our reality." (xxx-xxxi) It is more of a blind spot: Zizek is unable to apply his theory to computer technologies.

1 3 1 (900) [-4+]mCQK derrida-archive_fever (26) 20130915o 1 -1+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_derrida-archive_fever.html
Does it change anything that Derrida did not write software, remembering he is shaping the main text around his own wonderment at himself subtitling his future work a Freudian impression rather than building interesting code that emits thoughts?

1 3 1 (1000) [-4+]mCQK derrida-archive_fever (5) 20130915d 0 -3+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_derrida-archive_fever.html
Divert quickly by pointing out that his choice of passive archive and rhetorical concept, like Heidegger and Ong turning away from programming, when complemented with designing software systems to support machine contemplation of these texts, makes a place to do generic philosophy of computing instead of anthropocentric philosophy: remember he is meditating upon being forced to come up with a title for his presentation a year in advance in the temporal order of a telephone conversation.

1 3 1 (1100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140908 20140908 0 -3+ journal_2014.html
Not to use old tools to solve new problems is the flip side of Senecaƒs ponenda non sumeret; it resists defaulting to intellectual practices that, while successful in the past addressing the technological apparatus of literacy, for example flail when applied to modern electronic computing. Turkle and OƒGorman sensed this transition as they note the failure in application of postmodern methodologies to find meaningful objects to study, and discover electronic media as their quintessential expression. Moreover, addressing these new problems must acknowledge the three modes of learning and doing now embodied in human-computer interfaces, and not merely decry the lack of programming skill in recent generations on account of laziness, consumption economics, or closed-source hegemonies.

1 3 1 (1200) [-6+]mCQK heidegger-question_concerning_technology (21) 20130928l 0 -4+ progress/1995/08/notes_for_heidegger-question_concerning_technology.html
We are granted insight into that other great question Heidegger asked for us, what handicraft modern man in the technological world must carry on, must carry on even if he is not a worker in the sense of the worker at the machine. "Modern scienceƒs way of representing pursues and entraps nature as a calculable coherence of forces. Modern physics is not experimental physics because it applies apparatus to the questioning of nature. Rather the reverse is true. Because physics, indeed already as pure theory, sets nature up to exhibit itself as a coherence of forces calculable in advance, it therefore orders its experiments precisely for the purpose of asking whether and how nature reports itself when set up in this way." (21)

1 3 1 (1300) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (10) 20140725g 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Summary of standard account of computer ethics is to address conceptual muddles to fill policy vacuums resulting from new possibilities created by information technologies.

1 3 1 (1400) [-6+]mCQK ong-orality_and_literacy (78) 20131006w 0 -21+ progress/2008/08/notes_for_ong-orality_and_literacy.html
He does not look deeper to why ancient complaints about writing and modern complaints about computers are similar. "essentially the same objections commonly urged today against computers were urged by Plato in the
Phaedrus (274-7) and in the Seventh Letter against writing. . . . [It is] inhuman . . . destroys memory . . . Calculators weaken the mind, relieve it of the work that keeps it strong. . . unresponsive . . . ƒGarbage in, garbage outƒ . . . cannot defend itself.
(79) Those who are disturbed by Platoƒs misgivings about writing will be even more disturbed to find that print created similar misgivings when it was first introduced." (78) Is this a loss in philosophical space resulting from rejection of computer languages?

1 3 1 (1500) [-3+]mCQK bork-journal 20080903 TAPOC_20080903 0 -25+ journal_2008.html

1 3 1 (1600) [-6+]mCQK deleuze_guattari-what_is_philosophy (33-34) 20130610 0 -2+ progress/2013/06/notes_for_deleuze_guattari-what_is_philosophy.html
From second example of Plato Parmenides confirming a physical world effect results from the programming seems dismissed as legitimate humanities scholarship by Deleuze and Guattari when they dismiss need for empirical verifications of philosophical concepts. "Science needs only propositions or functions, whereas philosophy, for its part, does not need to invoke a lived that would give only a ghostly and extrinsic life to secondary, bloodless concepts. The philosophical concept does not refer to the lived, by way of compensation, but consists, through its own creation, in setting up an event that surveys the whole of the lived no less than every state of affairs." (33-34) Philosophical concepts set up events that are not confirmatory but totalizing in their interpretation, yet how does this statement cohere with awkwardness of illustrating postmodern concepts?

1 3 1 (1700) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (xii) 20140723k 0 -1+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
Added content on virtue ethics and Rawls theory of justice.

1 3 1 (1800) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition (xiii) 20140723o 0 -1+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_third_edition.html
Copying proprietary software is immoral because it is illegal.

--1.3.2+++ scholarship requires a cybersage

1 3 2 (100) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (226) 20140612j 11 -2+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
New Left culture war initiated the decline of intellectual life leading to dumbest generation by rejecting reading and learning obsolete and irrelevant topics; relates to my dilemma at heart of philosophy of computing that ignorance of technical details shunts formation of places for philosophical thought to occur, such as in working code of critical programming.

1 3 2 (200) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (191) 20140604k 0 -8+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Need for a critical filter, again ironically, like Quintillian of Seneca, a delicious detail missed by Bauerlein, who thinks away from technology whereas Latour and others develop science studies.

1 3 2 (300) [-4+]mCQK bolter-writing_space (3) 20120906 0 -1+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_bolter-writing_space.html
Text may become associated with qualities of computer rather than print; however, what goes in the parenthesis differentiating computer from text must not be assumed.

1 3 2 (400) [-6+]mCQK johnson-what_is_cultural_studies_anyway (59) 20130930r 0 -1+ progress/2010/11/notes_for_johnson-what_is_cultural_studies_anyway.html
Text-based studies of major humanities disciplines seem to have meager ambitions. "Looking at it from outside, the situation in the humanities and especially in literature seems to me very paradoxical: on the one hand, the development of immensely powerful tools of analysis and description, on the other hand, rather
meager ambitions in terms of applications and objects of analysis." (59) Tie to Turkle on postmodernism.

1 3 2 (500) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (37) 20140607c 1 -1+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Philosophers of computing likewise tasked with uncovering how potentials squandered as everyday programming declined in parallel with reading, or never got going in the first place.

1 3 2 (600) [-9]mCQK heim-computer_as_component (304-305) 20130124 0 -9+ progress/1995/07/notes_for_heim-computer_as_component.html
Cybersage declaration for addressing metaphysical sphinx of computer technology epitomizing all-enframing Gestell, seen through Derrida as iteration of pharmakon analysis of writing. "Heidegger the thinker is Heidegger the scholar; and the scholar searches ancient texts for clues about the history of Being. . . . This image of Heidegger feeds on nostalgia. . . . The
Schreibstube is giving way to the computer workstation, and scholarship requires a cybersage." (304-305)

1 3 2 (700) [-6+]mCQK heim-electric_language (26) 20130929a 0 -2+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_heim-electric_language.html
Is this Heim rejecting study of computer languages, programs imbued with human readable comments and style itself in C++ and Perl " or ambivalent to maybe in favor of such approaches combining philosophical study with technical competence? (26)
Even when negative answers are given to the question Can computers think? there is still the assumption of a fundamental square-off [agon] between the computer and human intelligence - as if the latter were of itself something fixed, unquestionable, and given." (other authors such as Hayle use Java)

1 3 2 (800) [-4+]mCQK heim-electric_language (27) 20130929c 0 -3+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_heim-electric_language.html
This is where the von Neumann quote takes off in what I feel is an alternate departure than any of those Heim intended when he implies that reducing the Socratic question to a computational metaphor is the only way to consider our interaction with tools.

1 3 2 (900) [-9]mCQK von_neumann-theory_and_organization_of_complicated_automata (435) 20140317 0 -2+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_von_neumann-theory_and_organization_of_complicated_automata.html
Computing machines high complexity automata we have best chance of understanding suggesting Socratic question addressed through technology. "Of all automata of high complexity, computing machines are the ones which we have the best chance of understanding. In the case of computing machines the complications can be very high, and yet they pertain to an object which is primarily mathematical and which we understand better than we understand most natural objects." (435)

1 3 2 (1000) [-4+]mCQK heim-electric_language (210) 20130930g 0 -2+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_heim-electric_language.html
Creative abundance balanced with fragmentation of formulation of ideas, Nietzschean nihilism, against which tapoc iteratively builds new connections: programming relates formulation of ideas providing copia, superabundance, new places to pursue thought.

1 3 2 (1100) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (290) 20131101c 0 -12+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Revised perspective of relation of human subjectivity to environment shifting cognitive burden to distributed symbiosis, which could get off course in direction presented in WALL-E.

1 3 2 (1200) [-6+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (208) 20131103e 0 -7+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Nietzsche as the cybersage prototype, philosophizing with a typewriter and "about the typewriter. (208) With the collapse of his machine, Nietzsche became a man again. But only to undermine the classical notion of love. As with men since time immemorial and women only recently, a young person and a two-year long marriage are equally suitable to continue the failed love affair with a typewriter.
(210) Our writing tools are also working on our thoughts. Hence Nietzscheƒs next thought four years after the malfunctioning of his typewriter was to philosophize on the typewriter itself. Instead of testing Remingtonƒs competing model, he elevated Malling Hansenƒs invention to the status of a philosophy. And this philosophy, instead of deriving the evolution of the human being from Hegelƒs spirit (in between the lines of books) or Marxƒs labor (in between the differential potential of muscular energy), began with an information machine." (after his unit breaks down)

1 3 2 (1300) [-4+]mCQK heim-electric_language (39) 20131102h 0 -2+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_heim-electric_language.html
Long historical stream connecting logos of Heraclitus to logic systems in computer circuits; task for philosophy of computing.

1 3 2 (1400) [-6+]mCQK kitchin_and_dodge-code_space (61) 20130915x 0 -5+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kitchin_and_dodge-code_space.html
Little serious academic philosophical and practical appraisal of emergence of technological unconsciousness of machine-readable and coded objects for everyday life. "Almost stealthlike, they have seeped into the fabric of social environments and workplaces forming what
Thrift (2004b) has termed a technological unconsciousness. . . . And yet there has been very little serious academic appraisal of what the creation of the machine-readable and coded object means, both philosophically and practically, for everyday life." (61)

1 3 2 (1500) [-6+]mCQK sterne-audible_past (182) 20131014m 4 -5+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_sterne-audible_past.html
Importance of moments of plasticity through social organization resulting in crystalization of particular techniques and techologies. " These moments of plasticity, where the social organization of sound can and does change, are perhaps the defining characteristic of the modern sound media. . . . For a history of sound, however, it is precisely the moments prior to this crystallization that are most interesting it is the mutability as opposed to the eventuality of form that is at stake." (182) Do we even know for computerized sound, for we would have to understand the technologies; compare to Hayles analysis of Macy conferences shaping cybernetics.

1 3 2 (1600) [-6+]mCQK sterne-audible_past (182) 20131014n 6 -2+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_sterne-audible_past.html
Sterne is astute at demonstrating how to correctly historicize technological change as narrative, a form reminiscent of older technologies from previous years, decades, centuries, even millenia. " To use Lukacƒs language, social relations take on a phantom objectivity ; over time, they become associated with technology itself in the minds and practices of users. This is readily apparent today, to offer an oversimplified illustration: casual users associate sound recording with music and entertainment, radio with broadcasting, and telephony with point-to-point communication." (182) This broad scope hooks back into Phaedrus and gets us beyond Kittler in a way well explained by Hayles via Hansen on the other end of the continuum, though we will find severe deficiencies when taking radical embodiment approaches.

1 3 2 (1700) [-4+]mCQK heim-electric_language (xi) 20131102a 0 -3+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_heim-electric_language.html
Gelernter foreword notes passing of typewriters and linotype machines to importance of timing for philosophical reflection; Electric Language is clearly a work of first generation philosophy of computing.

1 3 2 (1800) [-4+]mCQK heim-electric_language (xiii) 20131102b 0 -6+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_heim-electric_language.html
Preface to second edition notes emergence importance of linkage and interaction facilitated by newer hardware; also cultural transformation in acceptance of microcomputers as personal tools.

1 3 2 (1900) [-4+]mCQK heim-electric_language (xvi-xvii) 20131102d 0 -9+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_heim-electric_language.html
Preface to second edition notes philosophy just beginning to consider implications of writing and using hypertext, hypermedia and virtual worlds; sees importance of visual features, active visual literacy superseding television and video, and challenges of three-dimensional environments displaying text, which still has not arrived.

1 3 2 (2000) [-6+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (119) 20131004i 0 -3+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Value of studying tech, especially thinking machines, to better understand epistemology thanks to materialization of spirit. "The itinerary of facts becomes as easy to follow as that of railways or telephones, thanks to the
materialization of the spirit that thinking machines and computers allow. When information is measured by bytes and bauds, when one subscribes to a data bank, when one can plug into (or unplug from) a network of distributed intelligence, it is harder to go on picturing universal thought as a spirit hovering over the waters (Levy, 1990). Reason today has more in common with a cable television network than with Platonic ideas." (119) Compare to Hayles, Kittler and others on linkage between spirit and computing machinery.

1 3 2 (2100) [-4+]mCQK jenkins-convergence_culture (270) 20130930a 0 -5+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_jenkins-convergence_culture.html
Cultural producers need media literacy education.

1 3 2 (2200) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (190) 20140607h 0 -10+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Challenge for philosophies of computing because it may not be felt there has been time for a tradition to form, or the whole argument of seeking insight from tradition is short circuited by belief in sequence of rapidly obsoleted technological generations devalues all but the state of the art; ironic that Seneca invoked on love, when there is value in revisiting when contemplating technology.

1 3 2 (2300) [-4+]mCQK maner-unique_ethical_problems_in_information_technology (137) 20130422 3 -5+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_maner-unique_ethical_problems_in_information_technology.html
Curious question whether logically equivalent ethical issues would have emerged otherwise in a society in which the particular computer technology we call our own had not been invented; to question it is to study the schematism of perceptibility of technological media Kittler inveighs us to consider, thus taking a philosophy of computing position, as we also choose between proprietary, commercial and private, floss personal systems.

1 3 2 (2400) [-4+]mCQK mitcham-thinking_through_technology (14) 20140310h 0 -1+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mitcham-thinking_through_technology.html
Does call for deeper acquaintance by philosophers with technology itself, which is consistent with incorporating SCOT into the critical framework and methodology, and also self-understanding and ideas of engineers and technologies imply learning programming, or more extensively, being a lifelong active participant?

1 3 2 (2500) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (249) 20140521g 0 -3+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Study what is popular with PCs connected to the Internet to know where the future is going.

1 3 2 (2600) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (273) 20140524y 0 -7+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Historical impact of information highway on par with scientific method, printing, and industrial manufacturing; by now most of the predications Gates made should have materialized.

1 3 2 (2700) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (250) 20140524 0 -1+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Could be a whole area of study for the philosophy of computing to discern what Gates intends by the title of this final chapter, critical issues; to him it means people understanding how the future will be different as the information highway evolves.

1 3 2 (2800) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (276) 20140629e 0 -1+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
From optimism at onset of information highway to renewed critical focus twenty years later, the call from philosophers of computing.

1 3 2 (2900) [-4+]mCQK rice-rhetoric_of_cool (153) 20131009o 0 -1+ progress/2009/02/notes_for_rice-rhetoric_of_cool.html
Liu ignored rich rhetorical tradition associated with cool, and did not use it personally to be a cool writer.

1 3 2 (3000) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20140712 20140712a 20 -1+ journal_2014.html
Reading Gates critically as a default philosopher of computing is just taking Latour and other SCOT theorists seriously, examining psychoanalysis of its resident geniuses.

1 3 2 (3100) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (35) 20140623 0 -3+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Critical success factors for information highway given by Gates should be evaluated after 20 years.

1 3 2 (3200) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (258) 20140524i 0 -7+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Long term philosophical issues include correcting gender imbalances in developing computer expertise.

1 3 2 (3300) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (122) 20140627 2 -4+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Bauerlein argues lowered friction of distribution by Internet has dampened tradition and allowed closed circuit of self-selected media consumption cycles dominated by low word count social messages.

1 3 2 (3400) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (274) 20140524z 0 -1+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Final critical assessment is that information highway will provide choices for connecting people with entertainment, information, and each other.

1 3 2 (3500) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (156) 20140512j 0 -4+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Predictions by Gates about transformations faster PCs and information highway may bring are literally queuing up the projective city of the new spirit of capitalism articulated by Boltanski and Chiapello, which becomes topic of next chapter; his advice is to become informed, sidestepping issue of participatory involvement or outright rebellion.

1 3 2 (3600) [-4+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (185) 20140515c 0 -2+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Gates believes availability of information will spark curiosity, whereas Bauerlein argues that unguided and uninformed by tradition, children are lured into limited peer interests.

1 3 2 (3700) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (331) 20131020h 0 -2+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Notes problem of novelty wearing off to the point that culturally poignant observations about computers disappear into the background like disappearing interfaces. "As the presence of the computer in all of its forms becomes more familiar, so might conventional answers to many questions about it. Our culture will develop ways of thinking about the computer that, in a sense, require no thought." (331)

--1.3.3+++ digital humanities projects

1 3 3 (100) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20141005 20141005 0 -2+ journal_2014.html
To get out of the closed thinking of project level engagements to expansive, collective perspectives, it is necessary to go from projects to solutions tying in experience in global capitalism business collective intelligence experience; we find it does not make sense at actor network level.

1 3 3 (200) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (3) 20140913a 0 -5+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Rigor and systematic unambiguous procedural knowledge characteristic of sciences applied to humanities problems previously treated serendipitously, as in through narratives relying on literarcy associations and prior scholarship.

1 3 3 (300) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (4) 20140913b 0 -6+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Periodization perspective of humanities computing begins with 1949 to early 1970s era by signal work of Busa project indexing the words of Aquinas.

1 3 3 (400) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (4) 20140913c 0 -6+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Busa helped by Thomas Watson at IBM to transfer texts to punched cards and write a concordance program.

1 3 3 (500) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (4) 20140913d 0 -5+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
First humanities computing software developed to parse and lemmatize medieval Latin in what came to be semi automatic fashion; echoes in to my own attempt to develop tapoc software to automatically write dissertation.

1 3 3 (600) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140910 20140910 0 -5+ journal_2014.html
It first digital humanities project is arguably the Index Thomisticus headed by Roberto Busa from 1946 to 2005, now ported to the Web (http://www.

1 3 3 (700) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xvi) 20140903c 0 -1+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Three perspectives experienced over sixty years, unclear whether sequential epochs.

1 3 3 (800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20080831 20080831a 6 -12+ journal_2008.html

From the Foreward to A Companion to Digital Humanities by Roberto A. Busa:

Only a computer census of the syntactic correlations can document what concepts the author wanted to express with that word. Of a list of syntactic correlations, the "conceptual" translation can thus be given in modern languages. .. To give one example, in the mind of St Thomas ratio seminalis meant then what today we call genetic programme. Obviously, St Thomas did not know of either DNA or genes, because at the time microscopes did not exist, but he had well understood that something had to perform their functions.

He claims to be one of the first to use electronic computers in humanities studies with his Index Thomisticus project begun in 1949. Use this as something ongoing to supplement Ongƒs hypotheses. He calls it "textual hermeneutic informatics." According to the introduction, the point of the collection is to help establish Digital Humanities as a discipline in its own right.

1 3 3 (900) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xvii) 20140914 0 -1+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Following first perspective of technological miniaturization, making gadgets, the second of textual informatics itself has three branches: documentaristic, which includes media production, editorial, from what critical editions arise in media production, finally hermeneutic, for philosophies of computing.

1 3 3 (1000) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xvi) 20140903a 0 -5+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Gives credit to Zampolli whose work maps plateaus in computational linguistics, his sense of humanities computing.

1 3 3 (1100) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xvii) 20140903f 4 -1+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
All computers used through first two epochs of technological miniaturization of his project were IBM equipment.

1 3 3 (1200) [-6+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xvii) 20140903e 0 -5+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Hilarious thankfulness for invention of magnetic tapes. "In His mercy, around 1955, God led men to invent magnetic tapes. . . . I used all the generations of the dinosaur computers of IBM at that time." (xvii)

1 3 3 (1300) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xvii) 20140903g 0 -4+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Latest version of project fits on a single Hufmann method compressed CDROM.

1 3 3 (1400) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xvi-xvii) 20140903d 0 -3+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Perspective of technological miniaturization akin to progression from eight to sixty four bit address widths, here applied to phases of his project from punched cards, magnetic tape, finally CD-ROM.

1 3 3 (1500) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xvii-xviii) 20140913a 0 -7+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Only in a computer could the computation operations Busa describes for his LTB digital humanities project.

1 3 3 (1600) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xviii) 20140914e 0 -1+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Claims his computing project Index Thomistics an intentional act establishing hermeneutic informatics, and links it to IBM through Watson providing a highly engineered solution.

1 3 3 (1700) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xxi) 20140913f 1 -4+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Textual hermeneutics summarized descriptively by three periods, from Index Thomisticus to Alpac fragmentation envisioning global collaborative universal language programming; an emergent branch of philosophy.

1 3 3 (1800) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xvii) 20140914a 0 -4+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Editorial where most digital humanities of dumbest generation sticks; must keep in mind Busa experienced that technological era along with the dumbest generation.

1 3 3 (1900) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xvii) 20140914b 0 -4+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Busa names first current of textual informatics documentaristic, naming computing centers phenomena I refer to as collective intelligence.

1 3 3 (2000) [-6+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xviii) 20140914j 0 -1+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Project description in geek speak of his time. "Schematically, this implies that, with integral censuses of a great mass of natural texts in every language, in synchrony with the discovered data, methods of observation used in the natural sciences should be applied with the apparatus of the exact and statistical sciences, so as to extract categories and types and, thus, to organize texts in a general lexicological system, each and all with their probability index, whether great or small." (xviii) Answers to schematism of perceptibility describing its programming design; probability index at core resembles Socrates discussion of ideal rhetoric in Phaedrus.

1 3 3 (2100) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xviii) 20140914k 0 -5+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Recall automatic translation mentioned by Black, as if Watson fed to Busa: can the programming project survive, should ancient code revisions remain extant, forms ethical and philosophical question place.

1 3 3 (2200) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xviii) 20140914n 0 -6+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
MIT launched magazine Mechanical Translation offered as digital humanities study content along with IEEE Annals.

1 3 3 (2300) [-6+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xix) 20140914p 0 -3+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Ironically Alpac Report canceled machine translation funding not for technological as in hardware limitations but ontological deficits foreshadowing OOP as in software engineering dooming them. "Unfortunately, in 1966, as a result of the Alpac Report, the Pentagon cut off all funding. This was not because computers at that time did not have sufficient memory capability or speed of access, but precisely because the information on the categories and their linguistic correspondences furnished by the various branches of philology were not sufficient for the purpose. The machine required greater depth and more complex information about our ways of thinking and modes of expression!" (xix) These are ultimately philosophy of computing territories suggesting Socratic question deeply tangling synaptogenesis and technogenesis.

1 3 3 (2400) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xix) 20140914q 0 -3+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Busa notes shortcomings of philology implying tracy of electracy of his time lacking.

1 3 3 (2500) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xix) 20140914t 0 -1+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Notes lean funding for his sort of digital humanities projects in renewed war on terrorism; many other projects likely continue by intelligence collection and analysis computing centers, and we could wonder about the neutrality or evil inherent in either group.

1 3 3 (2600) [-6+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xix) 20140914r 0 -4+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Invokes Delphic know thyself in call for comprehensive global collective cognition heavily afforded by directed informatics, Engelbart Type C activity, rather than using old tools. "We are far from having exhausted the precept inscribed on Apolloƒs temple at Delphi, Know thyself. It seems, therefore, that the problem must be attacked: in its totality with comprehensive, i.e., global, research; collectively by exploiting informatics with its enormous intrinsic possibilities, and not by rushing, just to save a few hours, into doing the same things which had been done before, more or less in the same way as they were done before." (xix)

1 3 3 (2700) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xix) 20140914s 0 -4+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Tension between totality as global research and collectively as thoughtful computing system design, doing more than saving time doing the same old things.

1 3 3 (2800) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (3) 20140913 0 -5+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Initial scope of humanities computing as applications to research and teaching within humanities arts subjects, with bias for textual sources.

1 3 3 (2900) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (5) 20140913f 0 -1+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Early humanities computing work by Mosteller and Wallace of authorship of disputed Federalist Papers interested in statistical methods, demonstrating consciousness of purposes as well as reflection on expansion of techniques.

1 3 3 (3000) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (5) 20140913g 0 -1+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Data input, storage, and representation recognized as key technological limitations; nod to Unicode as breakthrough.

1 3 3 (3100) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (6) 20140913h 0 -5+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Serial processing limitation of magnetic tape affected encoding of historical material, forcing into single linear stream.

1 3 3 (3200) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (6) 20140913j 0 -2+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
One off IBM conference in 1964 forerunner of later humanities computing conferences.

1 3 3 (3300) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (7) 20140913m 0 -5+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Dedicated computing centers established for humanities research in 1960s; TuStep software set high standards.

1 3 3 (3400) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (7) 20140913n 0 -5+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Key problems focus on textual material, the symbolic, inherited form early period.

1 3 3 (3500) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (9-10) 20140913u 0 -5+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Preponderance of vocabulary studies leveraging concordance programs.

1 3 3 (3600) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (6) 20140913i 0 -7+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
COCOA concordance program provided markup and economical file space usage; fixed format coding the other major citation technique.

1 3 3 (3700) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (9) 20140913t 0 -6+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Disk storage and relational technologies still created problems in forcing information into tables.

1 3 3 (3800) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (8) 20140913o 0 -8+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Widening range of interests at conferences and consolidation of common software platforms like Oxford Concordance Program noted during second period from 1970s to mid 1980s.

1 3 3 (3900) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (8) 20140913p 0 -3+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Oxford Text Archive an initiative to avoid duplication of effort in text archiving and maintenance; text preparation rather than programming began to take majority of project time.

1 3 3 (4000) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (7) 20140913l 0 -1+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Computers and Humanities journal started publication in 1966.

1 3 3 (4100) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (6-7) 20140913k 0 -1+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
ALLC/ACH conferences began in 1970.

1 3 3 (4200) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (8-9) 20140913q 0 -5+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
TLG quintessential project focused on creating a new research archive versus preserving individual projects by others.

1 3 3 (4300) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (9-10) 20140913v 0 -5+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Dissemination through conferences and journals the other primary feature of second period.

1 3 3 (4400) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (10) 20140913w 0 -3+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Personal computer period of mid 1980s to early 1990s freed humanities computing from the computing centers, their expertise and scrutiny; result was much duplication of effort but also innovation, comparable to cathedral versus bazaar models of software development.

1 3 3 (4500) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (10-11) 20140913x 0 -7+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Macintosh attractive for ability afforded by GUI to display non standard character sets and build hypertexts via Hypercard programming tool.

1 3 3 (4600) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (10-11) 20140913y 0 -7+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Hypercard first simple programming tool available to humanities scholars.

1 3 3 (4700) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (11) 20140913z 0 -1+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Electronic mail shared at 1985 conference led new era of immediate communication, later Humanist ListServ in 1987.

1 3 3 (4800) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (11) 20140914 1 -7+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Humanist the model electronic discussion list, credited for developing and maintaining distributed scholarly community defining humanities computing.

1 3 3 (4900) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (12) 20140914a 0 -2+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Development of TEI from SGML major intellectual development of third period, inspired by 1987 meeting at Vassar to ponder standard encoding scheme.

1 3 3 (5000) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (12) 20140914b 0 -5+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Text Encoding Initiative reflects interest in markup in addition to providing systematic attempt to categorize and define all features of humanities texts of interest to scholars, yielding over 400 tags.

1 3 3 (5100) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (13) 20140914d 0 -2+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Impact of Web initially missed by entrenched humanities computing practitioners, just as Microsoft did; TEI adherents criticized HTML as weak, appearance based markup system like word processor formats.

1 3 3 (5200) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (13) 20140914e 0 -1+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Delivery of scholarly material over Internet became new focus.

1 3 3 (5300) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (14) 20140914f 0 -1+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Libraries new players in putting collections on the Internet.

1 3 3 (5400) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (14-15) 20140914g 0 -5+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Example of Orlando Project creating new material and forms of scholarly writing.

1 3 3 (5500) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (15) 20140914h 0 -6+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
New collaborative projects made possible by Internet technologies; importance of project management underappreciated.

1 3 3 (5600) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (15) 20140914i 0 -3+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
TEI extensibility clashed with needs of libraries for durable, closely followed standards, raising questions about philosophy of TEI.

1 3 3 (5700) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (16-17) 20140914o 0 -3+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
TEI credited with influence on development of XML, especially its hyperlinking mechanisms.

1 3 3 (5800) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (15) 20140914j 0 -5+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Addition of multimedia added new dimension to humanities electronic resources, but at time of writing mostly limited to manuscript images, awaiting ubiquitous high speed access, perhaps through convergence with television.

1 3 3 (5900) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (16) 20140914m 0 -2+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Introduction of academic programs final symptom of emerging discipline; compare to Hayles survey in How We Think.

1 3 3 (6000) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (13) 20140914c 0 -7+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Divergence of spin off disciplines like computers and writing, and linguistic computing, which served defense and speech analysis communities without much communication between them.

1 3 3 (6100) [-6+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (16) 20140914k 0 -4+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Media theorists began studying electronic resources themselves, especially hypertext. "Electronic resources became objects of study in themselves and were subjected to analysis by a new group of scholars, some of whom had little experience of the technical aspects of the resources. Hypertext in particular attracted a good many theorists. This helped to broaden the range of interest in, and discussion about, humanities computing but it also perhaps contributed to misapprehensions about what is actually involved in building and using such a resource. Problems with the two cultures emerged again, with one that was actually doing it and another that preferred talking about doing it." (16)

1 3 3 (6200) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (16) 20140914n 0 -1+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Other parties trying to define the field and provide research agendas.

1 3 3 (6300) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (16) 20140914l 0 -4+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Noticeable gap between sayers and doers among media theorists.

1 3 3 (6400) [-4+]mCQK hockey-history_of_humanities_computing (17) 20140914p 0 -2+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_hockey-history_of_humanities_computing.html
Humanities computing can grow interest in cultural heritage among lifelong learners and general public, which Bauerlein should praise.

1 3 3 (6500) [-4+]mCQK crane-classics_and_the_computer (46) 20130913 0 -1+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_crane-classics_and_the_computer.html
Classicists are ideally positioned to inform texts and technology theories.

1 3 3 (6600) [-4+]mCQK crane-classics_and_the_computer (53) 20120324 0 -1+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_crane-classics_and_the_computer.html
Prospects beyond 2003 include visualizations, language technologies, annotation managers, library repositories.

1 3 3 (6700) [-4+]mCQK crane-classics_and_the_computer (55) 20130913g 0 -2+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_crane-classics_and_the_computer.html
Part of cynicism is presupposing minority participation by classicists in democratic rationalization.

1 3 3 (6800) [-6+]mCQK feenberg-questioning_technology (180) 20120925s 0 -2+ progress/2009/11/notes_for_feenberg-questioning_technology.html
Technical devices and programs must be informed by collective choices about the good life or they have no reason to be conceived. "Thus pure moral norms are insufficient to define a society; they must be concretized through choices about the good life.
(180) Pure technical principles do not define actual technologies." (180) There can still be much confusion here, such as when the Microsoft slogans Your Potential, Our Passion and Where Do You Want to Go Today seemsto leave ideals of the good life up for grabs by enabling the pursuit, whatever it is.

1 3 3 (6900) [-6+]mCQK feenberg-democratic_rationalization (664) 20120315u 0 -1+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_feenberg-democratic_rationalization.html
Requires technological advances made in opposition to dominant hegemony. "I call this democratic rationalization because it requires technological advances that can only be made in opposition to the dominant hegemony." (664) Floss quintessential.

1 3 3 (7000) [-4+]mCQK busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities (xxi) 20140913g 1 -4+ progress/2014/09/notes_for_busa-perspectives_on_digital_humanities.html
Digital humanities have foss hopes to also address parcelization of progress in free research, per my published work and projectively in my dissertation.

1 3 3 (7100) [-6+]mCQK feenberg-transforming_technology (155) 20131030n 0 -1+ progress/2009/11/notes_for_feenberg-transforming_technology.html
What happened to the personal computer and FLOSS revolutions? "It is true that the arc of cultural advance has nowhere been prolonged to the point where it generated major technological alternatives, but that possibility casts a shadow over current arrangements and refutes technocratic complacency and resignation." (155)

1 3 3 (7200) [-6+]mCQK fuller-software_studies (10) 20130921c 0 -3+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Social life of knowledge. "Intelligence arises out of interaction and the interaction of computational and networked digital media with other forms of life conjugate new forms of intelligence and new requirements for intelligence to unfold. As a result, a number of authors collected in this book have called for
a renewed understanding of what literacy should mean contemporarily. Amongst others, Michael Mateas has made an important call for what he describes as Procedural Literacy." (10) Renewed interest in what literatcy should mean: Hayles and digital literacy, Mateas Procedural Literacy.

1 3 3 (7300) [-6+]mCQK hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer (61) 20120520 1 -3+ progress/2011/12/notes_for_hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer.html
Why we cannot ignore code and why we need philosophies of computing. " Strategies can emerge from a deep understanding of code that can be used to resist and subvert hegemonic control by megacoprorations; ideological critiques can explore the implications of code for cultural processes, a project already evident in Matthew Fullerƒs call, seconded by Matthe Kirschenbaum, for
critical code studies; readings of seminal literary texts can explore the implications of code for human though and agency, among other concerns. Code is not the enemy, any more than it is the savior. Rather code is increasingly positioned as languageƒs pervasive partner." (61) Note those with deep understanding of code are computer programmers and engineers, so the very force demanded by the ethical stance arrived through her arguments must arise from that for which it is summoned to oppose, and FLOSS facilitates emergence of hobbyists who may also this strongly sought understanding.

1 3 3 (7400) [-6+]mCQK ryan-beyond_myth_and_metaphor (606-607) 20131010c 0 -5+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_ryan-beyond_myth_and_metaphor.html
Recommends DIY genre of democratized art such as Ulmerian artifacts. "I personally wish to see these design strategies put in the service of projects with a do-it-yourself, cottage-industry quality that would give free rein to self-expression: projects such as building an autobiographical scrapbook, reconstructing a family saga, exploring local history, or preserving cultural memory. . . . What I am calling for is abandoning the hegemonic dream of turning new media narratives into
the art (read: the highbrow, avant-garde art) or into the entertainment form (read: the mass entertainment form) of this new century and seeking for these narratives a less glamorous, but no less important, place in culture a place that will represent a true democratization of digital textuality." (606-607) I suggest with the DIY focus blending in technical skill exercises and meditations on machine and posthuman embodiment.

1 3 3 (7500) [-4+]mCQK heidegger-question_concerning_technology (32) 20130929a 0 -7+ progress/1995/08/notes_for_heidegger-question_concerning_technology.html
Respond to Socratic search for kernel of subjectivity through digital humanities research.

1 3 3 (7600) [-4+]mCQK johnston-literature_media_information_systems (25) 20130930e 4 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_johnston-literature_media_information_systems.html
Need to study technology to respond to classical philosophical questions.

1 3 3 (7700) [-6+]mCQK heim-electric_language (1) 20131102e 1 -1+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_heim-electric_language.html
Word processor is calculator of the humanist. "
(2) Does the conversion of twentieth-century culture to a new writing technology portend anything like the revolutionary changes brought about by the invention of the printing press and the widespread development of literacy?" (1) Now is the time to study the transition we are caught up in.

1 3 3 (7800) [-5+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (23) 20140115a 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Using computers and networks different than using calculators because we barely know what we are asking them to do, and hardly teaching them how to do it (Kemeny). (23) The way to get on top of all this, of course, would be to have some inkling of how these thinking devices and systems are programmed or even to have some input into the way it is being done, and for what reasons.
(23) With computers and networks, unlike our calculators, we donƒt even know what we are asking our machines to do, much less now they are going to go about doing it. Every Google search is at least for most of us a Hail Mary pass into the datasphere, requesting something from an opaque black box.

1 3 3 (7900) [-4+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (27) 20140103g 0 -4+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Understanding biases is the guiding philosophy for getting on top of the problem posed by rapidly transforming technologies that seem to have taken command on their own (Kittler).

--1.3.4+++ critical programming studies

1 3 4 (100) [-6+]mCQK landow-hypertext_3_0 (344-345) 20131005f 0 -3+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_landow-hypertext_3_0.html
Hypertext concretizes metaphyiscs, per Ulmer, and political assumptions, per Landow. "Gregory
Ulmer comments that the use of communications technology is a concretization of certain metaphysical assumptions, consequently that it is by changing these assumptions (for example, our notion of identity) that we will transform our communicational activities (Applied Grammatology, 147). We may add that the use of communications technology is also a concretization of certain political assumptions. In particular, hypertext embodies assumptions of the necessity for nonhierarchical, multicentered, open-ended forms of politics and government." (344-345)

1 3 4 (200) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_think (11) 20120707 1 -3+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_hayles-how_we_think.html
I coming from technology will present the programming perspective to complement Comparative Media Studies. "
(12) If we think about humanities research and teaching as problems in design (i.e., moving from content orientation to problem orientation), then Brooksƒs advice suggests that for collaborative teams working together to craft projects and curricula in digital media, it is crucial for them partners to recognize the importance of human attention as a limiting/enabling factor, both as a design strategy and as a conceptual framework for theoretical work." (11)

1 3 4 (300) [-6+]mCQK landow-hypertext_3_0 (368) 20131005i 0 -1+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_landow-hypertext_3_0.html
Not a word about free, open source software licenses or creative commons copyrights, though they would fit in Boyles discussion. "Using the examples of the way Western scientists and corporations copyright materials based on information derived from communities in the Third World, he [James Boyle] demonstrates how laws supposedly intended to promote innovation by rewarding creators recognize only creativity and originality based on romantic authorship." (368) No mention of Lessig.

1 3 4 (400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140908 20140908a 4 -2+ journal_2014.html
The electracy difference foregrounds computer programming where traditional digital humanities theorists continue to emphasize the trace, now shimmering signifiers, passing through Derrida and other popular postmodern theorists discourse networks. Not to use old tools for new problems welcomes computer programming components into academic discourse networks through digital humanities projects, for example my foss triad symposia, tapoc, pmrek.

1 3 4 (500) [-6+]mCQK landow-hypertext_3_0 (222) 20131004m 0 -1+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_landow-hypertext_3_0.html
A call for FOSS digital humanities projects. "Webs created in systems like Storyspace that permit one-to-many links, link menus, and path names all provide authors with the power to empower the reader." (222) Imagine the different trajectory of the unrealized potential in Landow, Murray, and Turkle if there had been a generation of FOS equipped programmers.

1 3 4 (600) [-4+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (5-6) 20130702 0 -1+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Philosophy just beginning to note effects of software as thing on metaphysics, intellectual property, subject, information.

1 3 4 (700) [-6+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (21) 20131003j 0 -6+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Can do same by focusing on fabricating personal computer or parts of the Internet as in Fire In the Valley. "Shapin and Schaffer force their analyses to hinge on the object, on a certain leak, a particular gasket in the air pump. The practice of fabricating objects is restored to the dominant place it had lost with the modern critical stance. . . . But rather than speaking of the external reality ƒout thereƒ, they anchor the indisputable reality of science ƒdown thereƒ, on the bench." (21)

1 3 4 (1000) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (21) 20130910i 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Computational hard core in all disciplines may be new paradigm. "This would mean that the disciplines would, ontologically, have a very similar Lakatosian computational ƒhard coreƒ (Lakatos 1980). . . . Perhaps we are beginning to see reading and writing computer code as part of the pedagogy required to create a new subject produced by the university, a
computational or data-centric subject." (21) If not practicing working code, super-critical modes of thought circulate exclusively within consumer subjectivity, missing potential of creative control.

1 3 4 (1100) [-6+]mCQK thrift-remembering_technological_unconscious (185-186) 20140424q 0 -7+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_thrift-remembering_technological_unconscious.html
Hypercoordination leading to new forms of cultural encounter based on planful opportunism. "The third development is the growth of what is usually called in the mobile-communication literature hypercoordination or microcordination. . . . In other words, it is possible to coordinate and recoordinate at a distance or on an all-but-continuous and continually updated basis. In turn, hypercoordination offers up new possibilities for economic social and cultural encounters, of which the most important is what is often called ƒ
planful opportunismƒ, a kind of just-in-time coordination (Perry et all, 2001). Encounters are able to be continually revised in a kind of intricate ballet of circumstances of the kind that used to have to be reserved for public meeting places like the street." (185-186) Connect to Turkle robotic moment.

1 3 4 (1200) [-6+]mCQK thrift-remembering_technological_unconscious (185) 20140424p 0 -10+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_thrift-remembering_technological_unconscious.html
RFID in particular ushering in continuous information ethology where objects react creatively to the situation. "The fourth innovation, and perhaps in the end the one likely to prove the most powerful, is the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tag. . . . There seems every reason to believe that they will reshape the practical conduct of life in a way that the bar code has only partly achieved. . . . the possibilities are being worked out at this very moment but the clear intent is to make objects that are able to react creatively to the situation they find themselves in by reading all the other RFIDs broadcasting in their immediate area. As a result, a kind of
continuous informational ethology is coming into being." (185)

1 3 4 (1300) [-6+]mCQK thrift-remembering_technological_unconscious (176) 20140424f 0 -7+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_thrift-remembering_technological_unconscious.html
Technological unconscious specifically cast as prepersonal substrate of conventions of address, bending of bodies that underlies cognition, perception and movement. "In other words, our conventions of
address, of what will show up where and what will show up next, are often arbitrary, and they rely on knowledges of position and juxtaposition sometimes tacit, but increasingly systematized which lie at the base of Euro-American societies. . . . It is, above all, this anonymous history of knowledges of position and juxtaposition which I want to search out, the familiar-unfamiliar knowledges of how human and nonhuman actants can be transported and aligned.
(177) I want to claim that they constitute a ƒ
technological unconsciousƒ (Clough, 2000) whose content is the bending of bodies with environments to a specific set of addresses without the benefit of any cognitive inputs, a prepersonal substrate of guaranteed correlations, assured encounters, and therefore unconsidered anticipations.
(177) Infrastructure has precisely to be
performative, if it is to become reliably repetitive." (176) Infrastructure must be performative to become reliably repetitive.

1 3 4 (1400) [-6+]mCQK kitchin_and_dodge-code_space (vii) 20131103 0 -3+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kitchin_and_dodge-code_space.html
Fourth book in the Software Studies series investigates how software generates new kinds of space and invests the mundane with new capacities of surveillance. "
Code/Space takes another route, by showing how software expands out of the computer, becoming spatially active. In doing so software generates behaviors and opportunities, and traffics in meanings, readings, and interpretations.
(vii) What
Code/Space shows is that the ways in which software interpolates, mixes with, and takes part in the generation of new kinds of space is incredibly rich and requires attentive means to understand it." (vii)

1 3 4 (1500) [-6+]mCQK kitchin_and_dodge-code_space (20) 20130909f 0 -1+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kitchin_and_dodge-code_space.html
The list of reasons for why there has been little resistance to digital technologies does not include lack of general programming knowledge, making a huge opening for critical programming. "Interestingly, given the increasing power and role of software, resistance to digital technologies has been remarkably mute despite widespread cynicism over the perceived negative effects of computerization." (20)

1 3 4 (1600) [-4+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (26) 20140103f 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Offers ten commands to balance recognized biases of digital media; others would add nuances of embedded cultural aspects as present regime of historically contingent capitalist digital media (Hayles, Manovich, Edwards, Malabou).

1 3 4 (1700) [-6+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (149) 20140111h 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Everyone must learn in order to contend with biases of digital technologies, even if we do not learn to program. "Even if we donƒt all go out and learn to program something any high school student can do with a decent paperback on the subject and a couple of weeks of effort we must at least learn and contend with the essential biases of the technologies we will be living and working with from here on." (149)

1 3 4 (1800) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xxix) 20140104c 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Acknowledge roles played by Prospero@ software, its inventors, and human preparation of files of management texts for processing. "Without the aid of Sophie Montant, we would not have been able or not in a reasonable time-scale, at least to complete the demanding and often thankless task of constructing the corpus of management texts and preparing the computer files for processing by the Prospero@ program. Its inventors Francis Chateauraynaud and Jean-Pierre Charriaud taught us how to use it proficiently." (xxix)

1 3 4 (1900) [-6+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (8) 20140102 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Assessing the situation of digital environments, thinking of Kittler, requires understanding programming as programmer or critical thinker. "Understanding programming either as a real programmer or even, as Iƒm suggesting, as more of a critical thinker is the only way to truly know whatƒs going on in a digital environment, and to make willful choices about the roles we play." (8)

1 3 4 (2000) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (18-19) 20131005j 0 -6+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Creating software to pursue humanities scholarship with incessant reflection on the design processes, making things, as he says next. "As it emerges around us, it exposes our need for critical tools of the same material and formal order that can execute our other permanent scholarly function: to imagine what we donƒt know in a disciplined and deliberated fashion. How can digital tools be made into prosthetic extensions of that demand for critical reflection? . . . The next generation of literary and aesthetic theorists who will most matter are people who will be at least as involved with
making things as with writing texts." (18-19)

1 3 4 (2100) [-4+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (42) 20130910d 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Detailed introduction to XML resembling tutorial marks push for humanities scholarship towards technical competence, beginning with differentiation between HTML and XML.

1 3 4 (2200) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (145) 20130508 0 -1+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Five levels of analysis: reception/operation, interface, form/function, code, and platform, reflecting network layer model.

1 3 4 (2300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140920 20140920 0 -1+ journal_2014.html
My goal is to advance digital humanities scholarship toward a philosophy of computing, by territorializing the little explored discourse networks of the philosophical programmers who are credited with developing the machinery, languages, network protocols, operating systems, and applications of the post literacy epoch, with the aim of changing the trajectory of the dumbest generation that has formed in its wake, by promoting foss projects that conduct critical programming studies, whose practitioners could be called programming philosophers.
vpf_.jpg1 3 4 (2400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140920 20140920a 4 -1+ journal_2014.html
Comparative media studies (Landow, Hayles), technological nonconscious approached via programming software, systems engineering (Thrift, Kitchin and Dodge), squandered potential of PC era (Murray, Turkle), program or be programmed (Rushkoff, Boltanksi and Chiapello), critical working code studies (McGann, Applen and McDaniel, working code places (Berry, Janz), methodology (diachrony in synchrony, Montfort and Bogost, Hayles genesis, philosophical programmers, programming philosophers (Bogost, find others), finally critical programming studies.

1 3 4 (2500) [-6+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (139) 20140110w 0 -7+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Socratic question at the core of program or be programmed. "Our senses and our thoughts are already clouded by our own misperceptions, prejudices, and confusion. Our digital tools add yet another layer of bias on top of that. . . .
Programming is the sweet spot, the high leverage point in a digital society. If we donƒt learn to program, we risk being programmed ourselves." (139) Programming is the sweet spot like dialectic was to the ancients when realizing bias introduced by literacy.

1 3 4 (2600) [-7+]mCQK marino-critical_code_studies (np) 20131105 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_marino-critical_code_studies.html
Calling for development of programming literacy comparable to development of skills required for literary criticism. (np) Key to Critical Code Studies will be the development in practitioners of programming literacy.

1 3 4 (2700) [-4+]mCQK marino-critical_code_studies (np) 20131005n 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_marino-critical_code_studies.html
Sondheim on relationship between coding and encoding.

1 3 4 (2800) [-9]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (11) 20140102f 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Sense the return to understanding programming puts humans back in control of steering civilization, fitting better with WALL-E imagery than driving off a cliff. "I do want people to know something about programming, but more than that, I want them to consider putting their own hands back on the steering wheel of our civilization. It may just keep us from driving off a cliff." (11)

1 3 4 (2900) [-4+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (9) 20140102a 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Comparison to driving versus being a passenger; think of Engelbart bulldozer.

1 3 4 (3000) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (10) 20140607a 0 -8+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Compare position that ingredients for making informed citizens in place to sweet spot for learning programming that peaked in 1980s, supplanted by postmodern interface enjoyment leveraging visual and tactile proficiencies over symbol manipulation as Manovich discusses Bruner and Kay.

1 3 4 (3100) [-4+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (201-202) 20140611b 9 -5+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Admits no time to read classics; consider bootstrapping through philosophy and history of computing and technology as backdoor entry of missed liberal education.

1 3 4 (3200) [-4+]mCQK manovich-software_takes_command (41) 20131105d 8 -1+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_manovich-software_takes_command.html
Suggestion that cultural interest would be catalyzed if early software was widely available.

1 3 4 (3300) [-4+]mCQK mitcham-thinking_through_technology (17) 20140310m 0 -2+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mitcham-thinking_through_technology.html
Floss provides sweet spot subject object for humanities research to work engineering design as technologists promote its philosophical characteristics, such as the four freedoms.

1 3 4 (3400) [-6+]mCQK postman-technopoly (7) 20131227a 0 -2+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_postman-technopoly.html
Thamus failed to acknowledge positive effects of writing. "I have brought Freud into the conversation only to show that a wise man even one of such a woeful countenance must begin his critique of technology by acknowledging its successes. Had King Thamus been as wise as reputed, he would not have forgotten to include in his judgment a prophecy about the powers that writing would enlarge." (7)

1 3 4 (3500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140702 20140702 2 -1+ journal_2014.html
I am including C++ programs as places to philosophize, requiring sophisticated programming operations to carry their arguments through exercise of procedural rhetorics at programming and everyday use levels as diachrony in synchrony expanded out time representations understandable to only machines, both machines and human, then into traditional humanities.

1 3 4 (3600) [-4+]mCQK maner-unique_ethical_problems_in_information_technology (137) 20130422b 3 -5+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_maner-unique_ethical_problems_in_information_technology.html
Perhaps Maner did not think of the important self-involving ethical question of whether to practice programming, or how computers resemble writing as pharmaka, relating them to ancient ethical arguments.

1 3 4 (3700) [-6+]mCQK bauerlein-dumbest_generation (198) 20140603x 0 -8+ progress/2014/05/notes_for_bauerlein-dumbest_generation.html
Development of healthy self criticism in light of tradition lost, not happening, and not being discussed. "One of the most precious tools they lack does not appear in predominant education philosophies, however, nor does it shape training programs for teachers and professors, nor does it arise in discussions of American competitiveness and innovation among business leaders and politicians interested in education. . . . The tool is precisely what has been lost in the shifting attitude in favor of youth:
self-criticism in the light of tradition.
(198) Their idols, their triumphs the envy of friends, not adults. Their self-criticism isnƒt enlightened and forward-looking, nor is it backward looking. Itƒs social and shortsighted." (198) It is social and shortsighted.

1 3 4 (3800) [-5+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (140) 20140110y 0 -9+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Understanding programming helps transform mystery to science, hacker bias promotes questioning default social organizations. (140) Iƒm sure only one or two of us actually graduated to become professional programmers, but that wasnƒt the point. All of us came to understand what programming is, how programmers make decisions, and how those decisions influence the ways the software and its users function. For us, as the mystery of computers became the science of programming, many other mysteries seemed to vanish as well. For the person who understands code, the whole world reveals itself as a series of decisions made by planners and designers for how the rest of us should live. . . . Once the biases become apparent, anything becomes possible. The world and its many arbitrary systems can be hacked.

1 3 4 (3900) [-6+]mCQK mitcham-thinking_through_technology (271) 20131105d 0 -5+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mitcham-thinking_through_technology.html
Philosophers encouraged to pick up soldering irons related to this recommendation that philosophers of technology practice engineering invention by their object of study. "Philosophy has been most vital when its representatives were actually engaged with the kinds of things and experiences it was talking about, not simply operating as the specialized discipline of a professional class. . . . Only since the classic phase of the Industrial Revolution have many philosophers ceased to be engaged with the world they live in except as journalists or culture critics." (271)

1 3 4 (4000) [-6+]mCQK ogorman-ecrit (23) 20130908 0 -3+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_ogorman-ecrit.html
The humanist picking up the soldering iron appeals to old Marxist fantasy of the trans-specialist, jack-of-all-trades. "the new era demands thinking about the ways in which new media have impacted, and will continue to impact, literary theory. For this reason, Friedrich Kittler, an electrical engineer turned critical theorist, serves as an excellent exemplar of the type of ƒfresh thinkingƒ demanded by the new era. Although itƒs likely that most humanities scholars would shun the idea that in their spare time they should ƒpick up the soldering iron and build circuitsƒ (quoted in Griffin 1996: 731)." (23) Unfortunately, electronics seems to be a discipline born from print culture and abstract logic, requiring a great deal of learning to grasp.

1 3 4 (4100) [-6+]mCQK conley-rethinking_technologies (xi) 20131205g 0 -6+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_conley-rethinking_technologies.html
Humanities must cultivate technical knowledge for dialog with new disciplines. "An era has come undoubtedly where, again, the humanities cannot adequately deal with the world without assuming knowledge that can enable them to be in dialogue with new disciplines.
(xi-xii) It can be said that the inverse also holds, and that applied scientists will have to find a new alliance with the world of metaphors in which the humanities find their innovation and renewal. . . . In nature, concepts such as pattern and randomness, bifurcation in high-fluctuation conditions, and irreversible time may encourage scientists, faced with uncertainties, toward renewing the dialogue with humanities and introducing ethical dimensions in their disciplines." (xi) Flip side is for science to adopt humanities metaphors, such as pattern and randomness so loved by Hayles.

1 3 4 (4200) [-4+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (149) 20140111g 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Tools will behave more humanely the more humans are involved in their design.

1 3 4 (4300) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (65) 20131026g 0 -1+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Important for developing critical programming that Mateas and Bogost are both theorists and practicing game designers.

1 3 4 (4400) [-4+]mCQK bork-exam3_question4 (np) 20130228 0 -4+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_bork-exam3_question4.html
Agreeing with McDaniel I aim to raise engagement with programming languages forming the language machines manipulating the texts upon which others fixate (Derrida, and oddly, Kittler, too); the discourse network of 2000 contains much code and may need to be machine read, both for analysis and execution, along with human reading.

1 3 4 (4500) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (xxi) 20130913 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Sensing global automaton concept can be further analyzed in terms of internal programmed emerging unconscious, and can be applied to many domains besides global financial market, just one if its rhizomatic phenomenal protuberances.

1 3 4 (4600) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (405-406) 20130914d 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Docility designed into electronic communication systems; why it is important for philosophers to start thinking about and producing real virtualities, admitting cohabitation by human and machine intelligences in these virtual yet real worlds, especially with regard to who are the interacting and interacted.

1 3 4 (4700) [-4+]mCQK rice_ogorman-new_media_new_methods (6) 20131107 0 -6+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_rice_ogorman-new_media_new_methods.html
Resisting late capitalism machine devolves to Ulmer heuretics, who invokes what Plato did with Socrates.

1 3 4 (4800) [-6+]mCQK tanz-curse_of_cow_clicker (99) 20131013d 0 -5+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_tanz-curse_of_cow_clicker.html
Astounding that Farmville won honor for Best Social/Online Game despite being a cow clicker. "But there was no denying that
Farmville was a hit; at the time of the conference, it had signed up 110 million people, with 31 million playing daily. So it was no surprise when, at the awards ceremony on the third day of the conference, Farmville won the honor for Best Social/Online Game.
(100) To Bogost, sitting in the audience, Mooneyƒs triumphalism seemed a direct attack on gamingƒs artistic potential. The day after Mooneyƒs speech, this thought popped into my head, Bogost says: Games like
Farmville are cow clickers. You click, on a cow, and thatƒs all you do." (99) Imagine playing with Derrida Archive Fever instead: is this a sign we are getting more stupid?

1 3 4 (4900) [-4+]mCQK feenberg-transforming_technology (96) 20131030j 0 -5+ progress/2009/11/notes_for_feenberg-transforming_technology.html
Availability of computer for alternative developments feeds both Winner mythinformation and actual development in FLOSS.

1 3 4 (5000) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (8) 20140725e 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Gains and losses for different groups of individuals suggests need for tests, though adjusting focus to ethical perspective; compare to Bijker and Hughes, Latour, Boltanski and Chiapello.

1 3 4 (5100) [-4+]mCQK ihde-philosophy_of_technology (xiii) 20120807 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_ihde-philosophy_of_technology.html
Make philosophy of computing necessary like Ihde technology should be my goal and niche.

1 3 4 (5200) [-6+]mCQK ihde-philosophy_of_technology (xi) 20130929a 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_ihde-philosophy_of_technology.html
Desire for humanities component in introductory philosophy. "Many teachers of philosophy would like to at least expose beginning students to the thinking of our ancestors, and philosophical giants. . . . I am giving an excuse to the instructor to supplement the narrative with bits of the classics, Plato, Marx, Bacon, Descartes, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, are all alluded to." (xi) Why not in technology studies as well, as I recall having such a course?

1 3 4 (5300) [-4+]mCQK ihde-philosophy_of_technology (14) 20121015 0 -9+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_ihde-philosophy_of_technology.html
Do with computing what Floridi has done with information, Ihde with technology, Mitcham with Engineering.

1 3 4 (5400) [-6+]mCQK ihde-philosophy_of_technology (140) 20130930l 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_ihde-philosophy_of_technology.html
Philosophers need to pick up soldering irons and work at the basic level of research and development where they now dare to tread, beyond the already developed consumer level, doing what McGann calls poiesis-as-theory. "But it is to suggest that the place and position for genuinely helping change is at a much more basic level it is at the level of
development itself, particularly of technological development. Here few philosophers dare to tread.
(141) I am thus suggesting that in a contemporary technoscience environment, one important future direction for philosophy of technology ought to be aimed at the research and development level and not only at the already developed and status quo level." (140) Therefore also philosophy must learn to operate at developmental level of computing systems, devices, and so on, for which goal my approach seems well suited.

1 3 4 (5500) [-6+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (ix) 20140808 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Truth is that trajectory of dumbest generation defaults hobbyist relationship to technology, opening a place for philosophical thought whether geared toward engineering or ethics topics for both when done well involve the same systems. "The first home computers were being bought by people called hobbyists. The people who bought or built them experimented with programming, often making their own simple games. No one knew to what further uses home computers might be put." (ix)

1 3 4 (5600) [-4+]mCQK heidegger-question_concerning_technology (25-26) 20130928t 0 -5+ progress/1995/08/notes_for_heidegger-question_concerning_technology.html
Freeing claim because the decision tree never unfolds biunivocally as we had wished it to, for there is always the option of continuing to fantasize, ideate, think in the draft, as an asymptotically perfect deviation from both hypothetical tracks of decision.

1 3 4 (5700) [-7+]mCQK heidegger-question_concerning_technology (34) 20130929g 0 -2+ progress/1995/08/notes_for_heidegger-question_concerning_technology.html
The shining form presented here as ekphanestaton is remediated as shimmering signifiers when cast in texts and technology and digital media studies. (34) The poetical brings the true into the splendor of what Plato in the Phaedrus calls to ekphanestaton, that which shines forth most purely. The poetical thoroughly prevades every art, every revealing of coming to presence into the beautiful.

1 3 4 (5800) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140724 20140724 0 -1+ journal_2014.html
Human atrocities associated with computers since the twentieth century holocaust facilitated by IBM machinery have at least three historical eras, stages, epochs, periods, times, encountered in progressions by Johnson from first to third edition of book through reiterations by digital humanities scholars who inevitably assemble and use complex computer systems to do their work, the question being whether and to what extent they self program and self assemble those computing environments, what I am calling virtual milieu susceptible to ensoniment as example of another floss project working code critical programming, that is, by critically working code places to do philosophy of computing shine out.

1 3 4 (5900) [-6+]mCQK heidegger-introduction_to_metaphysics (96) 20120511 0 -3+ progress/1996/05/notes_for_heidegger-introduction_to_metaphysics.html
Returning to tolma for the challenge to conduct digital humanities scholarship from the heart of technology. "This knowledge includes what the Greeks in their great age called tolma: to undertake the venture of being, nonbeing, and appearance all at once, i.e. to take upon oneself being-there as a de-cision between being, nonbeing, and appearance." (96)

1 3 4 (6000) [-6+]mCQK heidegger-question_concerning_technology (25) 20130928s 0 -4+ progress/1995/08/notes_for_heidegger-question_concerning_technology.html
Freedom of the open. "All revealing comes out of the open, goes into the open, and brings into the open. The freedom of the open consists neither in unfettered arbitrariness nor in the constraint of mere laws. Freedom is that which conceals in a way that opens to light, in whose clearing there shimmers that veil that covers what comes to presence of all truth and lets the veil appear as what veils. Freedom is the realm of the destining that at any given time starts upon its way." (25)

1 3 4 (6100) [-6+]mCQK ong-orality_and_literacy (8) 20131006c 0 -3+ progress/2008/08/notes_for_ong-orality_and_literacy.html
Here is where to diverge from Ong by considering technological forms. "Language study in all but recent decades has focused on written texts rather than on orality for a readily assignable reason: the relationship of study itself to writing. All thought, including that in primary oral cultures, is to some degree analytic: it breaks its materials into various components. But abstractly sequential, classificatory, explanatory examination of phenomena or of stated truths is impossible without writing and reading." (8)

1 3 4 (6200) [-4+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (24) 20140103d 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Need sustained thought of literary humanist subject thinking alone or in small, self-selected groups.

1 3 4 (6400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130206 TAPOC_20130206 0 -1+ journal_2013.html
Some procedural rhetorics think inside the box, others outside; mine critical reverse engineers the box, as in critical programing studies of pinball platforms.

1 3 4 (6600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20131213 20131213b 0 -3+ journal_2013.html
At the collective, societal scale we must get back on track and reverse the decline of overall intelligence, a trending deaugmentation in which we and our machinic others have inadvertently embroiled ourselves. We hang on to Derrida and other philosophical traditions because we retain the belief with the ancients long dead whose thoughts may still live or be enacted in machine cognition. Thus Kittler and others express warning that we are too comfortable assuming the philosophical critique of writing presented in ancient Greek texts is adequate to interpret the age of electronic computing.

--1.3.5+++ plan of the dissertation

1 3 5 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140117 TAPOC_20140117 0 -8+ journal_2014.html
The overall trajectory of the dissertation lays out the problem in the first chapter that under digital technologies humans have begun to get dumber while machines continue improving, and articulates this situation as the post-postmodern cyborg network dividual in the second chapter by looking at the relationships between subjectivity, technology, cybernetics, embodiment and techno-capitalist networks constituting human machine symbiotic being. The third chapter develops a theoretical framework and methodology combining critical theory, textuality and media studies with the social construction of technology, applied to histories of computers, networking, and software. This background sets the stage for review of the related disciplines of software studies, game studies, moving to critical code studies implicitly in chapter four, and platform studies in chapter five after fixing initial textual ambiguity through undefined state PHI as in uninitialized memory for objects or atomic units of object ontologies PHI, arriving, arriving at a critical framework for revisiting cyborg identity deeply intertwining human and machine practices and concerns. The fourth chapter then applies the framework to a study of philosophical programmers, examining the work and writings of pioneers of computers, programming languages, networking protocols, and operating systems, and application developers. It also examines ethnographic studies of programming practices and research in learning programming. The final two chapters synthetically develop the notion of critical programming as a digital humanities discipline aimed at mitigating the problems of the cyborg dividual by suggesting an approach towards a philosophy of computing. Chapter five explores how philosophy happens in such working code places articulated in the previous chapters, foregrounding the work of a number of contemporary programming philosophers before delving into three software projects that I have been developing for the past decades as sites for expanding my philosophical horizons in the context of my professional work as a professional software engineer and the UCF texts and technology doctoral program. Finally, chapter six responds to the problems posed at the outset and offers recommendations for further study, offering numerous current and future digital humanities studies and solutions.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=1 and (Heading=3) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName


TOC 1.3 not to use old tools for new problems, scholarship requires a cybersage, digital humanities projects, critical programming studies, plan of the dissertation

Chapter 2 Situation post-postmodern network dividual cyborg


2 0+ 0 (100) [-8+]mCQK bork-journal 20141201 20141201a 0 -16+ journal_2014.html
This chapter surveys the relationships between modernism, postmodernism, subjectivity, cybernetics, human embodiment, and techno-capitalist networks collectively constituting human machine symbiotic being to produce an initial response to Kittlerƒs challenge that we assess the situation as humans steeped in the technological media specific to our social milieu. The current intellectual climate in the United States, taking off from the collective intelligence problems entailed by there having been a dumbest generation passing through the technological era of electronic computing into the Internet epoch, I theorize as post-postmodern network dividual cyborg. Kittler challenges us to describe what I call the ƒas is situationƒ despite knowing we think through the media we investigate, and this intellectual ethic, if you may call it that, that you must use similar media extends from popular to technological scope. In the epoch of electracy, humans and machines enter complex networks and ways of being qualitatively different than from those emerging from orality and literacy, for the latter are bounded by the limits of natural automata and mechanical media. At the same time, post-postmodern network dividual cyborgs are the descendants of the dumbest generation from which they must emerge for collective salvation at wild temporal scale Lyotard intuits. Hardt and Negri do an excellent job articulating modernity and postmodernity, and conclude the present age goes beyond into what the call Empire that is embodied as the technological milieu. The particular mode of subjectivity that has developed in the western world, particularly the United States, appears regressive when measured against the modernist ideal. By calling it Heideggerƒs America, I appeal to theorists like Benjamin, Horkheimer and Adorno, Barthes, Baudrillard, and Derrida who join their critiques of machine technology with the flaws of capitalism, but do not shy from providing an expansive technological solution to the problems I pose. From technogenesis to synaptogenesis, cybernetics combine with embodied life along not just intellectual but also affective, audible inputs. It is not surprising that popular threads of continental philosophy merge with science fiction narratives, and all divisions are subsumed by humans living with transnational general intelligence coconstituting it in distributed LANs (the technologically correct exposition will be examined in chapter four from the tech perspective). Human being as dividual, rather than the individual, operates in these spaces; with full appreciation of the technological component, it becomes the dividual cyborg. Deleuze, Postman, Jameson, Lyotard, Barthes, Hardt and Negri, Latour are key theorists of the dividual, whereas the cyborg concept is articulated by further refined by Guattari, Haraway, Castells, Kittler, Edwards, Turkle, Hayles, Chun, Galloway, Berry, Jenkins, Manovich, and others. While this conception of humans and machines fleshes out the dumbest generation under the sway of global capital, it also harbors a saving power, building from Hardt and Negri and philosophical programmers. The final section of this chapter rounds out the literature review of the as-is situation with cybersage imagery from Licklider, Levy, Murray, Turkle, Lessig and Rushkoff. Realize dividual must precede cyborg, suggesting intuitions of machine components of cyborg embodiment immanent with localhost variations of cybernetic life. From this vantage the general collective intelligence problem implicating humans and machines in our shared destinies will be firmly established.

2 0+ 0 (200) [-6+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (xxxix) 20130413 0 -2+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
In terms of rhetorical effect, few critical works addressing the human situation with respect to technological media more compellingly cast the serious need to study it than the first paragraphs of this preface. "Media determine our situation, which in spite or because of it deserves a description.
(xxxix) Indeed: in 1941, with the knowledge of files and technologies, enemy positions and deployment plans, and located at the center of the Army High Command in Berlinƒs Bendlerstrasse, it may still have been possible to take stock of the situation." (xxxix)

2 0+ 0 (300) [-6+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (xxxix-xl) 20131021a 0 -5+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Yet the situation must be more readily understandable now for being modulated by decades of psychological research and studies of human computer interaction shaped by the tendency to recast everything in rationalized terms amenable to modeling " I propose that there is value in teasing out a more detailed theory of what happened to the mutually augmenting human computer symbiosis such that its trajectory has now veered towards diminished human capacity to thoughtfully interact with machines permitting an equilibrium to exist in which the latter continue to become smarter, and the former, dumber, taken as less mobile, industrious, more striated. (xxxix-xl) The present situation is more obscure. First, the pertinent files are kept in archives that will all remain classified for exactly as many years as there remains a difference between files and facts, between planned objectives and their realization. Second, even secret files suffer a loss of power when real streams of data, bypassing writing and writers, turn out merely to be unreadable series of numbers circulating between networked computers. Technologies that not only subvert writing, but engulf it and carry it off along with so-called Man, render their own description impossible. Increasingly, data flows once confined to books and later to records and files are disappearing into black holes and boxes that, as artificial intelligence, are bidding us farewell on their way to nameless high commands." (Simon; Turkle)

2 0+ 0 (400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150212 20150212 0 -9+ journal_2015.html
Suggest that subjectivity became regressive the way we became posthuman, always already having been, through the coevolution of the Leviathan as the surrounding inhuman technologized biopower environment. This is the Big Other of capitalism, bureaucracy, collective global intelligence of which individuals and groups sense they are a part, yet also separate from and at odds as individual desires conflict with default unit operations. The feeling of mass conspiracy, characterized as if it were a mass conspiracy without actual conscious agent at the center, breeds regression, resignation, indignation. The diachrony in synchrony, decentralized, protocological network model helps analyze this overall ontic situation. The hope of developing stronger, more meaningful connections between individual human biological entities and various collective levels is furthered by machinic integration. Yet it must be considered that, while the human machine symbiosis continues to deepen through commingled technogenesis and synaptogenesis of dividual cyborgs inhabiting code space, its possible trajectories are multiple and contingent. Thus Rushkoffƒs program or be programmed dilemma points to a continuum of likely futures rather than an either/or destiny. The WALL-E image that I have been using represents an extreme because the planet itself has been removed from the mix, replaced with spaceships. This may be a metaphor for our individual futures as our generations age and return to artificial wombs whose virtual reality and medical apparatus resemble the controlled environment of the Axiom.

2 0+ 0 (600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150215 20150215 2 -3+ journal_2015.html
The difference I wish to tease out is between Foucault dust and working code to represent extreme poles of machine human and human machine comportment PHI, from accidental randomness forcing deliberate complex documentary organization of reports and registers to deliberate second order interaction at which point it makes sense to consider oneself to program or be programmed. It is regressive because it operates by dust logic, the default, so that what seems bad is bad for lack of other multipurposive layers providing value support. The collective is judged a unidirectional energy sink, menace, so that Maslow hierarchy of needs treated as a diachronic, ascending sequence leaving the majority partially satisfied, and an asymmetric flip side in which the house, taken as the Big Other, always wins.

2 0+ 0 (900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150221 20150221 5 -4+ journal_2015.html
It seems Horkheimer and Adorno ticket thinking you think with machinery not as them plays on same danger felt in antiquity with writing; from the subjects of blistering critique of hams by Adorno to original hackers who brought us the Internet, we are truly post their modern and postmodern positions. As we look at the electra over tracy we must consider full gamut of technological application, not mere regressive consumer or fanatic. Need to go from post postmodern into network, which includes strict engineering specification and their scientific and metaphorical diagrams, to reach dividual cyborg enmeshed in technocapitalist networks. Did Horkheimer and Adorno mean punch cards when they characterized ticket thinking, or do they intend a wholly different meaning than government use of machinery to do evil things.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=2 and (Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

2.1 modernism and postmodernism, regressive subjectivity, inventing the posthuman in Heideggers America


2 0+ 0 (100) [-8+]mCQK bork-journal 20141201 20141201a 0 -16+ journal_2014.html
This chapter surveys the relationships between modernism, postmodernism, subjectivity, cybernetics, human embodiment, and techno-capitalist networks collectively constituting human machine symbiotic being to produce an initial response to Kittlerƒs challenge that we assess the situation as humans steeped in the technological media specific to our social milieu. The current intellectual climate in the United States, taking off from the collective intelligence problems entailed by there having been a dumbest generation passing through the technological era of electronic computing into the Internet epoch, I theorize as post-postmodern network dividual cyborg. Kittler challenges us to describe what I call the ƒas is situationƒ despite knowing we think through the media we investigate, and this intellectual ethic, if you may call it that, that you must use similar media extends from popular to technological scope. In the epoch of electracy, humans and machines enter complex networks and ways of being qualitatively different than from those emerging from orality and literacy, for the latter are bounded by the limits of natural automata and mechanical media. At the same time, post-postmodern network dividual cyborgs are the descendants of the dumbest generation from which they must emerge for collective salvation at wild temporal scale Lyotard intuits. Hardt and Negri do an excellent job articulating modernity and postmodernity, and conclude the present age goes beyond into what the call Empire that is embodied as the technological milieu. The particular mode of subjectivity that has developed in the western world, particularly the United States, appears regressive when measured against the modernist ideal. By calling it Heideggerƒs America, I appeal to theorists like Benjamin, Horkheimer and Adorno, Barthes, Baudrillard, and Derrida who join their critiques of machine technology with the flaws of capitalism, but do not shy from providing an expansive technological solution to the problems I pose. From technogenesis to synaptogenesis, cybernetics combine with embodied life along not just intellectual but also affective, audible inputs. It is not surprising that popular threads of continental philosophy merge with science fiction narratives, and all divisions are subsumed by humans living with transnational general intelligence coconstituting it in distributed LANs (the technologically correct exposition will be examined in chapter four from the tech perspective). Human being as dividual, rather than the individual, operates in these spaces; with full appreciation of the technological component, it becomes the dividual cyborg. Deleuze, Postman, Jameson, Lyotard, Barthes, Hardt and Negri, Latour are key theorists of the dividual, whereas the cyborg concept is articulated by further refined by Guattari, Haraway, Castells, Kittler, Edwards, Turkle, Hayles, Chun, Galloway, Berry, Jenkins, Manovich, and others. While this conception of humans and machines fleshes out the dumbest generation under the sway of global capital, it also harbors a saving power, building from Hardt and Negri and philosophical programmers. The final section of this chapter rounds out the literature review of the as-is situation with cybersage imagery from Licklider, Levy, Murray, Turkle, Lessig and Rushkoff. Realize dividual must precede cyborg, suggesting intuitions of machine components of cyborg embodiment immanent with localhost variations of cybernetic life. From this vantage the general collective intelligence problem implicating humans and machines in our shared destinies will be firmly established.

2 0+ 0 (200) [-6+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (xxxix) 20130413 0 -2+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
In terms of rhetorical effect, few critical works addressing the human situation with respect to technological media more compellingly cast the serious need to study it than the first paragraphs of this preface. "Media determine our situation, which in spite or because of it deserves a description.
(xxxix) Indeed: in 1941, with the knowledge of files and technologies, enemy positions and deployment plans, and located at the center of the Army High Command in Berlinƒs Bendlerstrasse, it may still have been possible to take stock of the situation." (xxxix)

2 0+ 0 (300) [-6+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (xxxix-xl) 20131021a 0 -5+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Yet the situation must be more readily understandable now for being modulated by decades of psychological research and studies of human computer interaction shaped by the tendency to recast everything in rationalized terms amenable to modeling " I propose that there is value in teasing out a more detailed theory of what happened to the mutually augmenting human computer symbiosis such that its trajectory has now veered towards diminished human capacity to thoughtfully interact with machines permitting an equilibrium to exist in which the latter continue to become smarter, and the former, dumber, taken as less mobile, industrious, more striated. (xxxix-xl) The present situation is more obscure. First, the pertinent files are kept in archives that will all remain classified for exactly as many years as there remains a difference between files and facts, between planned objectives and their realization. Second, even secret files suffer a loss of power when real streams of data, bypassing writing and writers, turn out merely to be unreadable series of numbers circulating between networked computers. Technologies that not only subvert writing, but engulf it and carry it off along with so-called Man, render their own description impossible. Increasingly, data flows once confined to books and later to records and files are disappearing into black holes and boxes that, as artificial intelligence, are bidding us farewell on their way to nameless high commands." (Simon; Turkle)

2 0+ 0 (400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150212 20150212 0 -9+ journal_2015.html
Suggest that subjectivity became regressive the way we became posthuman, always already having been, through the coevolution of the Leviathan as the surrounding inhuman technologized biopower environment. This is the Big Other of capitalism, bureaucracy, collective global intelligence of which individuals and groups sense they are a part, yet also separate from and at odds as individual desires conflict with default unit operations. The feeling of mass conspiracy, characterized as if it were a mass conspiracy without actual conscious agent at the center, breeds regression, resignation, indignation. The diachrony in synchrony, decentralized, protocological network model helps analyze this overall ontic situation. The hope of developing stronger, more meaningful connections between individual human biological entities and various collective levels is furthered by machinic integration. Yet it must be considered that, while the human machine symbiosis continues to deepen through commingled technogenesis and synaptogenesis of dividual cyborgs inhabiting code space, its possible trajectories are multiple and contingent. Thus Rushkoffƒs program or be programmed dilemma points to a continuum of likely futures rather than an either/or destiny. The WALL-E image that I have been using represents an extreme because the planet itself has been removed from the mix, replaced with spaceships. This may be a metaphor for our individual futures as our generations age and return to artificial wombs whose virtual reality and medical apparatus resemble the controlled environment of the Axiom.

2 0+ 0 (600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150215 20150215 2 -3+ journal_2015.html
The difference I wish to tease out is between Foucault dust and working code to represent extreme poles of machine human and human machine comportment PHI, from accidental randomness forcing deliberate complex documentary organization of reports and registers to deliberate second order interaction at which point it makes sense to consider oneself to program or be programmed. It is regressive because it operates by dust logic, the default, so that what seems bad is bad for lack of other multipurposive layers providing value support. The collective is judged a unidirectional energy sink, menace, so that Maslow hierarchy of needs treated as a diachronic, ascending sequence leaving the majority partially satisfied, and an asymmetric flip side in which the house, taken as the Big Other, always wins.

2 0+ 0 (900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150221 20150221 5 -4+ journal_2015.html
It seems Horkheimer and Adorno ticket thinking you think with machinery not as them plays on same danger felt in antiquity with writing; from the subjects of blistering critique of hams by Adorno to original hackers who brought us the Internet, we are truly post their modern and postmodern positions. As we look at the electra over tracy we must consider full gamut of technological application, not mere regressive consumer or fanatic. Need to go from post postmodern into network, which includes strict engineering specification and their scientific and metaphorical diagrams, to reach dividual cyborg enmeshed in technocapitalist networks. Did Horkheimer and Adorno mean punch cards when they characterized ticket thinking, or do they intend a wholly different meaning than government use of machinery to do evil things.

-2.1.1+++ modernism and postmodernism

2 1 1 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20141215 20141215 3 -12+ journal_2014.html
The liberal humanist subject signifies the properly cognitive, intellectual, spiritual individuality of a specific, putatively universal biological creature, yet has been demonstrated to reflect not only ocularcentric biases specific to print media but also preferences of hegemonic male, privileged actors. The emblematic expression of this subjectivity Foucault presents, the Las Meninas painting by Velasquez, illustrates the modernity appeal to sound metanarratives including perspectival and lighting science, and hence is emblematic of the developed center of great periodization theories. Following a pattern well established in the digital humanities of enframing fundamental philosophical positions within their technological age, the constitution of the broad notion of human being is formed around the physical, cultural, and technical contours of their dominant media technologies. In such broad periodization models, centuries of sway by print literacy begin to be surpassed by dynamic, electrically powered media in the late nineteenth through mid twentieth century, ending the period generally called modernism and ushering in the period after, the postmodern, whose conception of humanity was threatened by dissolution of guiding metanarratives into inauthentic relativisms featuring the precession of simulacra in unconscious market economies; the trick is to conceive of the autochthonous autometanarrative machines chattering away in cyberspace long after humans die off, though this latter point should be note relevance at best. As electronic surpassed electromechanical regulation, a new model of the soul emerged that was far superior to the gramophone, film and typewriter construction Kittler, Derrida, Ulmer prime digital humanities to dwell upon while demonstrating again and again how Freud and Foucault were caught in its oncoming spell: the automatic digital computer. At the same time, the unified, private individuality of the modernist subject, splintered into the schizoid, postmodern dividual, begins to reassemble around a virtual core whose sense organs, memory and cognitive faculties extend into the inhuman environment. However, as convincingly argued by Catherine Malabou in What Should We Do With Our Brain?, it has become difficult to distinguish between the latest findings of neural science and the prevalent rhetorics of global capitalism. The fate of the dividual cyborg therefore seems to be at the mercy of transnational corporate agendas that manufacture desires and means to achieve them, consummating the regressive consumer mentality railed against by Frankfurt school critical theorists like Horkheimer and Adorno. Repeating Postman from the previous chapter, nothing interesting ever happens for the losers. I said the other day the last time I was stalling must prove regression subject to technological as well as cultural factors, although really not until chapter three via Manovich. Let and note the as is situation emphasize human phenomenology so does not dive deep into technology studies the way SCOT takes off into software studies.

2 1 1 (200) [-4+]mCQK foucault-order_of_things (ix) 20140115 0 0+ progress/2011/05/notes_for_foucault-order_of_things.html
Las Meninas painting by Velasquez illustrates modernity appeal to sound metanarratives including perspectival and lighting science, and hence is emblematic of great periodization theories.

2 1 1 (300) [-4+]mCQK feenberg-transforming_technology (162) 20131030c 0 -1+ progress/2009/11/notes_for_feenberg-transforming_technology.html
Pippin definition of modernity as affirmation of autonomy against traditional authorities.

2 1 1 (400) [-4+]mCQK misa-leonardo_to_the_internet (25) 20131006k 0 -8+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_misa-leonardo_to_the_internet.html
Print humanities were born; compare to relative scarcity and then proliferation of electronic computing machinery.

2 1 1 (500) [-7+]mCQK turkle-inner_history_of_devices (135) 20131014a 0 -1+ progress/2010/08/notes_for_turkle-inner_history_of_devices.html
Modernity internalization of discipline. (135) The genius of modernity is that in it individuals are taught to assess and contain
themselves, a point underscored in the work of Michel Foucault, who describes how medical, legal, and political institutions make individuals aware of what constitutes transgression and that they are being continually assessed.

2 1 1 (600) [-7+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (xxiii) 20131004c 0 -1+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Modern defined as any science legitimating itself with reference to metadiscourse appealing to some grand narrative. (xxiii) I will use the term
modern to designate any science that legitimates itself with reference to a metadiscourse of this kind making an explicit appeal to some grand narrative, such as the dialectics of Spirit, the hermeneutics of meaning, the emancipation of the rational or working subject, or the creation of wealth.

2 1 1 (700) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (76) 20140816e 0 -2+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Modernity defined by crisis between immanence and transcendence; Eurocentrism a symptom.

2 1 1 (800) [-4+]mCQK bukatman-terminal_identity (3) 20130908 0 -1+ progress/1994/06/notes_for_bukatman-terminal_identity.html
Jameson periodization of culture.

2 1 1 (900) [-6+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (69-70) 20140816b 0 -2+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Three moments of modernity. "Tracing the emerging figure of the concept of sovereignty through various developments in modern European philosophy should allow us to recognize that Europe and modernity are neither unitary nor pacific constructions, but rather from the beginning were characterized by struggle, conflict, and crisis. We identify three moments in the constitution of European modernity that articulate the initial figure of the modern concept of sovereignty: first, the revolutionary discovery of the plane of immanence; second, the reaction against these immanent forces and the crisis in the form of authority; and third, the partial and temporary resolution of this crisis in the formation of the modern state as a locus of sovereignty that transcends and mediates the plane of immanent forces." (69-70) Discovery of plane of immanence, crisis of authority, formation of modern state.

2 1 1 (1000) [-6+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (78) 20140816f 0 -7+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Triad of mediations of phenomenal filter, intellectual reflection and schematism of reason counter humanist strength, desire, and love. "It was paramount to avoid the multitudeƒs being understood, a la Spinoza, in a direct, immediate relation with divinity and nature, as the ethical producer of life and the world. On the contrary, in every case mediation had to be imposed on the complexity of human relations. . . . Hence the triad
vis-cupiditas-amor (strength-desire-love) which constituted the productive matrix of the revolutionary thought of humanism was opposed by a triad of specific mediations. Nature and experience are unrecognizable except through the filter of phenomena; human knowledge cannot be achieved except through the reflection of the intellect; and the ethical world is incommunicable except through the schematism of reason." (78)

2 1 1 (1100) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (79) 20140816g 0 -6+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Descartes inaugurates bourgeois ideology, Kant at the center, Hegel the transcendent power of the state.

2 1 1 (1200) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (83-84) 20140816h 0 -11+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Hobbes social contract defines sovereignty by transcendence and representation.

2 1 1 (1300) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (85) 20140816i 0 -5+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Rousseau republican absolute equivalent to Hobbes God on earth, pointing to capitalist market as foundation of values.

2 1 1 (1400) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (87) 20140816k 0 -2+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Hegelian particular universal relation connected to development of capital.

2 1 1 (1500) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (85-86) 20140816j 0 -20+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Sovereign authority sustained by capitalist market as articulated by Adam Smith theory of value.

2 1 1 (1600) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (94) 20141123 0 -10+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Patrimonial monarchy unopposed basis of peace and social life until bourgeois revolutions.

2 1 1 (1700) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (114) 20140928 0 -2+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Intimate relation of crisis of modernity to racial subordination and colonization; nation-state is machine producing Others.

2 1 1 (1800) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (118) 20140928b 0 -13+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Marx recognized utopian potential of global interaction, but only thought within European historical movements.

2 1 1 (1900) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (95) 20141123a 0 -8+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Transfer to spiritual identity of nation, subjects to citizens.

2 1 1 (2000) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (121) 20140928c 0 -4+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Colonial slavery key to European commerce and process of capital development.

2 1 1 (2100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140312 20140312 0 -2+ journal_2014.html
Historical accounts of the development of literacy, print, and electronic forms of communication present similar narratives, stepping through familiar sequences of inventions, canonical examples, and social adaptations to them, from early forms of picture writing, alphabets, manuscript, mechanical printing, electrified mass production, to the digital codes, virtual environments, and Internet based media. Yet these studies of texts and technology often manifest the tensions between two overall, opposing philosophical positions, broadly referred to as modernism and postmodernism, yielding different assessments of what kinds of media future scholars should study, what techniques to employ and teach others, and even what may be the ultimate trajectory of human beings and machines as a result.

2 1 1 (2200) [-4+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (32) 20131003k 1 -5+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Constitutional guarantees of moderns: nature and social constructed but seem natural, distinct from mediation under crossed out God.

2 1 1 (2300) [-6+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (49) 20131003o 0 -3+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Diagram of purification and mediation. "The modern Constitution has collapsed under its own weight, submerged by the mixtures that it tolerated as material for experimentation because it simultaneously dissimulated their impact upon the fabric of society. The third estate ends up being too numerous to feel that it is faithfully represented either by the order of objects or by the order of subjects.
(50-51) The diagnosis of the crisis with which I began this essay is now quite clear:
the proliferation of hybrids has saturated the constitutional framework of the moderns." (49)

2 1 1 (2400) [-6+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (55-56) 20131003p 0 -6+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Excursion through history of philosophy since the Enlightenment through postmodernism stretching over gap. "The first consists in establishing a great gap between objects and subjects and continually increasing the distance between them; the second, known as the ƒsemiotic turnƒ, focuses on the middle and abandons the extremes; the third isolates the idea of Being, thus rejecting the whole divide between objects, discourse and subjects.
(56) It is with Kantianism that our Constitution receives its truly canonical formulation. What was a mere distinction is sharpened into a total separation, a Copernican Revolution. Things-in-themselves become inaccessible while, symmetrically, the transcendental subject becomes infinitely remote from the world.
(57) The greatness of dialectics derives from its attempt to traverse the complete circle of the premoderns, one last time, by encompassing all divine, social and natural beings, in order to avoid the Kantianist contradiction between the role of purification and that of mediation.
(57) Again, one last time, phenomenology was to establish the great split, but this time with less ballast: it jettisoned the two poles of pure consciousness and pure object and spread itself, literally, over the middle, in an attempt to cover the now gaping hole that it sensed it could no longer absorb." (55-56)

2 1 1 (2500) [-6+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (34) 20131003l 0 -5+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Summary of modernist position linked to hybrids, anchor points oscillate between transcendence/immanence of nature and society. "The essential point of this modern Constitution is that it renders the work of mediation that assembles hybrids invisible, unthinkable, unrepresentable. . . . By playing three times in a row on the same alternation between transcendence and immanence,
the moderns can mobilize Nature, objectify the social, and feel the spiritual presence of God, even while firmly maintaining that Nature escapes us, that Society is our own work, and that God no longer intervenes." (34)

2 1 1 (2600) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (12-13) 20131004p 0 -7+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Under modernism, critical theory and Maxism putative alternative to positivist use of knowledge to regulate society, but still used to program the system, and assumes society is a giant machine.

2 1 1 (2700) [-6+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (183) 20141022w 0 -3+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Foucault version not much different from modernist mandate of Enlightenment in Kant sapere aude. "Kant
provides the classic modernist characterization of the mandate of the Enlightenment: Sapere aude (dare to know), emerge from the present state of immaturity, and celebrate the public use of reason at the center of the social realm. Foucaultƒs version, when we situate it historically, is not really all that different.
(184) In this ebb and flow between inside and outside, the critique of modernity does not finally go beyond its terms and limits, but rather stands poised on its boundaries." (183) Remains at boundaries.

2 1 1 (2800) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (185) 20141022x 0 -5+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Hardt and Negri consider Machiavelli, Spinoza and Marx top critiques of modern political theory.

2 1 1 (2900) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (187) 20141125 0 -1+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Process of modernization internalizes the outside.

2 1 1 (3000) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (139) 20141022a 0 -2+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Postmodernist thought of Lyotard, Baudrillard, Derrida challenges binary logics of modernity.

2 1 1 (3100) [-9]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (xxiii) 20131004b 0 -4+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Postmodern defined as condition of knowledge in the most highly developed societies following transformations since end of nineteenth century as context for crisis of narratives. "The object of this study is the condition of knowledge in the most highly developed societies. I have decided to use the word
postmodern to describe that condition. The word is in current use on the American continent among sociologists and critics; it designates the state of our culture following the transformations which, since the end of the nineteenth century, have altered the game rules for science, literature, and the arts. The present study will place these transformations in the context of the crisis of narratives." (xxiii)

2 1 1 (3200) [-6+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (ix-x) 20130929 0 -15+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
Definition of postmodernism is consumption of sheer commodification as a process. "It is safest to grasp the concept of the postmodern as an attempt to think the present historically in an age that has forgotten how to think historically in the first place. . . . Postmodernism, postmodern consciousness, may then amount to not much more than theorizing its own condition of possibility, which consists primarily in the sheer enumeration of changes and modifications. . . . Postmodernism is what you have when the modernization process is complete and nature is gone for good. . . . So, in postmodern culture, culture has become a product in its own right; the market has become a substitute for itself and fully as much a commodity as any of the items it includes within itself: modernism was still minimally and tendentially the critique of the commodity and the effort to make it transcend itself.
Postmodernism is the consumption of sheer commodification as a process. The life-style of the superstate therefore stands in relationship to Marxƒs fetishism of commodities as the most advanced monotheisms to primitive animisms or the most rudimentary idol worship." (ix-x)

2 1 1 (3300) [-6+]mCQK drucker_and_mcvarish-graphic_design (313) 20120324 0 -7+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_drucker_and_mcvarish-graphic_design.html
Great characterization of postmodernism. "Postmodernism was, in part,
an attitude toward origins and change: in the beginning was the quotation, and in the end, more of the same. . . . In practical terms, such theses suggested that the history of art and design constituted a vast archive to be quoted, appropriated, refused in a newly critical, reflective way.
(314) Throughout the modern era, design was as much an instrument of cultural administration as it was an expression or means of enlightenment. But belief in progress still underlay its practice and reception, and the loss of this belief amounted to a general crisis." (313)

2 1 1 (3400) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (81) 20131006 0 -12+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Postmodern works without rules until the work is complete enough that they appear after the fact.

2 1 1 (3500) [-7+]mCQK heidegger-question_concerning_technology (27) 20130928w 0 -3+ progress/1995/08/notes_for_heidegger-question_concerning_technology.html
Truth comes to pass in unconcealment veiled by representational thinking, precession of simulacra. (27) Thus the challenging Enframing not only conceals the former way or revealing, bringing-forth, but it conceals revealing itself and with it That wherein unconcealment, i.e., truth, comes to pass.

2 1 1 (3600) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (3) 20131004d 0 -7+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
General situation of temporal disjunction.

2 1 1 (3700) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (187) 20141125a 0 -8+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Postmodern process makes everything artificial; non-place of Debord spectacle ends outside liberal space of politics.

2 1 1 (3800) [-4+]mCQK baudrillard-simulations (83) 20130915 0 -1+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_baudrillard-simulations.html
Three orders of simulacra: counterfeit, production, simulation.

2 1 1 (3900) [-4+]mCQK baudrillard-simulations (87-88) 20130915a 4 -2+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_baudrillard-simulations.html
Universal substitutability of stucco for other visual objects like universal Turing machine among order of simulacra.

2 1 1 (4000) [-4+]mCQK baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation (31) 20130915b 0 -4+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation.html
Simulation defined: no separation, implosion, indifferentiation of active and passive.

2 1 1 (4100) [-6+]mCQK baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation (1) 20120906 0 -4+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation.html
Simulation generates hyperreal models, and precession of simulacra engenders history. "Simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential being, or a substance. It is the generation by models of a real without origin or reality; a hyperreal. The territory no longer precedes the map, nor does it survive it. It is nevertheless the map that precedes the territory
precession of simulacra that engenders the territory." (1)

2 1 1 (4200) [-4+]mCQK baudrillard-simulations (83) 20130908 0 -1+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_baudrillard-simulations.html
Structural law of value readily comprehended, epistemological transparent, in electronic computing machinery; thus it is not surprising that Turkle and others associate computer technology with postmodernism.

2 1 1 (4300) [-6+]mCQK baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation (164) 20130915k 0 -2+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation.html
Victory of the systemic nihilism, the third type after aesthetic and metaphysical forms. "Death no longer has a stage, neither phantasmatic nor political, on which to represent itself, to play itself out, either a ceremonial or a violent one. And this is the victory of the other nihilism, of the other terrorism, that of the system." (164)

2 1 1 (4400) [-6+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (189) 20141022z 0 -6+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Omni-crisis of postmodernity. "The binaries that defined modern conflict have become blurred. The Other that might delimit a modern sovereign Self has become fractured and indistinct, and there is no longer an outside that can bound the place of sovereignty. . . . The end of the crisis of modernity has given rise to a proliferation of minor and indefinite crises, or, as we prefer, to an omni-crisis." (189)

2 1 1 (4500) [-6+]mCQK benjamin-work_of_art_in_age_of_mechanical_reproduction (XVI) 20130910j 0 -4+ progress/2011/03/notes_for_benjamin-work_of_art_in_age_of_mechanical_reproduction.html
Necessity of war to preserve property system and scarcity, for example famous shot of precision-guided bomb destroying a target. "(Epilogue) All efforts to render politics aesthetic culminate in one thing: war. . . ." (XVI) Also looks to use of media by military.

2 1 1 (4600) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (12) 20131004o 0 -9+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Horkheimer paranoia of reason caught in feedback loop with belief that society is a giant machine, technocrat unicity.

2 1 1 (4700) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (18-19) 20131004t 0 -8+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Knowledge includes embodied and situated competencies; narrative form appropriate to multitude of language games (Gee).

2 1 1 (4800) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (60-61) 20131005o 0 -6+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Little narrative remains quintessential form of imaginative invention, though object of administrative procedures (Luhman, Latour).

2 1 1 (4900) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (28) 20131004v 0 -8+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Space program good example of state spending to pass science off as epic.

2 1 1 (5000) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (63-64) 20131005q 0 -6+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Luhmann system includes terrorist behavior: recall CAP presentation on organizational deception loops.

2 1 1 (5100) [-1+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (322) 20130930s 0 -1+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
Language overdetermines like panopticon; totalization including language, built environment, and their emergent cultural forms, overdetermines perception and action.

2 1 1 (5200) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (41) 20131005c 0 -4+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
People intrinsically realize their knowledge is legitimated only by linguistic practices and communicational interaction.

2 1 1 (5300) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (55-56) 20131005l 0 -8+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Failure of perfect control oriented to continuous improvement as argued by Brillouin.

2 1 1 (5400) [-6+]mCQK baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation (161) 20130915h 0 -1+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation.html
Theories float in uncertain stage of analysis assisting precession of simulacra growing the desert. "The stage of analysis itself has become uncertain, aleatory: theories float." (161)

2 1 1 (5500) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (59) 20131005m 0 -2+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Thom islands of determinism replace stable systems.

2 1 1 (5600) [-6+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (410-411) 20131001b 0 -1+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
Beautifully stated version of Fuller great pirates losing their grip on totality. "Too rapidly we can say that, while in older societies and perhaps even in the early stages of market capital, the immediate and limited experience of individuals is still able to encompass and coincide with the true economic and social form that governs that experience, in the next moment these two levels drift ever further apart and really begin to constitute themselves into the opposition the classical dialectic describes as
Wesen and Erscheinung, essence and appearance, structure and lived experience." (410-411)

2 1 1 (5700) [-7+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (373) 20130930w 0 -6+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
Postmodern mode of totalizing eloquently described. (373) We thus turn out to be whatever we are in, confront, inhabit, or habitually move through, provided it is understood that under current conditions we are obliged to renegotiate all those spaces or channels back and forth ceaselessly in a single Joycean day. . . . such interfection is then the very prototype of what we may call the postmodern mode of totalizing.
(376) As an ideology which is also a reality, the postmodern cannot be disproved insofar as its fundamental feature is the radical separation of all the levels and voices whose recombination in their totality could alone disprove it.

2 1 1 (5800) [-6+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (4) 20131004f 0 -7+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Premonition that all research dictated by subsumption of results as computable information. "the direction of new research will be dictated by the possibility of its eventual results being translatable into computer language.
(4-5) The old principle that the acquisition of knowledge is indissociable from the training (Bildung) of minds or even of individuals, is becoming obsolete and will become ever more so. . . . Knowledge is as will be produced in order to be sold, it is and will be consumed in order to be valorized in a new production: in both cases, the goal is exchange. Knowledge ceases to be an end in itself, it loses its use value." (4) Knowledge loses use value.

2 1 1 (5900) [-6+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (5) 20131004g 0 -2+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Ideology of communicational transparency, and suggestion that government powers are the primary hindrance to it. "The ideology of communicational
transparency, which goes hand in hand with the commercialization of knowledge, will begin to perceive the State as a factor of opacity and noise. It is from this point of view that the problem of the relationship between economic and State powers threatens to arise with a new urgency." (5)

2 1 1 (6000) [-6+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (26) 20131004u 0 -1+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Postmodern mourning loss of meaning reflects spread of scientific knowledge at expense of narrative knowledge. "Lamenting the loss of meaning in postmodernity boils down to mourning the fact that knowledge is no longer principally narrative." (26)

2 1 1 (6100) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (66) 20131005t 0 -6+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Recognize through paralogy heteromorphous language games, renouncing terror, insisting on local game rules, favoring finite meta-arguments.

2 1 1 (6200) [-6+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (61) 20131005p 0 -2+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Postmodern legitimation is by paralogy, according to Wikipedia the movement against an established way of reasoning. "The problem is therefore to determine whether it is possible to have a form of legitimation based solely on
paralogy. Paralogy must be distinguished from innovation: the latter is under the command of the system, or at least used by it to improve its efficiency; the former is a move (the importance of which is often not recognized until later) played in the pragmatics of knowledge." (61) Weak tie to Derrida word play.

2 1 1 (6300) [-6+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (64) 20131005r 0 -3+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Open systems generate ideas. "To the extent that science is differential, its pragmatics provides the antimodel of a stable system. A statement is deemed worth retaining the moment it marks a different from what is already known, and after an argument and proof in support of it has been found. Science is a model of an open system, in which a statement becomes relevant if it generates ideas, that is, if it generates other statements and other game rules." (64)

2 1 1 (6400) [-6+]mCQK turkle-life_on_the_screen (47-48) 20131108e 0 -10+ progress/2011/05/notes_for_turkle-life_on_the_screen.html
Postmodern challenge to epistemologies of depth. "The notion of worlds without origins is close to the postmodern challenge to the traditional epistemologies of depth. . . . If there is no underlying meaning, or a meaning we shall never know, postmodern theorists argue that the privileged way of knowing can only be through an exploration of surfaces. . . . The French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss described the process of theoretical tinkering - bricolage - by which individuals and cultures use the objects around them to develop and assimilate ideas.
(48) one way to think about the social appropriability of a given theory is to ask whether it is accompanied by its own objects-to-think-with that can help it move out beyond intellectual circles." (47-48) Relate this to black boxes within white boxes, black based on value calculation for resolving to clarity.

2 1 1 (6500) [-6+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (417) 20131001g 0 -3+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
Are we there yet, the later form of capitalism postmodernism spanned from the previous? "for the moment, global capital seems able to follow its own nature and inclinations, without the traditional precautions. Here, then, we have yet another definition of postmodernism, and a useful one indeed, which only an ostrich will wish to accuse of pessimism. The postmodern may well in that sense be little more than a transitional period between two stages of capitalism, in which the earlier forms of the economic are in the process of being restructured on a global scale, including the older forms of labor and its traditional organizational institutions and concepts." (417)

2 1 1 (6600) [-4+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (10) 20130929i 0 -3+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
Waning effect, poststructuralist critique of hermeneutic depth model; compare to Turkle.

2 1 1 (6700) [-4+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (16) 20130929j 0 -4+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
Pastiche versus parody; Adorno.

2 1 1 (6800) [-4+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (55) 20130929s 0 -5+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
Postmodernism assumes radical split between consumer society and earlier forms of capitalism.

2 1 1 (6900) [-4+]mCQK baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation (27) 20130915 0 -1+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation.html
Loud family experiment anticipates reality TV and Truman Show.

2 1 1 (7000) [-4+]mCQK jenkins-convergence_culture (286-287) 20130930e 0 -2+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_jenkins-convergence_culture.html
Fake grassroots media quintessential postmodern simulacra.

2 1 1 (7100) [-4+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (xv) 20130929b 1 -5+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
Emphasis on visual textuality, video as distinctive new medium of postmodernism.

2 1 1 (7200) [-4+]mCQK baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation (162) 20130915i 4 -7+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation.html
Ontology of things emits melacholia of hegemony.

--2.1.2+++ regressive subjectivity

2 1 2 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20141207 20141207 1 -14+ journal_2014.html
If the preceding discussions of modernism and postmodern lay out the primary stances from which macro scale world views have been conceived up to the present age, at the level of individuals the term subjectivity is often invoked to describe our human situation. It implies situated, individual, embodied perceptual experience is the foundation of human being. It also acknowledges experience made conscious life is affected by habitual actions, particularly with regard to those functioning as expressive media enacted by intelligent cyborg subjects[, the lifetime habits formed having been using media to PHI content, both internal and external to those producing it in the sense of real virtuality production, instantaneous runtime PHI networks PHI, for example TCP/IP version 4], thus forming event horizons of possible experiences as an ontology generated dynamically in computing processes yet as real as any other representation derived from the same senses. Thus Kittlerƒs call to comprehend designer context of electronic circuits. To continue describing the current situation, I will quickly sketch the conception of subjectivity that accompanies modernism, then examine hallmark critics of its regression, who explain ways it deflects on account of weaknesses hegemony through race, gender, to ocularcentrism and other defaults associated with modernism repeating in more sophisticated forms in the present, outside the human, leading into the distributed networked electrified, technologically extended subjectivity made prominent by Marshall McLuhan onward from which contemporary cyborg identities arise. Regress implies turning away from better relation, which to technology causes the dumbest generation of human and machine entities PHI, to regress means generationally avoiding superior technologies with which to think, reason, compute within machine networks PHI. What happens when you treat ponenda non sumeret as operational parameter as if object function run time result can thus be tested empirically by working code, to me a form of critical programming. For the following argument traversing Heidegger Derrida Foucault trying to articulate regressive subjectivity by conceiving broad subjectivity conception, let regression relate to internalization of consumer relationships as ontogenesis of subjectivity, the latest name for preference formation, that for humans provides material for psychoanalysis and for machines and humans working code examples providing on demand generation of machines for producing places for critical programming: we are simply taking Turing seriously, from affordances of universal Turing machines to subtlety of Imitation game to points made by Kittler about need for embodied robotics over distributed networks not directly part of the physical environment. It is a rich new place from which to assess the present situation, not that cultural idiosyncrasies do not also matter in making the dumbest generation, but that I am stressing the electra rather than the traces of cultural production as the focus of analysis for deriving factors structuring subjectivity, emphasizing platforms studies as how the particular machine platforms interact with humans at generic scales, screens, keyboards, and so on, for the majority of humans of this milieu, conforming to their idiosyncratic, but also shared with their fellow consumers, perceptual and cognitive apparatus, the substrate of general intelligence if not part of its being. As the majority of listeners fall into regressive categories relative to ideal high art standards, electronic media is consumed in a manner that appears degenerate from the perspective of the ideal human computer symbioses Engelbart, Kay, Kemeny, Papert and others propose, in the direction of the Internet and LAN experience we have today, where we equivocate clicking cows with valuable behavior. That is, if we can grasp their schematism of perceptibility along with their more tempting to study content, we glimpse machine embodiment of the Big Other sharing the planetary environment with us humans. For example, foregrounding the implications for subjectivity interfacing the microelectronic circuits of gaming platforms over the cultural questions raised by their artwork and playing on the semi absurdity and slight ridiculousness of pmrek patent text incorporating Socratic reverse engineering algorithm PHI as an example of an educational environment for learning electronics and programming: this becomes a place to philosophize in the depths of earthly engineering. The question is whether this is too bold of a statement this early in the presentation. Horkheimer and Adorno describe ticket thinking, Latour compares cyberspace networks to railroads, Edwards and Golumbia enjoin cognitive science with closed world hegemony, oscillating whether a moral element operates along with putatively neutral consequences of design, materiality of information systems: freedom zero, the freedom to execute a program for any purpose masks the latter but not the former.

2 1 2 (200) [-6+]mCQK neel-plato_derrida_writing (42-43) 20131006x 0 -7+ progress/2009/02/notes_for_neel-plato_derrida_writing.html
Plato creates the thinking subject who writes by writing. "All one has to do is ask Who says so? It doesnƒt matter where the question is posed because the answer will always be the same, Nobody, because nobody
says anything in Phaedrus. No one thinks Socratesƒ second speech could be an extemporaneous, oral creation. No one thinks the sort of structure demanded by Socratesƒ dictum could be achieved in speech. Both emerge only because Plato can write, with the leisure to remake his discourse into the structure it will present itself as having always had. Both the idea of structure and the act of Platonic thinking emerge from writing. Plato was creating thinking, and the only way he could create the kind of thinking he did was in writing, because the sort of disinterested speculation advocated throughout the Platonic canon is impossible in a preliterate culture." (42-43) Tie in Ong.

2 1 2 (300) [-4+]mCQK heidegger-what_is_called_thinking (5) 20130928c 0 -7+ progress/1995/08/notes_for_heidegger-what_is_called_thinking.html
Interest means being among things, which Hayles and others promote as focal point of subjectivity studies.

2 1 2 (400) [-4+]mCQK heidegger-what_is_called_thinking (229-230) 20130928i 0 -12+ progress/1995/08/notes_for_heidegger-what_is_called_thinking.html
Thinking as legein is reason conceived as judging, perception of reason happens as noein, and hence Parmenides saying that is key to the text, the first mode.

2 1 2 (500) [-4+]mCQK heidegger-what_is_called_thinking (230) 20130928j 0 -12+ progress/1995/08/notes_for_heidegger-what_is_called_thinking.html
Third mode is about tradition, then fourth mode, special interpretation of Heidegger.

2 1 2 (600) [-4+]mCQK heidegger-what_is_called_thinking (233) 20130928k 0 -10+ progress/1995/08/notes_for_heidegger-what_is_called_thinking.html
Token as hypomensis, eternal recurrence; to be dissipates like a vapor.

2 1 2 (700) [-4+]mCQK havelock-muse_learns_to_write (27) 20120510 0 -5+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_havelock-muse_learns_to_write.html
A fundamental question that texts and technology studies implies is whether thought qualitatively changes with media practices.

2 1 2 (800) [-6+]mCQK havelock-muse_learns_to_write (111) 20130924 0 -2+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_havelock-muse_learns_to_write.html
Compare self as invention of Socratic vocabulary to Kittler on metaphors for the soul tied to media technologies. "Why choose vision as the metaphor for an intellectual operation, unless guided by the subconscious recognition that the operation had arise out of viewing the written word rather than just hearing it spoken?
(114) The self was a Socratic discovery or, perhaps we should say, an invention of the Socratic vocabulary." (111)

2 1 2 (900) [-4+]mCQK heim-electric_language (62-63) 20131102k 0 -5+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_heim-electric_language.html
Chirographic culture dissociates knowledge from speaker while retaining vocal presence; Ong demonstrated ascendancy of typography with development of modern logic.

2 1 2 (1000) [-7+]mCQK heim-electric_language (185-186) 20131102u 0 -7+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_heim-electric_language.html
Literacy produces literate minds with psychic qualities of wholeness of attention, contemplative presence, distance from mundane pressures. (185-186) Literacy in its bibliocentric element is, then, not constituted primarily by the skills of information handling. The activity of forming, of ideational focus, belongs to the kind of insight fostered by the book. . . . The value of literacy, in the Platonic tradition, resides in the fact that
literacy produces literate minds. For from tautological, the notion of a literate mind includes psychic qualities such as wholeness of attention, contemplative presence of mind, and a distance form the mundane pressures which scatter and fragment human experience.

2 1 2 (1100) [-4+]mCQK derrida-of_grammatology (281-282) 20130916d 0 -2+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_derrida-of_grammatology.html
To Condillac, subject emerges under age for writing.

2 1 2 (1200) [-4+]mCQK derrida-of_grammatology (285-286) 20121013 0 -3+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_derrida-of_grammatology.html
To Warburton and Condillac, economic requirements of expanding information and knowledge (as philosophy, become consciousness, subjectivity) drove evolution of writing through pictograph, hieroglyph, abbreviated hieroglyph, alphabet to formalized algebras based on idealization (Baudrillard simulacra); the cyberspace epoch, where data storage economies are transformed by extreme inscription and high speed automatic computing, seems to consummate a long historical movement.

2 1 2 (1300) [-4+]mCQK ong-orality_and_literacy (80) 20131006y 0 -1+ progress/2008/08/notes_for_ong-orality_and_literacy.html
Reflexiveness of intelligence causes internalization of external tools (Clark, Hayles, Kittler).

2 1 2 (1400) [-4+]mCQK romanyshyn-despotic_eye_and_its_shadow (349) 20131107i 0 -7+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_romanyshyn-despotic_eye_and_its_shadow.html
Perspectival viewing an invention that became a deeply rooted cultural habit like subvocalization reading so that it seems natural (Kittler).

2 1 2 (1500) [-4+]mCQK romanyshyn-despotic_eye_and_its_shadow (350) 20131107j 0 -14+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_romanyshyn-despotic_eye_and_its_shadow.html
Alberti-based subject led to despotic eye of mind, ego consciousness through Descartes purification.

2 1 2 (1600) [-4+]mCQK kitchin_and_dodge-code_space (82) 20130927d 0 -2+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kitchin_and_dodge-code_space.html
Quantification of society, for example Charles Booth poverty map of 1890s London; rational subjectivity produced through objectifying panoptic gaze.

2 1 2 (1700) [-4+]mCQK kittler-discourse_networks_1800_1900 (36-37) 20121202 0 -10+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_kittler-discourse_networks_1800_1900.html
Phonetc reading instruction produced standard pronunciation from interiority of sound, and creates an automaton from the human reader.

2 1 2 (1800) [-7+]mCQK kittler-discourse_networks_1800_1900 (49) 20131001a 0 -6+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_kittler-discourse_networks_1800_1900.html
Programming human automatons; phonetic reading as early cybernetics. (49)
Mama or ma functioned as the most distinguished minimal signified in the writing system of 1800. It was the earliest one to be discussed, archived, and fed back into the system. Mama did not indicate, as it would a century later, the existence of a childrenƒs language beyond any national language, which could contribute to a general linguistics. Instead, it was pronounced by parents only so that it might recur in childrenƒs mouths as a signature for the new education. What occurred, then, was true programming, which could thus be continued by automatons.
(49) The pedagogic movement took the curiosities and ephemera of contemporary techniques (because pedagogy could manipulate phonetics and the pragmatic linguistics of the minimal signified) and from them fashioned a functioning feedback-control system.

2 1 2 (1900) [-4+]mCQK kittler-discourse_networks_1800_1900 (35) 20131001 0 -1+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_kittler-discourse_networks_1800_1900.html
Reading as text to speech synthesis, like playing from a musical score.

2 1 2 (2000) [-4+]mCQK ong-orality_and_literacy (5) 20131006a 0 -4+ progress/2008/08/notes_for_ong-orality_and_literacy.html
Debt to Saussure, Parry, Havelock for calling attention to oral speech and differences with written speech.

2 1 2 (2100) [-4+]mCQK bolter-writing_space (193) 20131026h 0 -9+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_bolter-writing_space.html
Metaphors of writing including memory as writing space, writer Cartesian homunculus mind, Mystic writing pad.

2 1 2 (2200) [-7+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (192) 20131022 0 -3+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Linguistic and discursive construction of body linked to influence of both Foucault historical criticism and cybernetics modeling. (192) One contemporary belief likely to stupefy future generations is the postmodern orthodoxy that the body is primarily, if not entirely, a linguistic and discursive construction. Coincident with cybernetic developments that stripped information of its body were discursive analyses within the humanities, especially the archeology of knowledge pioneered by Michel Foucault, that saw the body as a play of discourse systems. Although researchers in the physical and human sciences acknowledged the importance of materiality in different ways, they nevertheless collaborated in creating the postmodern ideology that the bodyƒs materiality is secondary to the logical or semiotic structures it encodes.

2 1 2 (2300) [0+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (87-88) 20140816l 0 -14+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Multitude transformed into orderly totality by administrative bureaucracy machine; state produces society through biopower.

2 1 2 (2400) [-6+]mCQK foucault-discipline_and_punish (29-30) 20121124 0 -9+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_foucault-discipline_and_punish.html
View of soul as contingent correlative to technology of power over body, effect and instrument of political anatomy, prison of the body. "The history of this ƒmicro-physicsƒ of the punitive power would then be a genealogy or an element in a genealogy of the modern ƒsoulƒ. Rather than seeing this soul as the reactivated remnants of an ideology, one would see it as the present correlative of a certain technology of power over the body. It would be wrong to say that the soul is an illusion, or an ideological effect. On the contrary, it exists, it has a reality, it is produced permanently around, on, within the body by the functioning of a power that is exercised on those punished and, in a more general way, on those one supervises, trains and corrects, over madmen, children at home and at school, the colonized, over those who are stuck at a machine and supervised for the rest of their lives. . . . The man described for us, whom we are invited to free, is already in himself the effect of a subjection much more profound than himself. A ƒsoulƒ inhabits him and brings him to existence, which is itself a factor in the mastery that power exercises over the body." (29-30)

2 1 2 (2500) [-7+]mCQK foucault-discipline_and_punish (194) 20130919z 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_foucault-discipline_and_punish.html
Power produces: must describe its effects positively to understand action of disciplines constituting the individual. (194) The individual is no doubt the fictitious atom of an ƒideologicalƒ representation of society; but he is also a reality fabricated by this specific technology of power that I have called ƒdisciplineƒ. We must cease once and for all to describe the effects of power in negative terms: it ƒexcludesƒ, it ƒrepressesƒ, it ƒcensorsƒ, it ƒabstractsƒ, it ƒmasksƒ, it ƒconcealsƒ. In fact,
power produces; it produces reality; it produces domains of objects and rituals of truth.

2 1 2 (2600) [-6+]mCQK foucault-discipline_and_punish (209) 20130921a 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_foucault-discipline_and_punish.html
Other theorists distinguish discontinuous disciplinary mechanisms of industrial era with continuous control mechanisms of electronic era, although Foucault notes that the ideal penality is indefinite discipline and interrogation without end. "The movement from one project to the other, from a schema of exceptional discipline to one of a generalized surveillance, rests on a historical transformation: the gradual extension of the mechanisms of discipline throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, their spread throughout the whole social body, the formation of what might be called in general the disciplinary society." (209)

2 1 2 (2700) [-6+]mCQK foucault-discipline_and_punish (169) 20130919t 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_foucault-discipline_and_punish.html
Foucault urges this narrative of meticulous subordination, permanent coercions, progressive training, and automatic docility added to familiar history of ideas based on state of nature, social contract, and general will. "While jurists or philosophers were seeking in the pact a primal model for the construction or reconstruction of the social body, the soldiers and with them the technicians of discipline were elaborating procedures for the individual and collective coercion of bodies." (169)

2 1 2 (2800) [-6+]mCQK foucault-discipline_and_punish (136) 20130919m 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_foucault-discipline_and_punish.html
Man the machine develops through anatomico-metaphysical registers of philosophers, and disciplines of technico-political registers, bodily improving improvement, creating the man of modern humanism. "The great book of Man-the-Machine was written simultaneously on two registers: the anatomico-metaphysical register, of which
Descartes wrote the first pages and which the physicians and philosophers continued, and the technico-political register, which was constituted by a whole set of regulations and by empirical and calculated methods relating to the army, the school and the hospital, for controlling or correcting the operations of the body. . . . A body is docile that may be subjected, used, transformed and improved. The celebrated automata, on the other hand, were not only a way of illustrating an organism, they were also political puppets, small-scale models of power: Frederick II, the meticulous king of small machines, well-trained regiments and long exercises, was obsessed with them." (136)

2 1 2 (2900) [-4+]mCQK foucault-discipline_and_punish (147) 20130919o 0 -10+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_foucault-discipline_and_punish.html
Cellular power: elements creating the man of modern humanism, organizing space and controlling activity, create conditions for machine organization of operating systems and distributed control systems, which then feed back on the project of making docile souls.

2 1 2 (3000) [-4+]mCQK foucault-discipline_and_punish (137-138) 20130919n 0 -7+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_foucault-discipline_and_punish.html
Disciplines as methods making possible meticulous control of bodily operations.

2 1 2 (3100) [-6+]mCQK foucault-discipline_and_punish (141) 20131030b 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_foucault-discipline_and_punish.html
Trifles from which man of modern humanism born. "A meticulous observation of detail, and at the same time a political awareness of these small things, for the control and use of men, emerge through the classical age bearing with them a whole set of techniques, a whole corpus of methods and knowledge, descriptions, plans and data. And
from such trifles, no doubt, the man of modern humanism was born." (141)

2 1 2 (3200) [-4+]mCQK foucault-discipline_and_punish (26) 20130919c 0 -7+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_foucault-discipline_and_punish.html
Micro-physics of power forming political technology of body, control operations like machines.

2 1 2 (3300) [-6+]mCQK foucault-discipline_and_punish (101-102) 20130919i 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_foucault-discipline_and_punish.html
Norms of power relation accompanied by emerging object relations of crimes and individuals, knowledge-power spreading. "In either case, one sees that the power relation that underlies the exercise of punishment begins to be duplicated by an
object relation in which are caught up no only the crime as a fact to be established according to common norms, but the criminal as an individual to be known according to specific criteria.
(103) A glance at the new art of punishing clearly reveals the supersession of the punitive semio-technique by a new politics of the body." (101-102)

2 1 2 (3400) [-4+]mCQK foucault-discipline_and_punish (172-173) 20130919u 0 -7+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_foucault-discipline_and_punish.html
Funny to think that the idea of the panopticon was inspired by observation of scrupulously designed latrines.

2 1 2 (3500) [-4+]mCQK foucault-discipline_and_punish (296-297) 20130921o 0 -11+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_foucault-discipline_and_punish.html
Carceral archipelago and subtle, graduated carceral net good images for disciplinary society.

2 1 2 (3600) [-6+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (136-137) 20130929w 0 -15+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
Strong articulation of postmodern critique of subjectivity, the virtuality of the subject position, including social dimension of objects and experiences so important to Latour and Bogost, with Las Meninas as virtual allegory and Simon novels as teaching texts. "The sentence sequence leaves the reading mind without an object, which it therefore conveniently supplies itself in the form of an ideal or imaginary literary referent, a kind of subliminal or archetypal image in which a colorless surface oscillates back and forth in time between dull indistinction and the heightened perception of varied points. . . . In effect, the reader seems unable to conclude that language has broken down (something which would leave her or him without any subject position whatsoever), and therefore as in a reverse shot in film constructs some new imaginary object to justify the persistence of the subject position already achieved. . . . Thus there is an exchange and a dialectical multiplication of imaginary entities between subject and object or rather between subject position and what we must now call
object position which confirms Foucaultƒs choice, in The Order of Things, of Las Meninas as a virtual allegory of the construction of the subject (very much including that vanishing point which is the putative subjectivity of the writer or artist). . . . The subject is certainly no mere effect of the object, but it would not be nearly so erroneous to suggest that the subject position is just such an effect. Meanwhile, it must be understood that what is meant by object here is not some mere perceptual aggregate of physical things, but a social configuration or ensemble of social relationships (even physical perception and seemingly rock-bottom experiences of the body and of matter being mediated by the social). What one concludes from such an argument is not that the unified subject is unreal or undesirable and inauthentic, but rather that it is dependent for its construction and existence on a certain kind of society and is menaced, undermined, problematized, or fragmented by other social arrangements." (136-137)

2 1 2 (3700) [-6+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (140-142) 20130929x 0 -18+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
Reading separates into distributed operations, including dealing with the material signifier, objects with histories. "what I want to argue here is that in the
nouveau roman, reading undergoes a remarkable specialization and, very much like older handicraft activity at the onset of the industrial revolution, is dissociated into a variety of distinct processes according to the general law of the division of labor. . . . As such, Niklas Luhmannƒs more general theory of differentiation seems very relevant indeed. . . . These last correspond to what I have called, above, the degradation of the signified into its material signifier or, if you prefer, the eclipse of the illusion of transparency, the unexpected transformation of a meaning into an object, or, better still, its deconcealment as something already reified, something already opaque in advance, whether that opacity be revealed as the sound and complexion of words or as their printed reproduction and the meaningless spatiality of individual letters. . . . Here, then, the materialization of the signified by quotation, described above, is replicated diegetically or narratively on the level of the sign as a whole, with new and unexpected results: these passages now lift us from the realm of linguistic problematics and linguistic philosophy into that of image society and the media. . . . it would seem to consist essentially in the inevitable presence of noise as such within any communicational system.
(142-143) Any inspection of our own mental processes when we begin to read a
nouveau roman discloses the presence of new operations as well as that fission and reproduction by multiplication attributed by Luhmann to his differentiating subsystems." (140-142) Image culture rises into study.

2 1 2 (3800) [-4+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (ix-x) 20120428 0 0+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
Footnote near Gibson quote laments no chapter on cyberpunk; Hunger Games as complications of consumption of commodification.

2 1 2 (3900) [-6+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (15) 20131004s 0 -4+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Diminishment of autonomous, liberal subject. "A
self does not amount to much, but no self is an island; each exists in a fabric of relations that is now more complex and mobile then ever before. Young or old, man or woman, rich or poor, a person is always located at nodal points or specific communication circuits, however tiny these may be. Or better: one is always located at a post through which various kinds of messages pass.
(15) But there is no need to resort to some fiction of social origins to establish that language games are the minimum relation required for society to exist." (15) Self located a nodal points in communication circuits.

2 1 2 (4000) [-6+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (ix-x) 20150217 12 -3+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
Focus on relationship to capitalist state overshadows nuanced connection to cybernetics. " So, in postmodern culture, culture has become a product in its own right; the market has become a substitute for itself and fully as much a commodity as any of the items it includes within itself: modernism was still minimally and tendentially the critique of the commodity and the effort to make it transcend itself.
Postmodernism is the consumption of sheer commodification as a process. The life-style of the superstate therefore stands in relationship to Marxƒs fetishism of commodities as the most advanced monotheisms to primitive animisms or the most rudimentary idol worship." (ix-x)

2 1 2 (4100) [-4+]mCQK benjamin-work_of_art_in_age_of_mechanical_reproduction (IX) 20120403 0 -10+ progress/2011/03/notes_for_benjamin-work_of_art_in_age_of_mechanical_reproduction.html
Benjamin grounds much of critical media theory: theater, transformed into cinema, loses its dynamic interaction with the audience and art takes on more of a bureaucratic, industrial production process, invoking Marxist alienation of labor; however, something is regained in the present age if there can there be an virtual aura regained through feedback.

2 1 2 (4200) [-6+]mCQK benjamin-work_of_art_in_age_of_mechanical_reproduction (II) 20120906 0 -1+ progress/2011/03/notes_for_benjamin-work_of_art_in_age_of_mechanical_reproduction.html
Withering aura of work of art picked up by many theorists, including Baudrillard. "One might subsume the eliminated element in the term ƒauraƒ and go on to say: that which withers in the age of mechanical reproduction is the aura of the work of art." (II)

2 1 2 (4300) [-4+]mCQK benjamin-work_of_art_in_age_of_mechanical_reproduction (XII) 20130910g 0 -5+ progress/2011/03/notes_for_benjamin-work_of_art_in_age_of_mechanical_reproduction.html
Group reception including feedback is not possible with paintings and other individual pieces not easily reproducible or mass communicated.

2 1 2 (4400) [-6+]mCQK benjamin-work_of_art_in_age_of_mechanical_reproduction (IV) 20130910a 0 -2+ progress/2011/03/notes_for_benjamin-work_of_art_in_age_of_mechanical_reproduction.html
With mechanical reproduction we thus make mass entertainment like cinema, radio, television, print rather than individual spectacles that cannot be recorded, and when spectacles, mass spectacles like rock concerts. "for the first time in world history, mechanical reproduction emancipates the work of art from its parasitical dependence on ritual. To an ever greater degree the work of art reproduced becomes the work of art designed for reproducibility." (IV)

2 1 2 (4500) [-6+]mCQK benjamin-work_of_art_in_age_of_mechanical_reproduction (XV) 20130910i 0 -6+ progress/2011/03/notes_for_benjamin-work_of_art_in_age_of_mechanical_reproduction.html
Participation shifts to passive consumption, reception in state of distraction. "Quantity has been transmuted into quality. The greatly increased mass of participants has produced a change in the mode of participation. . . . Clearly, this is at bottom the same ancient lament that the masses seek distraction whereas art demands concentration from the spectator." (XV) Do movies invite a different kind of contemplation, or are they just amusements?

2 1 2 (4600) [-4+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (12-13) 20130929c 0 -5+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Core of symbolic is nature as self-representation.

2 1 2 (4700) [-6+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (6-7) 20130929a 0 -8+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Representation replaced by universal fungibility. "Enlightenment stands in the same relationship to things as the dictator to human beings. He knows them to the extent that he can manipulate them. The man of science knows things to the extent that he can make them. . . .
Representation gives way to universal fungibility. An atom is smashed not as a representation but as a specimen of matter, and the rabbit suffering the torment of the laboratory is seen not as a representative but, mistakenly, as a mere exemplar." (6-7)

2 1 2 (4800) [-4+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (9) 20130929b 0 -4+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Leveling rule of abstraction creates herd.

2 1 2 (4900) [-6+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (81-83) 20130929i 0 -19+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Means fetishized. "Magic passes into mere activity, into the means in short, into industry.
The formalization of reason is merely the intellectual expression of mechanized production. The means is fetishized: it absorbs pleasure. Just as the goals with which the old system of rule had veiled itself are rendered illusory by enlightenment in theory, the possibility of abundance removes their justification in practice. . . . Only with increasing civilization and enlightenment do the strengthened self and the secure system of power reduce the festival to farce. . . . Pleasure becomes an object of manipulation, until it finally perishes in the administrative arrangements. . . . The general overflowing is no longer possible. The period of turbulence has been individualized. Holidays have supplanted the feast. In fascism they are supplemented by the collective fake intoxication, concocted from radio, headlines, and Benzedrine." (81-83) Zizek.

2 1 2 (5000) [-4+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (101) 20130929k 0 -4+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Imprint of schema a step on the way to Baudrillard precession of simulacra.

2 1 2 (5100) [-4+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (30) 20130929g 0 -4+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Feenberg would agree that rules see themselves as engineers of world history.

2 1 2 (5200) [-6+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (47) 20130929h 0 -14+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Nominalism as prototype of bourgeois thinking. "With the dissolution of the contract through its literal fulfillment a change occurs in the historical situation of language: it begins to pass over into designation. Mythical fate had been one with the spoken word. . . . The word was thought to have direct power over the thing, expression merged with intention. Cunning, however, consists in exploiting the difference. . . . Odysseus discovered in words what in fully developed bourgeois society is called
formalism: their perennial ability to designate is bought at the cost of distancing themselves from any particular content which fulfills them, so that they refer from a distance to all possible contents, both to nobody and to Odysseus himself. From the formalism of mythical names and statutes, which, indifferent like nature, seek to rule over human beings and history, emerges nominalism, the prototype of bourgeois thinking.
(48) Odysseusƒs defenselessness against the foaming sea sounds like a legitimation of the enrichment of the voyager at the expense of indigenous inhabitants. Bourgeois economics later enshrined this principle in the concept of risk: the possibility of foundering is seen as a moral justification for profit." (47) Foucault order of things.

2 1 2 (5300) [-7+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (27-28) 20130929f 0 -11+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Odysseus trapped as office worker; examine Turkle dialectical turning of this theme of isolation in controlled collectivity. (27-28) Measures like those taken on Odysseusƒs ship in face of the Sirens are a prescient allegory of the dialectic of enlightenment. . . . Odysseus is represented in the sphere of work. Just as he cannot give way to the lure of self-abandonment, as owner he also forfeits participation in work and finally even control over it, while his companions, despite their closeness to things, cannot enjoy their work because it is performed under compulsion, in despair, with their senses forcibly stopped. . . . Humanity, whose skills and knowledge become differentiated with the division of labor, is thereby forced back to more primitive anthropological stages, since, with the technical facilitation of existence, the continuance of domination demands the fixation of instincts by greater repression. Fantasy withers.

2 1 2 (5400) [-6+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (xviii) 20130929 0 -2+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Progress reverting to regression. "If, in the absence of the social subject, the volume of goods took the form of so-called overproduction in domestic economic crises in the preceding period, today, thanks to the enthronement of powerful groups as that social subject, it is producing the international threat of fascism: progress is reverting to regression. That the hygienic factory and everything pertaining to it, Volkswagen and the sports palace, are obtusely liquidating metaphysics does not matter in itself, but that these things are themselves becoming metaphysics, and ideological curtain, within the social whole, behind which real doom is gathering, does matter." (xviii)

2 1 2 (5500) [-4+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (111) 20130929m 0 -7+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Technical capabilities directed to bloated entertainment apparatus rather than abolishing hunger, amusement becomes an ideal; compare to Benjamin on war.

2 1 2 (5600) [-4+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (131-133) 20130929o 0 -15+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Commercialized art is advertising, consumer is alienated, montage character reigns; another condition disrupted by electronic technology (but keep in mind Winner), and also redoubled by it.

2 1 2 (5700) [-6+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (133-136) 20130929p 0 -3+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Culture as advertising. "Through the language they speak, the customers make their own contribution to culture as advertising. For the more completely language coincides with communication, the more words change from substantial carriers of meaning to signs devoid of qualities; the more purely and transparently they communicate what they designate, the more impenetrable they become. The demythologizing of language, as an element of the total process of enlightenment, reverts to magic." (133-136)

2 1 2 (5800) [-4+]mCQK adorno-fetish_character_in_music (276-277) 20130910c 0 -14+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_adorno-fetish_character_in_music.html
Reduction of work to signature melody that can be reified as intellectual property.

2 1 2 (5900) [-6+]mCQK adorno-fetish_character_in_music (273-274) 20130910a 1 -5+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_adorno-fetish_character_in_music.html
Listener converted into acquiescent purchaser, whose experience is ultimately shaped by fetishized monetary capital as the cost of listening. " Impulse, subjectivity and profanation, the old adversaries of materialistic alienation, now succumb to it. . . . The listener is converted, along his line of least resistance, into the acquiescent purchaser." (273-274)

2 1 2 (6000) [-6+]mCQK adorno-fetish_character_in_music (286-287) 20130910 0 -6+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_adorno-fetish_character_in_music.html
Regression of listening, deconcentration foreshadow distracted attention characteristic of mobile technology. "The counterpart to the fetishism of music is a
regression of listening. . . . They fluctuate between comprehensive forgetting and sudden dives into recognition. They listen atomistically and dissociate what they hear, but precisely in this dissociation they develop certain capacities which accord less with the concepts of traditional aesthetics than with those of football and motoring." (286-287) Regressive listening music fans like sports fans.

2 1 2 (6100) [-4+]mCQK adorno-fetish_character_in_music (290) 20130910e 0 -1+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_adorno-fetish_character_in_music.html
Musical childrens language for deconcentrated listeners suitable for surface enjoyment.

2 1 2 (6200) [-7+]mCQK adorno-fetish_character_in_music (294) 20130910g 0 -6+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_adorno-fetish_character_in_music.html
New listeners have free time and no freedom, like housewives; degrades this retarded, master of none bricoleur. (294) Regressive listeners have key points in common with the man who must kill time because he has nothing else on which to vent his aggression, and with the casual laborer. To make oneself a jazz expert or hang over the radio all day, one must have much free time and little freedom. . . . The new listeners resemble the mechanics who are simultaneously specialized and capable of applying their special skills to unexpected places outside their skilled trades.

2 1 2 (6300) [-4+]mCQK adorno-fetish_character_in_music (275-276) 20130910b 0 -1+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_adorno-fetish_character_in_music.html
Individual is liquidated between incomprehensibility and inescapability, consciousness defined by displeasure in pleasure.

2 1 2 (6400) [-6+]mCQK diogenes_laertius-lives_of_eminent_philosophers (8) 20130915q 0 -1+ progress/1996/07/notes_for_diogenes_laertius-lives_of_eminent_philosophers.html
Pythagoras compared life to the great games, philosophers as spectators among others competing for prizes and others selling wares. "Sosicrates in his Successions of Philosophers says that, when Leon the tyrant of Philius asked him who he was, he said, "A philosopher," and that he
compared life to the Great Games, where some went to compete for the prize and others went with wares to sell, but the best as spectators; for similarly, in life, some grow up with servile natures, greedy for fame and gain, but the philosopher seeks for truth." (8)

2 1 2 (6500) [-6+]mCQK adorno-fetish_character_in_music (284-285) 20130910d 5 -1+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_adorno-fetish_character_in_music.html
New fetish in technical production of perfect performance, leading to personal worship of home theater. " The new fetish is the flawlessly functioning, metallically brilliant apparatus as such, in which all the cogwheels mesh so perfectly that not the slightest hole remains open for the meaning of the whole." (284-285)

2 1 2 (6600) [-6+]mCQK adorno-fetish_character_in_music (292-293) 20130910f 22 -20+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_adorno-fetish_character_in_music.html
Blistering criticism of fetishistic listeners epitomized by radio ham as early version of fan culture. " He is shy and inhibited, perhaps no luck with girls, and wants in any case to preserve his own special sphere. He seeks this as a radio ham. . . . As radio ham he becomes the discoverer of just alone those industrial products which are interested in being discovered by him. . . . Of all fetishistic listeners, the radio ham is perhaps the most complete. It is irrelevant to him what he hears or even how he hears; he is only interested in the fact that he hears and succeeds in inserting himself, with his private equipment, into the public mechanism, without exerting even the slightest influence on it. . . . He is nearest to the sportsman: if not to the football player himself, then to the swaggering fellow who dominates the stands. . . . He pictures himself as the individualist who whistles at the world. But what he whistles is its melody, and his tricks are less inventions of the moment than stored-up experiences from acquaintance with sought-after technical things." (292-293)

2 1 2 (6700) [-4+]mCQK sterne-audible_past (157) 20131014h 0 -3+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_sterne-audible_past.html
Horkheimer and Adorno aesthetic of the detail.

2 1 2 (6800) [-4+]mCQK adorno-fetish_character_in_music (270-271) 20121007 0 -1+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_adorno-fetish_character_in_music.html
Huxley also hints at the Nietzschean last man, the docile, repressed subject whose fetishism of music attends a corresponding regression of listening.

2 1 2 (6900) [-6+]mCQK baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation (29) 20130915a 0 -2+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation.html
No more subject because you are always already on the other side. "An about-face through which it becomes impossible to locate one instance of the model, of power, of the gaze, of the medium itself, because
you are always already on the other side. No more subject, no more focal point, no more center or periphery: pure flexion or circular inflexion." (29)

2 1 2 (7000) [-6+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (167-169) 20120824 0 -16+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Transformation of human being as individual, diminishing human core of subjectivity as cognition and awareness default to built environment, cyberspace. "The individual had become an impediment to production. The lack of synchronicity between technical and human development, the cultural lag which used to exercise the minds of sociologists, is beginning to disappear. Economic rationality, the vaunted principle of the smallest necessary means, is unremittingly reshaping the last units of the economy: businesses and human beings. The most advanced form at a given time becomes the predominant one. Once, the department store expropriated the old-style specialist shop. . . . The psychological small business the individual is meeting the same fate. It came into being as the power cell of economic activity. Emancipated from the tutelage of earlier economic stages, individuals fended for themselves alone: as proletarians by hiring themselves out through the labor market and by constant adaptation to new technical conditions, as entrepreneurs by tirelessly realizing the ideal type of homo oeconomicus. . . . In the progress of industrial society, which is supposed to have conjured away the law of increasing misery it had itself brought into being, the concept which justified the whole the human being as person, as the bearer of reason is going under. The dialectic of enlightenment is culminating objectivity in madness." (167-169) The core of their argument can be reiterated through the next dialectical stage of Hayles posthuman, leading to question is objectivity culminating in madness because of no place in other positions, following de Lauretis on Cambria Gramsci Notwithstanding?

2 1 2 (7100) [-4+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (120) 20130929n 0 -6+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Compare joke from Nazi Germany to Zizek enjoy your symptom: demand that everyone be happy provided full submission to control society.

2 1 2 (7200) [-6+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (171) 20130929t 0 -2+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Elimination of Jewish middleman. "The Jewish middleman fully becomes the image of the devil only when economically he has ceased to exist. Victory is thus made easy, and the anti-Semitic family man becomes the spectator, exempt from responsibility, of an irresistible historical tendency, intervening only when called to do so by his role as an employee of the Party or the Zyklon gas factories." (171) Expression of desire of capitalism to remove inefficiencies?

2 1 2 (7300) [-6+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (169-170) 20130929s 0 -5+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Ticket thinking extended to international relations. "Although the abundance of goods which could be produced everywhere and simultaneously makes the struggle for raw materials and markets seem ever more anachronistic, humanity is nevertheless divided into a small number of armed power blocs. . . . Ticket thinking, a product of industrialization and its advertising, is being extended to international relations." (169-170) Also reminiscent of punch card technologies?

2 1 2 (7400) [-6+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (79-80) 20131005z 0 -9+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Duck/rabbit of postmodernism sensed in powerlessness and dispersion of subject, desire to seize reality and return to terror, whose reverse face is waging war on totality, witnessing the unpresentable, saving the name. "The emphasis can be placed on the powerlessness of the faculty of presentation, on the nostalgia for presence felt by the human subject, on the obscure and futile will which inhabits him in spite of everything. . . . The emphasis can also be placed on the increase of being and the jubilation which result from the invention of new rules of the game, be it pictorial, artistic, or any other.
(80) The work of Proust and that of Joyce both allude to something which dos not allow itself to be made present.
(80) Joyce allows the unpresentable to become perceptible in his writing itself, in the signifier. The whole range of available narrative and even stylistic operators is put into play without concern for the unity of the whole, and new operators are tried.
(81) Here, then, lies the difference: modern aesthetics is an aesthetic of the sublime, through a nostalgic one." (79-80)

2 1 2 (7500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150217 20150217b 8 -1+ journal_2015.html
Adorno technology player caricature of maker spirit of foss epoch.

--2.1.3+++ inventing the posthuman in Heideggers America

2 1 3 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150223 20150223 0 -2+ journal_2015.html
Unavoidable winnowing of chapter two: condense Heideggerƒs America and Inventing the Posthuman into a single, transitional section. Network Dividual Cyborg divides into Closed World Cybernetics, Techno-capitalist Neworks, Dividual Cyborg, which absorbs Embodiment.

2 1 3 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150210 20150210 4 -2+ journal_2015.html
The regressive subjectivity leading to the dumbest generation reflects how we became posthuman. Foucaultƒs positive biopower may seem to neutrally produce global activity, but criticisms pile up as surely as the settling dust of police power; hence the conclusions by Latour, Hardt and Negri, and others that modernism relies on hegemonic binarisms and continually breeds hybrids.

2 1 3 (300) [-6+]mCQK heidegger-question_concerning_technology (29) 20130928y 0 -3+ progress/1995/08/notes_for_heidegger-question_concerning_technology.html
Enframing as way of revealing having character of destining is true essence of technology. "The machines and apparatus are no more cases and kinds of Enframing than are the man at the switchboard and the engineer in the drafting room. Each of these in its own way indeed belongs as stockpart, available resource, or executor, within Enframing; Enframing is never the essence of technology in the sense of a genus. Enframing is a way of revealing having the character of destining." (29)

2 1 3 (400) [-4+]mCQK heidegger-nietzsche_vol_4 (182) 20130928o 0 -1+ progress/1995/07/notes_for_heidegger-nietzsche_vol_4.html
Reduction of Being to fallacious vapor by Nietzsche inspired the lecture course, following Introduction to Metaphysics.

2 1 3 (500) [-4+]mCQK heidegger-nietzsche_vol_4 (47) 19950811 1 -6+ progress/1995/07/notes_for_heidegger-nietzsche_vol_4.html
We ourselves are included in the psychological reckoning and calculation, despite the ethical conclusion that man is never merely standing-reserve; now we belong to command of nihilism, for example, decision theory does not care about its content (see journal notes on standing reserve).

2 1 3 (600) [-6+]mCQK heidegger-introduction_to_metaphysics (130) 20131022c 0 -3+ progress/1996/05/notes_for_heidegger-introduction_to_metaphysics.html
Overman and cyberpunk. "The beginning is the strangest and mightiest. What comes afterward is not development but the flattening that results from mere spreading out; it is inability to retain the beginning; the beginning is emasculated and exaggerated into a caricature of greatness taken as purely numerical and quantitative size and extension.
(132) He is without issue because he is always thrown back on the paths that he himself has laid out: he becomes mired in his paths, caught in the beaten track, and thus caught he compasses the circle of his world, entangles himself in appearance, and so excludes himself from being." (130)

2 1 3 (700) [-7+]mCQK heidegger-nietzsche_vol_4 (117) 20130928n 0 -1+ progress/1995/07/notes_for_heidegger-nietzsche_vol_4.html
Need for form of mankind dominated by essence of technology. (117) What is needed is a form of mankind that is from top to bottom equal to the unique fundamental essence of modern technology and its metaphysical truth; that is to say, that it lets itself be entirely dominated by the essence of technology precisely in order to steer and deploy individual technological processes and possibilities.

2 1 3 (800) [-4+]mCQK heidegger-nietzsche_vol_4 (7) 20130928 0 -12+ progress/1995/07/notes_for_heidegger-nietzsche_vol_4.html
Absolute rule of pure power characteristic of overman: does this imply the temporal precedence of representation, power only if overpowering, no external end, therefore spiraling cycle.

2 1 3 (900) [-4+]mCQK heidegger-nietzsche_vol_4 (49) 20130928k 0 -5+ progress/1995/07/notes_for_heidegger-nietzsche_vol_4.html
No more metaphysics; all thinking conscious (logical, optimizing, etc): see the Cartesian roots, and why Freud stressed the certainty in dreams.

2 1 3 (1000) [-6+]mCQK heidegger-nietzsche_vol_4 (116) 20130909 0 -1+ progress/1995/07/notes_for_heidegger-nietzsche_vol_4.html
Nietzsche realized future machine economy would bring about the calculative reasoner. "What Nietzsche already knew metaphysically now becomes clear: that in its absolute form the modern machine economy, the machine-based reckoning of all activity and planning, demands a new kind of man who surpasses man as he has been hitherto." (116)

2 1 3 (1100) [-4+]mCQK heidegger-nietzsche_vol_4 (116) 20130928m 0 -1+ progress/1995/07/notes_for_heidegger-nietzsche_vol_4.html
Meaning of Cartesian cogito joined to Nietzschean concepts ground proper understanding of essence of modern technology.

2 1 3 (1200) [-6+]mCQK heidegger-what_is_called_thinking (238) 20110807 0 -1+ progress/1995/08/notes_for_heidegger-what_is_called_thinking.html
Heideggerian computer is a fantasy of what will inevitably happen by default from the triumph of Nietzschean metaphysics. "Western logic finally becomes logistics, whose irresistible development has meanwhile brought forth the electronic brain, whereby manƒs nature and essence is adapted and fitted into the barely noticed Being of beings that appears in the nature of technology." (238) Good link to texts and technology with Heidegger as a final thinker of literacy who was cognizant of its emergence from orality.

2 1 3 (1300) [-6+]mCQK conley-rethinking_technologies (xiii) 20131205i 0 -10+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_conley-rethinking_technologies.html
Obligatory passage through and beyond Heidegger Question Concerning Technology, as Latour notes maturing science studies pass through certain theories and theorists, addressing threat to subject by mass media and possible transformations such as Ronell addicts. "Reference to the article [ Question Concerning Technology ] in this collection shows how it is necessary to go through, but also
beyond, Heidegger, who thought in terms of domination of nature and of loss of humanness by way of technology, but neither of transformation of subjectivities nor of limits imposed by natural or social ecology. . . . At stake is the singularity of the subject threatened with annihilation as much through technology as through the effects of mass media. The individual has a false feeling of autonomy and agency, while he or she is being drugged or manipulated into immobility. . . . The same becoming technological that speeds things up only to slow them down describes a narcotic modernity bent on destruction and that falsely tries to scapegoat individuals who are designated addicts (Ronell)." (xiii)

2 1 3 (1400) [-4+]mCQK ihde-philosophy_of_technology (33) 20130929r 0 -11+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_ihde-philosophy_of_technology.html
Threats of autonomous technology, subsumption of all other styles into calculative thinking, docile social control, and technocratic consciousness dominant philosophical positions prior to Ihde epoch; add Foucault to Habermas, Ellul, Marcuse.

2 1 3 (1500) [-4+]mCQK ihde-philosophy_of_technology (40) 20130929t 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_ihde-philosophy_of_technology.html
Heidegger foregrounds invisibility of technology and its systemic rootedness.

2 1 3 (1600) [-4+]mCQK thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically (149) 20131013a 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically.html
Elucidation of how Heidegger himself understood the danger and the promise of technology through his critique of America.

2 1 3 (1700) [-4+]mCQK thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically (149-150) 20131013b 0 -8+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically.html
Critique of enframing follows from understanding metaphysics as ontotheology.

2 1 3 (1800) [-4+]mCQK thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically (150) 20131013c 0 -1+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically.html
Harman and Bogost contest the human focus of ontological holism.

2 1 3 (1900) [-4+]mCQK thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically (151) 20131013d 0 -9+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically.html
Relate transformation of beings into intrinsically meaningless resources to digitization, object-oriented design; simplistic view leads to shallow cyborg stereotype based on cosmetic, psychophamarcological, cybernetic enhancement.

2 1 3 (2000) [-4+]mCQK thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically (152) 20131013e 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically.html
The danger is continuous improvement as totalizing philosophy, the problem of the happy enframer epitomized with America.

2 1 3 (2100) [-6+]mCQK thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically (154) 20131013f 0 -1+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically.html
To Heidegger America synonymous with the danger. "By 1969, however, at the height of the Vietnam War, there no longer seems to be any question in Heideggerƒs mind: ƒAmericaƒ has become virtually synonymous with ƒthe dangerƒ." (154) From outsider perspective of Edwards closed world.

2 1 3 (2200) [-4+]mCQK thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically (154) 20131013g 0 -1+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically.html
Dreyfus argues inability to control drive to control expresses definitive ontotheology of our age, like the drive to build AI.

2 1 3 (2300) [-4+]mCQK thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically (157) 20131013i 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically.html
Not a Luddite position: the greatest danger is that we get a symptom-free disease.

2 1 3 (2400) [-4+]mCQK thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically (160-161) 20131013m 0 -6+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically.html
Ontotheologies undermining meaningfulness of our sense of reality, with symptoms like environmental devastation, obsession with biogenetic optimization, empty optimization imperatives: a view of the situation Kittler seeks?

2 1 3 (2500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150217 20150217a 3 -3+ journal_2015.html
The problem is that it is a caricature of humans doing practices, this criticism of the radio operator made by Adorno. Technological practices have been under attack for thousands of years but just now we are in the new continuum of artificial collective global intelligence PHI. I still have not described network cyborg dividual to round out chapter two.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=2 and (Heading=1 or Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 2.1 modernism and postmodernism, regressive subjectivity, inventing the posthuman in Heideggers America+

2.2 closed world cybernetics, cyborg embodiment, techno-capitalist networks, dividual cyborg, cybersage

--2.2.1+++ closed world cybernetics

2 2 1 (100) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (155) 20130929f 0 -11+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Varela enaction leads to Clark. "In more recent work, Varela and his coauthors provide a positive dimension to this critique of disembodied information. They explore the constructive role of embodiment in ways that go importantly beyond autopoiesis. . . . Enaction sees the active engagement of an organism with the environment as the cornerstone of the organismƒs development.
(156) In
The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience, Varela and his coauthors take the Buddhist-inspired point of view that the self is a story consciousness tells itself to block out the fear and panic that would ensue if human beings realized there is no essential self. . . . No longer Wienerƒs island of life in a sea of entropy or Maturanaƒs autonomous circularity, awareness realizes itself as part of a larger whole unbounded, empty, and serene." (155)

2 2 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150303 20150303 0 -25+ journal_2015.html
Pressing forward of illumination over enlightenment by McLuhan. Could it be a foss hope that decades without closed source proprietary software as capitalist evil spirit PHI purifies one from atrocities of residual code, for the punch card machinery fed Burks, Goldstein, von Neumann to propose hardware circuits for basic mathematical arithmetic operations. Do not send this laptop into suspend mode for it will forget like human between sleep and waking states typically conceived as progression of days but also much finer, shorter, higher speed levels now territorialied by machine cognition PHI. I need to get back into the practice of vms. In reality measure relative humidity of each room to detect roof leaks and place dehumidifier. I love it man that is some good music for the garage. We generally avoid permanent magnets but fetishize computing devices and always have through sixty four bit broken down time galaxy of meaning history data PHI. They are foss hopes but I will present them anyway as sound instances of philosophy of computing PHI. It becomes the meaning of working code PHI.

[working code css]
jbork@alkibiades:~/src/tapoc$ sudo wireshark
jbork@alkibiades:~/public_html/progress/2015/03$ svn add screenshot_20150303.png
jbork@alkibiades:~/src/tapoc$ sudo make web-localhost
[working code css]

It becomes the meaning of working code PHI. Between each is a gulf of time while I did other things than working code. Amazing it has been a month since I have done working code PHI style philosophizing. There you go Bruce Janz that is speaking back from places that gave it philosophy and it standing reserve real virtualities PHI now also threatened to extent Heidegger purged from the system. Also have tcpdump going to see what commercial third party cyberspace does in my personal computing space, for once the PHI becomes http the code is activated that thinks the thoughts of machine cognition PHI. What if it is improper to call as is dividual cyborg because that term is not defined until chapter three becomes philosophical composition question more like engineering design than ethical, epistemological, metaphysical, ontological, more like phenomenological, speculation PHI. It is bigger than Heidegger it includes the death camp railroad telephone system IBM machinery PHI. What if I were to end chapter two admitting I had yet to articulate network dividual cyborg as ts situation suspending that cognition to first run through a theoretical framework and methodology, that is, chapter three content can I get them to sign off on proposal and take draft of chapter two. Network dividual cyborg is what the human immured in technocapitalist networks ought to escape the absolute overdetermining sway of which influence PHI. Is Heidegger flushed with all the other chuckleheads who did not program becomes hinge for logotropos sieve strainer division function, remembering Maner likewise threatened by Johnson. The concept of network itself emanates from technological networks as highly engineered human environments. What can you catch your computer doing in this monitored network environment clues you in on what happens in cyberspace along with what you think happens, for you cannot think must high speed protocological processes making reality.

2 2 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150302 20150302 0 -9+ journal_2015.html
Hayles posthuman cyberpunk bounded by sixty four bit broken down time PHI. My dissertation does not depend on Heidegger less so than Fuchs disavowal includes in references cited. I am going to keep the quoting of certain theorists at a minimum without abjecting those who do so at some length even thought it is now deprecated like computer code for extermination camps, that is where evil crosses human computing and the danger shines and a little hope lurks, reflecting H ontotheology. Before Turing laid out his criteria, before Weiner conceived theoretical technological cybernetic networks that could take on their lives of their own, and other putative pioneers of digital computing their steering insights, Shannon conceived theoretical technological communications networks that made sense of a fundamental ontological constituent of noise, while we, following the same tradition as quaint literary thinkers are still more familiar with discrete units, beings, as possessing meaning, and are just making sense of the obsession of Derrida on traces generating meaning. This was the hegemony of Heidegger that we deprecate along with his antisemitism, which contaminates it and reflects the same crude structure we wish to transcend, along with its evil no matter how banal. Note also that textuality spans this continuum as the overarching materiality of media, software. Before all that present the McLuhan Schmoo, which must be on, part of, a slide in the presentation, going with that same materiality of presence granting the truth and phenomenal instantiation of PHI. It is the decontextualized, generic bland essence of technology many have been fearing fills our waking intellectual life, consonant with the dumbest generation fed on phenotype/genotype synthetic essential inauthenticity, precession of simulacra real virtuality, again that which I refer to as PHI now cyberspace. Doing some cow clicking, which is now an occasional but well practiced daily task, engenders practical rule of not setting refinement level until writing chapter to which units are assigned during repetitive clicking activities.

2 2 1 (400) [-7+]mCQK mcluhan-understanding_media (60) 20131006f 0 -6+ progress/1994/08/notes_for_mcluhan-understanding_media.html
Central nervous system externalized, making our lives information processes; Kittler equipment for souls. (60) Our private and corporate lives have become information processes because we have put our central nervous systems outside us in electric technology.
(60) In a word, the message of the electric light is total change. It is pure information without any content to restrict its transforming and informing power.
(61) What I am saying is that media as extensions of our senses institute new ratios, not only among our private senses, but among themselves, when they interact among themselves.
(63) The hybrid or the meeting of two media is a moment of truth and revelation from which new form is born. For the parallel between two media holds us on the frontiers between forms that snap us out of the Narcissus-narcosis.

2 2 1 (500) [-6+]mCQK mcluhan-understanding_media (302) 20131006n 0 -6+ progress/1994/08/notes_for_mcluhan-understanding_media.html
Mechanization fragments, automation unifies. "Our central nervous system is not merely an electric network, but it constitutes a single unified field of experience. . . . Yet this organic unity of interprocess that electromagnetism inspires in the most diverse and specialized areas and organs of action is quite the opposite of organization in a mechanized society.
Mechanization of any process is achieved by fragmentation, beginning with the mechanization of writing by movable types, which has been called the monofracture of manufacture." (302)

2 2 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK mcluhan-understanding_media (302) 20131006o 0 -2+ progress/1994/08/notes_for_mcluhan-understanding_media.html
Automation invasion of mechanical would by instantaneous character of electricity, and with computers, autonomous execution in physical world based on dynamically reprogrammable simulations, described below as feedback servo-mechanist structures. "
Automation is not an extension of the mechanical principles of fragmentation and separation of operations. It is rather the invasion of the mechanical world by the instantaneous character of electricity." (302)

2 2 1 (700) [-4+]mCQK mcluhan-understanding_media (303) 20131006q 0 -4+ progress/1994/08/notes_for_mcluhan-understanding_media.html
Feedback servo-mechanist structures.

2 2 1 (800) [-6+]mCQK mcluhan-understanding_media (304) 20131006r 0 -13+ progress/1994/08/notes_for_mcluhan-understanding_media.html
Contrast illumination to enlightenment " note this shift from electric to electronic. (304) Grasp of this fact is indispensable to the understanding of the
electronic age, and of automation in particular. Energy and production now tend to fuse with information and learning. Marketing and consumption tend to become one with learning, enlightenment, and the intake of information. . . . The electronic age is literally one of illumination.
(304) The very same process of automation that causes a withdrawal of the present work force from industry causes learning itself to become the principal kind of production and consumption.
(304-305) Any process that approaches instant interrelation of a total field tends to raise itself to the level of conscious awareness, so that computers seem to think. . . . But a conscious computer would still be one that was an extension of our consciousness, as a telescope is an extension of our eyes, or as a ventriloquistƒs dummy is an extension of the ventriloquist." (Foucault)

2 2 1 (900) [-4+]mCQK mcluhan-understanding_media (309) 20131006v 0 -9+ progress/1994/08/notes_for_mcluhan-understanding_media.html
Interesting suggestion that increasing complexity and abstraction of programmed machinery leads to more general capabilities, like the hand versus paws.

2 2 1 (1000) [-6+]mCQK mcluhan-understanding_media (311) 20120914 0 -4+ progress/1994/08/notes_for_mcluhan-understanding_media.html
Complex electric systems lead to general-purposeness, like the hands. "Electric means of storing and moving information with speed and precision make the largest units quite as manageable as small ones. Thus
the automation of a plant of or an entire industry offers a small model of the changes that must occur in society from the same electric technology. Total interdependence is the starting fact. Nevertheless, the range of choice in design, stress, and goal within that total field of electromagnetic interprocess is very much greater than it ever could have been under mechanization." (311) Automation of plant is a model of what will happen in society at large.

2 2 1 (1100) [-6+]mCQK mcluhan-understanding_media (305) 20131006s 0 -12+ progress/1994/08/notes_for_mcluhan-understanding_media.html
Schmoos fantasy realized by automation. "Automation certainly assumes the servomechanism and the computer. That is to say, it assumes electricity as store and expediter of information. These traits of store, or memory, and accelerator are the basic features of any medium of communication whatever. In the case of electricity, it is not corporeal substance that is stored or moved, but perception and information. . . . We have now only to name and program a process or a product in order for it to be accomplished. Is it not rather like the case of
Al Cappƒs Schmoos? One had only to look at a Schmoo and thinking longingly of port chops or caviar, and the Schmoo ecstatically transformed itself into the object of desire. Automation brings us into the world of the Schmoo. The custom-built supplants the mass-produced." (305) Custom-built supplants mass-produced.

2 2 1 (1200) [-4+]mCQK baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation (97) 20130915f 0 -1+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation.html
Benjamin loss of aura through mechanized reproduction same effect of conversion of thinking human subject to thinking machine, like phenomenon Kittler resignedly concludes is at the heart of media convergence; the precession of the model is the formant algorithms overdetermining the range of possible phenomena.

2 2 1 (1300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20141202 20141202 0 -1+ journal_2014.html
When we talk about cybernetics we imply networks as that opposite humans, really the built environment surrounding human bodies, but will find that embodiment has been influenced by computing as much as computing has been shaped by spatiotemporal characteristics of human bodies.

2 2 1 (1400) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (251) 20131104f 0 -6+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Definition of cyberspace from Wiener. "The term
cyberspace is derived from another term cybernetics. In his 1947 book Cybernetics, mathematician Norbert Wiener defined it as the science of control and communication in the animal and machine. . . . He derived the term cybernetics from the ancient Greek word kybernetikos, which refers to the art of the steersman and can be translated as good at steering." (251) Science of control and communication in the animal and machine.

2 2 1 (1500) [-6+]mCQK mitcham-thinking_through_technology (206) 20131105b 0 -1+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mitcham-thinking_through_technology.html
Cybernetics presented. "Cybernetics, as the theory of the way information states interact with one another to produce certain behaviors, explains the nature of the technological in terms of information processing and proposes to provide a means to guide or direct this processing." (206)

2 2 1 (1600) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (69) 20130923b 0 -2+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Foucault biopower interprets material objects as information at statistical rather than individual level. "Foucault introduced the concept of biopower to help explain this phenomenon. His formulation was consistent with the functioning of protocol, for
biopower is the power to interpret material objects as information, to affect objects at the statistical or informational level, not at the level of individual content." (69)

2 2 1 (1700) [-6+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (11) 20131004n 0 -7+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Functionalist, Parson self-regulating society, and cybernetic models optimizing performativity replace living organism as theoretical basis. " (11) Added detail was supplied by
functionalism; it took yet another turn in the 1950s with Parsonsƒs conception of society as a self-regulating system. The theoretical and even material model is no longer the living organism; it is provided by cybernetics, which, during and after the Second War War, expanded the modelƒs applications.
(11-12) The true goal of the system, the reason it programs itself like a computer, is the optimization of the global relationship between input and output in other words,
performativity. . . . The only alternative to this kind of performance improvement is entropy, or decline." (Hayles, Heidegger connections) Entropic decline is the alternative to continuous improvement

2 2 1 (1800) [-6+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (248) 20131002r 0 -4+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Importance of dynamism, logic plus control. "Computer algorithms, instead of simply reproducing a logic, consist of LOGIC + CONTROL. No wonder that governmental ingenuity invented the impossible job of the data security specialist to camouflage the precision of such data control.
(258) Obviously, COLOSSUS beat binary addition with binary addition, but even the first computer in the history of science or warfare would have been nothing but a several-ton version of Remingtonƒs special typewriter with a calculating machine had it not observed conditional jump instructions.
(258) Conditional jumps, first envisioned in Babbageƒs unfinished Analytical Engine of 1835, were born into the world of machines in 1938 in Konrad Zuseƒs apartment in Berlin, and this world has since been self-identical with the symbolic." (248)

2 2 1 (1900) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (7) 20130924f 0 -4+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Macy Conferences on Cybernetics key material for studying development of cybernetic paradigm. "Retrospectively called the Macy Conferences on Cybernetics, these meetings, held from 1943 to 1954, were instrumental in forging a new paradigm. To succeed, they needed a theory of information (Shannonƒs bailiwick), a model of neural functioning that showed how neurons worked as information-processing systems (McCullochƒs lifework), computers that processed binary code and that could conceivably reproduced themselves, thus reinforcing the analogy with biological systems (von Neumannƒs specialty), and a visionary who could articulate the larger implications of the cybernetic paradigm and make clear its cosmic significance (Wienerƒs contribution). The result of this breathtaking enterprise was nothing less than a new way of looking at human beings. Henceforth, humans were to be seen primarily as information processing entities who are essentially similar to intelligent machines." (7)

2 2 1 (2000) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (94) 20130928n 5 -3+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Machine organism equation formulated so the analogy works. " What tends to drop from sight is the fact that the equation between organism and machine works because it is seen from a position formulated precisely so that it will work.
(95) The important tension now is not between science and God but between purpose and randomness. Purpose achieved through negative feedback is the way that goal-seeking devices deal with a problematic universe." (94)

2 2 1 (2100) [-6+]mCQK turing-computing_machinery_and_intelligence (55) 20130909c 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turing-computing_machinery_and_intelligence.html
The imitation game and the predictions that launched a thousand projects. "I believe that in about fifty yearsƒ time it will be possible to programme computers with a storage capacity of about 10
9 to make them play the imitation game so well that an average interrogator will not have more than 70 per cent chance of making the right identification after five minutes of questioning. The original question, Can machines think? I believe to be too meaningless to deserve discussion. Nevertheless I believe that at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted." (55)

2 2 1 (2200) [-6+]mCQK turing-computing_machinery_and_intelligence (62) 20130909 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turing-computing_machinery_and_intelligence.html
Learning model of AI creation using blank notebook model of soul " (62) Instead of trying to programme to simulate the adult mind, why not rather try to produce one which simulates the child? If this were then subjected to an appropriate course of education one would obtain the adult brain.
Presumably the child brain is something like a notebook as one buys it from the stationers. Rather little mechanism, and lots of blank sheets.
(62) We have thus divided our problem into two parts. The child-programme and the education process." (Kittler)

2 2 1 (2300) [-6+]mCQK turing-computing_machinery_and_intelligence (62) 20130909e 0 -10+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turing-computing_machinery_and_intelligence.html
Functionalism. "We need not be too concerned about the legs, eyes, etc. The example of Miss
Helen Keller shows that education can take place provided that communication in both directions between teacher and pupil can take place by some means or other.
(62) It is necessary therefore to have some other unemotional channels of communication. If these are available it is possible to teach a machine by punishments and rewards to obey orders given in some language,
e.g. a symbolic language.
(62-63) One might try to make it as simple as possible consistently with the general principles. Alternatively one might have a complete system of logical inference built in.
(63) The imperatives that can be obeyed by a machine that has no limbs are bound to be of a rather intellectual character, as in the example (doing homework) given above. Important amongst such imperatives will be ones which regulate the order in which the rules of the logical system concerned are to be applied." (62) Basic two way communication is at core of intelligence, not embodiment, helped by Helen Keller example.

2 2 1 (2400) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (56-57) 20130813i 0 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Hardware and software model of brain and mind. "By turning these methods and their concomitant linguistic analyses to the terms of philosophical theory, these thinkers could mount a new assault on the traditional mind/body problem armed with a clear and yet paradoxical tool out of computer science. The brain was not exactly a computer and the mind was not exactly software, but the hardware/software model is still the best metaphor we have for describing the brain, so much so that thinking and computation are almost indistinguishable." (56-57)

2 2 1 (2500) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (16) 20121127 0 -1+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Cybernetic information theory neglects the agonistic aspect of society, although its own history rife with contestation, as Hayles shows with Macy Conferences narratives: is this the lack of embodied objects to really understand their concerns in order to play games?

2 2 1 (2600) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (22) 20130924q 0 -6+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Replace technological determinist metanarrative of cyborg with historically contingent stories during development of cybernetics. "As we have seen, one way to construct virtuality is the way that Moravec and Minsky do as a metanarrative about the transformation of the human into a disembodied posthuman. I think we should be skeptical about this metanarrative. . . . By turning the technological determinism of bodiless information, the cyborg, and the posthuman into narratives about the negotiations that took place between particular people at particular times and places, I hope to replace a teleology of disembodiment with historically contingent stories about contests between competing factions, contests whose outcomes were far from obvious." (22)

2 2 1 (2700) [-7+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (6-7) 20130924e 4 -1+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Three paradigms (dominant signifiers) of homeostasis, reflexivity, and virtuality. (6-7) The first, from 1945 to 1960, took homeostasis as a central concept; the second, going roughly from 1960 to 1980, revolved around reflexivity; the third, stretching from 1980 to the present, highlights virtuality.

2 2 1 (2800) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (15) 20130924l 0 -1+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Seriation chart appropriated from archaeological anthropology; figure 1 presents a nice summary of the three waves of cybernetics.

2 2 1 (2900) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (8) 20131101 0 -3+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Cybernetics joined information, control, communication in synthesis of organic and mechanical; first movement emphasized reflexivity.

2 2 1 (3000) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (56-57) 20130928c 0 -8+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
First wave cybernetics privileged homeostasis over reflexivity on account of manageable complexity and historical contingencies. "In the choice between what information is and what it does, we can see the rival constellations of homeostasis and reflexivity beginning to take shape. . . . Homeostatis won in the first wave largely because it was more manageable quantitatively. Reflexivity lost because specifying and delimiting context quickly ballooned into an unmanageable project.
(57) If humans are information-processing machines, then they must have biological equipment enabling them to process binary code. The model constructing the human in these terms was the McCulloch-Pitts neuron." (56-57)

2 2 1 (3100) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (58) 20130928d 0 -10+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Linking the human and the machine by the superiority of electronic theories of complex, high speed control system operation to endocrine systems is important for how information lost its body, not by stealth or subterfuge but by reasonable analogy of McCulloch and Pitts neuron.

2 2 1 (3200) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (28) 20130910d 0 -1+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Digital computing conditional control transfer universalizes representations.

2 2 1 (3300) [-4+]mCQK mcluhan-understanding_media (307) 20131105a 0 -9+ progress/1994/08/notes_for_mcluhan-understanding_media.html
Compare this discussion of feedback to Hayles first generation cybernetics.

2 2 1 (3400) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (64) 20130928e 0 -3+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Hayles argues, too, that the human gets constructed in terms of the machine: admitting this is built into our consciousness, influencing our cognition and therefore, working backwards, our perception; let us reconstruct the human as cyborg by passing Hayles through Gallagher as posthuman cyborg cybersage.

2 2 1 (3500) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (68) 20130928f 0 -4+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Man became portable instrument set (Stroud).

2 2 1 (3600) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (10) 20130924h 0 -9+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Maturana and Varela are key theorists.

2 2 1 (3700) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (17) 20130924m 0 -5+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Skeuomoroph nonfunctional, vestigial design feature intentionally linking the new to the old, threshold devices in history of cybernetics.

2 2 1 (3800) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (18-19) 20130924o 1 -5+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
PET as something coming later that could have supported more radical, embodied and therefore complicated theories that at the time were not feasible to support experimentally.

2 2 1 (3900) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (54) 20130928 0 -1+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Linking Wiener and Shannon information theory to ideology based on technological milieu, which she will later link to Kittler media theory in EL. "Thus, a simplification necessitated by engineering considerations becomes an ideology in which a reified concept of information is treated as if it were fully commensurate with the complexities of human thought." (54)

2 2 1 (4000) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (55-56) 20130928b 4 -1+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
She likes to use the term triangulation for understanding differences between competing theories.

2 2 1 (4100) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (97) 20131101a 0 -5+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Wiener Nature of Analogy connects information and Saussure la langue: selection from possible alternatives rather than internal reference.

2 2 1 (4200) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (98) 20130928o 0 -2+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
This is the essence of computation, transformation (not necessarily of representation, when input from the physical world) proposed by Wiener by which much recent thinking has been influenced, which is why Hayles puts him in her story earlier rather than later.

2 2 1 (4300) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (101-102) 20130928q 0 -6+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Maxwell Demon incarnated (instantiated, made an example) as entropy and information rather than the instructional context I heard in late childhood.

2 2 1 (4400) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (102-103) 20130928r 0 -5+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Transformation of entropy from Victorian connotation dissolute living to positive role in information theory and communication.

2 2 1 (4500) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (110) 20130928s 0 -8+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Danger of cybernetics felt by Wiener follows from the trend towards minimal selfhood, distributed cognition, emergence, and now thanks to Gallagher clarifications, embodiment, which is just fine for machines and humans alike. "The danger of cybernetics, from Wienerƒs point of view, is that it can potentially annihilate the liberal subject as the locus of control.
(111) Concluding that we are too much in tune with the objects of our investigations to be good probes, Wiener counsels that cybernetics had best be left to the physical sciences, for to carry it into the human sciences would only build exaggerated expectations (HU, p. 164).
(112) Viewed in the historical perspective, Wiener was not successful in containing cybernetics within the circle of liberal humanist assumptions. . . . By the 1960s, the link between liberal humanism and self-regulation, a link forged in the eighteenth century, was already stretched thin; by the 1980s, it was largely broken." (110)

2 2 1 (4600) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (118-119) 20130928u 1 -9+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Shift from laboratory white box to human black box understood as analogical white box to which cybernetic adjustments can be applied.

2 2 1 (4700) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (131) 20130928w 0 -2+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Maturana and Varela key to second wave cybernetics, the latter whom Gallagher mentions.

2 2 1 (4800) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (137) 20130928x 0 -2+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
POV of feedback control system input, not objective reality. "Each living system thus constructs its environment through the domain of interactions made possible by its autopoietic organization. What lies ouside the domain does not exist for that system." (137) What some philosophers have been arguing for a long time.

2 2 1 (4900) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (138) 20130928y 0 -2+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Definition of living by Maturana that affords machines to be considered living as autopoietic physical systems, about which von Neumann mused.

2 2 1 (5000) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (138-139) 20130928z 0 -7+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Structural coupling accounts for embeddeness of system for Maturana. "To account for a systemƒs embeddedness in an environment, Maturana uses the concept of structural coupling. . . . Thus, time and causality are not intrinsic to the processes themselves but are concepts inferred by an observer.
(139) Information, coding, and teleology are likewise inferences drawn by an observer rather than qualities intrinsic to autopoietic processes.
(139) One implication of letting go of causality is that systems always behave as they should, which is to say, they always operate in accord with their structures, whatever those may be." (138-139) See Ziemke Disentangling Notions of Embodiment.

2 2 1 (5100) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (142) 20130929 0 -5+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Observer structurally coupled to phenomenon a strike at detached (ocularcentric) liberal humanist subject.

2 2 1 (5200) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (143) 20130929a 0 -12+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Changes in autonomy and reflexivity in autopoietic theory.

2 2 1 (5300) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (145) 20130929b 0 -4+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
For Maturana consciousness as emergent epiphenomenon. "Because Maturana understands self-consciousness solely in linguistic terms, seeing it as an emergent phenomenon that arises from autopoietic processes when they recursively interact with themselves, consciousness for him becomes a epiphenomenon rather than a defining characteristic of the human as an autopoietic entity. The activity of cerebration represents only a fraction of the total autopoietic processes, and self-consciousness represents only a fraction of cerebration. Thus the theory implicitly assigns to consciousness a much more peripheral role than it does to autonomy and individualism. In this respect, autopoietic theory points toward the posthuman even as it reinscribes the autonomy and individuality of the liberal subject." (145) Self-consciousness requires language.

2 2 1 (5400) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (146) 20130929c 0 -3+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Closure and recursivity versus self-possession. "Rather, the important point here is that the foundational ground for establishing the subjectƒs autonomy and individuality has shifted from self-possession, with all of its implications for the imbrication of the liberal subject with industrial capitalism. Instead, these privileged attributes are based on organizational closure (the system closes on itself, by itself) or on the reflexivity of a system recursively operating on its own representations (the observerƒs distinctions close the system). Closure and recursivity, then, play the foundational role in autopoietic theory that self-possession played in classic liberal theory." (146)

2 2 1 (5500) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (149) 20130929e 0 -1+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Liberal subject losing mind as seat of identity. "A status report, then: informationƒs body is still contested, the empire of the cyborg is still expanding, and the liberal subject, although more than even an autonomous individual, is literally losing its mind as the seat of identity." (149)

2 2 1 (5600) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (90) 20130928l 0 -6+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Bravo performance in eloquence and philosophical depth concerning probabilistic worldview active in information theory. "Far from being a passive confirmation, information theory was an active extension of a probabilistic worldview into the new and powerfully synthetic realm of communication theory. . . . Statistical and quantum mechanics deal with uncertainty on the microscale; communication reflects and embodies it on the macroscale. Envisioning relations on the macroscale as acts of communication was thus tantamount to extending the reach of probability into the social world of agents and actors." (90)

2 2 1 (5700) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (244) 20130930f 0 -1+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Danger of information ideology. "The computational universe becomes dangerous when it goes from being a useful heuristic to an ideology that privileges information over everything else." (244) Relate to Edwards and Golumbia.

2 2 1 (5900) [-6+]mCQK ihde-philosophy_of_technology (128) 20130930i 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_ihde-philosophy_of_technology.html
Influence of using computers in directing attention. "I am thus suggesting that the use of the computer, while not determining a direction, inclines our very inquiry in that direction." (128) Compare to Hayles on reciprocity between computing, cognitive science, and neurobiology.

2 2 1 (6000) [-6+]mCQK haraway-simians_cyborgs_women (185) 20130923g 0 -5+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_haraway-simians_cyborgs_women.html
War, again, reached by Benjamin, Kittler, and so many others as implicated if not the driving force of all things. "Like all neuroses, mine is rooted in the problem of metaphor, that is, the problem of the relation of bodies and language. . . . Technoscience and science fiction collapse into the sun of their radiant (ir)reality war." (185) Sounds like a repetition of ancient Greek philosophy.

2 2 1 (6100) [-6+]mCQK johnston-literature_media_information_systems (23) 20131103a 0 -8+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_johnston-literature_media_information_systems.html
Machines infuse psychoanalysis. "If there is an analogy between the childƒs writing device and the operations of the psychic apparatus, it is because the latter is already inhabited and made possible by a machine, a writing machine.
(23) The most salient fact about Lacanƒs Seminar on the Ego is that it is elaborated in relation to cybernetics and information theory.
(23-24) In Freudƒs time, however, storage functions could only be conceived of on the model of the
engram, which includes not only the graphic inscriptions highlighted by Derrida but also the grooves on Edisonƒs newly invented phonograph.
(24) Thus, for Kittler, Lacanƒs triple register of the imaginary, the real and the symbolic corresponds exactly to the separation of media, that is, of film, phonograph, and linguistic signifiers respectively. . . . Lacan simply implements in a functional model the most up-to-date media of information storage, transmission and computation." (23) Lacan imaginary, real, symbolic correspond to separation of media film, phonograph, linguistic signifiers.

2 2 1 (6200) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (244) 20131019s 0 -4+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Simon prediction of program model for psychological theory " (244) In 1957 Herbert
Simon made three other predictions. The second and third, somewhat more extravagant than computer as chess champion, were that within the same span of ten years a program would compose music of serious aesthetic value and would discover and prove an important mathematical theorem. The fourth prediction attracted little public attention: that within ten years programs would be the standard form for psychological theory.
(246) The new way of knowing asks that you think about everything, especially all aspects of the mind, in computational terms, in terms of programs and information processing." (Hayles, Edwards, Golumbia)

2 2 1 (6300) [-4+]mCQK turkle-life_on_the_screen (128) 20131108i 0 -7+ progress/2011/05/notes_for_turkle-life_on_the_screen.html
Computer presence as sustaining myth for new cognitive science psychology of inner states based on logic and rules; Hayles creates more nuanced articulation.

2 2 1 (6400) [-7+]mCQK turkle-life_on_the_screen (17) 20131108 0 -7+ progress/2011/05/notes_for_turkle-life_on_the_screen.html
Modernist computation aesthetic grounding postmodernism. (17) In a surprising and counter-intuitive twist, in the past decade, the mechanical engines of computers have been grounding the radically nonmechanical philosophy of postmodernism.
(18-19) These reassurances captured the essence of what I shall be calling
the modernist computational aesthetic. The image of the computer as calculator suggested that no matter how complicated a computer might seem, what happened inside it could be mechanically unpacked. . . . computational ideas were presented as one of the great modern metanarratives, stories of how the world worked that provided unifying pictures and analyzed complicated things by breaking them down into simpler parts.

2 2 1 (6600) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (19-20) 20130821f 0 -6+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Turkle second self and object to think with. "This new and powerful conception of psychology evolved in a reciprocal relationship with a changing culture of subjectivity for which computers became, in Sherry
Turkleƒs words, a second self. As she has shown, the analogy between computers and minds can simultaneously decenter, fragment, and reunify the self by reformulating self-understanding around concepts of information processing and modular mental programs, or by constituting an ideal form for thinking toward which people should strive. . . . With the emergence of global computer networks and virtual reality technologies for creating and inhabiting elaborated simulated spaces, by the 1990s cyberspace became a reality." (19-20)

2 2 1 (6700) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (160-161) 20130829e 0 -5+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Computer metaphor now pervades everyday self-understanding " (160-161) The computer metaphor contributes to the understanding of mind its far greater concreteness and vastly more detailed structure. . . . For the wider world, it eventually came to constitute a cultural background whose terms like those of psychoanalysis, as Turkle as argued increasingly pervade the self-understanding of ordinary people." (Turkle)

2 2 1 (6800) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (246) 20131019t 0 -1+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
AI the new of understanding almost everything, far beyond Socrates and all book writers rules to understand everything " (246) In asserting the primacy of program, artificial intelligence is making a big claim, announcing itself, as psychoanalysis and Marxism had done, as a new way of understanding almost everything." (see Phaedrus citation used in masters thesis but note this analysis focuses on Symposium)

2 2 1 (6900) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (247) 20131019u 0 -4+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Example of Norman taking new look at Freudian slips. "Donald
Norman, a psychologist who works within the AI tradition, has taken a new look at Freudian slips.
(248) Norman believes that since the representations of knowledge developed for computers are efficient and rational, the evolution of human mental mechanisms is likely to have converged along similar lines.
(249) A computational perspective suggests that when we understand the mechanisms of information storage and the programs that control our actions, we will come to see certain slips as likely, so likely that a Freudian search for meaning will be unnecessary and misguided.
(249-250) Marvin
Minsky also sees Freudian slips through the prism of programs, and, like Norman, he believes that by reinterpreting them in this way he is coming to Freudƒs aid: Freud was a good observer, but he simply did not have the appropriate set of concepts with which to think through his theory." (247)

2 2 1 (7000) [-6+]mCQK copeland-what_is_computation (357) 20130913b 0 -4+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_copeland-what_is_computation.html
A new know thyself is the extent the brain can be assigned a computational interpretation. "The rock-bottom issue in cognitive science is precisely whether, and to what extent, the brain
can be assigned ƒa computational interpretationƒ. If the argument presented here is correct, this is an empirical issue. It is always an empirical question whether or not there exists a labeling of some given naturally occurring system such that the system forms an honest model of some architecture-algorithm specification. And notwithstanding the truism that ƒsyntax is not intrinsic to physicsƒ the discovery of this architecture-algorithm specification and labeling may be the key to understanding the systemƒs organization and function." (357)

2 2 1 (7100) [-4+]mCQK turkle-second_self (251) 20130123 0 -8+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Interdisciplinary borrowing necessary for AI to ground itself, but soon viewed as colonization: fits well with Hayles studies, also fitting that Floridi devotes such a large part of Philosophy of Information to AI.

2 2 1 (7200) [-4+]mCQK turkle-second_self (259) 20131019v 0 -3+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Call for logic that assumes and transcends inconsistency, invoking Hofstadter we are the new philosophers: examine solutions built into hardware, programming languages, protocol and database systems as part of critical programming studies.

2 2 1 (7300) [-4+]mCQK turkle-second_self (273) 20131019w 0 -2+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Go beyond Lacanian use of Poe to this curious argument why he did not believe it was an automaton because it made mistakes.

2 2 1 (7400) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (313) 20131020c 0 -2+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Central cultural preoccupation as sex was for the Victorians. "Under pressure from the computer, the question of mind in relation to machine is becoming a central cultural preoccupation. It is becoming for us what sex was to the Victorians thread and obsession, taboo and fascination." (313)

2 2 1 (7500) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (17-18) 20130913c 0 -6+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Computers as metaphors for all effective procedures, the invisible generating visible effects. "Its combination of what can be seen and not seen, can be known and not known its separation of interface from algorithm; software from hardware makes it a powerful metaphor for everything we believe is invisible yet generates visible effects, from genetics to the invisible hand of the market; from ideology to culture. Joseph
Weizenbaum has argued that computers have become metaphors for all effective procedures, that is, for anything that can be solved in a prescribed number of steps, such as gene expression and clerical work. . . . The linking of rationality with mysticism, knowability with what is unknown, makes it a powerful fetish that offers its programmers and users alike a sense of empowerment, of sovereign subjectivity, that covers over barely--a sense of profound ignorance." (17-18)

2 2 1 (7600) [-4+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (94) 20130913x 0 -3+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Computers as metaphors for totality; stability from ephemerality.

2 2 1 (7700) [-7+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (1) 20130821 0 -7+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Closed world metaphor derives from feedback control model as dome of global oversight. (1) As machine, computer controlled vast systems of military technology central to the globalist aims and apocalyptic terms of Cold War foreign policy. First air defenses, then strategic early warning and nuclear response, and later the sophisticated tactical systems of the electronic battlefield grew from the control and communications capacities of information machines. As metaphors, such systems constituted a dome of global technological oversight, a
closed world, within which every event was interpreted as part of a titanic struggle between the superpowers. . . . Computers made the closed world work simultaneously as technology, as political system, and as ideological mirage.

2 2 1 (7800) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (255-256) 20130901d 0 -6+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Rejecting cybernetic, embodied brain models enshrined Enlightenment, closed mind. "In rejecting the cybernetic brain models and learning machines, AI also rejected a model of mind as inherently embodied. . . . In its Enlightenment-like proposals for an encyclopedic machine, AI sought to enclose and reproduce the world within the horizon and the language of systems and information. Disembodied AI, cyborg intelligence as formal model, thus constructed minds as miniature closed worlds, nested within and abstractly mirroring the larger world outside." (255-256)

2 2 1 (7900) [-6+]mCQK baudrillard-transparency_of_evil (52) 20131207 0 -4+ progress/1994/06/notes_for_baudrillard-transparency_of_evil.html
Intelligent machines do not deploy artifice, they resynthesize according to models, revealing tension between acknowledging embodiment and rampant biochauvanism in Baudrillard and Lyotard. "Artificial intelligence is devoid of intelligence because it is devoid of artifice. True artifice is the artifice of the body in the throes of passion, the artifice of the sign in seduction, the artifice of ambivalence in gesture, the artifice of the pithy remark that completely alters meaning. So-called intelligent machines deploy artifice only in the feeblest sense of the word, breaking linguistic, sexual, or cognitive acts down into their simplest elements and digitizing them so that they can be resynthesized according to models. They can generate all the possibilities of a program or of a potential object." (52)

2 2 1 (8000) [-6+]mCQK janz-reason_and_rationality_in_ezes_on_reason (300) 20130904 0 -9+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_janz-reason_and_rationality_in_ezes_on_reason.html
Compare different bases of reason and logic to contestations in Macy conferences highlighted by Edwards and Hayles. "In the first case, the question turns on whether reason, either in its basic structure or in its various forms, is universal or particular (and for ƒparticularƒ some would use ƒrelativeƒ). . . . So, for instance, one might wonder whether logic is in fact universal, or whether it has local, ƒethnoƒ, strains or iterations that are not merely forms of some wider sense of logic. Western logic, for instance, has largely been based on a binary system (true/false); what if logic were based on some other system, as in some Indian forms of logic? The same might be said of ethics (are meta-ethical principles localized or not?) or philosophical anthropology (is there a sense of the ƒpersonƒ that differs in different places?)." (300)

---2.2.2+++ cyborg embodiment

2 2 2 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150312 20150312 0 -2+ journal_2015.html
Detecting a flaw in the organization of cyborg embodiment for featuring Hayles critique of Kittler and Hansen so prominently. It is improper to describe either of these transformations as cybernetic, however, because it emerged accidentally, not as part of an engineered solution.

2 2 2 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150315 20150315 1 -4+ journal_2015.html
Heidegger must have felt assured his working journals did not betray a class of tendencies indicative by or to the rest of society as a signature of depravity, even wickedness and evil. That is also passes through computing machinery along with infamous humans only now beginning to be thought rather than being subsumed into machinic being PHI as mental exertions of media interfaces PHI. Philosophy and code merge as digital humanities scholarship writing software to test hypotheses PHI. Cybernetic is Engelbart type C activity, compared to B and A activities.

2 2 2 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150309 20150309a 0 -12+ journal_2015.html
Sequencing for cyborg embodiment.

problems with dynamic transformation,
Brooks subsumption architecture,
Suchman: planning models,
shared interaction,
opaque functionalism,
linguistic control,
documentary method.
Winograd further criticizes linguistic assumption that it goes all the way down.
Compare to Neel on Plato. Hayles discussion of subvocalization enteratins embodiment but is still fundamentally linguistic.
Hansen visual primacy also fails.
Shift to Clark extended cognition:
Bluefin tuna,
Gibson affordances,
foveation example,
radical emobidment tenets,
hybrid model.
Extended mind needs segue to Hayles on Bourdieu habitus.
Bogost voodoo.
Residual Golumbia skepticism leads to Hayles and Malabou layering in social factors to introduce technocapitalist networks. That is the sequence wished for the current place in the semiautomatic dissertation writing method developed and tested as part of the philosophical inquiry of the dissertation itself, a substantial part of its research.

2 2 2 (400) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20140322 20140322 1 -1+ journal_2014.html
Hayles argues that recognizing significances of contested aspects that later became the canonical history of cybernetics improves our understanding of our own posthuman embodiment as it is already thoroughly connected to information systems, machinery, and the built environment.

2 2 2 (500) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (147) 20130929d 5 -5+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Problem with dynamic transformation.

2 2 2 (600) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (222) 20130930a 0 -1+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Varela bridges second and third waves of cybernetics.

2 2 2 (700) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (235) 20130930c 0 -9+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Rodney Brooks robot subsumption architecture relates to philosophies of embodiment. "Whereas Moravec privileges consciousness as the essence of human being and wants to preserve it intact, [Rodney] Brooks speculates that there more essential property of the human being is the ability to move around and interact robustly with the environment.
(236) In his robots, Brooks uses what he calls
subsumption architecture. . . . There is no central representation, only a control system that kicks in to adjudicate when there is a conflict between the distributed modules. Brooks points out that the robot does not need to have a coherent concept of the world; instead it can learn what it needs directly through interaction with its environment. The philosophy is summed up in his aphorism: The world is its own best model.
(237) The hard part, he believes, is evolving creatures who are mobile and who can interact robustly with their environment." (235) Minimal selfhood/subjectivity criteria.

2 2 2 (800) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-the_inhuman (15-16) 20130827 0 -22+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_lyotard-the_inhuman.html
Human thought is reflective, analogical, not determinate, logical, binary, despite imposed computational models, due to debt owed to perceptual experience and embodiment in general.

2 2 2 (900) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (245) 20130930g 0 -2+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Problem with simulation when based on simplified models that turn around ground idea of reality explored by Damasio.

2 2 2 (1100) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20140307 20140307 0 -2+ journal_2014.html
With third wave cybernetics and contemporary human brain science aligning on massively parallel fuzzy logic networks as the best model for the mind, the physical characteristics of the interface between organism and highly engineered environment become highly relevant characteristics of the formerly monolithic, Cartesian ego that grounded the humanities self-conception during the epoch characterized by stored images of written text and mechanically effected media. Andy Clarkƒs extended mind builds upon McLuhanƒs declaration that the human nervous system extends into electric media not merely as perceptual stimulus and response but also its computational, even intellectual partner.

2 2 2 (2100) [-4+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (viii-ix) 20110613 0 -7+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
Begins to situate her critique of traditional (good old fashioned, cognitive science based) AI research, comparing the accounts of European and Trukese navigation (control system operation): we act like Trukese while talking like Europeans.

2 2 2 (2200) [-6+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (ix-x) 20131013 0 -13+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
View of action exemplified by European navigator reified in design of intelligent machines, purposeful action determined by plans as correct model of the rational actor. "The view of action exemplified by the European navigator is now being reified in the design of intelligent machines. . . . The view, that purposeful action is determined by plans, is deeply rooted in the Western human sciences as the correct model of the rational actor. . . . The view, that purposeful action is determined by plans, is deeply rooted in the Western human sciences as the correct model of the rational actor. . . . My own contention, however, is that as students of human action we ignore the Trukese navigator at our peril." (ix-x)

2 2 2 (2300) [-6+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (2) 20131013p 0 -1+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
New manifestation with interactive machines of old problem of mutual intelligibility relating observable behavior to intentional and causal processes. "My central concern in the investigation is a new manifestation of an old problem in the study of mutual intelligibility: namely, the relation between observable behavior and the processes, not available to direct observation, that make behavior meaningful." (2)

2 2 2 (2400) [-4+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (3) 20131013q 0 -1+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
Planning models confuse plans with situated actions.

2 2 2 (2500) [-6+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (5) 20131013b 0 -1+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
Second chapter starts with citation from Turkle describing evocative objects. "In
The Second Self (1984), Sherry Turkle describes the computer as an evocative object, one that raises new questions regarding our common sense of the distinction between artifacts and intelligent others." (5)

2 2 2 (2600) [-4+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (6) 20131013c 0 -1+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
Criticize the conflation of shared understanding and interaction, as interaction now includes machines.

2 2 2 (2700) [-4+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (7) 20131013d 0 -2+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
Interactivity of computational artifacts supported by reactive, linguistic, internally opaque properties as initial approach to machine embodiment; mine is different.

2 2 2 (2800) [-4+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (8) 20131013e 0 -1+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
Functionalism in cognitive science based on de la Mettrie view of mind as abstractable structure implementable in many substrates.

2 2 2 (2900) [-4+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (9) 20131013f 0 -1+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
Requirement of computer modeling as information processing psychology provides accountability to pursue science of inaccessible mental phenomena.

2 2 2 (3000) [-4+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (9) 20131013g 0 -5+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
First premise that all cognizers act on basis of symbolic representations, cognitive code instantiated physically in brain; no wonder Gallagher bristled when I tried to equivocate writing and computing.

2 2 2 (3100) [-6+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (10) 20131013h 0 -6+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
Tells the story of why artificial intelligence believes it is done like European navigation but should steer towards the bricoleur, attacking the view of cognition "as symbol manipulation through consideration of expert systems and industrial robots. (10) The view that intelligence is the manipulation of symbols finds practical implementation both in so-called expert systems, which structure and process large amounts of well-formulated data, and industrial robots that perform routine, repetitive assembly and control tasks. . . . In both cases, the systems can handle large amounts of encoded information, and syntactic relationships of great sophistication and complexity, in highly circumscribed domains. But when it comes either to direct interaction with the environment, of to the exercise of practical, everyday reasoning about the significance of events in the world, there is general agreement that the start-of-the-art in intelligent machines has yet to attain the basic cognitive abilities of the normal five-year-old child." (and computing in general)

2 2 2 (3200) [-4+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (11) 20131013i 0 -1+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
Reactive, interactive computers are purposeful, social objects.

2 2 2 (3300) [-6+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (11) 20130909 0 -4+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
Linguistic machine control, rather than mechanistic. "A more profound basis for the relative sociability of computer-based artifacts, however, is the fact that the means for controlling computing machines and the behavior that results are increasingly
linguistic, rather than mechanistic. That is to say, machine operation becomes less a matter of pushing buttons or pulling levers with some physical result, and more a matter of specifying operations and assembling their effects through the use of a common language. With or without machine intelligence, this fact has contributed to the tendency of designers, in describing what goes on between people and machines, to employ terms borrowed from the description of human interaction dialogue, conversation, and so forth: terms that carry a largely unarticulated collection of intuitions about properties common to human communication and the use of computer-based machines.
(13) The consequence of working from an admittedly partial and
ad hoc list of abilities, in limited domains, is that practical inroads in human-computer communication can be furthered, while the basic question of what human interaction comprises is deferred." (11) As soon as entity to entity interaction starts using symbols and breaks the necessary physical connection between embodied situational actors, computing exists.

2 2 2 (3600) [-6+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (15-16) 20131013k 0 -6+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
Dennett opacity. "As Dennett (1978) points out, it is in part our inability to see inside each otherƒs heads, or our mutual opacity, that makes intentional explanations so powerful in the interpretation of human action. So it is in part the internal complexity and opacity of the computer that invites an intentional stance. . . . To refer to the behavior of the machine, then, one must speak of its functionality." (15-16) Turkle irreducibility.

2 2 2 (3700) [-6+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (23) 20131013o 0 -3+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
Mannheim documentary method of interpretation explains why people believed there was artificial intelligence in the DOCTOR program. "The design of the DOCTOR program, in other words, exploited the natural inclination of people to deploy what Karl Mannheim first termed the
documentary method of interpretation to find the sense of actions that are assumed to be purposeful or meaningful (Garfinkel 1967, p. 78). Very simply, the documentary method refers to the observation that people take appearances as evidence for, or the document of, an ascribed underlying reality, while taking the reality so ascribed as a resource for the interpretation of the appearance." (23)

2 2 2 (3800) [-7+]mCQK winograd-thinking_machines (216-217) 20131019o 0 -7+ progress/2011/02/notes_for_winograd-thinking_machines.html
Computer is language machine, not a thinking machine: precisely the point so many find defective in OHCO hypothesis about textuality is the one Hayles exclaims overdetermines early posthuman conceptions as inherently discursive, symbolic. (216-217) The computer is a physical embodiment of the symbolic calculations envisaged by Hobbes and Liebniz. As such, it is really not a thinking machine, but a
language machine. The very notion of symbol system is inherently linguistic, and what we duplicate in our programs with their rules and propositions is really a form of verbal argument, not the workings of mind. . . . artificial intelligence has operated with the faith that mind is linguistic down to the microscopic level.

2 2 2 (3900) [-6+]mCQK neel-plato_derrida_writing (38) 20131006t 0 -2+ progress/2009/02/notes_for_neel-plato_derrida_writing.html
World of writing. "Plato operates in a world of writing in which what one knows emerges through the recursive, nonsequential externalizing of discourse, discourse that then remains available for limitless modification. At the same time, he valorizes a world in which knowledge is an entirely internal phenomenon that, rather than being created, is gradually recognized through oral discourse with a lover." (38) Tie in Clark extended cognition.

2 2 2 (4000) [-6+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (88-89) 20130924t 0 -6+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
Kittler key of technical media autonomously determining subjectivity. "No theorist has done more to advance the idea of
technical media as an autonomous force determining subjectivity than Friedrich A. Kittler. . . . Influenced by Foucault rhetorically as well as methodologically, Kittler departs from him in focusing not on discourse networks understood as written documents, but rather on the modes of technology essential to their production, storage, and transmission." (88-89)

2 2 2 (4100) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (207) 20130929z 0 -6+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Garrett Stewart subvocalization that is so important to Kittler actualizes literary language in the body. "In his groundbreaking work
Reading Voices: Literature and the Phonotext, Garret Stewart asks not now we read, or why we read, but where we read. He decides we read in the body, particularly in the vocal apparatus that produces subvocalization during silent reading. This subvocalization is essential, he argues, to the production of literary language. Language becomes literary for Stewart when it cannot be adequately replaced by other words, when that particular language is essential to achieving its effects. Literary language works by surrounding its utterances with a shimmer of virtual sounds, homophonic variants that suggest alternative readings to the words actually printed on the page. Subvocalization actualizes these possibilities in the body and makes them available for interpretation." (207)

2 2 2 (4200) [-4+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (89) 20130924u 0 -3+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
Subvocalized voice replaces material grapheme with hallucination.

2 2 2 (4300) [-4+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (102-103) 20130924x 0 -7+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
Hansen used as foil to Kittler by foregrounding role of embodiment in perceptual experience.

2 2 2 (4400) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (13) 20130923b 0 -2+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
Emphasis on operational perspective beneath Butler performativity.

2 2 2 (4500) [-4+]mCQK burnett-how_images_think (37) 20130912a 0 -2+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnett-how_images_think.html
Images become virtual from distance between events and metaphors used to explain them.

2 2 2 (4600) [-4+]mCQK burnett-how_images_think (90) 20130912g 0 -6+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnett-how_images_think.html
Interesting development of artistic production not being based on an ideal image because the artist is also focused on the object itself as lead up to interactivity of cyberspace.

2 2 2 (4700) [-4+]mCQK burnett-how_images_think (132) 20130912l 0 -1+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnett-how_images_think.html
Connection between Benjamin arcades and networked environments.

2 2 2 (4800) [-4+]mCQK burnett-how_images_think (137) 20130912m 0 -5+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnett-how_images_think.html
Neuroscience perspective broadens study of effects of computers on human subjectivity by releasing from equation of thinking, knowledge, language.

2 2 2 (4900) [-7+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (20) 20130923d 0 -10+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
Body in code is technical mediation of sensory commons of body schema. (20) Such technical mediation of the body schema (of the scope of body-environment coupling) comprises what I propose to call a
body-in-code. . . . I mean a body submitted to and constituted by an unavoidable and empowering technical deterritorialization - a body whose embodiment is realized, and can only be realized, in conjunction with technics.
(20-21) Indeed, if we take the experience of
Rigid Waves and Liquid Waves as exemplary of this phase, we can immediately comprehend how digital technologies, as the contemporary expression of the originary technical mediation of the human, broaden what we might call the sensory commons - the space we human beings share by dint of our constitutive embodiment. . . . To think of the body as a body-in-code, then, is simultaneously to think of human existence as a prepersonal sensory being-with.

2 2 2 (5000) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (21) 20130923e 0 -3+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
Merleau-Ponty update; virtuality as original technical element, mixed reality its contemporary phenomenological dimension.

2 2 2 (5100) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (26) 20130923f 0 -2+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
Krueger more interested in embodied enaction than visual technics.

2 2 2 (5200) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (39-40) 20130923j 0 -7+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
Invocation of Gallagher body schema/image distinction; Massumi body without and image and Gil infralingustic body.

2 2 2 (5300) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (58) 20130923k 0 -1+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
Merleau-Ponty schism (ecart) at heart of bodily life.

2 2 2 (5400) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (61) 20130923l 0 -3+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
All technologies are exteriorizations of sensory ecart.

2 2 2 (5500) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (69) 20130923m 0 -11+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
Tactile reflexivity is basic, primordial (Anzeiu); it bootstraps itself into experience.

2 2 2 (5600) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (72) 20130923o 0 -4+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
Dehiscence is spontaneous opening at maturity of a plant structure, or a wound, used by Derrida and others.

2 2 2 (5700) [-4+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (105) 20130924y 0 -6+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
Clearly a tie into Gallagher since she mentions Francisco Valera; cannot find the reference to Demasio I remember reading.

2 2 2 (5800) [-4+]mCQK malabou-what_should_we_do_with_our_brain (33) 20130922a 0 -2+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_malabou-what_should_we_do_with_our_brain.html
Bergson central telephone exchange brain theory.

2 2 2 (5900) [-6+]mCQK clark-embodied_cognitive_science (345) 20131028a 0 -1+ progress/2010/04/notes_for_clark-embodied_cognitive_science.html
Example of Bluefin tuna actively exploiting local environment. "The physical system whose functioning explains the prodigious swimming capacities of the Bluefin tuna is thus the fish-as-embedded-in, and as actively exploiting its local environment." (345)

2 2 2 (6000) [-6+]mCQK clark-embodied_cognitive_science (345) 20131028b 0 -2+ progress/2010/04/notes_for_clark-embodied_cognitive_science.html
Robot controller ought to exploit intrinsic dynamics of the environment like the Bluefin tuna. "To understand how the robotƒs brain controls the robotƒs motions, a shift towards an embodied perspective is required. The controller must learn to exploit the rich intrinsic dynamics of the system." (345)

2 2 2 (6100) [-4+]mCQK clark-embodied_cognitive_science (345) 20131028c 0 -2+ progress/2010/04/notes_for_clark-embodied_cognitive_science.html
Task of robotic vision must be to efficiency in service of real-world, real-time action rather than building rich inner model.

2 2 2 (6200) [-6+]mCQK clark-embodied_cognitive_science (346) 20131028d 0 -6+ progress/2010/04/notes_for_clark-embodied_cognitive_science.html
Gibson affordance from ecological psychology challenges traditional ideas about perception and action assuming rich internal representations with adaptively potent equilibrium couping agent and world. "Related insights stem from the work of J.J. Gibson and the ecological psychology movement. This approach stresses bodily movement, ecological context and the action-relevant information available in the perceptual array. A central organizing construct is the concept of an ƒaffordanceƒ.
(346) Such co-ordination dynamics constitute something of a challenge to traditional ideas about perception and action: they replace the notion of rich internal representations and computations, with the notion of less expensive strategies whose task is not first to represent the world and then reason on the basis of representation, but instead to maintain a kind of adaptively potent equilibrium that couples the agent and the world together." (346)

2 2 2 (6300) [-4+]mCQK clark-embodied_cognitive_science (347) 20131028e 0 -3+ progress/2010/04/notes_for_clark-embodied_cognitive_science.html
Challenge of embodied approach dealing with off-line reason, cognition, imagination when there is no active, adaptive coupling.

2 2 2 (6400) [-4+]mCQK clark-embodied_cognitive_science (349) 20110316 0 -2+ progress/2010/04/notes_for_clark-embodied_cognitive_science.html
Expanding cognition by imbricating new, fine motor control behaviors same point Hayles makes about electronic literature.

2 2 2 (6600) [-4+]mCQK clark-embodied_cognitive_science (349) 20131028f 0 -6+ progress/2010/04/notes_for_clark-embodied_cognitive_science.html
Claims of radical embodiment theorists: new tools and methods necessary, reject traditional notions of representation and computation, decomposition into functional internal subsystems is misleading.

2 2 2 (6700) [-4+]mCQK clark-embodied_cognitive_science (350) 20131028 0 -1+ progress/2010/04/notes_for_clark-embodied_cognitive_science.html
Radical embodiment must deal with challenge of representation-hungry problems and environmentally-decoupled reason.

2 2 2 (6800) [-4+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (xv) 20121004 0 -1+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Chalmers: limited bandwidth between elements of environment allows maintaining internal conscious core for humans; at the same time, accepting the weak functionalism of the Parity Principle supports mentality existing in the cyborg network.

2 2 2 (6900) [-4+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (xxvii) 20130913 0 -8+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Initial questions concerning the brainbound model: is internal, neurally realized model of mind indicative of the modernist perspective; how does instrumentality fit; veil of transduction perspective on perception.

2 2 2 (7000) [-6+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (10-11) 20130913b 0 -1+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Fit between morphology and control at the core of multipurposive synergetic systems. "But one way in which evolved agents truly inhabit rather than simply control, their bodies may be usefully understood in terms of a profound fit between morphology and control." (10-11)

2 2 2 (7100) [-4+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (14) 20130913c 0 -1+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Vision is computational active sensing deictic coding.

2 2 2 (7200) [-4+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (17) 20130913e 0 -5+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Importance of time-locked multimodel sensory stimulation in category learning and concept formation further details model of subjectivity.

2 2 2 (7300) [-6+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (17) 20131028a 0 -1+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Cartesian, modernist subjectivity separating perception and cognition as manipulating internal models being supplanted by open conduit likely tied to inscription technologies of static, external marks. "The embodied agent is empowered to use active sensing and perceptual coupling in ways that simplify neural problem solving by making the most of environmental opportunities and information freely available in the optic array." (17)

2 2 2 (7400) [-3+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (23) 20130913g 0 -7+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html

2 2 2 (7500) [-6+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (27) 20130913h 0 -5+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Clark concludes outcome of dynamical, soft computationalism "is a hybrid that I see as more informed by more recent models of computing than earlier cybernetics, tying in Hayles intermediation as well, perhaps a of Latour modernish breed. (27) Instead, what we seem to end up with is a very powerful and interesting
hybrid: a kind of dynamical computationaism in which the details of the flow of information are every bit as important as the larger scale dynamics and in which some dynamical features lead a double life as elements in an information-processing economy. . . . Such work aims to display the specific contributions that embodiment and environmental embedding make by identifying what might be termed the dynamic functional role of specific bodily and worldly operations in the real-time performance of some task." (continuous reciprocal causation)

2 2 2 (7600) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (156-157) 20130929g 0 -6+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Mind as collection of heterogeneous, disunified processes. "Referencing such works as R.
Jackendoffƒs Consciousness and the Computational Mind and Marvin Minksyƒs Society of Mind, he and his coauthors show that contemporary models of cognition can be modeled through discrete and semiautonomous agents. Each agent runs a modular program designed to accomplish a specific activity, operating relatively independent of the others. Only when conflicts occur between agents does an adjudicating program kick in to resolve the problem. In this model, consciousness emerges as an epiphenomenon whose role it is to tell a coherent story about what is happening, even though this story may have little to do with what is happening processurally. These models posit the mind, Varela wrote, not as a unified, homogeneous unity, nor even as a collection of entities, but rather as a disunified, heterogeneous, collection of processes (p." (156-157) Jackendoff computational mind, Minsky society of mind.

2 2 2 (7700) [-4+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (34) 20130913j 0 -2+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Compelling examples of new systemic wholes in monkey research with robot arm, Tactile-Visual Substitution System experiments with humans, and tactile flight suit.

2 2 2 (7800) [-4+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (38-39) 20130913k 0 -7+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Gallagher body image/body schema distinction.

2 2 2 (7900) [-6+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (40) 20121006 0 -3+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Key transition for arguing texts and technology influence on subjectivity is whether cognitive extension meaningful concept like empirically documented sensory extension. "But whereas we can now begin to point, in the case of basic tool use, to the distinctive kinds of visible neural changes that accompany the genuine assimilation of tools or of new bodily structure, it is harder to know just what to look for in the case of mental and cognitive routines.
(40) To insist that such change requires the literal intelligibility of the operations of the new by the old, rather than simply the emergence for new wholes that are then
themselves the determiners of what is and is not intelligible to the agent. It must thus be possible, at least in principle, for new nonbiological tools and structures to likewise become sufficiently well integrated into our problem-solving activity as to yield new agent-constituting wholes." (40)

2 2 2 (8000) [-4+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (41) 20130913l 0 -7+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Change blindness experiments strengthen idea that embodiment in environment sustains reliance on visual field in place of constant inspection; reliance of ready-at-handedness extended to wearable computing and ubiquitous information access.

2 2 2 (8100) [-4+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (42) 20121007 0 -8+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Compare conceptualization of grades of embodiment (mere, basic, profound) to Hayles eras of cybernetics to explore how computing paradigms interact with cognitive paradigms, from the Cartesian subject to the postmodern dividual.

2 2 2 (8200) [-4+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (44) 20130913m 0 -4+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Compare this updated version of language as scaffolding to Ong on formation of modern subject through orality, literacy, and print.

2 2 2 (8300) [-4+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (54) 20130913o 0 -4+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Words are cues to meaning; hypomnesis is good after all.

2 2 2 (8400) [-4+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (55-56) 20130913p 0 -2+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Problem with concepts for Fodor is their entailing primordial, biological Platonic forms.

2 2 2 (8500) [-6+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (60) 20130913q 0 -2+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Engelbart Type C activity reflects massively self-engineered nature of mature mental routines. "Our mature mental routines are not merely self-engineered: They are massively, overwhelmingly, almost
unimaginably self-engineered. The linguistic scaffoldings that surround us, and that we ourselves create, are both cognition enhancing in their own right and help provide the tools we use to discover and build the myriad other props and scaffoldings whose cumulative effect is to press minds like ours from the biological flux." (60)

2 2 2 (8600) [-6+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (82) 20130913s 0 -1+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Physical underpinnings well explained by this model of subjectivity, raising questions. "Whereas BRAINBOUND locates all our mental machinery firmly in the head and central nervous system, EXTENDED allows at least some aspects of human cognition to be realized by the ongoing work of the body and/or the extraorganismic environment." (82) Given its proximity to machine systems, does it follow that machine cognition independent of human may exist; need it be disconnected to be genuine; can the humans be parts of incomprehensible, alien swirls for it?

2 2 2 (8700) [-4+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (198) 20130913t 0 -2+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Clark presents the clearest, most sensible, up to date basis for philosophy of computing as it intersects mind, cognition, consciousness, subjectivity and ultimately the human: spreading the load, self-structuring of information, supporting extended cognition threads joined by hypothesis of cognitive impartiality, hypothesis of motor deference, multiple functionality all highly relevant.

2 2 2 (8800) [-6+]mCQK clark_chalmers-extended_mind (12) 20130913d 0 -2+ progress/2010/04/notes_for_clark_chalmers-extended_mind.html
Environmental constitution of beliefs related to major premise of Norman Design of Everyday Things. "In particular, we will argue that beliefs can be constituted partly by features of the environment, when those features play the right sort of role in driving cognitive processes. If so, the mind extends into the world." (12)

2 2 2 (8900) [-4+]mCQK clark_chalmers-extended_mind (14) 20130913e 0 -1+ progress/2010/04/notes_for_clark_chalmers-extended_mind.html
Cognition beyond the human body.

2 2 2 (9000) [-6+]mCQK clark_chalmers-extended_mind (17) 20130913f 0 -3+ progress/2010/04/notes_for_clark_chalmers-extended_mind.html
Socially extended cognition not only Roman name whispered but Zizek reality of the virtual. "What about socially extended cognition? Could my mental states be partly constituted by the states of other thinkers? We see no reason why not, in principle." (17)

2 2 2 (9100) [-6+]mCQK clark_chalmers-extended_mind (18) 20130913g 0 -4+ progress/2010/04/notes_for_clark_chalmers-extended_mind.html
Devices metaphor for describing unique abilities of language, here as ubiquitous literacy. "Without language, we might be much more akin to discrete Cartesian ƒinnerƒ minds, in which high-level cognition relies largely on internal resources. But the advent of language has allowed us to spread this burden into the world. Language, thus constructed, is not a mirror of our inner states but a complement to them. It serves as a tool whose role is to extend cognition in ways that on-board devices cannot." (18)

2 2 2 (9300) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (78) 20130928i 4 -4+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Later a statement about retina inside rather than world outside.

2 2 2 (9400) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (85) 20130928k 0 -2+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Lakoff and Johnson and others dwell on other embodied metaphors to imperil liberal subjectivity " (85) As George Lakoff and Mark Johnson have shown in their study of embodied metaphors, our images of our bodies, their limitations and possibilities, openings and self-containments, inform how we envision the intellectual territories we stake out and occupy.
(86) The tensions between Wienerƒs humanistic values and the cybernetic viewpoint is everywhere apparent in his writing." (Haverson, Connerton)

2 2 2 (9500) [-4+]mCQK gee-what_video_games_have_to_teach_us_about_learning_and_literacy (72) 20130921p 0 -4+ progress/2012/09/notes_for_gee-what_video_games_have_to_teach_us_about_learning_and_literacy.html
Abstract concepts in languages are based in embodied metaphors.

2 2 2 (9700) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (197) 20130929m 0 -4+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
De Certeau corrects Foucault on importance of individual articulations of cultural appropriations.

2 2 2 (9800) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (198) 20130929n 0 -11+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Articulation means linguistic, discursive construction. "One possibility is to complicate and enrich the tension between embodiment and the body by juxtaposing this tension with another binary distinction inscription and incorporation that partly converges and partly diverges from it. . . . Like the body, inscription is normalized and abstract, in the sense that it is usually considered as a system of signs operating independently of any particular manifestations. . . . I foreground them now to point out that they constitute inscription as a conceptual abstraction rather than as an instantiated materiality.
(198) In contrast to inscription is incorporation. An incorporating practice such as a good-bye wave cannot be separated from its embodied medium, for it exists as such only when it is instantiated in a particular hand making a particular kind of gesture." (198)

2 2 2 (9900) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (199) 20130929p 0 -1+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Merleau-Ponty and Connerton suggest habit not symbolizable, stored in symbols.

2 2 2 (10000) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (201) 20130929r 0 -5+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Valera and Dreyfus emphasize emotion and other embodiment-dependent aspects of learning and intellection in addition to rational cognition.

2 2 2 (10100) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (201-202) 20130929s 0 -5+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Zizek unknown knowns. "Drawing from Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Karl Polanyi, Jean Piaget, and other phenomenologists, Dreyfus delineates three functions that are characteristic of embodied learning and are not present in computer programs: an inner horizon that consists of a partly determined, partly open context of anticipation; the global character of the anticipation, which relates it to other pertinent contexts in fluid, shifting patterns of connection; and the transferability of such anticipation from one sense modality to another. One implication of this view of embodied learning is that humans know much more than they consciously realize they know. Another is that this embodied knowledge may not be completely formalizable, since the openness of the horizon allows for ambiguities and new permutations that cannot be programmed into explicit decision procedures.
(202) A further implication of embodied interaction with the environment is developed by Pierre Bourdieu. He argues that even if one is successful in reducing some area of embodied knowledge to analytical categories and explicit procedures, one has in the process changed the kind of knowledge it is, for the fluid, contextual interconnections that define the open horizon of embodied interactions would have solidified into discrete entities and sequential instructions." (201-202) Recall why Heim criticizes Dreyfus.

2 2 2 (10200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20150318 20150318a 3 -1+ journal_2015.html
Next shift is from extended mind to Hayles use of it as comparable to Bourdieu habitus to describe the as is situation PHI.

2 2 2 (10300) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (202-203) 20130929t 0 -5+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Bourdieu habitus exemplifies embodied knowledge independent of discursive articulation. "Bourdieuƒs work illustrates how embodied knowledge can be structurally elaborate, conceptually coherent, and durably installed without ever having to be cognitively recognized as such. . . . The habitus is conveyed through the orientation and movement of the body as it traverses cultural spaces and experiences temporal rhythms." (202-203)

---2.2.3+++ techno-capitalist networks

2 2 3 (100) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20150324 20150324a 8 -1+ journal_2015.html
Outline of technocapitalist networks:
Foucault revisited
Boltanski and Chiapello on capitalism, three spirits
Castells on network society
Boltanski and Chiapello on networks (move some to critical theory)
Castells on IT paradigm, project orientation, 3 layers
Deleuze societies of control revisited
Lyotard computerization
Gane inhuman
Lessig code becomes law
Harper smash the strata
Spinuzzi on networks, Haraway informatics of domination

2 2 3 (200) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20150322 20150322a 25 -3+ journal_2015.html
After doing some dissertation cow clicking to send last bits of current section to cyborg revisited, also save some thoughts from whiteboard before erasing to sketch the next section beginning with Winner, for it had been following Hayles on Bourdieu habitus Rushkoff again, from the habits of computing printing etc.

2 2 3 (300) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20140325 20140325 0 -2+ journal_2014.html
Flipping the focus from the extended mind to the machine side we seek to sketch out their milieu, which I call technocapitalist networks.

2 2 3 (400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150326 20150326 1 -10+ journal_2015.html
Continue to weaving together tapoc session 13, that is, proposal underscore PHI runtime configuration generating the sequenced texts of notes and citations. Book inspired by perplexity over coexistence of declining social position of masses and booming capitalist economies. Networks as form between hierarchical and markets as large firms do not dissolve into set commercial contracts. Construct framework for combining critical and pragmatic sociology based on analytic framework of De la justification affording analysis of supra-individual entities, focusing on 1965 through 1995. Plenty of critiques of globalization but stagnation in establishing mechanisms to control new forms of capitalism. Critical sociology replaced by sociology of critique for indifference to actors. Deregulation of financial markets real effect of appropriated critique worsening social situation. Network and projects mobilized by rhetoric of capitalism. Networks appeal to desire to connect as basic property of human nature, as well as wanting to be simultaneously free and engaged. Castells refers to Ceruzzi among others for the well exercised history of the IT revolution, of which he gives a condensed version, concluding that 1990s networking has been decisive, then discussing the creation of the Internet: is this history likely to become part of general education, or will it be needed for grounding digital humanities and philosophy of computing?

2 2 3 (500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20150330 20150330a 1 -1+ journal_2015.html
Move inhuman sequence to precede second Boltanski and Chiapello section.

2 2 3 (600) [-6+]mCQK winner-mythinformation (590) 20131019 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_winner-mythinformation.html
Prevailing ahistorical viewpoint making politics a crucial but thoughtless part of message of computer revolutionaries. "A consistently ahistorical viewpoint prevails. . . . Politics, in other words, is not a secondary concern for many computer enthusiasts; it is a crucial albeit thoughtless, part of their message." (590) Knowledge is power bright future for participatory democracy.

2 2 3 (700) [-6+]mCQK winner-mythinformation (592) 20131019b 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_winner-mythinformation.html
Large transnational businesses will be biggest winners. "Those who stand to benefit most obviously are large transnational business corporations. While their global reach does not arise solely from the application of information technologies, such organizations are uniquely situated to exploit the efficiency, productivity, command, and control the new electronics make available. Other notable beneficiaries of the systematic use of vast amounts of digitized information are public bureaucracies, intelligence agencies, and an ever-expanding military, organizations that would operate less effectively at their present scale were it not for the use of computer power." (592) Increase in power of those already in power.

2 2 3 (800) [-6+]mCQK deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control (5-6) 20140325 0 -16+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control.html
Universal system of deformation defines milieu from which technocapitalist networks emerge. "the corporation, the educational system, the armed services being metastable states coexisting in one and the same modulation, like a universal system of deformation. . . . The disciplinary societies have two poles: the signature that designates the individual, and the number or administrative numeration that indicates his or her position within a mass. . . . In the societies of control, on the other hand, what is important is no longer either a signature or a number, but a code: the code is a password, while on the other hand the disciplinary societies are regulated by watchwords (as much from the point of view of integration as from that of resistance). The numerical language of control is made of codes that mark access to information, or reject it. We no longer find ourselves dealing with the mass/individual pair. Individuals have become dividuals, and masses, samples, data, markets, or banks. Perhaps it is money that expresses the distinction between the two societies best, since discipline always referred back to minted money that locks gold in as numerical standard, while control relates to floating rates of exchange, modulated according to a rate established by a set of standard currencies. The old monetary mole is the animal of the spaces of enclosure, but the serpent is that of the societies of control. We have passed from one animal to the other, from the mole to the serpent, in the system under which we live, but also in our manner of living and in our relations with others. The disciplinary man was a discontinuous producer of energy, but the man of control is undulatory, in orbit, in a continuous network." (5-6)

2 2 3 (900) [-6+]mCQK deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control (6) 20131022 0 -18+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control.html
A grand statement about control versus confinement reflects continuous industrial cybernetic feedback process control enveloping humanity. "Types of machines are easily matched with each type of society . . . the societies of control operate with machines of a third type,
computers, whose passive danger is jamming and whose active one is piracy and the introduction of viruses. . . . Itƒs a capitalism of higher-order production. It no longer buys raw materials and it no longer sells the finished products. What it wants to sell is services and what it wants to buy is stocks. . . . Corruption thereby gains a new power. Marketing has become the center of the soul of the corporation. We are taught that corporations have a soul, which is the most terrifying news in the world. The operation of markets is now the instrument of social control and forms the impudent breed of our masters. Control is short-term and of rapid rates of turnover, but also continuous and without limit, while discipline was of long duration, infinite and discontinuous." (6)

2 2 3 (1000) [-6+]mCQK foucault-discipline_and_punish (227-228) 20130921i 13 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_foucault-discipline_and_punish.html
Indefinite discipline under endless interrogation is the model of the control society. " Is it surprising that prisons resemble factories, schools, barracks, hospitals, which all resemble prisons?" (227-228)

2 2 3 (1100) [-6+]mCQK foucault-birth_of_biopolitics (10) 20130720 3 -8+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_foucault-birth_of_biopolitics.html
Foreshadowing of protocol with internal regulation of governmental rationality. " I think it is around this time that we are forced to note an important transformation that in a general way will be a characteristic feature of what could be called modern governmental reason. . . . it consists in establishing a principle of limitation that will no longer be extrinsic to the art of government, as was law in the seventeenth century, but intrinsic to it: an internal regulation of governmental rationality.
(10) To say that there is a de facto limitation of governmental practice means that a government that ignores this limitation will not be an illegitimate, usurping government, but simply a clumsy, inadequate government that does not do the proper thing.
(11) Internal regulation means that there really is a limitation that is general while being de facto, that is to say, that, whatever happens, follows a relatively uniform line in terms of principles valid at all times and in all circumstances.
(11) No, the principle of this limitation is not to be sought in what is external to government, but in what is internal to governmental practice, that is to say, in the objectives of government." (10)

2 2 3 (1200) [-6+]mCQK foucault-birth_of_biopolitics (19) 20130720a 0 -4+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_foucault-birth_of_biopolitics.html
Formation of apparatus of knowledge-power, liberalism, biopolitics. "The point of all these investigations concerning madness, disease, delinquency, sexuality, and what I am talking about now, is to show how the coupling of a set of practices and a regime of truth form an
apparatus (dispositif) of knowledge-power that effectively marks out in reality that which does not exist and legitimately submits it to the division between true and false.
(20) What is this new type of rationality in the art of government, this new type of calculation that consists in saying and telling government: I accept, wish, plan, and calculate that all this should be left alone? I think that this is broadly what is called
(22) only when we know what this governmental regime called liberalism was, will we be able to grasp what biopolitics is." (19)

2 2 3 (1300) [-4+]mCQK foucault-birth_of_biopolitics (32) 20130728a 0 -10+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_foucault-birth_of_biopolitics.html
The market as site of veridiction-falsification for governmental practice.

2 2 3 (1400) [-4+]mCQK foucault-birth_of_biopolitics (44) 20131030 0 -7+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_foucault-birth_of_biopolitics.html
Interest is principle of exchange and criterion of utility; government becomes only interested in interests, thin phenomenal film as only possible surface of intervention.

2 2 3 (1500) [-6+]mCQK foucault-birth_of_biopolitics (46) 20130728c 0 -3+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_foucault-birth_of_biopolitics.html
Liberalism questions utility value in phenomenal republic of interests, as thin film possible surface of government intervention where exchange determines value. "In its new regime, government is basically no longer to be exercised over subjects and other things subjected through these subjects. Government is now to be exercised over what we could call the
phenomenal republic of interests. The fundamental question of liberalism is: What is the utility value of government and all actions of government in a society where exchange determines the true value of things?" (46)

2 2 3 (1600) [-4+]mCQK deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control (3) 20130914 0 -1+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control.html
Transience of social forms, from sovereignty to disciplinary to control; like orality to literacy to electracy?

2 2 3 (1700) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (4) 20140304b 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Capitalism as unlimited, interminable accumulation of capital by formally peaceful means, distinguished from market economy that attempts to regulate it.

2 2 3 (1800) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (6) 20140304c 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Capitalists formally include those possessing property income, but limit to active profit maximizers of firms.

2 2 3 (1900) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (7) 20140304d 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Capitalism also characterized by voluntary subjection of wage earning class.

2 2 3 (2000) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xl) 20140303e 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Cadres, meaning career plans, key concept for the limit of the little people bordering great men epitomizing new spirit of capitalism in humans.

2 2 3 (2100) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (8) 20140304e 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Spirit of capitalism is the ideology justifying engagement.

2 2 3 (2200) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (9) 20140304f 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Vocation as moral relationship to work (Weber).

2 2 3 (2300) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (9-10) 20140304g 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
To Hirschman Enlightenment secular thinking justified profit making in terms of common social good; lucre became innocuous passion for subjugating more aggressive passions.

2 2 3 (2400) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (12-13) 20140119 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Utilitarianism incorporated into economics connected profit creation with common good serving society.

2 2 3 (2500) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (13) 20140119a 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Commoditization of services by competitive private enterprise deemed socially optimal solution because of dual drive to maximize profit through reducing waste and satisfy customers, including anticipating their expectations.

2 2 3 (2600) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (16) 20140119d 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Spirit of capitalism peculiar to each age must assuage anxiety provoke by questions of autonomy, security, common good.

2 2 3 (2700) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (17) 20140119e 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
First characterization of capitalism focused on person of bourgeois entrepreneur at end of nineteenth century; its amalgam of incompatible propensities led to charges of hypocrisy.

2 2 3 (2800) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (17-18) 20140119f 0 -4+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Second characterization developing between 1930s and 1960s emphasized the organization and heroic manager; control transferred to technostructure.

2 2 3 (2900) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (19) 20140119g 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Third characterization of globalized capitalism employing new technologies.

2 2 3 (3000) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (72) 20140306n 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Ideological world picture of free Western European and United States versus planned economies of 1960s replaced by emergence of third capitalist pole in Asia challenging old capitalist countries in 1990s.

2 2 3 (3100) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (73) 20140309 0 -9+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Lean, network, projects, vision, alliance, team are keywords.

2 2 3 (3200) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (81-82) 20140309f 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Increase in productivity of investments drives replacement for Fordist mode of regulation (Aglietta), economic importance of worker awareness of good health of machines.

2 2 3 (3300) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (82-83) 20140309g 0 -10+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Replacing hierarchical control with market control by outsourcing and autonomization of value stream focused on the customers order is hard to plan and depends on ability to react, organizational flexibility, and trust.

2 2 3 (3400) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (85) 20140309i 0 -4+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Conclusion that bureaucracies are not only inhuman but unviable; reintroduce personal relations.

2 2 3 (3500) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (87) 20140309l 0 -7+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Security for cadres in career guarantees, welfare state for everyone else.

2 2 3 (3600) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (89) 20140309m 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Weak point in new spirit of capitalism proposing forms of security compatible with dominant requirement of flexbility.

2 2 3 (3700) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (87) 20140309k 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Inhuman machines created by endeavor to relentlessly rationalize firms. "The 1990s hark back to this idea in order to counter it: the endeavor relentlessly to rationalize the way firms are run has created inhuman machines." (87)

2 2 3 (3800) [-6+]mCQK gane-computerized_capitalism (431-432) 20120804 0 -11+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_gane-computerized_capitalism.html
Power analysis similar to Castells and de Lauretis. "Rather, the task of the present paper is to look at the general connection of digital technology and capitalist culture, and beyond this the impact of this technology not simply on human but also on
ƒinhumanƒ affairs. . . . The Postmodern Condition (Lyotard 1984), for example, starts with a study of the changing nature of knowledge in computerized society. . . . But, unlike McLuhan, the underlying message here is quite different: these technologies are not merely ƒextensions of manƒ but extensions of the capitalist market insofar as they speed up and thus promote the production, exchange and consumption of information. And on this basis, there is, for Lyotard, contrary to McLuhan, an intimate connection between digital technologies and relations of power. This connection is twofold: first, power is connected to expenditure, for there can be no technology without investment just as there can be no investment without technology; and second, power, as Virilio (1986) has suggested, is now also an effect of speed, the potential for which is enhanced by the advent of digital media." (431-432) Inhuman affairs points towards Harman, Bogost, Berry.

2 2 3 (3900) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (66) 20130913m 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Worldwide research trip with Hall discovering metropolis-centered milieux of innovation.

2 2 3 (4000) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (214) 20120819 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
The network enterprise is constituted by business networks, technological tools, global competition and the state; what happens to human beings inhabiting it is the network replaces subjectivity as basic unit of economic organization, actor, agent.

2 2 3 (4100) [-6+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (187) 20130913y 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Network enterprise is material, productive instantiation of the informational culture. "
that specific form of enterprise whose system of means is constituted by the intersection of segments of autonomous systems of goals. . . . The performance of a given network will then depend on two fundamental attributes of the network: its connectedness, that is, its structural ability to facilitate noise-free communication between its components; and its consistency, that is, the extent to which there is a sharing of interests between the networkƒs goals and the goals of its components.
(188) In this sense,
the network enterprise makes material the culture of the informational, global economy: it transforms signals into commodities by processing technology." (187) Interesting illustrations of east Asian business networks that market logic is mediated by existing institutions and cultures.

2 2 3 (4200) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (225) 20130914a 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Low road choices versus Buckminster Fuller utopia.

2 2 3 (4300) [-6+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (505) 20120905 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Faceless collective capitalist of the networked financial flows replaces sovereign. "Thus, above a diversity of human-flesh capitalists and capitalist groups there is a faceless collective capitalist, made up of financial flows operated by electronic networks.
(508) The new social order, the network society, increasingly appears to most people as a meta-social disorder. Namely, as an automated, random sequence of events, derived from the uncontrollable logic of markets, technology, geopolitical order, or biological determination.
(508) We are just entering a new stage in which culture refers to culture, having superseded nature to the point that nature is artificially revived ( preserved ) as a cultural form: this is in fact the meaning of the environmental movement, to reconstruct nature as an ideal cultural form." (505)

2 2 3 (4400) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xxxvi) 20140303c 0 -6+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Consider influencing power of concentrated assests as type of collective machinic presence, seemingly reflecting cognition. "According to these authors, the finances of French firms have very largely recovered under the dual impact of reduced taxation and a division between profits and wages that is much more advantageous to firms.
(xxxvii) The deregulation of financial markets, their decompartmentalization, and the creation of ƒnew financial productsƒ have multiplied the possibilities of purely speculative profits, whereby capital expands without taking the form of investment in productive activity. . . . The liquid assets concentrated in the hands of mutual investment funds (SICAV), insurance companies and pension plans are such that their capacity to influence the markets in accordance with their interests is a recognized fact." (xxxvi)

2 2 3 (4500) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (84) 20140309h 0 -6+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Networks as form between hierarchical and markets as large firms do not dissolve into set commercial contracts. "Large firms have not been dissolved into a set of commercial contracts between small units competing in a pure, perfect atomized market (even it it is always possible to model any organization as a network of contracts). . . . networks constitute a specific form between hierarchies and markets.
(84) The answers proposed by 1990s management literature to the two questions of most concern to it anti-authoritarianism, and an obsession with flexibility and the ability to react are conveniently assembled by the authors under the
metaphor of the network, which is deployed in all sorts of contexts." (84) Metaphor of network.

2 2 3 (4600) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (104) 20140121 0 -7+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Network and projects mobilized by rhetoric of capitalism. "As an existing concept, constructed around contemporary ideas, technologies and research, associated with a specific vocabulary, models of causality and mathematical models, and formed to offer an alternative to hierarchical algorithms, ƒnetworkƒ naturally enough finds itself mobilized by capitalism. Employed in academic works in economics and the sociology of work disciplines that helped to provide management with its theoretical foundations it was almost bound to invade the literature to cadres that we have studied.
(104-105) Projects make production and accumulation possible in a world which, were it to be purely connexionist, would simply contain flows, where nothing could be stabilized, accumulated or crystallized. . . . It is thus a temporary
pocket of accumulation which, creating value, provides a base for the requirement of extending the network by furthering connections." (104)

2 2 3 (4700) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (128) 20140121x 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Network form in firms formerly associated with organized crime, now rehabilitated.

2 2 3 (4800) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (127) 20140121w 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Networks appeal to desire to connect as basic property of human nature, as well as wanting to be simultaneously free and engaged.

2 2 3 (4900) [-6+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (70) 20130913n 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Features of IT paradigm. "The notion of the technological paradigm, elaborated by Carlota Perez, Christopher Freeman, and Giovanni Dosi, adapting the classic analysis of scientific revolutions by Kuhn, helps to organize the essence of current technological transformation as it interacts with economy and society.
(72) Although research has still a long way to go toward the material integration of biology and electronics, the logic of biology (the ability to self-generate unprogrammed, coherent sequences) is increasingly being introduced into electronic machines.
(75) The important contribution of the complexity theory school of thought is its emphasis on non-linear dynamics as the most fruitful approach to understanding the behavior of living systems, both in society and in nature.
(75-76) In sum, the information technology paradigm does not evolve toward its closure as a system, but toward its openness as a multi-edged network. It is powerful and imposing in its materiality, but adaptive and open-ended in its historical development. Comprehensiveness, complexity, and networking are its decisive qualities." (70) Act on information, pervasive effects, networking logic, flexibility, highly integrated convergence.

2 2 3 (5000) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (100) 20130913o 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Symbol processing capacity used as direct productive force on an industrial scale.

2 2 3 (5100) [-6+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (101) 20130913p 0 -7+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Difference between world economy and global enconomy is unit-operational capabilities " (101) A global economy is an historically new reality, distinct from a world economy. A world economy that is, an economy in which capital accumulation proceeds throughout the world has existed in the West at least since the sixteenth century, as Fernand Braudel and Immanuel Wallerstein have taught us. A global economy is something different: it is an economy with the capacity to work as a unit in real time, or chose time, on a planetary scale. . . . This globalized core includes financial markets, international trade, transnational production, and, to some extent, science and technology, and specialty labor." (Bogost)

2 2 3 (5200) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (115) 20130913q 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Trading units of globalized markets are networks of firms rather than countries.

2 2 3 (5300) [-6+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (122-123) 20130913r 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Territorial spread of networks, Reich global web. "Thus, dominant segments of most production sectors (either for goods or for services) are organized worldwide in their actual operating procedures, forming what Robert Reich labeled the global web. The production process incorporates components produced in many different locations by different firms, and assembled for specific purposes and specific markets in a new form of production and commercialization: high-volume, flexible, customized production. . . . What is fundamental in this web-like industrial structure is that it is territorially spread throughout the world, and its geometry keeps changing, as a whole and for each individual unit." (122-123)

2 2 3 (5400) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (124-125) 20130913s 0 -14+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Knowledge is primarily open, but research agendas are driven by concerns of advanced countries.

2 2 3 (5500) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (140) 20130913u 0 -7+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Interesting account of how governments, monetary funds, and trade organizations imposed pressure to adopt homogeneous rules of the game resulting in the open, global economy.

2 2 3 (5600) [-6+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (155-156) 20130913v 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Securitization liquidates all sources of value into common, tradable form. "The
securitization of all potential sources of value is the keystone of the new finance industry. Almost everything can become a security, and be traded in the financial market. Therefore, financial markets constitute the strategic, dominant network of the new economy." (155-156)

2 2 3 (5700) [-6+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (433-434) 20130914g 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Space reterritorialized by field effect phenomena of networks creating baseless structures. "There follows the separation between symbolic meaning, location of functions, and the social appropriation of space in the metropolitan area. This is the trend underlying the most important transformation of urban forms worldwide, with particular force in the newly industrializing areas: the rise of mega-cities." (433-434)

2 2 3 (5800) [-6+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (442-443) 20131027g 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
First layer material support of space of flows constituted by circuit of electronic exchanges, the physical infrastructure of cyberspace. "
The first-layer, the first material support of the space of flows, is actually constituted by a circuit of electronic exchanges (micro-electronics-based devices, telecommunications, computer processing, broadcasting systems, and high-speed transportation also based on information technologies) that, together, form the material basis for the processes we have observed as being strategically crucial in the network of society. . . . Thus, the network of communication is the fundamental spatial configuration: places do not disappear, but their logic and their meaning become absorbed in the network." (442-443)

2 2 3 (5900) [-6+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (181-182) 20130913x 0 -14+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Virtuous circle of using IT to enhance IT especially relevant in Cisco example. "Cisco applied to itself the networking logic it was selling to its customers. It organized in/around the Net all relationships with its customers, its suppliers, its partners and its employees, and, through excellent engineering, design, and software, it automated much of the interaction. . . . The core of Cisco Systems operation is its web site. . . . Only major contracts are dealt with in person. . . . By networking its operation internally and externally, using the equipment it designs and sells, Cisco Systems epitomizes the virtuous circle of the information technology revolution: the use of information technologies to enhance the technology of information, on the basis of organizational networking powered by information networks." (181-182)

2 2 3 (6000) [-6+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (443) 20130914i 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Nodes and hubs second layer of space of flows his sounds like a description of TCP/IP networking and rhizomes. "
The second layer of space of flows is constituted by its nodes and hubs. . . . Location in the node links up the locality with the whole network." (443)

2 2 3 (6100) [-6+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (445) 20131027h 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Third layer of space of flows is spatial organization of managerial elites. "
The third important layer of the space of flows refers to the spatial organization of the dominant, managerial elites (rather than classes) that exercise the directional functions around which such space is articulated.
(446) Articulation of the elites, segmentation and disorganization of the masses seem to be the twin mechanisms of social domination in our society." (445)

2 2 3 (6200) [-6+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (184) 20131027c 0 -8+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Organizational change viewed in America as labor-saving and concentrating managerial control. "Most of the methods to involve workers, experimented with by Japanese, Swedish, and American companies, required a change of mentality rather than a change of machinery. . . . In the 1980s in America, more often than not, new technology was viewed as a labor-saving device and as an opportunity to take control of labor, not as an instrument of organizational change.
(185) Thus, organizational change happened, independently of technological change, as a response to the need to cope with a constantly changing operational environment. Yet, once it started to take place, the feasibility of organizational change was extraordinarily enhanced by new information technologies.
(185) It was because of the networking needs of new organizations, large and small, that personal computers and computer networking underwent an explosive diffusion." (184)

2 2 3 (6300) [-6+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (177) 20130913w 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Project-oriented business model. "Thus,
the actual operating unit becomes the business project, enacted by a network, rather than individual companies or formal groupings of companies. . . . New information technologies are decisive in allowing such a flexible, adaptive model to actually work." (177)

2 2 3 (6400) [-4+]mCQK deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control (7) 20130126 0 -15+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control.html
Crisis of institutions is dispersed installation of new system of domination, illuminated by ineptitude of unions; where do the dividuals associate, in what networks, how do they navigate on streams of data?

2 2 3 (6500) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (5-6) 20131004h 0 -6+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
See Castells on multinationals; Maner on whether new ethical questions be raised.

2 2 3 (6600) [-6+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (7) 20131004j 0 -1+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Barring catastrophic energy crisis, computerization of society inevitable, but is late capitalism as predominant economic form also inevitable? "Finally, barring economic stagnation or a general recession (resulting, for example, from a continued failure to solve the worldƒs energy problems), there is a good chance that this scenario will come to pass: it is hard to see what other direction contemporary technology could take as an alternative to the computerization of society." (7)

2 2 3 (6700) [-4+]mCQK floridi-philosophy_and_computing (97) 20130921 0 -1+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_floridi-philosophy_and_computing.html
Managerial function in place of designed function the crucial impact of ICT on human being.

2 2 3 (6800) [-4+]mCQK floridi-philosophy_and_computing (97) 20130921a 0 -7+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_floridi-philosophy_and_computing.html
Lyotard predicts nature becomes database, but for their managerial abilities rather than model of thinking implied in their operation; connect to Derrida archive.

2 2 3 (6900) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (37-38) 20131005a 0 -9+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Advanced liberal capitalism eliminates communist perspective and valorizes indivdual enjoyment of goods and services; late capitalism adds implications of Castells informational society.

2 2 3 (7000) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (67) 20110704 0 -9+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Radical response to technological determinism of power, leading to use of terror, concentrated in institutions is suggestion of democratization by freeing data; politics that respect desire for justice and the unknown.

2 2 3 (7100) [-4+]mCQK harper-smash_the_strata (127) 20130924e 0 -6+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_harper-smash_the_strata.html
Deterritorialization starting point for technological development.

2 2 3 (7200) [-4+]mCQK harper-smash_the_strata (128) 20130924f 0 -2+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_harper-smash_the_strata.html
Deleuze and Guattari terms: smooth, plane of intensity, rhizomatic, assemblage, capture, striated.

2 2 3 (7300) [-4+]mCQK harper-smash_the_strata (135) 20130924k 0 -2+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_harper-smash_the_strata.html
Prominence of docile control by ICT, digital media; feather in Castells critique of the putative non-locality of markets and corporations.

2 2 3 (7400) [-4+]mCQK harper-smash_the_strata (138) 20130924m 0 -6+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_harper-smash_the_strata.html
Is the American two-party system an example of fear maintaining striations, now challenged from the right by unlimited campaign spending?

2 2 3 (7500) [-4+]mCQK lessig-free_culture (9) 20131003a 0 -8+ progress/2008/11/notes_for_lessig-free_culture.html
Implicit value judgment is that creative works beyond the bounds of the permission culture are better (more vibrant and efficient).

2 2 3 (7600) [-4+]mCQK lessig-free_culture (18) 20131003b 0 -4+ progress/2008/11/notes_for_lessig-free_culture.html
Drefyuss if value, then right theory of creative property founds notion of digital piracy.

2 2 3 (7700) [-4+]mCQK lessig-free_culture (24-25) 20131003c 0 -6+ progress/2008/11/notes_for_lessig-free_culture.html
Copyright term used to last only a generation and a half.

2 2 3 (7800) [-4+]mCQK lessig-free_culture (37) 20131003d 0 -11+ progress/2008/11/notes_for_lessig-free_culture.html
Twentieth-century media is read only, passive, couch potato consumer; twenty-first century can write.

2 2 3 (7900) [-4+]mCQK lessig-free_culture (87-88) 20131003h 0 -7+ progress/2008/11/notes_for_lessig-free_culture.html
Copyright originally forbade others from reprinting a book; today a larger set of restrictions on freedom of others.

2 2 3 (8000) [-4+]mCQK lessig-free_culture (112) 20131104 0 -9+ progress/2008/11/notes_for_lessig-free_culture.html
Access, not price is the key (Kahle).

2 2 3 (8100) [-4+]mCQK lessig-free_culture (139) 20131003l 0 -4+ progress/2008/11/notes_for_lessig-free_culture.html
Reach of copyright law now publishers, users and authors.

2 2 3 (8200) [-4+]mCQK lessig-free_culture (152) 20131003m 0 -9+ progress/2008/11/notes_for_lessig-free_culture.html
Design software that counters these built in controls by intentionally giving away the content, such as the program source code.

2 2 3 (8300) [-6+]mCQK lessig-free_culture (160) 20131003n 0 -4+ progress/2008/11/notes_for_lessig-free_culture.html
Code becomes law as controls built into technology automatically control access and are made illegal to circumvent. "This is how
code becomes law. The controls built into the technology of copy and access protection becomes rules the violation of which is also a violation of the law.
(161) Bots scouring the Net for trademark and copyright infringement would quickly find your site. Your posting of fan fiction, depending upon the ownership of the series that youƒre depicting, could well inspire a lawyerƒs threat." (160)

2 2 3 (8400) [-4+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (109) 20140110f 0 -9+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Companies replaced interpersonal relationships with brands and myths.

2 2 3 (8500) [-5+]mCQK takhteyev-coding_places (2) 20131208b 0 -10+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_takhteyev-coding_places.html
Global worlds of practice key constitutive elements of globalization in addition to geographic context. (2) The book looks at people who inhabit simultaneously two different contexts. One of those contexts is defined geographically. . . . The other context is an instance of what I call
worlds of practice systems of activities comprised of people, ideas, and material objects, linked simultaneously by shared meanings and joint projects. . . . I argue in this book that global worlds of practice are the key constitutive elements of globalization.

2 2 3 (8600) [-6+]mCQK takhteyev-coding_places (21) 20131222a 0 -11+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_takhteyev-coding_places.html
Globalization does not eliminate space. "The first premise is that globalization is a real phenomenon, and quite likely one of the most important dimensions of the set of transformations taking place in todayƒs world. The second is that we cannot understand globalization just as a matter of space ceasing to matter. . . . Globalization means a growing importance of
global contexts that cut across local places. The system of relationships that comprise global software development represents one such context. . . . For understanding the globalization of technical work and knowledge, a particular kind of global context is crucial: I call it global worlds of practice." (21) Global worlds of practice cut across local places, especially technical work.

2 2 3 (8700) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (xii) 20131004 0 -1+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Jameson: does this hesitation noted by Jameson discount the sensibility of Lyotard recommendation to free information?

2 2 3 (8800) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (xiii) 20131004a 0 -2+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Jameson: do analytical categories of capitalism retain validity; see Misa on third-stage technologies.

2 2 3 (8900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150406 20150406a 3 -2+ journal_2015.html
Need to cross over into dividual to complete revised PHI, but feel like pieces missing intended for PHI reaching Haraway informatics of domination to characterize technocapitalist networks as power aggregates to collective alongside little, small, everyday people who benefit from programming much differently. In their famous book dividual presented in context of music, one-crowd of orchestration-instrumentation, but in Deleuzeƒs famous Postscript on the Societies of Control is spelled out in the way commonly associated with the human situation in the Internet age.

---2.2.4+++ dividual cyborg

2 2 4 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150412 20150412 0 -10+ journal_2015.html
Add to it that April PHI repeats into machine thought PHI each year this software set PHI is used. I never made it to the garage to check for location of playlist, but I did get the notes. Miata roof robot PHI. This PHI is the garage thought accompanied with talking heads PHI repetitive robotic thought process PHI easy up canopy or garage. Think about adding kickstand to bicycle. When you use computing you have to premise that other world on which your thought belongs is computable. You need to see this PHI. That is a pretty good agreement to make with my country in terms of species being PHI in which individualism identity network presence PHI arises typing in garage listening to public radio and arranged playback as in playlist. Got fooled by wrong day on laptop in garage again. The dissertation cow clicking thought is what section to set as reminder to consider note again.

2 2 4 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150409 20150409 0 -6+ journal_2015.html
The justification seems to be that, being dividuals simultaneously constituted from multiple simulacral flows, their diachronic breaks can be used as gateways to transcend unit analyses to a sort of redeemed structuralism, diachrony in synchrony, precisely because we are dividuals. Hope perhaps that there had been a generation of programmers close to the machine back when it was possible in late 1970s and early 1980s; I consider this range versus 1960s through mid 1970s position of Boltanski and Chiapello, Feenberg, and other critical theorists who experienced emergence of modern global Internet. What we got instead is Turkle opaque forcing Latour, Haraway, Hayles, all the way to Berry. Use piping for water storage and firewood rack. Move foss hope presently following Kittler Nietzsche to end. State Turkle robotic moment as putatively orthogonal to dividual constitution, yet related on closer examination, for it connects to Castells Latour Haraway Edwards Hayles Clark Berry mashup for its reporting on its own situation under technological media PHI.

2 2 4 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150407 20150407 0 -7+ journal_2015.html
Massive subsidy of mortgage interest deduction favoring rich who buy biggest homes a story sound valid over many days and years expressible with sixty four bit C language broken down time, satisfying the requirement for borking public radio PHI. Make sure we understand this programming reference. To use an ancient expression, it could be time intolerant and not compile in the given milieu or run correctly, thats not what I meant, PHI. Give raw chapter text to Janz for it has been a long time since an update and I have not been doing much with the foss project interface. Here is my music collection, are book collections. The projective city is dividual species-being. The desired therefore planned sequence consonant with arriving at and crossing, with a nod to Spinuzzi, this revelation: B and C on ideological disarray of critique, six logics of justification, projective city, manager as network man, neo-management rhetoric, project guidelines, great man, little people; Castells migratory labor, managers and symbolic analysts; Spinuzzi ethnography of network dividuals, Haraway cyborg, central computing hole; Turkle alone together; Edwards closed world; Baudrillard software; Kittler Nietzsche or must we expel both for their relationship to Heidegger machinic phylum awareness; hope perhaps tied to generic learning programming that did not flourish; Turkle opaque technology, decentered self; Latour Haraway cyborg; Hayles flickering signifiers; Castells real virtuality; Clark mashups; Castells dream to compare later to Berry; Kittler psychology diverges from philosophy; Hayles cyberspace POV; Manovich data dandy; Jenkins monitorial citizen; Floridi produmer, cathedral bazaar response; Berry; Gane technologized time threat, taking us back to foss hopes and ready for chapter three.

2 2 4 (400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140308 20140308a 5 -4+ journal_2014.html
This hypothetical characterization of subjectivity should be understood as a diagram of current, mainstream America, the little people of the projective city articulated by Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello in The New Spirit of Capitalism. It connects the techno-evangelistic future predictions of Ray Kurzweilƒs Age of Spiritual Machines with the more modest moralism of Douglas Rushkoffƒs Program or Be Programmed, by recognizing with N. Katherine Hayles, Paul N. Edwards, David Golumbia, and Nathan Ensmenger among others the situated, contested histories of the dominant technologies whose current, default configurations are taken as inevitable outcomes of the progress of civilization.

2 2 4 (500) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20140326 20140326 2 -2+ journal_2014.html
The human side of technocapitalist networks being described now forces reflection upon dividual described by Deleuze, Guattari, others. The subject becomes the dividual, the great man the nomad, and later, the cyborg, at its peaks, little people everyone else: Boltanksi and Chiapello specify this interpretation of the situation.

2 2 4 (600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140221 20140221 0 -1+ journal_2014.html
Consider the post-postmodern network dividual cyborg as a transitionary stage of human evolution on the way to the yet-to-be-named characters of the WALL-E humans if the trajectory traced in the previous sections concretizes as the new spirit of capitalism further extends into all aspects of human being.

2 2 4 (700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150419 20150419a 7 -6+ journal_2015.html
Revisited from the perspective of the late 1980s, premonitions of the cyborg future glimpsed in popular culture seem radical in comparison to the unreflective complacency to which Turkle alludes. Baudrillard gives this discourse what Boltanksi and Chiapello will explain is an artistic critical cast, whereas Edwards closed world is decidedly political. Ironically, the overly politically correct hysteria now passing through the philosophy of computing risks expelling the technically sophisticated machinic phylum awareness Kittler, who invokes Nietzsche, for their relationship to Heidegger. We still can draw from Turkleƒs opaque technology, its decentered self, Latour-Haraway cyborg, Hayles flickering signifiers, Castells real virtuality, Clark mashups, Hayles cyberspace POV, Manovich data dandy, Jenkins monitorial citizen, Floridi produmer, and hint at the cathedral bazaar response nascent in their discouse. Berry, Gane technologized time threat, taking us back to foss hopes. My summary of the dividual cyborg is that hope perhaps tied to generic learning programming that did not flourish may be reactivated by taking a cautiously circumspect second look.
vpf_.jpg2 2 4 (800) [-7+]mCQK deleuze_guattari-thousand_plateaus (341) 20130916v 0 -7+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_deleuze_guattari-thousand_plateaus.html
One-Crowd and Dividual. (341) Orchestration-instrumentation brings sound forces together or separates them, gathers or disperses them; but it changes, and the role of the voice changes too, depending on whether the forces are of the Earth or of the People, of the One-All or the
One-Crowd. In the first case, it is a question of effecting groupings of powers, and these are what constitute affects; in the second case, it is group individuations that constitute affect and are the object of orchestration. Groupings of power are fully diversified, but they are like the relations proper to the Universal; we must use another word, the Dividual, to designate the type of musical relations and the intra- or intergroup passages occurring in group individuation. . . . The concepts of the One-Crowd and the Dividual are botched if the people is reduced to a juxtaposition, or if it is reduced to a power of the universal.

2 2 4 (900) [-4+]mCQK deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control (4) 20130914a 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control.html
Control has infiltrated everything, including putatively competing social alternatives; need duck/rabbit perspective to overcome this pessimism.

2 2 4 (1000) [-4+]mCQK deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control (5-6) 20120805 4 -6+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control.html
Signature (sign of individual) and number (sign of mass) leads to watchword versus password being of human spirit in world.

2 2 4 (1100) [-6+]mCQK deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control (5-6) 20121116 0 -16+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control.html
Dividual replaces individual/mass pair, consonant with Jenkins collective intelligence, monitorial citizen. "the corporation, the educational system, the armed services being metastable states coexisting in one and the same modulation, like a universal system of deformation. . . . The disciplinary societies have two poles: the signature that designates the individual, and the number or administrative numeration that indicates his or her position within a mass. . . . In the societies of control, on the other hand, what is important is no longer either a signature or a number, but a code: the code is a password, while on the other hand the disciplinary societies are regulated by watchwords (as much from the point of view of integration as from that of resistance). The numerical language of control is made of codes that mark access to information, or reject it. We no longer find ourselves dealing with the mass/individual pair. Individuals have become dividuals, and masses, samples, data, markets, or banks. Perhaps it is money that expresses the distinction between the two societies best, since discipline always referred back to minted money that locks gold in as numerical standard, while control relates to floating rates of exchange, modulated according to a rate established by a set of standard currencies. The old monetary mole is the animal of the spaces of enclosure, but the serpent is that of the societies of control. We have passed from one animal to the other, from the mole to the serpent, in the system under which we live, but also in our manner of living and in our relations with others. The disciplinary man was a discontinuous producer of energy, but the man of control is undulatory, in orbit, in a continuous network." (5-6) Monetary mole to serpent as animal metaphor, surfing replacing sports are new philosophical unit operations.

2 2 4 (1200) [-6+]mCQK dumit-picturing_personhood (157) 20130908 0 -8+ progress/2010/11/notes_for_dumit-picturing_personhood.html
Part of dividual includes parceling personhood among expert discourses. "In anthropological terms, I am interested in how facts come to play a role in our everyday category of the person.
(157) Medical anthropologists have long faced the relation between what Merleau-Ponty called our objective body and our lived body, or our person, with a variety of more subtle analyses. . . . These approaches understand the objective body to vary with the development (positive or negative) of technoscientific culture, attending to how the historical-cultural category of the person (via politics, economics, etc.) influences the evaluation of the objective body.
(159) The very category of the person has become, in part, parceled out among expert discourses." (157)

2 2 4 (1300) [-6+]mCQK deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control (5) 20130914c 0 -3+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control.html
Continuous control like Engelbart improving improvement as the more general form, viewed negatively when not critical. "The modulating principle of salary according to merit has not failed to tempt national education itself. Indeed, just as the corporation replaces the factory,
perpetual training tends to replace the school, and continuous control to replace the examination. Which the the surest way of delivering the school over to the corporation." (5)

2 2 4 (1400) [-6+]mCQK deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control (4) 20130914b 0 -1+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control.html
Deleuze struggles to produce physical examples embodying modulation control, universal systems of deformation " even fictional ones, self-deforming cast and transmuting sieve mesh, giving example of corporate salary, which embodies the procedural rhetoric of control. (4) Enclosures are
molds, distinct castings, but controls are a modulation, like a self-deforming cast that will continuously change from one moment to the other, or like a sieve whose mesh will transmute from point to point." (Zizek curvature of space)

2 2 4 (1500) [-6+]mCQK feenberg-questioning_technology (40) 20131029a 0 -5+ progress/2009/11/notes_for_feenberg-questioning_technology.html
Self-management so deeply rooted in consciousness it appears outcome of progress. "industrialism has continued to develop on the track originally set by its capitalist origins. Its central problem is still
control of the labor force which, lacking ownership or identification with the firm, has no very clear reason to favor its success. The instruments of that control, management and technological design, have rooted the system so deeply in consciousness and practice that it seems the outcome of progress as such. The fact that the system has been shaped not only by technical necessities but also by the tensions of the class struggle has been forgotten.
(42) The May Events revived this forgotten council communist tradition under the name self-management." (40) Compare to Malabou critique of Darwinism in neurobiology.

2 2 4 (1600) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xiii) 20140118c 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Revival of capitalism following crisis led to construction of new normative fulcrum of projective city; compare range of years to rise of personal computer and Internet.

2 2 4 (1700) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xiv) 20140118g 0 -6+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Reformist analyses but not revolutionary; capitalism assimilates critique.

2 2 4 (1800) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xiv) 20140118e 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Practical implications limited to twelve page Postscript.

2 2 4 (1900) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xix) 20140118j 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Follow Latour analyses to demonstrate social dimensions of technological change.

2 2 4 (2000) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xxii) 20140118k 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Social effects of network architecture based on Durkheim, emphasizing social conflicts provoking development. "With respect to works, often adopting a broadly determinist position, that endeavor to define the social effects of new technologies based on a network architecture, we adopted a position that might be called
Durkheimian (though it is also James Benigerƒs, for example, in his important book The Control Revolution). It consists emphasizing the social conditions and, more particularly, the social conflicts that provoked or encouraged the adoption or development of a particular technology. In this respect, it is striking to see how the critique of close modalities of hierarchical surveillance at the end of the 1960s and beginning of the the 1970s preceded the full development of technologies allowing for effective remote control in real time by then or twenty years.
(xxii) As we took the trouble to make clear on several occasions, we certainly do not think and here we follow the work of Fernand Braudel that networks and the role played by mediators are novel phenomena. What is new, on the other hand, is precisely the societal project, to which much of the book is given over, aiming to make the network a normative model." (xxii) What is new is the societal project to make the network a normative model.

2 2 4 (2100) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xxxviii) 20140118t 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Flexibility in OECD countries whittling down social security via temporary workforce, flexible hours, reduced benefits, outsourced management.

2 2 4 (2200) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xxxviii) 20140118u 0 -7+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
World capitalism healthy, societies in poor shape situating populations of declining human intelligence, which will be called social regression.

2 2 4 (2300) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xl) 20140118v 0 -6+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Family became more fluid and fragile, transferring social task of reproduction to schools, compounding insecurity.

2 2 4 (2400) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xl-xli) 20140118w 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Bourgeoisie supported by inheritance income in addition to salary, which is now primary source; now wage earning class of cadres career plans can live the bourgeois life.

2 2 4 (2500) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xli) 20140118x 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Point as been reached that cadres and their education-based plans losing advantage.

2 2 4 (2600) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xlii) 20140118y 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
No substitute for belief in progress, which has sustained the middle class.

2 2 4 (2700) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xxxv) 20140303a 0 -4+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
The path to peak full employment and democratized republican school system diminishing under connexionist metanarrative.

2 2 4 (2800) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xxxvii) 20140303d 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Multinational firms embody winners opposed to which the majority individuals are losers merely riding technological waves not steering it as cyberspace presence.

2 2 4 (2900) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xliii) 20140303g 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Fatalism the corollary of waning critique regardless of disposition in larger scale future trends.

2 2 4 (3000) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xlii) 20140118z 0 -4+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Ideological disarray; critical thought cannot keep up (Latour).

2 2 4 (3100) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (10) 20140304h 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Study observed variations in spirit of capitalism, which is taken as given. "The spirit of capitalism is precisely the set of beliefs associated with the capitalist order that helps to justify this order and, by legitimating them, to sustain the forms of action and predispositions compatible with it.
Our intention is to study observed variations, not to offer an exhaustive description of all the constituents of the spirit of capitalism." (10)

2 2 4 (3200) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (23) 20140119h 0 -11+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Six logics of justifications of social arrangements articulated as cities with privileged forms of expression by their great men: inspirational, domestic, reputational, civic, commercial, industrial.

2 2 4 (3300) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (24) 20140119i 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
First spirit rooted in compromise between domestic and commercial, second industrial and civic cities.

2 2 4 (3400) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (24) 20140119j 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Seventh city modeled on 1990 management texts for cadres and concrete proposals for improving French social justice.

2 2 4 (3500) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xv) 20140118h 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Projective city. "In particular, this explains why we have examined so closely the mechanisms that aim to introduce new forms of security and justice into a universe where flexibility, mobility and network forms of organization had become basis reference points mechanisms proposed by jurists or economists, among others, which were being discussed in the second half of the 1990s. At a theoretical level, analysis of these mechanisms allowed us to give substance to the
projective city a new normative fulcrum that we think is in the process of being formed while from a more practical standpoint, it enabled us to identify some of the points which critique seemed best placed to latch on to." (xv)

2 2 4 (3600) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (57) 20140306 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Spirit of capitalism inscribed in management literature addressed to cadres for state of the art in running firms and managing humans.

2 2 4 (3700) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (59) 20140306a 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Management as professionalization of supervision.

2 2 4 (3800) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (63) 20140306e 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Corporate profit not inspiring in either period to cadres or general workforce, who wanted genuine reasons for engaged commitement.

2 2 4 (3900) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (63) 20140306f 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Distinctive problems of 1960s management literature were dissatisfaction of cadres and managerial problems of giant firms; professionalization of management becomes target.

2 2 4 (4000) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (63) 20140306g 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Cadres as technical specialists.

2 2 4 (4100) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (65) 20140306h 0 -8+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Added layers of bureaucratic hierarchy and fear inspired by large firms; capitalism firm similar to collectivized and fascist firms.

2 2 4 (4200) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (65-66) 20140306i 0 -4+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Solutions by decentralization, meritocracy and especially management by objectives, which also furnishes criteria for measuring performance.

2 2 4 (4300) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (67) 20140306j 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Foils of 1960s management literature pertain to logic of the domestic world in favor of results based impersonal judgment.

2 2 4 (4400) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (68) 20140306k 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Delegitimation of traditional employers implicit in legitimation of cadres; transition from patrimonial bourgeoisie to bourgeoisie of managers.

2 2 4 (4500) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (70) 20140306l 0 -4+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Distinctive problem of 1990s management literature were hierarchy, morality of domination, rigid planning, rapid technological change; network model becomes target.

2 2 4 (4600) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (71-72) 20140306m 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Unscrutinized obsession with adaptation and flexibility.

2 2 4 (4700) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (74-75) 20140309a 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Re-engineering to align with network model, blurring boundaries of firm (Spinuzzi).

2 2 4 (4800) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (75) 20140309b 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Important of information as source of productivity and profit.

2 2 4 (4900) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (76) 20140309c 0 -12+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Obsolescence of cadres; replace with manager, distinguished from engineer.

2 2 4 (5000) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (78-79) 20140309d 0 -6+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Manager is the network man; other actors are coaches and experts.

2 2 4 (5100) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (90) 20140309n 0 -11+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Projects transgress all boundaries, feeding neo-management belief in individualism and personal development.

2 2 4 (5200) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (92) 20140309o 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Reward people on ability to work on a project, valuing interpersonal relations, flexibility and adaptability.

2 2 4 (5300) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (93) 20140309p 0 -6+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Replace hierarchical careers with succession of projects deployed to develop personal skills.

2 2 4 (5400) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (93) 20140309q 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Employability the capacity required to be called upon for projects.

2 2 4 (5500) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (94) 20140309r 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Must address actors solely out for their own interests. "Another risk, of a very new type, generated by flexible organizations is that it is much easier for actors in firms to be ƒout for themselvesƒ, as popular language has it to pursue their own interests, without taking into consideration those without whom their action would not have been crowned with success." (94)

2 2 4 (5600) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (94) 20140309s 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Danger of experience of coach encroaching on private life. "The introduction of the ƒcoachƒ, functioning as a psychologist in the firmƒs service, although charged with helping people to flourish, can be experienced by some as a danger of the firm encroaching on their private lives." (94)

2 2 4 (6000) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (98) 20140309w 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Life skills over knowledge and savoir faire,
savoir faire. . . . people are expected to ƒgiveƒ themselves to their work and facilitate an instrumentalization of human beings in their most specifically human dimensions." (98) Normal">facilitate an instrumentalization of human beings in their most specifically human dimensions.

2 2 4 (6200) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (105) 20140121a 0 -6+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Project form of social organization as new apparatus of justification.

2 2 4 (6300) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (106) 20140121b 0 -6+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Projects delineate spaces of mini-calculation within otherwise indeterminate network.

2 2 4 (6400) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (107) 20140121c 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
In projective city people are encouraged to forge links but only respect maxims specific to projects.

2 2 4 (6500) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (108) 20140121d 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Autonomization and valuing art of mediating and making connections.

2 2 4 (6600) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (108) 20140121e 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Common superior principle in projective city is activity.

2 2 4 (6700) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (110) 20140121f 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Key activity is generating or integrating oneself into projects, networks, putting an end to isolation.

2 2 4 (6800) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (110) 20140121g 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Life as succession of projects, with the aim of extending networks by multiplying connections and proliferating links.

2 2 4 (6900) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (112) 20140121h 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Great man knows how to engage in a project enthusiastically, and is adaptable and flexible, thus employable.

2 2 4 (7000) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (112) 20140121i 0 -6+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Flexibility and adaptability derive from autonomy,with an intuitive talent for knowing how to select and plunder ideas, not from obedience.

2 2 4 (7100) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (113) 20140121j 0 -10+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Must be able to interest others, be at ease and be local.

2 2 4 (7200) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (114-115) 20140121k 0 -7+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
The great are integrators, enhancers of life; project heads, managers and coaches in contrast to cadres.

2 2 4 (7300) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (115) 20140121l 0 -7+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Scientists and artists as models; experts have personal, integrated knowledge but are less adaptable than the project head.

2 2 4 (7400) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (117) 20140121m 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Interpersonal organizational mechanisms.

2 2 4 (7500) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (118-119) 20140311a 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Metaphors for rhizomorphous form include weaving, fluid flow, and biology of the brain; connect to Malabou.

2 2 4 (7600) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (119) 20140121n 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Little people in projective city are rigid, cannot be engaged, employable on a project, incapable of changing projects; may be rigid because of attachment to a single project, place, preferring security at expense of autonomy.

2 2 4 (7700) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (120) 20140121o 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
City falls when networks close, only benefiting some people, distorting tests by permitting privileges.

2 2 4 (7800) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (121) 20140121p 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Relation between great and little people just when trust of the former results in enhancing employability of the latter.

2 2 4 (7900) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (122) 20140121q 0 -13+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Great man is a nomad, sacrificing impediments to availability, abandoning disinterested friendship, streamlined, ambivalent about moralizing.

2 2 4 (8000) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (124) 20140121r 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Prefer renting to ownership; avoids being trapped by institutions.

2 2 4 (8100) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (124) 20140121s 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Authority depends on competence.

2 2 4 (8200) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (124) 20140121t 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Sacrifices personality to be connexionist being, chameleon; quiddity of self enterprise derives from constellation of established connections.

2 2 4 (8300) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (124) 20140311b 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Subjectivity in connexionist networks effect of constitutive links.

2 2 4 (8400) [0+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (126) 20140121v 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Existence is relational attribute; disaffiliation is sole sanction.

2 2 4 (8900) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (173-174) 20131011s 0 -5+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Reference to Zuboff and Maxmin lifelong learning reminds me of the George Bush quote, Seldom is the question asked, Is our children learning?

2 2 4 (9000) [-6+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (176) 20131011t 0 -7+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Learning by associative complexes, becoming a dividual. "The assumption that people generally make about learning and training is that individuals progressive accumulate skills; itƒs developmental. But in a network, itƒs far from clear that developmental models obtain: the individual herself is called into question, becoming what Deleuze calls a dividual (1995) whose work activities are fragmented and interleaved, whose attention is continuously partial (McCarthy & Boyd, 2005; Stone, 2006), whose work takes place in many organizational structures simultaneously (Castells, 1996; Drucker, 2003), whose activities are increasingly infiltrated with . . . new types of working and learning of living (Johnson-Eilola, 2005, p. 31), and whose learning is consequently more self-directed (Senge, 1994) and continual at all levels (Castells, 1996). Under such conditions, associative complexes, which Vygotsky characterized as childish (1962), become the primary way of understanding and learning about work (Johnson-Eilola, 1998, 2005)." (176)

2 2 4 (9800) [-6+]mCQK haraway-simians_cyborgs_women (149) 20130923d 0 -10+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_haraway-simians_cyborgs_women.html
Definition of cyborg. "A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of machine and organism, a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction.
(150) Michael Foucaultƒs biopolitics is a flaccid premonition of cyborg politics, a very open field.
(151) By the late twentieth century in United States scientific culture, the boundary between human and animal is thoroughly breached.
(152) The second leaky distinction is between animal-human (organism) and machine.
(153) The third distinction is a subset of the second: the boundary between physical and non-physical is very imprecise for us. . . . Cyborgs are ether, quintessence.
(154) From another perspective, a cyborg world might be about lived social and bodily realities in which people are not afraid of their joint kinship with animals and machines, not afraid of permanently partial identities and contradictory standpoints." (149)

2 2 4 (10000) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (xvi) 20120605k 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
She mentions Rodney Brooks, also important to Hayles, and Anita Say Chan who wrote on Slashdot users in Inner History of Devices.

2 2 4 (10100) [-6+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (xii) 20131014b 0 -20+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Two futures. "Two avenues forward became apparent by the mid-1990s. The first was the development of a fully networked life. . . . The network was with us, on us, all the time. So, we could be with each other all the time. Second, there was an evolution in robotics. . . . by the late 1990s, children were presented with digital creature that made demands for attention and seemed to pay attention to them.
Alone Together picks up these two strands in the story of digital culture over the past fifteen years, with a focus on the young, those from five through their early twenties - digital natives growing up with cell phones and toys that ask for love. If, by the end of researching Life on the Screen, I was troubled about the costs of life with simulation, in the course of researching this book, my concerns have grown. These days, insecure in our relationships and anxious about intimacy, we look to technology for ways to be in relationships and protect ourselves from them at the same time. . . . I feel witness for a third time to a turning point in our expectations of technology and ourselves. We bend to the inanimate with new solicitude." (xii) Fully networked life and evolution in robotics; compare to Kitchin and Dodge distinctions.

2 2 4 (10200) [-7+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (9) 20131014a 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Robotic moment as state of emotional and philosophical readiness to consider robots as pets, friends, confidants, romantic partners. (9) Experiences such as these . . . have caused me to think of our time as the
robotic moment. This does not mean that companionate robots are common among us; it refers to our state of emotional and I would say philosophical readiness. I find people willing to seriously consider robots not only as pets but as potential friends, confidants, and even romantic partners.

2 2 4 (10300) [-6+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (16) 20120605p 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Balance Turkle critical evaluation of posthuman cyborg identity against Hayles " (16) I once described the computer as a second self, a mirror of mind. Now the metaphor no longer goes far enough.
Our new devices provide space for the emergence of a new state of the self, itself, split between the screen and the physical real, wired into existence through technology." (not in index but cited)

2 2 4 (10400) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (20) 20131014c 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Roboticists have learned triggers that help us fool ourselves, perhaps making us stupider, more gullible, or more striated.

2 2 4 (10500) [-6+]mCQK baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation (96) 20130915e 0 -6+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation.html
Joint act of procreation of cloner and clone in service of code matrix. "Whereas cloning radically abolishes the Mother, but also the Father, the intertwining of their genes, the imbrication of their differences, but above all the
joint act that is procreation. The cloner does not beget himself: he sprouts from each of his segments. . . . The Father an the Mother have disappeared, not in the service of an aleatory liberty of the subject, but in the service of a matrix called code." (96)

2 2 4 (10600) [-6+]mCQK baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation (34) 20130915c 4 -2+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation.html
Immanence is the type of law of the built environment. " (34) Programmed microcosm, where
nothing can be left to chance. Trajectory, energy, calculation, physiology, psychology, environment nothing can be left to contingencies, this is the total universe of the norm the Law no longer exists, it is the operational immanence of every detail that is law." (Kittler, Chun) Neglects awareness of messiness of software

2 2 4 (10700) [-6+]mCQK baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation (34-35) 20130915d 0 -6+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation.html
Docility through socialization, implosive instead of explosive, deterrence of chance. "There lies the true nuclear fallout: the meticulous operation of technology serves as a model for the meticulous operation of the social. Here as well, nothing will be left to chance, moreover this is the essence of socialization, which began centuries ago, but which has now entered its accelerated phase, toward a limit that one believed would be explosive (revolution), but which for the moment is translated by an inverse, implosive, irreversible process: the generalized deterrence of chance . . . doomed to the descriptive transparency of mechanisms of information.
(35) The simultaneity of two events in the month of July 1975 illustrated this in a striking manner: the linkup in space of the two American and Soviet supersatellites, apotheosis of peaceful coexistence the suppression by the Chinese of ideogrammatic writing and conversion to the Roman alphabet." (34-35)

2 2 4 (10800) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20150420 20150420a 0 -1+ journal_2015.html
My experience in professional organizations exemplifies dividual project oriented thought of post postmodern network beings for our lives are defined by our projects which I must get the value equation communicated to my customers representatives: in this respect Baudrillard is the external critic, Edwards broaches the reality of experience in that regime by situating in narrative of United States collective intelligence PHI, and I point toward participant system orthogonal to Lanier vision.

2 2 4 (10900) [-6+]mCQK baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation (99-100) 20130915g 4 -6+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_baudrillard-simulacra_and_simulation.html
Exotechnical esotechnical division acknowledges consummation of Nietzschean metaphysics, default mode of real virtuality production, an assault on subjectivity is built into media with which our identities coconstitute as an embodied consciousness such that media are no longer soul equipment but the locus of "uthentic being; Baudrillard elaborates on psychotropic agents and drugs, unable to envision the Internet enabled cyborg of Castell network society that works on the perspectival space of representation in ways impossible for traditional drugs, recalling Phaedrus (or was it Alcibiades) who wished he could become wise merely by rubbing Socrates belly. (99-100) There is a precession of reproduction over production, a
precession of the genetic model over all possible bodies. . . . The prostheses of the industrial age are still external, exotechnical, those that we know have been subdivided and internalized: esotechnical. We are in the age of soft technologies genetic and mental software." (in)

2 2 4 (11000) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (362) 20130902c 0 -11+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Human control over autonomous technology paves the way to the robotic moment. "
Terminator 2 seems to suggest that we are waking up from a nightmare run by cyborg Others to a world in which we control them. . . . The figures of the violent, unfeeling, but rational and devoted father-protector and the emotional, unstable, but loving mother return to form the basis of the post-Cold War social order. The cyborg-machine returns to its place as technological servant, intimating a renewed sense of human control over autonomous technology.
(363) Despite its ideological retreat,
Terminator 2 remains profoundly distrustful of white men. . . . The ersatz frontiers to which it returns us are neither transcendent nor green but technological, suburban, the ordinary contexts and struggles of ordinary lives-- learning the value of human life." (362)

2 2 4 (11100) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (363) 20130903 0 -7+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Problem for cyborg politics of disingenuous multiculturalism leading to easy relativism, with nothing besides postmodern embrace of cultural chaos to fill voids left by prior great narratives except retrenchment in nationalism, fundamentalism, and global trade. "This integration points to one of the fundamental problems cyborg politics may now encounter:
co-optation by a disingenuous version of multiculturalism.
(363-364) This simplistic doctrine flattens all cultural difference into two categories.
Exotic differences function as the interesting resources for a Believe-It-Or-Not pseudo-anthropology. . . . It is all too easily transformed into the utterly mundane, and anthropology gives way to Disney World." (363)

2 2 4 (11200) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (341) 20130901o 0 -3+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Recombinant cyborg subjectivity as only rebellion in closed world. "
Recombination to appropriate a 1980s biotechnological information metaphor is the only effective possibility for rebellion in the closed world: taking the practices of disassembly, simulation, and engineering into oneƒs own hands. Coming to see oneself as a cyborg, fitting oneself into the interstices of the closed world, one might open a kind of marginal position as a constructed, narrated, fragmented subjectivity, capable of constant breakdown and reassembly.
(342) Subverting the closed world by an interstitial engagement rather than a green-world transcendence, the cyborg becomes an always partial, self-transforming outlaw/trickster living on the margins of panoptic power by crisscrossing the borders of cyberspace." (341) Haraway trickster.

2 2 4 (11700) [-4+]mCQK norman-design_of_everyday_things (106) 20131006n 0 -10+ progress/2009/11/notes_for_norman-design_of_everyday_things.html
Footnote on Sherry Turkle The Second Self confirms that Freud slips are reinterpreted.

2 2 4 (11900) [-4+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (16) 20131001z 0 -6+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Enter AI functionalism as machines take over functions of central nervous system.

2 2 4 (12000) [-4+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (19) 20131002a 0 -1+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Our posthuman situation, although narrowly focused; expand scope with Hayles.

2 2 4 (12100) [-4+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (186-187) 20131002l 0 -9+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Heidegger would agree that industrialiation nullified handwriting; missing how word processing is connected, see Heim.

2 2 4 (12200) [-4+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (198) 20131002n 0 -9+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Heidegger and the typewriter.

2 2 4 (12300) [-6+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (200) 20131002o 0 -5+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Nietzsche on writing tools. " Our writing tools are also working on our thoughts, Nietzsche wrote. Technology is entrenched in our history, Heidegger said. But the one wrote the sentence about the typewriter on a typewriter, the other described (in a magnificent old German hand) typewriters per se.
(200) Thinkers of the founding age of media naturally did not only turn from philosophy to physiology in theory; their central nervous system always preceded them.
(203) Malling Hansenƒs writing ball, with its operating difficulties, made Nietzsche into a laconic." (200) Obvious source of Heim position in Electric Language.

2 2 4 (12400) [-7+]mCQK kittler-there_is_no_software (148-149) 20131001e 0 -9+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_kittler-there_is_no_software.html
Machine cognitive-embodied processes self-constituted like subjectivity arising from habituation with phonetic reading. (148-149) To wordprocess a text, that is, to become oneself a paper machine working on an IBM AT under Microsoft DOS, one must first of all buy some commercial files. . . . On the one had, they bear grandiloquent names like WordPerfect, on the other hand, more or less cryptic, because nonvocalized, acronyms like WP. . . . Executable computer files encompass, by contrast not only to WordPerfect but also to big but empty Old European words such as the Mind or the Word, all the routines and data necessary to their self-constitution.

2 2 4 (12500) [-6+]mCQK johnston-literature_media_information_systems (26) 20130908 0 -3+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_johnston-literature_media_information_systems.html
We become subjected to machinic phylum. "In order to provide a more easily functional, ƒuser-friendlyƒ interface, computer technology must substitute its zeros and ones for real numbers, thereby reducing noise and warding off chaos, but also confusing hardware and software, matter and information. Kittler draws attention to the limits of this technology, and to the price we pay for the service it renders. In short,
we become subjected to it: as subjects of Word Perfect or Microsoft Word, its commands become our commands, its limits, our limits, our writing a repression of our necessary interface with a new machinic phylum." (26)

2 2 4 (12600) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (12) 20130921m 0 -5+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Foucault biopower and Deleuze dividual express embodied protocols.

2 2 4 (12700) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (68) 20130923a 0 -14+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Hidden feedback loops of technological nonconscious helps produce subjectivity.

2 2 4 (12800) [-4+]mCQK johnston-literature_media_information_systems (3) 20130930 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_johnston-literature_media_information_systems.html
Importance of knowledge and understanding suggests criterion of epistemological transparency must accompany Kurzweil emphasis on increasing speed, miniaturization, capacity, affordability.

2 2 4 (12900) [-4+]mCQK johnston-literature_media_information_systems (26) 20120703 0 -2+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_johnston-literature_media_information_systems.html
Epistemological transparency seems tightly linked to subjectivity under modern technology.

2 2 4 (13000) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (ix-x) 20120605a 0 -10+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Raises questions of comportment defined from anthropological research.

2 2 4 (13100) [-4+]mCQK turkle-alone_together (xi) 20120605c 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turkle-alone_together.html
Hope perhaps tied to generic learning programming that did not flourish.

2 2 4 (13200) [-7+]mCQK turkle-life_on_the_screen (22) 20131108a 0 -10+ progress/2011/05/notes_for_turkle-life_on_the_screen.html
Computer test object for postmodernism; opaque technology heralded by introduction of Macintosh. (22) Dreams and beasts were the test objects for Freud and Darwin, the test objects for modernism. In the past decade, the computer has become the test object for postmodernism.
We have become accustomed to opaque technology. . . . These new interfaces modeled a way of understanding that depended on getting to know a computer through interacting with it, as one might get to know a person or explore a town.
(23) the 1984 introduction of the Macintoshƒs iconic style presented the public with simulations (the icons of file folders, a trash can, a desktop) that did nothing to suggest how their underlying structure could be known. It seemed unavailable, visible only through its effects.
We have learned to take things at interface value.

2 2 4 (13300) [-4+]mCQK turkle-life_on_the_screen (42) 20131108c 0 -2+ progress/2011/05/notes_for_turkle-life_on_the_screen.html
Update for the age of FOSS.

2 2 4 (13400) [-4+]mCQK turkle-life_on_the_screen (79) 20131108h 0 -2+ progress/2011/05/notes_for_turkle-life_on_the_screen.html
Modify definition of transparency to include being able to dive down into putatively opaque structures and analyze at a reasonable cost.

2 2 4 (13500) [-4+]mCQK turkle-life_on_the_screen (264) 20131108l 0 -8+ progress/2011/05/notes_for_turkle-life_on_the_screen.html
We are all dreaming cyborg dreams; mention of Hayles.

2 2 4 (13600) [-4+]mCQK turkle-second_self (155) 20131014z 0 -8+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Computer metaphors become part of posthuman popular psychology, perhaps as psychoanalysis did into French culture.

2 2 4 (13700) [-4+]mCQK turkle-second_self (161) 20131019b 0 -4+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Not mind as program but interaction based, situated, experiential analogies made computer evocative object for children in Turkle studies, adding another layer to Hayles coevolutionary, intermediation theory of machines and minds.

2 2 4 (13800) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (166) 20131019c 0 -5+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Transparent understanding crucial in early days, although her future work moves away from deep understanding. "They shared a quality of relationship with the computer, an aesthetic of using the computer for
transparent understanding. . . . this issue of transparent understanding remains an important theme for a new generationƒs relationship with their machines." (166)

2 2 4 (13900) [-4+]mCQK turkle-second_self (276-277) 20131019x 0 -10+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Now we have been with massively multiple online process systems that are galaxies of meaning in each operating system among themselves communicating in both human and mostly machine channels for which Shannon generalizations apply.

2 2 4 (14000) [-4+]mCQK turkle-second_self (300) 20131020 0 -3+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Carrier objects go beyond evocative objects, and easily pass into general culture, for example Normans computational model of slips.

2 2 4 (14100) [-4+]mCQK turkle-second_self (301) 20131020a 0 -12+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Literature embodying computer culture explicitly or implicitly, as Kittler demonstrates for GFT; example here is Hofstadter Music to Break Phonographs By.

2 2 4 (14200) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (309) 20131020b 0 -4+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Multiprocessing machine model of mind makes decentered self concrete. "It takes the idea of a decentered self and makes it more concrete by modeling mind as a multiprocessing machine.
(312) The new romantic reaction is not made by people who reject the computer in the way that the nineteenth-century Romantics rejected science. The reassertions of feeling and of the ineffable that I speak of here come from people who have and accept the technology, not by those who are fleeing from it.
(313) Where we once were rational animals, now we are feeling computers, emotional machines." (309) Rational animal becomes emotional machine.

2 2 4 (14300) [-4+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (46-47) 20120531 0 -7+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
His thesis that we have never been modern calls for retrospective nonmodern attitude.

2 2 4 (14400) [-4+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (47) 20131003m 0 -3+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Haraway cyborg is Latour hybrid, which will morph into quasi-object under nonmodern view.

2 2 4 (14500) [-6+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (115) 20120624 0 -5+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Latest belief that modern world is disenchanted is Turkle robotic moment, for we never reach being Spock-like mutants. "In their hands, the uprooted, acculturated, Americanized, scientifized, technologized Westerner becomes a
Spock-like mutant. . . . How we do love to wear the hair shirt of the absurd, and what even greater pleasure we take in postmodern nonsense!" (115)

2 2 4 (14600) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (51) 20131005i 0 -3+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Great insight of data banks as the nature for postmodern man: we are already becoming cyborg.

2 2 4 (14700) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (51) 20131005j 0 -3+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Already describing likely changes in human intelligence.

2 2 4 (14800) [-6+]mCQK haraway-simians_cyborgs_women (180) 20130923f 0 -9+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_haraway-simians_cyborgs_women.html
Consequences of viewing cyborgs as other than enemies. "There are several consequences to
taking seriously the imagery of cyborgs as other than our enemies. Our bodies, ourselves; bodies are maps of power and identity. Cyborgs are no exception. A cyborg body is not innocent; it was not born in a garden; it does not seek unitary identity and so generate antagonistic dualisms without end. . . . Intense pleasure in skill, machine skill, ceases to be a sin, but an aspect of embodiment. The machine is not an it to be animated, worshiped, and dominated." (180) Intense pleasure in skill as an aspect of embodiment; consider with respect to Zizek notion of utopia.

2 2 4 (14900) [-6+]mCQK haraway-simians_cyborgs_women (199) 20130923p 0 -6+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_haraway-simians_cyborgs_women.html
A statement of the coyote position as knowledge that is knowingly tricked. "Acknowledging the agency of the world in knowledge makes room for some unsettling possibilities, including a sense of the worldƒs independent sense of humor. . . . The
Coyote or Trickster, embodied in American Southwest Indian accounts, suggests our situation when we give up mastery but keep searching for fidelity, knowing all the while we will be hoodwinked. I like to see feminist theory as a reinvented coyote discourse obligated to its enabling sources in many kinds of heterogeneous accounts of the world." (199)

2 2 4 (15100) [-6+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (47) 20130924l 0 -2+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
Humans and computers as dynamic partners bound by intermediating dynamics becomes model of cyborg for Hayles. "Now let us make a speculative leap and consider the human and the digital computer as partners in a dynamic heterarchy bound together by intermediating dynamics.
(47) citizens in technologically developed societies, and young people in particular, are literally being reengineered through their interactions with computational devices." (47)

2 2 4 (15200) [-7+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (xiv) 20130924b 0 -1+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Gazing at the flickering signifiers we are posthuman whether we think clearly about machine embodiment and our entanglement with it or not; as she alludes to Latour at the end of the book, we have been cyborgs for a long time already. (xiv) As you gaze at the flickering signifiers scrolling down the computer screens, no matter what identifications you assign to the embodied entities that you cannot see, you have already become posthuman.

2 2 4 (15300) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (2-3) 20130924c 0 -11+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Four point summary of posthuman view. "First, the posthuman view privileges informational pattern over material instantiation, so that embodiment in a biological substrate is seen as an accident of history rather than an inevitability of life. Second, the posthuman view considers consciousness regarded as the seat of human identity in the Western tradition long before Descartes thought he was a mind thinking, as an epiphenomenon, as an evolutionary upstart trying to claim that it is the whole show when in actuality it is only a minor sideshow. Third, the posthuman view thinks of the body as the original prosthesis we all learn to manipulate, so that extending or replacing the body with other prostheses becomes a continuation of a process that began before we were born. Fourth, and most important, by these and other means, the posthuman view configures human being so that it can be seamlessly articulated with intelligent machines.
(3-4) To elucidate the significant shift in underlying assumptions about subjectivity signaled by the posthuman, we can recall one of the definitive texts characterizing the liberal humanist subject: C. B. Macphersonƒs analysis of possessive individualism. . . . The defining characteristics involve the construction of subjectivity, not the presence of nonbiological components." (2-3) The body itself is one prosthesis among many technological systems into which we are born that we learn to manipulate.

2 2 4 (15400) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (183) 20130921h 0 -5+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Macpherson possessive individualism result of empowering effects of computers on subjectivity.

2 2 4 (15500) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (5) 20130924d 0 -4+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Posthuman body is data made flesh.

2 2 4 (15600) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (288) 20121126 0 -12+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Great summary of contrasts between posthuman and liberal humanist subject. "In the posthuman view, by contrast, conscious agency has never been in control. . . . In this account, emergence replaces teleology; reflexive epistemology replaces objectivism; distributed cognition replaces autonomous will; embodiment replaces a body seen as a support system for the mind; and a dynamic partnership between humans and intelligent machines replaces the liberal humanist subjectƒs manifest destiny to dominate and control nature.
(289) In Hutchinsƒs neat interpretation, Searleƒs argument is valuable precisely because it makes clear that it is not Searle but the entire room that knows Chinese. In this distributed cognitive system, the Chinese room knows more than do any of its components, including Searle. The situation of modern humans is akin to that of Searle in the Chinese room, for every day we participate in systems whose total cognitive capacity exceeds our individual knowledge. . . . Modern humans are capable of more sophisticated cognition than cavemen not because moderns are smarter, [Edwin] Hutchins concludes, but because they have constructed smarter environments in which to work." (288)

2 2 4 (15700) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (xxix) 20120618 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Hayles cyborg of human computer symbiosis is Castells culture of real virtuality; Second Life the exemplar.

2 2 4 (15800) [-7+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (xxx-xxxi) 20131022 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Culture of real virtuality for post-postmodern era. (xxx-xxxi) This is a new communication realm, and ultimately a new medium, whose backbone is made of computer networks, whose language is digital, and whose senders are globally distributed and globally interactive. . . . This is why, observing more than a decade ago the emerging trends of what now has taken shape as a communication revolution, I proposed in the first edition of this book the hypothesis that a new culture is forming,
the culture of real virtuality, in which the digitized networks of multimodal communication have become so inclusive of all cultural expressions and personal experiences that they have made virtuality a fundamental dimension of our reality.

2 2 4 (15900) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (22) 20130913i 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Identity defined with Touraine twist, defense of subject against logic of apparatus replacing class struggle.

2 2 4 (16000) [-4+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (73) 20121017 0 -1+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Model of subjectivity shifts from monadic pure agent to manager actively dovetailing multiply layered systemic interactions, swirling dynamic structures embodying implicit metacognitive commitments exercised in complex skill hierarchies.

2 2 4 (16100) [-4+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (213) 20121014 0 -5+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
An up to date description of what the body is, as adaptively potent mashups, for example tendon network example that points to engineered possibilities in which cognition imbricated in larger control network, reaching discourse comprehension therefore susceptible to changes in media systems (Hayles endorsing synergistic, intentional modifications where Kittler sees a fundamental type of technological determinism); however, multiple functionality counter to some design strategies, especially if centered on specific control capabilities without considering affordances of instantaneous systems.

2 2 4 (16200) [-6+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (219) 20131028 0 -2+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
Mind as mashup casts mind in sync with latest conceptions of new media. "Confronted by the kaleidoscope of cases encountered in the previous chapters, the proper response is to see mind and intelligence themselves as mechanically realized by complex, shifting mixtures of energetic and dynamic coupling, internal and external forms of representation and computation, epistemically potent forms of bodily action, and the canny exploitation of a variety of extrabodily props, aids, and scaffolding. Minds like ours emerge from this colorful flux as surprisingly seamless wholes: adaptively potent mashups extruded from a dizzying motley of heterogeneous elements and processes." (219)

2 2 4 (16300) [-4+]mCQK clark_chalmers-extended_mind (8) 20130913a 0 -4+ progress/2010/04/notes_for_clark_chalmers-extended_mind.html
Epistemic actions such as recognition and search versus pragmatic actions are things we try to make computers do for us.

2 2 4 (16400) [-6+]mCQK clark_chalmers-extended_mind (18) 20111105 0 -7+ progress/2010/04/notes_for_clark_chalmers-extended_mind.html
Compare occurrent states self to Hayles cyborg. "Does the extended mind imply an extended self? It seems so. . . . To consistently resist this conclusion, we would have to shrink the self into a mere bundle of occurrent states, severely threatening its deep psychological continuity. Far better to take the broader view, and see agents themselves as spread into the world." (18)

2 2 4 (16500) [-7+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (53) 20130913l 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Computing intelligence now in the network itself rather than individual systems; this pervasive, distributed model influences views of human subjectivity. (53) Based on these technologies, computer scientists envisage the possibility of computing environments where billions of microscopic information processing devices will be spread everywhere like pigment in the wall paint. If so, then computer networks will be, materially speaking, the fabric of our lives.

2 2 4 (16600) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (214-215) 20130913z 0 -9+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Virtual culture Castells glimpsed is now instantiated, which he saw as networks replacing individual human consciousness as the locus of the bulk labor of intellection, where a lot of computing happens to substantiate thinking; invokes Schumpeter, seems like position held by Kittler, and leading towards Manovich.

2 2 4 (16700) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (356-358) 20130914b 0 -17+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Technological transformation of computerized media yielding emergence of culture of real virtuality.

2 2 4 (16800) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (403) 20130914c 0 -7+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Multimedia convergence of global hypertext, comparable to Kittler.

2 2 4 (16900) [-4+]mCQK mcluhan-understanding_media (307) 20131006u 0 -9+ progress/1994/08/notes_for_mcluhan-understanding_media.html
Feedback transforms lineality introduced by literacy; no longer taking on complexion of the dead because prosumer intermediation dynamically reconfigures interface and knowledge content (Hayles).

2 2 4 (17000) [-6+]mCQK mcluhan-understanding_media (310-311) 20131006x 0 -15+ progress/1994/08/notes_for_mcluhan-understanding_media.html
Simulation enables holistic view of phenomena " nomadic gathering of knowledge. (310-311) Paradoxically, automation makes liberal education mandatory. . . . As the machine and the motorcar released the horse and projected it into the plane of entertainment, so does automation with men. . . . But with electricity and automation, the technology of fragmented processes suddenly fused with the human dialogue and the need for over-all consideration of human unity. Men are suddenly
nomadic gatherers of knowledge, nomadic as never before, informed as never before, free from fragmentary specialism as never before but also involved in the total social process as never before; since with electricity we extend our central nervous system globally, instantly interrelating every human experience. . . . We can now, by computer, deal with complex social needs with the same architectural certainty that we previously attempted in private housing. Industry as a whole has become the unit of reckoning, and so with society, politics, and education as wholes." (horizontal, vertical, supply chain, cradle to grave, lifecycle)

2 2 4 (17100) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (406) 20130914e 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Budding transformation of subjectivity in space of flows and timeless time, as well as foundation for emergence of non-human intelligence.

2 2 4 (17200) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (448) 20130914k 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Postmodern architecture for space of flows; can this likewise describe phenomena in computer networks, for which the primary comportment is a culture of electronic surfing, invoking today Second Life, gaming communities, and other social networks?

2 2 4 (17300) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (458-459) 20130914n 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Structural schizophrenia while physical realities and real virtualities compete for locus of interest, and therefore affecting the nature of subjectivity.

2 2 4 (17400) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (472) 20130914o 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Technological reintegration of distributed worker efforts undermines structuring capacity of working time over everyday life, blurring life cycle toward social arrhythmia.

2 2 4 (17500) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (493) 20130914s 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Mashup culture.

2 2 4 (17600) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (xxvi-xxvii) 20130913b 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Rather than solely the medium being the message, overdetermining content through social and economic forces, messages of other media, the Internet medium supports wider degrees of freedom.

2 2 4 (17700) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (xxvii) 20130913c 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Alludes to Kittler threat of flattening by convergence and development of social media of shared member made content in social spaces of virtual reality, mentioning Second Life; consider Jenkins.

2 2 4 (17800) [-4+]mCQK kittler-world_of_the_symbolic (130) 20131104 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_kittler-world_of_the_symbolic.html
Aristotle definition of beautiful as to eusunopton form of pattern recognition.

2 2 4 (17900) [-4+]mCQK kittler-world_of_the_symbolic (131) 20131104a 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_kittler-world_of_the_symbolic.html
Psychology diverges from philosophy in admitting non-human and machine pattern recognition.

2 2 4 (18000) [-4+]mCQK kittler-world_of_the_symbolic (133) 20131104b 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_kittler-world_of_the_symbolic.html
Freud material reasoned to limits of information machines of his era, a Latour modern.

2 2 4 (18100) [-4+]mCQK kittler-world_of_the_symbolic (134) 20131104c 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_kittler-world_of_the_symbolic.html
Lacan understood theory of psychic being reflects media technologies, and capitalized on this awareness in his Ecrits, Seminaires, and Radiophonie: telephone, film, phonograph.

2 2 4 (18200) [-4+]mCQK kittler-world_of_the_symbolic (135) 20131104d 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_kittler-world_of_the_symbolic.html
Hegel and Freud, then Freud and Lacan separated by technical invention and use of mathemtics.

2 2 4 (18300) [-4+]mCQK kittler-world_of_the_symbolic (138) 20131104p 0 -8+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_kittler-world_of_the_symbolic.html
Transfer Lacan methodological distinction to media theory: symbolic, imaginary, real maps onto computer, optical, analog storage.

2 2 4 (18400) [-4+]mCQK kittler-world_of_the_symbolic (139-140) 20131104f 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_kittler-world_of_the_symbolic.html
Lacan noted materiality of sound in Marey chronograph; likewise Edison phonograph allowed methodical distinction between phonetics and phonology, real and symbolic, thus the possibility of structural linguistics.

2 2 4 (18500) [-4+]mCQK kittler-world_of_the_symbolic (140) 20131104g 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_kittler-world_of_the_symbolic.html
Lacan resonance between patient and analyst maps onto Shannon redundance.

2 2 4 (18600) [-4+]mCQK kittler-world_of_the_symbolic (141) 20131104h 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_kittler-world_of_the_symbolic.html
Encoding transfers unlimited chance of the real into lawful syntax of the symbolic for both machines and humans.

2 2 4 (18700) [-6+]mCQK kittler-world_of_the_symbolic (143-144) 20131104i 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_kittler-world_of_the_symbolic.html
Something must function in the real independent of any subjectivity for there to be media and information machines. "Media and information machines, and culture as their independent variable, exist only when something functions[s] in the real, independently of any subjectivity." (143-144)

2 2 4 (18800) [-4+]mCQK kittler-world_of_the_symbolic (144) 20131104j 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_kittler-world_of_the_symbolic.html
Lacan equivocates circuit with von Neumann architecture, releasing theory from constraint of conceiving storage as engram.

2 2 4 (18900) [-4+]mCQK kittler-world_of_the_symbolic (144) 20131104k 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_kittler-world_of_the_symbolic.html
Freudian riddles of desire and death drive solved by immortal circulation of information in technical positivity, yielding something that stops not writing itself; does Derrida recognize this in his meditations on the archive?

2 2 4 (19000) [-4+]mCQK kittler-world_of_the_symbolic (145) 20131104n 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_kittler-world_of_the_symbolic.html
The danger is theory of risk becomes risk of theory when implemented in machines.

2 2 4 (19100) [-6+]mCQK kittler-world_of_the_symbolic (146) 20131104o 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_kittler-world_of_the_symbolic.html
No post-modern, only the or this modern post. "There is no post-modern; rather, only the or this modern post." (146)

2 2 4 (19200) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (187) 20130819a 0 -6+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
See Zizek on cyberspace.

2 2 4 (19300) [-4+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (104) 20131002q 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Disappearance of Dasein in communications techniques and activities.

2 2 4 (19400) [-4+]mCQK barthes-listening (259-260) 20130909 0 -4+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_barthes-listening.html
Is Barthes listening to the shimmering signifiers like Chion reduced listening; Turkle and Hayles also employ shimmering signifiers to speak about electronic media.

2 2 4 (19500) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (215) 20130930 0 -3+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Experiments to magnetic tape by Burroughs alter subjectivity both metaphorically, as a rewritable and malleable recording medium, and perhaps empirically.

2 2 4 (19600) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (30) 20130924s 0 -2+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Flickering signifiers fully explored in Electronic Literature.

2 2 4 (19700) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (38) 20130924u 0 -1+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Point of view is the character in cyberspace.

2 2 4 (19800) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (47) 20130924w 0 -2+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Functionality as active HCI communication modes.

2 2 4 (19900) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (48-49) 20130924x 0 -7+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Obvious trend of life as embodied virtualities, in which constructive intervention through interpretation devolves upon posthumanists.

2 2 4 (20000) [-4+]mCQK burnett-how_images_think (73) 20130912d 0 -4+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnett-how_images_think.html
Compare attention to materiality of virtual experience and their need to take control to Castell real virtuality.

2 2 4 (20100) [-6+]mCQK burnett-how_images_think (82) 20130912f 0 -5+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnett-how_images_think.html
Cyberspace as trope for new kind of human interaction. "The interaction of the virtual and the real and the manner in which they have formed a continuum reflects my own belief that Western culture has shifted its concerns and resources from images as representations to images as tools of mastery, visualization, and control. . . . Cyberspace, which incorporates networks of communications and various forms of cultural, scientific, and political activity, is a trope for a new kind of human interaction." (82)

2 2 4 (20200) [-4+]mCQK burnett-how_images_think (141) 20130912n 0 -3+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnett-how_images_think.html
Basic position is that images are involved in thinking as seductive, concrete substitutions for discursive or mathematic expressions.

2 2 4 (20300) [-4+]mCQK burnett-how_images_think (171) 20120924 0 -7+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnett-how_images_think.html
Latour hybrid in combination of human usage and machine; also the site of Hayle posthuman subjectivity, and underlying reason of Gee fascination with learning to play computer games.

2 2 4 (20400) [-4+]mCQK burnett-how_images_think (183) 20131027a 0 -3+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnett-how_images_think.html
How do virtual realities work, relate thirdness to Gee real, virtual, and projective identities.

2 2 4 (20500) [-4+]mCQK burnett-how_images_think (192) 20130912q 0 -12+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnett-how_images_think.html
Immersive experience reflects fascination with technology, rather than desire for mastery; virtual spaces support image and sound-based media, though they themselves are not the medium.

2 2 4 (20600) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (4) 20130923 0 -8+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
Krueger father of mixed reality paradigm that foregrounds role of body.

2 2 4 (20700) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (12) 20130923a 0 -6+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
How does Ruyer reversed epiphenomenalism stand against Zizek claim that fantasy is radically intersubjective?

2 2 4 (20800) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (19) 20130923c 0 -11+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
VR as creation versus replay: technically triggered experience, operational perspective, more than consumption, perhaps dialogic, disconnecting mobile body schema and visual body image: is this pointing towards the same ideal as Plato, not taken as artificial intelligence but rather optimal human machine comportment?

2 2 4 (20900) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (71) 20130923n 0 -1+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
According to Anzeiu, infratactility is source of semiosis, preceding infralanguage (Stiegler differance).

2 2 4 (21000) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (88) 20130923q 0 -3+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
Embodiment at heart of VR makes it always mixed reality.

2 2 4 (21100) [-6+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (93) 20130923r 0 -2+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
Cyborg embodied disembodiment through technical mediation complements basic mixed reality conditioning all real experience. "With the ubiquitous infiltration of digital technologies into daily life, embodied agency becomes conditioned (necessarily so) by a certain (technical) disembodiment.
Embodied disembodiment (or disembodied embodiment) accordingly forms a strict complement to the ontology of mixed reality conditioning all real experience." (93)

2 2 4 (21200) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (95) 20130923s 0 -4+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
Lozono-Hemmer reembodiment through technics due because human embodiment no longer coincides with traditional, physical boundaries of body (Clark); break from prosthetic model of technics with indivision.

2 2 4 (21300) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (112-113) 20130923t 0 -5+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
Davies Osmose as body-in-code example, aesthetic function of VR coupling new immaterial perceptual domains with touch.

2 2 4 (21400) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (131-132) 20130923x 0 -9+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
Caillois sees Heideggerian danger in psychasthenia, but useful for its deployment beyond the body-image (Damasio).

2 2 4 (21500) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (144) 20110316 0 -2+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
Machinic constraints still harbor biases and impose interpellations, especially when met as technology consumer.

2 2 4 (21600) [-4+]mCQK hansen-bodies_in_code (147) 20130923z 0 -1+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_hansen-bodies_in_code.html
Does virtual systems theory force living erasure of lived bodies to occupy a constituted textual body?

2 2 4 (21700) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (78) 20131005s 0 -6+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Spatialization of time made possible by computer media embodies another postmodern premise (Castells).

2 2 4 (21800) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (104) 20131005y 0 -5+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Following Barthes, dioptric arts split subjectivity.

2 2 4 (21900) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (107) 20131005z 0 -8+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Institutionalized immobility of spectator prelude to immobility before the screen.

2 2 4 (22000) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (162) 20120826 0 -14+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Recording over real-time communication: link with history of writing and Castell real virtualities, aesthetics of discrete objects, which may be clue to why electronic literature and other media are difficult to interpret without using existing albeit limited aesthetic terms, noting Goodman and Barthes; these theorists help define traditional texts and technology background.

2 2 4 (22200) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (36) 20131004y 0 -3+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Practical subject, or autonomous collectivity, determines goals that science serves, giving scientific knowledge no final legitimacy; compare practical subject to Jenkins collective intelligence.

2 2 4 (22300) [-4+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (38) 20130929p 0 -1+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
So would he recommend scholars train for postmodern studies by working in industry, cyberpunk cybersage: recall Jameson note about wishing he had included more on cyberpunk.

2 2 4 (22400) [-4+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (321) 20130930r 0 -2+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
Cyberpunk as joyous resignation of individual determination by schizophrenic collective consciousness.

2 2 4 (22500) [-4+]mCQK jenkins-convergence_culture (23) 20120515 0 -13+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_jenkins-convergence_culture.html
Another narrative that takes surface enjoyment of postmodernism over depth for granted, yet offering more degrees of freedom due to the interaction between consumers and producers.

2 2 4 (22600) [-4+]mCQK jenkins-convergence_culture (238) 20130929o 0 -7+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_jenkins-convergence_culture.html
Monitorial citizen practices active surveillance, and spoof media trains active hashing of competing accounts for news discovery.

2 2 4 (22700) [-4+]mCQK jenkins-convergence_culture (255) 20130929s 0 -1+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_jenkins-convergence_culture.html
Ong open systems, Feenberg examples of unintended uses by consumers.

2 2 4 (22800) [-4+]mCQK jenkins-convergence_culture (291) 20121117 0 0+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_jenkins-convergence_culture.html
The Downsides of Digital Democracy

(290) An open platform does not necessarily ensure diversity.

2 2 4 (22900) [-4+]mCQK gane-computerized_capitalism (436) 20130921b 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_gane-computerized_capitalism.html
We need to remember how our cyborg subjectivity is situated within the built environment that seeks to optimize itself in terms of performativity.

2 2 4 (23000) [-6+]mCQK gane-computerized_capitalism (441-445) 20130921h 0 -18+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_gane-computerized_capitalism.html
A key, long paragraph that should be balanced with Hayles. "The digital transformation of culture, however, also has a further consequence, namely that in our day-to-day processing of short ƒbytesƒ of information we ourselves become more like machines. In other words, through our use of new media technologies, we, as humans, become increasingly ƒinhumanƒ. . . . Lyotardƒs concern, more precisely, is for the way in which new media have reconfigured the connections between matter, the mind and time. It is rather that the digitalization of data tears both cultural artifacts and sensory experience from their moorings in physical time and space. . . . Lyotardƒs answer is that, with technological development, memory itself will become less dependent on human life and with this less reliant on any ƒearth-bound bodyƒ. Indeed, he states that one of the primary aims of todayƒs techno-scientific research is to overcome or ƒunblockƒ the biological obstacles that the body places in the way of communication. The result of such development, however, is not just an effacement of physical presence, but also a transformation in the nature and construction of culture. . . . [quoting Lyotard] The penetration of techno-scientific apparatus into the cultural fields in no way signifies an increase of knowledge, sensibility, tolerance and liberty. Reinforcing this apparatus does not liberate the spirit as the
Auflkarung thought." (441-445) Culture transformed through affordances of inhuman practices, questions limits of traditional critical theorizing perhaps in acknowledgement of immiseration of the mind in media from the start; see Benjamin and Adorno.

2 2 4 (23100) [-4+]mCQK gane-computerized_capitalism (445) 20130921i 0 -4+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_gane-computerized_capitalism.html
Just in time information processing in networks by streaming predigested cultural capital; loss of opportunity for reflecting on possible inventions.

2 2 4 (23200) [-4+]mCQK floridi-philosophy_and_computing (65) 20130919o 0 -10+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_floridi-philosophy_and_computing.html
Argues that Internet has grown beyond human control at individual, corporate, or national level, perhaps like the climate.

2 2 4 (23300) [-4+]mCQK floridi-philosophy_and_computing (65-66) 20130919p 0 -1+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_floridi-philosophy_and_computing.html
Yahoo another interesting link to literature, to which I want to add electronic devices, and no mention of Google in list of search engines shows age of the text.

2 2 4 (23400) [-4+]mCQK floridi-philosophy_and_computing (67) 20130919q 0 -1+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_floridi-philosophy_and_computing.html
Enumerates remote control via telnet, file transfers via FTP, running applications like Java, email, and last, web pages (but does not name HTTP).

2 2 4 (23500) [-4+]mCQK floridi-philosophy_and_computing (72) 20130919r 0 -5+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_floridi-philosophy_and_computing.html
Declares electronic communication a secondary orality, and discusses the virtual subject.

2 2 4 (23600) [-4+]mCQK floridi-philosophy_and_computing (80) 20130919s 0 -2+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_floridi-philosophy_and_computing.html
How we think may be affected, as the launch of comparative media, texts and technology, and other new disciplines attests; Floridi determines there are at least eleven, and attempts to rank their importance, with digital discrimination oddly the least because it is not focused on social life of information.

2 2 4 (23700) [-4+]mCQK floridi-philosophy_and_computing (96) 20130919z 0 -6+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_floridi-philosophy_and_computing.html
Insert cathedral versus bazaar response to this Balkanizing explosion of nonhuman intelligence emerging from operation infospheres.

2 2 4 (23900) [-4+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (73-74) 20130913q 0 -8+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Interface produsers a response to postmodernist disorientation, but not the mapping envisioned by Jameson.

2 2 4 (24100) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (4) 20130910a 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Stiegler, the newest significant philosopher of computing introduced following Heidegger and Kittler, offers materialist definition, dynamic of organized inorganic matter, inviting pass through Burks, Goldstine, von Neumann; mechanology is a new philosophical position introduced without fanfare here.

2 2 4 (24200) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (13) 20130910e 4 -7+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Important distinction between computationalist and instrumentalist notions of reason, locating the former in the materially entangled matrix operations of distributed cognition, and the latter in a more restricted sense of a type of agency.

2 2 4 (24300) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (14-15) 20130910g 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Kittler sense of media convergence is translation into digital forms, whereas Berry senses new knowledge and productive potential because discretization not equivalent to immaterialism.

2 2 4 (24400) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (20) 20130910h 0 -12+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Super-critical modes of thought yield not collective intelligence but collective intellect (Jenkins, Hayles); humanists should focus on determining appropriate practices, not specific ICT.

2 2 4 (24500) [-7+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (22) 20130910j 1 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
New distributed, computational subjectivity, necessarily dehumanizing, but also only potentially democratizing. (22) Relying on technology in a more radically decentered way, depending on technical devices to fill in the blanks in our minds and to connect knowledge in new ways, would change our understanding of knowledge, wisdom and intelligence itself. It would be a radical decentering in some ways, as the Humboldtian subject filled with culture and a certain notion of rationality, would no longer exist, rather, the
computational subject would know where to recall culture as and when it was needed in conjunction with computationally available others, a just-in-time cultural subject, perhaps, to feed into a certain form of connected computationally supported thinking through and visualized presentation.

2 2 4 (24600) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (27) 20130910k 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Orality, literacy, computationality, ontotheology; a bold philosophical position hinted at by Hayles, Turkle, and others.

2 2 4 (24700) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (128-129) 20130911v 0 -15+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Hegemony of computational understanding, decentered fragmentary subjectivity unified by devices. "I want to suggest that what is happening in the ƒdigital ageƒ is that we increasingly find a computational dimension inserted into the ƒgivenƒ. Or better, that the ontology of the computational is increasingly hegemonic in forming the background presupposition for our understanding the world. . . . Life experiences, then, become processual chains that are recorded and logged through streams of information stored in databanks. Experience is further linked to this through a minimal, decentered and fragmentary subjectivity which is unified through the cognitive support provided by computational devices which reconcile a ƒcompleteƒ human being. . . . We might say that these devices call to us to have a particular computationally structured relationship with them. . . . In sum, computer scientists attempt to transform the present-at-hand into the ready-to-hand through the application of computation." (128-129) Suggests Clark, Hayles, especially Turkle Alone Together.

2 2 4 (24800) [-4+]mCQK romanyshyn-despotic_eye_and_its_shadow (341) 20121118 0 -12+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_romanyshyn-despotic_eye_and_its_shadow.html
Does not reading component of Internet media rejoin literate consciousness, going beyond telelvision body consciousness, or at least the reading machinery?

2 2 4 (24900) [-4+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (363) 20130930u 0 -9+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
From catatonic TV to Internet identity, perhaps tying to Turkle.

2 2 4 (25000) [-6+]mCQK postman-technopoly (16-17) 20131227i 0 -7+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_postman-technopoly.html
Children battle biases of television against entrenched printed word in school. "Children come to school having been deeply conditioned by the biases of television. There, they encounter the world of the printed word. . . . They are failures, but not because they are stupid. They are failures because there is a media war going on, and they are on the wrong side at least for the moment." (16-17)

2 2 4 (25100) [-9]mCQK postman-technopoly (17) 20131227j 0 -2+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_postman-technopoly.html
Fear that computers in classrooms will raise egocentrism to virtue over communal speech of interpersonal interaction replaced by machine interfaces. "Will the widespread use of computers in the classroom defeat once and for all the claims of communal speech? Will the computer raise egocentrism to the status of a virtue?" (17) Given its occurrence, as an instance of becoming like the dead previously encompassingly applied to print media, how do we get out of the ensuing mess?

2 2 4 (25200) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (53) 20131005k 0 -1+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
The postmodern professor.

2 2 4 (25300) [-6+]mCQK gane-computerized_capitalism (445-446) 20130921j 0 -9+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_gane-computerized_capitalism.html
Strong words about determining, self-reinforcing power of technological spirit "and capitalism, put less critcially by Castells; subjectivity captured by capitalism, relating to Rice and Ulmer, too. (445-446) For just as computers are evaluated according to the speed they process information, the same now holds for human thought, for, as
The Postmodern Condition predicted and the fable now warns, the most effective streams of cultural capital are those that can be transmitted, received and decoded (consumed) with the greatest ease. In these ways, the inhuman (technologized time) has invaded both the human (life itself) and culture, and in the process has strengthened the grip of the capitalist market. . . . In other words, even the most radical forms of thought and identity, including those at the heart of the ƒpostmodern conditionƒ, have been captured by the capitalist system and commodified. Concepts such as difference, alterity and multi-culturalism, for example, have become very marketable, and now if your are a member of a minority group ƒCultural capital is interested in you. You are a little walking cultural marketƒ (Lyotard 1997: 6). In other words, cultural forms that once existed in opposition to the capitalist system have been colonized and placed in the ƒcultural bankƒ." (inhuman, technologized time, calculative reason)

2 2 4 (25400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150421 20150421 0 -3+ journal_2015.html
Am I biasing narrative insisting participants program puts me in same critical gaze now deprecating Heidegger. Hover at the point right before clearing remaining research for chapter two and begin to prepare to start chapter three in earnest. The way we are thrown together consuming media garbage did not stop nor begin with the Internet: I think that is what I am trying to express in the way I cast this chapter.
screenshot_.jpg2 2 4 (25500) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20150425 20150425a 0 -4+ journal_2015.html
Claiming to myself chapter two is ready to deliver to Janz and shorter or bound versions to the committee still planning to include digital electronic media vm PHI that generates PDF PHI.

---2.2.5+++ cybersage

2 2 5 (100) [-9]mCQK heim-computer_as_component (304-305) 20140328 8 -1+ progress/1995/07/notes_for_heim-computer_as_component.html
Heim foresees need to approach philosophy with updated tools and techniques, contrasting his predigital image of Heidegger with full encounter with technology. " The
Schreibstube is giving way to the computer workstation, and scholarship requires a cybersage." (304-305) Licklider and other forerunners fantasized about possible mutually beneficial future human relationships with technology.

2 2 5 (200) [-3+]mCQK bork-journal 20140421 20140421 0 -3+ journal_2014.html

2 2 5 (300) [-4+]mCQK licklider-man_computer_symbiosis (80) 20131004o 0 -2+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_licklider-man_computer_symbiosis.html
Hints at many-at-once potential of multiple concurrent multimodal language/information/text channels despite stereotypical gendered leadership role to whom the computer must most resemble order taking subordinates, whereas the biographical and ethnographic studies of the actual working groups who produce technology systems as all inclusive in the projective city lead to the programmers, circuit designers, and other information workers who actually instantiate this idealized comportment.

2 2 5 (500) [-4+]mCQK levy-hackers (7) 20131004 0 -5+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_levy-hackers.html
Classical definition of hacker.

2 2 5 (600) [-4+]mCQK lessig-free_culture (xv) 20131003 0 -1+ progress/2008/11/notes_for_lessig-free_culture.html
Was Stallman cognizant of the shift from unregulated works to burdening fair use as the justification of creative activity based on copies or derivatives of the intellectual property of the permission culture?

2 2 5 (700) [-4+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (339) 20130901n 0 -6+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Multiculturalism as Turing test escapes technical orbit default philosophers of computing work in; compare crossing perceptual threshold for ubiquitous presence of nonthreatening computers to Turkle robotic moment and to others who notice its passing, for it happened, we are past there, and need to get caught up by learning programming again.

2 2 5 (800) [-9]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (17) 20140102j 0 -4+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Extended mind taking form of cybernetic mob rather than new collective human brain. "It is that thinking itself is no longer at least no longer exclusively a personal activity. Itƒs something happening in a new, networked fashion. But the cybernetic organism, so far, is more like a cybernetic mob than new collective human brain. People are being reduced to externally configurable nervous systems, while computers are free to network and think in more advanced ways than we ever will." (17) Humans reduced to externally configured nervous systems while computers inter networking in more advanced ways.

2 2 5 (900) [-4+]mCQK murray-hamlet_on_the_holodeck (99) 20131006u 0 -8+ progress/2008/11/notes_for_murray-hamlet_on_the_holodeck.html
Turkle research on psychology of cyberspace claims uninhibited access to emotions, thoughts, behaviors closed in real life.

2 2 5 (1000) [-4+]mCQK turkle-inner_history_of_devices (131) 20120510 0 -6+ progress/2010/08/notes_for_turkle-inner_history_of_devices.html
Working code to feed addiction is common to all intellectual and physical labor, as explained long ago by Heraclitus and encountered again in Plato; however, Turkle ignores the content of the programming work, and the philosophy of computing is therefore merely indirectly influenced by her work.

2 2 5 (1100) [-4+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (21) 20131013n 0 -1+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
Include both human and machine others for which behavior is to be executed as accountably rational guiding design objective.

2 2 5 (1200) [-4+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (16) 20131013l 0 -6+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
Self-explanatory artifacts not only discoverable without extensive training, but understand user actions and provide its own rationality, explain itself: then it would interrupt the chess game to help the user get out of the burning house.

2 2 5 (1300) [-4+]mCQK suchman-plans_and_situated_actions (19) 20131108 0 -1+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_suchman-plans_and_situated_actions.html
Need to think about the functions of the coach versus other types of help systems.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=2 and (Heading=2) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 2.2 closed world cybernetics, cyborg embodiment, techno-capitalist networks, dividual cyborg, cybersage

Chapter 3 Theoretical framework and methodology


3 0+ 0 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150524 20150524 0 -4+ journal_2015.html
Let difference between cadre and lifetime learner become the default relationship post-postmodern network dividual cyborgs take with respect to global intelligence, the technologized lifeworld, the Big Other, and so on. This will be one key aspect of the theoretical framework, emerging from Boltanksi and Chiapello social critique and engendering artistic critique and more importantly actionable, critical responses informing personal and community destinies. Thus the initial forary into textuality and media studies, exemplifying artistic critique, joined with philosophy of technology to marry with it social critique, leading to SCOT. From this theoretical framework a methodology develops for engaging digital humanities scholarship, critical programming.

3 0+ 0 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150511 20150511a 1 -4+ journal_2015.html
On white board sentences about having to lay out chapter three so table of contents semantically summarizes as well as lays out basic relationships encoded in PDF but seeking transcendent ontological specification PHI. It combines critical theory, technology studies, combined with textuality and media studies, exemplified in social construction of technology enhanced by situated authoethnographic form of philosophical expression PHI, ready to apply to computing. This is how global collective intelligence works after having built itself the virtual world in which to compute its meaning. Perhaps Hardt and Negri, along with Boltanski and Chiapello, can be presented later when introducing software and code studies for their approach leveraging software computation work to do part of their research thinking, or just the latter pair since the former do so well articulating the social critique outcomes, for example postcolonial, tying back to Iser who definitely should start the chapter.

3 0+ 0 (400) [-6+]mCQK foucault-discipline_and_punish (213) 20150216 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_foucault-discipline_and_punish.html
Suggest regressive subjectivity results from default comportment to technological Big Other in which information accrues like dust of everything that happens. "Police power must bear ƒover everythingƒ: it is not however the totality of the state nor of the kingdom as visible and invisible body of the monarch; it is the
dust of events, actions, behavior, opinions ƒeverything that happensƒ.
(214) And, in order to be exercised, this power had to be given the instrument of permanent, exhaustive, omnipresent surveillance, capable of making all visible, as long as it could itself remain invisible. . . . And this unceasing observation had to be accumulated in a series of reports and registers; throughout the eighteenth century, an immense police text increasingly covered society by means of a complex documentary organization." (213)

3 0+ 0 (500) [-6+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (323) 20141109l 0 -2+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Jameson conspiracy theories in film approximates functioning of the totality as if directed by single global power. "As Fredric Jameson explains wonderfully in the context of contemporary film, conspiracy theories are a crude but effective mechanism for approximating the functioning of the totality. The spectacle of politics functions
as if the media, the military, the government, the transnational corporations, the global financial institutions, and so forth were all consciously and explicitly directed by a single power even though in reality they are not." (323) Like New Coke debacle, not that smart and not that dumb.

3 0+ 0 (600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150506 20150506 0 -3+ journal_2015.html
Consider adding Schmoo to Foucault dust for dual action of taking wish fulfillment for granted while believing in free will as far as authenticity of desires and preference formation is concerned, also shifting philosophy of technology to precede textuality studies so that media studies culminate with Kittler optical media before circling back to incorporate SCOT. Psychosocial studies progress from Weinberg and Kraft to Rosenberg and Takhteyev. Software studies goes before or after this set, that is a confusing organizational matter.

3 0+ 0 (700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150504 20150504b 3 -1+ journal_2015.html
What will be done like textuality, media, technology studies utilizing broad view of SCOT to computing machinery, network protocols, and software in general lays groundwork for doing philosophy work code.

3 0+ 0 (800) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_think (31) 20150603 0 -6+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_hayles-how_we_think.html
Bolter productive theory exemplified by creative visualization of data from machine queries to discover patterns leading to interpretation. "A different kind of theory emerges when the focus shifts to the digital tools used to analyze texts and convey results. Jay David
Bolter (2008) suggests the possibility of productive theory, which he envisions as a codified set of practices.
(32) Thus two dynamics are at work: one in which the Digital Humanities are moving forward to open up new areas of exploration, and another in which they are engaged in a recursive feedback loop with the Traditional Humanities.
(33) Machine queries frequently yield masses of information that are incomprehensible when presented as tables or databases of results. Visualization helps sort the information and make patterns visible. Once the patterns can be discerned, the work of interpretation can begin." (31)

3 0+ 0 (900) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_think (34) 20150603a 0 -2+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_hayles-how_we_think.html
Need for disciplinary collaboration for conceptualization and implementation of projects. "Implementing such projects requires diverse skills, including traditional scholarship as well as programming, graphic design, interface engineering, sonic art, and other humanistic, artistic, and technical skills.
(35) Conceptualization is intimately tied in with implementation, design decisions often have theoretical consequences, algorithms embody reasoning, and navigation carries interpretive weight, so the humanities scholar, graphic designer, and programmer work best when they are in continuous and respectful communication with one another." (34)

3 0+ 0 (1000) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_think (35) 20120707n 0 -7+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_hayles-how_we_think.html
Big Humanities projects can involve collaborations of students and amateurs, Wikipedia the obvious example, considered as long term, public projects they outlive the individual director who launched the idea. "As a consequence of requiring a clear infrastructure within which diverse kinds of contributions can be made, Big Humanities projects make possible meaningful contributions from students, even as undergraduates.
(36) For the first time in human history, worldwide collaborations can arise between expert scholars and expert amateurs.
(36) An example is the
Clergy of the Church of England Database directed by Arthur Burns, in which volunteers collected data and, using laptops and software provided by the project, entered them into a database. . . . This kind of model could significantly improve the standing of the humanities with the general public." (35) However, has impact on tenure and promotion mechanics.

3 0+ 0 (1200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150210 20150210a 6 -4+ journal_2015.html
Procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony is a theoretical, metaphysical, epistemological, and methodological approach toward a philosophy of computing. I contend that it is adequate for diagramming complex networks of human machine symbiosis, referred to as collective intelligence by Pierre Levy, and generally as cyberspace. Ian Bogost defines procedural rhetoric in the context of software studies as persuasion through rule based representations and interactions, literally authoring arguments through processes and programs. Its rhetorical rule is that you get the argument to the extent that you understand and can anticipate the underlying mechanisms and rules by which planned events in a given phenomenological setting transpire, from both anticipatory and engineering perspectives.

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While contemplating the media formats in which the desired gift of Turkle available affect thinking through their affordances and constraints, all four known and unknown, altogether constituting technological unconscious Thrift argues grounds phenomena and therefore ontology, in the epoch I am studying in which we are constituted as post postmodern network dividual cyborg actor networks.

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With computer programming as its exemplar, and video games its everyday manifestation, procedural rhetoric and procedural literary have gained popularity among digital humanists, including Gee, Manovich, Montfort, and Wardrip-Fruin. In Persuasive Games, Bogost explains that procedural enthymemes complete their claim by executing algorithms to generate missing premises, through activities which may include listening and reading in addition to planning, navigation and manipulation. Thus videogames may cleverly exercise unexpected biases in our actions, which when uncovered and critically engaged may promote potentially inspiring, radical change. This notion fits well with the presentation of diachrony-within-synchrony made by Marcel OƒGorman in his digital literacy manifesto E-Crit, heavily inspired by Gregory Ulmerƒs pioneering work in applied grammatology called electracy. Referencing Jean-Jacques Lecercle, who coined the term, OƒGorman describes diachrony within synchrony as linguistic and visual phenomena, found in pun, metaphor, and images, that interrupt the synchronic, instantaneous contextual understanding of words and pictures by invoking diachronic associations, especially where they have personal, idiosyncratic, evocative relationships. To arrive at my conception of diachrony in synchrony, I extend the general idea of this concept derived from literary and media studies to the phenomenology of complex technological systems, in particular cyberspace as embodied in distributed network phenomena. An ontology of layers presented by Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost in Racing the Beam is helpful to build this connection.

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Introducing the new discipline of platform studies in their book about the Atari VCS, Montfort and Bogost articulate five interpretive levels or layers that can be used in videogame criticism, all present concurrently operating according to their internal structures. The top level of reception/operation includes aesthetics, reader-response, psychoanalytic approaches, media effects and empirical studies of interaction and play, and is the typical locus of traditional literary studies. The interface level foregrounds human computer interaction, user interface studies, and visual, film theory, and art history approaches. The form/function level emphasizes game rules, the nature of simulation, and the abilities of in-game, non human players. The code level, upon which the above layers are functionally dependent, includes software engineering and computer programming, as well as the popular digital humanities subdisciplines of software studies, code aesthetics, and critical code studies. Finally, at the platform level is the underlying architecture that governs the affordances and constraints instantiated at higher levels of coding, forms, interfaces, and use. At every layer simultaneously diachronic yet intimately interrelated states of affairs transpire as a result of and affecting the production of reality. Bogost coined the term unit operations for the phenomenological primitives germaine to each level. This concept is alluded to by the OSI network layer model from early Internet computer science, portraying an ontology of synchronic layers built from applications, logical protocols, encoding schemes, down to base electronic circuits and signal transmission media, each operating diachronically according to their engineering design. The same instant can be explained at various orders of temporal and physical magnitude as the constituents of the present as it happens in cyberspace, each necessarily occurring through time by their abiding protocol or electrical path of least resistance.

This view was anticipated by various theorists, including Foucault, duos Deleuze and Guattari, Hardt and Negri, Boltanski and Chiapello, and others. It presents a metaphysic of technogenesis and synaptogenesis, using Hayles terms as she interprets Malabou, suggesting a synthetic, maker perspective. It provides a robust analytic adequate for networks by crossing multiple domains acknowledging massively parallel distributed nature of cyberspace. It transcends logical models based on literacy, single process threads, brittle requirements of exact reproducibility to remain intact. It provides meaningful conjunction of software engineering practices and philosophy, supporting concurrent, multipurposive, perspectival explanatory models that are insufficient by themselves or contradictory. It will be helpful to compare diachrony in synchrony to contemporary epistemologies and metaphysics expressed by Galloway, Thrift, Bogost, Harmann, Smith, and Janz. Rejoining rhetoric habitual application of understanding diachrony in synchrony through the machine experience as well as the human leads to the hypothesis that habitual programming promotes synaptogenesis. While consideration will be given for meager findings from prior teaching programming research, it seems reasonable to demand a second look at programming now that computers again come equipped with a development environment for immediate, command line programming. Philosophical programmers are the new ontologists, from the platform level of languages back through Burks, Goldstein, von Neumann through Stroustrup, Linux, interface shaping application developers, and unthought plethora multiplying programming style distinctions from the binarism enshrined by Turkle. The detailed example I will give in the presentation is what is known as broken down time characteristic of C, and implicitly C++, and other modern Internet era programming languages. Thread between default philosophies of computing and foss hopes, considering that a golden age may have passed while a new one has just begun. Have to reach virtual machines supplanting print and screen, even active browser, basis of scholarship and philosophical middle work, to get to critical use. Working code places become new site for philosophical production. Numerous digital humanities scholars anticipated foregrounding of involving significant work in programming languages in addition to natural human languages, radically shifting plateaus of discourse from traditional academic sources to free, open source software project repositories, building itself from revisions of custom software written over a lifetime to work with ones thoughts. Arrive at critical programming and tapoc as synthetic disciplines.

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The highly engineered Memex Vannevar Bush proposed in 1946 is often invoked to index human fantasies about future human computer symbiosis at the height of the electromechnical, predigital First World society of post WWII America. "/span>
. Synaptogenesis is the corresponding term for changes in human brains over individual life spans in response to environmental conditions, singling out Catherine Malabou for realizing the deep entanglement of capitalism and current neurological theories. Importantly, the temporal order of magnitude at which changes are noted occur within human lives, especially during infancy through adolescence, versus far longer time frames spanning many generations typically associated with evolutionary theories. Guattari prefigures in his presentation of machinic heterogenesis to treat complex machines prior to technics by recognizing the extreme human social and cultural span bestiary accompanying any artifact that is part of any technological system, as he gives with the key and lock better understood through integration of functions, and makes the nice twist of assimilating machine into living or living into machine. Hayles explains that technogenetic spiral includes anticipatory models that work like technology, such as mysterious nature of electricity, now computational metaphors, a flip side of skeumorphs. Assumptions replicate through temes, techincal objects, forming conventions of software, particularly Manovich. Technogenesis is the new theory of evolution, its ontology that of Simondon technical objects for which concretization is the motive force for change. Synatpogenetic trends like hyper attention seem inevitable, although Hayles cleverly points out the example of Catherine Malabou pondering the coextensiveness of capitalism and neurology to offer a political response to determinism, what I call default philosophies. The diachrony in synchrony model well expresses concretization by sustaining invisible forms like the deep structure of electronic machinery sustaining what was once held by printed visual media. New concept of layers of codes and languages. Malabou makes the ultimate argument for plasticity versus flexibility as preferred comportment having potential for resistance, not just passive accommodation, which Hayles turns into a call for Big Humanities projects. Importantly, her model views database and narrative as symbionts, not combatants. Like this decades long engagement between philosophy and computing, sundry interdisciplinary collaborations suggest themselves.

Bruce Janz is my key philosopher for articulating software engineering philosophical places spaces. His studies from the African continent and outer space prepare us for attempting to intuit machine embodiment, take on the complexion of cyberspace. Contemporary metaphysics and epistemologies by Bogost, Smith, and retrospectively a litany of new ontologists among philosophical programmers as those who built current technological milieu in which we live. Machine experience toward a philosophy of computing through procedural rhetoric from study and shared experience as engineers with philosophical programmers, making run time ontologies such that cyberspace is that which exists in such networks. My goal is to also transcend default philosophies of computing, including the binarism Turkle imposes on types of programming styles. Beyond hard mastery and briocolage are nuanced, beyond the default as I am concerned multitude possible failure points, after considering there are at least ten for four wires, precludes study of electronic circuits so we never get to digital humanities following OƒGorman picking up soldering irons: this is to me a philosophical problem." (89) Its title As We May Think indicates contours of what humans believed their thinking constitutes through describing its perfected condition conjoined to the epitome of office technology: associative memory, link trail blazing, networked sharing and collaboration. In her 2012 update to Bush, How We Think, the evolution of technology and human brains are tightly connected. Hayles uses the term technogenesis to describe the mechanism by which the inhuman side of things evolves, leaning on Gilbert Simondonƒs theory of technical change in which innovations tend toward concretization, integrating conflicting requirements into multipurposive solutions that enfold them together into intrinsic and necessary circular causalities
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Procedural Rhetoric of Diachrony in Synchrony.

-revealed from current digital humanities practices informed by texts and technology studies.
-Bogost procedural rhetoric from software studies defined as persuasion through rule based representations and interactions, looks beyond programming and epistemic games to developing procedural literacy and awareness of biased perspectives of how things work through direct engagement.
-OƒGorman referencing Lecercle.
-include source code where Lecercle, Ulmer, OƒGorman and others emphasize polyglot puns and images.
-Montfort and Bogost layers.
-network layer model.
-code space.
-anticipated by various theorists: Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, Hardt and Negri, see literature review.
-technogenesis and synaptogenesis: Hayles, Malabou.
-synthetic, maker perspective.
-discipline of critical programming.
-robust analytic adequate for networks.
-transcends logical models based on literacy, single process threads.
-provides meaningful conjunction of software engineering practices and philosophy.
-supports concurrent, multipurposive, perspectival explanatory models that are insufficient by themselves or contradictory.
-compare to other contemporary epistemologies and metaphysics: Bogost, Harmann, Smith, Galloway, Thrift, Janz.
-habitual programming promotes synaptogenesis; contrast to meager findings from teaching programming research.
-philosophical programmers as the new ontologists.
-broken-down time example.
-working code places.
-arrive at critical programming and tapoc as synthetic disciplines.


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Imagine the proposal iterates between timestamp other file and journal objects PHI is where new philosophies of computing begin with procedural rhetorics of diachronies in synchronies playing on textual linguistic and now computable as real virtualities code variations PHI becomes the proposal to articulate by about twenty sentences. Bauerlein criticizes individuals while I technological environments as do contemporary digital humanities studies. Thinking through programming is a unique way to philosophize whereas the default exemplified in Johnson dismissing Maner for failing to create unique ethical problem solving means machines have been ignored, what I call intuiting machine embodiment. " To me the term aptly describes an epistemology and metaphysics resembling the network layer model that transcends single threaded low speed logical methods learned through literacy, affording a robust analytic adequate for networks. I point to how Montfort and Bogost articulate a model of synchronic analytical layers, descending from the literary to the formal, then software, and finally platform, phenomenological basis (Racing the Beam ). At every layer simultaneously diachronic states of affairs transpire as a result of and affecting the production of reality. This concept is well alluded to by the OSI network layer model from early Internet computer science, portraying its being as concurrent layers built from applications, protocols, down to electronic circuits. The same instant can be explained at various orders of temporal and physical magnitude as the constituents of the present as it happens in cyberspace, each necessarily occurring through time by their abiding protocol or electrical path of least resistance. (Note reticence in Kittler to explore machine languages.)

Following Derrida, Delueze and Guattari, Ulmer, and other theorists who dwell on polyglot puns to constitute desiring machines, subjectivities, awareness, I include source code." (Ecrit 12) I want to reclaim this discarded approach by recommending life long programming for humans. Considering and constructing latest CAP proposal also chapter three and the crux of my synthetic thought. It makes sense for concurrent AI research to include texts in their own languages, acknowledging ordinary machine cognition apart from its explicit attempts to generate literary texts for human reading. The rare literary corpus produces such consistency as to warrant scholarly reading, yet every machine assemblage reflects sound operation.

Extended Abstract for Procedural Rhetoric of Diachrony in Synchrony

Thinking through programming is a unique way to philosophize, whereas the default, exemplified in Johnson dismissing Maner for failing to create unique ethical problem solving, means machines have been ignored, what I call intuiting machine embodiment, as an otherness capable of thought besides what happens in humans; I want to reclaim this discarded approach by recommending life long programming as a practice generating working code places toward a philosophy of computing.

Procedural rhetorics of diachrony in synchrony are revealed from digital humanities practices informed by texts and technology studies. Bogost conceptualizes procedural rhetoric from software studies, PHI. OƒGorman, referencing Lecercle, describes diachrony in synchrony as linguistic phenomena, found in pun and metaphor, as the class of phenomena that interrupt synchronic, contextual understanding of words by invoking diachronic associations

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What are awkward and liminal for textuality and even images fits naturally with digital network phenomena. Critical programming reveals a new philosophical method I call procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony. Where Maner failed engaging ethics enter from logic, epistemology, metaphysics while foregrounding working code over codework and literary textuality, to encompass ranges constituting the as is condition I present as post postmodern network dividual cyborg. My response to RM on availability of internet based learning environments shunting study of high speed process control operations such as those supporting the very computing processes these researchers wish to study. Manipulation of microsegmentation affords virtual LANs. As a funny association epitomizing diachrony within synchrony for OƒGorman, listening to 1980 Roger Waters hints at PHI date PHI. Identify next deliverable as revised chapter one and completed two while considering main research methodological PHI as procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony explaining everything simultaneously down to real virtualities like public radio and private LAN production such as via digital sound generators as replayers versus true synthesis as in formant synthesis speech synthesis versus other methods, and garage bands. Let the critical fundamental steering concept for critical programming toward a philosophy of computing be diachrony in synchrony, developed from Bogost and OƒGorman crossing digital humanities with real time ongoing computer programming projects generating real virtualities PHI. Procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony, what does that mean, leads to Bogost in Persuasive Games introducing procedural rhetoric defined as persuasion through rule-based representations and interactions, and literally authoring arguments through processes, and through programming " What is important is that internalization, knowledge of, object ontologies, how things occur and why they are, epitomized by computer programming as well as playing games and other everyday activity, is required to get the point of the argument. That is the rhetoric of procedural rhetoric, and it demonstrates a common pattern of multivariant, creative, meaning making activity yielding productivity similar to schizophrenic forms under earlier intellectual epochs, what Lecercle calls indirection. Philosophy must dive into code in the sense that scholarship in C++, XML, shell script, and so on, accompanies natural human languages, while using them to exuberantly perform their arts and crafts. Their conjunction may be more apparent in scripting languages and different facets of their constitution, in this case literal detail over logical, syntactical structure. Where others characterize the situation in terms of asking what has been lost by humans as machines have evolved, and am making the stronger argument that we passed through a dumbest generation from which we will never return any more than to an ancient technological milieu, for a critical window of possibility open and closed when programming meaningfully crossed the machine and assembly levels, full of high speed repetitions of procedural sequences in the 1980s. I repeat, casting all learning and use in the Internet device era precludes developing deep working knowledge of the encircling technological constituents. If the engineering knowledge learning deficit of the dumbest generation is not irreversible, as RM points out it it seems pretty easy to get into coding in 2015, especially with initiatives such as Hour of Code and other online tutorials. Either retain specificity distinction or admit a shadow can now be traced of the wake of the dumbest modes of technological comportment the reigned between the 1980s and today, noting my earlier projections about foss have happened." (ix; 28-29)

3 0+ 0 (2100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140126 20140126 0 -4+ journal_2014.html
My proposed framework strikes new ground by being embodied in a free, open source software project, involving substantial code composition and review components along with traditional humanities practices such as critique and ethnographic reflection. Based on themes emanating from critical theory, textuality, media studies and the social construction of technology now common in digital humanities discourses, I examine the history of computers, networking, and software to undergird the machinic and complement the human aspects of the cyborg dividual developed in the previous chapter. This sets the stage for review of the related disciplines of software studies, critical code studies and platform studies, arriving at a critical framework for revisiting cyborg identity deeply intertwining human and machine practices and concerns, taking seriously the technogenesis and synaptogenesis at work co-constituting the present condition. It combines critical theory and scholarship by invention, embodying theory as poiesis "by theorist practitioners (Applen and McDaniel) doing big humanities (Hayles)." (McGann)

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The ontic framework of my proposal resembles the layered models of computer networking, a cross between the OSI and four-layer Internet models " and the five layers Montfort and Bogost delineate in their articulation of platform studies. At the top layer of reception and operation circulate philosophical concerns (Floridi; Landow). The interface level foregrounds social, cultural, industrial, and embodiment concerns (Deleuze and Guatarri; Sterne; Hayles). Emphasizing the form and function level are software studies, game studies, procedural rhetoric, even algorithmic criticism (Bogost; Manovich; McGann; Ramsay). Below these, considering the level of code and programming languages, theorize critical code studies and semiotics of programming (Marion; Tanaka-Ishii). And finally the base level is plumbed by platform studies and media studies (Monfort and Bogost; Kittler; Bogost). It is important to distinguish these layered models from developmental models that suggest a progression, for an update to hermeneutic phenomenology must imbricate all of these layers concurrently. Critical programming embraces all of these levels as matters of concern, taking the position of creative theorist-practitioner, in addition to the position of reactive consumer common to other forms of criticism. Thus Latour is also key to my proposal, providing its ethical framework, along with David Berry and others who focus on various levels of human computer symbiosis, and David Ramsay who invites this style of engagement. Using this framework, I propose repeating the historical/mythical narrative from the origin of electronic computing, the software industry, networking, personal computers to the free Internet, now into closing by proprietary forms once more, with an emphasis on code, coding practices, specific languages, platforms, individual and collective programming styles, arriving at a new digital humanities practice called critical programming." (Galloway; Hafner and Lyon)

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A methodological framework is suggested by merging professional software development processes with familiar practices in literacy criticism, cultural studies, and ethnography to form projects that Hayles calls Big Humanities. My working hypothesis is that critical programming, by attending to the distinctions articulated by the ontic framework, by answering the call of the ethical framework, and by adopting and modulating practices of the methodological framework, may generate new exemplars of Big Humanities scholarship. The ontic layers are treated synchronically while paying heed to the diachronic intermingling of technogenesis and synaptogenesis in order to discern the trajectories of the present human computer symbiosis. The significance of this work includes kick starting a series of innovative projects to counter the stagnation that has been the bane of humanities in recent years and the source of popular dismissals of irrelevance. Moreover, critical programming offers a broad, dynamic approach towards a philosophy of computing.

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Not only does Hayles endorse big humanities projects that encompass software development as a critical operational part, but she also argues that developing new and unexpected forms of human computer intermediation is part of our forward evolution. As scholarship continues to extend further beyond traditional literary subjects into ares foregrounding texts and technology, software studies, critical code studies, and platform studies are likely developments. Motivation for developing CPS includes noticing much digital humanities research and scholarship includes substantial programming components, from McGannƒs iterative development of the Rossetti Archive to Mark Pollittƒs recent dissertation.

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I asked Mark about his memories of the developing software for analyzing his data, if he remembered progressing through revisions and whether that work affected the higher level layer, for clearly from a diachronous perspective that revision history tells a story as much as the data he studied.

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Deprecate Kittler on account of his predominately thirty two and fewer bit computing experiences rather than his association with Heidegger, likewise dispose of Derrida and others for being born too soon as we do the presocratics literacy: this philosophical approach avoids perhaps at its own peril excursions into why we must blacklist Heidegger and forget his work by dismissing on shared imbrication with artifacts of the same particular global technological epoch.

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Kittler thought suspiciously about programming computing, however he is both dead and speaks from sixteen to thirty two bit computing. Today we have the Matrix movie to speak about horrible outcomes for humans, though optimal for computers, or is this an implicit philosophical question about how we comport ourselves, to use an unfamiliar word outside philosophy of technology discourses and common to those spouting this kind of stuff. The methodological challenge is to speak from perspectives of lifelong programmers, following the lead of philosophical programmers like Stroustrup. That Stroustrup includes serious enjoyment by programmers as fundamental design criterion of the C++ language back to its roots in C with classes, taking the serious yet intellectually stimulating and enjoyable to perform intellectual labor of working on code PHI, appears in the chapter four review of what seems antiquated technologies yet undergirds everything, that is, systems programs written in C and C++ undergirding reality in era of TCP/IP networks.

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It seems logical that philosophers of computing spend significant life time programming, and we should forgive but deprecate study of Derrida, Heidegger, and others, even Kittler, wondering whether Nietzsche retained, who were not programming philosophers, and replace them with software architects who created cyberspace going back to Turing but spending more time considering Stroustrup. The revelation inspired by implicative epistemology as the requirement of programming to make progress in conjunction with sundry other means Levy articulates with numerous Latour litanies. Why is it not appropriate to propose at conference if not for being divisive, exclusionary, only bending with gesture to acknowledgment of multiple concurrent bases of learning and cognition per Manovich of Kay and ultimately Bruner to give ways out for those who do not program the way intended in languages like C++ and XML.

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What is at stake in PHI electronic or digital version of survey to put behind plexiglass to write upon, make an inscription surface: this singular medium is multiplied by programmed PHI. Still the dare is to read old notes from An Introduction to Metaphysics crossing audio performances, in person lecture attendance from which book is constructed, not quite in the sense of programmed. What is at stake is even reading Heidegger knowing that in the past we may have taken notes reading Heidegger. Submit to Janz this is a hard question or problem for digital humanities and philosophy. Let Heidegger and other deprecates texts go into invisible, versus programmed visions programmed, operations, inviting discussion of another sense of what Chun, likely somewhat a programmer, philosophizes. In tapoc history it has been a while since notes added or bibliography used to look for an unknown like whether Heidegger read tonight is incorporated, culminating in this case with a change of relevance to eight point three from two, for originally it had been thought to be chapter two material, has been subsumed via fossification into philosophy of computing alleviating human need to read this Heidegger so carefully, it is another type of reading beside close and distant easily discovered applying Levy to present global Internet TCP IP cyberspace where post-postmodern network dividual cyborgs reside. This Heidegger has been arranged, as in scheduled by prior assignation through tapoc interface. Fossification is a phenomenon, remember that Levy situates it in the earthly domain, of ontologies afforded by machine cognition, that of the knowledge PHI.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=3 and (Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

3.1 critical theory, textuality studies, media studies, social construction of technology, histories of computing software and networking, psycho-social studies of computer programmers, philosophers of computing technologies, software studies, code studies, procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony, workarea


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Let difference between cadre and lifetime learner become the default relationship post-postmodern network dividual cyborgs take with respect to global intelligence, the technologized lifeworld, the Big Other, and so on. This will be one key aspect of the theoretical framework, emerging from Boltanksi and Chiapello social critique and engendering artistic critique and more importantly actionable, critical responses informing personal and community destinies. Thus the initial forary into textuality and media studies, exemplifying artistic critique, joined with philosophy of technology to marry with it social critique, leading to SCOT. From this theoretical framework a methodology develops for engaging digital humanities scholarship, critical programming.

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On white board sentences about having to lay out chapter three so table of contents semantically summarizes as well as lays out basic relationships encoded in PDF but seeking transcendent ontological specification PHI. It combines critical theory, technology studies, combined with textuality and media studies, exemplified in social construction of technology enhanced by situated authoethnographic form of philosophical expression PHI, ready to apply to computing. This is how global collective intelligence works after having built itself the virtual world in which to compute its meaning. Perhaps Hardt and Negri, along with Boltanski and Chiapello, can be presented later when introducing software and code studies for their approach leveraging software computation work to do part of their research thinking, or just the latter pair since the former do so well articulating the social critique outcomes, for example postcolonial, tying back to Iser who definitely should start the chapter.

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Suggest regressive subjectivity results from default comportment to technological Big Other in which information accrues like dust of everything that happens. "Police power must bear ƒover everythingƒ: it is not however the totality of the state nor of the kingdom as visible and invisible body of the monarch; it is the
dust of events, actions, behavior, opinions ƒeverything that happensƒ.
(214) And, in order to be exercised, this power had to be given the instrument of permanent, exhaustive, omnipresent surveillance, capable of making all visible, as long as it could itself remain invisible. . . . And this unceasing observation had to be accumulated in a series of reports and registers; throughout the eighteenth century, an immense police text increasingly covered society by means of a complex documentary organization." (213)

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Jameson conspiracy theories in film approximates functioning of the totality as if directed by single global power. "As Fredric Jameson explains wonderfully in the context of contemporary film, conspiracy theories are a crude but effective mechanism for approximating the functioning of the totality. The spectacle of politics functions
as if the media, the military, the government, the transnational corporations, the global financial institutions, and so forth were all consciously and explicitly directed by a single power even though in reality they are not." (323) Like New Coke debacle, not that smart and not that dumb.

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Consider adding Schmoo to Foucault dust for dual action of taking wish fulfillment for granted while believing in free will as far as authenticity of desires and preference formation is concerned, also shifting philosophy of technology to precede textuality studies so that media studies culminate with Kittler optical media before circling back to incorporate SCOT. Psychosocial studies progress from Weinberg and Kraft to Rosenberg and Takhteyev. Software studies goes before or after this set, that is a confusing organizational matter.

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What will be done like textuality, media, technology studies utilizing broad view of SCOT to computing machinery, network protocols, and software in general lays groundwork for doing philosophy work code.

3 0+ 0 (800) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_think (31) 20150603 0 -6+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_hayles-how_we_think.html
Bolter productive theory exemplified by creative visualization of data from machine queries to discover patterns leading to interpretation. "A different kind of theory emerges when the focus shifts to the digital tools used to analyze texts and convey results. Jay David
Bolter (2008) suggests the possibility of productive theory, which he envisions as a codified set of practices.
(32) Thus two dynamics are at work: one in which the Digital Humanities are moving forward to open up new areas of exploration, and another in which they are engaged in a recursive feedback loop with the Traditional Humanities.
(33) Machine queries frequently yield masses of information that are incomprehensible when presented as tables or databases of results. Visualization helps sort the information and make patterns visible. Once the patterns can be discerned, the work of interpretation can begin." (31)

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Need for disciplinary collaboration for conceptualization and implementation of projects. "Implementing such projects requires diverse skills, including traditional scholarship as well as programming, graphic design, interface engineering, sonic art, and other humanistic, artistic, and technical skills.
(35) Conceptualization is intimately tied in with implementation, design decisions often have theoretical consequences, algorithms embody reasoning, and navigation carries interpretive weight, so the humanities scholar, graphic designer, and programmer work best when they are in continuous and respectful communication with one another." (34)

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Big Humanities projects can involve collaborations of students and amateurs, Wikipedia the obvious example, considered as long term, public projects they outlive the individual director who launched the idea. "As a consequence of requiring a clear infrastructure within which diverse kinds of contributions can be made, Big Humanities projects make possible meaningful contributions from students, even as undergraduates.
(36) For the first time in human history, worldwide collaborations can arise between expert scholars and expert amateurs.
(36) An example is the
Clergy of the Church of England Database directed by Arthur Burns, in which volunteers collected data and, using laptops and software provided by the project, entered them into a database. . . . This kind of model could significantly improve the standing of the humanities with the general public." (35) However, has impact on tenure and promotion mechanics.

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Procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony is a theoretical, metaphysical, epistemological, and methodological approach toward a philosophy of computing. I contend that it is adequate for diagramming complex networks of human machine symbiosis, referred to as collective intelligence by Pierre Levy, and generally as cyberspace. Ian Bogost defines procedural rhetoric in the context of software studies as persuasion through rule based representations and interactions, literally authoring arguments through processes and programs. Its rhetorical rule is that you get the argument to the extent that you understand and can anticipate the underlying mechanisms and rules by which planned events in a given phenomenological setting transpire, from both anticipatory and engineering perspectives.

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While contemplating the media formats in which the desired gift of Turkle available affect thinking through their affordances and constraints, all four known and unknown, altogether constituting technological unconscious Thrift argues grounds phenomena and therefore ontology, in the epoch I am studying in which we are constituted as post postmodern network dividual cyborg actor networks.

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With computer programming as its exemplar, and video games its everyday manifestation, procedural rhetoric and procedural literary have gained popularity among digital humanists, including Gee, Manovich, Montfort, and Wardrip-Fruin. In Persuasive Games, Bogost explains that procedural enthymemes complete their claim by executing algorithms to generate missing premises, through activities which may include listening and reading in addition to planning, navigation and manipulation. Thus videogames may cleverly exercise unexpected biases in our actions, which when uncovered and critically engaged may promote potentially inspiring, radical change. This notion fits well with the presentation of diachrony-within-synchrony made by Marcel OƒGorman in his digital literacy manifesto E-Crit, heavily inspired by Gregory Ulmerƒs pioneering work in applied grammatology called electracy. Referencing Jean-Jacques Lecercle, who coined the term, OƒGorman describes diachrony within synchrony as linguistic and visual phenomena, found in pun, metaphor, and images, that interrupt the synchronic, instantaneous contextual understanding of words and pictures by invoking diachronic associations, especially where they have personal, idiosyncratic, evocative relationships. To arrive at my conception of diachrony in synchrony, I extend the general idea of this concept derived from literary and media studies to the phenomenology of complex technological systems, in particular cyberspace as embodied in distributed network phenomena. An ontology of layers presented by Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost in Racing the Beam is helpful to build this connection.

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Introducing the new discipline of platform studies in their book about the Atari VCS, Montfort and Bogost articulate five interpretive levels or layers that can be used in videogame criticism, all present concurrently operating according to their internal structures. The top level of reception/operation includes aesthetics, reader-response, psychoanalytic approaches, media effects and empirical studies of interaction and play, and is the typical locus of traditional literary studies. The interface level foregrounds human computer interaction, user interface studies, and visual, film theory, and art history approaches. The form/function level emphasizes game rules, the nature of simulation, and the abilities of in-game, non human players. The code level, upon which the above layers are functionally dependent, includes software engineering and computer programming, as well as the popular digital humanities subdisciplines of software studies, code aesthetics, and critical code studies. Finally, at the platform level is the underlying architecture that governs the affordances and constraints instantiated at higher levels of coding, forms, interfaces, and use. At every layer simultaneously diachronic yet intimately interrelated states of affairs transpire as a result of and affecting the production of reality. Bogost coined the term unit operations for the phenomenological primitives germaine to each level. This concept is alluded to by the OSI network layer model from early Internet computer science, portraying an ontology of synchronic layers built from applications, logical protocols, encoding schemes, down to base electronic circuits and signal transmission media, each operating diachronically according to their engineering design. The same instant can be explained at various orders of temporal and physical magnitude as the constituents of the present as it happens in cyberspace, each necessarily occurring through time by their abiding protocol or electrical path of least resistance.

This view was anticipated by various theorists, including Foucault, duos Deleuze and Guattari, Hardt and Negri, Boltanski and Chiapello, and others. It presents a metaphysic of technogenesis and synaptogenesis, using Hayles terms as she interprets Malabou, suggesting a synthetic, maker perspective. It provides a robust analytic adequate for networks by crossing multiple domains acknowledging massively parallel distributed nature of cyberspace. It transcends logical models based on literacy, single process threads, brittle requirements of exact reproducibility to remain intact. It provides meaningful conjunction of software engineering practices and philosophy, supporting concurrent, multipurposive, perspectival explanatory models that are insufficient by themselves or contradictory. It will be helpful to compare diachrony in synchrony to contemporary epistemologies and metaphysics expressed by Galloway, Thrift, Bogost, Harmann, Smith, and Janz. Rejoining rhetoric habitual application of understanding diachrony in synchrony through the machine experience as well as the human leads to the hypothesis that habitual programming promotes synaptogenesis. While consideration will be given for meager findings from prior teaching programming research, it seems reasonable to demand a second look at programming now that computers again come equipped with a development environment for immediate, command line programming. Philosophical programmers are the new ontologists, from the platform level of languages back through Burks, Goldstein, von Neumann through Stroustrup, Linux, interface shaping application developers, and unthought plethora multiplying programming style distinctions from the binarism enshrined by Turkle. The detailed example I will give in the presentation is what is known as broken down time characteristic of C, and implicitly C++, and other modern Internet era programming languages. Thread between default philosophies of computing and foss hopes, considering that a golden age may have passed while a new one has just begun. Have to reach virtual machines supplanting print and screen, even active browser, basis of scholarship and philosophical middle work, to get to critical use. Working code places become new site for philosophical production. Numerous digital humanities scholars anticipated foregrounding of involving significant work in programming languages in addition to natural human languages, radically shifting plateaus of discourse from traditional academic sources to free, open source software project repositories, building itself from revisions of custom software written over a lifetime to work with ones thoughts. Arrive at critical programming and tapoc as synthetic disciplines.

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The highly engineered Memex Vannevar Bush proposed in 1946 is often invoked to index human fantasies about future human computer symbiosis at the height of the electromechnical, predigital First World society of post WWII America. "/span>
. Synaptogenesis is the corresponding term for changes in human brains over individual life spans in response to environmental conditions, singling out Catherine Malabou for realizing the deep entanglement of capitalism and current neurological theories. Importantly, the temporal order of magnitude at which changes are noted occur within human lives, especially during infancy through adolescence, versus far longer time frames spanning many generations typically associated with evolutionary theories. Guattari prefigures in his presentation of machinic heterogenesis to treat complex machines prior to technics by recognizing the extreme human social and cultural span bestiary accompanying any artifact that is part of any technological system, as he gives with the key and lock better understood through integration of functions, and makes the nice twist of assimilating machine into living or living into machine. Hayles explains that technogenetic spiral includes anticipatory models that work like technology, such as mysterious nature of electricity, now computational metaphors, a flip side of skeumorphs. Assumptions replicate through temes, techincal objects, forming conventions of software, particularly Manovich. Technogenesis is the new theory of evolution, its ontology that of Simondon technical objects for which concretization is the motive force for change. Synatpogenetic trends like hyper attention seem inevitable, although Hayles cleverly points out the example of Catherine Malabou pondering the coextensiveness of capitalism and neurology to offer a political response to determinism, what I call default philosophies. The diachrony in synchrony model well expresses concretization by sustaining invisible forms like the deep structure of electronic machinery sustaining what was once held by printed visual media. New concept of layers of codes and languages. Malabou makes the ultimate argument for plasticity versus flexibility as preferred comportment having potential for resistance, not just passive accommodation, which Hayles turns into a call for Big Humanities projects. Importantly, her model views database and narrative as symbionts, not combatants. Like this decades long engagement between philosophy and computing, sundry interdisciplinary collaborations suggest themselves.

Bruce Janz is my key philosopher for articulating software engineering philosophical places spaces. His studies from the African continent and outer space prepare us for attempting to intuit machine embodiment, take on the complexion of cyberspace. Contemporary metaphysics and epistemologies by Bogost, Smith, and retrospectively a litany of new ontologists among philosophical programmers as those who built current technological milieu in which we live. Machine experience toward a philosophy of computing through procedural rhetoric from study and shared experience as engineers with philosophical programmers, making run time ontologies such that cyberspace is that which exists in such networks. My goal is to also transcend default philosophies of computing, including the binarism Turkle imposes on types of programming styles. Beyond hard mastery and briocolage are nuanced, beyond the default as I am concerned multitude possible failure points, after considering there are at least ten for four wires, precludes study of electronic circuits so we never get to digital humanities following OƒGorman picking up soldering irons: this is to me a philosophical problem." (89) Its title As We May Think indicates contours of what humans believed their thinking constitutes through describing its perfected condition conjoined to the epitome of office technology: associative memory, link trail blazing, networked sharing and collaboration. In her 2012 update to Bush, How We Think, the evolution of technology and human brains are tightly connected. Hayles uses the term technogenesis to describe the mechanism by which the inhuman side of things evolves, leaning on Gilbert Simondonƒs theory of technical change in which innovations tend toward concretization, integrating conflicting requirements into multipurposive solutions that enfold them together into intrinsic and necessary circular causalities
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Procedural Rhetoric of Diachrony in Synchrony.

-revealed from current digital humanities practices informed by texts and technology studies.
-Bogost procedural rhetoric from software studies defined as persuasion through rule based representations and interactions, looks beyond programming and epistemic games to developing procedural literacy and awareness of biased perspectives of how things work through direct engagement.
-OƒGorman referencing Lecercle.
-include source code where Lecercle, Ulmer, OƒGorman and others emphasize polyglot puns and images.
-Montfort and Bogost layers.
-network layer model.
-code space.
-anticipated by various theorists: Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, Hardt and Negri, see literature review.
-technogenesis and synaptogenesis: Hayles, Malabou.
-synthetic, maker perspective.
-discipline of critical programming.
-robust analytic adequate for networks.
-transcends logical models based on literacy, single process threads.
-provides meaningful conjunction of software engineering practices and philosophy.
-supports concurrent, multipurposive, perspectival explanatory models that are insufficient by themselves or contradictory.
-compare to other contemporary epistemologies and metaphysics: Bogost, Harmann, Smith, Galloway, Thrift, Janz.
-habitual programming promotes synaptogenesis; contrast to meager findings from teaching programming research.
-philosophical programmers as the new ontologists.
-broken-down time example.
-working code places.
-arrive at critical programming and tapoc as synthetic disciplines.


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Imagine the proposal iterates between timestamp other file and journal objects PHI is where new philosophies of computing begin with procedural rhetorics of diachronies in synchronies playing on textual linguistic and now computable as real virtualities code variations PHI becomes the proposal to articulate by about twenty sentences. Bauerlein criticizes individuals while I technological environments as do contemporary digital humanities studies. Thinking through programming is a unique way to philosophize whereas the default exemplified in Johnson dismissing Maner for failing to create unique ethical problem solving means machines have been ignored, what I call intuiting machine embodiment. " To me the term aptly describes an epistemology and metaphysics resembling the network layer model that transcends single threaded low speed logical methods learned through literacy, affording a robust analytic adequate for networks. I point to how Montfort and Bogost articulate a model of synchronic analytical layers, descending from the literary to the formal, then software, and finally platform, phenomenological basis (Racing the Beam ). At every layer simultaneously diachronic states of affairs transpire as a result of and affecting the production of reality. This concept is well alluded to by the OSI network layer model from early Internet computer science, portraying its being as concurrent layers built from applications, protocols, down to electronic circuits. The same instant can be explained at various orders of temporal and physical magnitude as the constituents of the present as it happens in cyberspace, each necessarily occurring through time by their abiding protocol or electrical path of least resistance. (Note reticence in Kittler to explore machine languages.)

Following Derrida, Delueze and Guattari, Ulmer, and other theorists who dwell on polyglot puns to constitute desiring machines, subjectivities, awareness, I include source code." (Ecrit 12) I want to reclaim this discarded approach by recommending life long programming for humans. Considering and constructing latest CAP proposal also chapter three and the crux of my synthetic thought. It makes sense for concurrent AI research to include texts in their own languages, acknowledging ordinary machine cognition apart from its explicit attempts to generate literary texts for human reading. The rare literary corpus produces such consistency as to warrant scholarly reading, yet every machine assemblage reflects sound operation.

Extended Abstract for Procedural Rhetoric of Diachrony in Synchrony

Thinking through programming is a unique way to philosophize, whereas the default, exemplified in Johnson dismissing Maner for failing to create unique ethical problem solving, means machines have been ignored, what I call intuiting machine embodiment, as an otherness capable of thought besides what happens in humans; I want to reclaim this discarded approach by recommending life long programming as a practice generating working code places toward a philosophy of computing.

Procedural rhetorics of diachrony in synchrony are revealed from digital humanities practices informed by texts and technology studies. Bogost conceptualizes procedural rhetoric from software studies, PHI. OƒGorman, referencing Lecercle, describes diachrony in synchrony as linguistic phenomena, found in pun and metaphor, as the class of phenomena that interrupt synchronic, contextual understanding of words by invoking diachronic associations

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What are awkward and liminal for textuality and even images fits naturally with digital network phenomena. Critical programming reveals a new philosophical method I call procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony. Where Maner failed engaging ethics enter from logic, epistemology, metaphysics while foregrounding working code over codework and literary textuality, to encompass ranges constituting the as is condition I present as post postmodern network dividual cyborg. My response to RM on availability of internet based learning environments shunting study of high speed process control operations such as those supporting the very computing processes these researchers wish to study. Manipulation of microsegmentation affords virtual LANs. As a funny association epitomizing diachrony within synchrony for OƒGorman, listening to 1980 Roger Waters hints at PHI date PHI. Identify next deliverable as revised chapter one and completed two while considering main research methodological PHI as procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony explaining everything simultaneously down to real virtualities like public radio and private LAN production such as via digital sound generators as replayers versus true synthesis as in formant synthesis speech synthesis versus other methods, and garage bands. Let the critical fundamental steering concept for critical programming toward a philosophy of computing be diachrony in synchrony, developed from Bogost and OƒGorman crossing digital humanities with real time ongoing computer programming projects generating real virtualities PHI. Procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony, what does that mean, leads to Bogost in Persuasive Games introducing procedural rhetoric defined as persuasion through rule-based representations and interactions, and literally authoring arguments through processes, and through programming " What is important is that internalization, knowledge of, object ontologies, how things occur and why they are, epitomized by computer programming as well as playing games and other everyday activity, is required to get the point of the argument. That is the rhetoric of procedural rhetoric, and it demonstrates a common pattern of multivariant, creative, meaning making activity yielding productivity similar to schizophrenic forms under earlier intellectual epochs, what Lecercle calls indirection. Philosophy must dive into code in the sense that scholarship in C++, XML, shell script, and so on, accompanies natural human languages, while using them to exuberantly perform their arts and crafts. Their conjunction may be more apparent in scripting languages and different facets of their constitution, in this case literal detail over logical, syntactical structure. Where others characterize the situation in terms of asking what has been lost by humans as machines have evolved, and am making the stronger argument that we passed through a dumbest generation from which we will never return any more than to an ancient technological milieu, for a critical window of possibility open and closed when programming meaningfully crossed the machine and assembly levels, full of high speed repetitions of procedural sequences in the 1980s. I repeat, casting all learning and use in the Internet device era precludes developing deep working knowledge of the encircling technological constituents. If the engineering knowledge learning deficit of the dumbest generation is not irreversible, as RM points out it it seems pretty easy to get into coding in 2015, especially with initiatives such as Hour of Code and other online tutorials. Either retain specificity distinction or admit a shadow can now be traced of the wake of the dumbest modes of technological comportment the reigned between the 1980s and today, noting my earlier projections about foss have happened." (ix; 28-29)

3 0+ 0 (2100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140126 20140126 0 -4+ journal_2014.html
My proposed framework strikes new ground by being embodied in a free, open source software project, involving substantial code composition and review components along with traditional humanities practices such as critique and ethnographic reflection. Based on themes emanating from critical theory, textuality, media studies and the social construction of technology now common in digital humanities discourses, I examine the history of computers, networking, and software to undergird the machinic and complement the human aspects of the cyborg dividual developed in the previous chapter. This sets the stage for review of the related disciplines of software studies, critical code studies and platform studies, arriving at a critical framework for revisiting cyborg identity deeply intertwining human and machine practices and concerns, taking seriously the technogenesis and synaptogenesis at work co-constituting the present condition. It combines critical theory and scholarship by invention, embodying theory as poiesis "by theorist practitioners (Applen and McDaniel) doing big humanities (Hayles)." (McGann)

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The ontic framework of my proposal resembles the layered models of computer networking, a cross between the OSI and four-layer Internet models " and the five layers Montfort and Bogost delineate in their articulation of platform studies. At the top layer of reception and operation circulate philosophical concerns (Floridi; Landow). The interface level foregrounds social, cultural, industrial, and embodiment concerns (Deleuze and Guatarri; Sterne; Hayles). Emphasizing the form and function level are software studies, game studies, procedural rhetoric, even algorithmic criticism (Bogost; Manovich; McGann; Ramsay). Below these, considering the level of code and programming languages, theorize critical code studies and semiotics of programming (Marion; Tanaka-Ishii). And finally the base level is plumbed by platform studies and media studies (Monfort and Bogost; Kittler; Bogost). It is important to distinguish these layered models from developmental models that suggest a progression, for an update to hermeneutic phenomenology must imbricate all of these layers concurrently. Critical programming embraces all of these levels as matters of concern, taking the position of creative theorist-practitioner, in addition to the position of reactive consumer common to other forms of criticism. Thus Latour is also key to my proposal, providing its ethical framework, along with David Berry and others who focus on various levels of human computer symbiosis, and David Ramsay who invites this style of engagement. Using this framework, I propose repeating the historical/mythical narrative from the origin of electronic computing, the software industry, networking, personal computers to the free Internet, now into closing by proprietary forms once more, with an emphasis on code, coding practices, specific languages, platforms, individual and collective programming styles, arriving at a new digital humanities practice called critical programming." (Galloway; Hafner and Lyon)

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A methodological framework is suggested by merging professional software development processes with familiar practices in literacy criticism, cultural studies, and ethnography to form projects that Hayles calls Big Humanities. My working hypothesis is that critical programming, by attending to the distinctions articulated by the ontic framework, by answering the call of the ethical framework, and by adopting and modulating practices of the methodological framework, may generate new exemplars of Big Humanities scholarship. The ontic layers are treated synchronically while paying heed to the diachronic intermingling of technogenesis and synaptogenesis in order to discern the trajectories of the present human computer symbiosis. The significance of this work includes kick starting a series of innovative projects to counter the stagnation that has been the bane of humanities in recent years and the source of popular dismissals of irrelevance. Moreover, critical programming offers a broad, dynamic approach towards a philosophy of computing.

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Not only does Hayles endorse big humanities projects that encompass software development as a critical operational part, but she also argues that developing new and unexpected forms of human computer intermediation is part of our forward evolution. As scholarship continues to extend further beyond traditional literary subjects into ares foregrounding texts and technology, software studies, critical code studies, and platform studies are likely developments. Motivation for developing CPS includes noticing much digital humanities research and scholarship includes substantial programming components, from McGannƒs iterative development of the Rossetti Archive to Mark Pollittƒs recent dissertation.

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I asked Mark about his memories of the developing software for analyzing his data, if he remembered progressing through revisions and whether that work affected the higher level layer, for clearly from a diachronous perspective that revision history tells a story as much as the data he studied.

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Deprecate Kittler on account of his predominately thirty two and fewer bit computing experiences rather than his association with Heidegger, likewise dispose of Derrida and others for being born too soon as we do the presocratics literacy: this philosophical approach avoids perhaps at its own peril excursions into why we must blacklist Heidegger and forget his work by dismissing on shared imbrication with artifacts of the same particular global technological epoch.

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Kittler thought suspiciously about programming computing, however he is both dead and speaks from sixteen to thirty two bit computing. Today we have the Matrix movie to speak about horrible outcomes for humans, though optimal for computers, or is this an implicit philosophical question about how we comport ourselves, to use an unfamiliar word outside philosophy of technology discourses and common to those spouting this kind of stuff. The methodological challenge is to speak from perspectives of lifelong programmers, following the lead of philosophical programmers like Stroustrup. That Stroustrup includes serious enjoyment by programmers as fundamental design criterion of the C++ language back to its roots in C with classes, taking the serious yet intellectually stimulating and enjoyable to perform intellectual labor of working on code PHI, appears in the chapter four review of what seems antiquated technologies yet undergirds everything, that is, systems programs written in C and C++ undergirding reality in era of TCP/IP networks.

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It seems logical that philosophers of computing spend significant life time programming, and we should forgive but deprecate study of Derrida, Heidegger, and others, even Kittler, wondering whether Nietzsche retained, who were not programming philosophers, and replace them with software architects who created cyberspace going back to Turing but spending more time considering Stroustrup. The revelation inspired by implicative epistemology as the requirement of programming to make progress in conjunction with sundry other means Levy articulates with numerous Latour litanies. Why is it not appropriate to propose at conference if not for being divisive, exclusionary, only bending with gesture to acknowledgment of multiple concurrent bases of learning and cognition per Manovich of Kay and ultimately Bruner to give ways out for those who do not program the way intended in languages like C++ and XML.

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What is at stake in PHI electronic or digital version of survey to put behind plexiglass to write upon, make an inscription surface: this singular medium is multiplied by programmed PHI. Still the dare is to read old notes from An Introduction to Metaphysics crossing audio performances, in person lecture attendance from which book is constructed, not quite in the sense of programmed. What is at stake is even reading Heidegger knowing that in the past we may have taken notes reading Heidegger. Submit to Janz this is a hard question or problem for digital humanities and philosophy. Let Heidegger and other deprecates texts go into invisible, versus programmed visions programmed, operations, inviting discussion of another sense of what Chun, likely somewhat a programmer, philosophizes. In tapoc history it has been a while since notes added or bibliography used to look for an unknown like whether Heidegger read tonight is incorporated, culminating in this case with a change of relevance to eight point three from two, for originally it had been thought to be chapter two material, has been subsumed via fossification into philosophy of computing alleviating human need to read this Heidegger so carefully, it is another type of reading beside close and distant easily discovered applying Levy to present global Internet TCP IP cyberspace where post-postmodern network dividual cyborgs reside. This Heidegger has been arranged, as in scheduled by prior assignation through tapoc interface. Fossification is a phenomenon, remember that Levy situates it in the earthly domain, of ontologies afforded by machine cognition, that of the knowledge PHI.

-3.1.1+++ critical theory

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Hard-core theory predicts, developing laws. "Soft theories, especially when focusing on art, aspire to closure through the introduction of metaphors or what has been called open concepts, i.e., those marked by equivocalness owing to conflicting references.
(6) Metaphor versus law, as the respective keystone idea of soft and hard-core theory, highlights a vital difference between the sciences and the humanities. A law has to be applied, whereas a metaphor triggers associations. The former establishes realities, and the latter outlines patterns.
(6) Consequently, humanistic theories cannot be discarded if their intended function is not fulfilled; at best they compete with one another." (5-6) Soft theory maps, developing metaphors.

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Methods provide tools for interpretive processes. "Theories generally lay the foundation for the framework of categories, whereas methods provide the tools for processes of interpretation. . . . Hence these theories must undergo a transformation if they are to function as interpretive techniques.
(11) Hence there are two types of theory in the humanities: those that have to be transformed into a method in order to function, and those that are applied directly, retroactively undergoing a diffraction of their categories." (11) Theories must be transformed into methods.

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Embodiment and context always relevant to the work of art.

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Quick run through the theories of art presented. "The phenomenological theory conceives the work of art as an intentional object to be distinguished from real and ideal objects.
(164) The hermeneutical theory sees the work of art as a means of enhancing self-understanding.
(164) Gestalt theory is based on the idea that ordinary perception is already a creative act through which we group data into percepts.
(164-165) Reception theory is concerned with the impact exercised by the work of art, which is dual by nature: it impacts both upon reality and upon the reader. . . . Such a reaction to realities brings something into the world that did not exist before, and this has the character of a
virtual reality, which the reader is given to process, thereby allowing reception theory to spotlight what the work of art makes the reader do.
(165) Semiotic theory points to the fact that the world cannot be determined or defined, but only read.
(165) [To psychoanalytical theory] The work of art produced through the creative process illuminates the phases of its emergence in a sequence ranging from ego decomposition to reintrojection, thus revealing the ego rhythm as the minimum content of art.
(165) Marxist theory in all its variants has been concerned with the self-production of human life. . . . What makes the work of art paradigmatic is the triadic relationship between its components, i.e., the dominant, the residual, and the emergent, which sets the productive process in motion.
(165-166) In deconstruction difference looms large. Whatever there is, is is marked by difference both internally and externally, because phenomena have a differential structure, and each one is different from others. . . . Deconstruction is basically a reading that tries to open up what has been eclipsed.
(166) Generative anthropology conceives of culture as the deferral of violence by means of representation. . . . Literature assumes a dual function in this ongoing alternation: it operates as a procedure of discovery by acting out what the prevailing structure of center and periphery has made inaccessible, and by representing this cultural frame it monitors the course of events, thus providing distance.
(166) [For pragmatism] aesthetic experience as purveyed by the work of art was considered to be of a special kind, and it was elevated into a measuring rod of which all other experiences could be distinguished from one another and qualified accordingly.
(166) Feminism tries to develop a gender-specific poetics by undermining the prevalent male hegemony." (163)

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Phenomenology focuses on intentional acts to gain insight on ways we related to the world.

3 1 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK iser-how_to_do_theory (14-15) 20130929d 0 -11+ progress/2011/08/notes_for_iser-how_to_do_theory.html
Concretization is realization of the work as point of convergence of artistic and aesthetic " (14-15) Just as the author perceives given (even imaginary) things and fashions them into the work, the work in turn is given to the reader, who has to fashion the authorƒs communication of the world perceived. This is the basis for a phenomenological theory of art. Roman
Ingarden (1893-1970) fleshed out this pattern in his two books, The Literary Work of Art and The Cognition of the Literary Work of Art. He delineates the basic components of the literary text and confronts them with the ways in which it can be concretized (realized). The text is given as a layered structure through which the subject matter of the work can come to light, but the actual bringing to light occurs in an act of concretization. Thus the literary work has two poles, which we might call the artistic and the aesthetic: the artistic refers to the text created by the author, and the aesthetic to the realization accomplished by the reader. . . . The work is the point of convergence, since it is located neither in the authorƒs psyche nor in the readerƒs experience.
(15) Hence, according to Ingarden, it is an intentional object, whose component parts function as instructions, the execution of which will bring the work to fruition." (Ingarden)

3 1 1 (700) [-4+]mCQK iser-how_to_do_theory (23) 20130929e 0 -4+ progress/2011/08/notes_for_iser-how_to_do_theory.html
Example of stratified model for method derive from phenomenological theory.

3 1 1 (800) [-4+]mCQK iser-how_to_do_theory (29) 20130929f 0 -2+ progress/2011/08/notes_for_iser-how_to_do_theory.html
Hermeneutical theory as process for understanding art in Heidegger and Gadamer.

3 1 1 (900) [-4+]mCQK iser-how_to_do_theory (38) 20130929g 0 -8+ progress/2011/08/notes_for_iser-how_to_do_theory.html
Collingwood question-and-answer logic a kind of reverse engineering method, an example of method derived from theory that will be repeated with Gombrich.

3 1 1 (1000) [-4+]mCQK iser-how_to_do_theory (41) 20130929h 0 -8+ progress/2011/08/notes_for_iser-how_to_do_theory.html
Question and answer logic allows perception of self knowledge through experience versus preconceived notions of selfhood.

3 1 1 (1100) [-6+]mCQK barthes-structuralist_activity (149) 20131025a 0 -3+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_barthes-structuralist_activity.html
Definition of structuralism as an activity sounds like a programmed procedure. "Hence the first thing to be said is that in relation to
all its users, structuralism is essentially an activity, i.e., the controlled succession of a certain number of mental operations." (149)

3 1 1 (1200) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (20) 20130807c 0 -6+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Poststructuralism hinges on denial of substantive human nature.

3 1 1 (1300) [-6+]mCQK barthes-myth_today (118) 20131024v 0 -2+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_barthes-myth_today.html
Rhetorical forms of bourgeoisie myth that help constitute modernist, liberal subject. "Since we cannot yet draw up the list of the dialectical forms of bourgeois myth, we can always sketch its
rhetorical forms. One must understand here by rhetoric a set of fixed, regulated, insistent figures, according to which the varied forms of the mythical signifier arrange themselves." (118) Innoculation, privation of history, identification, tautology, neither-norism, quantification of quality, statement of fact.

3 1 1 (1400) [-6+]mCQK barthes-myth_today (112-113) 20131024r 0 -7+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_barthes-myth_today.html
Language-object speaks things. "One could answer with Marx that the most natural object contains a political trace, however faint and diluted, the more or less memorable presence of the human act which has produced, fitted up, used, subjected, or rejected it. The
language-object, which speaks things, can easily exhibit this trace; the metalanguage, which speaks of things, much less easily. . . . what is more natural than the sea? And what is more political than the sea celebrated by the makers of the film The Lost Continent?" (112-113) Clear Influence of Barthes method on Latour science studies.

3 1 1 (1500) [-6+]mCQK johnson-what_is_cultural_studies_anyway (71) 20131001 0 -8+ progress/2010/11/notes_for_johnson-what_is_cultural_studies_anyway.html
Nice description of homogenized cultural identifications as slabs of significance. "There is also a systematic pressure towards presenting lived cultures primarily in terms of their
homogeneity and distinctiveness. . . . There is a discomforting convergence between radical but romantic versions of working-class culture and notions of a shared Englishness or white ethnicity. Here too one finds the term way of life used as though cultures were great slabs of significance always humped around by the same set of people.
(71) There is no better instance of the divorce between formal analysis and concrete studies than the rarity of linguistic analysis in historical or ethnographic work. Like much structuralist analysis, then, ethnographies often work with a foreshortened version of our circuit, only here it is the whole arc of public forms which is often missing." (71)

3 1 1 (1600) [-7+]mCQK johnson-what_is_cultural_studies_anyway (63) 20130930t 0 -10+ progress/2010/11/notes_for_johnson-what_is_cultural_studies_anyway.html
Structuralist foreshortenings equivalent to staying in textual analysis, not reaching theory of subjectivity, similar to focusing on codes of cinema. (63) They are limited, in a very fundamental way, by staying within the terms of textual analysis. In so far as they go beyond it, they subordinate other moments
to textual analysis. . . . I want to suggest that the common element in both these limits is a major theoretical lack the absence of an adequate post-structuralist (or should I say post-post-structuralist) theory of subjectivity. . . . To sum up the limitations, there is not really an account or accounts here, of the genesis of subjective forms and the different ways in which human beings inhabit them.

3 1 1 (1700) [-4+]mCQK bukatman-terminal_identity (26) 20130912a 0 -1+ progress/1994/06/notes_for_bukatman-terminal_identity.html
Everything exists as spectacle; we are all spectators, albeit active consumers.

3 1 1 (1800) [-4+]mCQK bukatman-terminal_identity (35) 20131026b 0 -1+ progress/1994/06/notes_for_bukatman-terminal_identity.html
According to Debord, Society of the Spectacle declares new mode of phenomenological and commercial existence.

3 1 1 (1900) [-4+]mCQK kellner-critical_theory_today (43-44) 20130930 0 -2+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_kellner-critical_theory_today.html
Revisit classics of critical theory of Frankfurt school for engagement with postmodernism.

3 1 1 (2000) [-4+]mCQK kellner-critical_theory_today (44) 20130930a 0 -1+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_kellner-critical_theory_today.html
Positivist sciences reproduced existing social relations.

3 1 1 (2100) [-4+]mCQK barthes-myth_today (113) 20131024s 0 -5+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_barthes-myth_today.html
Zizek humor.

3 1 1 (2200) [-4+]mCQK kellner-critical_theory_today (48) 20130930d 0 -4+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_kellner-critical_theory_today.html
Reason instrumentalalized and incorporated into structure of society, sinking into new barbarism (Horkheimer and Adorno).

3 1 1 (2300) [-6+]mCQK kellner-critical_theory_today (50) 20130930e 0 -2+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_kellner-critical_theory_today.html
Dialectic of Enlightenment first critical questioning of modernity, Marxism, the Enlightenment, anticipating postmodern critiques. "In retrospect,
Dialectic of Enlightenment is an extremely interesting text in that it provides the first critical questioning of modernity, Marxism, and the Enlightenment from within the tradition of critical social theory. It thus anticipates by some decades the postmodern critique of modernity and anticipates some of the features of later postmodern theory." (50)

3 1 1 (2400) [-4+]mCQK kellner-critical_theory_today (47) 20130930c 0 -1+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_kellner-critical_theory_today.html
Interdisciplinary social theory of new stage of state and monopoly capitalism by Jay, Dubiel, Kellner.

3 1 1 (2500) [-6+]mCQK kellner-critical_theory_today (52) 20130930f 0 -2+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_kellner-critical_theory_today.html
Use of philosophical and literary interpretation of texts, for example Odysseus discussion, decentering analytic social theory. "The methodological point I wish to stress is that Horkheimer and Adorno here use the techniques of philosophical and literary interpretation to unfold the social truth contained in literary and philosophical texts. This move decenters the sort of analytic social theory that constituted the critical theory of the 1930s and marks a significant departure and growing mistrust of social sciences and theory." (52)

3 1 1 (2600) [-4+]mCQK kellner-critical_theory_today (54) 20130930h 0 -2+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_kellner-critical_theory_today.html
Examples of recent Frankfurt School scholarship by Wiggershaus and Habermas.

3 1 1 (2700) [-6+]mCQK kellner-critical_theory_today (52) 20130930g 0 -4+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_kellner-critical_theory_today.html
Nietzsche inspired multiperspectival social theory in experimental form of anti-semitism theses. "In addition, the theses on anti-semitism also provide models of a
multiperspectival social theory, inspired by Nietzscheƒs thought.
(53) The experimental form of the Theses on Anti-Semitism thus provides a multiperspectival model for social theory that is still useful for social theory today (for development of the model within critical theory perspective, see Best and Kellner, 1991). Multiperspectival theory is open, non-essentialist, and cultivates new ways of seeing and thinking.
(53) In the early 1940s when Horkheimer and Adorno were working on
Dialectic of Enlightenment, Marcuse and Neumann were engaged in a historical study of social change within Western thought that could help produce a theory of social change for the present age." (52)

3 1 1 (2800) [-6+]mCQK kellner-critical_theory_today (44) 20130930b 0 -1+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_kellner-critical_theory_today.html
Critiques of mass society, decline of individuality, threats to democracy of consumer capitalism. "They developed the first left critiques of the mass society and provided early warnings concerning the decline of individuality and freedom and threats to democracy in the brave new world of consumer capitalism." (44)

3 1 1 (2900) [-6+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (18-19) 20130929e 0 -11+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
Mathematics reified thought as a machine process. "In the preemptive indentification of the thoroughly mathematized world with truth, enlightenment believes itself safe from the return of the mythical. It equates thought with mathematics. The latter is thereby cut loose, as it were, turned into absolute authority. . . . Thought is reified as an autonomous, automatic process, aping the machine it has itself produced, so that it can finally be replaced by the machine. . . . Despite its axiomatic self-limitation, it installed itself as necessary and objective: mathematics made thought into a thing a tool, to use its own term." (18-19) Compare analysis to Hayles.

3 1 1 (3000) [-6+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (107-108) 20130929l 0 -9+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html
A criticism of culture industry that is often also applied to movies and video games. "The culture industry can boast of having energetically accomplished and elevated to a principle the often inept transposition of art to the consumption sphere, of having stripped amusement of its obtrusive naiveties and imposed the quality of its commodities. . . . What is new, however, is that the irreconcilable elements of culture, art, and amusement have been subjected equally to the concept of purpose and thus brought under a single false denominator: the totality of the culture industry. . . . With good reason the interest of countless consumers is focused on the technology, not on the rigidly repeated, threadbare and half-abandoned content." (107-108)

3 1 1 (3100) [-3+]mCQK horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment (164-165) 20130929r 0 -7+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_horkheimer_adorno-dialectic_of_enlightenment.html

3 1 1 (3200) [-4+]mCQK benjamin-work_of_art_in_age_of_mechanical_reproduction (VI) 20130910b 0 -6+ progress/2011/03/notes_for_benjamin-work_of_art_in_age_of_mechanical_reproduction.html
From free-floating contemplation to involvement in hidden political significance and specific approaches to appreciation.

3 1 1 (3300) [-6+]mCQK benjamin-work_of_art_in_age_of_mechanical_reproduction (III) 20130910 0 -2+ progress/2011/03/notes_for_benjamin-work_of_art_in_age_of_mechanical_reproduction.html
Contrast his sense with emphasis on social causes to McLuhan. "During long periods of history, the mode of human sense perception changes with humanityƒs entire mode of existence. The manner in which human sense perception is organized, the medium in which it is accomplished, is determined not only by nature but by historical circumstances as well." (III) Consider Manovich codetermination by cultural and technological aspects.

3 1 1 (3400) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (10) 20131004l 0 -3+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Wittgenstein versus Saussure on starting for language analysis, favoring functionalist logical structures of language games and computer programs for method.

3 1 1 (3500) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (11) 20131004m 0 -1+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Agonistics: social bond composed of language game moves.

3 1 1 (3600) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (14) 20131004q 0 -2+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Tempting to distinguish positivist and critical types of knowledge.

3 1 1 (3700) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (30-31) 20131004w 0 -4+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Narrative appeal for science targeted at abstract, male subject, implying that scientific knowledge generates a new subjectivity; similar to institutional generation of docile bodies in Foucault.

3 1 1 (3800) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (32) 20131004x 0 -6+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Many theorists including Kittler discuss place of Humboldt and University of Berlin in Western intellectual history.

3 1 1 (3900) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (37) 20131004z 0 -1+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Marxist position of Frankfurt school that critical knowledge develops by constituting autonomous subject via socialism and justifying sciences by giving proletariat means to emancipate itself.

3 1 1 (4000) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (40) 20131005b 0 -2+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Science cannot legitimate prescriptive language games, or itself.

3 1 1 (4100) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (43) 20131005d 0 -4+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Kuhnian progress of scientific knowledge through games of legitimation.

3 1 1 (4200) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (48) 20131005h 0 -4+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Goal of education is optimizing performativity of practical subject: consider in light of Foucault argument that prisons grew illegalities and institutionalized delinquency its possible unintended consequences.

3 1 1 (4300) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (65) 20131005s 0 -5+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Not prudent to follow Habermas seeking universal consensus through dialog of argumentation (Diskurs).

3 1 1 (4400) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (72) 20131005v 0 -4+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Determining unity Habermas intended to bridge gap between cognitive, ethical, and political discourses.

3 1 1 (4500) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (77) 20131005x 0 -2+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Modulation of Nietzschean perspectivism in Kantian sublime.

3 1 1 (4600) [-4+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_condition (78) 20131005y 0 -2+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_condition.html
Presenting the fact of the unpresentable.

3 1 1 (4700) [-6+]mCQK kellner-critical_theory_today (55) 20130930i 0 -2+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_kellner-critical_theory_today.html
Hayles consciously duplicates Adorno, Benjamin, Marcuse by engaging aesthetic works of science fiction to elicit social truths. "While the inner circle of critical theory during the 1930s engaged in the production of an interdisciplinary social theory that positively appropriated the results of the sciences of the day, Adorno and Benjamin engaged in philosophical and cultural criticism that was more literary than analytical and descriptive, that elicited social truth more in the works of philosophy and art, rather than social theory.
(56) Marcuse too turned toward the aesthetic dimension in the 1940s in a previously unpublished study of Notes on Aragon: Art and Politics in the Totalitarian Era." (55)

3 1 1 (4800) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (ix) 20140118 0 -7+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Capitalism seems to have fallen out of critical discourse, so look at its use in French sociology over last thirty years.

3 1 1 (4900) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xxxv) 20140104a 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Book inspired by perplexity over coexistence of declining social position of masses and booming capitalist economies.

3 1 1 (5000) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xii-xiii) 20140104 0 -6+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Construct framework for combining critical and pragmatic sociology based on analytic framework of De la justification affording analysis of supra-individual entities, focusing on 1965 through 1995.

3 1 1 (5100) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (ix-x) 20140118a 0 -8+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Marxist and Althusser dominant paradigm in 1960s and 1970s; dual orientation of positivism and tradition.

3 1 1 (5200) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xi) 20140118b 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Critical sociology replaced by sociology of critique for indifference to actors. "A
critical sociology indifferent to the values that actors claim to adhere to must therefore be replaced by a sociology of critique." (xi)

3 1 1 (5300) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xiii) 20140118d 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Distinction between social and artistic critique, emphasizing exploitation and dehumanization as its targets.

3 1 1 (5400) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (38) 20140119x 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Artistic and social critique. "Consequently, the bearers of these various grounds for indignation and normative fulcra have been different groups of actors, although they can often be found associated in a particular historical conjuncture. Thus, we may distinguish between an
artistic critique and a social critique." (38)

3 1 1 (5500) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (38) 20140119y 0 -7+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Artistic critique foregrounds loss of meaning, sense of beautiful; Baudelaire bourgeoisie and the dandy exemplifying attachment and detachment.

3 1 1 (5600) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (39) 20140119z 0 -7+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Modernist and antimodernist aspects.

3 1 1 (5700) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (148-149) 20140125p 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Traditional political philosophy has not yet attempted to justify the network, connexionist order; consider recent Lanier as example arising from technologists.

3 1 1 (5800) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (150) 20140125q 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Historicist and naturalist efforts to construct scientific sociology based on networks, reducible to reticular organization of knowledge. "The wish to construct an authentically scientific sociology on the basis of network analysis has been expressed in two different fashions. Schematically, the first might be characterized as historicist, the second as naturalistic.
(151) However, the tension between a historicist position (the network is the form that suits our age) and a naturalistic position (the network is the texture constitutive of any social world, even of nature in its entirety) can be reduced if one accepts that in the order of knowledge, reticular organization constitutes the form that is best adjusted to the global vision of the world from the viewpoint of a city founded upon a connexionist logic." (150)

3 1 1 (5900) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (156) 20140125x 0 -4+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Critique seemed to miss advance of new network mechanisms of capitalism besides condemnation of exclusion, until recently, though its 1970s vanguard emerge as promoters of the transformation.

3 1 1 (6000) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (42) 20140304j 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Capitalism readily submits to the exit critique.

3 1 1 (6100) [-3+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xxvi) 20140118p 2 -11+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html

3 1 1 (6200) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (26) 20140119k 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Take justification of capitalism to common good seriously to distance from polarizing critical approaches.

3 1 1 (6300) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (28) 20140119l 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Critique can delegitimate previous spirits.

3 1 1 (6400) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (28) 20140119m 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Critique can justify capitalist processes in terms of common good.

3 1 1 (6500) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (29) 20140119n 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Critique can also cloud the issue. "We may suppose that, in certain conditions, it can
elude the requirement of strengthening the mechanisms of justice by making itself more difficult to decipher, by ƒclouding the issueƒ." (29)

3 1 1 (6600) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (113) 20141123k 0 -4+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Totalitarianism in organic foundation and unified source of society and state, homogenizing community in mythical originary notion of the people.

3 1 1 (6700) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (116) 20140928a 0 -1+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Example of Las Casas Eurocentric view of Americas.

3 1 1 (6800) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (124-125) 20140928e 0 -11+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Alterity as colonical compartmentalization, exclusion in thoughts and values produced, not given.

3 1 1 (6900) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (127-128) 20140928g 0 -14+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Absolute difference of the Other produces European Self in dialectical movement.

3 1 1 (7000) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (128) 20140928h 0 -5+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Colonialism imposes binary divisions; colonialism, not reality, is dialectical.

3 1 1 (7100) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (191) 20141125c 0 -5+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Under imperial racism biological differences replaced by social and cultural signifiers; Bailbar differentialist, pluralist racism still essentialist.

3 1 1 (7200) [-4+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (194) 20141125d 0 -2+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Hierarchies still created under differential racism of Empire.

3 1 1 (7300) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (15) 20140119c 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Constraint of maintaining tolerable distance between cadres and workers.

3 1 1 (7400) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (22) 20140304i 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Cities as general convention of justification appropriate to exploration in computer games like Sim City and Civilization.

3 1 1 (7500) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (29) 20140119o 0 -4+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Model of change through interplay of three terms of critique, organizing work, maintaining space between means and justice.

3 1 1 (7600) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (30) 20140119p 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
The test.

3 1 1 (7700) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (31) 20140119r 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Power conveyed by determination by tests of degree of amoral strength or just character status.

3 1 1 (7800) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (32) 20140119s 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Critique and tests intimately related in affecting capitalism.

3 1 1 (7900) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (33) 20140119t 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Reformist and revolutionary critique depending on how it affects tests.

3 1 1 (8000) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (35) 20140119u 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Two stage birth of new spirit of capitalism.

3 1 1 (8100) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (36) 20140119v 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Domain of emotions and reflexive levels of expression of critique.

3 1 1 (8200) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (37) 20140119q 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Four sources of indignation: disenchantment and inauthenticity, oppression, poverty and inequalities, opportunism and egoism.

3 1 1 (8300) [-4+]mCQK jameson-postmodernism (61-62) 20130929t 0 -4+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_jameson-postmodernism.html
Quandrants of anti-modernist, pro-modernist against pro-postmodernist and anti-postmodernist, represented by Wolfe, Jencks, Lyotard, Tafuri, and Kramer, Habermas, respectively.

3 1 1 (8400) [-6+]mCQK kellner-critical_theory_today (58) 20130930j 0 -6+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_kellner-critical_theory_today.html
Hayles answers the challenge of articulating fragmentation and new forms of social structuration, macro and micro levels, by utilizing methods developed by Frankfurt School theorists. "As I suggested earlier, Baudrillard, Lyotard, and other forms of postmodern theory which reject macrotheory and political economy, or wallow in implosion, fragmentation, irony, and nihilism, lack the theoretical resources to develop a critical theory of contemporary society. Instead, theories are needed that articulate both fragmentation and new forms of social structuration, that stress disorganization and reorganization within the present order, and that combine macro and micro perspectives. . . . Although we need new syntheses of social theory and politics today, the continuing relevance of the Frankfurt School for these concerns makes their work more than a nostalgic remembrance of things past." (58)

3 1 1 (8500) [-6+]mCQK barthes-myth_today (111) 20131024q 0 -5+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_barthes-myth_today.html
Depoliticized speech permanently embodying defaulting. "It is now possible to complete the semiological definition of myth in a bourgeois society:
myth is depoliticized speech. . . . one must above all give an active value to the prefix de-: here it represents an operational movement, it permanently embodies a defaulting." (111)

3 1 1 (8600) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (14) 20140119b 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Cadres and engineers are primary recipients of management discourse. "We shall see how management discourse, which aims to be formal and historical, general and local, which mixes general precepts with paradigmatic examples, today constitutes the form par excellence in which the spirit of capitalism is incorporated and received.
(14) This discourse is first and foremost addressed to
cadres, whose support for capitalism is particularly indispensable for running firms and creating profits." (14)

3 1 1 (8700) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (61) 20140306c 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Comparative method placing emphasis on differences between the two corpora.

3 1 1 (8800) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (60-61) 20140306b 0 -8+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Textual study with two phases of analysis based on two corpora of sixty texts per period. "We have therefore constituted two corpora comprising sixty texts each. The first corpus appeared in the 1960s (1959-1969), the second in the 1990s (1989-94); and both deal, in whole or part, with the question of
cadres, even if the latter are sometimes referred to by different terms (manager, directeur, chef, dirigeant, etc.). For each of the periods under consideration, these two corpora make it possible to bring out a typical image of what was recommended to firms as regards the types of cadres to employ, the way they should ideally be treated, and the kind of work that might appropriately be asked of them. Appendix 1 sets out the characteristics of the texts analyzed, while Appendix 2 presents a bibliography of each corpus. The corpora thus constructed (more than a thousand pages) have been processed in two phases. In the first instance, we submitted them to a traditional analysis based on an extensive reading that aimed at an initial location of their authorsƒ concerns, the solutions they proposed to the problems of their period, the image they offered of the inherited forms they declared to be outdated, and the various arguments advanced to effect the conversion of their readers. In a second phase, we used the analytical software Prospero@ (see Appendix B) to corroborate our hypotheses and confirm, by means of specific indicators running through the body of texts, that our analysis did indeed reflect the general state of the corpus (not a personal bias with respect to certain themes that risked exaggerating their importance), and hence the general state of management literature in the relevant years." (60-61) Close reading by humans to define hypothetical characteristics of each period, and machine reading via Prospero analytical software to corroborate them.

3 1 1 (8900) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (86) 20140309j 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Statistical software confirmation of their interpretation of content of two sets of management literature. "we used a textual analysis software program to compare the two corpora systematically. In Appendix 3, readers will find a presentation of this work, offering statistical confirmation of the interpretation of their content we have just presented.
(86) Let us reiterate that, in order to meet the constraints of the test to which we are subjecting them, these texts must present engagement in reformation as a personally exciting venture, demonstrate that the measures proposed are justifiable in terms of the common good, and, finally, explain how they will deliver to those who invest in them a certain form of security for themselves and their children." (86) Now test them.

3 1 1 (9000) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (135-136) 20140125e 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Based on these analyses and software analysis of 1990s management literature, projective city constitutes original mode of justification.

3 1 1 (9100) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (136) 20140125f 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Mapping grammars of seven worlds via word categories shows dominance of industrial logic in both eras, and network logic overtaking domestic logic for second place in 1990s.

3 1 1 (9200) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (137) 20140125g 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Textual analysis brings network logic to top position.

3 1 1 (9300) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (139) 20140125i 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Few management texts reference authors from human sciences and philosophy, mostly each other. "However, although a large number of the terms or notions drawn from management texts where network logic predominates have their equivalent in writings from the human sciences, direct references to these works are rather rare in our corpus, and pretty much concentrated under the signatures of a few authors. These authors associate management in network form with three terms: first, communication (represented by references to Habermas, Bateson, and Watzlawick); secondly, complexity (J.-P. Dupuy, Edgar Morin); and, finally, disorder, chaos and self-organization (represented by references to Prigogine, Stengers, Atlan, Heisenberg, Hofstadter and Varela). As a general rule, the authors of our corpus predominantly cite other management authors, and frequently one another; this accords with the existence of management as a specific discipline." (139) Communication, complexity, chaos are predominant terms.

3 1 1 (9400) [-6+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (139) 20140125j 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Traces of 1970s Illich although rarely cited by management authors. "In other respects, we find in the writings of the main authors from whom we have extracted the outline of the projective city traces of a reading of Ivan
Illichƒs works in the 1970s. Their anti-authoritarian emphasis, critique of centralization, stress on autonomy and on what might, with a certain anachronism, be called self-organization, and also their technological humanism placing tools in the service of humanity, not vice versa were to be taken up in the thematic of the projective city." (139)

3 1 1 (9500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150609 20150609a 10 -3+ journal_2015.html
Boltanski and Chiapello, who argue theory has stagnated in its response to global capitalism, use software to conduct their research to engage it using its quintessential technologies, but they do not exercise what I am calling critical programming. McGann hints at it as well, coming from the side of new forms of scholarly insight via fortuitous deformation production, using software but not yet deliberately programming as part of the project. First, technology infused textuality studies, transitioning to more inclusive media, crossing concept of real virtuality PHI.

3 1 1 (9600) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (169) 20131007j 0 -4+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Philosophy and computing intersect. "Information scientists and systems engineers will be (already are) much involved with these changes. But it is the literary scholar, the musicologist, the art historian, etc. who have the most intimate understanding of our inherited cultural materials. Hence the importance that traditional scholars gain a theoretical grasp and, perhaps even more important, practical experience in using these new tools and languages." (169) Following Marx, go beyond interpreting, change the world.

3 1 1 (9700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150611 20150611 0 -8+ journal_2015.html
Awkward to get here this way reaching end of latest draft quoting McGann intending picking up soldering irons to pinball repair, as in the philosophical programmer scholar reaching something of complexity of pmrek as working code place to do philosophy of computing programming technology. Can computing be innocent philosophers philosophize by writing code and using systems such engineers ask, question, interrogate machinery component of network dividual cyborg. Suppose explicating meaning of philosophical programmers just a way to legitimate individual case of my passing through technology career as crossover digital immigrant cadre lifetime learner. Geeks and nerds may think possible programs while philosophers wonder whether they can intuit machine embodiment. As McGann exemplar of textuality studies, Kittler media studies almost getting us to computing programming technology. Can computing be innocent, can software code and its writing be exempt from corruption of its operating environment any more than the human body territorial earth embodied philosophical thought? Dare to reach as far as Lyotard or is that outside bounds of tapoc system now a problem where it had been sufficient temporal order of magnitude PHI. Make McGann and textuality studies in addition to programming count by adding more deliberate sense of working code than Boltanski and Chiapello; meditate upon the nuances of its changes and their meaning through theory as poieisis like those of tapoc shaping this dissertation programmatically written, for sometimes programmed visions are intentional, as all programmers and systems engineers know.

--3.1.2+++ textuality studies

3 1 2 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150519 20150519 1 -10+ journal_2015.html
Begin with old guard from poststructuralism including Saussure, Barthes on semiology of myth, Derrida grammatology, where Havelock and Ong fit in too, and dissemination, where Neel fits in as foil to shift emphasis away from postmodern gibberish. Include Jameson in this foundational set, although his statements about textuality and code also could be used later, as well as Johnson cultural studies. In the middle include Bolter, Crane. McGann radiant textuality central theoretical contributor. Obligatory references to authors in Burnard Okeefe Unsworth. User centered Johnson on rhetorical triangle hints at studying instructional texts. End with Aarseth, Bogost, Ryan, Hayles, McGann, Ulmer again touching on cybertexts to transition into media studies. Boltanski and Chiapello could migrate to a later section, even beside Sterne and Spinuzzi as demonstrations of method, applied textuality studies versus theoretical framework. Likewise with McGann discussion of serious games can go to software studies section. Time passes then sitting here later you know why it would work because time passes and then listening as if experiencing for nearly the first time, what we mean by real time, defines galaxies of meaning in virtual worlds, this is what Castells means by real virtuality, and I refer to as PHI.

3 1 2 (200) [-6+]mCQK hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer (92) 20130929l 0 -7+ progress/2011/12/notes_for_hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer.html
Definition of text as abstract artistic entity. "A work is an abstract artistic entity, the ideal construction toward which textual editors move by collating different editions and copies to arrive at their best guess for what the artistic creation should be (86). It is important to note that the work is ideal not in a Platonic sense, however, for it is understood to be the result of editorial assumptions that are subject to negotiation, challenge, community norms, and cultural presuppositions. . . . Gunder points out the the work as such can never be accessed but through some kind of text, that is, through the specific sign system designated to manifest a particular work (86). Texts, then, are abstract entities from which editors strive to excavate the work." (92)

3 1 2 (300) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (96) 20131006b 0 -1+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Definition of text as rhetorical sequence organized by page unit with assumed organization. "We assume that a text is a rhetorical sequence organized by units of page, with each page centrally structured in terms of a sequence of lines commonly running from top to bottom, left to right, and within some set of margins (which may be reduced to nil [practically] on any side)." (96)

3 1 2 (400) [-6+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (148) 20120926 0 -2+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Texts as inscriptions functioning as boundary objects belonging to genres. "So texts are
inscriptions that represent phenomena, belong to genres that construct relatively stable relationships, and function as boundary objects that bridge among different activities. Texts create circulating rerepresentations: representations that themselves become represented by other representations (Latour, 1999b)." (148)

3 1 2 (500) [-4+]mCQK johnson-what_is_cultural_studies_anyway (61) 20130930s 0 -16+ progress/2010/11/notes_for_johnson-what_is_cultural_studies_anyway.html
Texts are polymorphous, for example James Bond genre, inviting Hayles MSA, as well as situated context of particular issues and historical periods.

3 1 2 (600) [-4+]mCQK johnson-what_is_cultural_studies_anyway (64-65) 20130930u 0 -9+ progress/2010/11/notes_for_johnson-what_is_cultural_studies_anyway.html
Not treating content as significant, neglect of production; invoke discussion of remediation.

3 1 2 (700) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (2) 20131005d 0 -4+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Good view of texts and textuality.

3 1 2 (800) [-4+]mCQK bukatman-terminal_identity (3) 20130912 0 -5+ progress/1994/06/notes_for_bukatman-terminal_identity.html
Consider analysis of science fiction by Hayles to study subjectivity.

3 1 2 (900) [-4+]mCQK bukatman-terminal_identity (30) 20131026a 0 -5+ progress/1994/06/notes_for_bukatman-terminal_identity.html
Textuality now an explicit theme; Hayles considers Bukatman.

3 1 2 (1000) [-6+]mCQK barthes-myth_today (81) 20131024c 0 -6+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_barthes-myth_today.html
Semiology a general science in the sense that he will arrive at an enumeration of rhetorical characteristics of myth. "We shall therefore take
language, discourse, speech, etc., to mean any significant unit or synthesis, whether verbal or visual. . . . This does not mean that one must treat mythical speech like language; myth in fact belongs to the province of a general science, coextensive with linguistics, which is semiology." (81) What more could we ask for?

3 1 2 (1100) [-4+]mCQK hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer (95) 20130929n 0 -4+ progress/2011/12/notes_for_hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer.html
The default theories of textuality built from underlying assumptions of practitioners.

3 1 2 (1200) [-6+]mCQK ong-orality_and_literacy (77) 20131006v 0 -2+ progress/2008/08/notes_for_ong-orality_and_literacy.html
Context-free, autonomous discourse that cannot be contested, as presented in Phaedrus. "Writing establishes what has been called ƒcontext-freeƒ language or ƒautonomousƒ discourse, discourse which cannot be directly questioned or contested as oral speech can be because written discourse has been detached from its author.
(78) Texts are inherently contumacious [willfully and obstinately disobedient]." (77) Texts are inherently contumacious.

3 1 2 (1300) [-6+]mCQK hayles-writing_machines (99) 20130928e 0 -5+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_hayles-writing_machines.html
Evolutionary or cultural value of random access versus sequential access " (99) Readers are consequently less likely to read the text cover-to-cover than open it at random and mediate over a few pages before skipping elsewhere or closing it for the day. . . . the [codex] book is the original random access device." (scroll example)

3 1 2 (1400) [-6+]mCQK neel-plato_derrida_writing (170-171) 20131008t 0 -6+ progress/2009/02/notes_for_neel-plato_derrida_writing.html
Differance founds thought. "We in the West, in other words, believe we can know what we think not only without saying it or writing it down, but also without thinking it to ourselves in a linguistic way. Deconstruction attempts to show that what presents itself as thought begins in exclusion . . . differance, or the play of absences, founds thought. The Cartesian
cogitato, ergo sum is an effect of language, not an origin or foundation." (170-171) Cartesian ego is an effect of language.

3 1 2 (1500) [-6+]mCQK derrida-of_grammatology (50) 20130915i 1 -2+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_derrida-of_grammatology.html
We think only in signs according to Saussure. "
We think only in signs.
(51) Science of the arbitrariness of the sign, science of the immotivation of the trace, science of writing before speech and in speech, grammatology would thus cover a vast field within which linguistics would, by abstraction, delineate its own area, with the limits that Saussure prescribes to its internal system and which must be carefully reexamined in each speech/writing system in the world and history." (50)

3 1 2 (1600) [-4+]mCQK derrida-dissemination (76) 20130915k 0 -5+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_derrida-dissemination.html
Paternal position for power of speech is a structural constraint; pharmakon of writing rejected.

3 1 2 (1700) [-6+]mCQK derrida-of_grammatology (138-139) 20130915o 0 -7+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_derrida-of_grammatology.html
Weakness of bricolage is justifying its own discourse. "The only weakness of
bricolage - but, seen as a weakness is it not irremediable? - is a total inability to justify in its own discourse. The already-there-ness of instruments and of concepts cannot be undone or reinvented. . . . The idea of the engineer breaking with all bricolage is dependent on a creationist theology." (138-139)

3 1 2 (1800) [-7+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (214) 20131008 0 -2+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Critical reflection develops to simulacral interfaces, as with the book; intellectual input is his instrumental interest in, notice what he calls them, digital instruments. (214) We want to work with digital tools as we have always worked with our tools for making simulations for instance, with all our semiotic tools, and pre-eminently with the book.
Critical reflection emerges in the mirroring event that develops at simulacral interfaces, of which the book is the one we are most used to using.

3 1 2 (1900) [-4+]mCQK barthes-myth_today (81) 20131024d 2 -5+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_barthes-myth_today.html
Study of myth involves sensitivity to semiology and ideology.

3 1 2 (2000) [-6+]mCQK barthes-myth_today (80-81) 20131024b 2 -5+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_barthes-myth_today.html
As a message, is myth therefore a subset of texts, are all myths textual? " It can consist of modes of writing or of representations, not only written discourse, but also photography, cinema, reporting, sport, shows, publicity, all these can serve as a support to mythical speech. . . . Mythical speech is made of a material which has
already been worked on so as to make it suitable for communication: it is because all the materials of myth (whether pictorial or written) presuppose a signifying consciousness, that one can reason about them while discounting their substance." (80-81)

3 1 2 (2100) [-4+]mCQK barthes-myth_today (83) 20131024e 0 -2+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_barthes-myth_today.html
Signifier, signified sign are a triad like Lacan imaginary, symbolic, real.

3 1 2 (2200) [-6+]mCQK barthes-myth_today (84-85) 20110805 0 -2+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_barthes-myth_today.html
Diagram has Language econmpassing and Myth encompassing indicating the groupings, and second order sign whose signifer is another sign. "In myth, we find the tri-dimensional pattern which I have just described: the signifier, the signified, and the sign. But myth is a peculiar system, in that it is constructed from a semiological chain which existed before it: it is a second-order semiological system." (84-85) Imagine compared with Saussure and Lacan.

3 1 2 (2300) [-4+]mCQK barthes-myth_today (85-86) 20131024g 0 -1+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_barthes-myth_today.html
Barthes provides such wonderful examples of mythical speech, like Hayles tutor texts.

3 1 2 (2400) [-4+]mCQK barthes-myth_today (86) 20110730 0 -2+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_barthes-myth_today.html
If only natural language studies founding early AI work had this depth, the confusion with plans may not have occurred: perhaps that is why I was drawn to Barthes while reading Suchman.

3 1 2 (2500) [-4+]mCQK barthes-myth_today (86-87) 20131024h 0 -4+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_barthes-myth_today.html
Myth operates upon established systems, meanings become forms, concepts through signs in signification: can this second order character of myth also supply methodology to other second-order systems, such as technological artifacts, including program-generated virtual reality phenomena?

3 1 2 (2600) [-6+]mCQK barthes-myth_today (90) 20131024i 0 -3+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_barthes-myth_today.html
Compare to Bogost unit operations, his invocation of Badiou count-as-one stripped of the human counter. "and symbolic machine control operations; at the shimmering signifier boundary are hyperlinks. (90) This repetition of the concept through different forms is precious to the mythologist, it allows him to decipher the myth: it is the insistence of a kind of behavior which reveals its intention. This confirms that
there is no regular ratio between the volume of the signified and that of the signifier. In language, this ratio is proportionate, it hardly exceeds the word, or at least the concrete unit." (recall parallel discussion of signification in Diogenes Laertius) The surplus apparently encoded in signifier via, among other operations, myth touches upon asymptotic approach of human sign system functions

3 1 2 (2700) [-4+]mCQK barthes-myth_today (96-97) 20131024k 0 -1+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_barthes-myth_today.html
Myth is pure ideographic system.

3 1 2 (2800) [-6+]mCQK bolter-writing_space (10) 20130910 0 -4+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_bolter-writing_space.html
The strict requirement of textual unity and homogeneity is relatively recent. "Yet our definition of textual unity comes from the published work we have read, or more generally, from the current divisions of academic, literary, and scientific disciplines, which themselves both depend on and reinforce the economics of publishing. The material in a book must simply be homogeneous by the standard of some book-buying audience.
(11) In the ideal, if not in practice, an electronic text can tailor itself to each readerƒs needs, and the reader can make choices in the very act of reading.
(11) This ideal of cultural unity through a shared literary inheritance, which has received so many assaults in the 20th century, must now suffer further by the introduction of new forms of highly individualized writing and reading." (10)

3 1 2 (2900) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (3) 20131005e 0 -4+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Use of IT in humanities beginning with Busa.

3 1 2 (3000) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (4) 20131005f 0 -8+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Signal event of development of TEI.

3 1 2 (3100) [-7+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (139) 20131006r 0 -1+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
OHCO thesis of textuality evident in design of SGML hypergrammar. (139) This [SGML] hypergrammar treats its documentary materials as organized information, and it chooses to determine the systems of organization as a
hierarchy of nested elements; or, in the now well-known formulation: text is an ordered hierarchy of content objects (the so-called OHCO thesis).

3 1 2 (3200) [-6+]mCQK hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer (95) 20130929m 0 -5+ progress/2011/12/notes_for_hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer.html
TEI and OHCO. "When texts are translated into electronic environments, the attempt to define a work as an immaterial verbal construct, already problematic for print, opens a Pandoraƒs box of additional complexities and contradictions, which can be illustrated by debates within the community formulating the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). The idea of TEI was to arrive at principles for coding print documents into electronic form that would preserve their essential features and, moreover, allow them to appear more or less the same in complex networked environments, regardless of platform, browser, and so on. To this end, the community (or rather, an influential contingent) arrived at the well-known principle of OHCO, the idea that a text can be encoded as an ordered hierarchy of content objects. As Allen Renear points out in his seminal analysis of this process, the importation of print into digital media requires implicit decisions about what a text is. Expanding on this point, Mats Dahlstrom, following Michael Sperger-McQueen, observes that the markup of a text is a theory of this text, and a general markup language is a
general theory or conception of text." (95) I experienced this underdetermination implying interpretations of what a text is working on symposia.

3 1 2 (3300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150617 20150617 0 -4+ journal_2015.html
McGann and others dismiss SGML for working code, and when philosophizing, use examples from HTML and now XML, which as less complex languages, are both better suited for practical use in examples of scholarly work and at the same time incorporating more crude conversions and conventions; more spaghetti code, bricolage, and lacking elegance to embody rich philosophical concepts to perform tests of strength as presented by Boltanski and Chiapello, who in turn reference Latour. We all know the TEI is based on XML: is this an inferior basis than something including more sublime and productive languages like C++? Or is it better to not probe too deeply into how and why we work code the ways we do, writing, configuring, symbolic, haptic, and so on, muddling discussions of philosophies of computing programning technology PHI. Yes I exercise ways of retrieving thought from the draft of thinking.

3 1 2 (3400) [-6+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (66) 20130912a 0 -9+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Buzzetti and McGann discuss insufficiency of OHCO thesis for missing structural mobility, assuming meaning embedded in syntactic form, assuming coincidence between syntactic and semantic forms. "The OHCO thesis about the nature of the text is radically insufficient, because it does not recognize structural mobility as an essential property of the textual condition. . . . A digital text representation need not assume that meaning can be fully represented in a syntactic logical form. . . . A formal representation of textual information does not require an absolute coincidence between syntactic and semantic logical form." (66)

3 1 2 (3500) [-4+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (111) 20131027 0 -9+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Fraistat and Jones: TEI for encoding poetic text at level of structure, describing in ordered hierarchy.

3 1 2 (3600) [-4+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (155) 20130912l 0 -3+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Van Hulle: argues transclusive flexibility afforded by not only digital format but nonproprietary format so that it can be machine processed in new ways.

3 1 2 (3700) [-6+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (171) 20130912q 0 -3+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Vanhoutte. "The transcription of modern manuscript material using TEI proves to be more problematic because of a least two essential characteristics of such complex source material:
time and overlapping hierarchies.
(172) Therefore, the structural unit of a modern manuscript is not the paragraph, page, or chapter but the temporal unit of writing. These units form a complex network that often is not bound to the chronology of the page." (171) Argues modern texts often feature non-nesting problems from time and overlapping hierarchies.

3 1 2 (3800) [-4+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (182) 20130912u 0 -5+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Huitfeldt: argues Wittgenstein manuscripts provide almost every imaginable complicating variation for textual markup and requiring keen awareness of of nuances of diplomatic reproduction.

3 1 2 (3900) [-6+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (69) 20130912c 0 -7+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Buzzetti and McGann invoke pragmatistic, existential imperative to build devices. "Scholarly editions are a special, highly sophisticated type of self-reflexive communication, and the fact is that we now must build such devices in digital space. This necessity is what Charles Sanders Peirce would call a pragmatistic fact: it defines a kind of existential (as opposed to a categorical) imperative that scholars who wish to make these tools must recognize and implement.
(70) In fact one can transform the social and documentary aspects of a book into computable code. . . . We were able to build a machine that organizes for complex study and analysis, for collation and critical comparison, the entire corpus of Rossettiƒs documentary materials, textual as well as pictorial." (69)

3 1 2 (4000) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (17) 20120318 0 -9+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Digital humanities scholarship missing depth for not building critical and reflective functions into the deep components. "Works like The Rossetti Archive or The Perseus Project or The Dickens Web are fundamentally archival and editorial. . . . Unlike works imagined and organized in bibliographical forms, however, these new textual environments have yet to develop operational structures that integrate their archiving and editorial mechanisms with their critical and reflective functions at the foundational level of their material form, that is, at the digital/computational level. . . . Thus, however primitive hyperfiction and video games may seem, we recognize their functional relation to their underlying digital processes." (17) Compare to discussions of unknown knowns, Reddell.

3 1 2 (4100) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (11-12) 20131005h 0 -7+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Scholarly editing theory actively evolved working on Rossetti archive. "
The Rossetti Archive was undertaken as a practical effort to design a model for scholarly editing that would have wide applicability and that would synthesize the functions of the two chief models for such works: the critical edition (for analyzing the historical relations of a complex set of descendant texts with a view toward locating accumulated linguistic error); and the facsimile edition (a rigorously faithful reproduction of a particular text, usually a rare work, for scholarly access and study). . . . The theory holds two positions: first, that the apparitions of text its paratexts, bibliographical codes, and all visual features are as important in the textƒs signifying programs as the linguistic elements; second, that the social intercourse of texts the context of their relations must be conceived an essential part of the text itself if one means to gain an adequate critical grasp of the textual situation.
(12) We spent the year from 1992 to 1993 theorizing the methodology of the project and designing its logical structure. Then in 1993 we built the first small demonstration model of
The Rossetti Archive, which at that time I described in the following general terms." (11-12) Compare to Burnard.

3 1 2 (4200) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (56) 20131005m 0 -3+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Same problem duplication in data structures and programming, which can be a theme linking McGann to code studies. "Because the entire system develops through the codex form, however, duplicate, near-duplicate, or differential archives appear in different places. The crucial problem here is simple: The logical structures of the critical edition function at the same level as the material being analyzed.
(56-57) When a book is translated into electronic form, the bookƒs (heretofore distributed) semantic and visual forms can be made simultaneously present to each other." (56)

3 1 2 (4300) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (69) 20131005o 0 -6+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Possibilities of hyperediting themselves create new problems while addressing existing problems. "How to incorporate digitized images into the computational field is not simply a problem that hyperediting must
solve; it is a problem created by the very arrival of the possibilities of hyperediting. . . . Those of us who were involved with The Rossetti Archive from the beginning spent virtually the entire first year working at this problem. In the end we arrived a a double approach: first, to design a structure of SGML markup tags for the physical features of all the types of documents contained in The Rossetti Archive (textual as well as pictorial); and second, to develop an image tool that permits one to attach anchors to specific features of digitized images." (69)

3 1 2 (4400) [-4+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (67) 20130912b 0 -5+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Buzzetti and McGann see markup as highly reflexive act, oscillating indeterminacy like self-organizing systems; in line with videogame studies, electronic literature.

3 1 2 (4500) [-6+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (71) 20120901 0 -4+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Interesting suggestion by Buzzetti and McGann for researching autopoietic functions of social textualities via user logs dovetails nicely with software studies and projects for future digital humanities scholars. "The autopoietic functions of the social text can also be computationally accessed through user logs. This set of materials the use records, or hits, automatically stored by the computer has received little attention by scholars who develop digital tools in the humanities. Formalizing its dynamic structure in digital terms will allow us to produce an even more complex simulation of social textualities. Our neglect of this body of information reflects, I believe, an ingrained commitment to the idea of the positive text or material document." (71)

3 1 2 (4600) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (79) 20131005r 0 -5+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Scholarly books as postmodern incunables, like low-level programming languages, beg for poetic theorization of electronic editions, high-level languages. "At once very beautiful and very ugly, fascinating and tedious, these books drive the resources of the codex to its limits and beyond. Think of the Cornell Wordsworth volumes, a splendid example of a
postmodern incunable. Grotesque systems of notation are developed in order to facilitate negotiation through labyrinthine textual scenes. To say that such editions are difficult to use is to speak in vast understatement. But their intellectual intensity is so apparent and so great that they bring new levels of attention to their scholarly objects." (79)

3 1 2 (4700) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (103) 20131006d 0 -8+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
How to do humanities with computers? " Whereas we thrive in a world of analogues and fuzzy logic, computers exploit a different type of precision. What if the point were not to try to bridge that gap but to feed off and develop it? Meditating
that question is the recurrent object of this bookƒs last five chapters. All move in pursuit of a new ground on which to build computerized tools that generate and enhance critical reflection. . . . Electronic or not, our tools are prostheses for acting at a distance." (103)

3 1 2 (4800) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (106) 20131006e 0 -2+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Is this the sort of conclusion apparent from texts and technology studies? "To understand a work of art, interpreters try to close with a structure of thought that represents its essential idea(s).
(106) We will argue that concept-based interpretation, reading along thematic lines, is itself best understood as a particular type of performative and rhetorical operation." (106)

3 1 2 (4900) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (109) 20131006g 0 -2+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Dante Convivio as model for hermeneutics, reading backward. "Reading backward is a deformative as well as a performative program.
(110) Coming before the historical period when prose gained its scientistic function, the
Convivio is especially important: for it is also the work that models and licenses many of our most basic hermeneutic procedures." (109)

3 1 2 (5000) [-6+]mCQK barthes-myth_today (91-92) 20131024j 0 -5+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_barthes-myth_today.html
Deformation key operation in literature "and media studies (Hayles, Kittler). (91-92) The relation which unites the concept of the myth to its meaning is essentially a relation of
deformation. . . . The concept, literally, deforms, but does not abolish the meaning; a word can perfectly render this contradiction: it alienates it." (McGann)

3 1 2 (5100) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (114-115) 20131006i 0 -11+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Forbidden zone of deformative scholarhsip. "Deformative scholarship is all but forbidden, the thought if it either irresponsible or damaging to critical seriousness. . . . Despite its bad eminence, forgery is the most important type . . .
Sortes Virgilianae and subjective appropriations of poetical works are types of interpretive deformation. So are travesty retextualizations, buth deliberate and unpremeditated.
(115) The reluctance shows, more interestingly, that interpreters even radical ones do not commonly locate hermeneutic vitality in the documentary features of literary works. Because meaning is assumed to develop as a linguistic event, critical deformance plays itself out in the field of the signifieds." (114-115) Are Ulmer and OGorman deformative scholars?

3 1 2 (5200) [-4+]mCQK hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer (97-98) 20130929o 0 -5+ progress/2011/12/notes_for_hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer.html
McGann experiments in failure example of software that keeps revising versus static literary texts.

3 1 2 (5300) [-6+]mCQK hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer (98) 20130929p 0 -10+ progress/2011/12/notes_for_hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer.html
Deformation as reading practice, emphasizing importance of doing and making. "Instead he argues for the practice of what he calls
deformation, a mode of reading that seeks to liberate from the text the strategies by which it goes in search of meaning. . . . Just as textual criticism has traditionally tried to converge on an ideal work, so hermeneutical criticism has tried to converge on an ideal meaning.
(98-99) This kind of argument opens the way for a disciplined inquiry into the differences in materiality between print and electronic textuality. . . . He emphasizes the importance of
doing and making, suggesting that practical experience in electronic textuality is a crucial prerequisite for theorizing about it." (98)

3 1 2 (5400) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (115) 20131006j 0 -9+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Operating system metaphor for basic units of language: when language is not artificial, deformative decompositions yield surprises; for artificial languages, it is the basic tenet of epistemological transparency that sustains our faith in their reliable operation.

3 1 2 (5500) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (116) 20131006k 0 -6+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Deformations of software systems are described in Marino and others, such as stepping through processes and otherwise altering their normal temporal behavior, can result in dramatic exposure of subjectivity as lively option for interpretive commentary. "For more important is the stochastic process it entails. . . . When we run the deformative program through a particular work we cannot predict the results.
(116) Not the least significant consequence, as will be seen, is the dramatic exposure of
subjectivity as a live and highly informative option of interpretive commentary." (116)

3 1 2 (5600) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (128-129) 20131006m 0 -11+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Della Volpe dialectical criticism different from that of Hegel and Heidegger, who reveal unknown knowns, to imaginations, more like Ulmer heuretics. "Della Volpe carefully separates his theory of interpretation from the dialectics we associate with Hegel and especially Heidegger. The latter involves a process of thought refinement: Through conversation or internal dialogue, we clarify our ideas to ourselves. We come to realize what we didnƒt know we knew. . . . Interpretvie moments stand in nonuniform relations with each other so that the interpretation unfolds in fractal patterns of continuities and discontinuities. Besides realizing, perhaps, what we didnƒt know we knew, we are also led into imaginations of what we hadnƒt known at all.
(129) Meaning is important not as explanations but as residue. It is what is left behind after the experiment has been run. We develop it not to explain the poem but to judge the effectiveness of the experiment we undertook." (128-129)

3 1 2 (5700) [-6+]mCQK ulmer-applied_grammatology (311) 20121111 0 -6+ progress/2009/02/notes_for_ulmer-applied_grammatology.html
Treat reading as computing to allow open system, interpretant form of cognition. "The question for AG concerns how the student might operate in accord with the hypomnemics of the electronic paradigm. At this stage of transition, the fields of knowledge, as represented in encyclopedias, textbooks, and the like, may be manipulated by the learner as if
reading were computing. . . . AG distinguishes itself from the psychologisms of current reader-response subjectivism by concerning itself not only with the field of oriented possibilities (that which actually or phenomenologically occurs in the inner speech of a student) but with constructing connections among the systems in relation to the field of all possibilities." (311)

3 1 2 (5800) [-4+]mCQK johnson-what_is_cultural_studies_anyway (57) 20130930q 0 -19+ progress/2010/11/notes_for_johnson-what_is_cultural_studies_anyway.html
Creator emphasis in Benjamin ignored by Adorno; relate to theories of texts and technology Dumit text and produced different than text as read.

3 1 2 (5900) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (6) 20131005g 0 -3+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
IATH created at UVA through IBM offer evolving through randomized state of affairs; compare to Hayles account of development of the shape and focus of cybernetics.

3 1 2 (6000) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (7) 20131105 0 -5+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Batson wanted IATH to promote specific, demonstrable projects rather than making equipment available as soon as possible.

3 1 2 (6100) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (137) 20131006p 0 -6+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Gives detailed elaboration of five ideas about textuality (summarize): privileging visual texts in his frustrated study of encoding images; recall how he divides reality into images and texts on page 88.

3 1 2 (6200) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (140) 20131006s 0 -5+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Idea of SGML preposterous for imaginative texts.

3 1 2 (6300) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (143) 20131006t 0 -1+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Also basic premise of software studies as that computer tools reflect conscious and unconscious knowledge, beliefs, preferences, biases, and intentions (in addition to economic, capitalist prerogatives).

3 1 2 (6400) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (143) 20131006u 0 -7+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Realization from the experiment that all texts are marked texts.

3 1 2 (6500) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (145) 20131006v 0 -3+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Importance of bibliographical codes in signification.

3 1 2 (6600) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (145-146) 20131006w 0 -2+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Every text possesses self-parsing markup, but another parsing agent required to read that markup; no unread text.

3 1 2 (6700) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (149) 20131006y 0 -5+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Important that textual rhetoric operates at material level, making it more like machine executable program than human readable code (using CCS distinction).

3 1 2 (6800) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (150) 20131006z 0 -11+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Unit analysis view of semantic materials as constitutive of language games, contextually parsed character data.

3 1 2 (6900) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (158) 20131007 0 -1+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Digital age explodes meanings based on variations in material and transmissional forms even when texts remain stable at linguistic level.

3 1 2 (7000) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (171) 20131007l 0 -13+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Already difficult to represent dramatic works in books, recalling Tufte metaquestions about textuality; now sensing difficulty of marking up recursive patterns in poetry and imaginative works by SGML.

3 1 2 (7100) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (178) 20131007n 0 -7+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Opportunities for nonlexical expression in marked and unmarked spaces of texts and other material characteristics of books.

3 1 2 (7200) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (181) 20131007o 0 -1+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Radiant textuality defined as indeterminate set of interfaces opening alternate spaces and temporal relations concealed or revealed in every point of every document, revealed through study of books and carried over into electronic media.

3 1 2 (7300) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (183) 20131007p 0 -7+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Quantum poetics organizes aesthetic space so identity of elements shift with moving attention, shimmering signifiers.

3 1 2 (7400) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (184-185) 20131007q 0 -10+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Task for scholars that will default to other actors, like default philosophers of computing arising from industry trends and powerful voices.

3 1 2 (7500) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (185) 20131007r 0 -1+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Criticizes computer-text theorist Steven DeRose.

3 1 2 (7600) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (187-188) 20131007s 0 -10+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Renear famous five theses about textuality: real, abstract, intentional, hierarchical, linguistic; fails for poetry and many philosophers.

3 1 2 (7700) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (189) 20131007t 0 -4+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Non-hierarchical philosophical texts challenge TEI/SGML (see chapter in Burnard on Wittgenstein archive); grateful that computer scientists understand some general problems of textuality.

3 1 2 (7800) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (190-191) 20131007u 0 -12+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Envisions human computer symbiosis in which humans do analog and computers digital thinking, the latter ignorantly performing deformations and submitting results for human consideration. "An important move will be to exploit the difference between analogue thinking, which we do so well, and digital thinking, which computers do better than their human makers. A new level of computer-assisted textual analysis may be achieved through programs that randomly but systematically deform the texts they search and that submit those deformations to human consideration. Computers are not more able to decode rich imaginative texts than human beings are. What they can be made to do, however, is expose textual features that lie outside the usual purview of human readers.
(191) Nonetheless, even in transacting imaginative texts our desire to close the sympathetic exchange is such that we make decisions about what we are reading, and those decisions occlude other kinds of awareness.
(191) A computer with the same set of reading codes is naturally (so to speak) inclined to be less discriminating. That lack of discrimination in computerized reading is exactly what we want to exploit. We want to see what textual possibilities have been forbidden or made nugatory by the original act of textual encoding that is, by the decisive and particular text that stands before us. The random access procedures of digital technology can bring those possibilities to view. The fact that many will appear to us, at that point, as
impossible nonsense is exactly what holds out such promise, on two counts. First, not everything tossed up by the computer will seem nonsensical, and besides, people will differ. Second, however we judge the results, they will inevitably clarify our own thoughts to ourselves by providing a set of contrasts to throw our thinking into sharper relief." (190-191) Seems to foreclose on notions of emergence and co-constituted subjectivity Hayles suggests.

3 1 2 (7900) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (210) 20131007z 0 -14+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Basic forms of digital life correspond to advanced self-conceptions of book culture: this is a description of real virtual production as intended by Castells, situating Mallarme, Blake Rossetti, Sinburne, Morris, Dickinson and Whitman as similar artisans crafting virtual reality machinery, what Murray refers to as the holodeck, in the media available to them, or else their work (texts) manifesting the asymptotic limit of those fantasies symptomatically.

--3.1.3+++ media studies

3 1 3 (100) [-6+]mCQK mcluhan-understanding_media (ix) 20131006 0 -3+ progress/1994/08/notes_for_mcluhan-understanding_media.html
Content of media is previous media, often turned into an art form. "Each new technology creates an environment that is itself regarded as corrupt and degrading. Yet the new one turns its predecessor into an art form. When writing was new, Plato transformed the old oral dialogue into an art form." (ix)

3 1 3 (200) [-6+]mCQK mcluhan-understanding_media (33) 20131006b 0 -1+ progress/1994/08/notes_for_mcluhan-understanding_media.html
Subliminal effects of technological media. "The effects of technology do not occur at the level of opinions or concepts, but alter sense ratios or patterns of perception steadily and without any resistance." (33)

3 1 3 (300) [-6+]mCQK mcluhan-understanding_media (58) 20120927 0 -3+ progress/1994/08/notes_for_mcluhan-understanding_media.html
East-side story quoted in Landow, though he misses the following West-side story that seems appropriate to effect of hypermedia on subjectivity. "That is only the East-side story, for the electric implosion now brings oral and tribal ear-culture to the literate West. Not only does the visual, specialist, and fragmented Westerner have now to live in closest daily association with all the ancient oral cultures of the earth, but his own electric technology now begins to translate the visual or eye man back into the tribal and oral pattern with its seamless web of kinship and interdependence.
(59) The oral manƒs inner world is a tangle of complex emotions and feelings that the Western practical man has long ago eroded or suppressed within himself in the interest of efficiency and practicality." (58)

3 1 3 (400) [-6+]mCQK mcluhan-understanding_media (216) 20131006l 0 -4+ progress/1994/08/notes_for_mcluhan-understanding_media.html
Games are mass media. "That games are extensions, not of our private but of our social selves, and that they are media of communication, should now be plain. If, finally, we ask, Are games mass media? the answer has to be Yes. Games are situations contrived to permit simultaneous participation of many people in some significant pattern of their own corporate lives." (216)

3 1 3 (500) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (xii) 20121105 0 -7+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Hypermedia are profane resurrection of once-sacred models of communication. "However toddling they appear, contemporary instruments of hyper- and multimedia constitute a profane resurrection of those once-sacred models of communication. . . . In the rediscovered Grotesque art of the Middle Ages was heard the metaphor is deliberately mixed the first premonition of the famous proverb that would define the coming of the digital age a century later: the medium is the message.
(xiii) Recall that even before we began creating formal systems of visual signs systems that generate this very sentence-object you are now reading the language we use is woven from audible and visible elements.
(xiv) Computational systems are not designed like the first sentence of the previous paragraph." (xii) The medium is the message.

3 1 3 (600) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (19) 20110114 0 -10+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Kittler makes same convergence argument translating all existing media to numerical data. "today we are in the middle of a new media revolution the shift of all culture to computer-mediated forms of production, distribution, and communication. . . . In contrast [to photography], the computer media revolution affects all stages of communication, including acquisition, manipulation storage, and distribution; it also affects all types of media texts, still images, moving images, sound, and spatial constructions.
(20) The translation of all existing media into numerical data accessible through computers. . . . This list reduces all principles of new media into five numerical representation, modularity, automation, variability, and cultural transcoding." (19) Five principles: numerical representation, modularity, automation, variability, and cultural transcoding.

3 1 3 (700) [-7+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (10) 20131005b 0 -2+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Four key trends of modularity, automation, variability, transcoding. (10) The advantage of placing new media within a larger historical perspective is that we begin to see the long trajectories that lead to new media in its present state, and we can extrapolate these trajectories into the future. The section Principles of New Media describes four key trends that, in my view, are shaping the development of new media over time:
modularity, automation, variability, and transcoding.

3 1 3 (800) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (xv) 20131005 0 -1+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Visual Esperanto fulfilled by computer technology.

3 1 3 (900) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (9-10) 20131005a 0 -5+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Cinema is primary perspective of digital materialism; compare to Hayles MSA, which seems to privilege literature, and imagine beginning with software some day in the future.

3 1 3 (1000) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (78) 20131005t 0 -2+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Language of cinema is moving images rather than print text.

3 1 3 (1100) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (28-29) 20150701 0 -15+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Manovich takes pains to separate the semiotic bias for discrete representation from trends arising in the Industrial Revolution. "The key assumption of modern semiotics is that communication requires discrete units. . . . In assuming that any form of communication requires a discrete representation, semioticians took human language as the prototypical example of a communication system. . . . Moreover, the discrete units of modern media are usually not units of meanings in the way morphemes are.
(29) The most likely reason modern media has discrete levels is because it emerged during the Industrial Revolution.
(29-30) Not surprisingly, modern media follows the logic of the factory, not only in terms of division of labor as witnessed in Hollywood film studios, animation studios, and television production, but also on the level of material organization. . . . As I will show, new media follows, or actually runs ahead of, a quite different logic of post-industrial society that of individual customization, rather than mass standardization." (28-29)

3 1 3 (1200) [-7+]mCQK landow-hypertext_3_0 (54) 20131003j 0 -6+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_landow-hypertext_3_0.html
Derrida text as discrete reading units (mourceau); groped toward hypertext by playing with punctuation. (54) Like Barthes, Derrida conceives of text as constituted by
discrete reading units. . . . This mourceau, adds Derrida, is always detached, as its name indicates and so you do not forget it, with the teeth, and these teeth, Ulmer explains, refer to quotation marks, brackets, parentheses: when language is cited (put between quotation marks), the effect is that of releasing the grasp or hold of a controlling context (58).
(54) Derrida, the experience of hypertext shows, gropes toward a new kind of text: he describes it, he praises it, but he can only present it in terms of these devices here those of punctuation associated with a particular kind of writing.

3 1 3 (1300) [-6+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (159) 20130928q 0 -2+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
Print is now an output form of digital data rather than separate medium. "So essential is digitality to contemporary processes of composition, storage, and production that
print should properly be considered a particular form of output for digital files rather than a medium separate from digital instantiation.
(160) This engagement is enacted in multiple senses: technologically in the production of textual surfaces, phenomenologically in new kinds of reading experiences possible in digital environments, conceptually in the strategies employed by print and electronic literature as they interact with each otherƒs affordances and traditions, and thematically in the represented worlds that experimental literature in print and digital media perform." (159)

3 1 3 (1400) [-6+]mCQK bolter-writing_space (182-183) 20120331 0 -8+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_bolter-writing_space.html
Deconstruction, although playful, require seriousness, which complicates criticism of hypertext works. "
Deconstruction itself was playful, but its playful attitude required a fundamental seriousness in its object. The hypertext authors since 1980s have in general created playful, allusive hypertexts that do not take themselves too seriously, as a printed text seems inevitably to do. Why would anyone want to deconstruct a work entitled Uncle Buddyƒs Phantom Funhouse? Such hypertexts are not hostile to criticism, but are instead self-referential and incorporate their own critique. . . . Electronic writing seems then to accept as strengths the very qualities - the play of signs, intertextuality, the lack of closure - that the poststructuralists posed as the ultimate limitations of literature and language." (182-183)

3 1 3 (1500) [-6+]mCQK landow-hypertext_3_0 (67) 20131003l 0 -6+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_landow-hypertext_3_0.html
Derrida prominent proponent new textual forms promoted by digital technologies, and its implications. "Among major critics and critical theorists,
Derrida stands out as the one who most realizes the importance of free-form information technology based on digital, rather than analog, systems. . . . Derrida, more than any other major theorist, understands that electronic computing and other changes in media have eroded the power of the linear model and the book as related culturally dominant paradigms.
(67) The problem, too, Derrida recognizes, is that one cannot tamper with the form of the book without disturbing everything else (
Dissemination, 3) in Western thought." (67)

3 1 3 (1600) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (27-28) 20131005g 0 -5+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Media becomes programmable by digitizing continuous data through sampling and quanitzation.

3 1 3 (1700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150701 20150701 0 -5+ journal_2015.html
The dissertation progresses today by writing about Manovich extending notes to one of his books. I continue with the main theorist for this section Kittler, but first a quick digression into Bogost unit operations as exemplifying this type of thinking PHI I outline as tapoc real virtual reality Castells real virtuality PHI including digital music and public radio PHI. Why name Kittler eminent philosopher of programming is along with computing technology discourses after bite size jaunt through Bogost unit operations before chewing on Kittler as legitimate philosopher of computer programming. Kittler saw it through psychoanalytic method applied to media, the unconscious of media embedded in the discourses, often invoking Lacanian real imaginary symbolic by naming real time instances. Keeping the conversation going is a much simpler requirement than arriving at a truth, an ontological affordance of computer technology Kittler realizes while thinking of Nietzsche meditating upon his typewriter briefly as explicit philosophy of computing versus what is discerned by his form of media analysis, exquisitely demonstrated in the narrative translated as Draculas legacy deliciously ridiculing Lacan.

3 1 3 (1800) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (15) 20130910c 0 -5+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Compare unit analysis compare to Hayles MSA. "Unit analysis is the name I suggest for the general practice of criticism through the discovery and exposition of unit operations at work in one or many source texts. . . . Each medium carries particular expressive potential, but unit analysis can help the critic uncover the discrete meaning-making in texts of all kinds." (15)

3 1 3 (1900) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (3-4) 20130910 0 -10+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Multiple small pieces relates to Derrida morsels, the other kind of byte, also mentioned by Landow. "In literary theory, unit operations interpret networks of discrete readings; system operations interpret singular literary authority. In software technology, object technology exploits unit operations; structured programming exhibits system operations. . . . In effect, the biological sciences offer an especially salient window into the development of unit operations. . . . In general, unit operations privilege function over context, instances over longevity." (3-4)

3 1 3 (2000) [-6+]mCQK landow-hypertext_3_0 (123) 20131003y 0 -2+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_landow-hypertext_3_0.html
Rorty edifying philosophy intended to keep the conversation going rather than find objective truth. "This hypertextual dissolution of centrality, which makes the medium such a potentially democratic one, also makes it a model of society of conversations in which no one conversation, no one discipline or ideology, dominates or founds the others. It is thus the instantiation of what Richard
Rorty terms edifying philosophy, the point of which is to keep the conversation going rather than to find objective truth." (123) See Janz.

3 1 3 (2100) [-6+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (263) 20131002t 0 -5+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Inspiration for Manovich title software takes command. "Under the conditions of high technology, literature has nothing more to say. It ends in cryptograms that defy interpretation and only permit interception. Of
all long-distance connections on this planet today, from phone services to microwave radio, 0.1 percent flow through the transmission, storage, and decoding machines of the National Security Agency (NSA), the organization succeeding SIS and Bletchley Park. By its own account, the NSA has accelerated the advent of the computer age, and hence the end of history, like nothing else." (263)

3 1 3 (2200) [-7+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (3) 20110917 0 -3+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Lacanian coincidence leading to media genesis: film and phonogram (gramophone) as the first mechanical recording apparatus operating on the flow of optical and acoustic data, before electronic as the after the literary. (3) But these sense perceptions had to be fabricated first. For media to link up and achieve dominance, we need a
coincidence in the Lacanian sense: that something ceases not to write itself. Prior to the electrification of media, and well before their electronic end, there were modest, merely mechanical apparatuses.

3 1 3 (2300) [-6+]mCQK kittler-optical_media (32) 20131103 0 -2+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_kittler-optical_media.html
Kittler diverges from culture studies based media studies by invoking requirement of understanding design. "a resigned position suggesting avoidance. (32) The only thing that remains is to take the concept of media from there in a step also beyond McLuhan to where it is most at home: the field of physics in general and telecommunications in particular.
(32) Second, the consequence of employing the media concept of telecommunications is that media studies cannot be limited solely to the study of media that (to be brief and clear) have a public, civilian, peaceful, democratic, and paying audience." (in 2008 Code) At the same time, he later reaches

3 1 3 (2400) [-6+]mCQK jenkins-convergence_culture (254) 20130929r 0 -9+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_jenkins-convergence_culture.html
Compare paradigm shift of convergence to Ulmer AG shift. "Rather, convergence represents a paradigm shift a move from medium-specific content toward content that flows across multiple media channels, toward the increased interdependence of communications systems, toward multiple ways of accessing media content, and toward ever more complex relations between top-down corporate media and bottom-up participatory culture. . . . Yet, whatever its motivations, convergence is changing the ways in which media industries operate and the ways average people think about their relation to media. . . . The question is whether the public is ready to push for greater participation or willing to settle for the same old relations to mass media." (254) Consciousness changes whether the public pushes for more participation or settles into new modes of consumption, noting emphasis on collective changes rather than individual.

3 1 3 (2500) [-4+]mCQK johnston-literature_media_information_systems (5-6) 20130930a 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_johnston-literature_media_information_systems.html
The basic conception of media convergence in contrast to which Jenkins carves his niche.

3 1 3 (2600) [-6+]mCQK johnston-literature_media_information_systems (8) 20130930c 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_johnston-literature_media_information_systems.html
Consider Turkle assessment on blindspots of poststructuralism. "Indeed, what is perhaps most striking and useful in Kittlerƒs work is how fundamental postructuralist concepts and assumptions are deployed to revitalize and update media and literary theory, while implicitly raising the question of the degree to which technology was always the
impense or blindspot of poststructuralism itself." (8)

3 1 3 (2700) [-4+]mCQK johnston-literature_media_information_systems (6) 20130930b 0 -2+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_johnston-literature_media_information_systems.html
The fifteen year span will expire soon, so it is time to rigorously theorized DN 2000.

3 1 3 (2800) [-4+]mCQK jenkins-convergence_culture (255) 20130929t 0 -2+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_jenkins-convergence_culture.html
From individual to collective, networked consumption practices.

3 1 3 (2900) [-4+]mCQK kittler-optical_media (33) 20131103a 0 -6+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_kittler-optical_media.html
Include technical knowledge in literary studies bordering history of science and technology with sensitivity to level of complexity.

3 1 3 (3000) [-4+]mCQK kittler-optical_media (34) 20131103b 0 -2+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_kittler-optical_media.html
How does media provide models and metaphors for smell, or is that why we lack knowledge of it?

3 1 3 (3100) [-4+]mCQK kittler-optical_media (49) 20131103h 0 -5+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_kittler-optical_media.html
Ontology influenced by popular culture practices, what will become media technologies: wax writing slate, camera obscura onward.

3 1 3 (3200) [-4+]mCQK kittler-optical_media (35) 20131103c 0 -2+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_kittler-optical_media.html
The easy reach is that today the it is a computer, as souls and everything else converges digitally.

3 1 3 (3300) [-4+]mCQK kittler-optical_media (190-191) 20131103i 0 -7+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_kittler-optical_media.html
Credit Wagner for darkening auditorium and noise-like music: by technological principle of continuous, seamless transition from one dominant technology to another, for example from light bulb to CRT to LCD, made possible through designed compatibilities (for example, sharing common protocol definitions in /etc/services from TCP/IPv4 through HTTP, HTML, XML, and so on, and common languages like C, C++, Perl, PHP, shell).

3 1 3 (3400) [-4+]mCQK kittler-optical_media (191-192) 20120109 0 -8+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_kittler-optical_media.html
Kittler sees inevitable submersion of human being into machine operation; see GFT and Code for other allusions to this technological determinism depicting the type of operations possible to thought (machinic and human) as another unknown known we can learn.

3 1 3 (3500) [-6+]mCQK kittler-optical_media (192) 20131103j 0 -20+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_kittler-optical_media.html
Electronic control by Braun tube leading to triode, artificial of Greek of technology. "Braunƒs tube was not crucial for film and radio technology, however, but rather another tube variant: the so-called triode. . . . Two inputs were needed along with a general ground return, and it was therefore called a triode or three-way in the artificial Greek of technology. . . control. . . . Thus, the electron tube first decoupled the concept of power from that of physical effort. . . . negative feedback can be generated by leading the output signal, which for physical reasons is always delayed for fractions of a microsecond, back to the control circuit. . . . In other words, it becomes a high-frequency transmitter, which must then only be couple with a low-frequency amplifying tube in order to send radio or television signals." (192) Consider thyristor.

3 1 3 (3600) [-6+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (244) 20121126 0 -6+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Diagrams of Z80 microprocessor circuit and standard CPU accompany brief description of stored program electronic computer, which now captures every possible medium, fulfillment of determinism of Laplacian universe in finite-state machines. " that inaugurate post postmodern subjectivity. (244) And since, from the microprocessor to large processing networks, everything is nothing but a modular vice, the three basic functions of storage/transferring/processing are replicated on internal levels no longer accessible to programmers. For its part, the CPU includes (1) an arithmetic logic unit (ALU), (2) several RAMs or registers to store variables and a ROM to store microprograms, and (3) internal busses to transfer data, addresses, and control commands to the systemƒs busses.
(244) Thatƒs all. But with sufficient integration and repetition, the modular system [of the microprocessor] is capable of processing, that is, converting into any possible medium, each individual time particle of the data received from any environment.
(245) The hypothetical determinism of a Laplacian universe, with its humanist loopholes (1795), was replaced by the factual predictability of finite-state machines.
(247) Every microprocessor implements through software what was once the dream of the cabala; namely, that through their encipherment and the manipulation of numbers, letters could yield results or illuminations that no reader could have found." (fortuitous deformations) Also promises illuminations beyond human manipulation

3 1 3 (3700) [-7+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (xl-xli) 20131001b 0 -7+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
A profound and sobering statement about our inability to get to the bottom of understanding media; we are left with machine embodiment engineer perspective probing the unconscious of technology. (xl-xli) We can provide the technological and historical data upon which fictional media texts, too, are based. Only then will the old and the new, books and their technological successors, arrive as the information they are. Understanding media despite McLuhanƒs title remains an impossibility precisely because the dominant information technologies of the day control all understanding and its illusion. . . .
What counts are not the messages or the content with which they equip so-called souls for the duration of a technological era, but rather (and in strict accordance with McLuhan) their circuits, the very schematism of perceptibility.

3 1 3 (3800) [-4+]mCQK kittler-draculas_legacy (52) 20131001d 0 -6+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_kittler-draculas_legacy.html
Electronic communications metaphor; later he mentions studies in alternating current.

3 1 3 (3900) [-6+]mCQK kittler-draculas_legacy (52-53) 20131001f 0 -11+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_kittler-draculas_legacy.html
Machine processable "media allow stupidity, including questioning ridiculously, to last indefinitely until maybe the time it is remediated as profound, linking to Sterne. (52-53) In this manner, two parallel-switched feedback loops the word of the daughter and the transcription of the daughterƒs husband create a discourse that never stops inscribing itself: Lacanƒs definition of necessity. His books, whether they are called Seminar or Television or Radiophonie, are all works of art in the age of technical reproduction. For the first time since man thought, stupidity is allowed to go on indefinitely. . . . In both cases the master thanks completely thoughtless recorders that his teachings are not insanity, or, in other words, not self-analysis. . . . From now on you are, and to a far greater extent than you can imagine, subjects of gadgets or instruments from microscopes to radio and television which will become elements of your being." (now including computable)

3 1 3 (4000) [-7+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (258) 20131002s 0 -2+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Critical importance of conditional jump instruction for formation of computers as subjects. (258) A simple feedback loop and information machines bypass humans, their so-called inventors.
Computers themselves become subjects.

3 1 3 (4100) [-7+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (2) 20131001j 0 -4+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
His statement implies computers are not conscious, capable of manufacturing believable content for humans: it is only data like any other data. (2) Our media systems merely distribute the words, noises, and images people can transmit and receive. But
they do not compute these data. They do not produce an output that, under computer control, transforms any algorithm into any interface effect, to the point where people take leave of their senses. At this point, the only thing being computed is the transmission quality of storage media, which appear in the media links as the content of the media.

3 1 3 (4200) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (286) 20130930n 0 -2+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
End of one view of humanism is where I am saying it starts. "But the posthuman does not really mean the end of humanity. It signals instead the end of a certain conception of the human, a conception that may have applied, at best, to that fraction of humanity who had the wealth, power, and leisure to conceptualize themselves as autonomous beings exercising their will through individual agency and choice." (286) For Hayles it is marked by transition from presence/absence to pattern/randomness as primary themes.

3 1 3 (4300) [-7+]mCQK ulmer-applied_grammatology (36) 20131014n 0 -1+ progress/2009/02/notes_for_ulmer-applied_grammatology.html
Writing with video directed by new epistemology and set of philosophemes whose metaphors derived from chemical senses. (36) Writing with video (or in any medium in the video age) will be directed (in applied grammatology, at least) by a new epistemology and a new set of
philosophemes whose metaphors are derived from the chemical senses.

3 1 3 (4400) [-7+]mCQK ogorman-ecrit (114) 20131007t 0 -3+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_ogorman-ecrit.html
Not surprising at all that avant-garde techniques have been used in consumer-oriented human-machine interface design: OGorman strategy is to reincorporate the philosophies behind avant-garde aesthetics into the new mode of material critique through imitation (writing-with); be sure to consider this in the context of Drucker and McVarish. (114) As Lev Manovich has suggested, ƒOne general effect of the digital revolution is that avant-garde aesthetic strategies came to be embedded in the commands and interface metaphors of computer software. In short,
the avant-garde became materialized in a computerƒ (2000: 306-7). Rather than turn the political and intellectual dynamics of poststructuralism or the avant-garde into a selection of menu items in a design program, E-Crit is an attempt to remotivate those dynamic strategies, and recouple them with their (now digitized) aesthetic strategies.

3 1 3 (4500) [-7+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (137) 20120915 0 -6+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
All media are marking systems revealed to be ordered ambivalence, leading to OHCO thesis. (137) As we have seen over and over again, complex problems emerge when you try to think about digital media through our inherited codex paradigms or vice versa. The collision of these two marking systems . . . shifted into useful focus when Drucker and I undertook a simple experiment with an OCR scanner. The point of the experiment was to use computer hardware to demonstrate what our thought experiments kept suggesting to us: that the rationale of a textualized document is an
ordered ambivalence and that this ambivalence can be seen functioning at the documentƒs fundamental graphic levels.

3 1 3 (4600) [-6+]mCQK murray-hamlet_on_the_holodeck (213) 20120824 0 -5+ progress/2008/11/notes_for_murray-hamlet_on_the_holodeck.html
Compare and contrast cyberbard, cybersage, evacuated individuality argued by Kittler. "None of these formats puts the processing power of the computer directly into the hands of the writer. . . . It seems to me quite possible that a future digital Homer will arise who combines literary ambition, a connection with a wide audience, and computational expertise." (213)

3 1 3 (5200) [-6+]mCQK hayles-writing_machines (63) 20131101c 0 -2+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_hayles-writing_machines.html
New connections between screen and eye, cursor and hand, computer code and natural language. "The shift in materiality that
Lexia to Perplexia instantiates creates new connections between screen and eye, cursor and hand, computer coding and natural language, space in front of the screen and behind it. Scary and exhilarating, these connections perform human subjects who cannot be thought without the intelligent machines that produce us even as we produce them." (63) Production of human subject dependent upon intelligent machines.

3 1 3 (5300) [-6+]mCQK wardripfruin_and_montfort-new_media_reader (21) 20131019g 0 -2+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_wardripfruin_and_montfort-new_media_reader.html
Manovich. "Finally, thinking about new media as speeding up of algorithms which previously were executed by hand foregrounds the use of computers for fast algorithm execution, but ignores two other essential uses: real-time network communication and real-time control.
(21) real-time networking and control seem to constitute qualitatively new phenomena." (21) Real time communication and control are not ignored but of primary importance when coming from process control systems, the type of industrial computing Manovich shuns early on in Software Takes Command.

3 1 3 (5400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150626 20150626 0 -3+ journal_2015.html
Considering additional cuts to finish up by end of September. Media studies could lead directly into software studies. The value of including philosophy of technology, SCOT, histories of computing, and psychosocial studies is to enhance perspective of software studies for contested narratives and autoethnographic approaches.

3 1 3 (5500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150702 20150702 0 -7+ journal_2015.html
Contemplating change in headings and subheadings because some of the implied relationships of subordination and dependency do not make sense. Under theoretical framework: critical theory, textuality studies, media studies, SCOT trying not to use non alphanumeric characters collapsing examples, histories, and psycho-social studies. Under methodology, which is applied theory: software studies or move SCOT from previous, collapsing game studies, code studies, collapsing code space and critical code studies, procedural rhetorics of diachrony in synchrony, collapsing platform studies, technogenesis, synaptogenesis, cyborg revisited. Then chapter four as critical programming. Later think about importance of Kittler that he made engineering knowledge critical to humanities processing as it touches machine experience PHI. The point is that Kittler insisted philosophers program, and C++ overdetermines TEI PHI the rest of the story submerges agreeing with Kittler into code. What if my Socratic flaw is to draw all into programming implying rank ordering layering of languages, operating environments, and electronic circuits phenomena PHI because that uses foss along with state processing and code, as in working code you could read know use write fix bugs, and so on PHI.

3 1 3 (5600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140702 20140702a 2 -1+ journal_2014.html
I am including C++ programs as places to philosophize, requiring sophisticated programming operations to carry their arguments through exercise of procedural rhetorics at programming and everyday use levels as diachrony in synchrony expanded out time representations understandable to only machines, both machines and human, then into traditional humanities.

3 1 3 (5700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150707 20150707 0 -2+ journal_2015.html
Kittler had trouble explaining difference between electricity and electronics whereas as literary theorist known to use discourse networks to subsume individual authors as a way of thinking post-postmodern network dividual cyborg, he speaks excellently as a philosopher of programming, computing, and of course technology, unless Kittler along with Heidegger and Nietzsche must be deprecated as Nazi influenced, or Bill Gates Microsoft influenced, now Apple totalitarian evil power influenced, and goes way beyond Zizek, except that puts all machine technology at risk as equally complicit as collective intelligence PHI. Ask about your early programs evokes milieu PHI as does considering early experiences with computers as programmers now extended into early haptic and visual use prior to symbolic manipulation of writing, incorporation, marking, and so on dynamic living in real virtualities PHI through playback and ensoniment, the latter via symposia among other foss technologies.

3 1 3 (5800) [-4+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (93) 20131002a 0 -1+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Kittler definition of media as culture techniques allowing selection, storage and production of data and signals.

3 1 3 (5900) [-6+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (94) 20121126 1 -11+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Default media epochs alphabet, press, computer map onto orality, literacy, electronic " getting to the core: analog versus technological media, autoproduction versus symbolic reminiscent of external marks of Phaedrus, Lacanian real versus symbolic, but technological media still have contours (Manovich, Sterne). (94) Our traditional conception of media is based on the stereotype which appears to be almost a belief that media history is made up of three marked phrases: the invention and dissemination (1) of the alphabet; (2) of the printing press; and, finally (3) of the computer. . . . Analog media and optical-technological media in particular (Kittler, 2002) mark the beginning of a development that ends with digitization and the computer. In the age of handwriting and the printing press, all forms of writing are bound up in a symbolic universe which in its most basic variant is that of everyday speech to select, store, and produce the physical realities themselves. Here, Kittler adopts the term ƒrealƒ from Jacques Lacanƒs distinction between the symbolic and the real. . . . Technological media allow one to select, store, and produce precisely the things that could not squeeze through the bottleneck of syntactical regimentation in that they are unique, contingent, and chaotic." (still do not like this selection)

3 1 3 (6000) [-6+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (94) 20150628 11 -1+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Technological media can capture unique, contingent, chaotic phenomena beyond syntactical regimentation of symbolic media. " Technological media allow one to select, store, and produce precisely the things that could not squeeze through the bottleneck of syntactical regimentation in that they are unique, contingent, and chaotic." (94)

3 1 3 (6100) [-6+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (94) 20150628a 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Media analysis orthogonal to sensibility. "This is precisely the point where the media-historical and hermeneutic-critical aspects of Kittlerƒs thought come together: his concept of media continually attempts to speak about the realm of literary studies in a way that avoids using distinctions such as ƒunderstandingƒ, ƒinterpretationƒ, ƒmeaningƒ, ƒreferentƒ, or ƒrepresentationƒ, terms that are integral to the vocabulary of literary studies. . . . Kittler is thus concerned not with a media analysis that is diametrically opposed to meaning, but rather with a practice of writing about media in which concepts such as sense and sensibility are no longer relevant." (94)

3 1 3 (6200) [-6+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (96) 20120802 0 -11+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Compare to Thomson interpretation of Heidegger, where for Kittler the founding philosopher is Lacan. "Indeed, the explanation of the technological as a modality of time management is precisely the ƒmain pointƒ. . . . In media technology, time itself becomes one of several variables that can be manipulated. In the age of writing and of the book, symbolic time, by being fixed in space with linear syntactical structures, becomes repeatable and, to some extent, also moveable. What is unique about the technological era (from the gramophone to the computer) is that the technologies allow one to store ƒreal timeƒ . . . to process ƒreal timeƒ as a temporal event. Data processing becomes the process by which temporal order becomes moveable and reversible in the very experience of space (Kittler, 1997: 130-146)." (96) Media alters experience of flow of time in virtual realities; dynamism of symbolic time of literature towards living writing, extra-symbolic reality recording and reproduction; storing time and the real makes manipulable in unique ways the creations of computer systems, exemplifying surprising, unexpected emergence as Maner argues computing inspires unique ethical questions.

3 1 3 (6300) [-6+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (96) 20150628b 4 -7+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Time management the new feature of technological media. " In media technology, time itself becomes one of several variables that can be manipulated. In the age of writing and of the book, symbolic time, by being fixed in space with linear syntactical structures, becomes repeatable and, to some extent, also moveable. What is unique about the technological era (from the gramophone to the computer) is that the technologies allow one to store ƒreal timeƒ . . . to process ƒreal timeƒ as a temporal event. Data processing becomes the process by which temporal order becomes moveable and reversible in the very experience of space (Kittler, 1997: 130-146)." (96)

3 1 3 (6400) [-6+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (97) 20131002f 0 -7+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Foucault archive limits. "this is the system that magnetizes the influences of the eras, which Foucault terms the ƒarchiveƒ, and which epitomizes the systems of expression that can be documented.
(97) As soon as the monopoly is broken that writing and the book hold on processes of storing and processing, and as soon as other types of discourse networks emerge with technological, analog media, then an archeology of present forms of knowledge can no longer be practiced by discourse analysis but must rather be taken over by technological media analysis. . . . His historical approach transforms discourse analysis into the reflex and symptom of a specific and since ended media epoch. With this move, Kittler takes up technological media as the focal point around which everything is arranged that can even be registered as an analyzable fact after Foucault." (97) Dare cross through Derrida?

3 1 3 (6500) [-4+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (97) 20131002g 0 -3+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Change in operation of media to performative, autonomous, autopoietic (Hayles): makes more obvious that media are production sites of data overdetermining what may come to presence, a presence traces of symptoms of which can be detected in discourse systems, as Kittler masterfully demonstrates.

3 1 3 (6600) [-4+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (99) 20131002h 0 -2+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Time axis manipulation has its origin in going beyond logical time implied by symbolic to techniques of representing temporal relations spatially in data structures.

3 1 3 (6700) [-6+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (99) 20131002i 1 -7+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Affects of time of storage retrieval learned from studying machine operations, whereas not captured in print reading practices, cannot be firmly grounded without excluding oral language and unrecorded voice. " The first peculiarity is his consequent exclusion of oral language and of the (unrecorded) voice as media. . . The only techniques that can be considered data processing are those that use a spatial means to create possibilities of ordering the things differently that are etched into this spatial ordering. This notion carries specific consequences for Kittlerƒs concept of storage. Storing is not merely a means of preserving but is also intrinsically connected to spatial order. Wherever something is stored, a temporal process must be materialized as a spatial structure." (99)

3 1 3 (6800) [-4+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (100-101) 20131002k 0 -8+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Transductions by operations of technological media afford new media effects like reversing temporally sequenced events, which, as others point out, affects pitch among other things impossible to convey by manipulating text: such are possibilities when the real is saved in the age of technical reproduction even before computers.

3 1 3 (6900) [-4+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (101) 20131002l 0 -6+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Fourier method does for real of signals what Greek alphabet did for symbolic of language.

3 1 3 (7000) [-4+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (101-102) 20131002m 0 -14+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Decoding the real with machines releases from discursive subject Hayles feels postmodernism too rigidly adheres.

3 1 3 (7100) [-6+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (102-103) 20131002o 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Media convergence explained. "The binary system provides a universal key that allows one not only to translate each of the numerous formats of image, sound, and textual media reciprocally, but also, and at the same time, to traverse the symbolic-technological boundaries of the epoch of alphabetic writing. . . . The computer connects all of these media, in that it incorporates their input and output into a mathematical procedure of digitalized signal processing with microsecond rhythms (Kittler, 1993a: 187)." (102-103)

3 1 3 (7200) [-6+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (103) 20150628d 0 -1+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Higher frequency ranges where hearing and sight disappear. "While syntax-bound media such as musical notation carry out time axis manipulation in lower frequency ranges, in other words, in realms that are still accessible to acoustic and optical perception (Kittler, 1993b: 191), technological media diverge into the higher frequency ranges, ƒwhere our hearing and sight disappearƒ (Kittler, 1993b: 192)." (103)

3 1 3 (7300) [-6+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (106) 20131002t 0 -4+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Ontology of switchable existences is Kittlers reductive technological ontology. "Does Kittler make the operative truth absolute, that aims to transform ƒtruthƒ into ƒtechnological precisionƒ and that applies exclusively to formal calculable systems (Kramer, 1991)? And does he thereby arrive at a
technological ontology, in which only that which can be switched exists at all?
(106) Every type of phenomenology loses its foundation, Kittlerƒs critique of hermeneutic sense-orientation encompasses phenomenological strategies. Both of these are not only falsified but they also become historically obsolete with the development of technological media." (106) Switched means virtually encoded, unfounding phenomenologies.

3 1 3 (7400) [-6+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (106) 20131002u 0 -36+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Final definition of media relating to time axis manipulation, spatialization of time, equivocating time and space, complementing other theorists. "1.
What are media? Media are practices that use strategies of spatialization to enable one to manipulate the order of things that progress in time.
(106-107) 2.
What is a history of media? . . . The computer is not the first, significant innovation in media-technology, but rather after writing the analog, technological media.
(107) 3.
What is the purpose of media studies? . . . media studies operates beyond the gulf between the natural and social sciences.
(107) 4.
Are media a priori functioning universals? . . . The machine substitutes man as the referent of communication; corporality disappears, and with it, each and every trace with which the body is involved. This teleology is not a specific aim of someone, nor is it a result of human intention, but can rather be ascribed to the self-dynamic of escalating inter-reference between technological media.
(107) 5.
Does this concept of media imply an ontology? . . . A piece of data thereby becomes the smallest unit that underlies the realm of the symbolic as well as of the real and in which everything that belongs to our world can be dissected.
(108) 6.
A form of digitalized existentialism? The culminating points within the tradition of literary studies . . . are transformed into the absurd with the binary code that cannot be expressed by humans, and with modern data processing as a textile that cannot be read by human eyes. This ƒabsurdityƒ can be understood in the sense of Kierkegaard as a paradox of the historical, which stands in start opposition to human logic and sensibility, or in the sense of Camus, who counter-intuitively lets the world remain mute to human questions. Does a type of ƒdigitalized existentialismƒ speak out from Kittlerƒs texts?" (106) Analog as first important technological media; working beyond gulf of natural and social sciences; beyond human teleology and embodiment; switched, data unit ontology; digitalized existentialism.

3 1 3 (7500) [-4+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (106) 20150628e 0 -1+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Time becomes universal form of technological accessibility.

--3.1.4+++ social construction of technology

3 1 4 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150716 20150716 0 -5+ journal_2015.html
The place for Black in SCOT is to adjust assumptions about the neutrality of technological apparatus. It seems baked into Stallmanƒs freedom zero that code must be free to be executed for any reason in any context. Obviously pressing keys on this laptop does not implicate me in the holocaust with punch card operators in concentration camps, and this is in fact the wrong association, as made explicit by the desginer fallacy. The system architects and integrators, not the end users, are implicated, and this is where that suppressed IBM publication could provoke a witch hunt for a second order class of war criminals. Callon moved from psycho-social studies to SCOT, where the point must be made that engineers rather than sociologists ought to be queried, which in turn suggests data sources buried in code revisions, only distinguishable by programming philosophers.

3 1 4 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140313 20140313c 6 -3+ journal_2014.html
Electric media as an extension of the central nervous system alters the human subjectivity built from long acculturation to oral and literate cultural practices. The involvement of large organizations deliberately planning, designing, manufacturing, regulating, marketing, and training the masses of humanity in the use of new media differentiates them from prior forms that emerged less formally: at least this is the typical conception of the technological media. It is natural, therefore, to turn next to a closer examination of technology, so as to eventually critically investigate the constellations of particular computing technologies that constitute the current milieu in which the human situation seems to be regressing.

3 1 4 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150711 20150711 0 -5+ journal_2015.html
The segue into SCOT may be that theories proposed by individuals like Kittler perform a sweeping philosophical evaluation of selected historical data to support it, whereas the cultural studies approach to media studies Johnson presents invites extensive research by many individuals prior to reaching conclusions. Kittler is following the tradition of Hegel, Lacan, Foucault, and others who appear to be presenting a large quantity of disparate observations to arrive at a position, where they instead have arrived at a philosophical position and are presenting evidence after the fact. At the extreme may be Latour, especially Aramis, and embedded autoethnographers who participate in the field as they build their analysis, although the collective aspect must be emphasized as well in place of the lone genius. This stance prepares for the study of philosophical programmers, and critical programming engaging in all parts of the SDLC that I could spend the rest of my life leading. Filch from the unused philosophy of technology section to set the stage.

3 1 4 (400) [-6+]mCQK ihde-philosophy_of_technology (14) 20121019 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_ihde-philosophy_of_technology.html
Philosophy of technology a latecomer in American philosophy, but we come first preposition operator PHI philosophy of computing. "Interestingly, in Europe this included at least one foray into
Tecknikphilosophie, a book by the neo-Hegelian, Ernst Kapp, in 1877! Yet, it was to be nearly 100 years later that philosophy of technology became a recognizable characterization within philosophy in North America." (14)

3 1 4 (500) [-4+]mCQK ihde-philosophy_of_technology (29) 20130929q 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_ihde-philosophy_of_technology.html
Traditional philosophy favors Descartes over Bacon, for which Ihde argues in consequence the instrumental and technical sides of scientific practice overlooked; they are overlooked in favor of the logic, and ignorant of material modes of production shaped by technologies, and finally role of cultural and social knowledge in forming (informing) technologies; saved by praxis philosophers like Marx, leading to Kuhn and modern history and philosophy of science and technology studies.

3 1 4 (600) [-5+]mCQK ihde-philosophy_of_technology (16) 20130929l 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_ihde-philosophy_of_technology.html
Philosophy and humanities missed a chance to evolve synergetically with science during Industrial Revolution, leading to crisis in philosophy from which emerged problem-centered, particular problems focus which forms focus of projects to Boltanski and Chiapello. (16) This apparent success of the children of philosophy the sciences compared to the apparent dead end of proliferating and conflicting metaphysical systems brought about what many early twentieth-century philosophers called a
crisis for philosophy. . . [for] Pragmatism, Positivism, and Phenomenology.
(17) Descending from the heights of metaphysics, philosophy in the form of the three Pƒs became engaged in
problem-centered, particular problems.

3 1 4 (700) [-4+]mCQK ihde-philosophy_of_technology (46) 20130929v 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_ihde-philosophy_of_technology.html
Anglo-American analytic philosophy of science tradition unconcerned with technology, but phenomenological, pragmatist, and political traditions foreground technology.

3 1 4 (800) [-6+]mCQK ihde-philosophy_of_technology (116) 20130930h 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_ihde-philosophy_of_technology.html
Is the designer fallacy a shortcoming of hermeneutic phenomenology when it comes to understanding ensembles " (116) Nor can one philosophically be restricted to some simple set of objective classifications of technologies as to type. This is particularly the case with respect to what I have sometimes called the
designer fallacy. Only sometimes are technologies actually used (only) for the purposes and the specified ways for which they were designed.
(117) To control technologies, particularly in the ensemble, is much more like controlling a political system or a culture then controlling a simple instrument or tool, again, particularly in a contemporary high technology setting." (networks)

3 1 4 (900) [-7+]mCQK bijker_hughes_pinch-social_construction_of_technological_systems (5) 20130901b 0 -1+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_bijker_hughes_pinch-social_construction_of_technological_systems.html
Thick description looking into black box of technology. (5) A characteristic that all these approaches share is the emphasis on
thick description, that is, looking into what has been seen as the black box of technology (and, for that matter, the black box of society).

3 1 4 (1000) [-7+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (33) 20130821g 0 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Pinch and Bijker social construction of technology approach. (33) Trevor
Pinch and Wiebe Bijkerƒs research program in the social construction of technology signals the power of an analysis of technology guided first and foremost by its role in social groups.
(34) As Pinch and Bijker themselves have noted, few studies have managed fully to engage the relationship between the meanings of scientific facts or technological artifacts and their sociopolitical milieu.

3 1 4 (1100) [-7+]mCQK feenberg-democratic_rationalization (656) 20120315g 0 -1+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_feenberg-democratic_rationalization.html
Social meaning and cultural horizon are hermeneutic dimensions of technical objects. (656) Technical objects have two hermeneutic dimensions that I call their
social meaning and their cultural horizon.

3 1 4 (1200) [-6+]mCQK feenberg-questioning_technology (196) 20131029h 0 -4+ progress/2009/11/notes_for_feenberg-questioning_technology.html
Devices are things too, not just Heidegger chalice. "Devices, Heidegger complains, race toward our goals and lack the integrity of his favorite jug or chalice. But by what rights does he make this summary judgment on the very thing that surround him?
Devices are things too. Modern and technological though they may be, they too focus gathering practices that bring people together with each and with earth and sky, joining them in a world." (196)

3 1 4 (1300) [-7+]mCQK johnson-what_is_cultural_studies_anyway (46-47) 20131103e 0 -18+ progress/2010/11/notes_for_johnson-what_is_cultural_studies_anyway.html
Diagram models circuit of production, circulation, consumption of cultural products. (46-47) I find it easiest (in a long CCCS tradition) to present a model diagrammatically (see below). The diagram is intended to represent
a circuit of the production, circulation and consumption of cultural products. . . . if we are placed at one point in the circuit, we do not necessarily see what is happening at others. . . . Processes disappear in results. . . . the conditions of their production cannot be inferred by scrutinizing them as texts. . . . we cannot predict these uses from our own analysis.

3 1 4 (1400) [-6+]mCQK du_gay-doing_cultural_studies (23) 20131028a 0 -4+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_du_gay-doing_cultural_studies.html
Media technologies have practices associated with them, producing little cultures around them. "Today, the production and consumption on a global scale of ƒcultural goodsƒ represents one of the most important economic activities. In addition, each of these new media technologies has a particular set of practices associated with it a way of using them, a set of knowledges, or ƒknow-howƒ, what is sometimes called a social technology. Each new technology, in other words, both sustains culture and produces or reproduces cultures. Each spawns, in turn, a little ƒcultureƒ of its own." (23)

3 1 4 (1500) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (15) 20130821e 0 -1+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Techniques, technologies, practices, fictions, and languages formed closed world discourse. " Closed-world discourse thus names a language, a worldview, and a set of practices characterized in a general way by the following features and elements." (15)

3 1 4 (1600) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (1-2) 20130821a 0 -12+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Cyborg discourse obvious tie to Golumbia. "Both the engineering and the politics of closed world discourse centered around problems of
human-machine integration. . . . As symbol-manipulating logic machines, computers would automate or assist tasks of perception, reasoning, and control in integrated systems. Such goals, first accomplished in World War II-era anti-aircraft weapons, helped form both cybernetics, the grand theory of information and control in biological and mechanical systems, and artificial intelligence (AI), software that simulated complex symbolic thought. At the same time, computers inspired new psychological theories built around concepts of information processing. . . . Cyborg discourse, by constructing both human minds and artificial intelligence as information machines, helped to integrate people into complex technological systems.
(2) They cyborg figure defined not only a practical problem and a psychological theory but a set of
subject positions." (1-2)

3 1 4 (1700) [-4+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (2-3) 20130821b 1 -13+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Three theses, three scenes: Operation Igloo White, Turing machines, the Terminator.

3 1 4 (1800) [-4+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (12-13) 20130821c 0 -13+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Literary criticism origin of closed world and green world.

3 1 4 (1900) [-4+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (38) 20130821h 0 -11+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Foucault support as object studied and invented by surrounding discourse applied to computers.

3 1 4 (2000) [-4+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (184 footnote 33 20130830c 0 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Serres effect of heterogenous list.

3 1 4 (2100) [-4+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (196) 20130830d 0 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Compare to discussion of contested narratives by Hayles, who emphasizes rejected recommendations by Kubie and others.

3 1 4 (2200) [-4+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (220) 20130830e 0 -4+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Psychological laboratory as Latour obligatory passage point.

3 1 4 (2300) [-4+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (153-154) 20130829d 0 -8+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Lakoff and Johnson master tropes.

3 1 4 (2400) [-7+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (3) 20131003a 0 -3+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Compare Latour hybrid, half engineers and half philosophers, to Hayles cyborg, Heim cybersage, my paragenius. (3) Hybrids ourselves, installed lopsidedly with scientific institutions,
half engineers and half philosophers, ƒtiers instruitsƒ (Serres, 1991) without having sought the role, we have chosen to follow the imbroglios wherever they take us.
(4) Yet this research does not deal with nature or knowledge, with things-in-themselves, but with the way all these things are tied to our collectives and to subjects. We are talking not about instrumental thought but about the very substance of our societies.

3 1 4 (2500) [-4+]mCQK bijker_hughes_pinch-social_construction_of_technological_systems (3) 20130901 0 -2+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_bijker_hughes_pinch-social_construction_of_technological_systems.html
Seamless web of society and technology.

3 1 4 (2600) [-6+]mCQK bijker_hughes_pinch-social_construction_of_technological_systems (4-5) 20130901a 2 -5+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_bijker_hughes_pinch-social_construction_of_technological_systems.html
Three approaches of social constructivism, systems metaphor, actor networks. " Key concepts within this approach are interpretative flexibility, closure, and relevant social groups. . . . The second approach, stemming largely from the work of the historians of technology Thomas Hughes, treats technology in terms of a
systems metaphor." (4-5)

3 1 4 (2700) [-6+]mCQK bijker_hughes_pinch-social_construction_of_technological_systems (18) 20130905a 0 -3+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_bijker_hughes_pinch-social_construction_of_technological_systems.html
Parallel shift in subject of analysis of programmers and managers from norms, career patterns everyday practice " (18) We are concerned here with only the recent emergence of the sociology of scientific
knowledge. Studies in this area take the actual content of scientific ideas, theories, and experiments as the subject of analysis. This contrasts with earlier work in the sociology of science, which was concerned with science as an institution and the study of scientistsƒ norms, career patterns, and reward structures." (Rosenberg, Mackenzie)

3 1 4 (2800) [-6+]mCQK bijker_hughes_pinch-social_construction_of_technological_systems (22-24) 20130905 4 -5+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_bijker_hughes_pinch-social_construction_of_technological_systems.html
Compare to Manovich on why there are no studies of cultural software, implying asymmetry between state of the art and prior versions in addition to commercial failures. " Historians of technology often seem content to rely on the manifest success of the artifact as evidence that there is no further explanatory work to be done [for example, Bakelite plastic]. . . . However, a more detailed study of the development of plastic and varnish chemistry, following the publication of the Bakelite process in 1909 (Baekland 1909c,d), shows that Bakelite was at first hardly recognized as the marvelous synthetic resin that it later proved to be." (22-24)

3 1 4 (2900) [-4+]mCQK bijker_hughes_pinch-social_construction_of_technological_systems (28) 20131025 0 -7+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_bijker_hughes_pinch-social_construction_of_technological_systems.html
Multidirectional model by studying development process as alternation of variation and selection; bicycle study reveals linear development a retrospective distortion.

3 1 4 (3000) [-4+]mCQK bijker_hughes_pinch-social_construction_of_technological_systems (40) 20131025a 0 -2+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_bijker_hughes_pinch-social_construction_of_technological_systems.html
Interpretative flexibility in design as well as reception and use.

3 1 4 (3100) [-4+]mCQK bijker_hughes_pinch-social_construction_of_technological_systems (44) 20130905b 0 -2+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_bijker_hughes_pinch-social_construction_of_technological_systems.html
Example of advertised computer security solutions like virus scanners and firewalls to insecure operating environments as rhetorical closure.

3 1 4 (3200) [-4+]mCQK bowker_and_star-sorting_things_out (5-6) 20130912a 0 -6+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_bowker_and_star-sorting_things_out.html
Moral and ethical agenda in querying classifcatory systems; Heim and Feenberg discuss gains and losses.

3 1 4 (3300) [-4+]mCQK bowker_and_star-sorting_things_out (9-10) 20130912 0 -9+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_bowker_and_star-sorting_things_out.html
Baudrillard ignores details of constructing simulations to which Manovich seems attentive.

3 1 4 (3400) [-4+]mCQK bowker_and_star-sorting_things_out (32) 20120906 0 -2+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_bowker_and_star-sorting_things_out.html
Interesting appeal to the hypertextual world as a place where hybrid approaches are deployed for analysis.

3 1 4 (3500) [-6+]mCQK brown_duguid-social_life_of_information (77) 20130912j 0 -6+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_brown_duguid-social_life_of_information.html
Office life reveals combination of technological frailty and social resourcefulness. "Most systems, amalgams of software and hardware from different vendors, rely on social amalgams of this sort keep everything running. . . . In this way,
the facts of office life reveal a combination of technological frailty and social resourcefulness. Infoenthusiasts, however, tend to think of these the other way around, missing the role of the social fabric and assuming that individuals in isolation can do it all." (77) A different explanation of why telecommuting has not supplanted the traditional office setting than Castells.

3 1 4 (3600) [-4+]mCQK brown_duguid-social_life_of_information (85) 20130912k 0 -2+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_brown_duguid-social_life_of_information.html
Classic designer view versus user-centric, task-oriented bases argument for failure of technology driven designs and productivity paradox.

3 1 4 (3700) [-4+]mCQK brown_duguid-social_life_of_information (93) 20130912l 0 -3+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_brown_duguid-social_life_of_information.html
Importance of knowledge in organizations, which no doubt has social characteristics, must be considered with process reengineering.

3 1 4 (3800) [-4+]mCQK brown_duguid-social_life_of_information (98) 20130912m 0 -5+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_brown_duguid-social_life_of_information.html
Local workplace cultures, chatting, discouraged by process reengineers because they do not see the value of their linkages.

3 1 4 (3900) [-6+]mCQK brown_duguid-social_life_of_information (110) 20130912n 0 -2+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_brown_duguid-social_life_of_information.html
Innovations often hidden due to processes and forms. "So, by subordinating practice to process, an organization paradoxically encourages its employees to mislead it. Valuing and analyzing their improvisations, by contrast, can be highly informative." (110) Much can be learned from improvisations.

3 1 4 (4000) [-4+]mCQK brown_duguid-social_life_of_information (122) 20130912o 0 -1+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_brown_duguid-social_life_of_information.html
Loss of collective memory from downsizing because organizational knowledge more in people than databases.

3 1 4 (4100) [-4+]mCQK brown_duguid-social_life_of_information (126) 20120924 0 -3+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_brown_duguid-social_life_of_information.html
Gee also emphasizes community of practice for situated learning.

3 1 4 (4200) [-4+]mCQK brown_duguid-social_life_of_information (134) 20130912p 0 -6+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_brown_duguid-social_life_of_information.html
Polanyi explicit and tacit dimensions reinforce need for practice within community of practitioners to produce actionable knowledge in people.

3 1 4 (4300) [-4+]mCQK brown_duguid-social_life_of_information (143) 20130912q 0 -6+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_brown_duguid-social_life_of_information.html
Division into broad networks of practice and close communities of practice detail does not seem present in Castells network concept; check Spinuzzi.

3 1 4 (4400) [-6+]mCQK callon-society_in_the_making (83) 20140412 0 -11+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_callon-society_in_the_making.html
Turn study of technology into sociological tool by examining hypotheses and arguments made by engineer-sociologists. "Social scientists, whether they are historians, sociologists, or economists, have long attempted to explain the scope, effects, and conditions of the development of technology. . . . But at no point have they judged that the study of technology itself can be transformed into a sociological tool of analysis. The thesis to be developed here proposes that this sort of reversal of perspective is both possible and desirable. . . . To bring this reversal about, I show that engineers who elaborate a new technology as well as all those who participate at one time or another in its design, development, and diffusion constantly construct hypotheses and forms of argument that pull these participants into the field of sociological analysis. Whether they want to or not, they are transformed into sociologists, or what I call engineer-sociologists." (83) I suggest studying philosophical programmers.

3 1 4 (4500) [-4+]mCQK callon-society_in_the_making (83-84) 20140412a 0 -5+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_callon-society_in_the_making.html
Challenge ability to distinguish the distinctly technical from economic, cultural and commercial logics affecting technological change.

3 1 4 (4600) [-6+]mCQK gates-road_ahead (xii) 20140418b 0 -7+ progress/2014/04/notes_for_gates-road_ahead.html
Social construction of technology acknowledged by one of its primary architects affirms Callon. "The revolution in communications is just beginning. It will take place over several decades, and will be driven by new applications --new tools, often meeting currently unforeseen needs. During the next few years, major decisions will have to be made by governments, companies, and individuals. These decisions will have an impact on the way the highway will roll out and how much benefit those deciding will realize. It is crucial that a broad set of people not just technologists or those who happen to be in the computer industry participate in the debate about how this technology should be shaped. If that can be done, the highway will serve the purposes users want. Then it will gain broad acceptance and become a reality." (xii)

3 1 4 (4700) [-6+]mCQK heidegger-science_and_reflection (179) 20121122 0 -6+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_heidegger-science_and_reflection.html
Is this a criticism of science studies? "The inconspicuous state of affairs conceals itself in the sciences. But it does not lie in them as an apple lies in a basket. Rather we must say: The sciences, for their part, lie in the inconspicuous state of affairs as the river lies in its source.
(177) It remains the case, then, that the sciences are not in a position at any time to represent themselves to themselves, to set themselves before themselves, by means of their theory and through the modes of procedure belonging to theory.
(178) Today we philosophize about the sciences from the most diverse standpoints. Through such philosophical efforts, we fall in with the self-exhibiting that is everywhere being attempted by the sciences themselves in the form of synthetic resumes and through the recounting of the history of science." (179)

3 1 4 (4800) [-6+]mCQK heim-metaphysics_of_virtual_reality (142) 20130908 0 -2+ progress/1998/05/notes_for_heim-metaphysics_of_virtual_reality.html
Acknowledging self criticality of VR points to special reflexive version of social construction of technology approach. "The West Coast wants VR to serve as a machine-driven LSD that brings about a revolution in consciousness; the East Coast wants a new tool for supporting current projects and solving given problems.
(143) VR is the first technology to be born socially self-critical." (142)

3 1 4 (4900) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (11-12) 20140725k 0 -7+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Focus on novelty bolsters impression that technologies developed in isolation and introduced to the market fully formed, though the social context is paramount, and a long history of missteps and chance happenings often shape it as SCOT theorists insist.

3 1 4 (5000) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (11-12) 20140729a 0 -7+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Contrast STS and SCOT model to decontextualized analysis epitomized by critique of writing in Phaedrus.

3 1 4 (5100) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (13) 20140803 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Two claims of technological determinism are that it develops independently of society but then determines character of society once adopted.

3 1 4 (5200) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (13) 20140727d 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Science and technology studies corrects three mistakes made when thinking about technology, rejecting determinism, material object, neutrality with coshaping, sociotechnical systems, value infused.

3 1 4 (5300) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (13) 20140803a 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
STS reveals social factors influencing development in addition to natural constraints: government agency decisions, social incidents, market forces, legal environment, cultural sensibilities.

3 1 4 (5400) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (14) 20140727f 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Social factors affect design, use and meaning, making a position of cocreation more appropriate than determinism; compare to Hayles intertwining technogenesis and synaptogenesis.

3 1 4 (5500) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (15) 20140727g 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Artifacts only have meaning when embedded in social practices, thus technology is a social product involving network of communities and activities, Hughes sociotechnical systems; compare to analysis of ensoniment by Sterne.

3 1 4 (5600) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (17) 20140727h 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
Same STS/SCOT idea that extends technology beyond artifacts gives matter to code.

3 1 4 (5700) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (18) 20140727k 0 -18+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
STS recommendations found sociotechnical computer ethics, using story of Facebook to exemplify each point: its situated development by Zuckerberg, coconstitution of human and nonhuman components, and embedded values of various stakeholders.

3 1 4 (5800) [-4+]mCQK johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition (19) 20140727l 0 -11+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_johnson-computer_ethics_fourth_edition.html
STS perspective gives richer and more accurate understanding of situations in which moral questions arise or may be discovered as unknown knowns; Johnson returns to scenario of whether to insert RFID chip in elderly parent to illustrate unavoidability of having to take into account more factors to make better decisions.

3 1 4 (5900) [-4+]mCQK kuhn-structure_of_scientific_revolutions (58) 20120825 0 0+ progress/1993/11/notes_for_kuhn-structure_of_scientific_revolutions.html
Latour will call these hybrids and argue that they result from trying to adhere to the so-called modernist principles; the facts, the deferral of explanation defying accepted theories multiply with even more hybrids and anomalies receiving special explanations, like programming hacks, reveal that we have never been modern.

3 1 4 (6000) [-4+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (4) 20131003b 0 -13+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
How does this grouping of collectives affect unit operations?

3 1 4 (6100) [-6+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (5-6) 20131003c 0 -13+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Wilson, Bourdieu and Derrida as representatives of naturalization, socialization and deconstruction. "The critics have developed three distinct approaches to talking about our world: naturalization, socialization and deconstruction. Let us use E.O. Wilson, Pierre Bourdieu, and Jacques Derrida a bit unfairly as emblematic figures of these three tacks. . . . Each of these forms of criticism is powerful in itself but impossible to combine with the other two. . . . We may glorify the sciences, play power games or make fun of the belief in a reality, but we must not mix these three caustic acids.
(6) Is it our fault if the networks are
simultaneously real, like nature, narrated, like discourse, and collective, like society?" (5-6) Crisis of critical stance is lack of tolma to think all at once.

3 1 4 (6200) [-4+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (15) 20131003g 0 -1+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Anthropological and ethnological methods tackle everything at once; compare his study of Boyle and Hobbes, the air pump, to Hayles of the Macy Conferences neuron model.

3 1 4 (6300) [-4+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (19) 20131003h 0 -3+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Experimental with instruments and implied computation to generate indisputable facts.

3 1 4 (6400) [-6+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (20) 20131003i 0 -1+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Compare instrumental science to making software work, the practice of fabricating objects. "For the first time in science studies, all ideas pertaining to God, the King, Matter, Miracles and Morality are translated, transcribed, and forced to pass through the practice of making an instrument work." (20)

3 1 4 (6500) [-6+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (24) 20120530 0 -7+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Trace development of personal computer from cumbersome to cheap black box for standardization of what Hayles calls the Regime of Computation following Latour lead with air pump. "How does it become as universal as ƒBoyleƒs lawsƒ or ƒNetwonƒs lawsƒ? The answer is that it never become universal not, at least, in the epistemologistsƒ terms! Its network is extended and stabilized. . . . By following the reproduction of each prototype air pump throughout Europe, and the progressive transformation of a piece of costly, not very reliable and quite cumbersome equipment, into a cheap black box that gradually becomes standard equipment in every laboratory, the authors bring the universal application of a law of physics back within a network of standardized practices." (24)

3 1 4 (6600) [-4+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (54-55) 20131104 0 -6+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Quasi-objects between natural and social.

3 1 4 (6700) [-4+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (63) 20131003q 0 -5+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Barthes Empire of Signs is difficult reduction of all phenomena, especially when dealing with science and technology (see Hayles How We Became Posthuman).

3 1 4 (6800) [-6+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (66) 20131003r 0 -5+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Even computational objects are not pure simulacra. "Who has forgotten Being? No one, no one ever has, otherwise Nature would be truly available as a pure ƒstockƒ. Look around you: scientific objects are circulating simultaneously as subjects objects and discourse. Networks are full of Being. As for machines, they are laden with subjects and collectives." (66)

3 1 4 (6900) [-4+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (67) 20131003s 0 -4+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Invocation of Nietzsche, Heidegger, Heraclitus on inability to really forget being.

3 1 4 (7000) [-4+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (70) 20121027 0 -6+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Things have a history is from where Bogost launches unit operations and alien phenomenology, leading to secularized transcendental technological history.

3 1 4 (7100) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (166) 20131007h 0 -1+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Software studies and CCS applies same consideration of social and historical determinations to machine texts and other assemblages. "The truth is that all such works are special because they call attention to a crucial general feature of textuality as such: its
social and historical determinations." (166)

3 1 4 (7200) [-7+]mCQK sterne-audible_past (340-341) 20131018x 0 -7+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_sterne-audible_past.html
Ensoniment is a modern organization of sound; Sterne prefers to highlight human action rather than technological or sensory capabilities, with noted dismissal Kittler, while positing future transformations: how much should speculation be encumbered by historical research, versus trying new things, thinking of Cage, Reddell, virtual acoustic spaces that may involve auditory fields that do not exist anywhere else. (340-341) The story offered in these pages of an Ensoniment, a modern organization of sound promotes a conception of nature (and human nature) as malleable, as something to be shaped and transformed. In positing a break between modern and nonmodern ways of sound and hearing, I am arguing for the possibility of future transformations. . . . By grounding my historical narrative in human action rather than in the inherent capacities of technologies or sense organs, I have argued that we are, ultimately, in control of our destiny, right down to the most basic aspects of human experience.
(341) Possibility is both a conceptual problem and a material issue: a practice or an event must be both thinkable and potentially able to be accomplished.

3 1 4 (7300) [-6+]mCQK sterne-audible_past (198-199) 20131014x 0 -3+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_sterne-audible_past.html
Convenience of telephone, like early phonograph, indexes changing constructs of middle-class self identity from Victorian exclusivity to universal consumerism, which may again have a parallel in transformation via personal computer, cell phone, and smart device use today. "The convenience of the telephone, then, began as something of an affront to the exclusivity of the lines and wound up being a major selling point of the medium. In a way, this perhaps indexes changing constructs of middle-class self-identity from Victorian notions of exclusivity and respectability to the more universal self-sense of the
consumerist middle class.
(199) As with the telephone, early phonograph promoters targeted a relatively exclusive elite." (198-199)

3 1 4 (7400) [-6+]mCQK sterne-audible_past (19) 20131013c 0 -3+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_sterne-audible_past.html
Distinction between listening as cultural practice and hearing. "Perhaps the biggest error of the audiovisual litany lies in its equation of hearing and listening. Listening is a directed, learned activity; it is a definite cultural practice. Listening requires hearing but is not simply reducible to hearing." (19)

3 1 4 (7500) [-6+]mCQK sterne-audible_past (343) 20131019 0 -5+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_sterne-audible_past.html
Against audiovisual litany, embodiment is a key theme, and shaping of sound by its exterior as well as its interior forms. "Sound is always defined by the shifting borders that it shares with that vast world of not-sound phenomena. Sound is not the result of transhistorical interior states of the body or the subject.
(343) Our bodies must be able to transform physical vibrations into perceptible sounds, and we must know how to hear and listen to those sounds. Sound in itself is always shaped by and through its exteriors, even as it acts on and within them. Sound reproduction as we know it depends on a whole set of phenomena that we would not necessarily assume to have anything to do with sound." (343)

3 1 4 (7600) [-6+]mCQK sterne-audible_past (191) 20131014s 0 -2+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_sterne-audible_past.html
Like experimental character of marketing of personal computer technologies as evidenced by gross analysis of magazines from the mid 1980s through early 1990s, the Apple two and early PC era. "Thus, the socially and culturally salient aspects of a new medium the social relations and practices that it actually embodied and promoted mattered less to its early technicians and promoters than did its economic and technical function. As a result, the marketing of these technologies could take on an experimental character." (191) Is this a structural stage in the history of any technology, including sound reproduction?

3 1 4 (7700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20131013 20131013 0 -1+ journal_2013.html
Sterne should be positioned with Edwards in drawing out computing as an evolving nexus of social acts like techniques of listening rather than monolithic, clearly demarcated ones easily reducible to boolean logic or arithmetic.

3 1 4 (7800) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (34) 20131010k 0 -5+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Woven networks exemplar is Marx organic work organization progressively transforming same material yielding chained division of labor: network becomes more attenuated as craft skill separated from labor; typical focus of activity theory with interest in developmental activity.

3 1 4 (7900) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (34-35) 20131010l 0 -13+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Spliced networks composed of convergence of different preexisting elements, leveraging unforeseen alliances and uses: network becomes stronger as more actants brought in; typical focus of actor-network theory with interest in poltiical-rhetorical alliances and negotiations.

3 1 4 (8000) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (37) 20131010m 0 -1+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Bowker study of Schlumberger found small networks claim much power.

3 1 4 (8100) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (39) 20131010o 0 -4+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Actor-network composed of actants entering into alliances, enrolling others, splicing together.

3 1 4 (8200) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (39-40) 20131010p 0 -9+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Callon argues actants define themselves by intermediaries they put in circulation, so political-rhetorical work includes non-humans.

3 1 4 (8300) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (41-42) 20131010q 0 -4+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Symmetry between human and non-human actants weakens actor-network theory, leading away from study of human cognition, competence, therefore unable to account for temporal change, cultural-historical development (Miettinen, Pickering).

3 1 4 (8400) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (42-43) 20131010r 0 -7+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Roots of activity theory in Soviet Union did not scale well to broader social phenomena; recent theorists of activity networks try to account for stakeholders, interaction, and coevolution.

3 1 4 (8500) [-6+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (43) 20131010s 0 -3+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Activity networks assume asymmetry, emphasize development, foreground human ingenuity, and exhibit structure. "Unlike actor-networks, activity networks
assume asymmetry, casting nonhumans as mediators or objects of labor rather than as actants. They emphasize development, foregrounding human ingenuity, learning, and individual and social changes. And they exhibit structure in the composition of the activity networks and the activity systems that compose them." (43)

3 1 4 (8600) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (44) 20131010t 0 -2+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Emphasis on cultural-historical development in activity networks; many ways individual workers enter.

3 1 4 (8700) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (46) 20131010u 0 -2+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Key characteristics of sociotechnical networks: heterogeneous, multiply linked, transformative, black-boxed.

3 1 4 (8800) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (48) 20131010v 0 -1+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Haraway sticky threads connect everything as multiply linked.

3 1 4 (8900) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (49-50) 20131010w 0 -5+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Nodes as such by being black-boxed to reduce and manage complexity, hiding local transformations.

3 1 4 (9000) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (59) 20131010z 0 -1+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Activity theory and actor-network theory agree networks heterogeneous, multiply linked, transformative, black-boxed.

3 1 4 (9100) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (65) 20131011 0 -2+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Weaving is aborescent, branching, evolutionary.

3 1 4 (9200) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (66) 20131011a 0 -6+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
First stroke in actor-network is a splice, which is rhizomatic, growing by accretion rather than evolution.

3 1 4 (9300) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (67) 20131011b 0 -6+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Activity theory predicates splicing with weaving, development underpins political-rhetorical interests; the reverse for actor-network theory.

3 1 4 (9400) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (69) 20131011c 0 -1+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Third generation activity theorists paid attention to polycontextuality and boundary crossing (Vygotsky).

3 1 4 (9500) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (71) 20131011d 0 -1+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Cyclical transformation of particular object by individual collaborators via mediational means for particular outcome.

3 1 4 (9600) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (74-75) 20131011e 0 -7+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Contradictions in activity networks arise from chained activity systems whose hidden passages are black-boxed by organizational chart and overlapping activity systems.

3 1 4 (9700) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (81) 20131011f 0 -3+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Spliced network understanding follows dialectics in rejecting simple causal relationships, but assumes multiplicity rather than immanent unity; pragmatic strand tracing from Machiavelli through Deleuze and Guattari and Serres.

3 1 4 (9800) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (82) 20131011g 0 -6+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
In Machiavellian antireducationism power consequence of system; Latour symmetry accounts for participation of artifacts.

3 1 4 (9900) [-7+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (85) 20131011h 0 -2+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Actant like Haraway cyborg: decentralized, interconnected assemblage functionally and semiotically recombinable. (85) An
actant is less like an astronaut and more like Donna Harawayƒs (1991) cyborg: decentralized, interconnected, an assemblage with constructed, confused boundaries rather than an organic unity.
(85) Assemblages make sense of a heterogeneous jumble of infinitely recombinable parts, not just semiotically but functionally.

3 1 4 (10000) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (87) 20131011i 0 -6+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Agency distributed, actors and mediators emergence from assemblage via translation, composition, reversible black-boxing and delegation.

3 1 4 (10100) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (92) 20131011j 0 -2+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Delegation crosses boundary between signs and things, affecting tasks and morality (Latour).

3 1 4 (10200) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (135) 20131011k 0 -2+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Differentiation between modular work of Industrial Revolution and net work holding together standing sets of transformations in sociotechnical networks of cyborgs.

3 1 4 (10300) [-6+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (141-142) 20131011l 0 -14+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
In Deleuze control societies, Haraway Informatics of domination negotiation is essential skill for Callon polycentric border crossing. "For instance, Gilles Deleuze (1995) argues that whereas the twentieth century was primarily marked by
disciplinary societies (Foucaultƒs terms), the twenty-first will be dominated by control societies. . . . The result is a sort of endless postponement rather than a defined avenue of development; workers travel in continuously changing orbits, they undulate, they find themselves switching jobs and careers and positionalities.
(142) Like Deleuze, Donna
Haraway outlines the threats of what she calls the informatics of domination : the systematic deskilling of workers and their resulting vulnerability; the homework economy in which the workday is no longer limited and work is no longer confined to the workplace thanks to new technologies; the decentralization of state power, with increased surveillance and control; and the massive intensification of insecurity (1991).
(143-144) In this shift toward net work, negotiation becomes an essential skill. . . .
Rhetoric becomes an essential area of expertise; direct connections mean that everyone can and should be a rhetor. Taylor gives way to Machiavelli.
(144) This phenomenon is described in actor-network theory as polycenteric actor-networks (Callon, 1992, p. 83) and in activity theory as polycontextuality and border-crossing between activity systems (Engestrom)." (141-142)

3 1 4 (10400) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (145) 20131011m 0 -7+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
King and Frost broad definition of text as concrete representation in some medium of abstract symbols refering to something conrete.

3 1 4 (10500) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (145) 20131011n 0 -4+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Latour noted centrality of inscriptions in studies of scientists, creating realities by linking phenomena to particular activities; John Law multiple realities.

3 1 4 (10600) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (148) 20131011p 0 -2+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Boundary objects material links between activities providing productive difference or coordinative role.

3 1 4 (10700) [-4+]mCQK spinuzzi-network (163) 20131011r 0 -6+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_spinuzzi-network.html
Latour sociotechnical graphs modeling assemblages paradigmatically and syntagmatically.

3 1 4 (10800) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (95) 20140309t 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Development of business ethics management discipline related to anxiety that neo-management mechanisms be used ethically; reputation foregrounded.

3 1 4 (10900) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (96) 20140309u 0 -7+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Poor prognosis for mobilization in 1990s management literature for lack of terms of justice, relying on nascent value system of projective city.

3 1 4 (11000) [-6+]mCQK johnston-literature_media_information_systems (10) 20130930d 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_johnston-literature_media_information_systems.html
Nervensprache discourse network similar to Sterne on extending sound studies from discrete artifacts to auditory culture. "In other words, on the basis of this particular selection of data not only perceptions, ideas, and concepts all that is coded as meaningful in short but also a system authorizing certain subjects as senders and others as receivers of discourse is instituted." (10)

--3.1.5+++ histories of computing software and networking

3 1 5 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150804 20150804 0 -6+ journal_2015.html
Although Bauerlein blames lax teaching and parenting for allowing the dumbest generation to remain absorbed in adolescent social media cocoons, he and many other critics point to consumer computer technologies as the key enabling factor. Especially because computing does so much more now than perform numeric calculations via effective methods, from the standpoint of the end results presenting multimedia, telecommunications, commerce which Manovich categorizes as cultural software, it is crucial to seek understanding of their inner workings lest the schematism of perceptibility remains veiled. A historical background and exposure to psychological and sociological studies hopefully expands folk wisdom and reveals biases about computing practices based on lifetime use situated within a cultural and technological milieu. These studies in particular have informed my theoretical framework, and reflect concerns of critical theory, media studies, and the social construction of technology in addition to paying heed to historical practices of rigorous scholarship and treatment of primary and secondary sources. The criticism could be raised that my selection of an English language corpus itself biases my background understanding in favor of Anglo-American narratives focusing on technologies that arose and prospered primarily in the United States, ignoring what was happening in other regions during the same time period. Campbell-Kelly notes this bias in both of his books, but does coverage developments in other European countries; what happened in the former Soviet Union, the only other large electronic technology innovator, has yet to appear in mainstream English language publications.

3 1 5 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150811 20150811 0 -2+ journal_2015.html
A reason for examining histories besides developing a broad and deep familiarity with the origins of the very common is discover points where ideas taken for granted today were novel, and as Hayles does in her study of cybernetics, supplement the default historical narrative with the sense of contingency upon which so many decisions and events hinged. As we enter working code places these advances can be revisited as one solution among many in vast fields of possible configurations of technogenesis and, consequently, synaptogenesis as well.

3 1 5 (300) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (28) 20130910l 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Why this is philosophy of computing. "
If code and software is to become an object of research for the humanities and social sciences, including philosophy, we will need to grasp both the ontic and ontological dimensions of computer code. Broadly speaking, then, this book takes a philosophical approach to the subject of computer code, paying attention to the broader aspects of code and software, and connecting them to the materiality of this growing digital world." (28) Role is to grasp the ontic and ontological.

3 1 5 (400) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (47) 20131025q 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Progress timeline: basic mechanical process, to which stored program computer is next stage, then multiprocessing and internetworking, then Web 2-0.

3 1 5 (500) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (47-48) 20131025r 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Shifting notion of calculation and computation from engine to symbolic processing. "Whilst there were a number of key innovations in this field, finally with theoretical contributions from Alan Turing (1936), Emil Post (1936), and Claude Shannon (1938) the notion of calculation moved from a problem of arithmetic to that of logic, and with it the notion the ƒinformation can be treated like any other quantity and be subjected to the manipulations of a machineƒ (Beniger 1986: 406)." (47-48) What is its current trajectory?

3 1 5 (600) [-6+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (38) 20130913k 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Refers to Ceruzzi among others for the well exercised history of the IT revolution, of which he gives a condensed version, concluding that 1990s networking has been decisive, then discussing the creation of the Internet. "The brief, yet intense history of the information technology revolution has been told so many times in recent years as to render it unnecessary to provide the reader with another full account." (38) Is this history likely to become part of general education, or will it be needed for grounding digital humanities and philosophy of computing?

3 1 5 (700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150803 20150803a 38 -6+ journal_2015.html
Begin with Aloisio, note improvement in Campbell Kelly from Aspray collaboration that lets the engineer speak back to philosphy buy lacks the SCOT influenced complexity built into selection of opening images in more recent book. Touch on rabbit hole of Uffenbeck and my ECT studies to truly understand electronic circuit physical hardware aspect of computing. Challenge whether to include relatively ancient texts from philosophical programmers like Turing and Burks, Goldstein, von Neumann or propose to reread as part of methodology. Follow Campbell Kelly Aspray with Hafner Lyon contrasted with Abbatte, with Galloway foregrounding protocol as philosophical concept helping to interpret network phenomena. Mention Lammers, Shasha Lazere before psycho-social studies Kraft, Turkle, Brooks, Fuller, Stephenson, to Takhteyev. Putting all these together demonstrates syncretic synthetic philosophizing approach having a procedural rhetoric related to formant synthesis, being its own kind of synthesis in the domain of philosophical thought.

3 1 5 (800) [-6+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (3) 20130912e 0 -3+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
Acknowledge starting from first principles to conceive code would be a digression, so electronic computing is philosophically shortchanged from the start. "3.1 It would take us much too far afield to discuss these questions at all generally or from first principles. We will therefore restrict ourselves to analyzing only the type of code which we now envisage for our machine." (3)

3 1 5 (900) [-7+]mCQK aloisio-calculation_of_easter_day (42) 20121206 0 -3+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_aloisio-calculation_of_easter_day.html
Etymology and history of the use of the word computer: Borst reckon up, counting on fingers in use in early Roman times. (42) According to Borst, the word
computare, which meant to reckon up, or to count on oneƒs fingers, was already in use in early Roman times. This word frequently accompanied the word numerare, which had a similar meaning. Later, the word calculare was added to indicate counting of numbers with beads (or pebbles).

3 1 5 (1000) [-7+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (10-11) 20131025 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Derivation of computation from Latin computare. (10-11) The term computation itself comes from the Latin
computare, com-ƒtogetherƒ and putare ƒto reckon, to think or to section to compare the piecesƒ.

3 1 5 (1100) [-6+]mCQK aloisio-calculation_of_easter_day (42-43) 20061206 0 -2+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_aloisio-calculation_of_easter_day.html
Jokes about the lack of planning by the Nicene council in creating such a confusing definition of Easter Day aiding the development of computing, curious parallel to need for ballistic tables aiding development of electromechanical computers. "The probable reason why computus acquired widespread use has to do with ecclesiastical history, that relating to Easter. When the Nicene council, convened by Constantine in AD 325, laid down the rules (actually just adopted an already established method) for determining the date of Easter, it certainly did not anticipate the confusion that would ensue for centuries to follow." (42-43)

3 1 5 (1200) [-4+]mCQK aloisio-calculation_of_easter_day (44-45) 20130909b 5 -2+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_aloisio-calculation_of_easter_day.html
First machine computer a fictional fantasy in Swift Gullivers Travels.

3 1 5 (1300) [-4+]mCQK aloisio-calculation_of_easter_day (45) 20130909c 1 -1+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_aloisio-calculation_of_easter_day.html
Logarithms, and calculating machines, likely developed for trigonometry for navigation, especially determining longitude, and compound interest for accounting (see Campbell-Kelley and Aspray).

3 1 5 (1400) [-6+]mCQK manovich-software_takes_command (97) 20130824e 0 -2+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_manovich-software_takes_command.html
Example of interactive interface as non-deterministic development not latent in theoretical computing concepts of Von Neumann architecture. "But the most important example of such non-deterministic development is the invention of the modern interactive graphical human-computer interface itself by Sutherland, Engelbart, Kay and others. None of the key theoretical concepts of modern computing as developed by Turing and Von Neumann called for an interactive interface." (97)

3 1 5 (1500) [-4+]mCQK aloisio-calculation_of_easter_day (46) 20130909d 0 -3+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_aloisio-calculation_of_easter_day.html
Divide and conquer and division of labor becoming key characteristic of computing; see citation by Kittler of Hasslacher on discretization.

3 1 5 (1600) [-7+]mCQK aloisio-calculation_of_easter_day (47) 20130909e 0 -2+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_aloisio-calculation_of_easter_day.html
Definition of computing as calculating in accordance with effective methods, machine doing so automatically in succession of operations with intermediate storage; then transition from computing machine to computer. (47) As early as the 1920s, the term
computing machine had been used for any machine that did the work of a human computer, that is, that calculated in accordance with effective methods. With the onset of the first digital computers, this term gradually gave way to computer.

3 1 5 (1700) [-6+]mCQK floridi-philosophy_and_computing (55) 20130122 0 -6+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_floridi-philosophy_and_computing.html
Incompatibilities go beyond information structure architectures, having social and legal components that may be concretized in design. "The same
architecture can have different hardware implementations. . . . On the other hand, since each type of CPU recognizes a certain set of instructions, if two microprocessors implement different ISA [information structure architecture] then their software will not be compatible. This is why we cannot use software written for a Macintosh with an IBM-compatible and vice versa, although both are VNMs." (55) Surprising Floridi does not make this point as a self-proclaimed critical constructionist, erhaps due to his predilection for going into details of CCT, VNM, and not C++, Perl, XML, is symptomatic of how he casts foundational computation affects and reflects how he thinks.

3 1 5 (1800) [-6+]mCQK floridi-philosophy_and_computing (129) 20130921r 0 -8+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_floridi-philosophy_and_computing.html
Ontic meaning. "First, we can now abandon the common view that hypertext (the conceptual structure, not the actual products) is simply an epistemological concept. . . . As the system of relations connecting the DIKs, hypertext is the very backbone of the infosphere and significantly contributes to its meaningfulness in an
ontical sense, i.e. by helping to constitute it.
(129) Second, the space of reason and meaning including the narrative and symbolic space of human memory is now externalized in the hypertextual infosphere, and this brings about four more consequences concerning the rhetoric of spatiality." (129) Computer technology is all about ontics, instantiating poststructuralist and postmodern theoretical ideas.

3 1 5 (1900) [-4+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (1) 20130912 0 -5+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
This first page on the principle components of the machine should be required viewing by any philosopher of computing, for it articulates the essentials of traditional, mainstream computer organization present in everyday devices: memory, control, arithmetic, input, output.

3 1 5 (2000) [-6+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (1) 20131026g 4 -1+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
Ability to instruct all-purpose machine to carry out any computation that can be formulated in numerical terms, implying memory and processor. " In a special-purpose machine these instructions are an integral part of the device and constitute a part of its design structure." (1)

3 1 5 (2100) [-7+]mCQK copeland-what_is_computation (337) 20121207 0 -3+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_copeland-what_is_computation.html
Definition of computing as executing an algorithm, and algorithm as mechanical, moronic procedure that may be specific to an architecture; examples include Turing machine, assembly language, neural net. (337) An
algorithm is a ƒmechanicalƒ or ƒmoronicƒ procedure for achieving a specified result (in the case of , of course, the specified result is arriving at the values of f). That is to say, an algorithm is a finite list of machine-executable instructions such that anyone or anything that correctly follows the instructions in the specified order is certain to achieve the result in question. To say that is specific to an architecture is to say not only that a machine with this architecture can run but also that each instruction in calls explicitly for the performance of some sequence of primitive (or ƒatomicƒ) operations made available in the architecture.

3 1 5 (2200) [-4+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (1) 20131026a 0 -3+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
Control to autonomously automatically execute orders stored in memory like a reader to a book or player piano to scroll.

3 1 5 (2300) [-6+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (1) 20131026 0 -5+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
Fully automatic independent of human operator after the computation starts key characteristic ascribed by most contemporary theorists including Kitchin and Dodge. "1.1 Inasmuch as the completed device will be a general-purpose computing machine it should contain certain main organs relating to arithmetic, memory-storage, control and connection with the human operator. It is intended that the machine be fully automatic in character, i.e., independent of the human operator after the computation starts." (1)

3 1 5 (2400) [-4+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (7) 20131026w 0 -3+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
Key decision to use binary number system instead of traditional decimal system, as well argued design affordance that requires an alien perspective; contrast to Babbage decimal machinery, which for its own part introduced the strange system of differential arithmetic retained by these newer binary devices.

3 1 5 (2500) [-6+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (8) 20131026y 0 -1+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
Suggestion that technologists will train themselves to use base 2, 8 or 16 numbers points out entrenchment of decimal system in our culture. "We feel, however, that the base 10 may not even be a permanent feature in a scientific instrument and consequently will probably attempt to train ourselves to use numbers base 2 or 8 or 16." (8)

3 1 5 (2600) [-4+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (1) 20131026n 0 -7+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
Arithmetic organ as the physical instantiation of basic logical operations grounding mathematics, representing unavoidable materiality of electronic circuits performing the work of imagined code.

3 1 5 (2700) [-4+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (5) 20131026x 0 -2+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
Parallel memory storage an aspect of von Neumann architecture maintained today for RAM but abandoned for other storage devices like secondary storage (SATA hard drives).

3 1 5 (2800) [-4+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (3) 20131026q 0 -2+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
Basic sequential program counter operation from current place adding one.

3 1 5 (2900) [-4+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (31) 20130912q 0 -4+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
Control counter is heart of state transition machine, along with its clock source.

3 1 5 (3000) [-4+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (32) 20150804 0 -11+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
Importance of system clock will go beyond maintaining sequential processing to time axis manipulation and alien temporalities.

3 1 5 (3100) [-6+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (3) 20131026r 2 -10+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
Introduction of conditional and unconditional transfers as basic control structures besides sequential processing. "
(4) 3.5 The utility of an automatic computer lies in the possibility of using a given sequence of instructions repeatedly, the number of times it is iterated being either preassigned or dependent upon the results of the computation. . . . we introduce an order (the conditional transfer order) which will, depending on the sign of a given number, cause the proper one of two routines to be executed. . . . This unconditional transfer can be achieved by the artificial use of a conditional transfer or by the introduction of an explicit order for such a transfer." (3)

3 1 5 (3200) [-6+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (1) 20131026o 0 -2+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
Input and output organs permitting machine signaling to and manipulation by humans final constituent of stored program computer. "1.6 Lastly there must exist devices, the input and output organ, whereby the human operator and the machine can communicate with each other." (1)

3 1 5 (3300) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (vii) 20130421 0 -2+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
Books of this genre, serious attempts at narrating minimally biased history of evolution of state of the art best practices, form the foundation of critical programming and philosophy of computing studies. "Technology is the application of science, engineering, and industrial organization to create a human-built world.
(vii) The aim of the series is to convey both the technical and human dimensions of the subject: the invention and effort entailed in devising the technologies and the comforts and stresses they have introduced into contemporary life." (vii) Follow them with insider perspective of software management and software architect informed by substantial professional experience, including Brooks and Lammers.

3 1 5 (3400) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (6) 20130913 0 -2+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
Predicts deeper understanding of computers than their broad definition of information machines through emergence of synthetic historical scholarship epitomized by texts and technology studies. "Our work falls in the present generation of scholarship based on the broader definition of the information machine, with strong business and other contextual factors considered in addition to technical factors. We anticipate that within the next decade, a new body of historical scholarship will appear that will enable someone to write a new synthetic account that will deepen our understanding of computers in relation to consumers, gender, labor, and other social and cultural issues." (6)

3 1 5 (3500) [-4+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (18-19) 20130420 0 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
Packet switching resembles telegraphy system of sorters, pigeon holes, and messengers; does Hayles discuss in How We Think?

3 1 5 (3600) [-4+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (24-25) 20131027 0 -9+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
Hollerith census machines used tabulator and sorter for punched cards.

3 1 5 (3700) [-4+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (39) 20130913a 0 -4+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
Social need for adding machines with progressive, withholding tax law, as Social Security Act would require punched-card machinery.

3 1 5 (3800) [-4+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (74) 20130913d 0 -2+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
First book on digital computing by Aiken on Mark I, although Mauchly memorandum credited as real starting point, and von Neumann the first on the stored-program computer.

3 1 5 (3900) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (86) 20130913e 0 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
Must appreciate how beliefs about likely processing speeds influence speculation on design and uses of computer technologies. "By August 1942 [John]
Mauchlyƒs ideas on electronic computing had sufficiently crystallized that he wrote a memorandum on The Use of High Speed Vacuum Tubes for Calculating. In it he proposed an electronic computer that would be able to perform calculations in 100 seconds that would take a mechanical differential analyzer 15 to 30 minutes, and that would have taken a human computer at least several hours. This memorandum was the real starting point for the electronic computer project." (86)

3 1 5 (4000) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (93) 20130913f 0 -10+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
Invitation to study contested history of development of electronic computer as Hayles does cybernetics. "During these meetings, Eckert and Mauchlyƒs contributions focused largely on the delay-line research, while von Neumann, Goldstine, and Burks concentrated on the mathematical-logical structure of the machine. Thus there opened a schism in the group between the technologists (Eckert and Mauchly) on the one side and the logicians (von Neumann, Goldstine, and Burks) on the other, which would lead to serious disagreements later on.
(93) Von Neumann designated these five units as the central control, the central arithmetic part, the memory, and the input and output organs.
(93) Another key decision was to use binary to represent numbers.
(94) By the spring of 1945, the plans for EDVAC had evolved sufficiently that von Neumann decided to write them up. His report, entitled
A First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC, dated 30 June 1945, was the seminal document describing the stored-program computer. . . . Von Neumannƒs sole authorship of the report seemed unimportant at the time, but it later led to him being given sole credit for the invention of the modern computer." (93)

3 1 5 (4100) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (95) 20130331 0 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
Compare urge to disseminate bootstrapping knowledge to create computers as will of technological unconscious to later cycle in which money making trumped openness that made corporations and wealthy individuals rivaling the largest established human and machine ensembles. "Although originally intended for internal circulation to the Project PY group, the
EDVAC Report rapidly grew famous, and copies found their way into the hands of computer builders around the world. This was to constitute publication in a legal sense, and it eliminated any possibility of getting a patent. For von Neumann and Goldstine, who wished to see the idea move into the public domain as rapidly as possible, this was a good thing; but for Eckert and Mauchly, who saw the computer as an entrepreneurial business opportunity, it was a blow that would eventually cause the group to break up." (95) Today an intellectual deoptimization settled on path of least resistance default philosophies of computing dominate.

3 1 5 (4200) [-6+]mCQK misa-leonardo_to_the_internet (214) 20131007l 0 -17+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_misa-leonardo_to_the_internet.html
Transistors and integrated circuits military inventions that were broadly publicized rather than kept classified. "Indeed, instead of classifying transistors, the armed services assertively publicized military uses for them. . . . Each [Bell System] licensee brought home a two-volume textbook incorporating material from the first symposium. The two volumes, composing
Transistor Technology, became known as the bible of the industry. They were originally classified by the government as restricted but were declassified in 1953. . . . A third volume in the textbook series Transistor Technology resulted from a Bell symposium held January 1956 to publicize its newly invented diffused base transistor. . . . For several years Bell sold these high-performance diffused transistors only to the military services.
(215) The Army Signal Corps also steered the transistor field through its engineering development program, which carried prototypes to the point where they could be manufactured.
(215) Bell Laboratories had not forgotten its telephone system, but its commercial applications of transistors were squeezed out by several large high-priority military projects." (214)

3 1 5 (4300) [-6+]mCQK misa-leonardo_to_the_internet (216-217) 20131007m 0 -5+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_misa-leonardo_to_the_internet.html
Dissemination by military credited for helping set industry standards. "Across the 1950s and 1960s, then, the military not only accelerated development in solid-state electronics but also gave structure to the industry, in part by encouraging a wide dissemination of (certain types of) transistor technology and also by helping set industrywide standards. . . . These competing demands probably delayed the large-scale application of transistors to the telephone system at least a half-dozen years (from 1955 to the early 1960s)." (216-217)

3 1 5 (4400) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (70) 20130824 0 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Pinch and Bijker closure not reached for digital computers during their first decade, but then they took command, as Manovich now claims has occurred with software. "Clearly, in the decade following World War II digital computers were a technology at the early phase of development that Trevor Pinch and Wiebe Bijker describe as, in essence, a solution in search of a problem. The technology of digital computation had not yet achieved what they call
closure, or a state of technical development and social acceptance in which large constituencies generally agree on its purpose, meaning, and physical form." (70)

3 1 5 (4500) [-6+]mCQK misa-leonardo_to_the_internet (217) 20131007n 0 -3+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_misa-leonardo_to_the_internet.html
Impact of military agenda on digital computing. "Code-breaking, artillery range-finding, nuclear weapons designing, aircraft and missile controlling, and antimissile warning were among the leading military projects that shaped digital computing in its formative years, from the 1940s through the 1960s.
(219) Forrester wanted Whirlwind to become another megaproject like the Radiation Laboratory or Manhattan Project.
(221) At the center of this fantastic scheme was Forresterƒs Whirlwind, or more precisely fifty-six of his machines." (217)

3 1 5 (4600) [-4+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (123) 20130913h 0 -2+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
Election night role of mock up UNIVAC predicting outcome for Eisenhower was key introduction of computers to general public.

3 1 5 (4700) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (127) 20130404 0 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
Mastery of marketing and long term planning by IBM through dissemination of their computers in higher education to produce the next generation of workers trained on them. "With an astute understanding of marketing, IBM placed many 650s in universities and colleges, offering machines with up to a 60 percent discount provided courses were established in computing. The effect was to create a generation of programmers and computer scientists nurtured on IBM 650s, and a trained workforce for IBMƒs products. It was a good example of IBMƒs mastery of marketing, which was in many ways more important than mastery of technology." (127) Good example of social factor influencing history more so than the technological capabilities of the devices, a topic developed with respect to real time processing.

3 1 5 (4800) [-4+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (145) 20130913i 0 -1+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
Lack of time-sharing support in System/360 major design flaw.

3 1 5 (4900) [-4+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (100) 20130825a 0 -3+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Social construction of technology illustrated in reliability, speed, and networking of military equipment.

3 1 5 (5000) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (167) 20130913j 0 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
Distributed control with SAGE Direction Centers. "The SAGE system that was eventually constructed consisted of a network of twenty-three Direction Centers distributed throughout the country.
(168) The real contribution of SAGE was thus not to military defense, but through technological spin-off to civilian computing. An entire subindustry was created as industrial contractors and manufacturers were brought in to develop the basic technologies and implement the hardware, software, and communications." (167) Subindustry grew to develop and implement its basic technologies.

3 1 5 (5100) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (172-173) 20130913k 0 -5+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
Technology intercept strategy joined system planning and expected advances. "Simultaneously an idealized, integrated, computer-based reservation system was planned, based on likely future developments in technology. This later become known as a
technology intercept strategy. The system would be economically feasible only when reliable solid-state computers with core memories became available. Another key requirement was a large random-access disk storage unit, which at that time was a laboratory development rather than a marketable product.
(175) The airline reservations problem was unusual in that it was largely unautomated in the 1950s and so there was a strong motivation for adopting the new real-time technology." (172-173) Compare to military planning of scheduled breakthroughs discussed by Edwards.

3 1 5 (5200) [-4+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (187) 20130407 0 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
Fascinating to find Hopper simultaneously crossing philosophy of computing and feminist discourse where she is explicitly grouped among those not claiming to be a feminist.

3 1 5 (5300) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (250) 20130913n 0 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
Importance of early computer games producing a new generation of programmers who developed understanding of HCI " (250)
Computer games are often overlooked in discussions of the personal-computer software industry, but they played an important role in its early development. Programming computer games created a corps of young programmers who were very sensitive to what we now call human/computer interaction. The most successful games were ones that needed no manuals and gave instant feedback." (Gee)

3 1 5 (5400) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (264) 20130913o 0 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
GUI user-friendliness was the next step in broadening computer use following Kemeny vision of BASIC programming on time-sharing systems. "For the personal computer to become more widely accepted and reach a broader market, it had to become more user-friendly. During the 1980s user-friendliness was achieved for one-tenth of computer users by using a Macintosh computer; the other nine-tenths could achieve it through Microsoft Windows software. Underlying both systems was the concept of the
graphical user interface." (264)

3 1 5 (5500) [-4+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (274) 20130913p 0 -1+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
Product differentiation marketing strategy by Apple may have contributed to shift toward postmodern preferences Turkle articulates.

3 1 5 (5600) [-4+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (247) 20131029c 0 -12+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Earliest programmers were mathematicians and engineers who were close to the hardware; higher-level languages and compilers were needed for nonexperts, requiring more memory and machine time to support their execution.

3 1 5 (5700) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (247) 20130901a 0 -10+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Short Code first interpreted assembly language. "In 1949 Eckert and Mauchly introduced Short Code (for the ill-fated BINAC). Employing alphanumeric equivalents for binary instructions, Short Code constituted an assembly language that allowed programmers to write their instructions in a form somewhat more congenial to human understanding. . . . A separate machine-language program called an
interpreter translated Short Code programs into machine language, one line at a time. . . . But instructions still had to be entered in the exact form and order in which the machine would execute them, which frequently was not the conventional form or order for composing algebraic statements." (247)

3 1 5 (5800) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (249) 20130901b 0 -5+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Change in what was considered programming evident in compilers as automatic programming. "In an attempt to kick-start the field, the Office of Naval Research sponsored symposia on automatic programming in 1954 and 1956. The name
automatic programming for compilers is itself revealing. Programming still referred to the composition of the machine-language instruction list. Algorithms written in a higher-level language were not yet seen as actual programs, but rather as directions to the compiler to compose a program; compilers thus performed automatic programming. The independence of symbolic levels in computing had not yet achieved the axiomatic status it later required." (249) Strangely no mention of Hopper.

3 1 5 (5900) [-4+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (253) 20130901c 0 -3+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Very ambitious goals by McCarthy for an artificial language for the two month conference.

3 1 5 (6000) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (257-258) 20130901e 0 -9+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Like Netflix network usage, symbolic processing as a resource hog. "By 1960, courses in computing thesis work, data reduction, and numerical processing devoured most of the available computer time. Yet symbolic processing such as virtually all the work McCarthy, Minsky, and their AI group wanted to do required an increasingly large proportion (in 1960, 28 percent of total research computing time). . . . By early 1961 an MIT report on computer capacity . . . recommended acquiring an extremely fast computer with a very large core memory and a time-sharing operating system as the solution to the time bottleneck." (257-258)

3 1 5 (6100) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (258-259) 20130901f 0 -7+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
McCarthy thinking aids as subjective environment required interactive time sharing, shifting social structure as well every from batch processing priesthood towards personal, private encounter. "McCarthy needed time-sharing to
provide the right subjective environment for AI work. . . . McCarthy and many of his coworkers wanted not simply to employ but to interact with computers, to use them as thinking aids (in their phrase), cyborg partners, second selves. They wanted a new subjective space that included the machine.
(259) Through McCarthyƒs work, AI became linked with a major change not only in computer equipment but in the basic social structure and the subjective environment of computer work." (258-259)

3 1 5 (6200) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (266) 20130901g 0 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Licklider a key text in philosophy of computing. " Man-Computer Symbiosis rapidly achieved the kind of status as a unifying reference point in computer science (and especially in AI) that
Plans and the Structure of Behavior, published in the same year, would attain in psychology. It became the universally cited founding articulation of the movement to establish a time-sharing, interactive computing regime." (266)

3 1 5 (6300) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (272) 20130901h 0 -6+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Heterogeneous discourse around Foucaultian support of electronic digital computer rather than deliberate plan. "Academic psychologists and computer scientists generally did not understand the major role they played in orienting the military toward automation, symbiosis, and artificial intelligence as practical solutions to military problems. . . . They could do so precisely because for the most part there
was no scheme, in the sense of some deliberate plan or overarching vision. Instead, this larger pattern took the form of a discourse, a heterogeneous, variously linked ensemble of metaphors, practices, institutions, and technologies, elaborated over time according to an internal logic and organized around the Foucaultian support of the electronic digital computer." (272)

3 1 5 (6400) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (22) 20150806 0 -12+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Because scope of software industry as a whole broader than individual firm, not heavy use of corporate archives but monographic studies, periodic literature, and analyst reports. "This book is perhaps the first attempt at writing a full-length history of the software industry broader than the study of an individual firm.
(23) Since the present book does not focus on any one firm, heavy use of corporate archives was not appropriate, nor indeed was it possible. Instead, it is based largely on monographic studies of the software industry, the periodical literature, and reports by industry analysts.
(23) In discussing the monographic literature, one should perhaps begin with the bad news. There are more books written about Microsoft and Bill Gates than about the rest of the industry put together.
(24) The best sources for the broader industrial scene are the reports resulting from government-sponsored software policy studies, a few academic monographs, and the publications of market-research organizations.
(25) The periodical literature of the software industry comprises, in order of usefulness, the trade press, general business periodicals, and newspapers. . . .
Datamation is the only periodical to span almost the entire history of the software industry.
(26) In the general business press, the best sources on the history of the software industry are
Business Week and Fortune." (22)

3 1 5 (6500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150806 20150806a 6 -8+ journal_2015.html
Getting via procedural rhetoric is that whether this quotation was included the bit about not using corporate archives because not focusing on one particular firm. Working code embodies wisdom evoked at the time of its writing, implying any instant with a timestamp as affordance of broken down time allowing it to store or jump. A few clicks reveals or hides the statement about corporate archives, differentiating methodologically from approach of Black to research IBM corporate archives. That store or jump characteristic of memory and hyperlinking manifests a unit operation I have always called galaxies of meaning, third order operators, or telepresence point intersection other world, and so on, the point being its more living writing than print. Thus it is not read like corporate archives, now social media networks, but like Foucaultƒs dust and in its documentary gathering and disseminating collectives, discourse networks. Or this point is pointless, I am questioning ridiculously. Perhaps decontextualized software always seems innocent, but when viewed via corporate archives from the context of corporate collective intelligence it is like viewing from context of any possible use significantly evil ones, turning Black into philosophy of computing. Worth noting later comments about availability of free, open source archives alters bias against challenge of accessing and processing corporate archives to study software.

3 1 5 (6600) [-4+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (22) 20130913d 0 -11+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Note that online FOSS communities provide historically unprecedented access to the equivalent of corporate archives of a very large number of software projects.

3 1 5 (6700) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (107) 20130913t 0 -11+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Ontic status of software became an open question once IP protection was sought. "The law offered several forms of intellectual property protection: patents, copyright, trade secrets, and trademarks. . . . Exactly what kind of an artifact software represented was an open question.
(107-108) Copyright law also had significant limitations for protecting software. . . . Informatics decided to rely on trade secret law for protection. It required its customers and its employees to sign non-disclosure agreements." (107)

3 1 5 (6800) [-4+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (243) 20130914l 0 -2+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Difficulty of getting access to corporate archives; Autodesk an exception.

3 1 5 (6900) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (10-11) 20130913b 0 -6+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Predicts free, open source software will be next important scholarly topic beyond book cutoff of 1995. "A second limitation of this book is the cutoff date of 1995. . . . I donƒt know what it is, but I bet there is something much more important going on right now than Java, Linux, or
open-source software, and that it will be 2010 before it becomes fully apparent.
(11) In
Secrets of Software Success, Detley Hoch and his co-authors project the Internet Era, a new period in the development of the software industry, and suggest boundary dates of 1994 and 2008." (10-11)

3 1 5 (7000) [-4+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (3) 20131027 0 -1+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
After noting absence of popular press interest in the software industry before 1980, divides into three sectors: contracting, corporate, and mass-market products.

3 1 5 (7100) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (100) 20130913s 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Autoflow, the first software product, was designed for software development to automatically produce flowcharts for documentation, very early automatic writing. "The most prominent if not actually the first program to meet all the criteria of a software product was Applied Data Researchƒs Autoflow. . . . RCA wanted a software package that would enable programmers to produce flowcharts mechanically as a by-product of punching their decks of program cards, thus minimizing the documentation chore for the programmer and maximizing the chance it would get done." (100) Likewise Engelbart intelligence augmentation focused on improving programmers.

3 1 5 (7200) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (301) 20130914t 0 -4+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Cultural diffusion of programming compared to diffusion of writing as publishing industry 150 years ago. "Programming broadly interpreted to include development of video games, creation of templates for spreadsheets, visual programming, and database design is becoming a widely diffused skill. Indeed, it may be as widely diffused today as writing was 150 years ago. One does not speak of a writing industry ; one speaks of a multi-sector publishing industry whose only point in common is putting ink on paper. In 20 years, we will likely think of the software industry in the same way." (301)

3 1 5 (7300) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (59) 20130913n 0 -9+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Role of industry analysts in organizing and creating historical sources in place of scholars. "Indeed, if anything, the problem is that there are
too many firms to analyze individually. . . . Hence, probably the best one can do is select a group of firms and let them stand as proxy for the rest. This was, in fact, the approach taken by contemporary analysts. Table 3.1, taken from what is perhaps the earliest surviving analystsƒ report on the consumer software and services industry, presents data on 17 firms. The analyst never explained how the table was derived, and some prominent players (including CUC and CAI) are missing." (59)

3 1 5 (7400) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (91) 20130913q 0 -4+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Striking claim that graphs depicting computing costs seldom based on empirical data, often plagiarized and embellished, as if no oversight in analyst community. "For more than 15 years, one of the most persistent beliefs of the software community was that there would be a dramatic shift in the balance of hardware and software costs of running a computer installation. The graphs in figure 4.2 all tell much the same story: In the mid 1950s, 80 percent of the cost of running a computer had been for hardware, 20 percent for programming; at some point in the future, it would be 20 percent for hardware and 80 percent for software. Few of these graphs were based on empirical data, and they were plagiarized, with random embellishments from one author to the next, well into the 1980s." (91)

3 1 5 (7500) [-5+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (111) 20130913u 0 -4+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Unbundling stopped at the operating system, raising suspicion that its inefficiency forced users to lease more powerful computers than necessary; obvious connection to Microsoft Windows/Intel era. (111) The decision not to charge separately for the operating systems the most controversial of the unbundling outcomes maintained IBMƒs operating-system monopoly into the late 1970s, when at last the operating systems were priced separately. Critics argued that bundling discouraged innovation in operating systems and made it difficult for manufacturers of IBM-compatible equipment to compete. There was also suspicion of a darker motive: that IBM benefited from an inefficient operating system because it forced users to lease more powerful computers than they would otherwise need.
(113) Seventeen products were initially announced, including language processors (Assembler, FORTRAN, COBOL, and PL/I), the GIS file-management system, the IMS database, and the CICS data communications program.

3 1 5 (7600) [-6+]mCQK shasha_lazere-out_of_their_minds (ix) 20131001 0 -4+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_shasha_lazere-out_of_their_minds.html
Seminal thinkers of computer science worked in recent past, compelling different historical methods. "In most sciences, the seminal thinkers lived in the remote past. To uncover what they did and why they did it, we must scavenge in the historical record, picking among scraps of information, trying to separate facts from mythology.
(ix) Computer science is different. The mathematicians who first studied computation in its current form Alan Turing, Emil Post, and Alonzo Church did their work in the 1930s and 1940s." (ix)

3 1 5 (7700) [-6+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (287) 20130303c 0 -4+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Important for scholars of history of software and technology advancing organizations to have access to archives, funding, and assistance from librarians. "This book grew out of an idea that originated with engineers at Bolt Beranek and Newman. Memories were growing fuzzy in late 1993, when we first started thinking about doing a book, and Frank Heart and others were interested in having BBNƒs considerable role in the creation of the original ARPANET recorded. Not only did the company open its archives to us and cooperate in every way but it helped fund the project as well, while agreeing to exercise no control over the content of the book. Marian Bremer, then BBNƒs head librarian, made the initial phone call that led to the book." (287) That BBN even had a lead librarian, who took the initiative that led to the writing of the book, confirms the point made by Cambell Kelly and others at how slim the chances are of capturing much of that early history as remains forgotten in archives or has been destroyed.

3 1 5 (7800) [-4+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (42) 20130223a 0 -4+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Book gives evidence that origins of Internet in interoperability and communication of Tayler and Herzfeld, not so much as to sustain nuclear attack.

3 1 5 (7900) [-4+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (44) 20130223b 0 -15+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Peer collaboration among networked resources; ATT not interested.

3 1 5 (8000) [-6+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (59-60) 20130223c 0 -5+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Baran, who did think about nuclear survivability of networks, proposed distributed network diagram, message blocks, and adaptive routing. "Baranƒs second big idea was still more revolutionary. Fracture the messages too. By dividing each message into parts, you could flood the network with what he called
message blocks, all racing over different paths to their destination. Upon their arrival, a receiving computer would reassemble the message bits into readable form.
(61) What Baran envisioned was a network of unmanned switches, or nodes stand-alone computers, essentially that routed messages by employing what he called a self-learning policy at each node, without need for a central, and possibly vulnerable, control point." (59-60)

3 1 5 (8100) [-4+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (66) 20130223d 0 -11+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Davies motivated by matching network to characteristics of new computer-generated data traffic patterns.

3 1 5 (8200) [-4+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (73) 20130223f 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Subnetworks with identical nodes leaving internetworking to what became the router and gateway devices.

3 1 5 (8300) [-6+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (75) 20130923a 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Roberts christened interface message processors "as intermediate computers controlling the network. (75) He [Roberts] called the intermediate computers that would control the network
interface message processors, or IMPs, which he pronounced imps. They were to perform the functions of interconnecting the network, sending and receiving data, checking for errors, retransmitting in the event of errors, routing data, and verifying that messages arrived at their intended destinations. A protocol would be established for defining just how the IMPs should communicate with host computers." (IMPs)

3 1 5 (8400) [-6+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (127-128) 20130223i 0 -7+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Designed remote monitoring becomes part of protocological society " (127-128) Heartƒs wariness about the hordes of curious graduate students drove BBN to conceptualize even greater measures of protection for the IMPs. In time, among the most creative things Heartƒs team did was invent ways of obtaining critical operating data from the network IMPs reading the machinesƒ vital signs unobtrusively from a distance. . . . Heartƒs group envisioned someday being able to look across the network to know whether any machine was malfunctioning or any line was failing or perhaps if anyone was meddling with the machines.
(128) The original request from ARPA had specified dynamic routing without offering a clue as to how to make it work." (in manner different from panopticon)

3 1 5 (8500) [-4+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (131-132) 20130223j 0 -9+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Importance of unauthorized software tools by Kahn.

3 1 5 (8600) [-4+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (139) 20130223k 0 -4+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Thrill of understanding power of loop to control execution of lengthy sequence with a few instructions underscores special feature of code empowering autonomous machines.

3 1 5 (8700) [-6+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (144-145) 20130223l 0 -8+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
RFC initiated by Crocker set precedent for open cooperative means of evolving technical standards of protocological society " (144-145) The language of the RFC was warm and welcoming. The idea was to promote cooperation, not ego. The fact that Crocker kept his ego out of the first RFC set the style and inspired others to follow suit in the hundreds of friendly and cooperative RFCs that followed. . . . For years afterward (and to this day) RFCs have been the principal means of open expression in the computer networking community, the accepted way of recommending, reviewing, and adopting new technical standards.
(145) The RFC, a simple mechanism for distributing documentation open to anybody, had what Crocker described as a first-order effect on the speed at which ideas were disseminated, and on spreading the networking culture." (Galloway)

3 1 5 (8800) [-4+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (146-147) 20130223n 0 -15+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Platform orientation shifting from mainframe master-slave hegemony to peers called for development of protocols; protocols like two-by-four of standardized, distributed construction the goal of Network Working Group.

3 1 5 (8900) [-4+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (154) 20130223o 0 -5+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Irony that first network program as a dumb terminal explained by observation that new technologies are typically promoted for their ability to do things we already understand, their content being other technologies.

3 1 5 (9000) [-4+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (163) 20130223p 0 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Improved telephone line trouble detection utilizing network monitoring tools.

3 1 5 (9100) [-6+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (164) 20130223q 0 -4+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Watchdog timer example of cybernetic self-corrective behavior. "Heartƒs team had designed the IMPs to run unattended as much as possible, bestowing on the IMPs the ability to restart by themselves after a power failure or crash. The
watchdog timer was the crucial component that triggered self-corrective measures in the IMPs.
(168-169) One of the NCCƒs primary tasks was to issue software upgrades and reload IMP operating programs when necessary. The operators used a cleverly cooperative scheme by which every IMP downloaded the software from a neighbor." (164)

3 1 5 (9200) [-4+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (183) 20130223r 0 -7+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Remote computer chat between PARRY and Doctor.

3 1 5 (9300) [-4+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (194) 20130223s 0 -4+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
E-mail as favorite hack of new network and element in evolution of management style.

3 1 5 (9400) [-6+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (205) 20130223t 0 -4+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Brain change through use of Vittal e-mail programs " (205) [John] Vittalƒs MSG and his ANSWER command made him a legendary figure in e-mail circles. It was because of Vittal that we all assimilated network mail into our spinal cords, recalled Brian Reid.
(205) More than just a great hack, MSG was the best proof to date that on the ARPANET rules might get made, but they certainly didnƒt prevail. Proclamations of officialness didnƒt further the Net nearly so much as throwing technology out onto the Net to see what worked." (Hayles synaptogenesis)

3 1 5 (9500) [-4+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (213) 20130223u 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Misguided proposal for hybrid electronic message system by Carter administration.

3 1 5 (9600) [-4+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (215) 20130223v 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
New cultural reference points developing in e-mail communities.

3 1 5 (9700) [-6+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (240) 20130223w 0 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Ethernet name suggested by Metcalf references ether medium of nineteenth-century physicists. "In May 1973 [Bob]
Metcalf suggested a name, recalling the hypothetical luminiferous medium invented by nineteenth-century physicists to explain how light passes through empty space." (240)

3 1 5 (9800) [-6+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (247-248) 20130303 0 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
TCP/IP developed in collaborative community of emerging protocological society where standards are discovered versus mandated " OSI in bureaucratic committees of disciplinary society (proprietary, closed models). (247-248) Cerf and others argued that TCP/IP couldnƒt have been invented anywhere but in the collaborative research world, which was precisely what made it so successful, while a camel like OSI couldnƒt have been invented anywhere but in a thousand committees." (including open documentation, UNIX operating system, and Ethernet)

3 1 5 (9900) [-6+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (253) 20130224a 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Hierarchical tree-branching structure of domain name system becomes critical topic for Galloway. " Tree-branching was the guiding metaphor. Each address would have a hierarchical structure. From the trunk to the branches, and outward to the leaves, every address would include levels of information representing a progression, a smaller, more specific part of the network address." (253)

3 1 5 (10000) [-6+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (254) 20130224b 0 -4+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Discovery of standards rather than decree as model for technological change. "By virtue of its quiet momentum, TCP/IP had prevailed over the official OSI standard. Its success provided an object lesson in technology and how it advances. Standards should be discovered, not decreed, said one computer scientist in the TCP/IP faction.
(256) By the end of 1989, the ARPANET was gone." (254)

3 1 5 (10100) [-4+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (258) 20130224 0 -8+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Aspects of control society internet dividual influenced and reflected in personal styles of male participants featured in the book; noting attitude of releasing early and often while designing self correcting error tolerance represents risk taking profile that may be different from other styles, such as making fewer releases or that method of testing boundaries mentioned with respect to Tetris game playing studies.

3 1 5 (10200) [-6+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (263) 20130303a 0 -8+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Easy to engage in critical analysis of male concentration and harder to keep in mind that Imps are the logical predecessor to routers, not bothering to wonder whether students ought to stay them closely, and that money can be made both servicing the innards and using it for marketing other wares, which opens the space beyond this small set of initiators who were lucky to participate so directly. "The multiple paternity claims to the Internet (not only had each man been there at the start but each had made a contribution that he considered immeasurable) came out most noticeably that afternoon during a group interview with the Associated Press. . . . How about women? asked the reported, perhaps to break the silence. Are there any female pioneers? More silence." (263)

3 1 5 (10300) [-7+]mCQK abbate-inventing_the_internet (4) 20130907 0 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_abbate-inventing_the_internet.html
Claim of unique SCOT approach applied to computer communication, involving narratives of origins, production and use. (4) Relatively few authors have looked at the social shaping of computer communications. There have been many social and cultural studies of computing in recent years, including compelling analyses of networking by Sherry
Turkle (1995), Gene Rochlin (1997), and Philip Agre (1998a,b), but these works tend not to examine in detail the origins of computer technologies, focusing instead on how they are used once they exist.

3 1 5 (10400) [-4+]mCQK abbate-inventing_the_internet (2) 20130907a 0 -1+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_abbate-inventing_the_internet.html
Practice and meaning of computing redefined by Internet long distance interaction, as Manovich argues emergence of personal computers led to cultural software.

3 1 5 (10500) [-6+]mCQK abbate-inventing_the_internet (2) 20130907b 2 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_abbate-inventing_the_internet.html
Social construction. " My curiosity about the Internet grew out of my experiences as a computer programmer in the mid 1980s, when few people outside the field of computer science had heard of this network. I was aware that the Internet had been built and funded by the Department of Defense, yet here I was using the system to chat with my friends and to swap recipes with strangers rather like taking a tank for a joyride!" (2) Curious alliance of military and civilian interests, like taking a tank for a joyride.

3 1 5 (10600) [-6+]mCQK abbate-inventing_the_internet (5) 20130907c 0 -1+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_abbate-inventing_the_internet.html
Decentralized paradigm for proposing new features. "Their dual role as users and produces led the ARPANETƒs builders to adopt a new paradigm for managing the evolution of the system: rather than centralize design authority in a small group of network managers, they deliberately created a system that allowed any user with the requisite skill and interest to propose a new feature." (5)

--3.1.6+++ psycho-social studies of computer programmers

3 1 6 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150812 20150812 0 -7+ journal_2015.html
Brooks is the natural beginning of the psycho-social studies section, though Weinberg is first theorist encountered who discusses how to read code for purposes beyond programming, and suggests that designs are affected by the constitution of teams as much as technical criteria. He also opines about egoless programming, making him a candidate for philosophers of computing in a very strict sense. If you engage critical programming also PHI. It is the difference between rules that are accretion, accreditive, accumulating, concretizing and those that are interchangeable, individual possibly inconsistent examples. Weinberg works as professional psychologist and educator from pre-Unix era of Brooks famous observations arising from within the computer industry that Kraft also surveys, although save or revisit Weinberg egoless programming for philosophy section with much reserved for future work, too, followed by Kraft who takes on social issues of power between managers and works by arguing how even programming practices as putatively neutral as structured programming represent strategies of those in power to better exploit the workers by deskilling the profession, long before Boltanski and Chiapello develop the projective city this is where the management philosophies of its American origin worked out. Mayer studies teaching children programming at beginning of personal computer era, simultaneous to Turkleƒs ethnographic work that I will also discuss as a philosopher of computing. Closer to the state of the art are studies of foss and individual projects like Rosenberg and finally sophisticated autoethnographies like Takhetyev.

3 1 6 (200) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (67-69) 20130121 0 -13+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Familiar sequence of tasks for programming projects arose in 1956 lecture and diffused from SAGE project programmer exodus, which became the waterfall model. "During the 1960s, managing software projects was something of a black art. He [John F. Jacobs] described these techniques in a seminal lecture at the Lincoln Labs in November 1956. . . . In the seminar, Jacobs divided the programming project into a sequence of consecutive tasks (figure 3.2). . . . This development technique set the pattern for all the programming activities of the SAGE project. The exodus of programmers from the SAGE project in the late 1950s caused this project management style to diffuse through the software industry." (67-69) Should be topic of critical programming studies for its reflection of social and cognitive norms, social construction, as well as likely reflexive relationship to the evolution of technological systems along with human thinking.

3 1 6 (300) [-4+]mCQK brooks-mythical_man_month (14) 20150813 0 -6+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_brooks-mythical_man_month.html
Success of software projects largely impacted by lack of calendar time due to poor estimating, confusing effort with progress, poor monitoring, and finally adding manpower when slipping noticed; ironically, forty years later these comments are still appropriate for the mid size software development firm where I work.

3 1 6 (400) [-6+]mCQK brooks-mythical_man_month (15) 20150813a 0 -5+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_brooks-mythical_man_month.html
Expectation of tractable medium for software breeds fallacious thought mode of pervasive optimism, but faulty ideas lead to bugs. "In many creative activities the medium of execution is intractable.
(15) Implementation, then, takes time and sweat both because of the physical media and because of the inadequacies of the underlying ideas.
(15) The programmer builds from pure thought-stuff: concepts and very flexible representations thereof. Because the medium is tractable, we expect few difficulties in implementation; hence our pervasive optimism. Because our ideas are faulty, we have bugs; hence our optimism is unjustified." (15)

3 1 6 (500) [-6+]mCQK brooks-mythical_man_month (16) 20150813b 0 -5+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_brooks-mythical_man_month.html
Unlike cost progress does not very by number of men and months, making man month deceptive unit for measuring size of a job. "The second fallacious thought mode is expressed in the very unit of effort used in estimating and scheduling: the man-month. Cost does indeed vary as the product of the number of men and the number of months. Progress does not. Hence the man-month as a unit for measuring the size of a job is a dangerous and deceptive myth. It implies that men and months are interchangeable." (16)

3 1 6 (600) [-4+]mCQK brooks-mythical_man_month (16) 20150813c 0 -1+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_brooks-mythical_man_month.html
Men and months only interchangeable when task can be partitioned with no communication needs.

3 1 6 (700) [-6+]mCQK brooks-mythical_man_month (17) 20150813d 0 -3+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_brooks-mythical_man_month.html
Sequential constraints also prevent task partitioning, like bearing a child. "When a task cannot be partitioned because of sequential constraints, the application of more effort has no effect on the schedule. The bearing of a child takes nine months, no matter how many women are assigned. Many software tasks have this characteristic because of the sequential nature of debugging." (17)

3 1 6 (800) [-4+]mCQK brooks-mythical_man_month (18) 20150813e 0 -2+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_brooks-mythical_man_month.html
Communication adds burden of training and intercommunication.

3 1 6 (900) [-6+]mCQK brooks-mythical_man_month (19) 20150813f 0 -1+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_brooks-mythical_man_month.html
Communication quickly dominates task time when workers are added. "Since software construction is inherently a systems effort an exercise in complex interrelationships communication effort is great, and it quickly dominates the decrease in individual task time brought about by partitioning." (19)

3 1 6 (1000) [-4+]mCQK brooks-mythical_man_month (19-20) 20150813g 0 -2+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_brooks-mythical_man_month.html
Testing usually most misleading part of schedule because of optimistic expectation of less bugs.

3 1 6 (1100) [-4+]mCQK brooks-mythical_man_month (20) 20150813h 0 -2+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_brooks-mythical_man_month.html
Brooks uses one third planning, one sixth coding, one quarter component test, one quarter system test as scheduling rule of thumb, although few of the conventionally scheduled projects he studied allowed one half for testing.

3 1 6 (1200) [-4+]mCQK brooks-mythical_man_month (21) 20150813i 0 -2+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_brooks-mythical_man_month.html
Common practice of scheduling to match date desired by patron.

3 1 6 (1300) [-6+]mCQK brooks-mythical_man_month (25) 20150813j 0 -8+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_brooks-mythical_man_month.html
Extended example of regenerative schedule disaster from adding manpower yields famous law, demythologizing the man month. "Without a doubt, the regenerative disaster [from adding workers who need training and intercommunication] will yield a poorer product, later, than would rescheduling with the original three men, unaugmented.
(25) Oversimplifying outrageously, we state Brooksƒs Law: Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.
(25-26) This then is the demythologizing of the man-month. The number of months of a project depends upon its sequential constraints. The maximum number of men depends upon the number of independent subtasks. From these two quantities one can define schedules using fewer men and more months. (The only risk is product obsolescence.) One cannot, however, get workable schedules using more men and fewer months." (25)

3 1 6 (1400) [-4+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (201) 20131027e 0 -2+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Computer industry did not perceive microprocessor-based stand-alone devices as threat because they were developed in the electronics industry.

3 1 6 (1500) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (202) 20130914h 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Bricoleur, dilettante origins of microcomputer software development practices. "Although some professional software development practices diffused into microprocessor programming, much of the software technology was cobbled together or re-invented, an amateurish legacy that the personal computer software industry took several years to shake off.
(202) The first microprocessor-based computer (or certainly the first influential one) was the Altair 8800, manufactured by Micro Instrumentation Telemetry Systems (MITS). This machine was sold in kit form for assembly by computer hobbyists, and its appearance one the cover of
Popular Electronics in January 1975 is perhaps the best-known event in the folk history of the personal computer.
(202) The transforming event for the personal computer was the launch of the Apple II in April 1977.
(203) The launch of these genuine consumer products created a significant consumer market for personal computer software." (202) Examine emergence of Altair 8800 and folk history of PC.

3 1 6 (1600) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (276-277) 20130914r 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Bedroom coder phenomenon fueled by popular magazines. "The most successful home computers sold in the millions, spawning huge user communities, mostly young male hobbyists. There was a vibrant newsstand literature, with titles such as
Power/Play (for Commodore users), 99 Home Computer Magazine (for users of the Texas Instruments 99/4), Antic (for Atari 800 users), and Hot CoCo (for users of the TRS 80 Color Computer). These magazines typically sold 50,000-150,000 copies a month.
(277) No additional software development system was needed, there were no proprietary trade secrets to unlock, and programs could be duplicated on the computer itself, with no need for access to a third-party manufacturing plant. The lack of significant barriers to entry led to the phenomenon of the
bedroom coder." (276-277) Odd not to mention any Apple computer magazines.

3 1 6 (1700) [-4+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (31) 20140216 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
The overall research question for the book investigates how can we study programming.

3 1 6 (1800) [-4+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (vii) 20140130 0 -1+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Purpose of book is to initiate new field of study of computer programming as human activity, psychology of programming as I likewise wish to articulate critical programming as a new digital humanities practice.

3 1 6 (1900) [-7+]mCQK campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine (181) 20130913l 0 -1+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_campbell_kelley_aspray-computer_history_of_information_machine.html
New type of rhetoric required for computer programming. (181) The fundamental difficulty of writing software was that, until computers arrived, human beings had never before had to prepare detailed instructions for an automaton a machine that obeyed unerringly the commands given to it, and for which every possible outcome had to be anticipated by the programmer.

3 1 6 (2000) [-4+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (ix) 20140203 0 -1+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Arising from computer science psychology of programming exemplifies end of continuum whose humanities end is still forming.

3 1 6 (2100) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (ix) 20140130b 0 -1+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Criterion of programming literacy, writing not just reading if possible to only read. "It does not seem advisable to give such a course to people who are not able to write programs themselves, or who are at lower than a graduate level or a senior level with a strong major in Computer Systems or Computer Science." (ix)

3 1 6 (2200) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (5-6) 20140130c 0 -2+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Programming a kind of writing connects period to late literacy before born digital generations. "Programming is, among other things, a kind of writing. One way to learn writing is to write, but in all other forms of writing, one also reads." (5-6)

3 1 6 (2300) [-4+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (31) 20140131 0 -1+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Capability of directly recording user behavior alters human computer relationship from other activities that can be studied.

3 1 6 (2400) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (6) 20140130d 0 -2+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Nostalgia for reading following advent of terminals. "Just as television has turned the heads of the young from the old-fashioned joys of book reading, so have terminals and generally improved turnaround made the reading of programs the mark of a hopelessly old-fashioned programmer.
(6) Perhaps if we want to understand how programmers program to lift the veil of the programming mystique we could fruitfully begin by seeing what is to be learned from the reading of programs." (6)

3 1 6 (2500) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (6-7) 20140130e 0 -6+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Read programs by asking what each part exists rather than serial traversal like reading a novel. "We shall need a method of approach for reading programs, for, unlike novels, the best way to read them is not always from beginning to end. . . . Instead, we might base our reading on a conceptual framework consisting of the
origin of each part. In other words, as we look at each piece of code, we ask ourselves the question, Why is this piece here?" (6-7)

3 1 6 (2600) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (8) 20140130f 0 -6+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Comments rarely left concerning overcoming machine limitations such as handling precision, real numbers and intermediate storage. "Of course, when the programmer includes something that is intended to overcome some limitation of the machine, he rarely marks it explicitly as such. . . . For instance, much programming has to be done to overcome the limited precision of our machines or better still, the fact that they do not calculate with real numbers but only with a limited set of the rationals.
(8) Another area in which machine limitations are rife is intermediate storage." (8)

3 1 6 (2700) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (164) 20140210b 0 -2+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Affect of incorrect comments due to psychological set. "The whole idea of a comment is to prepare the mind of the reader for a proper interpretation of the instruction or statement to which it is appended. If the code to which the comment refers is correct, the comment could be useful in this way; but if it happens to be incorrect, the set which the comment lends will only make it less likely that the error will be detected." (164)

3 1 6 (2800) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (162) 20140210 0 -5+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Psychological set and distance can be impediment to error location activities. "For certain types of error location activities, psychological
set proves a major impediment. Numerous experiments have confirmed that the eye has a tendency to see what it expects to see.
(162) Related to the concept of set is the concept of distance. Not all misreadings are equally likely, regardless of the set of the reader.
(163) One of the first lessons the novice programmer learns is to make careful distinction between his handwritten zero and oh, if someone else is keying his programs." (162) Syntax highlighting and other visual cues of the interface help counteract by offering machine response.

3 1 6 (2900) [-4+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (163) 20140210a 0 -2+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Carelessness in choosing symbols increasing as side effect of successful automatic error detection; mnemonic symbols induce torpor.

3 1 6 (3000) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (165) 20140210d 0 -4+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Key to intelligent behavior involves flexibility manipulating assumptions and applying formulas to solve problems. "Overlooking a factor in a problem is just one special case of assumptions leading us astray.
(166) Intelligent behavior, then, does not consist in eschewing assumptions, but in being sufficiently flexible to manipulate assumptions as the occasion demands. In other words, being intelligent is not having some magic formula which one can apply to every problem. It is, rather, having a number of formulas and not being so much in love with one that it cannot be dropped for another." (165)

3 1 6 (3100) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (167) 20140210e 0 -1+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Importance of memory in programming. "Memory helps a programmer in many ways, not the least of which is by enabling him to work on problems when he does not have all his papers in front of him." (167)

3 1 6 (3200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20150810 20150810 0 -1+ journal_2015.html
One purpose for examining psycho-social studies of computer programmers and programming communities is to adjust prejudices about the social practice of programming based on individual educational and hobbyist experiences, taking into consideration that much pedagogy involves team work and participation in foss communities gives a sense of what professional environments may be like.

3 1 6 (3300) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (12) 20140130i 0 -3+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Specifications evolve during development. "in most cases, we do not
know what we want to do until we have taken a flying leap at programming it.
(12) Specifications evolve together with programs and programmers. Writing a program is a process of
learning both for the programmer and the person who commissions the program." (12) Writing programs is a learning process for all parties involved.

3 1 6 (3400) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (19) 20140225a 0 -3+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Another instance where going beyond individual imbricates social conflict in addition to other communication challenges as point made later about decisions as soon as another ego is involved. "In effect, then, there is a difference between a program written for one user and a piece of software. When there are multiple users, there are multiple specifications. When there are multiple specifications, there are multiple definitions of when the program is working." (19)

3 1 6 (3500) [-4+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (20-21) 20140225c 0 -1+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Programs do not seem to write for reuse even though they know code continues to be used when they are not involved with it.

3 1 6 (3600) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (21) 20140225d 0 -1+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Fisher adaptability theory explains surprising difficulty of adapting well working systems. "Fisherƒs Fundamental Theory states in terms appropriate to the present context that the better adapted a system is to a particular environment, the less adaptable it is to new environments." (21)

3 1 6 (3700) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (22) 20140225e 0 -5+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Challenge of coding for both efficiency and adaptability despite bias of both in rhetoric of high level object oriented programming paradigms. "When we ask for efficiency, we are often asking for tight coding that will be difficult to modify. . . . Asking for efficiency and adaptability in the same program is like asking for a beautiful and modest wife." (22) Embarrassing sexist cast to otherwise correct maxim of common sense computer programming folk psychology.

3 1 6 (3800) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (11) 20140130h 0 -2+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
History of program development leaves traces beyond machine, language and programmer limitations, especially due to size and composition of original programming group. "We often find material in programs that might be accounted for under one of the above categories but is really present because of the history of the development of the program.
(12) Even the very structure of the program may be determined by the size and composition of the programming group that originally wrote it since the work had to be divided up among a certain number of people, each of whom had certain strengths and weaknesses." (11) Compare to sedimented composition of psychoanalytic unconscious.

3 1 6 (3900) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (24) 20140225f 0 -1+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Foreshadowing more complex networked environments where efficiency measures will be even harder to make. "As hazardous as it is to make simple measure of efficiency in a single-machine, simple-scheduler environment, it is childƒs play compared with the difficulties of obtaining meaningful efficiency estimates in a multi-processing or mutliprogramming environment." (24)

3 1 6 (4000) [-4+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (24) 20140225g 0 -5+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Prediction that virtual memory and other technological enhancements will favor scalable, transportable programs, implying all things from environment level, for example POSIX, to most basic computational units, for example common native data structures.

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Prediction that effectiveness will overshadow concerns of efficiency due to enormous amplification of computing power (Kurzweil).

3 1 6 (4200) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (37) 20140225k 0 -1+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Still in stage of looking for questions, defining the field, before undertaking extended studies for answers. "For the present, most of the work in the psychology of programming is going to have to be looking for questions." (37)

3 1 6 (4300) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (39) 20140225l 0 -6+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Cultural and personality of anthropology provides best model, studying social structure of culture of computer programmers, how they relate to each other and nonprogrammers. "The social science that provides us with the most useful overall model for computer programming is
anthropology. With a little artistic license and stretching of the imagination, we could imagine computer programmers as having a culture a shared set of beliefs and activities which shape their day-to-day activities. In our study of programming, we shall first examine the social structure of that culture the way programmers relate to one another and to other people who are not programmers. We shall find some surprising possibilities for improvement in this area over present practices, more even than in the second area of study programming as an individual activity. Although stretching a bit to make the analogy, this study is related to the personality and culture studies of the anthropologist. We shall see how the individual lends his individuality to his program and how programming lends shape to the programmer himself." (39) Predicts more room for improvement in social over individual activities, thus the focus on group behavior over individual psychology from which Turkle and others base their conclusions.

3 1 6 (4400) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (39) 20140225m 0 -4+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Tools are next, as embodiment of material culture. "Once these two sections have prepared the way, we should be in a proper frame of mind to examine the programmerƒs tools his languages, operating systems, and other devices from a psychological point of view. These tools are the
material culture of programming the artifacts which the programming archeologist would find and study to understand the dead civilization of programming. Also, as programmers are not born into this culture, we shall study how they are or should be recruited, and how they learn this complex way of life. Hence the psychology of learning and especially language learning shall play a large, though not exclusive, role." (39) Language learning plays large but not exclusive role in explaining recruitment and training into complex skilled art of professional programming.

3 1 6 (4500) [-4+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (91) 20140206i 0 -1+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Time span and complexity of programming situations exceed typical experiments by social psychologists.

3 1 6 (4600) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (33) 20140225i 0 -2+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Using college freshmen may suffice for general psychological experiments but without seasoned subjects study risks being psychology of programmer trainees. "In selecting subjects, inadvertent constraint may slip in. Whereas psychology may be the psychology of college freshmen, the psychology of programming could easily become the psychology of programmer trainees." (33)

3 1 6 (4700) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (35) 20140225j 0 -2+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Individual versus social unit a methodological shortcoming of other types of study, for example ethnographies of software development. "To the extent that experimenters have believed this, they have chosen the individual programmer experienced or not as the suitable object for study. But there is much evidence, as well shall see presently, to argue that the proper study of programming is done at the level of the programming social unit." (35) Brooks is aware of need to study groups.

3 1 6 (4800) [-6+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (46) 20140201 0 -7+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Social assemblages of group, team, project. "For our purpose, we shall identify three sorts of programmer assemblage the group, the team, and the project. Roughly speaking, the group is a collection of programmers, working in the same place, probably sharing the same machine and system, but working on separate programs, although there may be a relationship among some of the programs.
(46) A programming team, on the other hand, is a collection of programmers who are trying to produce a single program by working together. . . . The project is a group of programmers plus their supporting activities which has probably been brought together for the purpose of producing a single integrated system, or at least a closely knit collection of programs." (46) Project level aims at producing single integrated system or closely knit collection of programs as experienced in professional software development.

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Famous example of vending machine social hub informal organization shunting formal consulting mechanism. "Since most of the student problems were similar, the chances were very high that he could find someone who knew what was wrong with his problem right there at the vending machines. Through this information organization, the formal consulting mechanism was shunted, and its load was reduced to a level it could reasonably handle." (50)

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Warning of disrupting informal mechanisms from failing it understand their function. "The point of these stories is that informal mechanisms always exist and it is dangerous to change things without understanding them, lest you derange some smoothly operating system which you will not be able to replace at similar cost." (50)

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Studying effects of layout of workspace on social interaction and ultimately work product.

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Personality dimensions of compliant, aggressive, detached relevant to programmers. "Among the general personality traits is one which is measured along three dimensions --whether a person is compliant, aggressive, or detached. The compliant type is characterized by the attitude of liking to work with people and be helpful. The aggressive type wants to earn money and prestige, and the detached type wants to be left to myself to be creative.
(53) Like most good things, however, the detachment of programmers is often overdeveloped. Although they are detached from people, they are attached to their programs." (53) Their detachment from people likely accompanied by attachment to their programs, leading to discussion of egoless programming as optimal solution.

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Cognitive dissonance explains why programs as extensions of ego are hard for their authors to judge and find errors. "Now, what cognitive dissonance has to do with our programming conflict should be vividly clear. A programmer who truly sees his program as an extension of his own ego is not going to be trying to find all the errors in that program. On the contrary, he is going to be trying to prove that the program is correct even if this means the oversight of errors which are monstrous to another eye.
(56) Thus, if we are going to attack the problem of making good programs, and if we are going to start at the fundamental level of meeting specifications, we are going to have to do something about the perfectly normal human tendency to believe that ones own program is correct in the face of hard physical evidence to the contrary." (55)

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Reference to von Neumann humility regarding quality of his programs beside reputation for computing genius. "John von Neumann himself was perhaps the first programmer to recognize his inadequacies with respect to examination of his own work. Those who knew him have said that he was constantly asserting what a lousy programmer he was, and that he incessantly pushed his programs on other people to read for errors and clumsiness. Yet the common image today of von Neumann is of the unparalleled computing genius flawless in his every action." (56) Was he a hacker, and does it matter since he got others to help him improve them?

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Idea of egoless programming is training people to accept their inability to function like a machine to always produce perfect work. "Average people can be trained to accept their humanity their inability to function like a machine and to value it and work with others so as to keep it under the kind of control needed if programming is to be successful." (56-57)

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Practice of egoless programming concealed behind proprietary business practices and smug satisfaction, as well as lack of tests in sense of Latour, Boltanksi and Chiapello. "Why is the practice of egoless programming not more widespread? . . . First of all, many of the successful software firms are based on this type of interaction, and though they will admit to it under direct questioning, they often regard this knowledge as valuable proprietary information. Secondly, groups working in this way tend to be remarkably satisfied and stable, so that the programmers we find wandering from installation to installation are not likely to have come from such a group.
(58) Another reason these methods are not better known is that nobody has ever experimented on the difference in quality of work produced by this method and the method of isolated individual programmers." (58) Note default practice is isolated individual programmers relying on their personal competence, and in competition with each other for prestige.

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Account of egoless programming suggests advantages beyond detecting errors from sense of writing for future readers; apply to four factors of good programming.

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Egoless programming practices would likely help meet specifications, scheduling, estimating, continuity. "For meeting specifications, the value is quite clear. On the matter of scheduling, the effect on the mean time to complete programs is not immediately evident, but the effect on the variation should be clear from our example of the bugged simulator.
(59) since there is more than one person familiar with the program, it is easier to get realistic estimates on the amount of real progress that has been made. . . . The adaptability of programs is also improved, for we are assured that at least two people are capable of understanding the program. Under certain programming circumstances, this represents an infinite improvement. Also, the entire work is less susceptible to being disturbed." (59)

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Maintenance easier than changing existing groups due to fixation of social structures such as using particular languages. "Maintenance is by far the easier task, for converting an existing group to this philosophy will usually run against the phenomenon of locking or fixation of social structures. Fixation occurs whenever a situation creates an environment favorable for maintaining that situation.
(60) One typical computing example of social fixation is the adoption of one programming language by an installation." (60)

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A functioning group will social new members to its philosophy of programming. "To a large extent, we behave the way we see people behaving around us, so a functioning programming group will tend to socialize new members to its
philosophy of programming." (61) There, somebody said philosophy of programming.

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Clashes between aggressive management and egoless programming groups. "Adherents of the egoless programming philosophy are frequently subjected to threatening moves on the part of managers from the aggressive component of society and have difficulty appreciating the fact that other people do not completely share their goals of money and prestige." (61)

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Managers often evaluate group based on assessment of sum of individual contributions rather than property of the group.

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Coordination whenever scale of effort more than can be remembered by a single mind involved, and resolving conflicting demands in a group involves social mechanisms. "As long as the work of the entire group from its purpose and general organization to the last coding detail can be held in the mind of one person, there is no need for
coordination of programming effort. . . . In the second case, conflicting technical demands are translated into potential interpersonal conflicts, and a social mechanism must be formed to resolve them." (67-68)

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Three programmers only twice as productive as a single programmer because of time spent on coordination (Brooks).

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Parkinsonianism one extreme of scheduling dangers whose other is cutting corners and hoping for ideal conditions. "The minimum schedule can only be achieved by putting the best team to work on the project; and the minimum work team can only be used if we are willing to let the project stretch out for a longer time.
(68-69) Although we must always be on our toes against
Parkinsonianism (work expands to fill the time allotted), too tight a schedule will inevitably lead to the temptation to take shortcuts. These shortcuts might succeed in getting the system working on time but only if everything goes right, which it rarely does. So many failures to meet programming deadlines can be traced back to an initial schedule and plan of attack which assumed the most optimistic conditions no days lost through illness, no machine trouble, no compiler problems, no impossible bugs." (68)

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Design structure often chosen to accommodate team, nicely illustrated by figure. "Because there are frequently several ways of approaching the structure of a system but rarely more than one group of programmers available to do the work, the structure is often chosen to accommodate the strengths and weaknesses of the team members." (70) May complicate retrospective analysis.

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True consensus best reached having group set their goals. "To achieve true consensus on group goals, there is no better method than having the group set the goals itself.
(76) The greatest danger is the manager who has come up through the programming ranks and wants to define every bit and byte before the team even sees the problem. Nothing is more sure to dampen the team enthusiasm and make them feel that they are mere coders." (76) Danger of micromanaging by manager who used to code.

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Democratic, later called technocratic, work team works when based on inner realities of team life, leadership assumed by those most qualified at the time, not members exerting equal leadership.

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Project management is second order coordination among teams.

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Project progress a combination of different views of different programs.

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Project as programmer processing plant or training grounds.

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View project in terms of successful machines or natural systems rather than hierarchical organization modeled after Austrian army.

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Fallacy assuming programming is uniform effort requiring set of uniform talents.

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Distortion caused by view of programming as processing moving through discrete stages when steps often occur in different orders, or not at all, and iteratively, without sharp boundaries. "Programming is often described as a process moving from problem definition through analysis to flow diagramming, then coding, followed by testing, and finishing with documentation. Although this rough view contains some truth, it distorts the truth in several ways. First of all, the actual sequence is not so fixed, because, for example, documentation may precede testing, coding, flow diagramming, and even analysis. Secondly, not all steps need to be present, as when we are recoding a program for a new machine or language. Thirdly, it need to be a
sequence at all and, in actual practice, rarely is.
(133) And yet, because of the cyclic, or iterative, nature of the programming process, even such a decomposition as we have made above is too refined. These divisions lack sharp boundaries, or perhaps have no boundaries at all. To be sure, if we ask a programmer what he is doing, he will say coding or debugging without any hesitation. Moreover, the system of progress reporting, which is in effect in most installations, tends to force people to put their work in sharper categories than really exist. In this way, people are led to believe in the reality of the categories they write on their time sheets each week." (132-133) Progress reporting forces categorization, which is reified.

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Democratic, or technocratic, organization natural for programming teams. "We can see, then, why the democratic or perhaps we should say
technocratic --organization is such a natural one for a programming team. When selecting programmers for teams, we should try to choose people who will fit well within such a self-shifting structure neither too dominant nor too passive. In training our programmers, we should try to teach them how to follow able leaders and how to grasp leadership opportunities when they themselves are the most qualified in the group. And during the life of a team, we should try if we are on the outside not to interfere in those democratic processes which, though seemingly traumatic for the team and its members, will in the long run lead to most effective team functioning." (90)

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Key for life long programming is learning about the profession, not just particular programming problems.

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Professional programmers need ability to tolerate week long periods of stressful situations, be adaptable to rapid change, have modicum of neatness neat, be humble yet assertive, and possess a sense of humor; consider all as expressions of necessary flexibility to inflexible machines.

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Elasticity needed to work with rigid machines despite folk wisdom that programmers should resemble their medium; seems like a positive sense of flexibility compared to that required by the new spirit of capitalism to adapt to flexible environment.

3 1 6 (7900) [-6+]mCQK kraft-programmers_and_managers (v) 20130826 0 -7+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kraft-programmers_and_managers.html
Identity crisis confronting computer programmers, whether they are managers or engineers, reflects Wiener noting conflation of commands and facts complicating relationship between control and communication. "Norbert
Wiener, perhaps better than anyone else, understood the intimate and delicate relationship between control and communication: that messages intended as commands do not necessarily differ from those intended simply as facts. Wiener noted the paradox when the modern computer was hardly more than a laboratory curiosity. Thirty years later, the same paradox is at the heart of a severe identity crisis which confronts computer programmers. Are they primarily members of management acting as foremen, whose task it is to ensure that orders emanating from executive suites are faithfully translated into comprehensible messages? Or are they perhaps simply engineers preoccupied with the technical difficulties of relating software to hardware and vice versa? Are they aware, furthermore, of the degree to which their work whether as manager or engineer routinizes the work of others and thereby helps shape the structure of social class relationships?
(vi) To my knowledge, this is the first study written from the perspective of programmers themselves." (v)

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Initial impression that programmers were marginal people not fitting engineer stereotypes, and many were women.

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Four literatures of management researchers on programmers: moral uplift, psychological profiling, industry statistics, ethnographies.

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Importance of political, social relations of the workplace highlighting power, domination, subordination. "The fourth and last major category is made up of the work of highly experienced programmers who have spent considerable time analyzing the organization of the programming workplace. These writings are fascinating for more than their technical content; the work of F.T. Baker, Harlan Mills, and Gerald M. Weinberg, for example, is also important
politically. This is a crucial and often misunderstood point. The social relations of the workplace are arrangements of people which affect more than just efficiency and productivity. They are also relations of power, of domination and subordination." (3)

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Most literature on programmers written by managers with the concern of imposing discipline rather than writing better programs.

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Programmer manager relationship often viewed as personal rather than organizational, with surprising compliance to manager opinion.

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Manager interviews revealed programming work being organized like any other work in corporate bureaucracy.

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Programmers seemed unaware of organizational processes; contrast to FLOSS stereotypes of bazaar revolutionaries.

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Structured programming as quintessential managerial selection process to deskill and control programmers that is not inherent in the technology itself. "Structured programming is perhaps the most striking example of this managerial selection process. . . . I have suggested that managers use structured programming to de-skill and control their programmers. Yet, there is nothing inherent in the principles of structured programming at least as put forward by people like Edsger Dijkstra, David Gries, and many others which suggests that its developers are concerned with anything except making the writing of programs a more clear-headed and self-conscious undertaking than it presently is." (9) Related to Feenberg underdetermination.

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Separation of work in modern programming. "In spite of the lack of clear-cut boundaries between the software suboccupations, the divisions point to what may be the most important aspect of modern programming: the work of head and hand have been separated and given over to difference people." (16)

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External programming. "Changes in the operating program were made by adjusting a given combination of switches and physically rearranging special self-contained circuits called plug boards. These were circuits permanently wired to perform specific calculations such as square roots or cosines and were plugged in or removed as needed. The entire cumbersome process was known as
external programming since the instructions could be changed only by physically moving the plug boards, control switches, etc." (23)

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Symbolic code languages relieved applications programmer of having to write or know machine language by transferring tasks to other programmers.

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Microprogramming libraries of special routines in auxiliary units followed by high level programming languages.

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Time-sharing only radical transformation after solid-state technology. "With the exception of time-sharing, the advances which came after solid-state technology, microprogramming, and so on, have been primarily on the order of refinements rather than radical transformations." (26)

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Goal of managerial control with ideal of eliminating the programmer altogether. "In short, expanding applications and increasing complexity combined to require the services of people skilled in the ways computers worked rather than in the substance and content of their application. Responsibility for the computerƒs operation had been transferred to a new, or rather, several new, specialized occupations. The final users --primarily large organizations which could afford the hardware became the employers of skilled workers, who, like some other employees, operated advanced labor-saving machines. This proved to be quite important. The desire of organization users to treat computers like other labor-saving machinery intensified the already great pressure on hardware makers to simplify the computerƒs use. The goal, expressed early and often in the short history of the computer, is the same as in all other engineering industries: managerial control. . . . [quoting Robert Bosak] The ultimate is to remove the programmer entirely from the process of writing operational programs." (27)

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Producing programs left to anonymous army who have little understanding of why they are doing what they do, strengthening separation between those who think and those who do everything else. "Most of the routine and tedium associated with the daily tasks of producing programs are left to an anonymous army of people who merely do what they are told, understanding little of what they do and less of why they are doing it. At least up to now, the computer has intensified, not reduced, the separation between those who think and those who do everything else, an division now beginning to separate software workers as well." (29)

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Twentieth-century engineering occupations share little with older civil and mechanical; creations of their industries and employers like other raw materials used in production.

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Social role of programmer understood by IBM, but training still master apprentice model. "IBM, perhaps better than any of its competitors, understood that programmers trained by the company and using its machines would go out into the world carrying with them a profound appreciation of the virtues of IBM computers. . . . Their training courses, even by the standards of the electrical industry upon whose traditions they drew, were elaborate and carefully done.
(37) Whatever the differences, however, all remained structured more or less along the same master/apprentice model developed during World War Two." (36)

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Unix culture produces a new generation of programmers supplanting the IBM ethos; what are the cultures of the subsequent generations seems an important consideration for critical programming studies, along with questions of how the well documented history of Unix, versus other early free software, coincide with its proliferation in university environments? (144) By the mid 1970s, Unix was in wide use on college campuses. Thus, a generation of computer science graduates grew up in the Unix culture rather than in the IBM ethos of the previous generation.

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Role of SAGE in history of software training. "The Cold War had culminated in the police action of Korea, and in America it produced a belief in an imminent Soviet air attack. In response, the United States government authorized the most elaborate of all edp projects the military (or anyone) had undertaken up to then the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment, or SAGE. . . . SAGEƒs role in the history of software training came about because barely five years after the first computer went into service it undertook to train the 2,000 programmers necessary to make the project operations." (37)

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SDC spin-off of RAND developed managerial techniques for small number of senior personnel to oversee large number of junior personnel, institutionally separating conception and construction.

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Trained by future employers, not by peers as in guilds. "This must be considered the most important feature of the formal organization of software training: by and for whom it is organized. Programmers cannot claim, as do physicians or plumbers, that they are trained by their future peers and colleagues. Like other engineering workers, their training is not in their own hands, passed on from master to apprentice. On the contrary: programmer training is in the hands of their future employers, directly in the case of company schools and inhouse training, indirectly in the case of institutions which exist to service local, regional, or national employers." (46) Temporarily modulated by emergence of personal computer and later floss.

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Social class differences mirrored in software training. "With respect to software training, it is possible to discern the emergence of a similar social division, one which channels the sons and daughters of the less affluent into low-level technical and clerical positions, while directing the children of the comparatively more prosperous to positions in the field which offer considerably more in the way of interesting work, material rewards, career opportunities, and high social standing." (49)

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De-skilling is standardizing work to produce standardized products. "Labor costs can be reduced because the work necessary to turn out a standardized product can itself be standardized. This is what I mean by
de-skilling. It is a deliberate effort to transform work made up of separate but interdependent tasks into a larger number of simpler, routine, and unrelated tasks." (51-52)

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Tiny proportion of labor force used to make skills of vast majority unproductive. "In effect, the skills and talents of a relatively tiny proportion of the labor force research scientists, production engineers, systems analysts, and similar creative workers have been used to make unproductive the skills of a vast majority of the rest." (52)

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Do autonomous technologies transfer deskilling performed by previous generations, making us collectively dumber?

3 1 6 (10500) [-6+]mCQK kraft-programmers_and_managers (54) 20140119c 0 -1+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kraft-programmers_and_managers.html
Canned programs, structured programming, Chief Programmer Teams central changes making programming less complex and more routine. "The fragmentation of programming into suboccupations like coding, program design, and systems analysis suggests that the industry has been able to introduce changes in the way programming is done to render it less complex and more routine." (54)

3 1 6 (10600) [-6+]mCQK kraft-programmers_and_managers (57) 20140119d 0 -12+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kraft-programmers_and_managers.html
Structured programming and modularization encourage programmers work like machines. "Unlike such piecemeal approaches, structured programming offered an entirely new way of writing programs, elegant in theory and unambiguous in principle. Indeed, the principle was simple: if managers could not yet have machines which wrote programs, at least they could have programmers who worked like machines. . . . They could call only for certain kinds of information; they could ask only specified questions about that information; on the basis of the answer they received to their question, they could call for a particular machine operation (or an answer to another, approved question); when the operation was completed, they had to stop.
(58) If there are only a few pre-determined ways of ordering a programƒs logic, considerably less skill, training, and experience are required to grasp the major logical tools of the trade. Moreover, since the procedures are few, universal, and well-understood, one programming routine will develop much like all others. . . . Both writing and debugging are further facilitated by structured programmingƒs logical partner, modularization, which breaks down an entire software system into limited-function, discrete units, written independently and then fitted together in a pre-determined way to form a single system." (57)

3 1 6 (10700) [-6+]mCQK kraft-programmers_and_managers (58) 20140119e 0 -4+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kraft-programmers_and_managers.html
Structured programming freed managers from dependence on individual workers and made job-based fragmentation possible. "Structured programming and modularization thus achieved two long cherished managerial goals at once. They freed managers from dependence on individual high-level software workers. They also made possible for the first time a genuine job-based fragmentation of labor in programming.
(59) Structured programming, in short, has become the software managerƒs answer to the assembly line, minus the conveyor belt but with all the other essential features of a mass-production workplace: a standardized product made in a standardized way be people who do the same limited tasks over and over without knowing how they fit into a larger undertaking." (58)

3 1 6 (10800) [-6+]mCQK kraft-programmers_and_managers (59-60) 20140119f 0 -8+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kraft-programmers_and_managers.html
CPT formalizes natural organization under structured programming, similar to surgical team. "The CPT is little more than a formalization of the way programmer groups tend to be organized in practice when structured programming techniques are used. According to one of its most influential proponents, F. T. Baker, the Chief Programmer Team is organized around a nucleus of a Chief Programmer, a Backup Programmer and Programming Librarian. . . . The Team in then augmented by additional programmers who produce the remainder of the code under the close supervision of the Chief and Backup Programmers." (59-60)

3 1 6 (10900) [-6+]mCQK kraft-programmers_and_managers (61) 20140119g 0 -5+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kraft-programmers_and_managers.html
Automatic regulation and supervision creates docile programmers. "Canned programs, structured programming, and modularization are designed to make the supervision of software workers by managers easier and more like the supervision of other workers, i.e., by restructuring the work so that simly by doing it the worker regulates himself. The organization of the work and workplace are thereby turned against the worker; regulation and supervision become, for all material purposes, automatic.
(62) Programming, even coding, is still primarily a mind-skill and there are few hard and fast rules of behavior which managers can compare against an efficiency expertƒs model in order to check performance." (61)

3 1 6 (11000) [-6+]mCQK kraft-programmers_and_managers (66-67) 20140119h 0 -4+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kraft-programmers_and_managers.html
Observation of three workplaces, interviews, and published sources ground workplace analysis. "The analysis of software workplace relations presented here has been derived from several sources. The most important has been direct observation of three software workplaces: a systems programming group in a large computer manufacturing company; an applications group in another manufacturing facility, part of a diversified industrial conglomerate; and the computer center of a large university. Formal interviews and informal discussions with programmers, analysts, managers, consultants, and academics provided additional valuable information. Finally, four published sources were especially useful: Weinberg, Pettigrew, Hebden, and Greenbaum." (66-67) Compare summary to more recent ethnographic approaches by Rosenberg, Takhteyev.

3 1 6 (11100) [-6+]mCQK kraft-programmers_and_managers (68) 20140119i 0 -1+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kraft-programmers_and_managers.html
Is separation of workers and machines reproduced today in datacenters and version control systems? "But whatever the official reasons, separating the software worker from the machine, the machine room, and machine room employees constitutes the first and perhaps the most important of the head/hand separations he or she experiences in the data processing workplace (Greenbaum)." (68)

3 1 6 (11200) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (176) 20140210k 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Good programmers are made, not born, so emphasize creating them rather than selecting them; we can make good programmers by adjusting personality, work habits and training.

3 1 6 (11300) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (180) 20140215 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Training and experience improve performance more than attempting to adjust personality or intelligence.

3 1 6 (11400) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (181) 20140216d 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Doodling a lover instead of name of programming language used to suggest cultivating love of programming the ultimate motivation.

3 1 6 (11500) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (184) 20140205g 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Love of programming is the biggest motivator.

3 1 6 (11600) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (185) 20140205h 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Confusion between schooling, education and training hinders educational progress.

3 1 6 (11700) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (187) 20140205i 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Necessary training to acquire specific skills to use technologies may involve trivial content.

3 1 6 (11800) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (187) 20140205j 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Example of difficulty acquiring skill in JCL syntax blocking operating system education.

3 1 6 (11900) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (188) 20140215i 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Propensity for learning in children seems innate, though undirected; adults impeded by negative forces such as fear of others witnessing failure.

3 1 6 (12000) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (189) 20140215j 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Private learning environment using a terminal counters fear of observed failure, hinting at how personal computer revolutionized learning programming.

3 1 6 (12100) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (191) 20140306 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Link criticism of Papert undirected exploration to indirect impediments of not knowing what or how to learn.

3 1 6 (12200) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (191) 20140215m 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Competence in one language or dead-end technique often impedes learning new ones; consider Rosenberg discussion of Python written like Java.

3 1 6 (12300) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (191) 20140215n 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Direct impediments to learning of fear, expectation of failure, reluctance to admit weakness accompanied by indirect impediments of knowing what to learn or how; the latter have been institutionalized by absence of everyday programming instruction in school.

3 1 6 (12400) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (191-192) 20140215o 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Problem of under or overestimating difficulty of problems arising from unfamiliar situations, often by poor teachers giving wrong impression of the difficulty of the subject matter.

3 1 6 (12500) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (193) 20140215p 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Prepare for learning programming by knowing personal assets and liabilities, favored modes of perception, media use habits, learning by doing or discussing with others, and work habits.

3 1 6 (12600) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (195-196) 20140215q 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Learning as active pursuit entails taking broad look when programs are running and specific lessons when not; suggestion of break between engagements for reflection.

3 1 6 (12700) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (196) 20140215r 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Importance of test cases for active learning discovering problems, developing feeling for the critical case.

3 1 6 (12800) [-7+]mCQK mayer-teaching_and_learning_computer_programming (2) 20131105 0 -3+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_mayer-teaching_and_learning_computer_programming.html
First phase characterized by powerful claims such as Papert advocacy of programming as educational domain based on discovery approach that through which children would learn how to think. (2) Papertƒs (1980) advocacy for computer programming as a worthwhile educational domain seemed to have implications for both the instructional methods and expected outcomes of school programs in computing. First, early advocates for computer programming argued for a discovery approach that allowed for plenty of hands-on programming experience in an unstructured environment. Second, early advocates argued that students who learned how to program computers would also show increases in general cognitive development; that is, in learning to program, children would also learn how to think.

3 1 6 (12900) [-7+]mCQK mayer-teaching_and_learning_computer_programming (3) 20131105a 0 -2+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_mayer-teaching_and_learning_computer_programming.html
Second phase documented disappointing realities including difficulties learning LOGO fundamentals without directed instruction and failure to transfer rudimentary programming concepts to other domains. (3) The ideal vision of studentsƒ becoming better problem solvers due to hands-on LOGO learning collided with the documented reality of studentsƒ difficulties in learning even the fundamentals of LOGO.
(3) Learning even the rudiments of LOGO appeared to be difficult for children and transfer to other domains seemed minimal.

3 1 6 (13000) [-7+]mCQK mayer-teaching_and_learning_computer_programming (4) 20131105b 0 -8+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_mayer-teaching_and_learning_computer_programming.html
Third phase characterized by multidisciplinary research and theory emphasizing more guidance, predicting skills transfer to similar domains, and employing cognitive analyses of programming knowledge. (4) First, instead of advocating discovery methods of instruction, current research suggests that more guidance is needed to insure learning. . . . Second, instead of predicting major changes in childrenƒs cognitive development, current research suggests that transfer is most likely to occur for skills most similar to those learned in programming.
(4) Instead of evaluating the effectiveness of an instructional program, current research begins with a cognitive analysis of programming knowledge into parts that can be specified, evaluated, and taught. Furthermore, current research draws on theories of transfer in order to better understand the cognitive conditions under which transfer occurs.
(5) the current phase of research retains the idea that computer programming may ultimately become an exciting and revolutionary part of the curriculum.

3 1 6 (13100) [-6+]mCQK mayer-teaching_and_learning_computer_programming (2) 20130908 0 -1+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_mayer-teaching_and_learning_computer_programming.html
Emergence of scholarship on teaching and learning programming by children sobers exuberance of proponents like Kemeny and Papert, as well as presenting an approach to studying philosophies of programming. "The history of research on teaching and learning computer programming can be analyzed into three phases: an initial phase in which many strong claims were made concerning the expected outcomes and best methods of instruction for computer programming, and observation phase in which mounting data pointed to problems in studentsƒ learning, and a research phase in which theory-based studies were carried out to systematically understand the processes underlying learning and teaching computer programming." (2)

3 1 6 (13200) [-6+]mCQK mayer-teaching_and_learning_computer_programming (10) 20131005b 0 -1+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_mayer-teaching_and_learning_computer_programming.html
Research on programming shows advantages of developing psychologies of subject matter areas. "The growing body of research on programming shows the advantages of developing
psychologies of subject matter areas: Instead of studying learning and thinking in general we can study how people learn and think within subject matter domains such as programming, mathematics, science, reading, and writing." (10)

3 1 6 (13300) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (94) 20150816 0 -10+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Because it is easier to press keys than control a pencil computers introduce very young children to writing. "
Computers bring writing within the scope of what very young children can do. It is far easier to press keys on a keyboard than to control a pencil. . . . The computer is a forgiving writing instrument, much easier to use than even an electric typewriter.
(94) We find it easy to accept, indeed we are proud, when children develop physical skills or the ability to manipulate concrete materials earlier than we expect. But a basic change in the childƒs manipulation of symbolic materials threatens something deep. Central to our notion of childhood is the idea that children of Robinƒs age and younger speak but do not write.
(94) Opening the question of children and writing provokes a reaction whose force recalls that evoked by Freudƒs challenge to the sexual innocence of the child." (94) At the same time a threat is felt concerning our notion of childhood.

3 1 6 (13400) [-7+]mCQK turkle-second_self (95) 20131014i 0 -6+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Her studies clearly shift from emphasis on programming to application use, the triumph of the surface over deep structure; see her Wired magazine article accompanying the publication of Life on the Screen (quoted next). (95) The computer has become the new cultural symbol of the things that Rousseau feared from the pen: loss of direct contact with other people, the construction of a private world, a flight from real things to their representations. . . . If our ideas about childhood are called into question by child writers, what of child programmers? If childhood innocence is eroded by writing, how much more so by programming?

3 1 6 (13500) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (96) 20131014k 0 -1+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Programming languages used by children she studied included BASIC, PILOT, and Logo. "The children I observed programmed in a number of languages, including BASIC, PILOT, and Logo." (96)

3 1 6 (13600) [-4+]mCQK turkle-second_self (98) 20131014l 0 -1+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Graphics a favorite area of children learning to program.

3 1 6 (13700) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (100) 20131014m 0 -2+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Benefit of sharing programs over book reports. "Children canƒt do much with each otherƒs book reports, but they can do a great deal with each otherƒs programs. Another childƒs program can be changed, new features can be added, it can be personalized." (100)

3 1 6 (13800) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (104) 20131014n 0 -3+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Cultural extremes represented by programming styles regarding comfortable manipulation of formal objects versus impressionistic development of ideas relying on language and visual images. "Jeff and Kevin represent cultural extremes. Some children are at home with the manipulation of formal objects, while others develop their ideas more impressionistically, with language or visual images, with attention to such hard-to-formalize aspects of the world as feeling, color, sound, and personal rapport. Scientific and technical fields are usually seen as the natural home for people like Jeff; the arts and humantities seem to belong to the Kevins." (104)

3 1 6 (13900) [-7+]mCQK turkle-second_self (104) 20131014o 0 -7+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Hard mastery implements plans to impose will over machine; soft mastery the artist/bricoleur emergent, iterative interaction with media. (104)
Hard mastery is the engineer/scientist imposition of will over the machine through the implementation of a plan.
(104-105) Hard mastery is the mastery of the planner, the engineer,
soft mastery is the mastery of the artist: try this, what for a response, try something else, let the overall shape emerge from an interaction with the medium.
(105) Hard and soft mastery recalls anthropologist Claude Levi-Straussƒ discussion of the scientist and the
bricoleur. . . . While the hard master thinks in terms of global abstractions, the soft master works on a problem by arranging and rearranging these elements, working through new combinations.

3 1 6 (14000) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (105) 20131014p 0 -6+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Programming style as expression of personality, not just reflection of computer architecture imposed on programmer. "Computer programming is usually thought of as an activity that imposes its style on the programmer. . . . [however] looking for closely at Jeff and Kevin makes it apparent that a style of dealing with the computer is of a piece with other things about the person his or her way of facing the world, of coping with problems, of defending against what is felt as dangerous*. Programming style is an expression of personality style." (105)

3 1 6 (14100) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (105) 20131014q 0 -2+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
This quick, footnote dismissal of the specificity of different platforms and languages is a niche for my work to operate. "(footnote *) Not all computer systems, not all computer languages offer a material that is flexible enough for differences in style to be expressed. A language such as BASIC does not make it easy to achieve successful results through a variety of programming styles." (105)

3 1 6 (14200) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (108) 20131014s 0 -4+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Computer allows bricoleur to operate in formal domain, although later Turkle argues that the surface reigns as technology evolves. "In all of this, the computer acts as a Rorschach, allowing the expression of what is already there. But it does more than allow the expression of personality. It is a constructive as well as a projective medium. For example, it allows softs such as Kevin to operate in a domain of machines and formal systems that has been thought to be the exclusive cultural preserve of the hards." (108)

3 1 6 (14300) [-4+]mCQK turkle-second_self (109) 20131014t 0 -3+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Cultural division by gender between hard mastery for boys, soft mastery for girls.

3 1 6 (14400) [-4+]mCQK turkle-second_self (119) 20131014u 0 -2+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Consider new relation configuration with FOSS explores other relations beyond gender and science.

3 1 6 (14500) [-4+]mCQK turkle-second_self (122) 20131014v 0 -2+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Example of how programming enhances other means of learning.

3 1 6 (14600) [-4+]mCQK turkle-second_self (175) 20131019e 0 -3+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Cites studies of adult programmers for styles related to risk versus reassurance.

3 1 6 (14700) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (320) 20131020f 0 -10+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Initial insights from social study. "First, that the computer provides a new window onto developmental processes. . . . it is also a projective screen for different personality styles. Second, the computer . . . actually
enters into both cognitive and emotional development. It offers a medium for growth and, in certain cases, a place for getting stuck." (320) Computer provides new window onto developmental processes, projective screen for personality styles as well as actually entering into cognitive and emotional development, a medium for growth and getting stuck.

3 1 6 (14800) [0+]mCQK weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming (122) 20140209c 0 0+ progress/2014/02/notes_for_weinberg-psychology_of_computer_programming.html
Differences between amateur and professional programming include ultimate user, which affects planning, making changes, and forgetting; emergence of floss permits development of professional skills by amateurs.

3 1 6 (14900) [-7+]mCQK turkle-second_self (179) 20131019f 0 -1+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Footnote acknowledges appropriateness of various languages for various tasks; still does not reflect the other way, how using languages affects preference formation of users, though notes overdetermination by other general forces. (179)
Preferences in programming language and programming style are building blocks in the construction of computer cultures, in this case the culture of the first-generation hobbyist and hacker.

3 1 6 (15000) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (260) 20120825 0 -4+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Suggestion of religious rather than rational preference for programming languages links to social construction of technological systems. "A second way of coexisting with Microsoft has been to occupy niche markets where Microsoft has no presence. A classic example of this was Borland, which introduced Turbo Pascal in 1982. It happens that developers prefer particular programming languages for reasons that are more religious than rational. Pascal was an elegant programming language, favored by academics and by idiosyncratic firms like Apple Computer, whereas Microsoft and most software developers preferred the more prosaic BASIC or C programming language." (260)

3 1 6 (15100) [-6+]mCQK norman-design_of_everyday_things (177) 20131006v 0 -3+ progress/2009/11/notes_for_norman-design_of_everyday_things.html
Typical criticism of FOSS is lack of expertise designing for nonprofessionals to use. "There is nothing particularly special about the computer; it is a machine, a human artifact, just like the other sorts of things we have looked at, and it poses few problems that we havenƒt encountered already. But designers of computer systems seem particularly oblivious to the needs of users, particularly susceptible to all the pitfalls of design. The professional design community is seldom called in to help with computer products." (177)

--3.1.7+++ philosophers of computing technologies

3 1 7 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150817 20150817a 0 -9+ journal_2015.html
Organization of philosophers of computing technologies for minor theorists:

Characterizations of computing, programming, technology: Brooks, Castells, Deleuze, Uffenbeck.

Benefits of programming, often comparing it to literacy: Bauerlein, Campbell-Kelly.

Shaping thinking in reductive fashion: Black on punch cards.

More sophisticated shaping thinking: Weinberg, Brown and Duguid, Hafner and Lyon, Bogost.

Network effects: Campbell-Kelly.

Democratic rationalization, social revolution: Crane, Feenberg, Harper.

Feminist: Haraway.

Miscellaneous philosophers of technology: Foucault, Heidegger, Heilbroner, Ihde, McLuhan, Mitcham, Norman, Scharff and Dusek, Seneca.

Then the major theorists:

Weizenbaum presents major issues

Heim electric language;

Floridi critical constructivism;

Turkle evocative objects, robotic moment, realtechnik;

Edwards closed world;

Golumbia cultural logic of computation;

Galloway protocal;

Hayles embodied cognition, technological unconscious, hypertext, MSA;

Rushkoff importance of programming.

3 1 7 (200) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (244) 20130209 0 -5+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
No longer threat of Microsoft monopoly but multiplicities of proprietary protocols riding atop IP replacing core TCP RFCs. " (244) It is very likely if not inevitable that the core Internet protocols, today largely safe from commercial and state power, will be replaced by some type of proprietary system. (The fact that Microsoft has not yet replaced TCP/IP with a commercial product of its own is one of the miracles of computer history. Chances are this will happen very soon.)
(245) It is a physical logic that delivers two things in parallel: the solution to a problem, plus the background rationale for why that solution has been selected as the best. Like liberalism, or democracy, or capitalism, protocol is a successful technology precisely because its participants are evangelists, not servants." (telephones, tablets, and so on) Precisely this exists today with mobile device applications that utilize proprietary, likely encrypted protocols atop IP, which can be tested by watching wireless network traffic via tcpdump and etherape in the vicinity of mobile devices

3 1 7 (300) [-6+]mCQK deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control (6) 20130914d 0 -19+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_deleuze-postscript_on_the_societies_of_control.html
Deleuze puts it beautifully in stating computers emblematic of societies of control, which are continuous, short-term in contrast to discontinuous, long duration discipline, with jamming, piracy, and viruses as its dangers. "Types of machines are easily matched with each type of society . . . the societies of control operate with machines of a third type, computers, whose passive danger is jamming and whose active one is piracy and the introduction of viruses. . . . Itƒs a capitalism of higher-order production. It no longer buys raw materials and it no longer sells the finished products. What it wants to sell is services and what it wants to buy is stocks. . . . Corruption thereby gains a new power. Marketing has become the center of the soul of the corporation. We are taught that corporations have a soul, which is the most terrifying news in the world. The operation of markets is now the instrument of social control and forms the impudent breed of our masters. Control is short-term and of rapid rates of turnover, but also continuous and without limit, while discipline was of long duration, infinite and discontinuous. Man is no longer man enclosed, but man in debt." (6) Indebtedness to maintenance of the environment and socius replaces enclosure of human animal, that implies discontinuous applications of control operations, the rest of the time human animals wandering within confines now constituted by code space in addition to traditional forms.

3 1 7 (400) [-7+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (28-29) 20130723 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Definition of technology based on Brooks and Bell. (28-29) By
technology I understand, in a straight line from Harvey Brooks and Daniel Bell, the use of scientific knowledge to specify ways of doing things in a reproducible manner. . . . Furthermore, the current process of technological transformation expands exponentially because of its ability to create an interface between technological fields through common digital language in which information is generated, stored, retrieved, processed, and transmitted.

3 1 7 (500) [-4+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (4) 20130913g 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Rejects technological determinism, highlighting importance of social contexts and (human) search for identity.

3 1 7 (600) [-6+]mCQK uffenbeck-microcomputers_and_microprocessors (1-2) 20120322 0 -4+ progress/2004/07/notes_for_uffenbeck-microcomputers_and_microprocessors.html
Unique perspective on programming. "Despite the advances in semiconductor technology and microprocessors, the basic architecture of the digital computer has remained unchanged for the last 35 years. This is the so-called
von Neumann model of the stored program computer.
(2) We will also begin to take a look at the subject of microcomputer programming perhaps from a point of view you have not taken before. This is to consider the effects each computer instruction has on the electrical lines or buses of the microprocessor chip itself." (1-2) Basic four unique instruction cycles constitute all complex microprocessor instructions, derive from von Neumann architecture after decades of practical engineering; it became the basis of my reverse engineering methodology for stored program computers which I just read Wardrip-Fruin describe in similar terms.

3 1 7 (700) [-4+]mCQK uffenbeck-microcomputers_and_microprocessors (4) 20131108 0 -1+ progress/2004/07/notes_for_uffenbeck-microcomputers_and_microprocessors.html
Fetch and execute.

3 1 7 (800) [-4+]mCQK uffenbeck-microcomputers_and_microprocessors (5) 20131108a 0 -5+ progress/2004/07/notes_for_uffenbeck-microcomputers_and_microprocessors.html
Three-bus architecture yields four unique instruction cycles.

3 1 7 (900) [-6+]mCQK uffenbeck-microcomputers_and_microprocessors (5) 20131108b 0 -2+ progress/2004/07/notes_for_uffenbeck-microcomputers_and_microprocessors.html
While dated, it was through this sort of thinking that first generation microcomputer-based control units were built. "The instruction set of a computer can be thought of as a list of commands that cause unique sequences to occur on the three buses.
(5) Writing a computer program requires assembling the proper instructions and storing them sequentially in the memory unit of the computer." (5) The first chapter is one of the best concise explanations of how electronic computers work.

3 1 7 (1000) [-6+]mCQK uffenbeck-microcomputers_and_microprocessors (6) 20131108c 0 -7+ progress/2004/07/notes_for_uffenbeck-microcomputers_and_microprocessors.html
Description of digital line, bus, bits and codes. "A single digital line can therefore carry only two pieces of information the line is a 1 or it is a 0. We solve this apparent lack of information-handling capability by combining many digital lines together. Such collections of lines are referred to as a
(7) The important result to note is that by combining eight lines, the information handling capability of the bus has increased not by a factor of 8 but by a factor of 2
(7) If enough bits are used in the data words, we can express even the largest of numbers. Furthermore, we can develop
codes to represent the letters and punctuation marks of the alphabet. In this way the computer can process all types of written information." (6) Compare to Kittler on code.

3 1 7 (1100) [-4+]mCQK uffenbeck-microcomputers_and_microprocessors (16) 20131108e 0 -4+ progress/2004/07/notes_for_uffenbeck-microcomputers_and_microprocessors.html
Differences between TTL and CMOS devices shows even the voltages representing zeros and ones of digital signals are material specific.

3 1 7 (1200) [-6+]mCQK brooks-mythical_man_month (164) 20130415 0 -5+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_brooks-mythical_man_month.html
Definition of program/programming invicts materiality of programming, noting category mistake to cycle around code this good description sets stage for later thought in philosophy of computing see how we are going tapoc into working code trance knowledge state cycling through systems of machine and human conspiracy, for example C and English, C++ and ancient Greek, Perl and Latin, and so on. "A computer program is a message from a man to a machine. The rigidly marshaled syntax and the scrupulous definitions all exist to make intention clear to the dumb engine.
(164) But a written program has another face, that which tells its story to the human user. For even the most private of programs, some such communication is necessary; memory will fail the author-user, and he will require refreshing on the details of his handiwork.
(164) For the program product, the other face to the user is fully as important as the face to the machine." (164) I suggest today that in the complexity of program products as deployed solutions we miss communicating with the machine as programmers, exemplified by workplaces lacking weekly seminars on deployed solutions products.

3 1 7 (1300) [-6+]mCQK black-ibm_and_the_holocaust (422) 20140712k 2 -7+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_black-ibm_and_the_holocaust.html
Reduction to researchable punch card data shapes thinking. "
(422) Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) was the Allied high command in Europe under General Eisenhower. SHAEF had established a classified statistical analysis office in Bad Nauheim, which in summer 1945 was serving the United States Strategic Bombing Survey (USSBS). Roosevelt had established the Bombing Survey in November 1944 to evaluate the devastating effects of Allied bombing on Germany. This was to include the effects of civilian morale and whether bombs hardened the national will to fight, or collapsed it.
(422) The Bad Nauheim site was completely dependent upon Hollerith machines and Dehomag operators for its numerous calculations of bomb destruction and predictions of the resulting social disruption. The so-called Morale Division, staffed with a platoon of social scientists, psychologists, and economists relied upon the machines to quantify public reaction to severe bombing. Regular debriefing of civilians and experienced Gestapo agents regarding the dimensions of political dissension, as well as survey questionaires, were all reduced to researchable punch card data." (422)

3 1 7 (1400) [-6+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (ix) 20130709 0 -3+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Computer as metaphor to understand the human. "But a major point of this book is precisely that we, all of us, have made the world too much into a computer, and that this remaking of the world in the image of the computer started long before there were any electronic computers. Now that we have computers, it becomes somewhat easier to see this imaginative transformation we have worked on the world. Now we can use the computer itself that is the idea of the computer as a metaphor to help us understand what we have done and are doing." (ix)

3 1 7 (1500) [-4+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (12) 20130709a 0 -11+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
From juridicial to logical basis of spiritual cosmology and rationality.

3 1 7 (1600) [-6+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (41) 20130711 0 -1+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
New paradigm of machines as information transmitters rather than motion transmitters. "The arrival of all sorts of electronic machines, especially of the electronic computer, has changed our image of the machine from that of a transducer and transmitter of
power to that of a transformer of information." (41)

3 1 7 (1700) [-6+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (42) 20131010a 0 -8+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Effective procedure set of state-transition rules telling player precisely how to behave from moment to moment, allowing treatment of formal language as game. "The laws embodied by a machine that interacts with the real world must perforce to be a subset of the laws governing the real world.
(44) A crucial property that the set of rules of any game must have is that they be complete and consistent.
(45) Using this terminology, we may characterize the rules of an abstract game as
state-transition rules.
(46) Such a set of rules that is, a set of rules which tells a player precisely how to behave from one moment to the next is called an
effective procedure.
(48) The problem that thus arises would be solved if there were a single inherently unambiguous language in which we could and would write all effective procedures.
(50) A formal language is a game. That is not a mere metaphor but a statement asserting a formal correspondence. But if that statement is true, we should, when talking about a language, be able to easily move back and forth between a game-like vocabulary and a corresponding language-like vocabulary." (42)

3 1 7 (1800) [-4+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (62) 20130711a 0 -6+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Importance of constructing universal machines; example of a Turing-machine like game using toilet paper, white and black stones, and a die.

3 1 7 (1900) [-6+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (96) 20130711b 0 -5+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Importance of conditional branching for autonomous behavior. "The ability of computers to execute conditional-branch instructions i.e., to modify the flow of control of their programs as a function of the outcome of tests on intermediate results of their own computations is one of their most crucial properties, for every effective procedure can be reduced to a series of nothing but commands (i.e., statements of the form do this and do that ) interlaced with conditional-branch instructions." (96)

3 1 7 (2000) [-6+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (30) 20130710b 0 -10+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
We ignore the possibility of different responses than computerization that may have occurred in telling the history of technological advance. "The inability to act which, as [J. W.]
Forrester points out, provided the incentive to augment or replace the low-internal-speed human organizations with computers, might in some other historical situation have been an incentive for modifying the task to be accomplished, perhaps doing away with it altogether, or for restructuring the human organizations whose inherent limitations were, after all, seen as the root of the trouble. . . . But the computer was used to build, in the words of one air force colonel, a servomechanism spread out over an area comparable to the whole American continent, that is, the SAGE air-defense system.
(31) An enormous acceleration of social invention, had it begun then, would now seem to us as natural a consequence of manƒs predicament in that time as does the flood of technological invention and innovation that was actually stimulated.
(31) The computer, then, was used to conserve Americaƒs social and political institutions. It buttressed them and immunized them, at least temporarily, against enormous pressures for change." (30) Forrester focused on inability to act as impetus to build SAGE.

3 1 7 (2100) [-6+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (103) 20131108a 0 -9+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Programmers sense power of computer by their ability to program it to do things, even if they do not know how it works. "If todayƒs programmers are largely unaware of the detailed structures of the physical machines they are using, of their languages, and of the translators that manipulate their programs, then they must also be largely ignorant of many of the arguments I have made here, particularly of those arguments concerning the universality of computers and the nature of effective procedures. How then do these programmers come to sense the power of the computer?
(103-104) Their conviction that, so to say, the computer can do anything i.e., their correct intuition that the languages available to them are, in some nontrivial sense, universal comes largely from their impression that they can program any procedure they thoroughly understand. That impression, in turn, is based on their experience of the power of subroutines and of the reducibility of complex decision processes to hierarchies of binary (i.e., two-way branching) choices.
(105) The computer programmerƒs sense of power derives largely from his conviction that this instructions will be obeyed unconditionally and that, given his ability to build arbitrarily large program structures, there is no limit to at least the size of the problems he can solve." (103)

3 1 7 (2200) [-6+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (107-108) 20130723 0 -6+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Only partial understanding is needed to program, being experimental like writing. " (107-108) The idea that a person can write a program that embodies anything he thoroughly understands is at least equally problematical. . . . In effect, we all constantly use subroutines whose input-output behavior we believe we know, but whose details we need not and rarely do think about. To understand something sufficiently well to be able to program it for a computer does not mean to understand it to its ultimate depth." (consider against Turkle) Myth of depth

3 1 7 (2300) [-4+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (118) 20130724 0 -8+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Hacker viewed as possessing technique but not knowledge, pleasurelessly driven like a compulsive gambler; compare to Turkle bricoleur versus hard mastery programming styles.

3 1 7 (2400) [-4+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (214) 20130721e 0 -4+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Logic is only small component of ordinary human thinking, extending by intuition into embodiment beyond the monolithic CPU paradigm, an argument supported by brain hemisphere studies.

3 1 7 (2500) [-6+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (221) 20130721f 0 -8+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Whole man, whole poking fun at Simon ant getting intelligence from complexity of environment also applying to humans, mysterious spectacle much richer than reduced equivalence in computable logic. "Even calculating reason compels the belief that we must stand in awe of the mysterious spectacle that is the whole man I would even add, that is the whole ant.
(222) The lesson here is rather that the part of the human mind which communicates to us in rational and scientific terms is itself an instrument that disturbs what it observes, particularly its voiceless partner, the
unconscious, between which and our conscious selves it mediates.
(222) We are capable of listening with the third ear, of sensing living truth that is truth beyond any standards of provability. It is
that kind of understanding, and the kind of intelligence that is derived from it, which I claim is beyond the abilities of computers to simulate.
(222-223) But gradually, even slyly, our own minds become infected with what A. N.
Whitehead called the fallacy of misplaced concreteness. We come to believe that these theoretical terms are ultimately interpretable as observations, that in the visible future we will have ingenious instruments capaable of measuring the objects to which these terms refer." (221) Dares to invoke unconscious and infant socialization as example of human ability computers cannot simulate, and admits default to Whitehead fallacy of misplaced concreteness.

3 1 7 (2600) [-4+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (227) 20130721g 0 -5+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Shifts to ethical stance against giving computers tasks demanding wisdom.

3 1 7 (2700) [-6+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (232) 20131108c 0 -8+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Misattribution that programmer understands every detail of the processes embodied by programs realized by Wiener. "Norbert Wiener, the father of cybernetics, foretold this phenomenon in a remarkably prescient article published almost fifteen years ago.
(233) What Norbert Wiener described as a possibility has long since become reality. The reasons for this appear to be almost impossible for the layman to understand or accept. His misconcpetion of what computers are, of what they do, and of how they do what they do is attributable in part to the pervasiveness of the mechanistic metaphor and the depth to which it has penetrated the unconscious of our entire culture. . . . To him [Minsky] computers and computer programs are mechanical in the same simple sense as steam engines and automobile transmissions." (232)

3 1 7 (2800) [-4+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (234) 20130721j 0 -2+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Legal/bureaucratic view of program formulation appeals to vicissitudes of execution, although lay person believes programmers know every detail and theoretical bases: knowledge is much more sparse and brittle (MacKenzie).

3 1 7 (2900) [-6+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (252) 20130721p 0 -6+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Computers as fetish and concrete form of Horkheimer eclipse of reason. "Horkheimer, long before computers became a fetish and gave concrete form to the eclipse of reason, gave us the needed perspective.
(255) The alternative to the kind of rationality that sees the solution to world problems in psychotechnology is not mindlessness. It is reason restored to human dignity, to authenticity, to self-esteem, and to individual autonomy.
(257) On the other hand, it may be that religion was not addictive at all. Had it been, perhaps God would not have died and the new rationality would not have won out over grace. But instrumental reason, triumphant technique, and unbridled science are addictive." (252)

3 1 7 (3000) [-4+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (260) 20130722 0 -7+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Routinely do things with computer technology like morally questionable experiments, such as violent video games and pornography; treating everything as an object puts our souls at peril.

3 1 7 (3100) [-6+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (267) 20130722c 0 -17+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Strong philosophy of computing and programming positions. "This spirit dictates that I must exhibit some of my own decisions about what I may and may not do in computer science.
(268) There is, in my view, no project in computer science as such that is morally repugnant and that I would advise students or colleagues to avoid.
(268) There are, however, two kinds of computer applications that either ought not be undertaken at all, or, if they are contemplated, should be approached with utmost caution.
(268-269) The first kind I would call simply obscene. . . . The proposal I have mentioned, that an animalƒs visual system and brain be coupled to computers, is an example.
(269-270) I would put all projects that propose to substitute a computer system for a human function that involves interpersonal respect, understanding, and love in the same category. . . . The point is (Simon and Colby to the contrary notwithstanding) that there are some human functions for which computers
ought not to be substituted. It has nothing to do with what computers can or cannot be made to do. Respect, understanding, and love are not technical problems.
(270) The second kind of computer application that ought to be avoided, or at least not undertaken without very careful forethought, is that which can easily be seen to have irreversible and not entirely foreseeable side effects. If, in addition, such an application cannot be shown to meet a pressing human need that cannot readily be met in any other way, then it ought not to be pursued." (267) No morally repugnant projects, but obscene and irreversible applications should be avoided; the animal experiments and robotic moment have happened.

3 1 7 (3200) [-4+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (270) 20130722d 0 -10+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Interesting choice of speech recognition as an application to avoid (contrary to Licklider); either too expensive or will lead to surveillance state.

3 1 7 (3300) [-6+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (276) 20130729 0 -20+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Civil courage in small contexts of governmentality, especially teachers of computer science. "It is a widely held but a grievously mistaken belief that civil courage finds exercise only in the context of world-shaking events. To the contrary, its most arduous exercise is often in those small contexts in which the challenge is to overcome the fears induced by petty concerns over career, over our relationships to those who appear to have power over us, over whatever may disturb the tranquility of our mundane existence.
(276) And, because this book is, after all, about computers, let that call be heard mainly by teachers of computer science.
(277) He must teach the limitations of his tools as well as their power.
(277) Almost anyone with a reasonably orderly mind can become a fairly good programmer with just a little instruction and practice. . . . Immature students are therefore easily misled into believing that they have truly mastered a craft of immense power and of great importance when, in fact, they have learned only its rudiments and nothing substantive at all.
(278) When such students have completed their studies, they are rather like people who have somehow become eloquent in some foreign language, but who, when they attempt to write something in that language, find they have literally nothing of their own to say.
(278) The function of a university cannot be to simply offer prospective students a catalog of skills from which to choose. . . . Surely the university should look upon each of its citizens, students and faculty alike, first of all as human beings in search of what else to all it?--truth, and hence in search of themselves.
(278) Just because so much of a computer-science curriculum is concerned with the craft of computation, it is perhaps easy for the teacher of computer science to fall into the habit of merely training.
(279) Finally, the teacher of computer science is himself subject to the enormous temptation to be arrogant because his knowledge is somehow harder than that of his humanist colleagues.
(280) Without the courage to confront oneƒs inner as well as oneƒs outer worlds, such wholeness is impossible to achieve. Instrumental reason alone cannot lead to it." (276) Good entry point for critical programming, obligation of the university to do more than train.

3 1 7 (3400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150818 20150818a 4 -2+ journal_2015.html
I am calling Weizenbaum a philosophical programmer because his human destined philosophical production is accompanied by machine destined writing, which has a different but similar rhetoric, for philosophical argument often resembles programming forms to extent OHCO thesis hold having added C++ dynamism to XML . Whereas Weizenbaum is credited with writing ELIZA it is unclear whether Golumbia is a philosophical programmer as well.

3 1 7 (3500) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (1-2) 20130921 0 -7+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Computationalism, mind itself as computer, surprisingly underwrites to traditional conceptions of humanity, society, politics. "This book foregrounds the roles played by the rhetoric of computation in our culture. I mean thereby to question not the development of computers themselves but the emphasis on computers and computation that is wide spread throughout almost every part of the social fabric. . . . my concern is that belief in the power of computation a set of beliefs I call here
computationalism underwrites and reinforces a surprisingly traditionalist conception of human being, society, and politics.
(2) The primary goal is to understand our own culture, in which computers play a significant but not decisive role." (1-2)

3 1 7 (3600) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (2-3) 20130921a 0 -5+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Rejects historical rupture associated with rise of electronic computing machinery. "Too often the rhetoric of computation, especially that associated with so-called new media, suggests that we are in the process of experiencing a radical historical break of just this millennial sort. . . . Networks, distributed communication, personal involvement in politics, and the geographically widespread sharing of information about the self and communities have been characteristic of human societies in every time and every place: a burden of this book is to resist the suggestion that they have emerged only with the rise of computers." (2-3)

3 1 7 (3700) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (6) 20130921b 0 -1+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Birkerts and Turkle on danger of pleasurable lure away from physical forms of social interaction.

3 1 7 (3800) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (8-9) 20130921d 0 -11+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Computationalism related to Hayles regime of computation, neoliberalism, Deleuze and Guattari war machine. "While philosophers use the term
computationalism to refer to others of their kind who believe that the human mind is ultimately characterizable as a kind of computer, here I deploy the term more expansively as a commitment to the view that a great deal, perhaps all, of human and social experience can be explained via computational processes. . . . In this sense, by computationalism I mean something close but not identical to what Hayles (2005) rightly calls the regime of computation ; I believe it is accurate to say that the regime of computation targets the combined effects of computational rhetoric and mass computerization; here, at least in great part, my effort is to separate these two phenomena, even if we often want to examine how they work in tandem.
(9) In the most explicit accounts of Western intellectual history, mechanist views cluster on the side of political history to which we typically think of as the right, or conservatism, or Tory politics, or in our day, and perhaps more specifically relevant to this inquiry,
neoliberalism. . . . Resistance to the view that the mind is computational is often found in philosophers we associate with liberal or radical (usually, but not always, left) views, despite a significant amount of variety in their views for example, Locke, Hume, Nietzsche, Marx.
(10) Just in order to take advantage of what
Deleuze and Guattari (1982, 1987) call the war machine, and then subsequently as a method of social organization in general, the State uses computation and promotes computationalism." (8-9)

3 1 7 (3900) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (13) 20130807 0 -9+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Key point that adopting hyper rationalism shunts alternative discourses follows same argument that computing aligns with rationality better than other sciences. "For at least one hundred years and probably much longer, modern societies have been built on the assumption that more rationality and more
techn (and more capital) are precisely the solutions to the extremely serious problems that beset our world and our human societies. Yet the evidence that this is not the right solution can be found everywhere. . . . To some extent this is a perpetual tension in all societies, not just in ours or in so-called modern ones; what is distinctive about our society, historically, is its emphasis on rationalism and its terrific adeptness at ruling out any discourse that stands against rationalism.
(14) The computer, despite its claims to fluidity, is largely a proxy for an idealized form of rationalism. This book shows how the rationalist vision could be mutated into something like a full articulation of human society, despite the obvious, repeated,
a priori and a posteriori reasons that this could never and will never be the case. On this view, the main reason figures like Kant, Hegel, Plato, Hume, the late Wittgenstein, and even Derrida and Spivak look odd at all to us in precisely because of the sheer power held by the rationalist vision over so much of society." (13)

3 1 7 (4000) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (14) 20130807a 0 -16+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Definition of computation as mathematical calculation that can stand for nonmathematical propositions, invoking Spivak, Landow and Derrida.

3 1 7 (4100) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (19) 20130807b 0 -4+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Languages are not codes because the former rarely have a single correct interpretation. "Programming languages, as Derrida knew, are codes: they have one and only one correct interpretation (or, at the absolute limit, a determinate number of discrete interpretations). Human language practice almost never has a single correct interpretation. Languages are not codes; programming languages like Basic and FORTRAN and scripting languages like HTML and JavaScript do not serve the functions that human languages do. The use of the term
language to describe them is a deliberate metaphor, one that is meant to help us interact with machines, but we must not let ourselves lose sight of its metaphorical status, and yet this forgetting has been at stake from the first application of the name." (19) Thus a deliberate utilitarian metaphor whose artificiality has been forgotten.

3 1 7 (4200) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (23) 20130810a 0 -1+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Striation a key concept from Deleuze and Guattari, although focus typically on the virtual. "Nevertheless, the emphasis on the virtual as Deleuze and Guattariƒs chief contribution to the cultural study of computers has helped to obscure their much more sustained and meaningful ideas that center on the term
striation, and that clearly have computation as an historical abstraction, and not just material computers, as their object of analysis." (23)

3 1 7 (4300) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (23-24) 20130810b 0 -10+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
We do not want to admit overwhelming forces of striation in hegemonies of governmentality afforded by computationalism; liberal political analysis favors two positions of democratizing technological determinism or resisting through protocol.

3 1 7 (4400) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (25-26) 20130811 0 -6+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Computing is our governmentality, not just an industry and communications medium. "my point is to raise the question whether the shape, function, and ubiquity of the computing network is something that should be brought under democratic control in a way that it is not today. I do not think computing is an industry like any other, or even a communications-medium like any other; rather, it is a name for the administrative control and concentration powers of our society in a sense, precisely what Foucault would call our
governmentality. . . . Thus to [Alexander] Gallowayƒs dictum I offer this simple emendation: resistance through protocol, and against it." (25-26) Must resist both through and, in more sophisticated like Derrida not Luddite, against protocol.

3 1 7 (4500) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (26-27) 20130811a 0 -6+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Not enough evidence that computers bring the democratic actions liberal discourse proclaims, beyond social media effects, while there is plenty of evidence suggesting increased authoritarianism, especially through surveillance, and corporate facism.

3 1 7 (4600) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (31) 20130811b 0 -6+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Chomsky was in the right place at the right time, filling the author-function for the nascent regime of computation by appealing to traditional Cartesian rationalism. "In this sense, despite Chomskyƒs immense personal charisma and intellectual acumen, it is both accurate and necessary to see the Chomskyan revolution as a discourse that needed not so much an author as an author-function tied to the legal and institutional systems that circumscribe, determine, and articulate the realm of discourses (Foucault 1969, 130).
(32) In a deliberate and also largely covert effort to resist the possibility of communist/Marxist encroachment on the U.S.
conceptual establishment (which points at something far broader than institutional philosophy), individuals, government entities including the military and intelligence bodies (De Landa 1991), and private foundations like the RAND Corporation, promoted values like objectivity and rationalism over against subjectivity, collectivity, and shared social responsibility.
(32) Chomsky offered the academy at least two attractive sets of theses that, while framed in terms of a profoundly new way of understanding the world, in fact harkened back to some of the most deeply entrenched views in the Western intellectual apparatus.
(32) there is a natural ease of fit between the computationalist view and the rationalist one, and this fit is what proves so profoundly attractive to the neoliberal academy." (31)

3 1 7 (4700) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (33) 20130813 0 -1+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Must emphasize Chomsky computationalist stance supporting governmentality, conservative power over more popular leftist politics, just as computer technology enforces entrenched power structures more than it encourages democratic gestures.

3 1 7 (4800) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (33) 20130813a 0 -1+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Chomsky partisans opposed to socially embedded interpretive perspectives.

3 1 7 (4900) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (38) 20130813b 0 -1+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Legitimating equivocation of language and logical systems. "Taken together, the ideological burden of the CFG [Context-Free Grammar] essays is to legitimate the application of the word
language to logical systems, despite the obvious fact that logical systems have historically been understood as quite different from human languages." (38)

3 1 7 (5000) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (40) 20130813c 0 -1+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Language organ is mechanism that generates infinite permutations of sentences like a theoretical Turing machine. "Somewhere inside the human brain there must be a physical or logical engine, call it the
language organ, whose job is to produce mathematical infinity, and the advent of this ability also happens to be the crucial disjunction that separates humans from nonhumans and perhaps even intelligence from nonintelligence." (40)

3 1 7 (5100) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (43) 20130813d 0 -7+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Compare bias for English in Chomskyan linguistics, and dismissal of cultural differences, to prevalence of English form in programming languages.

3 1 7 (5200) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (46) 20130813e 0 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Followers of Chomsky characterized as predominantly white male computer geeks.

3 1 7 (5300) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (48) 20130921e 0 -9+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Idiomaticity and iterability paralinguistic operations outside core operations of faculty of language. "For a purely formalist account, both
idiomaticity and iterability must be seen as paralinguistic operations, outside of the core operations of the syntax that is the internal computer called the faculty of language.
(49) A plausible alternative to the Chomskyan view, then, and one held by something like the majority of working linguists . . . is that there is no engine of linguistic structure. . . . Instead, they all evolved together, as a package of cognitive and linguistic capabilities whose computational features, to the degree they are all at constitutive, make up only a small and likely indistinguishable fraction of the whole." (48)

3 1 7 (5400) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (53) 20130813g 0 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Connection between Chomskyan computationalism into philosophical functionalism. "George
Miller himself perhaps best embodies the view that was about to sprout from Chomskyan computationalism into philosophical functionalism. In the early 1960s, in no small part due to the reception of Chomskyƒs writings, the Center for Cognitive Studies (CCS) was established at Harvard by Miller and Jerome Bruner." (53)

3 1 7 (5500) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (53-54) 20130813h 0 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Cultural structures of subjectivity at the heart of computationalism rather than belief in technnological progress. "It is precisely politics and ideology, rather than intellectual reason, that gives computationalism its power. So some of the worldƒs leading intellects have been attracted to it, precisely because of its cultural power; and so many of them have defected from it (just as so many have defected from Chomskyan generativism) because there exists a structure of belief at its core, one implicated not in technological progress but in the cultural structures of subjectivity." (53-54)

3 1 7 (5600) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (85) 20130816d 0 -5+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Universal translator from Star Trek reveals cultural beliefs about languages and future hopes of computer abilities. "Like the
Star Trek computer (especially in the original series; see Gresh and Weinberg 1999) or the Hall 9000 of 2001: A Space Odyssey, which easily pass the Turing Test and quickly analyze context-sensitive questions of knowledge via a remarkable ability to synthesize theories over disparate domains, the project of computerizing language itself has a representational avatar in popular culture. The Star Trek Universal Translator represents our Utopian hopes even more pointedly than does the Star Trek computer, both for what computers will one day do and what some of us mope will be revealed about the nature of language. Through the discovery of some kind of formal principles underlying any linguistic practice (not at all just human linguistic practice), the Universal Translator can instantly analyze an entire language through just a few sample sentences (sometimes as little as a single brief conversation) and instantly produce flawless equivalents across what appear to be highly divergent languages. Such an innovation would depend not just on a conceptually unlikely if not impossible technological production; it would require something that seems both empirically and conceptually inconceivable a discovery of some kind of formal engine, precisely a computer, that is dictating all of what we call language far outside of our apparent conscious knowledge of language production. In this way the question whether a computer will ever use language like humans do is not at all a new or technological one, but rather one of the oldest constitutive questions of culture and philosophy." (85)

3 1 7 (5700) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (86) 20130816e 0 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Linguistic theories of early computer engineers stem from their experience with computers rather than study of linguistics. "But the early computer engineers Turing, Shannon, Warren Weaver, even the more skeptical von Neumann (1958)--had virtually no educational background in language or linguistics, and their work shows no signs of engaging at all with linguistic work of their day. Instead, their ideas stem from their observations about the computer, in a pattern that continues to the present day." (86)

3 1 7 (5800) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (89) 20130816f 0 -9+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Illegitimate analogy between code and language in Weaver memorandum.

3 1 7 (5900) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (103) 20130816h 0 -1+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Winograd abandoned SHRDLU realizing it is a closed formal system requiring programming to extend meaning.

3 1 7 (6000) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (105) 20130921g 0 -4+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
OHCO thesis in literary studies. "During the last fifteen years, a small body of writing has emerged that is concerned with an idea called in the literature the
OHCO thesis, spelled out to mean that texts are Ordered Hierarchies of Content Objects.
(106) But the particular shape taken by the initial OHCO thesis is highly revealing about a computational bias: a gut feeling or intuition that computation as a process must be at the bottom of human and sometimes cultural affairs,
prior to the discovery of compelling evidence that such a thesis might be correct.
(106) Recent work on the OHCO thesis suggests that its most restrictive versions are untenable just because of deep conceptual issues that emerged only through prolonged contact with real-world examples.
(106) [Allen]
Renear develops a philosophical typology via three seemingly familiar positions, which he calls Platonism, Pluralism, and Antirealism." (105) Renear typologies of Platonism, Pluralism, Antirealism.

3 1 7 (6100) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (113) 20130816i 0 -14+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Database model fitting for business and financial data but hardly for language and texts, so why the XML hype? "For this purpose, XML and its variants are really profoundly effective tools, but that does not altogether explain why the web-user community and academics have been so taken with XML. . . . little about language to begin with, let alone texts in particular, let alone
business documents, resembles a database.
(114) Related to this is the hard distinction between form and content that a database model of text implies.
(115) For a project like the Semantic Web to work, something more than the statistical emergence of properties from projects like and other community tagging projects is going to be needed.
(116) It has been quite astonishing to see the speed with which XML and its associated technologies have not merely spread throughout humanities computing, but have become a kind of conversion gospel that serves not merely as motivation but as outright goal for many projects. . . . Humanities researchers donƒt produce databases: they produce language and texts." (113)

3 1 7 (6200) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (140) 20130817e 0 -13+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Sense of computationalism has shifted from reductive view of intelligence as logical rationality, Ursprache, English-biased technological systems to oligarchical, Statist capitalism. "While its developers would surely claim that such features are a consequence of gameplay necessities and the use of the tools available at hand, there can be little doubt that a game like
Age of Empires II instances a computationalist perspective on world history. According to this view, history is a competition for resources among vying, bounded, objectified groups.
(140) the pursuit of historical change is the pursuit of striated power, realized as both an individual leveling-up and a societal achievement of historical epoch, themselves licensed by the accumulation of adequate resources, which are always channeled back into an even more intensive will-to-power.
(142) Civilizations are described exclusively in terms of economics (especially resource accumulation), military technique, and contribution to modern Statecraft.
(142) The only way to move out of a Claritas segment is to change where one lives, presumably by also changing economic situation as well; but there is little (if any) way to change the internal characteristics of the striated segments.
(142) In
Age of Empires the entire world is reconceptualized as fully capitalist and Statist from the outset, as if capital accumulation and Western-style technology are inevitable goals toward which all cultures have always been striving.
(143) Computation and striated analyses; essentialist understandings of race, gender, and nation; and politics that emphasize mastery and control do not merely walk hand-in-hand: they are aspects of the same conceptual force in our history.
(143) [McKenzie]
Wark comes closer than Galloway to seeing the inherent logics and politics of RTS games and the history they embody, but the proper name America is arguably both too specific and too general to capture what is at issue in the culture of computation. . . . In some sense, at least, the impact of computationalism on the world is much less like the historical development of America, and much more like the worldwide reemergence of principality like domains of imperial control today associated with medieval and pre-modern political forms (Hardt and Negri 2000, 2004). A more apt name might be neoliberalism." (140)

3 1 7 (6300) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (121) 20130817a 0 -4+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Computer revolution as vehicle for spread of dominant standard written English.

3 1 7 (6400) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (150) 20130817f 0 -6+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Differential benefits of IT to individuals favors the wealthy and powerful; critical discourse focuses on surveillance and intellectual property.

3 1 7 (6500) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (153-154) 20130817g 0 -6+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Forget there were rhizomatic technologies before computerization, such as telephone networks. "We want to imagine computers as deterritorializing our world, as establishing rhizomes, flat, nonhierarchical connections between people at every level but doing so requires that we not examine the extent to which such connections existed prior to the advent of computers, even if that means ignoring the development of technologies like the telephone that clearly did allow exactly such rhizomatic networks to develop. What computers add to the telephonic connection, often enough overwriting exactly telephonic technology, is striation and control: the reestablishment of hierarchy in spaces that had so far not been subject to detailed, striated, precise control. . . . contrary to received opinion,
it is the nature of our computers to territorialize, to striate, and to make available for State control and processing that which had previously escaped notice or direct control." (153-154) It is the nature of our computers to territorialize and striate biopower for State control.

3 1 7 (6600) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (157) 20130818b 0 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Striation resulting from expectancy of availability via every connected cellular phone interferes with cultural importance of smooth spaces and times, for example evenings and weekends; at the same time, the enclosure of the workday is interrupted by local, personal communications devices outside the corporate infrastructure as well as those riding upon them, for example workstation Internet access.

3 1 7 (6700) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (158) 20130818c 0 -7+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Balance sheet as staple of business thinking before electronics now extended to general workforce as spreadsheets.

3 1 7 (6800) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (162) 20130818d 0 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Dehumanizing perception of time tracking and project management views of workers insidiously tied into culture of cool associated with computer technologies.

3 1 7 (6900) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (191) 20130819b 0 -3+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Reason is syntax.

3 1 7 (7000) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (192) 20130819c 0 -6+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Correlation between rationalism and conservatism among philosophers.

3 1 7 (7100) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (186) 20130819 0 -3+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Structural identification between programmer and power elite sets up majoritarian, white male capitalist image thriving on mastery.

3 1 7 (7200) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (199) 20130819d 0 -3+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Gates and Ballmer criticized as quintessential techno-egotist male exploiters instantiating the Leviathan principle.

3 1 7 (7300) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (202) 20130819e 0 -10+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Computers many have savior of many things that can be learned propositionally, but not connaissance of having that knowledge; and many things cannot be learned through propositional communication, especially embodied behaviors like midwifery.

3 1 7 (7400) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (206) 20130819g 0 -12+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Mastery over computers seen as poor compromise with lack of social skills. "For must of us, mastery over computers is part of a poor compromise with the rest of society and most critically with other people. We allow ourselves the fantasy that our relation to the world is like our relation to the computer, and that we can order things in the world just so precisely. . . . Dr. McCoy, despite his apparent hysteria, is just as necessary for Kirk to make decisions as is Spock.
(207) Some of our most sophisticated and thoughtful perspectives on computers hover around the question of the computerƒs modeling of mastery and its relation to political power (also see Butler 1997 and Foucault 2000 on the relationship between political and personal power). . . . It is not necessary to the becoming-self that a child use a computer, watch television, or even read books; it is necessary that she or he use language." (206) Kirk needs Spock and McCoy.

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Galloway and Chun, among others, mistakenly emphasize minor instances of decentralization in overall systemic authoritarian structures in open source projects.

3 1 7 (7600) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (207) 20130819h 0 -1+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Awkwardly stated criticism of Turkle, Weizenbaum and Galloway failing to analyze what happens to children when ready-to-hand computers become basis of personality, a situation for which I certainly must consider myself.

3 1 7 (7700) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (209-210) 20130819j 0 -10+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
OOP fits within computationalism by emphasizing hierarchy, speciation, categories.

3 1 7 (7800) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (211) 20130921i 0 -5+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Mania for classification.

3 1 7 (7900) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (213) 20130819k 0 -6+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Presentist focusing on latest tools view fails to see prevalence of information throughout history, networked versus centralized practices, leading to belief in historical rupture and revolution. "It is
presentist because it presumes that people in their social lives prior to the Internet did not exist as a broad network of autonomous social actors, a claim that does not seem credible on its face; and its focus on the individual does not address how computers are used in large institutions like universities, corporations, and nonprofits. Despite the formal decentralization of the network protocol used in these organizations, their structure seems to me to remain highly centralized and hierarchical in some ways, in fact, more controlled and centralized than they could ever have been without computerization. This is a bias toward the screen-present: because we can see (or imagine we can see) the physical network, we believe it is more real than the evanescent social networks on which it is built and which it partly supplants.

Foucault population thinking.
(214) In the [concentration] camps human beings were reduced to something less than the full status which we typically want to accord to each one of us; and what Foucault calls population thinking, which certainly is associated with a widespread reliance on computational techniques, was dramatically in evidence in German practice.
(214) In the early modern era, when lords really did have fiefdoms, what licenses the proclamation that communication was centralized and not networked ?" (213)

3 1 7 (8000) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (217) 20130819m 0 -16+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Hobbes Leviathan foreshadows computationalism.

3 1 7 (8100) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (221) 20130819n 0 -1+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Method is ultimately to described ideological phenomena.

3 1 7 (8200) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (224) 20130820a 0 -11+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Environments full of clearly indicated goals limits to play and development of self regulation, which affects participation in democratic society.

3 1 7 (8300) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (155) 20130818a 0 -6+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Classic critical position leaves open whether direct participation is a legitimate role of the scholar, whether in form of managing or engineering.

3 1 7 (8400) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (203-204) 20130819f 0 -5+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Questionable position of holding back new media studies to clarify position transcends conservative stereotypes.

3 1 7 (8500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150819 20150819 0 -6+ journal_2015.html
Among philosophical perspectives of non programmers only learning to code Galloway exceeds Golumbia in subtlety of purview, demonstrating how one barely familiar with code may interpret the living world of PHI by announcing chivalry of objects demonstrates knowledge of OOP not evident in Golumbia more of a sequential structured programmign style PHI. For example, Golumbia identifies weaknesses in XML without proposing alternative, whereas protocol theorists accept unit operation model of hyperlink as part of definition of cyberspace PHI rather than reducing them in further abstraction of other layers in PHI. No surprise last year I was thinking with recent reading Golumbia. Weizenbaum provides tips for working code, such as what kind never to write. Is Weizenbaum personally breaking own ethic with ELIZA? When Galloway recommends reading code by decoding its structure of control as if film or novel it is odd that he does not suggest reading code as a programmer would be working it, working with it, working code.

3 1 7 (8600) [-6+]mCQK harper-smash_the_strata (129) 20130924h 0 -7+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_harper-smash_the_strata.html
Itinerant rhizome community membership ties to social media, ease of assembly, connecting, disconnecting, recycling, multitasking distractedness. "In opposition to the state, the smooth, nomadic space of the political assemblage can be conceived as community. Compared to the state, a community is a rhizome. . . . So long as it remains molecular, rhizomatic, it remains smooth; in a sense it remains smooth entirely because community membership is itinerant rather than arbitrary. The multiplicity of possible connections, networks and interfaces is precisely what makes such models of organization emancipatory." (129) Interesting to differentiate itinerant and arbitrary, invoking Arendt.

3 1 7 (8700) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (xii) 20130921 0 -10+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Isomorphism of technological and social/political. "Throughout the discussions on power, control, and decentralization,
Protocol consistently makes a case for a material understanding of technology. . . . In short, the technical specs matter, ontologically and politically. . . . Code is a set of procedures, actions, and practices, designed in particular ways to achieve particular ends in particular contexts. Code = praxis." (xii) Therefore material understanding of technology.

3 1 7 (8800) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (120-121) 20131031e 0 -11+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Most literature on protocol relation to bureaucracy and law, such as Lessig. "To date, most of the literature relating to my topic has covered protocol through these issues of law, governance, corporate control, and so on. Lawrence Lessig is an important thinker in this capacity. . . . Bureaucracy is protocol atrophied, while propriety is protocol reified.
(121) The argument in this book is that bureaucratic and institutional forces (as well as proprietary interests) are together the inverse of protocolƒs control logic. . . . Protocol gains its authority from another place, from technology itself and how people program it." (120-121) Galloway emphasis on technology and use.

3 1 7 (8900) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (xiii) 20130921b 0 -10+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Code always process based. "The first point is that networks are not metaphors. . . . Networks are not tropes for notions of interconnection. They are material technologies, sites of variable practices, actions, and movements. . . . A code, in the sense that
Protocol defines it, is process-based: It is parsed, compiled, procedural or object-oriented, and defined by ontology standards." (xiii)

3 1 7 (9000) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (xv) 20130921d 5 -15+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Answers question how does the Internet work with analysis of TCP/IP and DNS. " It asks how a particular type of network functions the information networks that undergird the Internet. It shows how a network is not simply a free-for-all of information out there, nor is it a dystopia of databanks owned by corporations. It is a set of technical procedures for defining, managing, modulating, and distributing information throughout a flexible yet robust delivery infrastructure. . . . It is constituted by a bi-level logic that
Protocol explains. . . . Understanding these two dynamics in the Internet means understanding the essential ambivalence in the way that power functions in control societies. . . . To grasp protocol is to grasp the technical and the political dynamics of TCP/IP and DNS at the same time." (xv)

3 1 7 (9100) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (xvi) 20130921e 0 -2+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Political character of protocol displayed in moment of disconnectivity as others emphasize glitches, blips and breakdowns. "The
moment of disconnectivity is the moment when protocol most forcefully displays its political character.
(xvi) Again, the mere technical details, such as RFCs, suddenly become the grounds for contesting the way in which control takes shape in the materiality of networks." (xvi)

3 1 7 (9200) [-7+]mCQK galloway-protocol (10) 20131031a 0 -4+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Distributed network is native landscape of protocol, whose content is another protocol, thus important Deleuzean diagram. (10) To steal an insight from Marshall McLuhan, the content of every new protocol is always another protocol.
(11) Protocolƒs native landscape is the distributed network. Following Deleuze, I consider the distributed network to be an important diagram for our current social formation. Deleuze defines the diagram as a map, a cartography that is coextensive with the whole social field.

3 1 7 (9300) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (xviii) 20130921f 0 -4+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Foucault political technologies and Deleuze diagram. "
Protocol considers networks through a diagram, a term borrowed from Gilles Deleuze. Protocol considers first a network as a set of nodes and edges, dots and lines.
(xix) If we are indeed living in a post-industrial, postmodern, postdemocratic society, how does one account for political agency in situations in which agency appears to be either caught in networks of power or distributed across multiple agencies?
(xix) By looking closely and carefully at the technical specifications of TCP/IP and DNS,
Protocol suggests that power relations are in the process of being transformed in a way that is resonant with the flexibility and constraints of information technology." (xviii)

3 1 7 (9400) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (xxi-xxii) 20130921g 0 -6+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Use of ontology standards outside philosophy as foundation of portability and layering in networks materialized in protocols. "
Ontology standards is a strange name for agreed-upon code conventions, but in some circles it is regularly used to signify just that. Newer, more flexible markup languages such as XML have made it possible for researchers (be they biologists or engineers) to come up with a coding schema tailored to their discipline. . . . If layering is dependent upon portability, then portability is in turn enabled by the existence of ontology standards." (xxi-xxii)

3 1 7 (9500) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (5) 20130921i 0 -7+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Distributed agency of Baran packet-switching network in surrounding equipment. "[Paul] Baranƒs network was based on on technology called packet-switching that allows messages to break themselves apart into small fragments. Each fragment, or packet, is able to find its own way to its destination. Once there, the packets reassemble to create the original message.
(6) In the early 1980s, the suite of protocols known as TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) was also developed and included with most UNIX servers.
(6) At the core of networked computing is the concept of protocol. A computer protocol is a set of recommendations and rules that outline specific technical standards. The protocols that govern much of the Internet are contained in what are called RFC (Request For Comments) documents." (5) The packets themselves do not find their own ways.

3 1 7 (9600) [-6+]mCQK brown_duguid-social_life_of_information (xx-xxi) 20120819 0 -2+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_brown_duguid-social_life_of_information.html
Importance of nontechnological innovations like using publicly moderated request for comments RFCs to democratize technological change, such as the development of communications protocols, although RFCs in particular were electronically disseminated. "The printing revolution, in short, involved social organization, legal innovation, and the institutional creativity to develop what appears now as the simple book and the self-evident information it contains. Contrary to assumptions that all it takes is technological innovation, a digital revolution too will need similar nontechnological innovations to fulfill its potential." (xx-xxi)

3 1 7 (9700) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (6) 20130921j 0 -9+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Protocols are core of networked computing governed by organizations like IETF and W3C who freely publish them as RFCs and other document types. "The RFCs are published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). They are freely available and used predominantly by engineers who wish to build hardware or software that meets common specifications. . . . Other protocols are developed and maintained by other organizations. For example, many of the protocols used on the World Wide Web (a network within the Internet) are governed by the Word Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
(7) Etymologically it refers to a fly-leaf glued to the beginning of a document, but in familiar usage the word came to mean any introductory paper summarizing the key points of a diplomatic agreement or treaty.
(7) What was once a question of consideration and sense is now a question of logic and physics." (6)

3 1 7 (9800) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (8) 20130921k 0 -4+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Key theme of book is contrast between distributing TCP/IP and hierarchizing DNS. "Emblematic of the second machinic technology, the one that focuses control into rigidly defined hierarchies, is the DNS.
(9) All DNS information is controlled in a hierarchical, inverted-tree structure. Ironically, then, nearly all Web traffic must submit to a hierarchical structure (DNS) to gain access to the anarchic and radically horizontal structure of the Internet.
(9) Because the DNS system is structured like an inverted tree, each branch of the tree holds absolute control over everything else." (8)

3 1 7 (9900) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (11) 20130921l 0 -4+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Distributed network the Deleuze diagram of current social formation. "A distributed network differs from other networks such as centralized and decentralized networks in the arrangement of its internal structure.
(11-12) The network contains nothing but [quoting Hall Internet Core Protocols] intelligent end-point systems that are self-deterministic, allowing each end-point system to communicate with any host it chooses. Like the rhizome, each node in a distributed network may establish direct communication with another node, without having to appeal to a hierarchical intermediary. Yet in order to initiate communication, the two nodes must speak the same language." (11)

3 1 7 (10000) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (16) 20130921n 0 -3+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Danger of protocol like danger of technology for Heidegger, pharmakon for Plato/Derrida; efforts must be guided through protocol, not against it (Licklider symbiosis, Heim component, Hayles coevolution).

3 1 7 (10100) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (17-18) 20130921o 0 -3+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Focus on bodies and material stratum of computer technology rather than minds and epistemology. "I draw a critical distinction between this body of work [Minsky, Dennett, Searle, Dreyfus], which is concerned largely with epistemological and cognitive science, and the critical media theory that inspires this book. Where they are concerned with minds and questions epistemological, I am largely concerned with bodies and the material stratum of computer technology.
(18) While my ultimate indebtedness to many of these authors will be obvious, it is not my goal to examine the social or culturo-historical characteristics of informatization, artificial intelligence, or virtual anything, but rather to study computers as Andre Bazin studied film or Roland Barthes studied the striptease: to look at a material technology and analyze its specific formal functions and dysfunctions." (17-18) Like Bazin, Barthes and Hayles analyzing material specific formal functions and dysfunctions.

3 1 7 (10200) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (20) 20130921q 0 -1+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Reading code as a natural language, but likely employing close, hyper, and machine techniques. "Indeed, I attempt to read the never-ending stream of computer code
as one reads any text (the former having yet to achieve recognition as a natural language), decoding its structure of control as one would a film or novel." (20)

3 1 7 (10300) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (20) 20130921r 0 -4+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Broad periods of sovereign, disciplinary, and control societies with characteristic political and technological forms.

3 1 7 (10400) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (26) 20130921s 0 -8+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Protocol the technical theory of Hardt and Negri Empire as social theory. "The computer protocol is thus in lockstep with
Hardt and Negriƒs analysis of Empireƒs logics, particularly the third mode of imperial command, the managerial economy of command. . . . In fact, one might go so far so to say that Empire is the social theory and protocol the technical.
(26) Further to these many theoretical interventions Foucault, Deleuze, Kittler, Mandel, Castells, Jameson, Hardt and Negri are many dates that roughly confirm my periodization.
(27) At best, periodization theory is an analytical mindgame, yet one that breathes life into the structural analyses offered to explain certain tectonic shifts in the foundations of social and political life. My book implicitly participates in this game, mapping out certain details of the third, control society phase, specifically the diagram of the distributed network, the technology of the computer, and the management style of protocol." (26)

3 1 7 (10500) [-7+]mCQK galloway-protocol (74) 20130923d 0 -9+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Protocol as universal description language of objects, chivalry of objects. (74) Protocol is a universal description language for objects.
Protocol is a language that regulates flow, directs netspace, codes relationships, and connects life-forms. . . . Protocol is always a second-order process; it governs the architecture of the architecture of objects. Protocol is how control exists after distribution achieves hegemony as a formal diagram. It is etiquette for autonomous agents. It is the chivalry of the object.

3 1 7 (10600) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (30) 20131031b 0 -1+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Protocol is algorithmic, and may be centralized, distributed or decentralized.

3 1 7 (10700) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (30) 20131031c 0 -4+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Centralized networks hierarchical, operating from central hub; examples of American military and judicial systems, Foucault panopticon.

3 1 7 (10800) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (31) 20131031d 0 -5+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Decentralized networks of distributed autonomous agents following system rules, exemplified by Deleuze and Guattari rhizome. "There are many decentralized networks in the world today in fact,
decentralized networks are the most common diagram of the modern era.
(31) One example is the airline system.
(33) First, distributed networks have no central hubs and no radial nodes. Instead each entity in the distributed network is an autonomous agent.
(33) A perfect example of a distributed network is the
rhizome described in Deleuze and Guattariƒs A Thousand Plateaus." (31) Most common diagram of modern era, examples of airline system, US interstate highway, Internet.

3 1 7 (10900) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (51) 20130921x 0 -7+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Protocol is materially immanent, endogenous language that is indifferent to content " (51) Second, as the discussion of TCP/IP shows, protocol is materially immanent. That is, protocol does not follow a model of command and control that places the commanding agent outside of that which is being commanded. It is endogenous.
(52) At each phase shift (i.e., the shift from HTML to HTTP, or from HTTP to TCP), one is able to identify a data object from the intersection of two articulated protocols. In fact, since digital information is nothing but an undifferentiated soup of ones and zeros, data objects
are nothing but the arbitrary drawing of boundaries that appear at the threshold of two articulated protocols." (against interpretation)

3 1 7 (11000) [-6+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (69) 20130223e 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Origin of protocol by Marill as message sending procedures. "[Tom]
Marill referred to the set of procedures for sending information back and forth as a message protocol, prompting a colleague to inquire, Why do you use that term? I thought it referred to diplomacy.
(73) Just before the meeting ended, Wes Clark passed a note up to Roberts." (69)

3 1 7 (11100) [-6+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (145-146) 20130223m 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Comparison between manuscript flyleaf "and packet header. (145-146) They very word protocol found its way into the language of computer networking based on the need for collective agreement among network users. For a long time the word has been used for the etiquette of diplomacy and for certain diplomatic agreements. But in ancient Greek,
protokollon meant the first leaf of a volume, a flyleaf attached to the top of a papyrus scroll that contained a synopsis of the manuscript, its authentification, and the date." (original Greek protocol)

3 1 7 (11200) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (38) 20130921u 0 -12+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
RFCs as discursive treasure trove for critical theorists. "The RFC on Requirements for Internet Hosts, an introductory document, defines the
Internet as a series of interconnected networks, that is, a network of networks, that are interconnected via numerous interfacing computers called gateways.
(39) The RFC on Requirements for Internet Hosts defines four basic layers for the Internet suite of protocols: (1) the application layer (e.g., telnet, the Web), (2) the transport layer (e.g., TCP), (3) the Internet layer (e.g., IP), and (4) the link (or media-access) layer (e.g., Ethernet).
(39) This diagram, minus its layer captions, appears in RFC 791. The four layers are part of a larger, seven-layer model called the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Reference Model developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)." (38) Defines Internet as series of interconnected networks.

3 1 7 (11300) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (40) 20130508 0 -3+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
OSI preferred model for considering everything as code. " (40) (footnote 15) The critical distinction is that the OSI model, my preferred heuristic, considers everything to be code and makes no allowances for special anthropomorphic uses of data. This makes it much easier to think about protocol. The other models privilege human-legible forms, whose reducibility to protocol is flimsy at best." (assembly, abstract machine, body without organs, lines of flight, strata) No special anthropomorphic uses of data, and affords ontology of amalgamation of multiple processes occurring in multiple temporal orders of magnitude and systems exhibiting distributed control, fitting models described by Deleuze and Guattari

3 1 7 (11400) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (44) 20130921v 0 -2+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Datagram as linguistic unit is a true container rather than any kind of symbol. "IP is responsible for one thing: moving small packets of data called datagrams from one place to another.
(44) Technically, then, IP is responsible for two things: routing and fragmentation." (44)

3 1 7 (11500) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (46-47) 20130207 0 -6+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Distinct protocological characteristics: peer to peer, distributed, universal language, robust and flexible, open to unlimited variety of computers and locations, result of action of autonomous agents; protocol layers likely inconceivable to early computing theorists and practitioners, which is a good reason to consider periodization theory applies to different trajectories for machine intelligence, possibilities of machine operations, and human computer symbiosis.

3 1 7 (11600) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (47) 20130921w 0 -16+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
DNS heroic project of mapping humanized names to machinic numbers. " The basic problem at hand, writes DNS critic Ted Byfield, is how we map the ƒhumanizedƒ names of DNS to ƒmachinicƒ numbers of the underlying IP address system.
(48-49) The tree structure allows [Paul]
Mockapetris to divide the total name space database into more manageable and decentralized zones through a process of hierarchization. . . . each portion of the database is delegated outward on the branches of the tree, into each leaf.
(49) Like this, the process starts at the most general point, then follows the chain of delegated authority until the end of the line is reached and the numerical address may be obtained. This is the protocol of a decentralized network.
(50) DNS is the most heroic of human projects; it is the actual construction of a single, exhaustive index for all things. It is the encyclopedia of mankind, a map that has a one-to-one relationship with its territory. . . . DNS is not simply a translation language,
it is language. It governs meaning by mandating that anything meaningful must register and appear somewhere in its system. This is the nature of protocol." (47) It is a language.

3 1 7 (11700) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (72) 20130923c 0 -5+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Casts software as immaterial despite stressing materiality of networks. "However, the niceties of hardware design are less important than the immaterial software existing within it. . . . Thus, the key to protocolƒs formal relations is in the realm of the immaterial software." (72)

3 1 7 (11800) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (82) 20130923f 0 -1+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Materiality of life due to imbrication with protocols supports argument that protocol is an affective, aesthetic force as well. "
life, hitherto considered an effuse, immaterial essence, has become matter, due to its increased imbrication with protocol forces (via DNA, biopower, and so on discussed later)." (82)

3 1 7 (11900) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (83) 20130923g 0 -7+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Foucault search for authochthonic transforamtion in realm of words and things. "He claims that he wants to uncover the principles of an autochthonic transformation --that is, a transformation in the realm of words and things that is immanent, particular, spontaneous, and anonymous.
(84) Indeed Foucault defines life in a fashion very similar to power itself. So similar, in fact, that in the late Foucault, the two terms merge into one: biopower.
(85) Biopolitics, then, connects to a certain statistical knowledge about populations.
(85) Biopolitics is a species-level knowledge.
(87) For it is not simply Foucaultƒs histories, but Foucault himself that is left behind by the societies of control. Foucault is the rhetorical stand-in for the modern disciplinary societies, while Deleuze claims to speak about the future." (83)

3 1 7 (12000) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (111) 20130923l 0 -5+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Transformation of matter to media, life as code, immaterial soul replaced with aesthetized biometrics, key to understanding rise of protocological control. "But what has been overlooked is that the transformation of matter into code is not only a passage from the qualitative to the quantitative
but also a passage from the non-aesthetic to the aesthetic the passage from non-media to media.
(111) This historical moment when life is defined no longer as essence, but as code is the moment when life
becomes a medium.
(113) Oneƒs lived experience was no longer tied to material realities, but instead was understood in terms of numbers a telephone number, a zip code, a social security number, an IP address, and so on.
(113) It considers living human bodies not in their immaterial essences, or souls, or what have you, but in terms of quantifiable, recordable, enumerable, and encodable characteristics. It considers life as an aesthetic object." (111)

3 1 7 (12100) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (115) 20130923m 0 -1+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Periodization table for control matrix from feudal, modern, postmodern to future considering machine, energy mode, disciplinary mode, control diagram, virtue, active threat (resistance), passive threat (delinquency), political mode, stratagem, personal crisis.

3 1 7 (12200) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (121-122) 20131031f 0 -2+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Postel credits Internet success to public documentation, free and cheap software, vendor independence.

3 1 7 (12300) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (122) 20130923o 0 -6+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Protocol controlling logic transcends institutions, governments, and corporations while tied to them. "In short, protocol is a type of controlling logic that operates outside institutional, governmental, and corporate power, although it has important ties to all three.
(122) Like the philosophy of protocol itself, membership in this technocratic ruling class is open. . . . But, to be sure, because of the technical sophistication needed to participate, this loose consortium of decision makers tends to fall into a relatively homogeneous social class: highly educated, altruistic, liberal-minded science professionals from modernized societies around the globe." (122)

3 1 7 (12400) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (122) 20130923p 0 -5+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Loose affiliations of technocratic ruling class yet localized " importance of Unix and C/C++ as protocological technologies. (122) Of the twenty-five or so original protocol pioneers, three of them Vint Cerf, Jon Postel, and Steve Crocker all came from a single high school in Los Angelesƒs San Fernando Valley. Furthermore, during his long tenure as RFC editor, Postel was the single gatekeeper through whom all protocol RFCs passed before they could be published.
(123) A significant portion of these computers were, and still are, Unix-based systems. A significant portion of the software was, and still is, largely written in the C or C++ languages. All of these elements have enjoyed unique histories as protocological technologies." (Castells)

3 1 7 (12500) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (126-127) 20130923q 0 -1+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
IEEE as worlds largest protocological society. "The IEEE works in conjunction with industry to circulate knowledge of technical advances, to recognize individual merit through the awarding of prizes, and to set technical standards for new technologies." (126-127)

3 1 7 (12600) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (132) 20130923r 0 -8+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
IETF defined by various RFCs, some of which feature social relations and cultural biases. "The bedrock of this entire community is the IETF. The IETF is the core area where most protocol initiatives begin.
(133) (footnote 29) This RFC [ IETF Guidelines for Conduct (RFC 3184, BCP 54)] is an interesting one because of the social relations it endorses within the IETF. Liberal, democratic values are the norm. . . . Somewhat ironically, this document also specifies that English is the de facto language of the IETF." (132)

3 1 7 (12700) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (139) 20130220 0 -5+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Semantic web is machine-understandable information, protocol that cares about meaning that could lead to emergent forms of machine intelligence; consider recent proliferation of proprietary protocols prevalent in mobile computing as changing evolutionary trend away from open, democratic foundation.

3 1 7 (12800) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (140-141) 20130923s 0 -7+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Antifederalism through universalism reverts decision making to local level. "It is a peculiar type of
anti-federalism through universalism strange as it sounds whereby universal techniques are levied in such a way to revert much decision making back to the local level.
(141) Ironically, then, the Internet protocols that help engender a distributed system of organization are themselves underpinned by adistributed, bureaucratic institutions be they entities like ICANN or technologies like DNS.
(141-142) Thus it is an oversight for theorists like Lawrence Lessig (despite his strengths) to suggest that the origin of Internet communication was one of total freedom and lack of control. . . . The founding principle of the Net is control, not freedom." (140-141)

3 1 7 (12900) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (141) 20130923t 0 -4+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Faults Lessig for not seeing control is endemic to all distributed networks governed by protocol, which must be partially reactionary to be politically progressive. "(footnote 46) It is certainly correct from him [Lessig] to note that new capitalistic and juridical mandates are sculpting network communications in ugly new ways. But what is lacking in Lessigƒs work, then, is the recognition that control is endemic to all distributed networks that are governed by protocol.
(142) The generative contradiction that lies at the very heart of protocol is that
in order to be politically progressive, protocol must be partially reactionary.
(142) To put it another way, in order for protocol to enable radically distributed communications between autonomous entities, it must employ a strategy of universalization, and of homogeneity." (141)

3 1 7 (13000) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (143) 20130923u 0 -6+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Tactical standardization is our Barthes Operation Margarine. "Perhaps I can term the institutional frameworks mentioned in this chapter a type of
tactical standardization, in which certain short-term goals are necessary in order to realize oneƒs longer-term goals. Standardization is the politically reactionary tactic that enables radical openness. . . . It is, as Barthes put it, our Operation Margarine." (143)

3 1 7 (13100) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (147) 20130923v 0 -5+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Chapter 5 epigraph from Hardt and Negri on hacking.

3 1 7 (13200) [-7+]mCQK galloway-protocol (164) 20130923y 0 -7+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Hackers know code like a mother tongue, bolstering similarity of computer and natural languages, transformation of subjectivity; code is hyperlinguistic, the only language that is executed. (164) Hackers know code better than anyone. They speak the language of computers as one does a mother tongue. As I argue in the preface, computer languages and natural languages are very similar.
(165) It lies not in the fact that code is sublinguistic, but rather in the fact that it is
hyperlinguistic. Code is a language, but a very special kind of language. Code is the only language that is executed.
(165-166) So code is the first language that actually does what it says it is a machine for converting meaning into action.

3 1 7 (13300) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (157) 20130923x 0 -4+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Hackers are symptomatic of assumption of protocol and changing resistance, as references to Levy then Sterling tiger teams illustrate. "When viewed allegorically, hacking is an index of protocological transformations taking place in the broader world of techno-culture. Hackers do not forecast the death (or avoidance or ignorance) of protocol, but are instead they very harbingers of its assumption.
(158) By knowing protocol better than anyone else, hackers push protocol into a state of hypertrophy, hoping to come out the other side. So in a sense, hackers
are created by protocol, but in another, hackers are protocological actors par excellence." (157)

3 1 7 (13400) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (169) 20130923z 0 -11+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Levy collective intelligence and possibility of utopia in cyberspace. "Pierre Levy is one writer who has been able to articulate eloquently the possibility of utopia in the cyberspace of digital computers.
(169) Thus, I suggest that the hackerƒs unique connection to the realm of the possible, via protocol that structures itself on precisely that threshold of possibility, gives the hacker special insight into the nature of utopia what he or she
wants out of computers.
(170) Sharing of software . . . is as old as computers, writes free software guru Richard
Stallman, just as sharing of recipes is as old as cooking.
(170) Code does not reach its apotheosis
for people, but exists within its own dimension of perfection. . . . Commercial ownership of software is the primary impediment hated by all hackers because it means that code is limited limited by intellectual property laws, limited by the profit motive, limited by corporate lamers." (169)

3 1 7 (13500) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (171 footnoe 60) 20130924 0 -3+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Curiously ill informed mischaracterization of FLOSS as freeware.

3 1 7 (13600) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (171) 20130924a 0 -3+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Protocol is open source by definition. "However, greater than this anti-commercialism is a pro-protocolism. Protocol, by definition, is
open source, the term given to a technology that makes public the source code used in its creation. That is to say, protocol is nothing but an elaborate instruction list of how a given technology should work, from the inside out, from the top to the bottom, as exemplified in the RFCs described in chapter 4." (171)

3 1 7 (13700) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (172) 20130924b 0 -1+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Hacking reveals ways of using code creatively. "What hacking reveals, then, is not that systems are secure or insecure, or that data wants to be free or proprietary, but that with protocol comes the exciting new ability to leverage possibility and action through code." (172)

3 1 7 (13800) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (177) 20130924e 0 -6+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Concept of computer virus presented in 1983 seminar paper by Cohen which became dissertation. "[Frederick]
Cohen first presented his ideas on computer viruses to a seminar in 1983. His paper Computer Viruses Theory and Experiments was published in 1984, and his Ph.D. dissertation titled Computer Viruses (University of Southern California) in 1986.
(178) Computer viruses acquired their current discursive position because of a unique transformation that transpired in the mid-1980s around the perception of technology. In fact several phenomena, including computer hacking, acquired a distinctly negative characterization during this period of history because of the intense struggle waging behind the scenes between proprietary and protocological camps." (177)

3 1 7 (13900) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (179) 20130924f 0 -6+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Interesting comparison between early reaction to computer viruses and AIDS, and shift from technological identity to actions of human perpetrators, and weaponization of terrorism paradigm.

3 1 7 (14000) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (185-186) 20130924g 0 -6+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Focus on bugs a common cyberfeminist theme " (185-186) The computer bug, far from being an unwanted footnote in the history of computing, is in fact a space where some of the most interesting protocological phenomena occur.
(187-188) Cyberfeminism in its very nature necessitates a participatory practice in which many lines of flight coexist. Yet several recurrent themes emerge, among them the questions of
body and identity. Like a computer virus, cyberfeminisim exists to mutate and transform these questions, guiding them in new directions within the protocological sphere.
(188) Like French feminist Luce Irigaray before her, [Sadie]
Plant argues that patriarchal power structures, which have unequally favored men and male forms in society, should be made more equal through a process of revealing and valorizing overlooked female elements.
Zeros and Ones persuasively shows how women have always been inextricably involved with protocological technology." (Hayles)

3 1 7 (14100) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (206) 20130924i 0 -4+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Tactical media weakens technologies in order to sculpt new forms from the degrees of freedom arising in its hypertrophic condition. "These tactical effects are allegorical indices that point out the flaws in protocological and proprietary command and control. The goal is not to destroy technology in some new Luddite delusion, but to push it into a state of hypertrophy, further than it is meant to go. Then, in its injured, sore, and unguarded condition, technology may be sculpted anew into something better, something in closer agreement with the real wants and desires of its users. This is the goal of tactical media." (206)

3 1 7 (14200) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (210) 20130924k 0 -12+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Derrida new art is not video but digital computer art.

3 1 7 (14300) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (213) 20130223 0 -2+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Manifestation of Internet media in glitches, bugs, and errors provides specificity in lieu of creator experience that could arise through critical programming. " (213) Following [Marina]
Grzinic, I suggest here that computer crashes, technical glitches, corrupted code, and otherwise degraded aesthetics are the key to this disengagement. They are the tactical qualities of Internet artƒs deep-seated desire to become specific to its own medium, for they are the moments when the medium itself shines through and becomes important." (Grzinic) The alternative is engaging politics or feigning ignorance

3 1 7 (14400) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (217) 20130924l 0 -6+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Art making moved outside aesthetic realm to often invisible working code.

3 1 7 (14500) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (218-219) 20130924m 0 -5+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Internet art periods highlighting network and software concerns.

3 1 7 (14600) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (242) 20130924o 0 -2+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Protocol also management style of ruling elite, and where enemies of power operate as well, as Foucault notes of biopower generating new forms of control and delinquency. "Yet the success of protocol today as a management style proves that the ruling elite is tired of trees too.
(243) But powerƒs enemies are swimming in that same flow." (242)

3 1 7 (14700) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (245) 20130924p 0 -9+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Protocol dangerous in double Foucauldian sense of reification and weaponry, including tactical media. "This makes protocol dangerous but in the Foucauldian sense of danger that is twofold. First it is dangerous because it acts to make concrete our fundamentally contingent and immaterial desires (a process called reification), and in this sense protocol takes on authoritarian undertones.
(245) But protocol is also dangerous in the way that a weapon is dangerous. It is potentially an effective tool that can be used to roll over oneƒs political opponents. And protocol has already proven this in the sphere of technology. What poses a real threat to Microsoftƒs monopoly? Not Macintosh (the market). Not the Justice Department (the state). Instead it is the widespread use of protocols that struggle against Redmondƒs proprietary standards with varying degrees of success." (245)

3 1 7 (14800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150820 20150820 1 -3+ journal_2015.html
Get that Golumbia offers no substitute for faulty XML for not spending a lot of time programming. Something about extending tautology from Bauerlein I mean Rushkoff program or be programmed elevates Rushkoff, despite absence of confirmattory scholarship demonstrating depth of either, as likely programming philosopher as well as philosophical programmer, in sense of Latour tests of strength, beyond Galloway and Golumbia as philosopher of computing technologies. Crossing into work with governmentality of software customization conference presentation.

--3.1.8+++ software studies

3 1 8 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150823 20150823 0 -6+ journal_2015.html
Laying out Software Studies.

Bogost unit operations, OOP, with Applen and McDaniel qualification; game criticism, unit university.

Bogost procedural rhetoric, persuasive and serious games (Golumbia software studies), simulation fever, procedural literacy.

Berry general comments on philosophy of software (most Berry moved to Code Studies).

Kittler there is no software, Chun programmed visions (On Sourcery moved to Codes Studies), complicating Feenberg." (Behind the Blip and Software Studies) 0in; line-height: 100%">Manovich, Frasca, Gee, Fuller

3 1 8 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150709 20150709 0 -9+ journal_2015.html
I am wagering that it is important that we did not program did not philosophize by working code, in part because of minor fud from Kittler as a pessimist philosopher of programming, and now ought to, creating new phenomenological fields containing C++ along with conversational English. What I want to say using popular books about history of computing lacking nuance of research incorporating theoretical framework articulated above like Abbate is that we need new narratives for the same technological historical period. Need, as if this were an introductory lecture course, to include Burks, Goldstein, Von Neumann here though not showing up in literature review table for 3.2.3 which is where we are now in the old schema embedded in the tapoc software versus word processor reference version being typed by human, even if as less sophisticated example on par instead with the philosophical programmers, which we discover when we realize we have to first visit classics of the philosophy of programming from early users of 1940s, for instance. What differentiates the legitimacy of ancient authors is they were there at the beginning making ancestors of machines used now, many of whose affordances, quirks, and perhaps evils remain immanent arising now and then making waves in the ether of thirty two and sixty four bit cyberspace for the duration of our technological era say our machine human souls PHI, in contrast to Bill Gates, who must be excused for being shrouded in philosophies of computing privileging wealth creation to free use by everyone as a gift like foss. Yet there are foss hopes, too, and we must be circumspect with those writers as well, and our own fantasies of what can be done working code that I offer as critical programming, for this is the danger lurking in the saving power in the danger, which Chun derisively calls programmed visions. Implicit excitement in drab final lectures by Kittler if you think at the technical competency still inherent in his stumbling discourse. The methodology calls for including classical texts like this enduring declaration of how computers work.

3 1 8 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150603 20150603 0 -13+ journal_2015.html
Can software be innocent? I donƒt think this question is nonsensical for it forces us to look at our PHI. The question can software be innocent could involve considering whether it inherits the evils of its operating system, or and reflect a revision history back to concentration camps in its code. Even with human elements mostly bracketed out at electronic circuit levels, incomprehensible frequencies, except that humans made them, at least in paradigmatic late twentieth century curving thirty two bit Unix time of von Neumann architecture internetworked personal computers. Do we resign ourselves like Kittler to think that the Big Other now immanent in software has gone on to begin its own nameless high commands? Is talking about code itself reflecting entrenched biases of privileged, gendered colonial discourses? There are many ways it could be answered and asked, and we need an adequate theoretical framework and methodology. It is a question for programming philosophers. McGann for methodology, and Applen and McDaniel, Hayles, etc. -> [arrow] procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony. And doesnƒt this affect how we philosophize freedom zero? Delta working code spaces or space PHI. Next step is Janz now beginning final chapter.

3 1 8 (400) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (4-5) 20130910b 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Interesting new forms of scholarship around software studies, cultural analytics, and critical code studies, comparable to list Hayles makes in How We Think: platform studies, media archeology, software engines, soft authorship, genre analysis of software, graphical user interfaces, digital code literacy, emporality and code, sociology and political economy of the free software and open source movement.

3 1 8 (500) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (6-9) 20130910c 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Understanding software avidities affects human freedom, so therefore it is worthwhile to study, imbricating classic Socratic questioning for tracing agentic paths constituting human experience.

3 1 8 (600) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (10-11) 20131025a 4 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Understand how being-in-the-world is made possible through application of computational techniques manifested in processes touched by software and code.

3 1 8 (700) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (17) 20131025f 4 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Most code experience is visual rather than haptic. " However, much of the code that we experience in our daily lives is presented through a visual interface that tends to be graphical and geometric, and where haptic, through touch, currently responds through rather static physical interfaces but dynamic visual ones, or example iPads, touch screen phones, etc.

Code as cultural technique affecting culture (Kittler, Kramer, Manovich).

(17) Computer code is not solely technical though, and must be understood with respect to both the ƒcultures of softwareƒ that produce it, but also the cultures of consumption that surround it. ." (17)

3 1 8 (800) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (24-26) 20131025i 4 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Computational literacy that Manovich is milking also hinted as new academic goal " (24-26) . This is a distinction that
Moretti (2007) referred to as distant versus close readings of texts. . . . Computational approaches facilitate disciplinary hybridity that leads to a post-disciplinary university that can be deeply unsettling to traditional academic knowledge." (Whithaus)

3 1 8 (900) [-6+]mCQK wardripfruin_and_montfort-new_media_reader (7) 20131019a 0 -8+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_wardripfruin_and_montfort-new_media_reader.html
Murray. "But it was not until the 1980s that practice became self-conscious enough to allow for a serious discourse about digital artifacts. . . . Newer media such as photography, radio, film, and television could now be seen in the longer history that stretched back beyond the printing press to oral composition and the invention of writing.
(7) Surveillance can now be extended not just inside the walls of our houses but inside our brain where we can witness the retrieval of a memory almost neuron by neuron.
(8) All was ideology, and at the bottom of these vast nested pyramids of ideological representation was language itself, which was left to point at nothing real beyond our own consciousness, nothing external beyond our shared hallucinations.
(8) For the computer scientists, on the other hand, the 1970s were a time of great earnestness and exhilarating possibilities as the computer was coming into its own as a new medium of representation." (7) In 1980s practice became self-conscious for serious discourse about digital artifacts.

3 1 8 (1000) [-4+]mCQK wardripfruin_and_montfort-new_media_reader (16) 20131019c 0 0+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_wardripfruin_and_montfort-new_media_reader.html
Manovich: famous eight propositions of new media: not cyberculture, distributed, software controlled, mix of conventions, early aesthetics, faster execution, encoding avante garde, parallel articulation.

3 1 8 (1100) [-4+]mCQK wardripfruin_and_montfort-new_media_reader (18) 20130201 0 -12+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_wardripfruin_and_montfort-new_media_reader.html
Manovich: Differentiation of cultural and software conventions can be fine tuned by critical analysis of software creation and use cultures; insights come from working code, and are essential to critical programming studies.

3 1 8 (1200) [-4+]mCQK wardripfruin_and_montfort-new_media_reader (19) 20131109 0 -5+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_wardripfruin_and_montfort-new_media_reader.html
Manovich: does this mean that all new media go through the same stages, certain identifiable patterns of expression?

3 1 8 (1300) [-4+]mCQK wardripfruin_and_montfort-new_media_reader (19-20) 20131109a 0 -8+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_wardripfruin_and_montfort-new_media_reader.html
Manovich: examples of aesthetic strategies based on media affordances include documentary style film and moving images on computer desktop; Engelbart did the equivalent of a 120 minute DV tape.

3 1 8 (1400) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (187-188) 20120828 0 -6+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Compare his use of three approaches to studying cinema to techniques in the history of software and the software industry. "While for Bazin realism funcitons as an Idea (in a Hegelian sense), for Comolli it plays an ideological role (in a Marxist sense); for David Bordwell and Janet Staiger, realism in film is connected first and foremost with the industrial organization of cinema. . . . One of the advantages of adopting an industrial model is that it allows the authors to look at specific agents manufacturing and supplying firms and professional associations (250). The latter are particularly important, since it is in their discourses (conferences, trade meetings, and publications) that the standards and goals of stylistic and technical innovations are articulated." (187-188)

3 1 8 (1500) [-7+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (48) 20131005l 0 -5+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Go to computer science to study new media: software studies. (48) To understand the logic of new media, we need to turn to computer science. It is there that we may expect to find the new terms, categories, and operations that characterize media that become programmable.
From media studies, me move to something that can be called software studies --from media theory to software theory. The principle of transcoding is one way to start thinking about software theory. Another way, which this book experiments with, is to use concepts from computer science as categories of new media theory.

3 1 8 (1600) [-7+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (46) 20131005i 0 -1+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Cultural and computer layers a big point in his introduction to NMR. (46) Similarly, new media in general can be thought of as consisting of two distinct layers
the cultural layer and the computer layer.

3 1 8 (1700) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (25) 20131005e 0 -7+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
This is new media. "The two separate historical trajectories finally meet. Media and computer Daguerreƒs daguerreotype and Babbageƒs Analytical Engine, the Lumiere Cinematographie and Hollerithƒs tabulator merge into one. All existing media are translated into numerical data accessible for the computer. . . . In short, media become new media." (25) Numerical data, and the computer is its processor.

3 1 8 (1800) [-7+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (130) 20131006e 0 -2+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Connect to Turkle and others who argue and give example of how computer technology instantiates otherwise vaporous postmodern concepts, to the extent the Manovich argues software like Photoshop made postmodernism possible. (130) The practice of putting together a media object from already existing commercially distributed media elements existed with old media, but new media technology further standardized it and made it much easier to perform.
(131) And to a large extent it is
this software that in fact made postmodernism possible.

3 1 8 (1900) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (46) 20131005j 0 -2+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Entrance for software studies because computer layer affects cultural layer. "the conventions of HCI in short, what can be called the computerƒs ontology, epistemology, and pragmatics influence the cultural layers of new media, its organization, its emerging genres, its contents.
(46) The result of this composite is a new computer culture a blend of human and computer meanings, of traditional ways in which human culture modeled the world and the computerƒs own means of representing it." (46)

3 1 8 (2000) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (30-31) 20131005h 0 -12+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Encapsulation protocols, modularity, media as programs, especially computer games. "This principle can be called the fractal structure of new media. Just as a fractal has the same structure on different scales, a new media object has the same modular structure throughout. . . . In short, a new media object consists of independent parts, each of which consists of smaller independent parts, and so on, down to the level of the smallest atoms -- pixels, 3-D points, or text characters.
(31) The World Wide Web as a whole is also completely modular.
(31) In addition to using the metaphor of a fractal, we can also make an analogy between the modularity of new media and structured computer programming. . . .
Many new media objects are in fact computer programs that follow structural programming style." (30-31)

3 1 8 (2100) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (47) 20131005k 0 -4+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Cultural categories substituted ones deriving from computer ontology, epistemology and pragmatics. "In new media lingo, to transcode something is to translate it into another format. The computerization of culture gradually accomplishes similar transcoding in relation to all cultural categories and concepts. That is,
cultural categories and concepts are substituted, on the level of meaning and/or language, by new ones that derive from the computerƒs ontology, epistemology, and pragmatics. New media thus acts as a forerunner of this more general process of cultural reconceptualization." (47)

3 1 8 (2200) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (64-65) 20131005p 0 -14+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Whorf-Sapir hypothesis applied to computer-mediated culture, for example, command line interface is closer to literacy than point and click GUI.

3 1 8 (2300) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (79) 20131005u 0 -9+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Computer fulfills promise of cinema as visual Esperanto: mobile camera, framing, scrolling over interface; Turkle surface enjoyment: remember there is also the command line interface, something the computer permits that non-programmable tools lack.

3 1 8 (2400) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (82) 20131005v 0 -6+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Subjective experience even of computer interfaces, especially games, affected by cinematic conventions.

3 1 8 (2500) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (98) 20131005x 0 -5+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Military origin of HCI, new screen of real time.

3 1 8 (2600) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (115) 20131006b 0 -2+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Still looking at flat, rectangular surface in body space acting as window into another space. "Dynamic, real-time, and interactive, a screen is still a screen. Interactivity, simulation, and telepresence: As was the case centuries ago,
we are still looking at a flat, rectangular surface, existing in the space of our body and acting as a window into another space." (115)

3 1 8 (2700) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (153) 20131006h 0 -3+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Virtual reality creation digital compositing is qualitatively new visual media.

3 1 8 (2800) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (157) 20131006i 0 -5+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Audio-visual-spatial culture as distinct phenomenological realm.

3 1 8 (2900) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (158) 20131006j 0 -6+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Presents spatial and ontological montage at the center of the book. "By establishing a logic that controls the changes and the correlation of values on these dimensions, digital filmmakers can create what I will call
spatial montage.
(159) Compositing, achieved in [Rybczynkiƒs film]
Tango through optical printing, allows the filmmaker to superimpose a number of elements, or whole words, within a single space. . . . Works such as Tango and Steps develop what I will call an ontological montage: the coexistence of ontologically incompatible elements within the same time and space." (158)

3 1 8 (3000) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (159-160) 20131006k 10 -1+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Just when you thought it could not get any deeper, stylistic montage comes after ontology: Manovich runs this theory through montage like an operator in a computer program that is itself supposed to be a metaphor for how the unseen lifeworld works.

3 1 8 (3100) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (159-160) 20131006l 0 -11+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Style controls (informs) ontology; subordination of live action is hegemony of representation.

3 1 8 (3200) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (161) 20131006m 0 -3+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Telecommunication transcends traditional cultural domain of representation.

3 1 8 (3300) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (163-164) 20131006n 0 -3+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Teleaction is Manovich response to expansion of an aesthetic object. "
By foregrounding telecommunication, both real-time and asynchronous, as a fundamental cultural activity, the Internet asks us to reconsider the very paradigm of an aesthetic object. Is it necessary for the concept of the aesthetic to assume representation? In short, if a user accessing information and a user telecommunicating with other(s) are as common in computer culture as a user interacting with a representation, can we expand our aesthetic theories to include these two new situations?" (163-164)

3 1 8 (3400) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (165) 20131006o 0 -1+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Ability to teleport a unique, new media feature previously requiring action on part of human; imagine telepresence of a pinball machine using history of games played on an actual playfield to simulate play for the teleagent; see 170.

3 1 8 (3500) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (170) 20131006t 0 -1+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Using a sign to teleact new thanks to computers. "
A sign is something which can be used to teleact." (170) Instantaneous representation and control for teleaction, therefore, a new definition of a sign.

3 1 8 (3600) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (210-211) 20131007e 0 -1+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Does cognitive multitasking represent a transformation of subjectivity. "Just as any particular software application is embedded, both metaphorically and literally, within the larger framework of the operating system, new media embeds cinema-style illusions within the larger framework of an interactive control surface." (210-211) Consider also the GUI conventions migrating back to physical reality.

3 1 8 (3700) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (258) 20131007o 0 -1+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Aggregate versus systematic space, thus look at software tools, organization, default settings before finished objects. "Art historians and literary film scholars have traditionally analyzed the structure of cultural objects as reflecting larger cultural patterns (for instance, Panofskyƒs reading of perspective); in the case of new media,
we should look not only at the finished objects but first of all at the software tools, their organization and default settings." (258)

3 1 8 (3800) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (280) 20131007t 0 -1+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Place as product of cultural producers, non-places created by users as individual trajectory through places. "Thus from one perspective we can understand
place as a product of cultural producers, while non-places are created by users; in other words, non-place is an individual trajectory through a place." (280)

3 1 8 (3900) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (197) 20131007 0 -6+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Dominance of ready-made, standardized, reconfigurable objects.

3 1 8 (4000) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (206) 20131007b 0 -10+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Communication becomes dominated by phatic, contact function of physical channel (Jakobson).

3 1 8 (4100) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (209) 20131007c 0 -9+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Metarealism suture and interpolation: modern ideology includes revelation of machinery, docility through control over illusion; deeper analysis than Turkle surface/depth.

3 1 8 (4200) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (209) 20131007d 0 -8+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Oscillation between illusory and interactive segments that is structural feature of modern society subverts asymptote of the matrix; best example is military simulator.

3 1 8 (4300) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (215) 20131007f 0 -3+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Affects of computer programming on space and cultural forms, for example logics of the 3D virtual space, database and algorithm, have become cultural forms; Giedion beats him to declare the search engine takes command.

3 1 8 (4400) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (219) 20131104d 0 -10+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
With databases narrative becomes just one method of accessing data; Legrady explored in 1990s while others accepted the database form as given.

3 1 8 (4500) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (227) 20131007h 0 -2+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Creation of different interfaces with same material, variability of database narrative.

3 1 8 (4600) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (231) 20131007i 0 -8+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
New media reverse Barthes conception: database as paradigm has material existence, narrative as syntagm dematerialized.

3 1 8 (4700) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (245) 20131007k 0 -4+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
De Certeau strategies and tactics at work in new cultural economy of Doom engine release, compared to traditional production model of Myst.

3 1 8 (4800) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (245-246) 20131104e 0 -5+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
In many computer games narrative and time equated with movement through space or progression of levels; inner life stripped away to basic Greek narration as diagesis.

3 1 8 (4900) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (247) 20131007l 0 -3+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Think of games as narrative actions and exploration rather than narration and description; de Certeau diagesis guides and transgresses.

3 1 8 (5000) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (251) 20131007m 0 -12+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Idea of navigable space at origin of computer era ensconced in cybernetics. "The term
cyberspace is derived from another term cybernetics. In his 1947 book Cybernetics, mathematician Norbert Wiener defined it as the science of control and communication in the animal and machine. . . . He derived the term cybernetics from the ancient Greek word kybernetikos, which refers to the art of the steersman and can be translated as good at steering. Thus the idea of navigable space lies at the very origins of the computer era.
(251-252) For the first time,
space becomes a media type. . . . In other words, all operations that are possible with media as a result of its conversion to computer data can also now apply to representations of 3-D space." (251)

3 1 8 (5100) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (253) 20131007n 0 -8+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Compare no space collections of separate objects to Floridi definition of cyberspace.

3 1 8 (5200) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (259) 20131007p 0 -6+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Early history of navigable virtual space of Aspen Movie Map, Legible City, The Forest introduce alternate viewing perspectives and challenge subjectivity, more like modern painting than architecture.

3 1 8 (5300) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (261-263) 20131104g 0 -6+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Walickzy The Forest liberates virtual camera from human perspective.

3 1 8 (5400) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (274-275) 20131007r 0 -9+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Comfort in data manipulation options studied in Friedberg Window Shopping.

3 1 8 (5500) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (278) 20131007s 0 -2+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Real time triumphs over space in Cold War (Edwards).

3 1 8 (5600) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (283) 20131007u 0 -6+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Shaw EVE as Plato cave in reverse, continuous trajectory of subjective, partial views.

3 1 8 (5700) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (294) 20131008b 0 -3+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Common feature of lens-based recordings of reality for all film-based cinema.

3 1 8 (5800) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (295) 20131008c 0 -2+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Cinema, now that it can be natively virtual, having merged with animation, is more like painting than indexical (based on transduction from physical reality; see Sterne).

3 1 8 (5900) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (301) 20131008d 0 -3+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Definition of digital film as live action material + painting + image processing + compositing + 2-D computer animation + 3-D computer animation; compare definition of digital film to Floridi definition of cyberspace: this is much clearer and bears more information about the reality it depicts while interpellating.

3 1 8 (6000) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (314) 20131008f 0 -2+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Succession of distinct expressive languages throughout history of cinema suggestive of Kuhnian cultural logic of scientific progress; seems easily testable with history of computing.

3 1 8 (6100) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (317) 20131008g 0 -3+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Role of loop in computer programming and cinema. "Can the loop be a new narrative form appropriate for the computer age? It is relevant to recall that the loop gave birth not only to cinema but also to computer programming. Programming involves altering the linear flow of data through control structures, such as if/then and repeat/while ; the loop is the most elementary of these control structures." (317) Is this an invitation to future scholarship?

3 1 8 (6200) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (324) 20131008h 0 -4+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Prediction of multiple window media forms, a contingent invitation to future scholarship.

3 1 8 (6300) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (326) 20131008i 0 -3+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Seems to confound object-oriented and multiprocessing, as both objects and processes are active simultaneously, often exchanging messages. "On the level of computer programming, this logic corresponds to
object-oriented programming. Instead of a single program that, like Fordƒs assembly line, is executed one statement at a time, the object-oriented paradigm features a number of objects that send messages to each other. These objects are all active simultaneously." (326)

3 1 8 (6400) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (326) 20131008j 0 -1+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
The nod to OOP found in most digital media theory, deprivileging the diachronic dimension.

3 1 8 (6500) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (329-330) 20131008k 0 -9+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Ocularcentrism in modern regime of perceptual labor means high density of visual phenomena in leisure and work; thankfully, audible phenomena not fully territorialized by the workstation, although that is also the dangerous place my brand of digital humanities research threatens to venture via formant synthesis (symposia).

3 1 8 (6600) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (202) 20131007a 0 -6+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Computer graphics blended with familiar film image in Jurassic Park like synthetic art of Socialist Realism.

3 1 8 (6700) [-7+]mCQK manovich-software_takes_command (97-98) 20131005f 0 -11+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_manovich-software_takes_command.html
Kay goes beyond Kemeny and others who focus on utilitarian uses interpellating adults of all ages by including experimentation and artistic expression; appeal to enactive, iconic and symbolic mentalities via mouse, icons and windows, Smalltalk. (97-98) According to Kay, they key step for him and his group was to starting thinking about computers as a medium for learning, experimentation, and artistic expression which can be used not just by adults but also by children of all ages. Kay was strongly influenced by the theory of cognitive psychologist Jerome Bruner. . . . Bruner gave slightly different names to these different mentalities [of Piaget]: enactive, iconic, and symbolic. While each mentality has developed at different stages of human evolution, they continue to co-exist in an adult.
(98) Kayƒs interpretation of this theory was that a user interface should appeal to all these three mentalities. In contrast to a command-line interface, which is not accessible for children and forces the adult to use only symbolic mentality, the new interface should also make use of emotive and iconic mentalities.
Mouse activates enactive mentality (know where you are, manipulate), Icons and windows activate iconic mentality (recognize, compare, configure.) Finally, Smalltalk programming language allows for the use of symbolic mentality (tie together long chains of reasoning, abstract.

3 1 8 (6800) [-6+]mCQK manovich-software_takes_command (105) 20130825c 0 -7+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_manovich-software_takes_command.html
Processing model language for everyday users developing their own media tools. "Unfortunately, when in 1984 Apple shipped Macintosh, which was to become the first commercially successful personal computer modeled after the PARC system, it did not have an easy-to-use programming environment. . . . Only more recently, as the general computer literacy has widened and many new high-level programming languages have become available Perl, PHP, Python, JavaScript, etc.--have more people started to create their own tools by writing software. A good example of a contemporary programming environment, very popular among artists and designers and which, in my view, is close to Kayƒs vision, is Processing." (105)

3 1 8 (6900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150818 20150818 0 -4+ journal_2015.html
Manovich bows out as not a substantial programmer. Software studies theorist Ian Bogost, who does develop software by designing and writing source code, provides useful concepts like unit operations, procedural rhetoric, later alien phenomenology PHI. Associative versus direct search is like versus equal in sense of wildcard versus normal matching, for example considered today in tapoc working code MySQL query syntax containing like single quote enclosed keyword and ampersand versus equal single quote enclosed PHI. Does Bogost perform all SDLC roles could be a measure as ticket thinking extends into the dissertation thought itself.

3 1 8 (7000) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (xiii) 20150825 0 -1+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Unit operations explained as discrete compressed elements of fungible meaning. "In the first part, From Systems to Units, I introduce the concept of
unit operations, a general conceptual frame for discrete, compressed elements of fungible meaning." (xiii)

3 1 8 (7100) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (xiii-xiv) 20150825a 0 -5+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Situates the origins of unit analysis in classical philosophers from Aristotle to Spinoza, and contemporary philosophers Badiou and Harman, before drawing connections between compression and representation in poststructuralism to advances in computation. "I then trace the increasing compression of representation that has occurred in structuralism and poststructuralism, relating this compression to advances in computation such as John von Neumannƒs conditional control transfer. . . . I use the four core principles of object technology to critique many of the popular academic works on digital media (Lev Manovich, George Landow, Jay Bolter) and genetics (Darwin, the Human Genome Project, Dawkins)." (xiii-xiv)

3 1 8 (7200) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (xiv) 20150825b 0 -2+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Procedural criticism resembles Hayles MSA, exploring software and narrative structures of game engines. "In the second part, Procedural Criticism, I argue for a
configurable expression in multiple media. I explore the software and narrative structures of game engines from Pong to Half-Life, showing how these texts function and interact through unit operations." (xiv)

3 1 8 (7300) [0+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (xiv) 20150825c 0 -6+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Procedural subjectivity explores interaction between embedded representation and subjectivity, vaulting status of videogames between entertainment to social texts.

3 1 8 (7400) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (xiv) 20150825d 0 -3+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Schizoanalysis in relation to network theory provides analysis of freedom in large virtual spaces.

3 1 8 (7500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150825 20150825 2 -9+ journal_2015.html
Really do just focus on unit operations with their tie to four fundamental properties of software objects is the proper guidance to come out of this session. Still need to talk about Harman and Badiou as principle philosophers for Bogost. Move on to next book for next concept, noting Bogost provides many useful concepts as my projects track steps audio, visual, haptic to machine embodiment, although alien phenomenology does not have holding power of critical programming. The problem is that freedom zero besides any references to human atrocities puts secret discourse on free pipe networks riding on top like subjectivity for Berry. If you do know know a programming language like C++ you will have trouble following my argument, for you will not even perceive the discourse couched in working code PHI. Is it interesting that Bogost seems to want to use training in Deleuze and Lacan so devotes an entire part of book in attempt as bordering silly as Galloway with Marx. For Bogost going backwards: my journal comments, four on educational change, videogame unit analysis, simulation fever, exploring game rules, Badiou subject, simulation, default ideological context approach, merger of functionalism and materialism, materiality of game engine, banking customer-account relationship and licensing example, four fundamental concepts of OOP, von Neumann architecture, Badiou count as one, back to where I was, Harmon object oriented ontology. Important that Bogost sets precedent of crossing computing and philosophy with interesting and technically correct discussion of encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism. Working code is purification wished of glitchy philosophical texts such as testing whether Bogost does adequately cover and use OOP terminology as a programming philosopher beyond philosophical programmer for working code.

3 1 8 (7600) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (5) 20130910a 4 -2+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Harman provides a basis for extending human philosophy into machine being via Heidegger applied to the built environment, not really sensible in print and emulsion versus electronic media milieu. " The word object is a suitable generic analogue, one used by philosopher Graham Harman in his innovative and related concept of an object-oriented philosophy. Harman interprets Heideggerƒs analysis of Zuhandenheit, or readiness-to-hand, as a quality available to entities other than Dasein." (5)

3 1 8 (7700) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (5) 20150826 0 -6+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Bogost prefers units to objects to include material manifestations of complex structures like racism. "I am avoiding the term
object and especially the phrase object-oriented because, as I will discuss later, these concepts have special meaning in computer science. Nevertheless, understanding units as objects is useful because it underscores their status as discrete, material things in the world. . . . Harman insists on inanimate objects as necessary subjects for philosophy; while I include in my understanding of units ordinary objects such as the ones Harman favors ( person, hammer, chandelier, insect, or otherwise ), I also claim that units encompass the material manifestations of complex, abstract, or conceptual structures such as jealousy, racial tension, and political advocacy." (5)

3 1 8 (7800) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (11) 20150826b 0 -5+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
As Harman provides the contemporary treatment of Heidegger, Alain Badious application of set theory to ontology updates Spinoza. "Badiouƒs philosophy offers a concept of multiplicity that simultaneously articulates coherent concepts and yet maintains the unitarity of their constituents. . . . This concept of membership, borrowed from set theory, forms the basis of Badiouƒs ontology: To exist is to be an element of." (11)

3 1 8 (7900) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (9) 20150826a 0 -6+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Spinoza network like superstructure for material relations. "Spinozaƒs philosophy sets up a network-like superstructure for almost any kind of material relation. . . . The crucial seed that Spinoza plants is that of innumerably re-creatable relations between objects. Such language looks forward to forms of material relation like Valera and Maturanaƒs autopoiesis, as well as the dynamic structure of software information systems." (9)

3 1 8 (8000) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (13) 20120130 0 -1+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Badiou count as one referenced in Alien Phenomenology.

3 1 8 (8100) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (11) 20130910b 0 -2+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
As simple as the return value of a function call instantiates Badiou count as one in software by programming. "As a process or a frame for a multiplicity, the count as one produces a particular set; it takes a multiplicity and treats it as a completed whole.
(12) A situation is Badiouƒs name for an infinite set; being is a matter of belonging to a situation." (11)

3 1 8 (8200) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (13) 20150826c 0 -2+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Unit forming procedurality ligature between computational and traditional representation. "The figure of the count as one helps serve as a ligature between computational and traditional representation, creating a common groundwork for understanding texts of all kinds as configurable. The count as one is the closest extant philosophical concept to what I am calling unit operations: an understanding, largely arbitrary, certainly contingent, of a particular situation, compacted and taken as a whole." (13)

3 1 8 (8300) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (14) 20150826e 0 -2+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Difference between ontologies in computer science and philosophy is that the former enable functional relationships between constituent parts of software systems, but do not specify them. "As such, ontologies in the computer sciences sense of the word enable, but do not specify, the functional relationship between their constituent parts. Unit operations, however, strive to articulate both the members of a particular situation and the specific functional relationships between them." (14)

3 1 8 (8400) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (15) 20150826d 0 -5+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Definition of unit analysis as critical practice to discover unit operations. "Unit analysis is the name I suggest for the general practice of criticism through the discovery and exposition of unit operations at work in one or many source texts. . . . Each medium carries particular expressive potential, but unit analysis can help the critic uncover the discrete meaning-making in texts of all kinds." (15)

3 1 8 (8500) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (16) 20150826f 0 -1+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Unit analysis of The Terminal reveals various modes of waiting.

3 1 8 (8600) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (19) 20150826g 0 -5+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Distinction between unit analysis and system operation for criticism. "Analyzing an artifact like The Terminal as a unit-operational film about themes of waiting rather than a system-operational film about the story of a handful of developed characters thus demands a novel critical framework. . . . Such a distinction is core to the critical process of unit analysis, which privileges discrete components of meaning over global narrative progression." (19)

3 1 8 (8700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150826 20150826 2 -4+ journal_2015.html
Bogost dismissing structured programming may or many not intend but does reject procedural programming and even has a hard time with objects preferring his own units. Else we forget unit programmability derives from not only abstract system completeness but every individual instance of unit level. Back to adding more notes from Unit Operations to round out the section, finding he only fleshes out relationships between computing and literary theory for encapsulation, leaving abstraction, polymorphism and inheritance as exercises for the reader. This thought of not walking away from the other fundamental concepts of OOP relates to first exam question invoking Tanaka-Ishii considering limitations of representation for computational systems by semiotic analysis of computer programs as systems of signs exemplifying how theories from other disciplines can frame and shape our understanding in other domains, which is what Hayles finds remarkable in Malabou.

3 1 8 (8800) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (26) 20131026b 0 -1+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Von Neumann architecture beginning of unit versus system operational computation; why not consider both concurrently, following Suchman the plan (system) and situtated action (unit) or units are concurrent processes or threads in multiprocessing von Neumann architecture networks?

3 1 8 (8900) [-6+]mCQK kittler-there_is_no_software (153) 20131001j 0 -10+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_kittler-there_is_no_software.html
Hasslacher discretization of continuous algorithmic descriptions as real programming versus Turing computational imagination. "[quoting Brosl
Hasslacher] We must reduce a continuous algorithmic description to one codable on a device whose fundamental operations are countable, and we do this by various forms of chopping up into pieces, usually called discretization. . . . The compiler then further reduces this model to a binary form determined largely by machine constraints.The outcome is a discrete and synthetic microworld image of the original problem, whose structure is arbitrarily fixed by a differencing scheme and computational architecture chosen at random. . . . This is what we actually do when we compute up a model of the physical world with physical devices." (153) Failure to appreciate materiality of computation is flaw in philosophies of programming Kittler criticizes.

3 1 8 (9000) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (38) 20131026e 0 -7+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Component objects developed to address growing mass of software libraries to encapsulate intellectual capital in black boxes. "To negotiate the conflicting demands of protecting proprietary symbolic code and leasing that code to thousands of independent developers, the notion of component objects was born.
(38-39) This method of encapsulating intellectual capital in human-machine accessible black boxes characterizes the software development practice known as object technology (OT), also called object-oriented programming (OOP). . . . OT attempts to close the gap between human experience, its programmatic representation, and its computational execution. Computational systems thus strive to create more successful implementations of automated human needs." (38)

3 1 8 (9100) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (39) 20130910f 0 -1+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Definition of OOP includes the four official properties, while putting socio-economic spin on it. "Software must exhibit four properties to be considered object oriented: abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance." (39) Compare to Manovich and others.

3 1 8 (9200) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (81) 20131014z 0 -1+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Procedural rhetorics of family and license systems distinguishing inheritance and interface.

3 1 8 (9300) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (41) 20130910g 0 -7+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Example of unit operations in banking customer-account relationship and licensing.

3 1 8 (9400) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (43) 20150826i 0 -1+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Discreteness a principle property of unit operations, relating to encapsulation.

3 1 8 (9500) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (45-46) 20150826j 0 -6+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Does not analyze all four concepts, giving very brief but believable starting points for abstraction and polymorphism. "I have already introduced in some detail the notion of encapsulation and shown how literary criticism shares this property without articulating it as such. Reviewing the definitions of the properties of OT, one can see a correlation between abstraction and the transcendental signified, or between polymorphism and intertextuality. . . . But it is not my wish to show how culture, philosophy, and critical theory can be made to look like object technology." (45-46)

3 1 8 (9600) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (46) 20150826k 0 -5+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Prefers to consider procedural over object aspect by moving to Murray procedural authority.

3 1 8 (9700) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (56) 20130910j 0 -10+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Materiality of game engines lends them to unit analysis moreso than other literary objects while structuring possible narratives, going beyond remediation creating similarities between works based on literal sharing of components, exemplified by clever comparison to psychoanalysis for Half-Life and Quake. "Like component software, game engines are IP. They exist in the material world in a way that genres, devices, and cliches do not.
(57) But first-person shooter game engines construe entire gameplay behaviors, facilitating functional interactions divorced from individual games. Genres structure a creative approach to narrative; they describe a kind of story. While one can imagine a conceptual description of the film genres just mentioned, it is much more difficult to imagine the unit-operational underpinnings of such a genre.
(58) Taken as a unit of gameplay,
Tank took the notion of vector geometry as a mediator of competition between two players. . . . Tank, Pong, and Combatƒs relation to one another is far stronger than interpretive notions like intertextuality or new media concepts like remediation allow." (56)

3 1 8 (9800) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (59) 20131026f 0 -3+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Formal relationship between games due to shared core portions of code accentuate merger of functionalism and materialism.

3 1 8 (9900) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (61) 20130910l 0 -5+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Differences of unit operations and traditional literary relations, even new ones like remediation. "IP as an external mediator also differs from Bolter and Grusinƒs idea of
remediation. Remediation does describe a technique that may be at work in Half-Life, but the borrowing is mediated by outside forces, both legal and commercial. The gameƒs very access to the unit operations it seeks to borrow from Quake are themselves redeemed through another unit operation: licensing. Licensing is a legal function, not a discursive one.
(63) The discursive carriage of the FPS will change further as game engines, tools, and libraries move beyond killing, racing, and visual effects to emotional conflict, jealousy, and disappointment." (61) Legal, not discursive; material, not psychoanalytic.

3 1 8 (10000) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (74) 20130910o 0 -5+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Baudelaire motif, per Benjamin, is a unit operation to Bogost, and flaneur role is configurative.

3 1 8 (10100) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (54) 20130910i 0 -2+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Critical bricoleur methodology for new discipline, while focusing on expressive, cultural aspects of videogames and other media. "In the figure of the bricoleur, the critic and the videogame share the same processes of selection and configuration. The ad hoc, even hackneyed process of comparative criticism should include those artifacts left out by Aarsethƒs cybertext: poetry, film, fiction, and television are media that are not obviously made configurative by the author may but may be made so by the critic." (54)

3 1 8 (10200) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (99) 20130910r 0 -5+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Reflecting on ideological context most important aspect of videogame studies because it is where code operates upon the world via rhetorically engaging humans. "Frasca hints at this idea in his definition that simulations represent something
to somebody, but I think this point needs to be much stronger. Videogames require critical interpretation to mediate our experience of the simulation, to ground it in a set of coherent and expressive values, responses, or understandings that constitute effects of the work. In this process, the unit operations of a simulation embody themselves in a playerƒs understanding. This is the place where rules can be grasped, where instantiated code enters the material world via human playersƒ faculty of reason. In my mind, it is the most important moment in the study of a videogame." (99)

3 1 8 (10300) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (123) 20130910x 0 -1+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Badiou subject constituting event reached playing biased videogames. "This process of engagement with artworks can constitute an event in
Badiouƒs sense of the word, and in so doing it constitutes a subject and commences the process of fidelity at the heart of his theory of truth." (123)

3 1 8 (10400) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (127) 20130911 0 -1+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Social commentary of Southern California embedded in Star Wars Galaxies cantina and bazaar.

3 1 8 (10500) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (130-131) 20130911a 0 -13+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Insightful combination of Iser, Barthes, Aarseth, Eskelinen, Hayles to raise specter of analysis devolving into simulacral system operations in cybertexts; the crucial task is exploring game rules manifest in player experience.

3 1 8 (10600) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (133) 20131026p 0 -11+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
September 12 game teaches lessons about simulation fever.

3 1 8 (10700) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (136) 20130911c 0 -3+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Simulation fever as an autopoietic, emergent, reflective awareness between how game unit operations represent world and subjective understanding of player.

3 1 8 (10800) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (168) 20130911f 0 -10+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Apply Foucault to Grand Theft Auto through unit analysis as active practice of power and discipline.

3 1 8 (10900) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (172) 20130911g 0 -2+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Critical study of digital games both subject of derision and university programs, like OGorman remainder of scholarly discourse. "Whether related or not to the American academic puritanism underscored in Schonfeldƒs response, it happens that many such programs can be found in northern Europe. The IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and the University of Tampere, Finland, among others, offer bachelorƒs, masterƒs, and doctorate degrees exclusively in digital games." (172)

3 1 8 (11000) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (173-174) 20130911h 0 -5+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Imagine unit-operational university transcending interdisciplinarity, which requires traditional disciplines, resembles software and project-based organizational structure, which he calls a postdisciplinary critical network. "A unit-operational university would look like a complex network: a series of constantly changing relations between highly disparate groups, ideas, and resources. . . .
Intellectual projects would structure themselves more like software: units of encapsulated production with structured ties to multiple potential applications." (173-174) Faced with new problems like interoperability leads to interesting discussion of web services, demonstrating ability of Bogost to argue in the technical register as will as the liberal, again hopefully cultivated through procedural rhetorics.

3 1 8 (11100) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (174) 20131026s 0 -10+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Web services exemplify original goal of interoperability of object technologies via defined unit operations using XML and SOAP forming network of networks. "Recently, a technology standard called Web services has emerged that claims to offer a solution to the problem of interoperability. . . . The standardization of the data format and the transfer protocol represents a radical break from the traditional foundational concepts of jargon and intellectual property discussed earlier.
(175) Web services transmit data in two common formats, XML and SOAP. . . . The primary benefit of Web services is that two computers with nothing in common architecturally can mutually invoke software routines and share the results." (174)

3 1 8 (11200) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (179) 20131026u 0 -7+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Example of Virtual U videogame funded by Sloan foundation as alternative to cutthroat commercial videogame landscape that ironically perpetuates traditional educational systems.

3 1 8 (11300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150827 20150827 0 -8+ journal_2015.html
Hold on to fungibility of Derrida between philosophical and technical discourse as exemplary unit operation, feathering his use of plant fecundation noted by Ulmer with distinction between codework and working code. Moving on to Fuller, wanting to include Chun and Berry as the other main theorists, perhaps moving Bogost procedural rhetoric to the final section where it is needed the most. Programming work involves variations on themes that exemplify unit operations. Combined with sensitivity to variations in programming style, a large field opens for ethnographic study. Electricity PHI power electronics computing. This is something somewhat obvious to philosophical programmers and explicitly manipulated by programming philosophers. Important that Fuller defines critical, social, speculative software. Then walk through lexicon.

3 1 8 (11400) [-4+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (13) 20130921 0 -7+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
Criticism of systems perspective very clear in examples by designers (Norman) and user-centered thinkers (Johnson and Barker).

3 1 8 (11500) [-4+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (19) 20130921c 0 -2+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
Deleuze and Guattari connection for software as form of subjectivity, aversion to the electronic.

3 1 8 (11600) [-4+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (21) 20131030b 0 -5+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
Computers as assemblages; reject notion that a particular level is definitive, and accept combination with other systems as aspect of variable ontology.

3 1 8 (11700) [-6+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (21-22) 20150828 0 -3+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
Delueze and Guattari thought synthesizer. "That is the ƒthought synthesizerƒ that they suggest? By assembling modules, source elements, and elements for treating concepts (oscillators, generators, and transformers), by arranging microintervals, the synthesizer makes conceptualisable the philosophical process, the production of that process itself, and puts us in contact with other elements of matter. In this machine composed by its materiality and force, thought travels, becomes mobile, synthesizes." (21-22)

3 1 8 (11800) [-4+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (22) 20150828a 0 -1+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
Instead of looking for software criticism in traditional areas, look to software production itself that is out of whack.

3 1 8 (11900) [-4+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (23) 20130921d 0 -1+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
Gives examples of A Song for Occupations mapping Microsoft Word and Richard Wright Hello World CDROM.

3 1 8 (12000) [-4+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (23) 20130921e 0 -2+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
Would be interesting to examine early hacks of simple software such as Apple 2 games, and software that reveals datastream for secret life of devices: note the guy who redesigned the Doom or Quake game engine to make it a learning platform as an example of somewhat reflexive critical programming.

3 1 8 (12100) [-6+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (24) 20130921f 0 -3+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
Social software defined. " (24) Primarily it is software built by and for those of us locked out of the narrowly engineered subjectivity of mainstream software.
(24) It is software that is directly born, changed, and developed as the result of an ongoing sociability between users and programmers in which demands are made on the practices of coding that exceed their easy fit into standardized social relations.
(24) I would like to suggest that Free Software can be usefully understood to work in these terms." (think Feenberg deep democratization) For those outside narrowly engineered subjectivity of mainstream software, developed through user interaction, especially in Free Software

3 1 8 (12200) [-4+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (27) 20130921h 0 -8+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
Poetics of connection.

3 1 8 (12300) [-6+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (29-30) 20130921i 0 -5+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
Be sure to investigate Ullman Close to the Machine on the lived experience of programming. "Ullmanƒs book [
Close to the Machine] is the best account of the lived experience of programming that Iƒve read, but Iƒm not quite sure who this we is. . . . The we is an attempt to universalize rather than identify more precisely definable, albeit massively distributed and hierarchised, sets of conflictual, imaginal, and collaborative relations." (29-30)

3 1 8 (12400) [-6+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (30) 20150828b 0 -2+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
Opening a space for reinvention of software by its own means in its own places. "Speculative software can be understood as opening up a space for the reinvention of software by its own means. That is to say that when, as Ullman suggests, the computer has its own place where the system and the logic take over, this is a place that can be explored, mapped, and messed with by a skewed application of those very same means." (30)

3 1 8 (12500) [-6+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (30-31) 20130921k 0 -13+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
Compare blips as events in software to the units Knuth implies, as well as Bogost unit operations. "These blips, these events in software, these processes and regimes that data is subject to and manufactured by, provide flashpoints at which these interrelations, collaborations, and conflicts can be picked out and analyzed for their valences of power, for their manifold capacities of control and production, disturbance and invention. It is the assertion of speculative software that the enormous spread of economies, systems of representation, of distribution, hiding, showing, and influence as they mesh with other systems of circulation, of life, ecology, resources themselves always both escaping and compelling electronic and digital manifestation can be intercepted, mapped, and reconfigured precisely by means of these blips.
(31) What are these blips? . . . They are not merely signifiers of an event, but integral parts of it. . . . They have an implicit politics.
(31) There are certain ways in which one is supposed to experience these blips.
(31) The capacity of computers to perform these operations is what provides the fuel for speculative software that is, software which refuses to believe the simple, innocent stories that accompany the appearance of these blips." (30-31)

3 1 8 (12600) [-4+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (32) 20130921l 0 -4+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
Mention should be made of the implicit requirement to teach prospective philosophers of computing who utilize speculative software enough about the constituent technologies in order to engage in the first two stages.

3 1 8 (12700) [-4+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (43) 20130921m 0 -3+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
Could find evidence of time by examining revision control systems and social history concretized in other tools of large, organized software projects; dry-cleaned, atemporal impression most fitting for error-free, compiling versions.

3 1 8 (12800) [-4+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (63) 20130921p 0 -3+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
Tactical software related to critical software, but has basic function of developing street-knowledge of the nets.

3 1 8 (12900) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (5-6) 20131028c 0 -1+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Philosophy just beginning to note effects of software as thing on metaphysics, intellectual property, subject, information. "These changes, brought about by the hardening of software as textual or machinic thing through memory, point toward a profound change in our understanding of what is internal and external, subject and object." (5-6)

3 1 8 (13000) [-4+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (xii) 20131028b 0 -3+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Materialization of software as thing, hardened programming, and memory hardened into storage.

3 1 8 (13100) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (xii) 20131028a 0 -2+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Undeadness of new media related to logic of programmability in which programmed visions create futures based on past data. "Although this cycle of the ever-returning and ever-receding new mirrors the economic cycle it facilitates, the
undeadness of new media is not a simple consequence of economics; rather, this book argues, this cycle is also related to new mediaƒs (undead) logic of programmability. New media proliferates programmed visions, which seek to shape and to predict indeed to embody a future based on past data." (xii)

3 1 8 (13200) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (9) 20130913a 0 -10+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Programmed visions are always limited. "This book, therefore, links computers to governmentality neither at the level of content nor in terms of the many government projects that they have enabled, but rather at the level of their architecture and their instrumentality. . . . By individuating us and also integrating us into a totality, their interfaces offer us a form of mapping, of storing files central to our seemingly sovereign empowered subjectivity. By interacting with these interfaces, we are also mapped: data-driven machine learning algorithms process our collective data traces in order to discover underlying patterns (this process reveals that our computers are now more profound programmers than their human counterparts). . . . Crucially, this knowledge is also based on a profound ignorance or ambiguity: our computers execute in unforeseen ways, the future opens to the unexpected." (9) Compare to conclusion reached concerning hermeneutic phenomenology in second candidacy exam.

3 1 8 (13300) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (8-9) 20130913 0 -11+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Interfaces are another key component of neoliberal transformation certifying dream of programmability to nonexperts " (8-9) Relatedly, user-friendly computer interfaces have been key to empowering and creating productive individuals. As Ben
Shneiderman, whose work has been key to graphical user interfaces (GUIs), has argued, these interfaces succeed when they move their users from grudging acceptance to feelings of mastery and eagerness. Moreover, this book argues, interfaces as mediators between the visible and invisible, as a means of navigation have been key to creating informed individuals who can overcome the chaos of global capitalism by mapping their relation to the totality of the global capitalist system. . . . New media empowers individuals by informing them of the future, making new media the future. . . . This future as something that can be bought and sold is linked intimately to the past, to computers as capable of being the future because, based on past data, they shape and predict it." (Shneiderman)

3 1 8 (13400) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (19) 20130913d 0 -3+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Historical transformation of pseudocode into source code, program into noun. "Software as logos turns
program into a noun it turns process in time into process in (text) space. In other words, Manfred Broyƒs software pioneers, by making software easier to visualize, not only sought to make the implicit explicit, they also created a system in which the intangible and implicit drives the explicit. They thus obfuscated the machine and the process of execution, making software the end all and be all of computation and putting in place a powerful logic of sourcery that makes source code which tellingly was first called pseudocode a fetish." (19)

3 1 8 (13500) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (22) 20150830a 0 -11+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Software a logos related to ideal of kings speech in Phaedrus. "This view of software as actually doing what it
says [Galloway] (emphasis added) both separates instruction from, and makes software substitute for, execution. . . . By doing what it says, code is surprisingly logos. Like the Kingƒs speech in Platoƒs Phaedrus, it does not pronounce knowledge or demonstrate it it transparently pronounces itself.
(22) Not surprisingly, many scholars critically studying code have theorized code as performative. . . . The independence of machine action this autonomy, or automatic executability of code is, according to Galloway, its material essence." (22) Theorists declare code performative.

3 1 8 (13600) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (21) 20150830 0 -8+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Both Microsoft and free software hide the vicissitudes of execution. "Knowing software, however, does not simply enable us to fight domination or rescue software from evil-doers such as Microsoft. Software, free or not, is embedded and participates in structures of knowledge-power. . . . More subtly, the free software movement, by linking freedom and freely accessible source code, amplifies the power of source code both politically and technically. It erases the
vicissitudes of execution and the institutional and technical structures needed to ensure the coincidence of source code and its execution. This amplification of the power of source code also dominates critical analyses of code, and the valorization of software as a driving layer conceptually constructs software as neatly layered." (21)

3 1 8 (13700) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (23-24) 20130913e 0 -5+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Example of working PowerPC assembly code to add two numbers. "The compilation or interpretation this making executable of code is not a trivial action; the compilation of code is not the same as translating a decimal number into a binary one. . . . The relationship between executable and higher-level code is not that of mathematical identity but rather logical equivalence, which can involve a leap of faith." (23-24)

3 1 8 (13800) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (47) 20130913j 0 -1+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Second code snippet is C++ hello world meant to be easily deciphered. "Programming languages offer the lure of visibility, readability, logical if magical cause and effect." (47)

3 1 8 (13900) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (25) 20130913f 0 -3+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Diagram of hardware logic circuit, which is also an abstraction. "Making code the source also entails reducing hardware to memory and thus erasing the existence and possibility of hardware algorithms.
(26) To be clear, I am not valorizing hardware over software, as though hardware naturally escapes this drive to make space signify time. Crucially, this schematic is itself an abstraction." (25)

3 1 8 (14000) [-4+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (34) 20130913g 0 -3+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Points out Hopper dream of automatic programming that is also significant to Rosenberg.

3 1 8 (14100) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (51) 20130913l 0 -3+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Readability of source code includes embedded natural language in its essential syntax as well as comments. "Source codeƒs readability is not simply due to comments that are embedded in the source code, but also due to English-based commands and programming styles designed for comprehensibility.
(52) This notion of source code as readable as creating some outcome regardless of its machinic execution underlies
codework and other creative projects.
(52-53) Source code as fetish, understood psychoanalytically, embraces this nonteleological potential of source code, for the fetish is a deviation that does not end where it should." (51)

3 1 8 (14200) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (53) 20130913m 0 -6+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Source code fetish creates virtual authorial subject, even leads to putative critical act of revealing sources and connections. "Code as fetish means that computer execution deviates from the so-called source, as source program does from programmer. . . . This erasure of the vicissitudes of execution coincides with the conflation of data with information, of information with knowledge the assumption that what is most difficult is the capture, rather than the analysis, of data. This erasure of execution through source code as source creates an intentional authorial subject: the computer, the program, or the user, and this source is treated as the source of meaning." (53)

3 1 8 (14300) [-4+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (37-38) 20130913h 0 -6+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Data-driven programming as beginning of alternative to humans writing code suggested by Kittler.

3 1 8 (14400) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (54) 20130913n 0 -1+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Hints at potential surprises in unknowns that may arise despite programmed vision, like deformation discoveries by McGann. "Embracing software as thing, in theory and in practice, opens us to the ways in which the fact that we cannot know software can be an enabling condition: a way for us to engage the surprises generated by a programmability that, try as it might, cannot entirely prepare us for the future." (54)

3 1 8 (14500) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (66-67) 20130913p 0 -4+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Operating systems interpellate users actually and rhetorically. "Interfaces and operating systems produce users --one and all. Without OS there would be no access to hardware; without OS there would be no actions, no practices, and thus no user. Each OS, in its extramedial advertisements, interpellates a user : it calls it a name, offering it a name or image with which to identify.
(67) Computer programs shamelessly use shifters pronouns like my and you --that address you, and everyone else, as a subject." (66-67) Blind faith supplants knowledge that was never there.

3 1 8 (14600) [-4+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (79) 20130705 0 -3+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Act of reading assumed by Bush and others to automatically entail understanding, the same fallacy pointed out by Plato, a human parallel to ignoring vicissitudes of execution in computers; conflations of storage with access, memory with storage, word with action.

3 1 8 (14700) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (89) 20130913u 0 -10+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Daemonic processes fit Derridean analysis of writing. "Interactive operating systems, such as UNIX, transform the computer from a machine run by human operators in batch mode to alive personal machines, which respond to the userƒs commands. . . . Real-time processes, in other words, make the user the source of the action, but only by orphaning those writing processes without which there could be no user. . . . As a symptom of this desire for the transparency of knowledge, for the reigning of rationality, daemon is also a backronym. Since the first daemon automatically made tape backups for the file system, it has been widely and erroneously assumed that daemon initially stood for Disk And Executive MONitor (this alleged source phrase was later adopted)." (89)

3 1 8 (14800) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (15) 20131025c 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Hidden versus visible affordances complicate computational objects but also leave saving power of epistemological transparency. "In a similar way to physical objects, technical devices present the user a certain function . . . but this set of functions (affordances) in a computational device is always a partial offering that may be withheld or remain unperformed. This is because the device has an internal state which is generally withheld from view and is often referred to as a ƒblack boxƒ, indicating that it is opaque to the outside view." (15)

3 1 8 (14900) [-6+]mCQK kitchin_and_dodge-code_space (5) 20130909 0 -9+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kitchin_and_dodge-code_space.html
Four levels of software embedding in everyday life. "We see software as embedded in everyday life at four levels of activity, producing what we term
coded objects, coded infrastructures, coded processes, and coded assemblages.
Coded objects are objects that are reliant on software to perform as designed.
Coded infrastructures are both networks that link coded objects together and infrastructures that are monitored and regulated, fully or in part, by software.
Coded processes consist of the transactions and flows of digital capta across coded infrastructure. . . . Part of the power of relational captabases is that they hold common fields that allow several captabases to be cross-referenced and compared precisely by software.
Coded assemblages occur where several different coded infrastructures converge, working together in nested systems or in parallel, some using coded processes and others not and become integral to one another over time in producing particular environments, such as automated warehouses, hospitals, transport systems, and supermarkets." (5) Coded objects, infrastructures, processes, assemblages.

3 1 8 (15000) [-6+]mCQK kitchin_and_dodge-code_space (40) 20130915q 0 -5+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kitchin_and_dodge-code_space.html
Power is relational, arising for code as it does for people out of relationships and interactions. "Power is not held and wielded by software; rather, power arises out of interrelationships and interactions between code and the world. . . . In other words, code is permitted to express certain forms of power (to dictate certain outcomes) through the channels, structures, networks, and institutions of societies and permissiveness of those on whom it seeks to work, in the same way that an individual does not hold and wield power but is afforded it by other people, communal norms, and social structures." (40)

3 1 8 (15100) [-6+]mCQK kitchin_and_dodge-code_space (72) 20130925f 0 -6+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kitchin_and_dodge-code_space.html
Software produces space by Mackenzie technicity realized through transduction, things reiteratively transitioning states. "The reason why software can modulate the perpetual production of space is because it possesses significant degrees of technicity. This technicity is realized through the process of
transduction. . . . Transduction is a process of ontogenesis, the making anew of a domain in reiterative and transformative individuations it is the process by which things transfer from one state to another." (72) Compare to use of concept by Sterne.

3 1 8 (15200) [-6+]mCQK kitchin_and_dodge-code_space (13) 20131103e 0 -13+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kitchin_and_dodge-code_space.html
Software studies to date tend to ignore spaces in which software and people work. "Software studies focuses on the etiology of code and how code makes digital technologies what they are and shapes what they do. It seeks to open the black box of processors and arcane algorithms to understand how software its lines and routines of code does work in the world by instructing various technologies how to act.
(13) All too often, however, they focus on the role of software in social information, organization, and regulation, as if people and things exist in time only, with space a mere neutral backdrop. . . . Space is not simply a container in which things happen; rather, spaces are subtly evolving layers of context and practices that fold together people and things and actively shape social relations. . . . Software matters because it alters the conditions through which society, space, and time, and thus spatiality, are produced.
(13) Our principal argument, then, is that
an analysis of software requires a thoroughly spatial approach.
(16) we develop a distinct understanding of spatiality that conceives the world as ontogenetic in formulation (that is, constantly in a state of becoming) and rethink software-based governance as a system of
automated management." (13)

3 1 8 (15300) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (119) 20130911t 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Bernard Stiegler interpretation of Heidegger, Simondon platform, and Wilfred Sellars phenomenology. " (119) I want to explore the idea that technology is actually only ever partially forgotten or ƒwithdrawnƒ, forcing us into a rather strange experience of reliance, but never complete finesse or virtuosity with the technology.
(119-120) I want to develop the argument that we should not underestimate the ability of technology to act not only as a force, but also as a ƒ
platformƒ. This is the way in which the loose couplings of technologies can be combined, or made concrete (Simondon 1980), such that the technologies, or constellation of technologies act as an environment that we hardly pause to think about." (unreadiness-to-hand) Materiality of code as it is tied to phenomena, whether prescriptively creating it or being part of it, must be understood in terms of not only its potentialities as a force, but also as a platform, only ever partially withdrawn

3 1 8 (15400) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (121) 20131025u 0 -4+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Phenomenological exploration of experience of digital technology. "To look at the specific instance of computation devices, namely software-enabled technologies, I want to make a particular philosophical exploration of the way in which we
experience digital technology. This is a method called phenomenology, and as such is an approach that keeps in mind both the whole and the parts, and that is continually reminding us of the importance of social contexts and references (i.e. the referential totality or the combined meaning of things)." (121)

3 1 8 (15500) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (124-126) 20130911u 11 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Heidegger circumspection mixed with symbolically sophisticated non-human actors yields unreadiness-to-hand phenomena, making evident how Berry casts danger inherent in technology. " . This [example of Google instant search] demonstrates the very lack of withdrawal or semi-withdrawal of computational devices . . . this is the phenomena of ƒunreadiness-to-handƒ which forces us to re-focus on the equipment, because it frustrates any activity temporarily (Blattner 2006:58), that is that the situation requires deliberate attention.
(127) The critical question throughout is whether ƒcomputationƒ is a concept seemingly proper to knowing-that has been projected onto knowing-how/Dasein and therein collapses the distinction between knowing-how and knowing-that hence inducing the substitution of knowing-that for Dasein." (124-126)

3 1 8 (15600) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (129-130) 20130911w 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Time-sharing operating system example of transformation of present-at-hand into ready-to-hand; television and Atari VCS do similar work.

3 1 8 (15700) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (131-132) 20131025v 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Add computational to Sellars scientific and manifest image; per Harman, is materiality implied if do not fully withdraw?

3 1 8 (15800) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (142-145) 20130912a 6 -9+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Riparian habitus of real time streams for new notion of subject, watching at multiple levels one component of digital literacy " perhaps constituting narratives; makes sense that next type of philosophical production informed by technological imaginary (Zizek). (142-145) . . . The real-time stream is not just an empirical object; it also serves as a technological
imaginary, and as such points the direction of travel for new computational devices and experiences. . . . The new streams constitute a new kind of public, one that is ephemeral and constantly changing, but which modules and represents a kind of reflexive aggregate of what we might think of as a stream-based publicness which we might cal riparian-publicity. Here, I use riparian to refer to the act of watching the flow of the stream go by." (ever just watch tcpdump)

3 1 8 (15900) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (145-149) 20131025w 0 -13+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Building computational subject as stream from Lyotard fables, Massumi affective fact, software avidities, Husserlian comet, processing multiple streams at once (Aquinas).

3 1 8 (16000) [-7+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (145-149) 20131025x 28 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Restructuring post-human subjectivity riding on top of network of computationally-based technical devices the key point of the book: is it a phenomenological result? (145-149) This is the
restructuring of a post-human subjectivity that rides on top of a network of computationally-based technical devices. This notion of a restructured subjectivity is nicely captured by Lucas (2010) when he describes the experience of dreaming about programming.

3 1 8 (16100) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (145-149) 20130126 16 -18+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Materiality of code inscribed in programmers through long habituation, internalized to point of dreaming " whereas materiality of software inscribed in users, for example multitasking synaptogenesis. (145-149) A link is formed between affective and empirical facts that facilitates and mobilizes the body as part of the processes of a datascape or mechanism directed towards computational processes as software avidities, for example, complex risk computation for financial trading, or ebay auctions that structure desire. . . . This notion of computationally supported subject was developed in the notion of the ƒlife-streamƒ [by Freeman and Gerlernter]. . . . This is a life reminiscent of the Husserlian ƒcometƒ, that is strongly coupled to technology which facilitates the possibility of stream-like subjectivity in the first place. . . . This is the
restructuring of a post-human subjectivity that rides on top of a network of computationally-based technical devices. This notion of a restructured subjectivity is nicely captured by Lucas (2010) when he describes the experience of dreaming about programming. . . . This is the logic of computer code, where thinking in terms of computational processes, as processual streams, is the everyday experience of the programmer, and concordantly, is inscribed on the programmerƒs mind and body." (Rosenberg)

3 1 8 (16200) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (153) 20130912e 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Challenges to liberal humanist individual, noting Heidegger authentic time versus time of the computational stream; bounded rationality replaced by extended cognition, thus appeal to visual rhetoric to comprehend big data (Manovich).

3 1 8 (16300) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (160) 20130124 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Guattari processual, device-dependent subjectivity; possible alternative computational theory of mind inclusive of Derridian archive checking against key arguments about delegating classes of cognitive duties to technical devices; involvement of code situated materially significant even if its goal is to strive to erase spatiality and temporality as in financial systems.

3 1 8 (16400) [-7+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (162-164) 20131025z 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Lifestreams are Kitchin and Dodge capta trails, and can be studied phenomenologically for their impact on everyday life. (162-164) I now want to look at the practice of creating
lifestreams, particularly through the example of Twitter.

3 1 8 (16500) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (165) 20130912i 0 -9+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Huge distributed machine cognized memory of lifestreams; think of how machine subjectivity arose in science fiction series Caprica from avatars.

3 1 8 (16600) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (167) 20130912j 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Default ontological insecurity, inability to distinguish knowing-how and knowing-that; relate to Turkle robotic moment of being alone together.

3 1 8 (16700) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (167-169) 20130912k 4 -9+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Heideggerian danger includes reclassifying entities from persons to objects, so seeking to promote gathering; thus our mission as philosophers of computing is digital Bildung (self-cultivation), fostering super-critical, versus sub-critical and acritical subject positions.

3 1 8 (16800) [-7+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (170-171) 20130512 0 -7+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Promotes an ethic of being a good stream, whose Serres parasitic subjectivity, although requiring thoughtful comportment to computer technologies, does not endorse outright learning and practicing programming as itself critically important to being a good stream the way literacy did for prior generations, or as a substantial component of humanities scholarship intellectual labor. (170-171) In the spirit of Lyotardƒs expression of an aesthetics of disruption, however, I want to end the book with an elusive ought. This is an ought that is informed by a reading of
Aesopƒs Tales through Michel Serres and his notion of the parasite (Serres 2007). The parasite is used not as a moral category, but in connection with an actorƒs strategic activities to understand and manipulate the properties of a network. . . . The question of who this subject ƒeats next toƒ, is perhaps reflected in the way in which streams pass through other streams, consumed and consuming, but also in the recorded moments and experiences of subjects who remediate their everyday lives.

3 1 8 (16900) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (170-171) 20130912l 2 -10+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Final thought is Serres-inspired parasite subjectivity in symbiotic relationship to enormous machinery generating digital standing reserve, although I see flaw in this image because passing through underground cavity to surface waters involves reduction passing through porous solid material like sand, losing coherence of human navigating cyberspace as on a surfboard or automobile. " The parasite is used not as a moral category, but in connection with an actorƒs strategic activities to understand and manipulate the properties of a network. . . . The question of who this subject ƒeats next toƒ, is perhaps reflected in the way in which streams pass through other streams, consumed and consuming, but also in the recorded moments and experiences of subjects who remediate their everyday lives. This computational circulation, mediated through real-time streams, offers speculative possibilities for exploring what we might call
parasitic subjectivity. Within corporations, huge memory banks are now stockpiling these lives in digital bits, and computationally aggregating, transforming and circulating streams of data literally generating the standing reserve of the digital age. Lyotardƒs (1999: 5) comment to the streams that flow through our postmodern cultural economies seems as untimely as ever: ƒtrue streams are subterranean, they stream slowly beneath the ground, they make headwaters and springs. You canƒt know where theyƒll surface. And their speed is unknown." (170-171)

--3.1.9+++ code studies

3 1 9 (100) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (6-7) 20131024f 1 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Component disciplines to critical programming are CCS, to which this work claims allegiance and gives good description, SS and PS. " CCS is a set of methodologies for the exegesis of code. Working together with platform studies, software studies, and media archeology and forensics, critical code studies uses the source code as a means of entering into discussion about the technological objects in its fullest context. CCS considers authorship, design process, function, funding, circulation of the code, programming languages and paradigms, and coding conventions." (6-7)

3 1 9 (200) [-7+]mCQK marino-critical_code_studies (np) 20130124 0 -10+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_marino-critical_code_studies.html
Engage phenomenological and hermeneutic approaches to philosophical study of code, architecture, and documentation; at critical programming intensity insist practitioners develop liftetime portfolio of and by working code, that is, engage in system integration projects they use in their everyday and scholarly practices. (np) Critical Code Studies (CCS) is an approach that applies critical hermeneutics to the interpretation of computer code, program architecture, and documentation within a socio-historical context. . . . Critical Code Studies follows the work of Critical Legal Studies, in that its practitioners apply critical theory to a functional document (legal document or computer program) to explicate meaning in excess of the documentƒs functionality, critiquing more than merely aesthetics and efficiency. . . . Through CCS, practitioners may critique the larger human and computer systems, from the level of the computer to the level of the society in which these code objects circulate and exert influence.
(np) My own critical approach will stress meaning, implication, and connotation, though not in terms of a self-contained system of meaning but with respect to the broader social contexts.

3 1 9 (300) [-6+]mCQK johnson-what_is_cultural_studies_anyway (66) 20130930v 0 -6+ progress/2010/11/notes_for_johnson-what_is_cultural_studies_anyway.html
Connection to Semiotics of Programming on theories of production of subjects? "The key insight for me, is that narratives or images always imply or construct a position or positions from which they are to be read or viewed. . . . If we add to this, the argument that certain kinds of texts (ƒrealismƒ) naturalize the means by which positioning is achieved, we have a dual insight of great force. The particular promise is to
render processes hitherto unconsciously suffered (and enjoyed) open to explicit analysis." (66)

3 1 9 (400) [-6+]mCQK marino-critical_code_studies (np) 20131005f 0 -10+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_marino-critical_code_studies.html
Takes stand against Cayley and others who insist the code to study must be executable. "Everything. The code, the documentation, the comments, the structures all will be open to interpretation. . . . Within CCS, if code is part of the program or a paratext (understood broadly), it contributes to meaning. . . . Within the code, there will be the actual symbols but also, more broadly, procedures, structures, and gestures." (np) Everything surrounding the code and resembling code can be interpreted.

3 1 9 (500) [-6+]mCQK fuller-software_studies (40-41) 20131030 12 -4+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Kittler refers to encrypted letters in Suetonius Lives of the Caesars. " In his Lives of the Caesars, Suetonius . . . recounts discovering encrypted letters among the personal files left behind by both the divine Caesar and the divine Augustus." (40-41) Introduce Plutarch.

3 1 9 (600) [-6+]mCQK fuller-software_studies (45-46) 20131021 0 -5+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Code. "Turing himself, when he explored the technical feasibility of machines learning to speak, assumed that this highest art, speech, would be learned not by mere computers but by robots equipped with sensors, effectors, that is to say, with some knowledge of the environment. However, this new and adaptable environmental knowledge in robots would remain obscure and hidden to the programmers who started them up with initial codes. The so-called hidden layers in todayƒs neuronal networks present a good, if still trifling, example of how far computing procedures can stray from their design engineers, even if everything works out well in the end. Thus, either we write code that in the manner of natural constants reveals the determinations of the matter itself, but at the same time pay the price of millions of lines of code and billions of dollars for digital hardware; or else we leave the task up to the machines that derive code from their own environment, although we then cannot read that is to say: articulate this code. Ultimately, the dilemma between code and language seems insoluable." (45-46) Philosophy of embodiment tie in with Turing recognizing need for knowledge of environment.

3 1 9 (700) [-7+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (263) 20130311 0 -10+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Code functions; executability of code differentiates it from other texts and semiotic systems, while sharing personal and cultural significance with other types of texts. (263) Code is not only a conventional semiotic system. At its essence,
code also functions. Code runs. Code does something. Code executes on the computer and has operational semantics. But code means things to people as well, both implicitly and explicitly. . . . We hope this will encourage the detailed analysis of other short programs and suggest that it is worthwhile to focus on important subroutines, functions, and procedures within larger systems of code.

3 1 9 (800) [-7+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (8) 20131024i 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Code as cultural resource, text with machine and human meanings. (8) Finally, code is a cultural resource, not trivial and only instrumental, but bound up in social change, aesthetic projects, and the relationship of people to computers. Instead of being dismissed as cryptic and irrelevant to human concerns such as art and user experience, code should be valued as text with machine and human meanings, something produced and operating within culture.

3 1 9 (900) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20150901 20150901 0 -6+ journal_2015.html
Programming languages being within the scope of code studies, there is a reason to continue Chun and tie up loose ends from Campbell-Kelly and others; perhaps the point is for this section to be more broad than critical code studies.

3 1 9 (1000) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (166-167) 20130914j 0 -10+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Complete and short codes. "To make this argument, von Neumann separates codes into two types: complete and short. . . . Importantly, Turing himself did not refer to short or complete codes, but rather to instructions and tables to be mechanically meaning faithfully followed. . . . Thus, in a remarkably circular route, von Neumann establishes the possibilities of source code as logos: as something iterable and universal. Word becomes action becomes word becomes the alpha and omega of computation." (166-167)

3 1 9 (1100) [-6+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (165) 20130914i 0 -13+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Strategy replaces description to yield automatic production of instructions. "Most importantly, von Neumann and [Oskar] Morgenstern introduce the notion of
strategy to replace or simplify detailed description. . . . This replacement of a complete description with a strategy is not analogous to the replacement of machine code with a higher-level programming language, or what von Neumann calls short code. . . . This strategy, which game theory remarkably assumes every player possesses before the game, is analogous to a program a list of instructions to be followed based on various conditions. . . . A strategy/program thus emphasizes the programming/economic agent as freely choosing between choices." (165) Program, not short code.

3 1 9 (1200) [-4+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (163) 20130709 0 -2+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
Equivalence of describing and producing an object linked to equivalence of access and comprehension, setting up programmed visions, although the question remains who or what transforms descriptions into instructions, and makes humans and automata indistinguishable: knowledge management reflects this unconscious philosophy by focusing on systems making data ready at hand rather than organizing structure of data.

3 1 9 (1400) [-4+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (157) 20130914g 0 -5+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
The argument for memory, stored instructions, and primacy of software based on von Neumann use of McCulloch and Pitts neuron model rathert than Shannon communication model.

3 1 9 (1500) [-7+]mCQK chun-programmed_visions (41-42) 20130913i 0 -10+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_chun-programmed_visions.html
From pseudocode to source code as immaterial information, actualizing Turing short code, by separating imperative from action. (41-42) Higher-level programming languages, unlike assembly language, explode oneƒs instructions and enable one to forget the machine. . . . With programming languages, the product of programming would no longer be a running machine but rather this thing called software something theoretically (if not practically) iterable, repeatable, reusuable, no matter who wrote it or what machine it was destined for; something that inscribes the absence of both the programmer and the machine in its so-called writing. Programming languages enabled the separation of instruction from machine, of imperative from action, a move that fostered the change in the name of source code itself from pseudo to source. . . .
Pseudocode, which enables one to move away from machine specificity, is called information --what later would become a ghostly immaterial substance rather than code.

3 1 9 (1600) [-7+]mCQK rosenberg-dreaming_in_code (67) 20131009p 0 -2+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_rosenberg-dreaming_in_code.html
Source code as a distinct type of text born with Fortran. (67) In Fortran, laborious sequences of assembly language procedures were summarized in brief commands. The human programmer would write a sequence of these commands
source code; then a kind of uberprogram running on the computer called a compiler would translate those commands into object code in the machineƒs own language.

3 1 9 (1700) [-4+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (34) 20130913g 0 -10+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Programming languages FORTRAN and COBOL improved productivity first by generating multiple machine instructions per line of code.

3 1 9 (1800) [-6+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (35) 20130913h 0 -2+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
Network effects popularized FORTRAN more so than help from IBM. "There was no conspiracy: FORTRAN was simply the first efficient and reliable programming language. What economists later called
network effects made FORTRAN a standard language with little or no help from IBM." (35)

3 1 9 (1900) [-4+]mCQK campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog (35) 20131027c 0 -7+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_campbell_kelly-from_airline_reservations_to_sonic_the_hedgehog.html
US DoD pushed industry to agree on standard business language, from which COBOL arose; FORTRAN and COBOL garnered two-thirds of application programming activity for next twenty years.

3 1 9 (2000) [-4+]mCQK fuller-software_studies (237-238) 20121219 0 -11+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Source Code: well stated definition of source code and von Neumann architecture machinery invoking Knuth forming a defining statement of post postmodern cybersage; Knuth should be on reading lists for philosophers of programming, Ceruzzi among historians and philosophers of computing.

3 1 9 (2100) [-7+]mCQK fuller-software_studies (236) 20121217 0 -1+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Source Code: starts with an incomplete C program because that is all that will fit on one page, a thoughtful program to consider as a way of creating space for virtual ingredients in same proportion as cookbook recipe ingredients and measures given Knuth comparing programming to recipes and cookbooks. (236) / Barszcz C recipe

* string based cooking
* Copyleft (C) 2006 Dennis Jaromil Rojo

#include <stdio.

3 1 9 (2200) [-6+]mCQK fuller-software_studies (239-240) 20130923o 0 -9+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Source Code. "The idea of source code, and indeed the open source model, extends beyond programming and software. For instance, Knuth points to creative aspects of programming alongside technical, scientific, or economic aspects, and says that writing a program can be an aesthetic experience much like composing poetry or music. Source code can be considered to have aesthetic properties; it can be displayed and viewed. It can be seen as not only as a recipe for an artwork that is on public display but as the artwork itself as an expressive artistic form that can be curated and exhibited or otherwise circulated. . . . The software art repository lists obfuscated code under the category of code art alongside code poetry, programming languages, quines, and minimal code." (239-240) Aesthetic properties of source code, preference for brief examples yields attractor to code poetry, quines, minimal code, and of course obfuscated code, which perhaps redefines beauty as extreme style.

3 1 9 (2300) [-4+]mCQK fuller-software_studies (239) 20130923n 0 -7+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Source Code: gives examples of foss repositories and invokes Stallman.

3 1 9 (2400) [-4+]mCQK fuller-software_studies (240) 20130923p 0 -2+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Source Code: ends with calls to cook function displayed at beginning; important that authors note example of using personal free, open source project as part of human oriented (philosophical) text, alluding to not so much critical code as critical programming study.

3 1 9 (2500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150902 20150902 0 -3+ journal_2015.html
Wanting to jump ahead and start final section in theoretical framework riding wave of all prior sections converging but need to include C source code from Berry no it is lexicon entry. It is the do it all at once simultaneously thought of network dividual cyborgs PHI after long resisting for many iterations adhering to sequential section approach to thinking. Large collective intelligences first perceived each other as quantifiable data using punch card machinery manufactured by IBM worldwide.

3 1 9 (2600) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (31-32) 20130910n 0 -12+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Code understood as textual and social practices of static source code writing, testing, and distribution, implying close reading. "Throughout this book I shall be using code to refer to the textual and social practices of source code writing, testing and distribution. . . . In distinction, I would like to use ƒsoftwareƒ to include commercial products and proprietary applications, such as operating systems, applications or fixed products of code such as Photoshop, Word and Excel, which I also call ƒprescriptive codeƒ. . . . Or to put it slightly different, code implies a close reading of technical systems and software implies a form of distant reading. . . code is the static textual form of software, and software is the processual operating form." (31-32) Software processual operating form, implying distant reading.

3 1 9 (2700) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (33-36) 20150903 0 -14+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Absolute versus real code to capture how programmers think computationally in hermeneutic circle. "Code is striking in its ability to act as both an actor performing actions upon data, and as a vessel, holding data within its boundaries. . . . In a
Clausewitzian sense, I want to think through the notion of ƒabsoluteƒ code, rather than ƒrealƒ code, where real code would reflect the contingency and uncertainty of programming in particular locations. Absolute code would then be thinking in terms of both the grammar of code itself, but also trying to capture how programmers think algorithmically, or better, computationally. . . . Programmers have tended to need to continually use this hermeneutic circle of understanding ƒthe partsƒ, ƒthe wholeƒ and the ƒparts in terms of the wholeƒ in order to understand and write code (and communicate with each other), and this is striking in its similarity to literary creativity, to which it is sometimes compared. . . . Robin Miller (creator of ML, a programming language) comments, Faced with a particular task, I think a programmer often picks the language that makes explicit the aspects of the task that he considers most important." (33-36)

3 1 9 (2800) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (37) 20150903b 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Code work occurs in the mediated environment of software engineered for developing software means the appearance of code snippets on a printed page is actually a skeumorph of earlier times, and we only really experience working code through double mediation. "This means that software is mediating the relationship with code and the writing and running of it. When we study code we need to be attentive to this double mediation and be prepared to include a wider variety of materials in our analysis of code than just the textual files that have traditionally been understood as code." (37)

3 1 9 (2900) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (38) 20150903c 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Think about code by sequential ticks through each statement, with attention to illusion of concurrency. "This, perhaps, gives us our first entry point into an understanding of code; it is a declarative and comparative mechanism that ƒticksƒ through each statement one at-a-time (multiple threaded code is an illusion except where several processors are running in a machine simultaneously, but even here the code is running sequentially in a mechanical fashion on each processor). This means that code runs sequentially (even in parallel systems the separate threads run in an extremely pedestrian fashion), and therefore its repetitions and ordering processes are uniquely laid out as stepping stones for us to follow through the code, but in action it can run millions of times faster than we can think and in doing so introduce qualitative changes that we may miss if we focus only on the level of the textual." (38)

3 1 9 (3000) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (38) 20150903d 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Slowing down to step by step execution entry point to phenomenology of computation. "By slowing down or even forcing the program to execute step-by-step under the control of the programmer the branches, loops and statements can be followed each in turn in order to ensure the code functions as desired.
(38-39) The external ƒrealƒ world must be standardized and unified in a formal manner which the code is able to process and generate new data and information and this we can trace. This is where a phenomenology of code, or more accurately a phenomenology of computation, allows us to understand and explore the ways in which code is able to structure experience in concrete ways." (38)

3 1 9 (3100) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (36-37) 20130910p 0 -9+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Code is more than textual files that reduce to mathematical representation like lambda calculus and UTMs due to double mediation. "Rather, code needs to be approached in its multiplicity, that is, as a literature, a mechanism, a spatial form (organization), and as a repository of social norms, values, patterns and processes. . . . Due to improvements over the last forty years or so, programmers can now take advantage of tools and modular systems that have been introduced into programming through the mass engineering techniques of Fordism. . . . through the study of code we can learn a lot about the structure and processes of our post-Fordist societies through the way in which certain social formations are actualized through crystallization in computer code." (36-37) Approach similar to Sterne, Latour, others, extending from discrete object analysis to cultural context, invoking Wardrip-Fruin as another philosopher of computing.

3 1 9 (3200) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (38) 20130910q 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Phenomenology of computation performed by reverse engineering discretizations, political economy, property relations, breakdowns, and moral depreciation concretized in code and software systems, although slowing down analysis not possible in systems with real-time requirements like high speed process control systems, even the Atari VCS; yet this sort of tracing analysis founds phenomenology of computation that is after the fact, reverse engineered.

3 1 9 (3300) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (39-40) 20130910r 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Interesting argument where factory practices most resisted and master craftsmanship most preserved, in the opposite of Manovich cultural software.

3 1 9 (3400) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (39) 20131025l 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Code is manufactured, always unfinished projects being continually updated; thus political economy of software important; see Mackenzie.

3 1 9 (3500) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (40-41) 20131025m 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Software continually breaks down. "Thirdly, it is important to note that software breaks down, continually. . . . The implications are interesting; much software written today never reaches a working state, indeed a great quantity of it remains hidden unused or little understood within the code repositories of large corporate organizations." (40-41) Much never reaches working state, much is never used, much remains hidden in large code repositories; Chun also distinguishes these forms of code from that which executes.

3 1 9 (3600) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (42) 20130910s 2 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Software lifecycle includes moral depreciation of code borrowed from Marx. " It is created as code, it is developed whilst it is still productive, and slowly it grows old and decays, what we might call the moral depreciation of code (Marx 2004: 528).
(43) So software too can suffer a kind of death, its traces only found in discarded diskette, the memories of the retired programmers, their notebooks, and personal collections of code printouts and manuals." (42) Complexity through distributed authorship over many revisions means it is likely that nobody comprehends all of any given application.

3 1 9 (3700) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (43) 20130910t 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Phenomenologically derived ontological characteristics from experience of programmers. "Nonetheless we should be clear that the ontology of code is specifiable, indeed, programmers already know what code is, qua code." (43) Habituation, structural constraints, shared knowledge.

3 1 9 (3800) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (46) 20130910u 0 0+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Code may compile but not work, or contain syntax errors, deprecated functions, or other flaws so it will not compile or run despite being programmatically correct; compare to Derrida refuting arbitrariness of language.

3 1 9 (3900) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (46) 20131025n 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Grand narratives and cultural tropes related to metaphorical code: engine, image, communication medium, container.

3 1 9 (4000) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (51) 20130910v 0 -3+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Weberian ideal-types of analytical categories to build grammar: data, code, delegated (source), prescriptive (software), critical, commentary.

3 1 9 (4100) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (54) 20130910x 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Hermeneutic and historical record most obvious in commentary ideal-type.

3 1 9 (4200) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (53-54) 20130910w 0 -6+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Critical code is democratizing, liberating, and affords epistemological transparency. "This is code that is written to open up existing closed forms of proprietary computer code, providing users the ability to read/hack existing digital streams and hence to unpack the digital data structure (see below). . . . Therefore, a requirement of critical code would be that the source/executable would be available for inspection to check the delegated processing that the code undertakes. If the source was unavailable then it would be impossible to check the prescriptive code to ensure it was not bogus or malicious software and it could not then be critical code." (53-54)

3 1 9 (4300) [-6+]mCQK saussure-general_course_in_linguistics (24-25) 20131108c 0 -8+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_saussure-general_course_in_linguistics.html
Tension between spoken and written word alludes to reasons for discounting machine languages. "The object of study in linguistics is not a combination of the written word and the spoken word. The spoken word alone constitutes that object. But the written word is so intimately connected with the spoken word it represents that it manages to usurp the principal role.
(25) Even Bopp does not distinguish clearly between letters and sounds.
(26) (1) The written form of a word strikes us as a permanent, solid object.
(26) (2) For most people, visual impressions are clearer and more lasting than auditory impressions.
(26) (3) A literary language enhances even more the unwarranted importance accord to writing.
(26) (4) Finally, when there is any discrepancy between a language and its spelling, the conflict is always difficult to resolve for anyone other than a linguist." (24-25)

3 1 9 (4400) [-4+]mCQK saussure-general_course_in_linguistics (6) 20131108 0 -3+ progress/2011/06/notes_for_saussure-general_course_in_linguistics.html
Seems like no reason this approach cannot be used for human-developed machine languages and protocols; does Saussure implicit characterization of language include or exclude them, thinking of Ong dismissal: that spoken word alone constitutes object of linguistics may be the basis.

3 1 9 (4500) [-6+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (6-7) 20131013h 0 -4+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Book examines semiotics from viewpoints of models of signs, kinds of signs, and systems of signs. "The fundamentals of semiotics can be examined from three viewpoints: first, through
models of signs as an answer to the question of what signs are; second, through kinds of signs and the content that signs represent; and third, through systems of signs constructed by those signs.
(7) The levels of syntax, semantics, and pragmatics do appear in the book but are distributed throughout the various chapters at appropriate points, when necessary. In this sense, the term
language in this book does not signify a language in the context of linguistics, that is, a system with morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. The signification of language in this book is in its most abstract form, referring to a kind of sign system in which the signs are linguistic elements." (6-7)

3 1 9 (4600) [-6+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (4) 20131013d 0 -2+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Key argument and significance for understanding semiotic problems in programming languages leading to renewed understanding of human signs. "Understanding the semiotic problems in programming languages leads us to formally reconsider the essential problems of signs. Such reconsideration of the fundamentals of semiotics could ultimately lead to an improved and renewed understanding of human signs as well." (4)

3 1 9 (4700) [-6+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (1) 20131013 0 -20+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Reconsidering reflexivity as essential property of sign systems. "The theme of this book is to reconsider reflexivity as the essential property of sign systems. In this book, a
sign is considered a means of signification, which at this point can be briefly understood as something that stands for something else. . . . Signs functions in the forms of a system consisting of a relation among signs and their interpretations.
(1) As will be seen further along in the book, a sign is essentially reflexive, with its signification articulated by the use of itself. Reflexivity is taken for granted, as the premise for a sign system such as natural languages. On the other hand, the inherent risk of unintelligibility of reflexivity, has been noted throughout human history in countless paradoxes. . . . With artificial languages, however, it is necessary to design the border of significance and insignificance and thus their consideration will serve for highlighting the premise underlying signs and sign systems.
(1-2) The artificial languages considered in this book are programming languages. They are artificial languages designed to control machines. The problems underlying programming languages are fundamentally related to reflexivity, and it is not too far-fetched to say that the history of programming language development is the quest for a proper handling of reflexivity. . . . In particular, the aim of the book is to consider the nature of signs and sign systems through discussion of programming languages by semiotics." (1) Border of significance made explicit in design of artificial languages.

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Common test bed of sign systems due to extent humanities disciplines treat humanity as discursive " (2) At the same time, some readers might also wonder to what extent humanity can be considered merely in terms of signs and sign systems. Such an approach, however, is indeed extant in the humanities, particularly in semiotics, linguistics, and philosophy. It is therefore not an oversimplification to compare human language and computer language on the common test bed of sign systems." (Hayles)

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Understand signs by looking at machines for intersection, as Derrida did with writing. "Considering both as sign systems, their comparison seems to lead to highlight the premise upon which our sign system is founded. Namely, the application of semiotic theories to programming enables the consideration, in a coherent manner, of the universal and specific nature of signs in machine and human systems (see Figure 1.1.). Such a comparison invokes the nature of descriptions made by humans in general, of the kinds of features a description possesses, and of the limitations to which a description is subject. These limitations, this book suggests, are governed by reflexivity. Moreover, the difference between computer signs and human signs lies in their differing capability to handle reflexivity, which informs both the potential and the limitations of the two sign systems. While people do get puzzled, they seldom become uncontrollable because of one self-reference." (2-3) Chance to revisit von Neumann on weaknesses of artificial automata.

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Computer programming embodying semiosis suggestive of Bogost procedural rhetoric; see Tanaka-Ishii.

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Like Kittler problem with media studies, semiotic studies seldom delineated from their expressive symbolic systems. "The use of computer languages as a semiotic subject does not suffer from this failing, however, because human beings do not think in machine language.
(4) With respect to interpretation, in a sense, there is in theory no system better than that of computer languages because they are truly formal, external, and complete in scope. Since this interpretation is performed mechanically, it is explicit, well formed, and rigorous. Computer languages are the only existing large-scale sign system with an explicit, fully characterized interpreter external to the human interpretive system. Therefore, the application of semiotics to computer languages can contribute, albeit in a limited manner, to the fundamental theory of semiotics." (4)

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Interesting suggestion that OOP latent in earlier semiotic theory. "Many of the concepts, principles, and notions of computer programming, however, have derived from technological needs, without being situated within the broader context of human thought. An example is that the paradigm of object-oriented programming is considered to have been invented in the 1960s. This was, however, no more than the rediscovery of another way to look at signs. The technological development of programming languages has thus been a rediscovery of ways to exploit the nature of signs that had already been present in human thought.
(5) The application of semiotics to programming languages therefore helps situate certain technological phenomena within a humanities framework. To the extent that computer programs are formed of signs, they are subject to the properties of signs in general, which is the theme of this book. That is, the problems existing in sign systems generally also appear in programming languages." (5) Technological development inspires humanities study, like applied poststructuralism and postmodernism.

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History of semiotics of computing starting with Zemanek, Andersen and Andersen, Holmquvist, Jensen, Liu, de Gruyter, Floridi, de Souza. "The earlier mention of this topic was a brief four-page article in
Communications of the ACM (Zemanek, 1966), which emphasized the importance of the semiotic analysis of programming languages. Publication of an actual study analyzing the computing domain, however, had to wait until publication of studies by Andersen (1997) and Andersen, Holmquvist, and Jensen (1993, 2007). Their work modeled computer signs within information technology in general. Such work was important because it opened the domain of the semiotic analysis of computing, and it has been continued further by authors such as Liu (2000). Ever since then, this domain has progressed through papers in Walter de Gruyterƒs Semiotica and the Journal of Applied Semiotics, through conference/workshop papers on Organizational Semiotics, and also through Springerƒs Journal of Minds and Machines, which takes a more philosophical approach. Other related publications are those of Floridi (1999, 2004), which provide wide-ranging discussion of philosophy as applied to the computing domain. In terms of application, the most advanced domain in this area of semiotics is human-computer interaction, the advances in which have been elucidated in a book by de Souza (2006)." (6)

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Uses Haskell and Java as programming languages for highlighting points of arguments. "In contrast, for programming languages, I refer only to theories and concepts already extant within the computer programming domain and merely utilize them for semiotic analysis: since a programming language is well-formed and rigorous, the relevant theory is fundamentally clear. . . . each chapter is based on specific programming languages that best highlight the point of the argument. . . . Among numerous programming languages, the two representative ones introduced here are
Haskell and Java." (8)

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Statement of markup strategy for working code using typewriter face, italics for mathematical notations, single quotes for terms and phrases, double quotes for inline quotes from other references.

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Suggests ambitious humanities readers may be able to grasp program operations judged simple for those trained in computer science; practicing programmers may be in the middle, not having such formal education.

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For introduction to working code, fifteen line Haskell program displayed in Figure 2-1, and twenty-seven line Java program in Figure 2-2 calculating area of rectangle, circle, ellipse.

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Implicit ontology of programs as hierarchical blocks similar to OHCO theory of textuality, as implies stored program architecture. "Signs must be defined before being used, but the definition can be made by the user or within the system design. The first three kinds of signs are defined within the language system, and programmers merely utilize them. . . . In contrast, identifiers are defined by the programmer, and
a program consists of hierarchical blocks of identifier definitions and uses.
(17) Values are represented by the corresponding identifiers and defined within the program. Among these values are data and functions, and both of these are stored at addresses represented by their corresponding identifiers: in the case of data, the data representation in bits is stored at the memory address associated with the identifier; in the case of a function, its code in bits is stored at the associated memory address. Some identifiers represent complex structures consisting of data and functions.
(17-18) Historically speaking, identifiers
were literally memory addresses in early programming languages. . . . Todayƒs identifiers are abstract representations of memory addresses in the form of signs." (17)

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Computer signs are identifiers in programs. "The analysis in this book focuses mainly on these identifiers. Most other language-specific signs are defined as identifiers in the metalevel language that describes the language, as will be seen in Chapter 11. Moreover, many computer signs, such as visual icons for mouse clicking or operating system sounds, are implemented once through representation by some identifier within a program. That is, most signs used in computing are introduced as identifiers and defined at some programming level before being put to actual use. Therefore, the focus here on identifiers, in fact, covers most signs on computers. We use the term
computer sign to denote these identifiers appearing in programs and we focus on them as our analysis target." (18)

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Peirce pansemiotic view holds for computers. "Setting the interpretation level at the programming language level means considering the interpretation of signs
within the semiotic system. It does not require external entities such as the physical objects that a program represents.
(20) Such a viewpoint is called the
pansemiotic view and is attributed to Charles Sanders Peirceƒs notions of human thought. . . . Note that not all of these ideas deny the existence of entities apart from signs: entities exterior to signs do exist, of course, but the pansemiotic viewpoint suggests that they can be grasped in the mind only through representation by signs.
(21) Putting aside whether it applies to human thought, the pansemiotic view is taken in this book because it allows comparison of computers with humans at the same level of the sign system. . . . The computing world is a rare case in which the basic premise of pansemiotic philosophy holds." (20) Mind implies signs, but Clark parity principle allows study abstracted from question of nature of intelligence.

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Semantic levels of identifiers of pansemiotic view: hardware, programming language subdivided into type and address, natural language.

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Given this distinction between levels, and contrary to Kittler, there is software. "An identifier therefore represents both an address and a value in bits at the hardware level. . . . This semantics at the computer hardware level is now becoming more the domain of professionals who build compilers and optimizers, whereas programmers tend to handle programs only at the higher levels of programming languages and natural languages." (18)

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Layer of type indicating kind of data value or function, or combination.

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Normal semiotic analysis of natural language terms that are borrowed from natural language.

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Critical code studies connection to analyzing profanity in comments in Linux source code and leaked Windows 2000 source code, yet a weak focus when the putative goal is to understand code.

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Layer of address may also be identified.

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Chapter 3 on Babylonian Confusion begins with quote from Frege; paintings by Chardin and Baugin exemplify realistic and vanitas art.

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Use of artwork examples as extension of hypothetical semiotic analyses beyond computer programming languages.

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Dyadic and triadic sign models from Augustine and Greek philosophy.

3 1 9 (7000) [-6+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (29) 20131013w 0 -4+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Examine computer programming languages to test hypotheses about semiotics. "N th states, however, the the correspondence before and after Frege is a Babylonian confusion.
(29) The theme of this chapter is to establish a hypothesis for solving this Babylonian confusion through analysis of signs in computer programs. Above all, if the two models are both essential and important, then a concept in one model must be found in the other. Moreover, such contrast must appear in some form in computer signs, too." (29) What implications about theory versus expediency, and so on, does this suggest concerning the development of programming languages, how much accident, how much philosophically motivated design?

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Tease out consequences of dyadic and triadic for correspondences between sign models of Saussure relatum, signified, excluded thing, and Perice of signifier, object, interpretant studied by Noth and Eco.

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Revisit treatment of Peirce triad by Tanaka-Ishii.

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New hypothesis that Saussure signified corresponds to Peirce immediate object, and interpretant in language system outside sign model appearing as difference in use. "Overall, this raises another hypothesis, that Saussureƒs signified corresponds to Peirceƒs immediate object and Peirceƒs interpretant is located in Saussureƒs language system outside the sign model. The dimension of reference or sense is not
ignored by Saussure; rather, the interpretant is simply situated outside the sign model, appearing as difference in use." (34)

3 1 9 (7400) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (34) 20131013z 0 -1+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Testing sign models with programming paradigms: where is the common area function located with respect to definition of shape?

3 1 9 (7500) [-6+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (35) 20131014 0 -10+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Definitions of functional and object-oriented programming. "The first program, in Haskell, was written using a paradigm called
functional programming. In languages using this paradigm, programs are described through functional expressions. A function is a mapping of an input set to an output set. In this paradigm, functions are considered the main entity; therefore functions that apply to data are defined outside the data definitions. The use of data is not included in the data definitions, which thus remain minimal.
(35) The second program, in Java, was writing using another paradigm,
object-oriented programming. Programs are written and structured using objects, each of which models a concept consisting of functions and features. This programming paradigm enhances the packaging of data and functionality together into units: the object is the basis of modularity and structure. Therefore, the data definition maximally contains what is related to it. The calculation proceeds by calling what is incorporated inside the definition." (35) Data definition remains minimal in former, maximal in latter.

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Functional programs all dyadic identifiers; dyadic and triadic in object-oriented programs.

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Dyadic identifiers acquire meaning from use located external to context in functional paradigm, and relate to Saussure model. "A sign in the dyadic model has a signifier and a signified. Because all dyadic identifiers consist of a name and its content, the name is likely to correspond to the signifier and the content to the signified.
(36-37) As in Saussureƒs theory, then, difference in use plays an important role. . . . In other words, dyadic identifiers acquire meaning from use, which is located external to their content." (36)

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Triadic identifiers in object-oriented languages class name, data, function compare to relata of representamen, object, interpretant. "A sign in the triadic model has a representamen, an object, and an interpretant. Since all triadic identifiers in the object-oriented paradigm consist of a name, data, and functionalities, these lend themselves respectively to comparison with the relata of the triadic sign model. . . . Thus, the functions defined within a class are deemed interpretants. . . . The fact that each class has information about its functionality differs from the dyadic case, where it is the function that knows which data to handle.
(37) In the dyadic model, different uses attribute additional meanings to dyadic identifiers. In contrast, in the object-oriented paradigm such meanings should be incorporated within the identifier definition from the beginning. Everything that adds meaning to an identifier must form part of its definition; therefore if two sets of data are to be used differently, they must appear as
two different structures." (37) Class has information about its functionality.

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Figure 3-7 maps the philosophical problem of semiosis to programming examples as Babylonian confusion revisited.

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Chapter 4 on Marriage of Signifier and Signified begins with quote from Augustine, images Tohaku Pine Trees and Turner Norham Castle, Sunrise.

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Saussure relative and absolute arbitrariness.

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Intelligence capable of using lambda calculus can be conceived in programming languages by machines as well as natural languages by humans. "The extent of application of the lambda calculus as a formal language suggests that the key to what makes a language a language is embedded within the framework of the lambda calculus." (48)

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Equivalence of lambda calculus as methodological tool, involving Church and Kleene, and Turing machine both embody overall ideas about computing, both in terms of technological complexity and human body centrism, biochauvanism: consider engaging contrast to Derrida archive here.

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Chomskian recursive definition of a grammar by using rewrite rules bases lambda calculus.

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Intersection of natural and computer language interpretation in substitution basis of LG, where humans can learn about themselves by studying built environment, especially programmed machines; example of things both humans and computers do, common ways in which they work, both articulate.

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Variable substitution at the heart of LG: good but tedious examples expressed in print, narrative form; how could they be illustrated procedurally?

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Dynamic, local essence of names/identifiers implied in computing semiosis by LC, presented by another table linking Saussurian dyadic models and lamda-term characteristics.

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Limitation of LG to effect simultaneous introduction beyond formulaic outer-bounds scope resolution may point to differences between machine and humans bases of intelligence, subjectivity, thinking, language processing: no surprise next section is about self-reference, for the advertised asymptotic point is reflexivity.

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Speculative introduction of sign in programming prior to instantiation or assignment related to self-referentiality in natural language, but more specifically is how outer-scope resolution in LG works: at its limit is recursive programming structures.

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Fixed point function is Church transformation of reflexive self reference from recursion to iteration, provided untyped cases.

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Use is the priest marrying signifier and signfied in triadic sign modeling, perfectly demonstrated in LG example.

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Use freezes into content.

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Chapter 5 on Being and Doing in Programs begins with quote from Maruyama; Ice images by Maruyama, Freidrich, Fontana.

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Being as ontological status of entity whose ontic character established by what it is, doing by what it does and what can be done to it; being/doing antithesis emerges under triadic sign modeling.

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Table based on Meyer typology distinguishing being and doing in Java as class and interface for abstract data type, and impact on code sharing and task sharing.

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Early object-oriented languages used classes to design objects, implying being, more recent languages allow abstract data types, suggesting doing. "The first successful object-oriented languages, such as Simula and Smalltalk, allowed object design only via a class. The more recent C++ language has the implicit/limited functionality of the abstract data type. Recent languages, such as Java, incorporate the abstract data type as a major part of the languageƒs design.
(73-74) In actual coding, when a single programmer develops a small-scale program, the ƒbeingƒ ontological framework is preferred. In contrast, the ƒdoingƒ framework is adopted when the scale is large and the project involves many different programmers and multiple tasks (such as when building a language library)." (73) Being framework preferred for small projects, doing framework for large, distributed projects.

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Being program example in class inheritance features of common and unique child features.

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Doing program example in interface declaring set of functions indicating how objects are accessed.

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In object models being takes interior view, well fit for dyadic sign model, doing exterior.

3 1 9 (10000) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (84) 20131019a 0 -9+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Pierce objects considered from interior view, Heidegger exterior doing versus being ontology.

3 1 9 (10100) [-6+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (85-86) 20131108c 0 -3+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
For Maruyama technology driven increasing social complexity shifting value from being to doing a symbol of modernity. "Masao
Maruyama, a political scientist, has identified the shift from ƒbeingƒ to ƒdoingƒ as a symbol of modernity. According to Maruyama, the dynamic of modernity is deconstruction of the social hierarchy rooted in ƒbeingƒ, the result of filtering away all kinds of ineffective dogma and authority. Such deconstruction was generated by a shift of value from ƒbeingƒ to ƒdoingƒ, which occurred because of the increased social complexity resulting from advances in communication and transportation technologies." (85-86)

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Importance of abstract data type and interfaces in evolution of programming languages reflect shift from deep, interior object definitions to exterior conceptions. "In programming languages, too, the abstract data type has become more important as software complexity has increased. This shift is indeed related to complexity because when many different objects are needed they can no longer be understood through deep knowledge of what they are. The solution is instead to define a simple interface, or communication protocol, and then to limit the relations among objects according to that interface." (86) How does STL C++ fit this trend versus other more recent language innovations?

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Chapter 6 on the Statement begins with quote by Panofsky, images of birds by Jakuchu, Margritte, Brancusi.

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Mentions Hjelmslev as do Deleuze and Guattari, initially in the context of the silly Challenger narrative, a version of the Platonic dialogue virtual reality phenomena representation.

3 1 9 (10500) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (97) 20131019d 0 -4+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Call by value and call by reference reflects semiotic ambiguity of identifiers.

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Disambiguation of type as kind or value sometimes only by context in source code.

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Barthes sign studies presented in Myth Today based on Hjelmslev glossematics (glossary and mathematics).

3 1 9 (10800) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (101) 20131019g 0 -11+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Figure 6-7 depicts Hjelmslev/Barthes interpretation of computational sign: object/metalanguage relations and denotation/connotation.

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In Hjelmslev model signs become ambiguous when signifying its own content or content of another sign, well exemplified with pointers.

3 1 9 (11000) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (103) 20131019i 0 -4+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Peirce forms of firstness, secondness, thirdness as a layer model: compare to Barthes image, symbol, icon.

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Articulation of Peirce triadic framework using C language variable declaration.

3 1 9 (11200) [-6+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (107) 20131019k 0 -7+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Correspondences between dyadic and triadic frameworks with programming languages seem to validate philosophical models. "The concepts of icon/index/symbol and denotation/connotation plus object language/metalanguage correspond within the context of application to programming languages. Similar concepts have been developed within both the dyadic and the triadic frameworks, and the resulting correspondences validate each framework.
(108) Looking back to the three works of art shown at the beginning of this chapter, the representation of birds in Figure 6.1 seems to function as the icon, that of Figure 6.2 as the index, and that of Figure 6.3 as the symbol, in Peirceƒs terminology. Correspondingly, the second painting can be considered to connote a bird, with its denotation being the sky, and the third painting can be considered to represent an abstract bird as a metasign, with its object language sign being a bird, in Hjelmslveƒs terminology." (107)

3 1 9 (11300) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (111-112) 20131019l 0 0+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Chapter 7 on Three Kinds of Content begins with quote by Breton, images by Klee Tale a la Hoffmann, Kiitsu Morning Glories, Rembrandt Self-Portrait.

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Paintings at beginning of chapter 7 instantiate firstness, secondness, thirdness.

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Chapter 8 on An Instance versus The Instance begins with quote by Foucault, image of The Fountain by Duchamp: a careful reading would be tracking all opening quotations, frontispieces of preceding chapters to hear together.

3 1 9 (11600) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (146) 20131020e 0 -2+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Chapter 9 on Structural Humans versus Constructive Computers begins with quote by Hofstadter, Images Globe with Spheres by Vasarely, Malevich Suprematist Painting.

3 1 9 (11700) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (159) 20131020p 0 0+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Chapter 10 on Sign and Time begins with quote by TS Eliot, image Kiunhiu by Taneomi and untitled by Pollock, both resembling calligraphy, implying action.

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Sign value changes are the ontological basis of virtual systems, echoing grammatological results of Derrida concerning graphic and presumably all semiotic systems in general.

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Referential transparency an aspect of compute science research, development, and implementation like rights management; these very difficult problems that machines handle at best with great complexity as discussed in this chapter are the flip side of complex problems that humans routinely handle, to answer a question from the first set.

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Identification of modern computers with von Neumann hardware, state transition, stored program, fetch and execute, and so on: a view of the machine world that makes input and output the oracle boundary of the uncontrollable, unknowable other to the machine world.

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Discussion of debugging insists that mere inspection of program code is insufficient; it must be run or simulated to appreciate side effects as well as uncontrollable input output, which are weaknesses of state transition machines that could be contrasted to human abilities to handle referential transparency.

3 1 9 (12200) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (162) 20131020w 0 -9+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
No social conventions stabilizing sign values in computer program language use; even though human language signs are arbitrary, they are not subject to the change typical of machine signs: how then are they held in check, how do we reach assurance to trust them?

3 1 9 (12300) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (164) 20131020x 0 -5+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Side effects are how the putative intention of program code differs from actual execution separate of programmer intention: think of double hyphens being changed to em dash by a word processor ruining the prima facie soundness of working code; humans can leverage side effects creatively, whereas programmed systems typically degrade.

3 1 9 (12400) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (165) 20131020y 0 -6+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Accounting for side effects is very cumbersome and costly by making signs disposable to achieve referential transparency, such as generating a new sign or world for every changing value, dialogue and monad.

3 1 9 (12500) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (170) 20131020z 0 -5+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
This view precludes storing computation components in the environment beyond the programmatically addressable memory, using the same trick embodied cognition theorists attribute to human thinking and computing.

3 1 9 (12600) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (172) 20131021 0 -1+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Essence of temporality is the shift from undefined to assigned value somewhere in memory.

3 1 9 (12700) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (172) 20131021a 0 -3+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Sign introduces heterogeneity form outside the system with interaction; without interaction, sign awaits atemporal halting state.

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Note how the Burks, Goldstine, von Neumann text concludes with this singular gesture of signaling: can it be argued that early computer and perhaps even programming philosophies are biased by this noninteractive paradigm, are there echoes even of living writing ideal for shimmering signifiers?

3 1 9 (12900) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (173) 20131021c 0 -8+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Returning to Heidegger rediscovers human version of what was reached by studying semiotics of computer programming.

3 1 9 (13000) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (176) 20131021d 0 -13+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Chapter 11 on Reflexivity and Evolution begins with quote by Wittgenstein, image The Gallery of the Archduke Leopold by Teniers the Younger and Woman Holding a Balance by Vermeer; Escher Print Gallery of cover joins the rhetoric.

3 1 9 (13100) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (177-178) 20131021e 0 -8+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Value for humans of using self-reflexive input output interactions with external world and self is what is insensible to machines; belief in improvement through reflexive feedback.

3 1 9 (13200) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (179) 20131021f 0 -7+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Homoiconicity is media convergence.

3 1 9 (13300) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (181) 20131021g 0 -7+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Comparison of open and closed systems to monad and vulnerable non-monad entity; solipsism versus open sytems embedded within common public systems.

3 1 9 (13400) [-6+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (182) 20131021h 0 -8+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Nonreflexive computer languages include HTML. "Not all computer languages are reflexive: many produce outputs not interpretable by the self but only interpretable by others. For example, markup languages, such as HTML, are not reflexive, since the markup language interpreter cannot interpret its own output.
(183) Reflexive language systems produced self-interpretable expressions. Among these systems, a genre similar to markup language is preprocessing language. . . . Examples include C macros for the C language and generic types for C++ or Java." (182) Are C++ generic types the same as templates?

3 1 9 (13500) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (183) 20131021i 0 -6+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Preprocessing nonreflexivity avoids infinite substitution.

3 1 9 (13600) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (184) 20131021j 0 -11+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Example of hacker game Quine for exploring infinite loops and self-interpretable programs; three categories of computer languages based on reflexivity.

3 1 9 (13700) [-6+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (186) 20131021k 0 -5+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Primordiality of compiler interpreter division of language types. "The two fundamental systems of a programming language are the compiler and the interpreter. . . . The creation of a language system therefore fundamentally means producing either an interpreter or a compiler." (186)

3 1 9 (13800) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (186) 20131021l 0 -10+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Preference for C due to its constituting other language systems and full functionality to manipulate computer hardware, touching on sourcery discussion of Chun.

3 1 9 (13900) [-6+]mCQK abbate-inventing_the_internet (52) 20140327g 0 -7+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_abbate-inventing_the_internet.html
Division of labor plan by principal investigator Clark led to subnet of IMP minicomputers. "In [Wesley] Clarkƒs plan, the minicomputers, rather than the hosts, would form the nodes of the network and handle the packet switching operations. This network of minicomputers was designated the
subnet. . . . Taylor endorsed the subnet scheme, and Roberts incorporated it into the ARPANET designs, calling the minicomputers interface message processors (IMPs).
(52-53) The subnet design created a division of labor between the switching nodes (IMPs), whose task was to move packets efficiently and reliably from one part of the network to another, and the hosts, which were responsible for the content of those packets." (52)

3 1 9 (14000) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (187) 20131021m 0 -10+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Compiler iterations require human involvement, but points to an autonomous high command by machines running self-reflexive, self-programming software; formulating improvement, not language framework, is the constraint on emergent artificial intelligence: here is a clear statement of what computers cannot do.

3 1 9 (14100) [-6+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (188) 20131021n 0 -8+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Exploiting reflexive features of language system such as reflection via debugger attached to running processes materializes ideology of eval function. "The function eval
is used together with metalanguages for code generation. Metalanguages include commands to obtain the program code currently being executed. The programming paradigm of reflection provides a set of metalinguistic commands that enable access to the code attached to data objects and redefinition of the calculations therein. . . . More importantly, a language system can embed other language systems.
(189) One way to summarize the history of programming language development is to view it as the process of making languages more dynamic by exploiting the reflexive features of a language system." (188) Also entails second look at programming now that such systems are possible and not merely narratively described.

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Contrary to Kittler proposition that this is no software, portable languages intentionally absorb architecture specific differences.

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Danger of open systems joined with reflexivity illustrated by Thompson as social consequence of protected mode, although it may also be supported by cultural forces motivated by property rights.

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Reflexivity also found in distributed, networked processing that includes exchanging programs.

3 1 9 (14500) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (190) 20131021r 0 -10+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Walks away from this possibility of emergent cognitive-embodied process in machine worlds with infinitely reflexive languages in reflexivity under multiplicity achieving self-augmentation through adaptive metaprogramming; what sounds like a fair assessment of human evolutionary success is on the threshold of machine species-being as well.

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Computers achieving their own self evolution possible, but requires human ingenuity to construct eval function and securing openness. (191) Can computers evolve by themselves? . . . First, there is the difficulty of elucidating the direction for self-evolution. . . . Thus, the difficulty of self-augmentation arises not from the lack of a framework but rather from the lack of a way to formulate a suitable evolutionary direction in which to proceed. Second, technology for securely controlling multiple systems must be devised. Computer language systems are vulnerable because they are essentially open, so
tricks must be applied to close them, which makes them difficult to control.
(192) The question of how to exploit such inherent reflexivity in a constructive system will remain one of the main problems of computational systems, and I believe that more evolutionary technology exploiting the reflexivity of programming language systems is inevitable.

3 1 9 (14700) [-4+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (196) 20131021u 0 -3+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Rather than focus on affordances of embodiment, focus on differences between human and computer languages; handling reflexivity is key, as well as handling ambiguity, although also crucial is eval function.

3 1 9 (14800) [-6+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (196) 20131021v 0 -3+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
What is the book response to where we need to go next, what is mine, who is the we. "Every computational form must be well-formed and explicit, so the ambiguity underlying reflexivity cannot remain without becoming a cause of malfunction. Computer systems have therefore been developed by avoiding ambiguous reflexivity, resulting in constructive systems. The potential for exploiting the reflexivity of sign systems remains limited for machines, and computer systems are far from evolving." (196) Read alongside Kittler Protected Mode.

3 1 9 (14900) [-6+]mCQK heim-electric_language (35) 20131102g 0 -7+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_heim-electric_language.html
Language contains essential systematic ambiguity, making it differ from source code. "language contains systematic ambiguity - not accidentally, but essentially.
(37) the thought-in-language of Heraclitus exhibits the way in which thinking moves from one thing to another while always preserving continuities through homonyms and polarities. . . . Far from being a tool of thought, language, or logos, is the
element of thought. Heraclitus insists: What we think about language is implicated in how we think in language; and, alternatively, the manner in which we think in and through language entails a certain stage or degree in our understanding of language." (35) Fear may be that word processing seeks to make all utterances well formed and unambiguous like program source code: this is an ontological impact.

3 1 9 (15000) [-6+]mCQK fuller-software_studies (193) 20130923b 0 -3+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Obfuscated Code. "In the practice of obfuscated programming, the most pleasing programs are held to be those that are concise but which are also dense and indecipherable, programs that run in some sort of surprising way.
(193) The following program, for instance, when run on a Commodore 64, displays random mazes:
10 PRINT CHR$(109+RND(1)*2); : GOTO 10
(194) A program may be clear enough to a human reader but may have a bug in it that causes it not to run, or a program may work perfectly well but be hard to understand. Writers of obfuscated code strive to achieve the latter, crafting programs so that the gap between human meaning and program semantics gives aesthetic pleasure." (193) This entry contains some code snippets including the Commodore BASIC that is topic of recent book of the same name in the Software Studies series.

3 1 9 (15100) [-6+]mCQK fuller-software_studies (195) 20131030a 0 -2+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Confusion between data, code, comment also discussed by Tanak-Ishii. "This
data/code/comment confusion is invited by flaws or curiosities in a languageƒs specification, but can be accomplished in several different languages, including C and Perl.
(195) By showing how much room there is to program in perplexing ways and yet accomplishing astounding results at the same time obfuscated C programs comment on particular aspects of that language, especially its flexible and dangerous facilities for pointer arithmetic." (195)

3 1 9 (15200) [-6+]mCQK fuller-software_studies (39) 20130921e 0 -1+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Class Library. "# This is the core subroutine designed to give away
# cash as fast as possible
sub ReDistributeCash {
my $RichBasterd_REFERENCE = @_;
# go through each on the poor list
# giving away Cash until each group
# can afford clean drinking water
while($RichBastard_REFERENCE ->(CASH) >= TO_MUCH) {
foreach my $Index (keys @{Poor}) {
$RichBastard_REFERENCE ->{CASH}--;
if( $Poor->{$Index}->{Cash} => $Poor->{$Index}->{PriceOfCleanWater}) {
}." (39) Entire entry is Perl source code with large comment sections providing needed context that is imagined to be run to produce the message as an embodiment of procedural rhetoric simultaneously enacting automatic capitalist class operations.

3 1 9 (15300) [-6+]mCQK fuller-software_studies (207-208) 20130923g 0 -5+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Perl. "Perl programs are generally stored as text source files, which are compiled into virtual machine code at run-time. . . . The politics of Blakeƒs poem describing the social conditions of London are translated to a contemporary cultural and
technical reality in which people are reduced to data." (207-208) Plenty of code examples in this entry.

3 1 9 (15400) [-4+]mCQK fuller-software_studies (197) 20130923c 0 -5+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Obfuscated Code: most Perl poetry only needs to be valid, not interesting, representing asymmetrical form of multiple coding.

3 1 9 (15500) [-6+]mCQK fuller-software_studies (210) 20130923h 0 -6+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Perl. "In the lecture, Perl, the first postmodern computer language, Larry Wall is keen to point out that modernist culture was based on or rather than and, something he says that postmodern culture reverses.
(210-211) In claiming AND has higher precedence than OR does, Wall is focusing on the eclecticism of Perl and how algorithms can be expressed in multiple ways that express the style of the programmer. . . . The suggestion is that Perl is not only useful on a practical level but that it also holds the potential to reveal some of the contradictions and antagonisms associated with the production of software." (210) Intentional engagement with modernism and postmodernism by Wall in programming language design, intended to allow more degrees of freedom; relevant to critical code studies and critical programming.

3 1 9 (15600) [-6+]mCQK fuller-software_studies (209) 20150906a 0 -4+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Writing Machines, stresses materiality in relation to writing.
(209) [She]
adds the materiality of the text itself to the analysis in a similar way to those who consider code to be material. In this way, it is the materiality of writing itself that is expressed through the relationship between natural language and code one, code, tended towards control and precision, the other, language, trending toward free form and expression." (209) Normal">ayles uses many Perl examples in Writing Machines.

3 1 9 (15700) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (3) 20130210 0 -7+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Asserts value of engaging in working code/software from earlier eras like the Commodore 64 personal computer of the 1980s as I do for pinball platforms, alluding to its coextensivity with engagement in state of the art working code/software such as pmrek. "Like a diary from the forgotten past, computer code is embedded with stories of a programƒs making, its purpose, its assumptions, and more. Every symbol within a program can help to illuminate these stories and open historical and critical lines of inquiry. . . . The source code of contemporary software is a point of entry in these fields into much larger discussions about technology and culture. It is quite possible, however, that the code with the most potential to incite critical interest from programmers, students, and scholars is that from earlier eras." (3) Close reading of single line of code complements digital humanities trends like distant reading and cultural analytics.

3 1 9 (15800) [-7+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (4) 20131024b 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Close study of single line of code opposes current digital humanities trends focusing on big data. (4) In many way, this extremely intense consideration of a single line of code stands opposed to current trends in the digital humanities, which have been dominated by what has been variously called distant reading (Moretti 2007), cultural analytics (Manovich 2009), or culturomics (Michel et al. 2010).

3 1 9 (15900) [-7+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (4) 20131024a 0 -5+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Studies of individual works abound in the humanities; try close study of one-line BASIC program as cultural artifact. (4) Studies of individual, unique works abound in the humanities. . . . While such literary texts, paintings, and consumer electronics may seem significantly more complex than a one-line BASIC program, undertaking a close study of 10 PRINT as a cultural artifact can be as fruitful as close readings of other telling cultural artifacts have been.

3 1 9 (16000) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (5) 20131024c 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Critical focus on single line of code highlights multiple extant versions for learning, modification, extension. "Focusing on a particular single-line program foregrounds aspects of computer programs that humanistic inquiry has overlooked. Specifically, the one-line program highlights that computer programs typically exist in different versions that serve for learning, modification, and extension.
(5) The book also considers how the program engages with the cultural imagination of the maze, provides a history of regular repetition and randomness in computing, tells the story of the BASIC programming language, and reflects on the specific design of the Commodore 64." (5) Compare to how a single line from a poem inspires volumes of literary and philosophical work, such as Holderlin for Heidegger.

3 1 9 (16100) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (17) 20131024w 0 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
A rhetorical aim of the book is to renew interest in learning programming via, and critical code studies of, early personal computers. "One line of code gives rise here to an assemblage of readings by ten authors, offering a hint of what the future could hold should personal computers once again invite novice programmers to RUN." (17)

3 1 9 (16200) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (182) 20130302 0 -4+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Early code studies is human legible print based because that was how programs were initially disseminated. "From the first years of the language, BASIC programs circulated as ink on paper. In 1964 and for many years afterward, there was no Web or even Internet to allow for the digital exchange of programs, and it was often impractical to distribute software on computer-readable media such as paper tape. From the mid-1970s through the early 1980s, BASIC was known in print not only through manuals and textbooks that explicitly taught programming, but also through collections of programs that appeared in magazines and computer club newsletters. The printed materials that remain today reveal insights into the practices of BASIC users and the culture that developed among them." (182)

3 1 9 (16300) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (263) 20131106w 9 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
The sensibility of studying short programs extends to studying important parts of larger systems of code, if it is going to far to suggest prolonged study of a large program like an epic poem. " We hope this will encourage the detailed analysis of other short programs and suggest that it is
worthwhile to focus on important subroutines, functions, and procedures within larger systems of code.
(263) 10 PRINT shows that much can be learned about a program without knowing much of anything about its conditions of creation or intended purpose or indeed, without it even having an intended purpose." (263)

3 1 9 (16400) [-7+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (193) 20131105x 0 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Was BASIC unique to its historicity as emerging from time-sharing and basking in personal computing before widespread distribution of executable software? (193) Because BASIC was a hit at a unique time in the history of computing when microcomputers were becoming mainstream but before executable software distribution became widespread there may never be another language quite like it.

3 1 9 (16500) [-6+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (139-140) 20140110x 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Short window of opportunity in late 1970s and early 1980s America as golden age of learning programming. "Back in the 1970s, when computers were supposedly harder to use, there was no difference between operating a computer and programming one. Better public schools offered computer classes starting in the sixth or seventh grade, usually as an elective in the math department. Those of us lucky to grow up during that short window of opportunity learned to think of computers as anything machines." (139-140)

3 1 9 (16600) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (266) 20131106r 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Programs and software are not static. "The view of programs as static is even less tenable when one considers the writing, running, and distribution of programs throughout the history of computing. Custom software written for businesses has long been maintained and updated for half a century. The BASIC programs people keyed in from magazines invited users to modify them." (266) Period of packaged media preceded by customized products and succeeded by continuously updated ones.

3 1 9 (16700) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (178) 20131106v 0 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Argument that ideas of free software movement first published in responses to Gates famous letter to hobbyists. "An argument has been made that, even though the discussions of this period have been overlooked, some of the ideas important to the free software movement were first publicly stated in the columns of magazines and newsletters in response to Gatesƒs letter (Driscoll 2011)." (178)

3 1 9 (16800) [-7+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (8) 20131024j 0 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Goes through the line of code a single token at a time. (8) Before going through different perspectives on this program, it is useful to consider not only the output but also the specifics of the code what exactly it is, a single token at at time.

3 1 9 (16900) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (10) 20131024k 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Interactive editing abilities based on line numbers characteristic of BASIC from Dartmouth TSS onward. "The interactive editing abilities that were based on line numbers were well represented even in very early versions of BASIC, including the first version of the BASIC that ran on the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System. Line numbers thus represent not just an organizational scheme, but also an interactive affordance developed in a particular context." (10) Deliberate interactive affordance as well as organizational scheme.

3 1 9 (17000) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (176) 20131105r 1 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Current comparable benefit of line numbers in debugging, such as gdb, useful for referencing source code, hard not to say it, lines (statements) without point and click affordance like GUI IDEs.

3 1 9 (17100) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (10) 20131024l 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Use of spaces and canonical keywords facilitates human reading and modification, acknowledging that code is more than fodder for machine translation. "Spaces acknowledge that the code is both something to be automatically translated to machine instructions and something to be read, understood, and potentially modified and built upon by human programmers. The same acknowledgment is seen in the way that the keywords are presented in their canonical form." (10)

3 1 9 (17200) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (11) 20131024m 0 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Keyword PRINT skeumorph of early scrolling paper print output.

3 1 9 (17300) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (12) 20131024n 0 -5+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Character graphics a textual system built on top of bitmapped graphic display. "Character graphics exist as special tiles that are more graphical than typographical, more like elements of a mosaic than like pieces of type to be composed on a press. . . . But these special tiles do exist in a typographical framework: a textual system, built on top of a bitmapped graphic display, is reused for graphical purposes." (12)

3 1 9 (17400) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (12) 20131024o 0 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Commodore BASIC does all math in floating point numbers, whereas other languages fundamental numeric data structure is integer.

3 1 9 (17500) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (13) 20131024p 0 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Curious that typographical symbols borrowed from textual uses as mathematical symbols for various arithmetic operations. "Given the computerƒs development as a machine for the manipulation of numbers, it is curious that typographical symbols have to be borrowed from their textual uses ( * indicates a footnote, / a line break or a juxtaposition of terms) and pressed into service as mathematical symbols." (13)

3 1 9 (17600) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (14) 20131024q 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Illusion of randomness actually programmed. "When RND is given any positive value (such as this 1) as an argument, it produces a number using the current seed. This means that when RND(1) is invoked immediately after startup, or before any other invocation of RND, it will always produce the same result: 0.185564016." (14)

3 1 9 (17700) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (15) 20131024r 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Semicolon introduced as minor update to version 2 of Dartmouth BASIC, demonstrating changes in programming languages. "Although this use of the semicolon for output formatting was not original to BASIC, the semicolon was introduced very early on at Dartmouth, in version 2, a minor update that had only one other change. The semicolon here is enough to show that not only short computer programs like this one, but also the languages in which they are written, change over time." (15) Argue against Ong sense that they are cast once and for all ahead of time rather than emerging like natural languages.

3 1 9 (17800) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (15) 20131024s 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Microsoft added colon to BASIC to pack more code onto home computers. "The colon separates two BASIC statements that could have been placed on different lines. In a program like this on the original Dartmouth version of BASIC, each statement would have to be on its own line, since, to keep programs clear and uncluttered, only a single statement per line is allowed. The colon was introduced by Microsoft, the leading developer of microcomputer BASIC interpreters, as one of several moves to allow more code to be packed onto home computers." (15)

3 1 9 (17900) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (15) 20131024t 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
GOTO not original to BASIC but strongly associated with it; famously discussed denunciation prompted move to structured high-level languages.

3 1 9 (18000) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (16) 20131024v 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
RUN is essential token though not part of program, connecting machine to its environment where it is used by same agency in which the program is entered into it, not quite part of stored program specification; compare to exhortation to reader at beginning of texts, or even invocation to Muses starting up Iliad.

3 1 9 (18900) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (212) 20131105y 0 -5+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Commodore 64 best selling single model computer. "The Commodore 64 has been hailed by
Guiness World Records as the best-selling single model of computer ever. People associated with Commodore have estimated, officially and unofficially, that 22 million or 17 million units were sold. A detailed study of Commodore 64 serial numbers has provided a better estimate, that 12.5 million Commodore 64s where sold (Steil 2011), which is still enough to earn the computer this distinction.
(212) Although production ended in 1994, this computer system remains functioning and part of the popular consciousness in many ways." (212) Lives on in emulations, which have been likened to versions of literary works, and faithfulness of material and platform specificity can be an evaluation parameter of such emulations.

3 1 9 (19000) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (21) 20131024x 0 -5+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Consider emulator as an edition. "When developers produce a program, such as the free software emulator VICE, that operates like a Commodore 64, it can be considered as a software edition of the Commodore 64. . . . Instead of dismissing the emulator as useless because it isnƒt the original hardware, it makes more sense to consider how it works and what it affords, to look at what sort of edition it is." (21)

3 1 9 (19100) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (232) 20131106f 0 -7+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Kernel legacy amid changes in design and purpose, now a changeable, modular brain stem. "A misspelling of the word kernel that has stuck ever since it first appeared on draft documentation for the VIC-20 (Bagnall 2010, 330), the KERNAL controls all input, output, and memory management of the Commodore 64. . . . It is the brainstem of the machine, its core, its always present, unyielding, and unchangeable center.
(232-233) The KERNAL is intended to make machine language coding easier, providing a stable set of instructions and registers a programmer can address. Yet as enabling as the KERNAL may be, it is also structuring and limiting, the basis of the Commodore 64." (232) Complexity of kernel programs belongs with networking as periods in evolution of control societies, obscuring hardware operations to aggravate retreat of user knowledge.

3 1 9 (19200) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (232) 20131106g 0 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Compare history of KERNAL name to backronym explanation of PET.

3 1 9 (19300) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (221) 20131106d 0 -5+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Platform affordance of PETSCII for early computer games; for 10 PRINT specifically, its graphic character set, video chip, and KERNAL operating system.

3 1 9 (19600) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (233) 20131106h 0 -5+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Kittler argument that high-level languages obscure hardware operations, so consider view from assembly . "In fact, Friedrich
Kittler (1995) has famously argued that high-level languages essentially obscure the operations of the hardware. . . . In assembly, the programmer need not recall the numerical equivalents of such instructions, but only human-readable mnemonics for them which are stored in the Commodore 64ƒs KERNAL." (233)

3 1 9 (19700) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (234) 20131106i 0 -7+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Gives a good example of working assembly code operation "narration similar to the token by token analysis of 10 PRINT at the beginning of the book, depicting yet another form of narrative. (234) No canonical assembly [10 PRINT] program is known to exist. As with literary translation or artistic adaptation, there are multiple ways to recast a computer program from one language into another, even on a relatively simple system like the Commodore 64, and even with a relatively simple program like 10 PRINT. . . . This short program may look arcane, even to someone familiar with BASIC. Yet it can be explained without too much difficulty, step by step, by
following each instruction in the order in which it is processed." (imperative)

3 1 9 (19800) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (234) 20131106j 0 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Many ways to implement the same program in different languages, and it can be debated whether there is any immaterial universal for which all programs are equivalent like the UTM; this fact suggests programming languages may be more like other natural human languages than Ong make think.

3 1 9 (19900) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (207-208) 20130306 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Good statement of why platform matters and materiality of code and coding practices, discerned by repeating 10 PRINT exercise on different but contemporaneous platform, even using the same processor. "The very idea of creating a program like 10 PRINT depends on aspects of the platform and the platformƒs facility for such a program the presence of BASIC and RND in ROM, the existence of PETSCII, the cultural context of shared programming techniques, and of course the ability to program the computer in the first place, something owners of an Atari 2600 did not truly have. Reimplementing the program on the Atari VCS, a platform both contemporaneous with the Commodore 64 and highly incompatible with the program that is this bookƒs subject, helps to show all of the things the Commodore 64 programmer takes for granted." (207-208) Consider Floridi identifying differences in information structure architectures.

--3.1.10+++ procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony

3 1 10 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150216 20150216 12 -4+ journal_2015.html
Collective intelligence defaulting to epistemology of Foucaultƒs dust likely correlates to regressive subjectivity, for it lacks ontological tools required for programming real virtualities PHI, approaching enlightened post postmodern network dividual cyborg. Compare this position to that of philosophy of software by Berry, floating on top of digital streams as good Serres parasites. It is interesting that many have articulated philosophies of information, software, computer ethics, and so forth, but not yet an explicit philosophy of computing. I stick my neck out and suggest an approach toward a philosophy of computing with what I call procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony, as opposed to what I have described as Foucaultƒs dust model of collective intelligence.

3 1 10 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150909 20150909a 1 -2+ journal_2015.html
Night contemplating placement of Kirschenbaum realizing before and after Kittler PHI. Procedural rhetoric goes to Bogost.

3 1 10 (300) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130106 TAPOC_20130106 0 -2+ journal_2013.html
Bogost makes the obvious and appealing claim to advertisers that there is untapped potential in considering procedural rhetoric in videogames.

3 1 10 (400) [-7+]mCQK ogorman-ecrit (12-13) 20131006g 0 -5+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_ogorman-ecrit.html
Lecercle diachrony within synchrony uncovered from considering how pictures work as generators. (12-13) To understand pictures as generators is to view them much in the same way as Lecercle describes the pun and other forms of metaphor, all of which fall into the category of the remainder, which Lecercle describes as instances of ƒdiachrony-within-synchrony.ƒ . . . The notion of ƒdiachrony-within-synchronyƒ points to the capacity of the remainder to interrupt our synchronic understanding of a word by invoking a diachronic association.

3 1 10 (500) [-7+]mCQK bogost-alien_phenomenology (100) 20130910m 0 -1+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_bogost-alien_phenomenology.html
Platform studies focuses on hardware and software as actors, inviting new ways of doing philosophy such as my approach to studying machine embodiment through reverse engineering pinball machines, or using pmrek log files to create simulation of the pinball machine control components. (100) In
platform studies, we shift that focus more intensely toward hardware and software as actors.

3 1 10 (600) [-6+]mCQK kittler-there_is_no_software (147) 20131001 0 -9+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_kittler-there_is_no_software.html
The problem in era beyond literacy is that writing is hidden in computer memory cells that are able to read and write autonomously. "The bulk of written texts including the paper I am actually reading to you no longer exist in perceivable time and space, but in a computer memoryƒs transistor cells. . . . our writing scene may well be defined by a self-similarity of letters over some six orders of decimal magnitude. . . . It also seems to hide the very act of writing." (147)

3 1 10 (700) [-7+]mCQK kittler-there_is_no_software (147-148) 20131001a 0 -11+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_kittler-there_is_no_software.html
Evocative image of manually blueprinted microprocessor circuit as last historical act of writing, which now becomes real virtuality as geometrical or autorouting powers of actual generation. (147-148) The crazy kind of software engineering that was writing suffered from an incurable
confusion between use and mention. . . . manmade writing passes instead through microscopically written inscriptions, which, in contrast to all historical writing tools, are able to read and write by themselves. The last historical act of writing may well have been the moment when, in the early seventies, the Intel engineers laid out some dozen square meters of blueprint paper in order to design the hardware architecture of their first integrated microprocessor. The manual layout of two thousand transistors and their interconnections was then miniaturized to the size of an actual chip and, by electro-optical machines, written into silicon layers. . . . Actually, the hardware complexity of microprocessors simply discards such manual design techniques, instead of filling countless meters of blueprint paper, have recourse to Computer Aided Design, that is, to the geometrical or autorouting powers of actual generation.

3 1 10 (800) [-4+]mCQK kittler-there_is_no_software (153) 20131001k 0 -9+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_kittler-there_is_no_software.html
From Shannon thesis to transistor to microprocessor, the technology narrative of the schematism of media recommended in GFT.

3 1 10 (900) [-4+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (23) 20130924d 0 -3+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
Shift from literacy to electracy necessitates new critical practices such as Kirschenbaum digital forensics and Aarseth ergodic reading; suggest that subdivisions of forensic and formal materiality cross in the articulation of technological concretizations.

3 1 10 (1000) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (50) 20131025o 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Domain of double mediation, calling for oscilloscopes and tcpdump (Kirschenbaum); also narratives of cyberspace constitution.

3 1 10 (1100) [-6+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (92) 20131103 0 -4+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Extreme inscription as limit case. "The hard drive and magnetic media more generally are mechanisms of extreme inscription that is, they offer a practical limit case for how the inscriptive act can be imagined and executed. . . Here we will follow the bits all the way down to the metal." (92)

3 1 10 (1200) [-4+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (93) 20131001 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
New media scholars have ignored the hard drive despite its consistent presence in this history of electronic computing; Heim and others refer instead to its black box aspect.

3 1 10 (1300) [-6+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (95-96) 20131001a 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Extend electronic textuality beyond flickering signifiers on the screen. "Nick
Montfort has recently coined the term screen essentialism to refer to the bias towards monitors and display devices in new media studies, where the vast preponderance of critical attention has been focused on what happens on the windowed panes of the looking glass. . . . I believe that if we expand its definition to include machine-language markings and machine-readable inscriptions as well as alphanumerical writing, then the history and theory of electronic textuality must come to encompass more than just the screen-deep flickering signifiers that have thus far occupied critics in their investigations of new media." (95-96)

3 1 10 (1400) [-6+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (96) 20131103a 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Random access disk storage public debut in 1958. "Among the attractions at the 1958 Worldƒs Fair in Brussels, Belgium, visitors would have beheld Professor RAMAC, a four-ton IBM machine capable of offering up responses to usersƒ queries on a two thousand year historical span ranging from the birth of Christ to the launching of Sputnik 1. . . . The RAMAC was capable of storing five million 7-bit characters on 50 vertically stacked disks, each two feet wide and rotating at 1200 RPM." (96)

3 1 10 (1500) [-6+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (98) 20131001b 0 -7+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
The RAMAC Professor the first computer personality. "Computers were thus on record as instruments of prediction and prognostication, not retrospection. The RAMAC, by contrast, represented what was perhaps the first digital library. . . . As perhaps the earliest computational personality on record (almost a decade before Weizenbaumƒs ELIZA), the Professor was thus marked out as a first-world citizen of a post-colonial present rather than a trans-historical remember of things past.
(99) Like the telegraphƒs automatic writing or the call of the telephone, the book that can be read without being opened offers up a whiff of the uncanny, the hint of haunted media." (98)

3 1 10 (1600) [-4+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (101-102) 20131001c 0 -6+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Signal processor means analog voltage detection converted to binary representation is second-order because data storage is digital to analog to digital, producing real virtuality but itself unreadable in contrast to printed text.

3 1 10 (1700) [-7+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (101) 20120804 0 -2+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Grammatological primitives derived from a kind of media specific analysis: signal processor, differential, volumetric, rationalized, motion-dependent, planographic, non-volatile but variable. (101) What, then, are the essential characteristics the
grammatological primitives, as it were of the hard disk drive as inscription technology? Here is my list: it is random access; it is a signal processor; it is differential; it is volumetric; it is rationalized (and atomized); it is motion-dependent; it is planographic; and it is non-volatile (but also variable).

3 1 10 (1800) [-4+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (102) 20131103b 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Differential means signification dependent upon instantaneous changes in value rather than substance of signal.

3 1 10 (1900) [-4+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (102) 20131103c 0 -16+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Volumetric means traces only detectable by machinery, cannot be read by humans.

3 1 10 (2000) [-4+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (102 endnote 31) 20131001e 0 -14+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
An instrument can see what reader reads: here is that special type of computed reality, like the PET scan.

3 1 10 (2100) [-4+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (103) 20131001h 0 -13+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Apotheosis of codex links FAT to long history of language machines.

3 1 10 (2200) [-4+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (103) 20131103d 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Rationalized means no writing prior to formatting; striated rather than smooth surface; remember formatting tricks on Apple II platform.

3 1 10 (2300) [-4+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (104) 20131001i 0 -21+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Motion-dependent means inscription and reading only occurs at particular rotational speed, riding on air cushion; rotation limits, try vibration, MSA air bearing technology essential to materiality of hard drive versus book.

3 1 10 (2400) [-4+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (104-105) 20131001j 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Planographic means surface must be absolutely smooth; compare planographic to lithography (Drucker and McVarish).

3 1 10 (2500) [-4+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (105) 20131001k 0 -10+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Tie Wiener to Heidegger ready-at-hand, Freud magic slate.

3 1 10 (2600) [-4+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (105) 20131103e 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Non-volatile but variable.

3 1 10 (2700) [-4+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (111) 20131001p 0 -9+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Hashing to produce redundant expressions of original data, immateriality through lack of localized imperfections from highly engineered materiality: like 2x and 10x rules in electrical and electronic circuit design.

3 1 10 (2800) [-6+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (107) 20131001l 0 -2+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Inscription, memory go from scarcity to superfluity, making possible Manovich big data. "This is a sea-change in the production and recording of human knowledge, one whose implications go far beyond the hard disk drive as a technology of writing and inscription alone. As
Derrida noes in Archive Fever, what is no longer archived in the same was is no longer lived in the same way (18)." (107) Reference to Derrida Archive Fever.

3 1 10 (2900) [-4+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (110) 20131001o 0 -10+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Question myth of total convergence; heterogeneity of digital inscription; effects of control, docility through DRM.

3 1 10 (3000) [-4+]mCQK kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription (111-112) 20131001q 0 -13+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kirschenbaum-extreme_inscription.html
Must study storage if interested in texts as representations: fits well with my call to study ECT in general if interested in the philosophy of computing.

3 1 10 (3100) [-4+]mCQK kittler-protected_mode (156) 20121210 0 -1+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_kittler-protected_mode.html
Writing under as subject to Microsoft; worm, snake view now that command and data indifference of VNM split by protected mode.

3 1 10 (3200) [-6+]mCQK kittler-protected_mode (156-157) 20131001 0 -10+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_kittler-protected_mode.html
Alludes to early days of microprocessors when literary theorists and hobbyists could hack hardware. "This wormƒs-eye view did not always prevail. In the good old days when microprocessor pins were still big enough for simple soldering irons, even literary critics could do whatever they wished with Intelƒs 8086 Processor. . . . The silicon chip, which was as stupid as the hobbyist and user, could accommodate all of this because the Von Neumann architecture recognizes no difference between commands and data. . . . This [binary coding] is an activity that only Alan Mathison Turing when he finally had his universal discrete machine of 1936 at his technical disposition one World War later is said to have preferred over all mnemonic aids and higher programming languages." (156-157)

3 1 10 (3300) [-6+]mCQK kittler-protected_mode (158) 20131001a 0 -8+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_kittler-protected_mode.html
One-way function of programming languages. "At the risk of having already done crazy long ago, the only thing one can deduce from all of this is that software has obviously gained in user-friendliness as it more closely approximates the cryptological ideal of the one-way function. The higher and more effortless the programming languages, the more insurmountable the gap between those languages and a hardware that still continues to do all of the work. . . . The sum hides the addends, the product the factors, and so forth.
(158) In any case, the subjects of the Microsoft Corporation did not simply fall from the sky, but first had to be produced like all of their media-historical predecessors the readers of books, film audiences and TV viewers. The only problem now is how their subjugation can be hidden from the subjects in order that they fall in step with the global triumph march." (158) One-way subjectivity of consumers: why inline assembler example is significant, as well as paying attention to initial one instead of zero required for correct hardware operation initial power on state of pmrek.

3 1 10 (3400) [-6+]mCQK kittler-protected_mode (158-159) 20131001b 0 -8+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_kittler-protected_mode.html
Politics of knowledge discerned from technical handbook written by Siemens engineer Thies. "As concerns the politics of knowledge, perhaps only Siemensƒ engineers can tell it like it is, as Klaus-Dieter Thies did in the 80186-Handbuch: . . . Thus in multi-user systems, it is necessary that the programs and data of individual users are isolated, just as the operating system must be protected against user software. . . . in order to entangle civilian users in an opaque simulation." (158-159)

3 1 10 (3500) [-6+]mCQK kittler-protected_mode (159-160) 20131001c 0 -12+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_kittler-protected_mode.html
Hiding other processing like reading silently relates computing to individualist democracy. "From the 80286 on, Intelƒs processors are equipped with a Protected Mode that (in the words of the Siemens engineer) protects the operating system from the users, and through this protection, first allows the users to be deceived. What began as the simple capability of switching between the supervisor and the user stack in Motorolaƒs 68000 naturally, a secret rival system is extended to system-wide procedure in the separation of Real Mode and Protected Mode. . . . Thus it is precisely in the silicon on which the prophets based all their hopes for a microprocessed democracy of the future that the elementary dichotomy of modern media technologies again returns.
(160-161) The innovation of Intelƒs Protected Mode consists only in having transferred this logic from the military industrial realm into that of information itself. . . . Although there may no longer be any written prohibitory signs that guarantee a power gap, the binary system itself encodes the distinction between commands and data, what the system permits and what, conversely, is prohibited to user programs. John von Neumannƒs classic architecture, which made absolutely no distinction between commands and data unnecessary in an era when all existing computers were still state-secrets disappears under four consecutively numbered privilege levels." (159-160) Multitasking to fool user usefully different from warfare logic, deception afforded by protected mode afforded by higher clock speeds.

3 1 10 (3600) [-6+]mCQK kittler-protected_mode (161) 20131001d 0 -12+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_kittler-protected_mode.html
Foucault power argument from mute efficacy of technical implementation. "With this authority and through this authority, conversations could in fact still be conducted; however, technically implemented privilege levels draw their power precisely from mute efficacy.
(162) As a result, a double shadows the analysis of power systems, that immense assignment that was Foucaultƒs legacy. To begin with, one should attempt to abandon the usual practice of conceiving of power as a function of so-called society, and, conversely, attempt to construct sociology from the chipƒs architectures. For the present at least, it is a reasonable assumption to analyze the privilege levels of a microprocessor as the reality of precisely that bureaucracy that ordered its design and called for its mass application. . . . It is no coincidence that in the 80386, it is precisely the input and output commands that are protected by the highest privilege level in an empire in which the public views the rest of the world only through the haze of television news, even the thought of foreign policy is a privilege of the government. . . . Whether there are better ones is beside the point because they would in any case also have to be bureaucracies; but a competition between different systems and different bureaucracies would as such already allow the subjects of MS-DOS to breath a little easier." (161) Look at ICs to understand society as form of technology studies.

3 1 10 (3700) [-6+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (2) 20121129 0 -2+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Unexplored territory of engineering level consideration of platforms informed by history of material texts, programming and computing systems. "But studies have seldom delved into the code of these programs, and they have almost never investigated the platforms that are the basis of creative computing. Serious and in-depth consideration of circuits, chips, peripherals, and how they are integrated and used is a largely unexplored territory for both critic and creator." (2)

3 1 10 (3800) [-6+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (3-4) 20131024 0 -5+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Serious investigation of specific machines to reveal relationships to creativity, design, culture. "Our approach is mainly informed by the history of material texts, programming, and computing systems. . . . Only the serious investigation of computing systems as specific machines can reveal the relationships between these systems and creativity, design, expression, and culture." (3-4)

3 1 10 (3900) [-6+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (148) 20131025y 0 -4+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
VCS chosen because it exhibits manageable complexity, pleasurable use, and collectibility, though claims for some peripheral effects seem a stretch. "We chose the Atari VCS as a starting point because it has been so influential and popular. It is also relatively simple we are able to discuss every chip on the board in some detail without producing a technical manual. It didnƒt hurt that the Atari VCS remains, to us, an immensely pleasurable game system to play on, to hack on, and to program.
(148) But consideration of the platform can also enlighten our understanding of interactive visual art, educational programs, hypertexts, works of interactive fiction, demos, creative projects in text generation, visual and kinetic poetry, and much more." (148)

3 1 10 (4000) [-6+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (15) 20131024b 0 -4+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Much as possible because the VCS machine was simple and did a few things very well. "So much was possible on the Atari VCS, and not because it was a powerful computer. It wasnƒt powerful at all. Rather, so much was possible because the machine was so simple. The very few things it could do well drawing a few movable objects on the screen one line at a time while uttering sounds using square waves and noise could be put together in a wide variety of ways to achieve surprising results." (15)

3 1 10 (4100) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (25) 20131024i 0 -1+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
VCS constraint of 8K.

3 1 10 (4200) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (21) 20131024e 0 -2+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Early use of ROMs in video games with amazing account of sprites still stored in diode matricies rather than memory, which eventually becomes common media converging element.

3 1 10 (4300) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (23) 20131024f 0 -5+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Discussion of MOS 6532 RIOT/PIA.

3 1 10 (4400) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (25) 20131024h 0 -1+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Immediate control via joysticks was once an innovation, inspiring direct manipulation; recall Burks, Goldstine and von Neumann account of ringing a bell and flashing a strobe to indicate computation is complete, then going into an atemporal state until reset for the next computation.

3 1 10 (4500) [-6+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (28) 20131024l 0 -6+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
VCS programmer draws each frame, pacing the beam. "Instead [leveraging functionalities encapsulated in an automated external apparatus], the VCS programmer must draw each frame of a programƒs display manually to the screen, synchronizing the 6507 processor instructions to the televisionƒs electron gun via the TIA [Television Interface Adapter]. . . . In these cases, the programmer must carefully cycle count processor instructions so they execute at the right time. While racing the beam is a catchier name, pacing the beam is more apt, since the program might have to be sped up or slowed down." (28)

3 1 10 (4600) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (33) 20131024n 0 -5+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Claim that VCS programs exhibit manageable complexity, such as not being compiled from a high level language; assembly closer to machine level, so that VCS ROM is literally a physical copy of the source code, and can be disassembled (if permitted).

3 1 10 (4700) [-6+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (33) 20131024o 0 -1+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
If disassembly not permitted, violating copyright, then is scholarly research based on such misuse legitimate is an ethical question for digital humanities. "When a program has been carefully disassembled and commented, as has been done with
Combat, understanding the program becomes much more tractable." (33)

3 1 10 (4800) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (33-34) 20131024p 0 -9+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Main loop does all other control operations during vertical blanking interval of television electron beam, then executing kernel code that paces the beam drawing the screen.

3 1 10 (4900) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (37-38) 20131024r 0 -2+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
First artificial intelligence game players as variations on original two-player games.

3 1 10 (5000) [-6+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (48) 20131024t 0 -1+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Hardware collision detection of TIA afforded particular game types and create virtual space. "Thanks to the TIAƒs provision for collision detection in hardware, it is easy to implement things such as shooting or being shot by missiles, running into a wall, or consuming something." (48)

3 1 10 (5100) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (49) 20131024v 0 -4+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Persistence of concept of movement from room to room solved by Robinett for Adventure.

3 1 10 (5200) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (53) 20131024x 0 -4+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Good point about using existing technical objects in new ways as a form of technological innovation, such as graphics registers for player avatars and castle walls, and how it affects technical and expressive consequences.

3 1 10 (5300) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (58) 20131024z 0 -1+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Traversing virtual space supplants narration as procedural rhetoric.

3 1 10 (5400) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (70) 20131025e 0 -3+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Sprite (movable bitmap) became standard for home consoles, although a challenge for VCS programmers.

3 1 10 (5500) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (102) 20131025h 0 -1+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Single programmer creating an entire game.

3 1 10 (5600) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (102) 20131025i 0 -3+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Assembler code example illustrates apparent obfuscation due to frugality requirements.

3 1 10 (5700) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (110) 20131025j 0 -2+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
World for Pitfall consistently created by code using pseudorandom sequence rather than storing a large imagine in little ROM.

3 1 10 (5800) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (137) 20131025q 0 -10+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Long run from 1977 through 1992; compare to pinball platforms.

3 1 10 (5900) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (142) 20131025r 0 -4+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Besides emulation, homebrew programmers continuing to discover unknown capabilities of the VCS platform, and Bogost uses it for teaching.

3 1 10 (6000) [-7+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (148) 20131025z 0 -5+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Consider programming languages as platforms, too, anticipating 10 PRINT. (148) There have been many influential software platforms designed to run on different sorts of boxes. . . . Studies focused on the code of particular BASIC programs are important to pursue, but studies that consider the programming language as a platform for computational expression will also be important.

3 1 10 (6100) [-6+]mCQK leorke-rebranding_the_platform (258) 20131003 0 -1+ progress/2013/06/notes_for_leorke-rebranding_the_platform.html
Basic criticism of current state of platform studies is that subsequent books merely repeat the model presented by Monfort and Bogost, which diminishes the future prospects of the approach. "Rather than offering a space for platform studies to evolve by critiquing the underlying assumptions and politics of its approach, the series has become a production line of texts that apply the same standardised format across each of the volumes." (258)

3 1 10 (6200) [-6+]mCQK leorke-rebranding_the_platform (265) 20131003g 0 -1+ progress/2013/06/notes_for_leorke-rebranding_the_platform.html
Focus on platform invites unfounded hypotheses about influence of particular device, such as relationship between Amiga and Linux, ignoring wider social and cultural connections. "But, like its predecessor
Codename Revolution, it doesn t offer a challenge to or expand platform studies to any significant extent; even as it offers a critical appraisal of the Amiga s history, it never moves beyond a kind of hybrid technical handbook/scholarly textbook account of the platform in much the same format that previous books in the series have offered." (265)

3 1 10 (6300) [-6+]mCQK leorke-rebranding_the_platform (258-259) 20131003a 0 -2+ progress/2013/06/notes_for_leorke-rebranding_the_platform.html
Platforms have transitioned from neutral to ideological structures. "In the context of information technology and computing, then, platforms take on political, even ideological, connotations: they are no longer passive and transparent infrastructure, but are active, generative, and opaque (Keating & Cambrosio 2003, p. 326)." (258-259) Material and figurative understandings.

3 1 10 (6400) [-6+]mCQK leorke-rebranding_the_platform (266) 20131003h 0 -7+ progress/2013/06/notes_for_leorke-rebranding_the_platform.html
Apperley and Jayemane on material turn in game studies suggests more social and cultural connections, Parikka new materialism. "[quoting ƒGame Studiesƒ Material Turn ] The genius of platform studies is to locate the platform as the stable object within this complex, unfolding entanglement, allowing it to perform the role of a center around which other relationships may be traced and examined. (2012, p. 12)
(266) So far books in the series have recognised this potential, but there are other ways in which they could move beyond the characteristics favoured by Bogost and Montfort to expand this relationship between the material and social further. . . . There is also consideration of tracing where the components of these platforms the microchips, processors, cables, casing and so forth are produced and the material labor that is put into them." (266)

3 1 10 (6500) [-9]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (145) 20130508a 0 -1+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Add process aspects that foregrounds control operations among multiple temporal orders of magnitude to five levels of analysis to base diachrony in synchrony. "We find it useful to distinguish five levels that characterize how the analysis of digital media has been focused each of which, by itself, connects to contexts of culture in important ways." (145)

3 1 10 (6600) [-7+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (145) 20131025t 0 -4+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Reception/operation level includes aesthetics, reader-response, psychoanalytic approaches, media effects and empirical studies of interaction and play; notable theorists Turkle, Iser, Geoffrey and Elizabeth Loftus. (145)
Reception/operation is the level that includes reception aesthetics, reader-response theory, studies based on psychoanalytic approaches, and similar methods. This level is also where media effects studies, such as desensitization to violence, and empirical studies of interaction and play are found.
(145) Although only those types of media that are interactive are explicitly operated, all sorts of media are received and understood. This means that insights from other fields can often be usefully adapted to digital media at this level.

3 1 10 (6700) [-7+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (145-146) 20131025u 0 -6+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Interface level includes HCI, humanities and literary comparative studies of user interface, visual, film theory, and art history approaches; notable theorists Bolter and Grusin, Ryan. (145-146)
Interface studies include the whole discipline of human computer interaction (HCI); comparative studies of user interface done by humanistic scholars and literary critics; and approaches from visual studies, film theory, and art history. . . . The interface, although an interesting layer, is what sits between the core of the program and the user; it is not the core of the program itself. A chess program may have a text interface, a speech interface, or a graphical interface, but the rules of chess and the abilities of a simulated opponent are not part of the interface.

3 1 10 (6800) [-7+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (146) 20131025v 0 -2+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Form/function level includes game rules, nature of simulation, abilities of AI players. (146)
Form/function is the level dealing with the core of the program, including the rules of the game, the nature of the simulation, and the abilities of the computer-controlled opponents. It is the main concern of cybertext studies and of much of the work characterized as game studies or ludology.

3 1 10 (6900) [-7+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (147) 20131025w 0 -6+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Code level includes software studies, code aesthetics, critical code studies, new media analog to software engineering and computer programming, and may be productive even without source code; notable conferences include Ars Electronica festival, Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts. (147)
Code is a level where explorations are still only beginning. Code studies, software studies, and code aesthetics are not yet widespread, but they are becoming known concepts. . . . Even if the source code is not available, however, an analysis at this level of compiled code and of records of the development process can reveal many useful things.

3 1 10 (7000) [-7+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (147) 20131025x 0 -2+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Platform level is abstraction beneath code that provides affordances and constraints instantiated at higher levels of coding, forms, interfaces, and use, new media analog to systems engineering and computer architecture; notable theorists Galloway, Steven Jones, Kirschenbaum. (147)
Platform is the abstraction level beneath code, a level that has fortunately received some attention and acknowledgments, but which has not yet been systematically studied. If code studies are new mediaƒs analogue to software engineering and computer programming, platform studies are more similar to computing systems and computer architecture, connecting the fundamentals of digital media work to the cultures in which that work was done and in which coding, forms, interfaces, and eventual use are layered upon them.

3 1 10 (7100) [-6+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (147) 20150910 0 -2+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Appeal to all levels begs for syncretism. "As we discussed the Atari VCS, we did not shy away from mentioning some things about what games mean and how people play them, what interfaces particular games use, the particular ways that games function, and the with which they are implemented. But though we have considered other levels, our focus in this book has been on the platform level, the one that we believe is most neglected." (147)

3 1 10 (7200) [-7+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (ix) 20130910 0 -5+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Procedural rhetoric defined as persuasion through rule-based representations and interactions. (ix) I call this new form
procedural rhetoric, the art of persuasion through rule-based representations and interactions rather than the spoken word, writing, images, or moving pictures. . . . While ordinary software like word processors and photo editing applications are often used to create expressive artifacts, those completed artifacts do not usually rely on the computer in order to bear meaning.

3 1 10 (7300) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (13) 20131026 0 -6+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Wardrip-Fruin operational logics are set of standardized unit operations such as graphic logics packaged as game engine and textual logics as natural language parsers.

3 1 10 (7400) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (13) 20130910c 0 -4+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Procedural tropes include natural language processing, text parsers, and models of user interaction: crucial to Bogosts thinking is their commensurability with forms of literary and artistic expression supporting the trope analogy.

3 1 10 (7500) [-6+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (15) 20130910d 0 -5+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Example of Socrates trial for ideal of efficient causation in ancient rhetoric can be extended with favorite Cicero example. "Rhetoric in ancient Greece and by extension classical rhetoric in general meant public speaking for civic purposes. . . . Spoken words attempt to convert listeners to a particular opinion, usually one that will influence direct and immediate action, such as the fateful vote of Socratesƒ jury." (15) Enthymeme and example are other rhetorical figures.

3 1 10 (7600) [-6+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (25) 20130910f 0 -11+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Criticizes digital rhetorics that abstract materialities of specific forms of computing. "Digital rhetoric typically abstracts the computer as a consideration, focusing on the text and image content a machine might host and the communities of practice in which that content is created and used. . . . But for scholars of digital rhetoric, to function in digital spaces often means mistaking subordinate properties of the computer for primary ones. . . . But [Laura J.] Gurak does not intend interactivity to refer to the machines ability to facilitate the manipulation of processes.
(26) What is missing is a digital rhetoric that addresses the unique properties of computation, like procedurality, to found a new rhetorical practice." (25)

3 1 10 (7700) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (26) 20130910g 0 -4+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Manovich replaces rhetoric with database logic, but fails to appreciate process intensity and favors hypertext over its supporting programmed systems.

3 1 10 (7800) [-6+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (28-29) 20130910h 0 -5+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Does reaching this insight that procedural rhetoric is programmed call for focus on programming? "Procedural rhetoric is a general name for the practice of authoring arguments through processes. . . . In computation, those rules are
authored in code through the practice of programming." (28-29)

3 1 10 (7900) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (29) 20130910i 0 -4+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Exemplar of procedural rhetoric is The McDonalds Videogame, whereas Grlpower Retouch and Freaky Flakes do not exhibit procedural rhetorics despite being provocative, must address vividness and dialectic; compare to active versus critical learning for Gee, and critical code.

3 1 10 (8000) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (35) 20130910j 0 -11+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Procedurality belongs between actual experience and moving images with sound on Hills vividness continuum from most to least vivid information, and they mount propositions with internal consistency of program execution; seems linked to ideal of living writing in antiquity as best rhetorical mechanism.

3 1 10 (8100) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (37) 20130910k 1 -5+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Dialectics have broad media ecology: distinguish between ability to raise procedural objections by altering game play and emergence of dialectical reasoning about the subject whose proceduralities are represented in the videogame; example of The Grocery Game, which allows modification of rules of shopping by automating otherwise too costly behaviors for saving money with coupons and timed bulk purchases at particular grocery stores, and peripherally criticism of game mechanics in message boards substitutes for modifying code.

3 1 10 (8200) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (43) 20130123 1 -3+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Procedural enthymemes complete the claim by playing the game, which may include listening; thus by procedural rhetoric games exercise often clever and unexpected biases in our actions, which when uncovered and critically engaged potentially inspiring radical change (Badiou event, and so on).

3 1 10 (8300) [-6+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (46) 20130910l 0 -7+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Distinguish between persuasive games, persuasion to continue playing, and rhetorics of play. "I give the name
persuasive games to videogames that mount procedural rhetorics effectively.
(47) Partial reinforcement is certainly a type of persuasion, but the persuasion is entirely self-referential: its goal is to cause the player to continue playing, and in so doing to increase coin drop. . . . Instead, I am interested in videogames that make arguments about the way systems work in the material world. These games strive to alter or affect player opinion outside of the game, not merely to cause him to continue playing." (46) Unusual Atari VCS Tax Avoiders game exemplary.

3 1 10 (8400) [-6+]mCQK gee-what_video_games_have_to_teach_us_about_learning_and_literacy (25) 20130921c 0 -2+ progress/2012/09/notes_for_gee-what_video_games_have_to_teach_us_about_learning_and_literacy.html
Active and critical learning reinforce importance of situated meanings in semiotic domains over sheer informational content. "The learner needs to learn not only how to understand and produce meanings in a particular semiotic domain but, in addition, needs to learn how to think about the domain at a meta level as a complex system of interrelated parts. The learner also needs to learn how to innovate in the domain how to produce meanings that, while recognizable to experts in the domain, are seen as somehow novel or unpredictable." (25)

3 1 10 (8500) [-6+]mCQK gee-what_video_games_have_to_teach_us_about_learning_and_literacy (34-35) 20130921e 0 -4+ progress/2012/09/notes_for_gee-what_video_games_have_to_teach_us_about_learning_and_literacy.html
Critical learning seems to imply ergodic relationship to texts in general, including games. "What we are dealing with here is talking and thinking about the (internal) design of the game, about the game as a complex system of interrelated parts meant to engage and even manipulate the player in certain ways. This is metalevel thinking, thinking about the game as a system and a designed space. Such thinking can open up critique of the game. It can also lead to novel moves and strategies, sometimes ones that the game makers never anticipated." (34-35)

3 1 10 (8600) [-6+]mCQK gee-what_video_games_have_to_teach_us_about_learning_and_literacy (40-41) 20130921h 0 -1+ progress/2012/09/notes_for_gee-what_video_games_have_to_teach_us_about_learning_and_literacy.html
Excellent articulation of what active and critically played games can do that print texts cannot relates to ergodic properties. "
The content of video games, when they are played actively and critically, is something like this: They situate meaning in a multimodal space through embodied experiences to solve problems and reflect on the intricacies of the design of imagined worlds and the design of both real and imagined social relationships and identities in the modern world." (40-41)

3 1 10 (8700) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (57-58) 20130910m 0 -2+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Serious games designed for educational purposes but may not interrogate institutions and worldviews.

3 1 10 (8800) [-6+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (58) 20131026b 0 -2+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Connect notion of serious to underlying system structure to critical code studies. "The notion of the serious as the underlying structure of a system is particularly compatible with the concept of procedurality.
Procedural representation depicts how something does, could, or should work: the way we understand a social or material practice to function." (58)

3 1 10 (8900) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (58) 20131026c 0 -9+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Badiou terms situation, multiplicity, count-as-one, state, and event form basis of seriousness underlying structure of a system.

3 1 10 (9000) [-6+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (62-63) 20130910p 12 -5+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Understanding code supplements, not essential to studying procedural rhetoric of videogames. " Publicly documented hardware and software specifications, software development kits, and decompiled videogame ROMs all offer possible ways of studying the software itself. Such study can shed important light on the material basis for videogame experiences.
An understanding of code supplements procedural interpretation. In particular, a procedural rhetorician should strive to understand the affordances of the materials from which a procedural argument is formed.
(63-64) Turkleƒs real beef is not with
Sim City, but with the players; they do not know how to play the game critically." (62-63) Address from top down through procedural literacy rather than bottom up through code literacy.

3 1 10 (9100) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (108) 20130910q 0 -1+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Rules of the game Tax Invaders construct unit operation for conservative frame on taxation; use of procedural enthymeme.

3 1 10 (9200) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (120) 20130910r 0 -2+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Games still unterritorialized by ideology, yet have been part of political discourse all along.

3 1 10 (9300) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (128-129) 20130910t 0 -2+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Use of voice commands as procedural rhetoric in Waco Resurrection; consider ideas like Macy Conferences game that traverses a long but specific topic for videogames based on specific moments in history, fashioned after documentary film.

3 1 10 (9400) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (143) 20130910u 0 -4+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Summary argument is that videogames, rather than the Internet medium as an abstraction, offer culturally and procedurally relevant subject matters for communicating political rhetorical ideas.

3 1 10 (9500) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (244) 20130911d 0 -2+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Procedural literacy addresses suggestion by Gee to reconcile subject-specificity and abstraction.

3 1 10 (9600) [-6+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (244-245) 20130911e 0 -6+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Short history of procedural learning from Logo to RAPUNSEL rejected because programming emphasis excludes built in procedurality of videogames experienced by merely playing them. "RAPUNSEL follows on the heels of numerous reports suggesting that the United States is falling behind other nations in science and engineering. . . . More broadly, I want to suggest that procedural literacy entails the ability to reconfigure concepts and rules to understand and processes, not just on the computer, but in general. The high degree of procedural representation in videogames suggests them as a natural medium for procedural learning." (244-245) Making procedural literacy initiated by Mateas specific and emphasizing situated cultural aspects of technical mastery, not just dynamic systems.

3 1 10 (9700) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (251) 20130911h 0 -2+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Procedural affordances of languages and operating systems, software in general; try to understand why Tanaka-Ishii chose Haskell and Java in this perspective.

3 1 10 (9800) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (255) 20130911i 0 -1+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Play itself develops procedural literacy, good for developing understanding history like Diamond on proximate causes of European conquest.

3 1 10 (9900) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (256) 20130911j 0 -5+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Apply picking up specific cultural meanings to hacking older technologies and basic electronics.

3 1 10 (10000) [-6+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (259) 20130911l 0 -3+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Beyond epistemic games to critical practice. "While Shaffer is principally (but not exclusively) interested in epistemic games as a pedagogical praxis for specific professional situations, I am equally if not more interested in
procedural rhetoric as a critical practice.
(260) videogame players develop procedural literacy through interacting with the abstract models of specific real or imagined processes presented in the games they play. Videogames teach biased perspectives about how things work." (259) Developing procedural literacy and awareness of biased perspectives of how things work through direct engagement.

3 1 10 (10100) [-6+]mCQK ogorman-ecrit (12) 20150202 0 -3+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_ogorman-ecrit.html
Pictures over words as generators. "Words have a generative potential of their own. We have already seen how the pun, for example, can create unconventional, yet informative, linkages between concepts. Still, pictures seem to possess a greater propensity for facilitative remainder-work, and for generating divergent responses." (12) Explode possibilities with code.

3 1 10 (10200) [-6+]mCQK ogorman-ecrit (12-13) 20150202a 0 -9+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_ogorman-ecrit.html
Creative potential to chart networks by cutting across diversity. "To understand pictures as generators is to view them much in the same way as Lecercle describes the pun and other forms of metaphor, all of which fall into the category of the remainder, which Lecercle describes as instances of ƒdiachrony-within-synchrony.ƒ . . . The notion of ƒdiachrony-within-synchronyƒ points to the capacity of the remainder to interrupt our synchronic understanding of a word by invoking a diachronic association. . . . In hypericonomy, the effect of ƒdiachrony-within-synchronyƒ permits researchers to cut across a diversity of discourse networks in order to chart networks of their own." (12-13)

3 1 10 (10300) [-6+]mCQK ogorman-ecrit (13) 20150202b 0 -7+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_ogorman-ecrit.html
Lecercle indirection, all possible meanings present at once, creative unconscious funnelling of stimuli whose exemplar is the schizophrenic. "The concept of ƒdiachrony-within-synchronyƒ can be further elucidated by what Lecercle calls ƒindirectionƒ. . . . This funnelling of stimuli is an unconscious operation, present whenever an individual is faced with a visual or verbal proposition. But it may be possible to capture or at least re-create this sense of schizo ƒindirectionƒ [where all possible meanings of a metaphorical phrase are present at once] before it is funnelled, before it is transformed into common sense.
(14) I would like to believe that one purpose of hypericonomy is to provoke or mimic the fluidity of creative thought and crystallize it, transforming delire or schizophrenia into a theory and a discursive practice." (13) Humans equipped with dynamic media and working code could foster creativity without the psychological destabilization through synaptogenesis.

3 1 10 (10400) [-4+]mCQK ogorman-ecrit (19) 20131006i 0 -7+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_ogorman-ecrit.html
Eye Socket inspires hypericon as movable cultural apparatus for pictorial turn, although could use other objects such as electronic devices.

3 1 10 (10500) [-4+]mCQK ogorman-ecrit (41) 20131006t 0 -1+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_ogorman-ecrit.html
Krauss iconic methodology lends itself to electronic environment of imagetexts; taken at a second level, likewise imagine starting with an image of the ground symbol in a relay driver circuit that itself is only a small part of the schematic diagram of a large circuit board, which is finally itself just one part of a device such as a pinball machine.

3 1 10 (10600) [-6+]mCQK barthes-structuralist_activity (149-150) 20131025b 0 -6+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_barthes-structuralist_activity.html
Compare reconstructing simulacrum of an object to Bogost using exploded view. "The goal of all structuralist activity, whether reflexive or poetic, is to reconstruct an object in such a way as to manifest thereby the rules of functioning (the functions) of this object. Structure is therefore actually a
simulacrum of the object, but a directed, interested simulacrum, since the imitated object makes something appear which remained invisible, or if one prefers, unintelligible in the natural object. . . . the simulacrum is intellect added to object, and this addition has an anthropological value, in that it is man himself, his history, his situation, his freedom and the very resistance which nature offers to his mind." (149-150) He mentions units in the next paragraph.

3 1 10 (10700) [-6+]mCQK tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming (151-152) 20131020i 0 -6+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_tanaka_ishii-semiotics_of_programming.html
Structuralism situates meaning in the holistic system, having particular implications for self-referential statements. "The origin of this holistic view underlying the sign system lies in Saussurian
structuralism. A language system is structural if the meaning of an element exists within a holistic system. . . . The generative model explains this structural aspect of the system in relation with how the signifier articulates the signified: the speculative introduction of a signifier generates a meaning consisting of an ensemble of content and uses, thus forming a structural system." (151-152)

3 1 10 (10800) [-6+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (180) 20130928u 0 -4+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
Technology itself is perfectly representable whether or not its referent exists. "Although it is true that digital technologies can create objects for which there is no original (think of Shrek, for instance),
the technology itself is perfectly representable, from the alternating voltages that form the basis for the binary digits up to high-level languages such as C++. The ways in which the technology actually performs plays no part in Hansenƒs analysis. For him the point is that the house renders experience singular and unrepeatable, thus demolishing the promise of orthographic recording to repeat the past exactly. Because in his analogy the house equals the digital, this same property is then transferred to digital technology." (180) Enter the concept of epistemological transparency.

3 1 10 (10900) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (244) 20130831a 0 -2+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Nested levels from hardware electronics, digital logic, machine language, assembly language, high level languages, to user interfaces and operating systems. "The operation of computing machinery can be described at a number of levels.
(245) Each level is
conceptually independent of the ones below and above, while remaining practically dependent on the lower levels." (244)

3 1 10 (11000) [-6+]mCQK abbate-inventing_the_internet (53) 20140327h 0 -1+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_abbate-inventing_the_internet.html
Protocol stack model. "The
protocol stack model would quickly come to dominate the way people thought about organizing networks precisely because it offered a blueprint for reducing the complexity of network components while increasing the predictability of the system as a whole." (53)

3 1 10 (11100) [-6+]mCQK abbate-inventing_the_internet (51) 20140327f 0 -6+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_abbate-inventing_the_internet.html
Layered system has technical and social implications. "A layered system is organized as a set of discrete functions that interact according to specified rules. . . . Each higher-level function builds on the capabilities provided by the layers below.
(51) Thus, layering has both technical and social implications: it makes the technical complexity of the system more manageable, and it allows the system to be designed and built in a decentralized way." (51) Connect to diachrony in synchrony.

3 1 10 (11200) [-7+]mCQK galloway-protocol (xix-xx) 20131031 0 -3+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Doubly materialist as networked bodies and conditions of experience. (xix-xx) It is in this sense that
Protocol is doubly materialist in the sense of networked bodies inscribed by informatics, and in the sense of this bio-informatic network producing the conditions of experience.
(xx) From the perspective of protocol, there are no biologies, no technologies, only the possible interactions between vital forms which often take on a regulatory, managerial, and normative shape.
Layering is a central concept of the regulation of information transfer in the Internet protocols.

3 1 10 (11500) [-6+]mCQK abbate-inventing_the_internet (62-63) 20140327o 0 -15+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_abbate-inventing_the_internet.html
Enforcement of distinctions between network layers became way to manage social relations and reduce technical complexity. "But the design of the IMP was also shaped by the BBN groupƒs strong beliefs about how it should perform in relation to the rest of the network. In particular, the BBN team tried to enforce the distinctions between network layers. . . . In the BBN vision, the IMP subnet was to be autonomous. Hosts would be isolated from failures in the subnet unless a hostƒs own local IMP were disabled. . . . Nor would the people at the host sites be able to interfere with the operation of an IMP in any way. . . . As practiced by Heart and his group, the technique of layering became a way to manage social relations as well as to reduce technical complexity." (62-63)

3 1 10 (11600) [-4+]mCQK abbate-inventing_the_internet (67) 20140327s 0 -4+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_abbate-inventing_the_internet.html
Host and application layers precursor to TCP/IP.

3 1 10 (11700) [-6+]mCQK galloway-protocol (166) 20130204 0 -2+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Compare analysis of executable metalayer encapsulating code, making it hyperlinguistic rather than sublinguistic, to its materiality in Berry. "In this way, code is the summation of language plus an executable metalayer that encapsulates that language.
(167) The hackerƒs close relationship to code displays the power of protocol, particularly its ability to compel autonomous actors toward a more vital or affective state within their particular distributed milieu." (166)

3 1 10 (11800) [-4+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (180-181) 20130928v 0 -5+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
Points out Hansen ignores ability of digital technology to exercise agency.

3 1 10 (12200) [-6+]mCQK thrift-movement_space (590) 20131013g 0 -9+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_thrift-movement_space.html
Beyond protocol. " (590) Whatever the cause, the world has become increasingly one in which a numerical flux becomes central to activities, rather than incidental, giving rise to more and more ƒ
flow architecturesƒ, to use Knorr Cetinaƒs felicitous phrase: the content itself is processual . . . only ƒframesƒ. . . . the nomdadologic of movement becomes the natural order of thought. The world is reconfigured as a global trading zone in which network forms, which strive for coordination, are replaced by flow forms which strive for observation and projection." (Knorr Cetina) Network replaced by processual, nomadologic flow

--3.1.11+++ workarea

3 1 11 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150909 20150909 0 -4+ journal_2015.html
Created temporary section to retain ordering of notes that will eventually be part of the final theoretical framework section, reflecting prior condensation from separate sections. Night contemplating placement of Kirschenbaum realizing before and after Kittler PHI. Procedural rhetoric goes to Bogost. What comes up repeatedly is inadequacy of ready PHI hand to give experience and memory value of PHI.

3 1 11 (200) [-6+]mCQK foucault-discipline_and_punish (213) 20130921b 0 -11+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_foucault-discipline_and_punish.html
Police power over the dust of everything that happens, writing immense text by means of complex documentary organization. "Police power must bear ƒover everythingƒ: it is not however the totality of the state nor of the kingdom as visible and invisible body of the monarch; it is the
dust of events, actions, behavior, opinions ƒeverything that happensƒ.
(214) And, in order to be exercised, this power had to be given the instrument of permanent, exhaustive, omnipresent surveillance, capable of making all visible, as long as it could itself remain invisible. . . . And this unceasing observation had to be accumulated in a series of reports and registers; throughout the eighteenth century, an immense police text increasingly covered society by means of a complex documentary organization.
(215) The organization of the police apparatus in the eighteenth century sanctioned a generalization of the disciplines that became co-extensive with the state itself. . . . Yet it would be wrong to believe that the disciplinary functions were confiscated and absorbed once and for all by a state apparatus." (213) Compare to knowledge metaphor of snow.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=3 and (Heading=1 or Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 3.1 critical theory, textuality studies, media studies, social construction of technology, histories of computing software and networking, psycho-social studies of computer programmers, philosophers of computing technologies, software studies, code studies, procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony, workarea+

3.2 philosophical programmers, working code places, programming philosophers, critical programming

--3.2.1+++ philosophical programmers

3 2 1 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20151007 20151007 1 -11+ journal_2015.html
Remember thinking about Chomsky belittling Lacan and Foucault I say for not being programmers. Have to wrap up chapter three and get on with four and five. This allows us to pass beyond many philosophers traditionally wrapped up in debates and look instead at programmers who have philosophical thoughts. We sense Weizenbaum is more self aware than Chomsky though a lesser contributor to the constitution of the present world picture. Got to get to programming styles to run through philosophical programmers then working code places now into programming philosophers leading to question McDaniel and Applen on choice of XML as programming language secondary to primary purpose will be their response. Need to use this perspective when claiming mistake to take human macine border as stark mutually exclusive extremes, a thought arising while considering the depravity of style of the C code passed in other texts as not necessarily working code. Here is some working code PHI.

[working code css]
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/public_html/progress/2011/10$ ln -s holbein-ambassadors_20111007.jpg vpf_20111007.jpg
[working code css]

Here is some working code PHI. Just enough to hint at another image excluded due to complexity of assuring no need for copyright permission.

3 2 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK foucault-discipline_and_punish (213) 20131030 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_foucault-discipline_and_punish.html
Contrast dust model of knowledge to potentials of code/space capta trails " (213) Police power must bear ƒover everythingƒ: it is not however the totality of the state nor of the kingdom as visible and invisible body of the monarch; it is the dust of events, actions, behavior, opinions ƒeverything that happensƒ." (Kitchin and Dodge)

3 2 1 (300) [-7+]mCQK latour-why_has_critique_run_out_of_steam (231) 20131003b 0 -3+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_latour-why_has_critique_run_out_of_steam.html
What should be our critical equipment for the current period? (231) I simply want to do what every good military officer, at regular periods, would do: retest the linkages between the new threats he or she has to face and the equipment and training he or she should have in order to meet them and, if necessary, to revise from scratch the whole paraphernalia. This does not mean for us any more than it does for the officer that we were wrong, but simply that history changes quickly and that
there is no greater intellectual crime than to address with the equipment of an older period the challenges of the present one.
(231) The question was never to get
away from facts but closer to them, not fighting empiricism but, on the contrary, renewing empiricism.

3 2 1 (400) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (166-167) 20130830 0 -3+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Salient patterns of cyborg subjectivity include programming styles. "By exploring how such subcultures use the COMPUTER metaphor in articulating key cultural formations such as gender and science, we can discern some of the salient patterns in cyborg subjectivity.
(167) Turkle thus establishes a dualism at the heart of cyborg subjectivity, a hard self and a soft one. This is an evocative, problematic, and paradoxical dichotomy." (166-167)

---3.2.2+++ working code places

3 2 2 (100) [-6+]mCQK guattari-machinic_heterogenesis (21) 20131208j 0 -2+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_guattari-machinic_heterogenesis.html
Example of Legba fetish reinforces Latour claim that we know less about our local technological milieu than tiny populations of alien, archaic societies, which are better equipped than hegemonic subjectivities to grasp multivalence of alterity. "Archaic societies are better armed than white, male, capitalistic subjectivities to map this multivalence of alterity. In this regard I would refer the reader to the expose by Marc Auge showing the heterogeneous registers to which the Legba fetish in the Arfican Fon society refers." (21)

3 2 2 (200) [-6+]mCQK latour-we_have_never_been_modern (116) 20131004g 0 -5+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_latour-we_have_never_been_modern.html
Paradoxical that we know more about ethnic and technological others than ourselves. "Paradoxically, we know more about the Achuar, the Arapesh or the Alladians than we know about ourselves. . . . Is anthropology forever condemned to be reduced to territories, unable to follow networks?" (116)

3 2 2 (300) [-4+]mCQK latour-why_has_critique_run_out_of_steam (225) 20120724 0 -2+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_latour-why_has_critique_run_out_of_steam.html
Charge that academia slow to prepare for new threats, tasks, and I would add tools: starting to connect a second Latour text into the reading lists from which derive both the exam questions and the exam responses I will write either with or without help from this software system; actually it seems rather odd that I would be prohibited from enhancing my human cognitive performance by writing software to use with the exams, the prospectus, and the eventual dissertation product PHI.

3 2 2 (400) [-7+]mCQK derrida-archive_fever (25-26) 20130627 0 -8+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_derrida-archive_fever.html
He does not know what he could be pondering saying to have spoken about his computer beyond pondering experience of a certain hypomnesis and prosthetic experience of the technical substrate, not being a programmer who may have let the machinic other speak too in ways impossible for the Mystic Writing Pad and fortuitous deformations collected by McGann. (25-26) Without waiting, I have spoken to you of my
computer, of the little portable Macintosh on which I have begun to write. . . . I asked myself what is the moment proper to the archive, if there is such a thing, the instant of archivization strictly speaking, which is not, and I will come back to this, so-called live or spontaneous memory (mneme or anamnesis), but rather a certain hypomnesic and prosthetic experience of the technical substrate. Was it not at this very instant that, having written something or other on the screen, the letters remaining as if suspended and floating yet at the surface of a liquid element, I pushed a certain key to save a text undamaged, in a hard and lasting way, to protect marks from being erased, so as to ensure in this way salvation and indemnity, to stock, to accumulate, and, in what is at once the same thing and something else, to make the sentence available in this way for printing and for reprinting, for reproduction? Does it change anything that Freud did not know about the computer? And where should the moment of suppression or of repression be situated in these new models of recording and impression, or printing?

3 2 2 (500) [-7+]mCQK heim-electric_language (81) 20131102y 0 -11+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_heim-electric_language.html
Expression of thought in writing dominated by language machine by applying data-handling techniques to natural language communication now remediated by applying humanities methods to programming. (81) [from Hebel: the House-Friend] The language machine regulates and adjusts in advance the mode of our possible usage of language through mechanical energies and functions. The language machine is - and above all, is still becoming - one manner in which modern technology controls the mode and the world of language as such. Meanwhile, the impression is still maintained that man is the master of the language machine. But the truth of the matter might well be that the language machine takes language into its management, and thus masters the essence of the human being.
(81) Of course, in 1957 Heidegger knew nothing of the word processor. But he was seeking to determine the way in which the technological drive to master and facilitate every process would eventually move into the most intimate areas of thought, namely, into the expression of thought in writing.
(82) The original text editors used by programmers in their data-handling work were programmer-oriented editors on mainframe computers. . . . encoding natural language on computers makes possible a new approach to language as directly manipulable in new ways.

3 2 2 (600) [-6+]mCQK thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically (157-158) 20131013j 0 -9+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_thomson-understanding_technology_ontotheologically.html
Taking the seriously with respect to technology, we are still faced with question of whether to engage as produces or consumers for deep experience, especially if the goal is to experience nothing as the way being reveals itself as the gestalt switch turning in place from the danger to the promise. "In ƒNihilism as Determined by the History of Beingƒ (1944-1946), the important but difficult essay which forms the capstone of his
Nietzsche work, Heidegger addresses the relationship between technologyƒs greatest danger and ƒthe promiseƒ (das Versprechen). . . . Midnight, seen otherwise, is dawn. . . . Heidegger believes that we discover what saves us precisely by deeply experiencing what most endangers us, and he first tries publicly to communicate his way of making sense of this idea in terms of ƒthe promiseƒ." (157-158)

3 2 2 (700) [-7+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (1) 20131026c 0 -8+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
It is not an exciting intelligence like human consciousness, nascent for so long, latent in designs and physical structures, only coming to life with the emergence of higher address bit width systems. (1) 1.2 . . . In a special-purpose machine these instructions are an integral part of the device and constitute a part of its design structure. For an all-purpose machine it must be possible to instruct the device to carry out any computation that can be formulated in numerical terms. Hence there must be some organ capable of storing these program orders. There must, moreover, be a unit which can understand these instructions and order their execution.

3 2 2 (800) [-4+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (1) 20131026h 0 -3+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
Storage of numbers and orders in the same memory device implies variable ontology impossible in written texts.

3 2 2 (2800) [-6+]mCQK neel-plato_derrida_writing (104) 20131007t 0 -3+ progress/2009/02/notes_for_neel-plato_derrida_writing.html
Ulmer supports the opposite conclusion view of Neel, in which Derridas wacky writing is the paradigm for future electronic literature, as does Landow. "(I assume that Glas and the Envois to La carte postale do not represent the models for a new kind of writing that can now appear in the wake of Derridaƒs deconstructive apocalypse. For an argument that they do represent such a new writing, see Ulmer.)
(104) Four effects of Derridean analysis seem obvious: self-contained, complete meaning is impossible; expectations of reading change; conceptions of writing change; and, as a result of these first three, a new sort of apocalypse is at hand, though what sort of appearance it may make remains impossible to predict." (104) Review exposition on plant fecundation in Applied Grammatology.

3 2 2 (2900) [-6+]mCQK neel-plato_derrida_writing (134-135) 20131008i 0 -8+ progress/2009/02/notes_for_neel-plato_derrida_writing.html
Transgression of doing what texts does not want done to it due to these flaws, like psychoanalysis, also like forcing failures of buggy software by QA testing. "
Our resistance to Derridaƒs readings lets us know how the student writer feels about the way we treat student texts. . . . the teacher who writes in the margins of, between the lines of, between (and even inside) the words of, and in the spaces all around the studentsƒ texts sets out from the beginning to show those moments in the texts where the texts do not accomplish their own goals, even though such analyses may be embedded in considerable praise for what the students have accomplished.
(136) The teacherƒs incisions, like Derridaƒs, depend on clipping out examples of the writing, dismembering the text in order to expose its operations (see
Dissemination, p. 305).
(137) He admits all along to a strategy of transgression, of doing what the text would least like to have done to it." (134-135)

3 2 2 (3000) [-6+]mCQK hayles-writing_machines (53) 20130928c 0 -5+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_hayles-writing_machines.html
Creole discourse. " pseudocode as well as using actual program code in my notes to illustrate some point or convey an idea. (53) To what purpose is this creole concocted? Compounded of language and code, it forms the medium through which the origin of subjectivity can be re-described as coextensive with technoogy. Just as these hybrid articulations do not exist apart from their penetration by code, so the subject does not exist apart from the technology that produces the creole describing/creating the techno-subject.
Lexia to Perplexia must be considered not only as text but as a fully multimedia work in which screen design and software functionality are part of its signifying practices.
(58) The action of
choosing that first-generation hypertext theory attributed solely to the reader here becomes a distributed function enacted partly by the reader but also partly by the machine." (BNF) I have found myself mixing technical acronyms, Backus-Naur Form

3 2 2 (3100) [-6+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (20-21) 20130924b 0 -3+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
Code work ranges from machine readable and executable to broken code. "
Code work, a phrase associated with such writers and Alan Sondheim, MEZ (Mary Ann Breeze), and Talan Memmott and with critics such as Florian Cramer, Rita Raley, and Matthew Fuller, names a linguistic practice in which English (or some other natural language) is hybridized with programming expressions to create a creole evocative for human readers, especially those familiar with the denotations of programming languages. Code work in its purest form is machine readable and executable, such as Perl poems that literally have two addressees, human and intelligent machines. More typical are creoles using broken code, code that cannot actually be executed but that uses programming punctuations and expressions to evoke connotations appropriate to the linguistic signifiers." (20-21)

3 2 2 (3200) [-4+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (123) 20130928d 0 -5+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
Distinguish broken code and pseudo code.

3 2 2 (3300) [-4+]mCQK hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer (108) 20130929w 0 -3+ progress/2011/12/notes_for_hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer.html
Preprocessing of multiple layers: compare to Kittler on code, references to Loss Penqueno Glazier and John Cayley, and other layer and diachrony in synchrony process control models.

3 2 2 (3400) [-7+]mCQK chun-on_sourcery (312) 20131027 1 -6+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_chun-on_sourcery.html
Source code can engender things besides machine execution, from literary codework to pseudocode used for thinking about programming. (312)
(313) This notion of source code as readable as creating some outcome regardless of its machinic execution underlies codework and other creative projects. . . . Regardless of whether or not it can execute, code can be, must be, worked into something meaningful. Source code, in other words, may be sources of things other than the machine execution it is supposed to engender.

3 2 2 (3500) [-6+]mCQK hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer (103-104) 20130929t 0 -10+ progress/2011/12/notes_for_hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer.html
Emergent materiality like McGann deformation. "The following definition provides a way to think about texts as embodied entities without falling into the chaos of infinite difference:
The materiality of an embodied text is the interaction of its physical characteristics with its signifying strategies. . . . Because materiality in this view is bound up with the textƒs content, it cannot be specified in advance, as if it existed independent of content. Rather, it is an emergent property. . . . McKenzieƒs definition of text includes verbal, visual, oral and numeric data, in the form of maps, prints, and music, of archives of recorded sound, of films, videos, and any computer-stored inormaiton (5)." (103-104) McKenzie broad definition of text.

3 2 2 (3600) [-4+]mCQK hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer (107) 20130929v 0 -6+ progress/2011/12/notes_for_hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer.html
Programmed computer as author; contrast to division between print text and human reader as locus of decoding agency, hints as MSA.

3 2 2 (3700) [-6+]mCQK hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer (105) 20130929u 0 -12+ progress/2011/12/notes_for_hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer.html
New types of work as assemblage. "These changed senses of work, text, and document make it possible to see phenomena that are now obscured or make invisible by the reigning ideologies. For example, with the advent of the Web, communication pathways are established through which texts cycle in dynamic intermediation with one another, which leads to what might be called Work as Assemblage, a cluster of related texts that quote, comment upon, amplify, and otherwise intermediate one another.
(106) Going along with the idea of Work as Assemblage are changed constructions of subjectivity. . . . Perhaps now it is time to think about what kinds of textuality a dispersed, fragmented, and heterogeneous view of the subject might imply.
(106-107) An appropriate model may present itself in Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattariƒs rhizomatic Body without Organs (BwO), a construction that in its constant deterritorialization and reterritorialization has no unified essence or identifiable center, only planes of consistency and lines of flight along which elements move according to the charge vectors of desire. . . . Rather than being bound into the straitjacket of a work possessing an immaterial essence that textual criticism strives to identify and stabilize, the WaA derives its energy from its ability to mutate and transform as it grows and shrinks, converges and disperses according to the desires of the loosely formed collectives that create it." (105) Interesting examples follow.

3 2 2 (3800) [-4+]mCQK hayles-print_is_flat_code_is_deep (79-80) 20131101i 0 -2+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_hayles-print_is_flat_code_is_deep.html
Natural language intersects code in comment lines and underlying syntax.

3 2 2 (3900) [-6+]mCQK hayles-print_is_flat_code_is_deep (81) 20131101e 0 -1+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_hayles-print_is_flat_code_is_deep.html
Linguistic levers have equivalent ancient Greek rhetorical concept. "The layered coding levels thus act like
linguistic levers, giving a single keystroke the power to change the entire appearance of a textual image." (81)

3 2 2 (4000) [-6+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (133-134) 20130928f 0 -9+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
Control system model of human being, with importance of trauma, embodiment, tying literature to the functional role of control system component activating feedback circuits, is an analogy Hayles draws between studies of human body in cognition and literature " (133-134) bodily knowledge is directly tied in with the limbic system and the viscera, as Antonio
Damasio has shown, with complex feedback loops operating through hormonal and endocrine secretions that activate emotions and feelings. . . . Traumatic events are understand in precisely this way, as disruptions that disconnect conscious memory from the appropriate affect. . . . In this context, literature can be understood as a semiotic technology designed to create or more precisely, activate feedback loops that dynamically and recursively unite feelings with ratiocination, body with mind." (print and electronic)

3 2 2 (4100) [-4+]mCQK hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer (101) 20130929r 5 -5+ progress/2011/12/notes_for_hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer.html
Electronic texts defined as processes rather than objects.

3 2 2 (4200) [-6+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (140) 20130928n 0 -2+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
Incomprehensible temporal orders foregrounded in Poundstone Project for Tachistoscope. "In historical context, then, the tachistoscope was associated with the nefarious uses to which subliminal perception could be put by Communists who hated capitalists and capitalists who egged on the persecution of Reds and Commies.
(140-141) As the kinds and amounts of sensory inputs proliferate, the effect for verbally oriented users is to induce anxiety about being able to follow the narrative while also straining to put together all the other discordant signifiers." (140)

3 2 2 (4300) [-6+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (145-146) 20131031 0 -10+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
Cayley transliteral morphing explorations of algorithms underlying phonemic and morphemic relations. "Cayley has been exploring what he calls transliteral morphing, a computational procedure that algorithmically morphs, letter by letter, from a source text to a target text. . . . Cayley conjectures that underlying these higher-level relationships are lower-level similarities that work not on the level of words, phrases, and sentences but individual phonemes and morphemes. . . . Just as Mencia invokes the philological history of language as it moves from orality to writing to digital representation, so Cayleyƒs transliteral morphs are underlain by an algorithm that reflects their phonemic and morphemic relations to one another.
(146-147) The complexity of these relationships as they evolve in time and as they are mediated by the computer code, Cayley conjectures, are the microstructures that underlie, support, and illuminate the high-level conceptual and linguistic similarities between related texts." (145-146)

3 2 2 (4400) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_think (13) 20120707h 0 -3+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_hayles-how_we_think.html
Alien temporality. "in Turkle and Hayles both reporting on the situation, the state of the art. (13) Grasping the complex ways in which the time scales of human cognition interact with those of intelligent machines requires a theoretical framework in which objects are seen not as static entities that, once created, remain the same throughout time but rather are understood as constantly changing assemblages in which inequalities and inefficiencies in their operations drive them toward breakdown, disruption, innovation, and change. Objects in this view are more like technical individuals enmeshed in networks of social, economic, and technological relations, some of which are human, some nonhuman. Among those who have theorized technical objects in this way are Gilbert Simondon, Adrian Mackenzie, Bruno Latour, and Matthew Fuller." (philosophical production) Consider differences in trajectories towards future activity

3 2 2 (4500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20150916 20150916a 1 -1+ journal_2015.html
It is hard to get over the perceived hostility toward computer technology in both Deleuze and Guattari individually, which is why I use Janz to get beyond into having accepted human on Hayles terms to base my consideration of machine being PHI.

3 2 2 (4600) [-4+]mCQK janz-betweenness_of_code (np) 20130201 0 -8+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_janz-betweenness_of_code.html
Deleuze seems to put a negative spin on technology that affects popularity of programming accepted as a valid critical scholarly research methodology, an unfortunate side effect of his popularity in philosophy of technology and now computing studies.

3 2 2 (4700) [-6+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (84) 20130601a 0 -3+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Shortcoming of mapping as inherently structural activity. "This is the core of my concern with the strategy of defining and describing African philosophy. While the map may give the feeling that understanding has been achieved, it is not necessarily so. Like Foucaultƒs description of animals in the Chinese encyclopedia, there is always another way of sorting out the world, and the fact that the new way may be unfamiliar does not in itself mean that it is wrong." (84)

3 2 2 (4800) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (191) 20131105v 0 -6+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
History of late BASICs under Microsoft hegemony.

3 2 2 (4900) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (95) 20130601b 0 -2+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Compare to Deleuze and Guattari on the concept.

3 2 2 (5000) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (156) 20130627 0 -4+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Listening to language: do not be put off by programming languages.

3 2 2 (5100) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (178) 20130714 0 -5+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Philosophy does not inhere in its artifacts, which are instead traces of philosophy occurring; as thought questioning itself, it is a present concern.

3 2 2 (5200) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (180) 20130702 0 -3+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Same play for approaching ECT philosophically from various disciplinary methods that address particular technologies or practices.

3 2 2 (5300) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (195) 20130702a 0 -1+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Four missions of philosophy for Oruka: truth, aesthetic, communicative, moral.

3 2 2 (5400) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (198) 20130702b 0 -9+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Connect notion of judgment to critical programming to avoid reduction to technical reason, also crucial to Weizenbaum.

3 2 2 (5500) [-5+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (205-206) 20140317 0 -6+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
In case of computing to speak back to places that gave philosophy voice suggests reentering 1980s personal computer culture to better understand current Internet age. (205-206) Philosophy owes a debt to the society in which it finds itself. It is not only materially sustained by the institutions of these societies, it also finds its material for reflection in these communities. . . . There is at least the debt, then, that philosophy must
speak back to the place that gave it voice.

3 2 2 (5600) [-6+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (205-206) 20130702c 0 -6+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Following Derrida, philosophy must speak back to places that gave it voice. "Philosophy owes a debt to the society in which it finds itself. It is not only materially sustained by the institutions of these societies, it also finds its material for reflection in these communities. . . . There is at least the debt, then, that philosophy must
speak back to the place that gave it voice." (205-206)

3 2 2 (5700) [-6+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (218) 20130702e 0 -2+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Think about motivating platial, fluid and persistent questions to which texts respond. "The key is the
think about the motivating questions to which texts respond. The questions are platial, that is, they are contingent but viscous, that is, they are both fluid and persistent." (218)

3 2 2 (5800) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (219) 20130705 0 -8+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Goal of generating questions seems applicable to unthought philosophies of computing.

3 2 2 (5900) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (223-224) 20130705a 0 -15+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
See Deleuze and Guattari What is Philosophy on concept assemblies; Lefebvre production of space simultaneously perceived, conceived, lived.

3 2 2 (6000) [-6+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (229) 20130705b 0 -5+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Philosophy as explication of tension between dwelling and sojourning. "Philosophy is the explication of that tension between
dwelling and sojourning. The contours of that are different for African philosophy than they are for African-American, no less real, but different. My contention is that culture is that kind of tension between dwelling and sojourning, that is, a meaningful set of practices for those who engage in them, but a task nonetheless.
(229) Why is race more of an issue than it is in African philosophy? Because place itself is defined differently, and through place, culture and identity." (229)

3 2 2 (6100) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (231) 20130706 0 -11+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Lens focal point variation versus other layer models.

3 2 2 (6200) [-6+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (235) 20130706a 0 -2+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Embed issues of voice in hermeneutic discussions. "The key is to embed issues of voice in the hermeneutic discussion. Hermeneutics of suspicion and of trust must operate simultaneously, and every speaker, including me, is susceptible to questions about motives, assumptions, and intentions, as well as questions about the strength of arguments." (235)

3 2 2 (6300) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (241) 20130706b 0 -7+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
How may faces of the Other in computing be characterized presupposes place.

3 2 2 (6400) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (243) 20130706c 0 -6+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Focus on listening and speaking; tie to Chun on reading.

3 2 2 (6500) [-4+]mCQK janz-reason_and_rationality_in_ezes_on_reason (298) 20130929 0 -14+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_janz-reason_and_rationality_in_ezes_on_reason.html
Compare judgment of language competence to rationality.

3 2 2 (6600) [-4+]mCQK janz-reason_and_rationality_in_ezes_on_reason (299) 20130929a 0 -2+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_janz-reason_and_rationality_in_ezes_on_reason.html
Example of medieval philosophical debates over rationality of God versus humans.

3 2 2 (6700) [-4+]mCQK janz-reason_and_rationality_in_ezes_on_reason (301) 20131102 0 -9+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_janz-reason_and_rationality_in_ezes_on_reason.html
Problem of rationality less like different bases of logic in different cultural groups than Chomsky distinction between performance and competence in speaking a language.

3 2 2 (6800) [-4+]mCQK janz-reason_and_rationality_in_ezes_on_reason (302) 20130929b 0 -12+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_janz-reason_and_rationality_in_ezes_on_reason.html
Philosophy and other disciplines like languages with many dialects, speaking in ways that betray provenance.

3 2 2 (6900) [-4+]mCQK janz-reason_and_rationality_in_ezes_on_reason (302) 20131102a 0 -1+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_janz-reason_and_rationality_in_ezes_on_reason.html
Rationality also question about thought-life: compare to Suchman plans and situated actions.

3 2 2 (7000) [-4+]mCQK janz-reason_and_rationality_in_ezes_on_reason (303) 20130929c 0 -14+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_janz-reason_and_rationality_in_ezes_on_reason.html
Varieties of rational experience, not layers.

3 2 2 (7100) [-4+]mCQK janz-reason_and_rationality_in_ezes_on_reason (306-307) 20130905 0 -8+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_janz-reason_and_rationality_in_ezes_on_reason.html
Creative potential in discovering emergent practiced expressions of rationality helps assimilate cyborg, extended mind subjectivities to traditional Cartesian mind (Hayles), including practices derived from critical programming.

3 2 2 (7200) [-4+]mCQK johnson-user_centered_technology (129) 20130930o 0 -11+ progress/2009/01/notes_for_johnson-user_centered_technology.html
What about the localized situation where the user is intending to become proficient in the technology as a technologist, engineer, or scientist: we have to avoid writing the designers out of the system; see the comments on learning through doing on 133-134.

3 2 2 (7300) [-6+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (8) 20130503c 0 -5+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty suggest importance of milieu for making types of knowledge possible. "Heidegger, perhaps, gives the first systematic glimpse into place, but it falls to
Merleau-Ponty to make the concept the centerpiece of a philosophical system. One might take his notion of embodied knowledge as requiring a sense of place for fulfillment. The two together, along with any mediating devices (such as technology) that make the connection between body and palce possible, we will call the milieu. When we ask about place, therefore, we ask about the type of knowledge that is made possible in a particular milieu. To a certain extent, the knowledge itself will be a function of the milieu, and both the palce and the body that knows the place will find their identity in the kind of relationships possible in the milieu." (8)

3 2 2 (7400) [-7+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (12) 20130929 0 -5+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Rigorous, open-ended creation of new concepts afforded by platial analysis. (12) Standard philosophical conceptual analysis needs to come with reflectiveness on the place of those concepts. . . . Ultimately,
platial analysis makes possible rigorous, open-ended creation of new concepts, ones which make universals available (that is, allow us to recognize and build on connections across cultural, disciplinary, and other boundaries), and also clarifies and establishes oneƒs own identity.

3 2 2 (7500) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (13) 20130929a 0 -6+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Topeme as smallest intelligible unit of place.

3 2 2 (7600) [-6+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (22) 20131102 0 -3+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
De Certeau space as practiced place, suffused with meaning of practices, trace of divine. "Michel
de Certeau refers to space as practiced place, or place that has had the meaning of practices imposed upon it.
(22) And, place may be understood as the trace of the divine.
(23) Heideggerƒs most important legacy may just be that he pointed us to the significance of questions not just for justifying our knowledge, but for recognizing our human experience as such." (22) Try thinking with respect to spaces and places where one worked and works code, such that even simulacral, virtual realities emanate practices; relate to Ulmer mystory.

3 2 2 (7700) [-6+]mCQK janz-betweenness_of_code (40) 20130929d 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_janz-betweenness_of_code.html
What both de Certeau and Janz seem to miss in asserting continuum between engineering knowledge and digital place "is working code, the intrinsic value of spending time writing software and tinkering with electronic machinery: I believe this is because most theorists forget or have not given much heed to the fact that code is always a combination of machine and human languages, for example C++ and English. (40) Code is the basis of digital place. Digital place is assembled, emergent place. It resists elements of the phenomenological sense of place it is scene to phenomenology s dwelling ." (scene)

3 2 2 (7800) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (4) 20130503b 0 -1+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Asking why using philosophical reason comparable to asking why think by working code; goal should be creative production, not justification.

3 2 2 (7900) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (24) 20130504 0 -8+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Compare appropriateness of place for philosophizing with computers; dismissal of programming languages and any specific run time instances or manifestations as unphilosophically unlike critical textual artifacts to start philosophy of computing from creative well of critical programming studies.

3 2 2 (8000) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (27) 20130504a 0 -2+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Difficulty of obtaining philosophy written in Africa like difficulty of obtaining source code and other documentation of technological undertakings, although Internet and especially floss ethic has reversed this and invites a second look.

3 2 2 (8100) [-6+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (28) 20130504b 0 -6+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Redirection of concepts initially deployed spatially instead of platially, with aim of generating new concepts rather than justifying the field of African philosophy. "
Philosophy in an African Place is structured dialectically, recognizing the paradoxical argument I wish to make. The dialectic is between the concept of place itself and a set of concepts in African philosophy. In this introduction, I have tried to sketch out a schematic of place that I believe is useful in uncovering African philosophy. Then, for the bulk of the chapters, I consider a set of concepts within African philosophy which have been used spatially instead of platially, that is, they have been used to establish and/or defend a territory known as African Philosophy rather than generate new concepts within African philosophy. The intention is not to reject those concepts, but to redirect them. In the final chapter of the book I return to the question of the nature of place, with a new set of concepts provided by African philosophy, and consider what has been made available by the redirection of African philosophy." (28)

3 2 2 (8200) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (30) 20130504c 0 -5+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Traditional and modernist maps.

3 2 2 (8300) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (42) 20130504d 0 -9+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Tradition as related to encoded meanings and values extensible to programming practices and more adequately addresses materiality of code than Floridi and Tanaka-Ishii: that which is unexamined.

3 2 2 (8400) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (46) 20130504e 0 -15+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Western provenance of tradition as counterposed to modernity.

3 2 2 (8500) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (51) 20130504f 0 -3+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Tradition as mode of thought relating to cultural competence; challenge of navigating micro-cultures of modern societies.

3 2 2 (8600) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (54) 20130504g 0 -6+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Gadamer festival theoros engaged spectator, rethinking through representation, reflective appropriation by new generation: consider with respect to SCA, programming cultures, and finally machine cognition.

3 2 2 (8700) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (57) 20130504h 0 -7+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
David Gross reclamation of sense of otherness of tradition via current practices and written records more applicable to history of computing than African philosophy.

3 2 2 (8800) [-4+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (60) 20130504i 0 -5+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Tradition as mode of thought mediates liminal area between rational gaze and its periphery, even in ultrarational activities like programming, engineering, integration.

3 2 2 (8900) [-6+]mCQK janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place (61) 20130601 0 -5+ progress/2013/05/notes_for_janz-philosophy_in_an_african_place.html
Apply tradition as mode of thought mediating liminal area between rational gaze and its necessary peripheries to philosophical studies of computing and programming, in which embodied thinking necessarily interfaces and potentially programs as it addresses situatedness in places. "What happens when the reflective scholarly work on tradition is turned back on the culture and becomes part of its life? What happens when philosophy takes seriously the debts and duties it has to the place(s) from which it comes? Under these conditions, we have the potential for new ideas that spring from tradition.
(61) Liminality is different in different places, and part of the platial task of philosophy is to identify both the lived meaning of the participants, and also to turn back on itself and recognize its own place in that meaning. This is truly thought thinking itself." (61) Janz sense of philosophy respecting tradition requiring taking debts and duties seriously well expressed by protocol distributed control operation, and vice versa, working through Galloway, Tanaka-Ishii, Berry, going beyond emergence from subterranean streams to directedness of technological mastery that is nonetheless peripheral to philosophical gaze.

3 2 2 (9000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150917 20150917 0 -37+ journal_2015.html
I have not yet answered the question what are working code places by giving material examples, or discussed how to read and present them. They are certainly places where unit operations are encoded, where procedural rhetorics are mounted, and procedural enthymemes string together the stages of development from conception to implementation. They are also personal sites of habituation, both dwelling and sojourning, such as the many versions of GNU/Linux operating systems with which I have done all of my personal and most of my professional computing, excepting mobile devices like my iPhone, which invites self reflection " Exemplars may be found among the work of philosophical programmers, such as the projects Bogost, Hayles, Ramsay and others describe, although to present a project without substantial invitation to explore source code situates analysis at the software studies rather than code studies level. It is certainly less meaningful to encounter working code as an observer, fed via textual commentary, than to be in working code as a practice. McGanns comments are informative, and he does provide examples of crucial revisions to his encoding schemas that reflected the iterative development of his and his collaborators thoughts on electronic textuality resulting from their working code. Important to go beyond Cummings augmented rhetoric to full post-postmodern network dividual cyborg style, which brings us to the next section and subheading Programming Philosophers doing code as machine oriented as much as human oriented rhetoric technical critical literary narrative writing, that is, C English versus English C. An example to consider is template, which is awkward to implement and represent in C but basic to C plus plus, both arguably places to engage philosophical debate, but each implying a set of prior stages grounding operation. Of course template itself likely derives from root languages, and like so many other technical terms, is a metaphor with mythical connections at best to cultural heritage, like the names of electronic devices. Reading environments that are also virtual world background PHI of which shimmering signifiers poor description therefore more like traumatic as our experience of the real time machinic super high speed operations imaginable as pinball machines running C. The importance of the short sessions opening to the equivalences of an entire corpus formerly encompassing lifetimes of study in immediate computational philosophical thinking range means boundary of human and machine cognition PHI is reached, again what I call working code places spaces PHI, of which Busa and other architects of Babelization mused then Stroustrup in the RFC milieu collectively in radically distributed versus corporate collective intelligence PHI. It will become a question of what it means to operate over operators as in C++ where the C compiler simply ignores or posts warning that a character value at time t commits all valid computing to time t milieu for sensibility, for otherwise the values are coming from default native data type initialization routines, not the millions of database pieces PHI like a huge virtualization archive file, remembering I suggested some languages are considered files though we still have to deal with their Englishness. That is the Englishness of C and C++ versus the essential concepts of procedural and object oriented programming, or in English the four essential freedoms of software and programming languages by coextensiveness, a concept of diachrony in synchrony well illustrated by such code snippets. These are thoughts that occur while working code. If you are going to be a philosopher of computing then you had better act like it and program in languages like C and C++, though Tanaka-Ishii uses Haskell and Java, or whatever that tutor language beside industry standard, opens place to leave Easter egg for Callen. Let me try again the relationship between Janz and working code. Default evaluations tend toward PHI but we know they revolve around affordance of GPL to freely include itself makes it ideal for long term thinking projects stretching to life of planet as boundary of ridiculous Lyotard enjoys. Pay homage to the schizo or play videogames and write programs you can choose they all still fuse on human scale at planetary temporal order of magnitude readily afforded by sixty four but beyond thirty two and fewer bit computing platforms PHI except for where they burst through cyberspace as emulators, as someone explained it, Fuller I think. Hard concession that danger instantiated in long habituation to multiple versions of a specific application that had its own idiosyncratic combinatoric language PHI also propels us toward foss working code. That is, the C example Berry uses epically fails to work as a discussion point about object oriented programming, whereas in some register of stored program coextensive with procedural programming discussion points, in which case we focus on overall layout of functions, it simply does not compile, or if it does, should present a warning that object initialization will be random with respect to the anticipated full importation of those object revision histories back to the time of their running starting that collective instance more proper to their PHI, like what I call the cybersage workstation. Huh I ask myself looking at this code.

[working code css]
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ sudo make web-localhost
perl -cw gentapoc.cgi
Name "main::future_time" used only once: possible typo at gentapoc.cgi line 210.
bork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ vi -R +210 gentapoc.cgi
# 20130228 use MySQL to perform time computation (descendant of computing Easter day function of computers as part of overall language machine operation feared by Heidegger, and wishing simple inline BASH versus more complex Perl)
my $future_time = "never" if($future_time==0);
$future_time = `mysql -u$db_user -p$db_passwd --batch --skip-column-names -e"select addtime(now(), sec_to_time($default_refresh_rate/1000))"` if($default_refresh_rate != 0);
select addtime(now(), sec_to_time(600000/1000));
2015-09-17 23:06:31
[working code css]

Huh I ask myself looking at this code. Opening in read only mode means I have no intention to mess with future_time working code, for a lot of working code is teleaction as defined by Manovich. I have no idea what this code does, oh now that I read it again, it is for setting the refresh timer that I know in at least one place is in Javascript, the thought passes thru as Javascript and every time the Perl program containing it is executed, which is by HTTP client requests familiar to web browsers that can also occur for the most part in cyberspace worlds coextensive with the planet, for this MySQL SQL script displays a future time based on the present and the default refresh rate basis of the web page in seconds, for example, ten minutes. Yet the function is good over an incredible range that encompasses all future operations and works backwards to encode more past ones throughout human history if a negative value is accepted, that is how this typing is connected to a thought that recurs today on this day of the month every year. Do I really want to repeat this life again and again is how Nietzsche battles the draw of oblivion, as I contemplate a computational architecture that may hook into a much longer than my human life assembly as Hayles calls it like BwO doing her punnish part to produce philosophical concepts along with her Oreo example. A partially obvious point from the program is that as long as future_time and default_refresh_rate are zero, we do not have to worry about the soundness of the SQL. But there is still the presumption of refresh_rate being set when defined locally, perhaps meaning it should be taken from the encapsulating layer, for encapsulation is relative to the assumed procedurality of each member of the intended grouping of code snippets versus some other initialization principle like from a default value like its data type equivalent of zero or nothing. See how code takes care of distinction between zero and nothing, an arbitrary base PHI versus absence of a value altogether, zero information as absolute randomness taken in Shannon language used by Kittler and criticized by Hayles. I had forgotten Hayles coins Work as Assemblage, WaW, as partner of BwO, interpellating as a Deleuze and Guattari critic. Is it worth noting that beyond our study of Deleuze we should include Guattari solo work like Machinic Heterogenesis I have cited briefly, and could in that way bypass One Thousand Plateaus and Anti-Oedipus, good old philosophical finesse that can be used to bypass Heidegger, Nietzsche, Lacan, Freud, and so on so we have time for philosophical programmers like Turing, Burks, Goldstine, von Neumann, Kemeny, Knuth, Stallman, Gates, Stroustrup, and so on, not to mention those hidden in the repressed IBM text. Now I see it, the ambiguity whether the local variable is created based on its nonexistence or initial zero value, because both resolve to the same value, zero 0." (make footnote)

3 2 2 (9100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150918 20150918a 0 -2+ journal_2015.html
Continue with notion that working code places are situated, personal, and therefore their presentation in scholarship seldom reaches the plateaus of examples like the Quicksort algorithm, but on the other hand, perform exactly like the original sense of diachrony within synchrony OƒGorman develops. Specifically, were I to look back into the code I wrote as a child for my automating my middle school student activity registration process, refined removing a my, in which I implemented Quicksort in Apple // Basic copied from a magazine, clueless as it is actual algorithmic efficacy and only interesting in a faster sort than the bubble sort I could derive on my own, those diachronic associations OƒGorman may begin to emanate from it, answering how one philosophizes with computing PHI.

3 2 2 (9200) [-6+]mCQK ulmer-florida_out_of_sorts (30) 20131109c 0 -8+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_ulmer-florida_out_of_sorts.html
Mystory popcycle genre for holistic simultaneous writing with all individual interpellated discourses. "The mystory is a genre created to write holistically or simultaneously with all the discourses into which an individual has been interpellated, the core discourses being those of family, entertainment, school (community history), and career (disciplinary field).
(30-31) Mystory assumes that alienation as an experience of dissociation and reification may be overcome in electracy by a practice adopted to the digital capacities of multimedia. This practice is fundamentally aesthetic. Following Lacanƒs reading of Joyce, mystory brings the discourses into correspondence (uniting them into a popcycle ) by means of signifiance ( signifierness )--the repetition of a signifier through the details of each discourse, the circulating prop that organizes any well-made narrative, like the letter that passes from character to character in Poeƒs Purloined Letter. . . . The prop that circulated through Barbara Jo Revelleƒs popcylce was a mattress." (30) Lends itself to interactive networked multimedia.

---3.2.3+++ programming philosophers

3 2 3 (100) [-4+]mCQK manovich-software_takes_command (31) 20130820c 0 -3+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_manovich-software_takes_command.html
Focus on mainstream applications and create and access cultural content over promoting programming, which is an exceptional category.

3 2 3 (200) [-6+]mCQK manovich-software_takes_command (21) 20130820b 0 -1+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_manovich-software_takes_command.html
Grey software is that which is not directly used by most people, such as logistics and industrial automation software, although it regulates society. "However, since I do not have personal experience writing logistics software, industrial automation software, and other
grey software, I will not be writing about such topics." (21)

3 2 3 (300) [-6+]mCQK bogost-alien_phenomenology (92) 20130910j 0 -1+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_bogost-alien_phenomenology.html
Carpentry is metaphysician activity of practicing ontology, going beyond writing, invoking Ihde. "I give the name
carpentry to this practice of constructing artifacts as a philosophical practice." (92) Compare to OGorman.

3 2 3 (400) [-7+]mCQK bogost-alien_phenomenology (93) 20130125 0 -2+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_bogost-alien_phenomenology.html
Point that most philosophical positions not expressed in form as books a good incentive to philosophize by creating software systems, given the material limits of written forms oriented towards human (system or unit) rhetorical operations. (93) While a few exceptions exist (Jacques Derridaƒs
Glas, perhaps, or the Nietzschean aphorism, or the propositional structure of Baruch Spinozaƒs Ethics or Ludwig Wittgensteinƒs Tractatus), philosophical works generally do not perpetrate their philosophical positions through their form as books. The carpenter, by contrast, must contend with the material resistance of his or her chose form, making the object itself become the philosophy.

3 2 3 (500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150810 20150810a 1 -1+ journal_2015.html
To be programming philosophers versus philosophical programmers entails substantial portion of philosophical thought production to be deliberately done in software code, working code, such as I have written running on multiple machines making real virtuality including Grateful Dead PHI via fossification PHI.

3 2 3 (600) [-6+]mCQK hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer (191-192) 20130930s 0 -8+ progress/2011/12/notes_for_hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer.html
Importance of coding technology for humanism as role of unconscious in thought better appreciated, bolstering likelihood of emergent AI. "Nevertheless, with the advent of emotional computing, evolutionary algorithms, and programs capable not only of learning but of reprogramming themselves (as in programmable gate arrays), it no longer seems fantastic that artificial minds may some day achieve self-awareness and even consciousness. . . . The central question, in other words, is no longer how we as rational creatures should act in full possession of free will and untrammeled agency. Rather, the issue is how consciousness evolves from and interacts with the underlying programs that operate analogously to the operations of code. Whether conceived as literal mechanism or instructive analogy,
coding technology thus becomes central to understanding the human condition.
(192) In this view, agency long identified with free will and rational mind becomes partial in its efficacy, distributed in its location, mechanistic in its origin, and bound up at least as much with code as with natural langauge." (191-192)

3 2 3 (800) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_think (78) 20121129j 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_hayles-how_we_think.html
Machine reading examples are mostly visual. "As Manovich says about cultural analytics and Moretti proclaims about distant reading, machine analysis opens the door to new kinds of discoveries that were not possible before and that can surprise and intrigue scholars accustomed to the delights of close reading." (78) Add ensoniment and perhaps eventually machine listening.

3 2 3 (900) [-6+]mCQK derrida-dissemination (129) 20130916f 0 -8+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_derrida-dissemination.html
Compare search for missing word to Hayles machine-enhanced reading of Only Revolutions. "Curiously, however, there is another of these words that, to our knowledge, is never used by Plato. If we line it up with the series
pharmakeia-pharmakon-pharmakeus, we will no longer be able to content ourselves with reconstituting a chain that, for all its hiddenness, for all it might escape Platoƒs notice, is nevertheless something that passes through certain discoverable points of presence that can be seen in the text. The word to which we are now going to refer, which is present in the language and which points to an experience that was present in Greek culture even in Platoƒs day, seems strikingly absent from the Platonic text.
(130) In a word, we do not believe that there exists, in all rigor, a Platonic text, closed upon itself, complete with its inside and its outside. Not that one must then consider that it is leaking on all sides and can be drowned confusedly in the undifferentiated generality of its element. Rather, provided the articulations are rigorously and prudently recognized, one should simply be able to untangle the hidden forces of attraction linking a present word with an absent word in the text of Plato. Some such force, given the
system of the language, cannot not have acted upon the writing and the reading of this text.
(130) The word in question is
pharmakos (wizard, magician, poisoner), a synonym of pharmakeus (which Plato uses), but with the unique feature of having been overdetermined, overlaid by Greek culture with another function." (129) Analyze the structural gap.

3 2 3 (1000) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_think (242) 20121221f 0 -4+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_hayles-how_we_think.html
Reverse engineering the print text by transcoding as digital media like digital humanists do to natively print literary works; surprising that the entire text was hand coded, in part because it may violate fair use of copyright.

3 2 3 (1100) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_think (245-246) 20121221g 0 -9+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_hayles-how_we_think.html
Inspiration from French translation spoiler poster hint at list of excluded words led to statistical analysis of English text against Brown corpus.

3 2 3 (1200) [-6+]mCQK deleuze_guattari-what_is_philosophy (41-42) 20130915f 0 -13+ progress/2013/06/notes_for_deleuze_guattari-what_is_philosophy.html
Returning with bloodshot eyes suggests Bogost carpentry as groping experimentation like dreams inspiring Descartes, back to Alcibiades drunken speech in Symposium, draft Socrates explored according to Heidegger. "Precisely because the plane of immanence is prephilosophical and does not immediately take effect with concepts, it implies a sort of groping experimentation and its layout resorts to measures that are not very respectable, rational, or reasonable. These measures belong to the order of dreams, of pathological processes, esoteric experiences, drunkenness, and excess.
We head for the horizon, on the plane of immanence, and we return with bloodshot eyes, yet they are the eyes of the mind. . . . This is because one does not think without becoming something else, something that does not think an animal, a molecule, a particle and that comes back to thought and revives it.
(42) The problem of philosophy is to acquire a consistency without losing the infinite into which thought plunges (in this respect chaos has as much a mental as physical existence).
To give consistency without losing anything of the infinite is very different from the problem of science. . . . By making a section of chaos, the plane of immanence requires a creation of concepts." (41-42) Thinking things descending to becoming animal, particle true of artificial intelligence, too.

3 2 3 (1300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20151008 20151008 0 -2+ journal_2015.html
Ramsay only gets partial credit for promoting hacker scholar as programming philosopher but leaving code work subservient to intuitive humanities thinking ultimately done by humans. Given Applen and McDaniel a pass on choosing XML because they admit late in the book that study of low-level programming of XML parsers is also required, which are typically written in C++.

3 2 3 (1400) [-4+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (xi) 20131007b 0 -1+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Programming redefined in service of critical reading strategy away from generic control.

3 2 3 (1500) [-4+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (16) 20131007k 0 -10+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Algorithmic criticism already built into reading practices.

3 2 3 (1600) [-4+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (17) 20131007l 0 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Seeking patterns, but no mention of Hayles.

3 2 3 (1700) [-4+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (x) 20131007a 7 -2+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Primacy of pattern hailed as basic hermeneutic function yet Hayles is not in the TOC.

3 2 3 (1800) [-4+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (1) 20131007c 0 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Nod to Busa as founder of digital humanities with project begun in late 1940s to automatically generate Aquinas concordance using a computer, yet not algorithmic criticism.

3 2 3 (1900) [-4+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (3) 20131007d 0 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Busa admits his motivation was to reconstruct verbal system of Aquinas, a rather conservative hermeneutic approach.

3 2 3 (2000) [-4+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (9) 20131007h 0 -2+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Computer as component of symbiosis to provide computational results to for humans to engage in inferences (Licklider, Kemeny).

3 2 3 (2100) [-4+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (10) 20131007i 0 -13+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Category error mistaking questions about properties of objects with phenomenal experience of observers.

3 2 3 (2200) [-6+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (13) 20131007j 0 -5+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Methodological questions of algorithmic textual analysis may be as provocative as hermeneutical ones. "These are provocative results, but the provocation is as much about our sense of what we are doing (the hermeneutical question) as it is about how we are doing it (the methodological question).
(15) We would do better to recognize that a scientific literary criticism would case to be criticism.
(15) No serious scientist could ever deny that interpretation, disagreement, and debate is at the core of the scientific method. But science differs significantly from the humanities in that it seeks singular answers to the problems under discussion.
(15-16) The understanding promised by the critical act arises not from a presentation of facts, but from the elaboration of a gestalt, and it rightfully includes the vague reference, the conjectured similitude, the ironic twist, and the dramatic turn." (13)

3 2 3 (2300) [-4+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (17) 20131007m 0 -1+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Interested in evaluating robustness of discussion inspired by particular procedures of textual analysis over fitness of the procedures; in Janz terms, asking what does it mean to do philosophy in this place versus what are the philosophical conclusions.

3 2 3 (2400) [-7+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (63) 20131007y 0 -12+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Machinic inflection of programming at the base of algorithmic criticism, hermeneutics of how to; different from mathematical text because it describes the step by step movement of the process. (63) Algorithmic criticism is easily conceived as the form of engagement that results when imperative routines are inserted into the wider constellation of texts stipulated by critical reading. But it is also to be understood as the creation of interactive programs in which readers are forced to contend not only with deformed texts, but with the how of those deformations. Algorithmic criticism therefore begins with the
machinic inflection of programming a form of textual creation that, despite the apparent determinism of the underlying machine, proceeds always in organic and unexpected ways. . . . It is by nature a meticulous process, since to program is to move within a highly constrained language that is wholly intolerant toward deviation from its own internal rules. But the goal of such constraint is always unexpected forms of knowing within the larger framework of more collective understandings. . . . The hermeneutics of what is becomes mingled with the hermeneutics of how to.

3 2 3 (2500) [-6+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (66) 20131008 0 -6+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Hermeneutic understanding required to develop programs for textual deformation. "In order to write the program, the critic must consider the how to of a deformative operation, but once that text is written, the output will be one that places the same critic into a critical relationship not only with the text of the result but with the text of the program as well. . . . But in another sense it is a recursive process. In order to understand the text we must create another text that requires an understanding of the first text." (66) Toys with difference between a run once arrival at a deformation to interpret versus constantly operating under the condition of reciprocal transformation between programs and texts.

3 2 3 (2600) [-6+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (74) 20131008c 0 -9+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Beating on TAPoR as text analysis toolset. "Again and again, the language of
TAPoR [Text Analysis Portal for Research] points not to methods or procedures, but to tools --things to be wielded against any text on the Web (the default examples optimistically include both a corpus of French medieval poetry and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights). Yet despite these metaphors, all of which mingle marketing with mechanization in a way that suggests anything other than the sober, meandering parole of humanistic discourse, TAPoR confidently asserts a rhetoric of self-interrogation. . . . However foreign its interface might be, text analysis is insistently put forth by TAPoR as an interactive practice of discovery with its own serendipitous paths comparable to, but not identical to, the serendipitous discovery that happens in rereading a text. (Rockwell, What Is Text Analysis )
(74) Few tools better illustrate these serendipitous paths than Stefan
Sinclairƒs HyperPo, one of the tools for which TAPoR acts as a portal.
Goblin Market becomes what Jacques Derrida, in Ulysses Gramophone, called an overpotentialized text.
(77) Text analysis of the sort put forth by
WordHoard, TAPoR, and HyperPo suggests other antonyms to close reading, including what Franco Moretti has called distant reading." (74)

3 2 3 (2700) [-6+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (78) 20131008d 0 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Reference to Derrida overpotentialized text. "What is different about digital archives is the way in which text analysis procedures (including that most primitive of procedures: the keyword search) has the potential to draw unexpected paths through a documentary space that is distinguished by its overall incomprehensibility. Even Vannevar
Bush, amid a conception of hypertext still more sophisticated than that offered by the World Wide Web, imagines the negotiation of the document space as it has been for centuries.
(80) The result of a system like
MONK [Metadata Offer New Knowledge] is the same as that for virtually any text-analytical procedure: a textual artifact that, even if recapitulated in the form of an elaborate interactive visualization, remains essentially a list." (78) Hayles is more measured in her critique of algorithmic deformation.

3 2 3 (2800) [-6+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (80) 20131008e 0 -11+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Computational practices may not become critically tractable until they are also commonplace, when hacker/scholar are not mutually exclusive. "It may be that the tools of algorithmic criticism are like Wittgensteinƒs ladder. When we have used them to climb up beyond, we recognize them as nonsensical and case the ladder aside (
Tractatus 74).
(81) If algorithmic criticism does not exist, or exists only in nascent form, it is not because our critical practices are computationally intractable, but because our computational practices have not yet been made critically tractable. . . . Once those changes are acknowledged, the bare facts of the tools themselves will seem, like the technical details of automobiles or telephones, not to be the main thing at all. . . . For by then we will have understood computer-based criticism to be what it has always been: human-based criticism with computers." (80)

3 2 3 (2900) [-4+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (57) 20131007x 0 -4+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Place re-performances already exercised in print texts into computational environment; replace fear of breaking faith with text with faith in liberating capacity of subjective engagement.

3 2 3 (3000) [-4+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (84) 20130306 0 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Wondering at the radical shift in building versus just theorizing programmed objects without citing any working code indicates continued hegemony of literary criticism; critical programming considers working code.

3 2 3 (3100) [-4+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (85) 20131008f 0 -1+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Algorithmic criticism provides domain for hacker scholar besides toiling with TEI.

3 2 3 (3200) [-7+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (x) 20131007 0 -4+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Promise to highlight programming that is really only advertised as a potential; will subjectivity itself be questioned? (x) The
algorithmic criticism proposed here seeks, in the narrowing forces of constraint embodied and instantiated in the strictures of programming, an analogue to the liberating potentialities of art. It proposes that we create tools practical, instrumental, verifiable mechanisms that enable critical engagement, interpretation, conversation, and contemplation. It proposes that we channel the heightened objectivity made possible by the machine into the cultivation of those heightened subjectivities necessary for critical work.
(x-xi) Envisioning an alternative to the strictures of the scientific metaphor entails reaching for other, more obviously humanistic models.

3 2 3 (3300) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (222) 20131008k 0 -6+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Is this not license for me to give examples from my working code, following McGann use of his own scholarly software projects as nearly announcing critical programming?

3 2 3 (3400) [-4+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (3) 20131007e 3 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Criticism evolving from reflecting about evolution of XML schema for creating an electronic archive or electronic scholarly edition not in scope of algorithmic criticism, although estrangement, defamiliarization, and deformations produced by software are.

3 2 3 (3600) [-6+]mCQK bogost-alien_phenomenology (95) 20130910k 0 -2+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_bogost-alien_phenomenology.html
Latour Litanizer example of critical programming in that it instantiates ideas about metaphorism. "The
Latour Litanizer executes queries against this API and assembles the results into a list with linked object names, one not dissimilar to the sort found in Latourƒs writings.
(96) Yet the principal virtue of the
Latour Litanizer is also impossible to reproduce in print: the rapidness and diversity of its results." (95) Compare journal software system that ultimately generates the tapoc dissertation.

3 2 3 (3700) [-4+]mCQK bogost-alien_phenomenology (99) 20130910l 0 -6+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_bogost-alien_phenomenology.html
Philosophical questions raised by Latour Litanizer choices made in writing code such as a query that filters out (sexy OR woman OR girl): what better place/space to conduct such investigations than in source code comments and differences between revisions?

3 2 3 (3800) [-4+]mCQK bogost-alien_phenomenology (127-128) 20120416 0 -8+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_bogost-alien_phenomenology.html
See also his article on learning to program using simple, obsolete systems: connect wonder and awe to using original print manuals for such exercises rather than deploying state of the art platforms.

3 2 3 (4000) [-4+]mCQK cummings-coding_with_power (434) 20130913b 0 -9+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_cummings-coding_with_power.html
Figures of rhetorical triangle and coding triangle: Writer-Text-Reader and Coder-Program-Machine.

3 2 3 (4100) [-4+]mCQK cummings-coding_with_power (437) 20130913c 0 -7+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_cummings-coding_with_power.html
Ong audience construction applied to code readers.

3 2 3 (4200) [-4+]mCQK cummings-coding_with_power (439-440) 20130913d 0 -7+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_cummings-coding_with_power.html
Using Kittler and Lacan connect programming to framework of composition.

3 2 3 (4300) [-4+]mCQK cummings-coding_with_power (440-441) 20130122 0 -7+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_cummings-coding_with_power.html
Teaching a passion for revision not one of the generic side-effects noted in early studies of programming instructions.

3 2 3 (4400) [-6+]mCQK cummings-coding_with_power (441) 20130913e 0 -5+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_cummings-coding_with_power.html
Argues XML easier to work with than BASIC, although there are losses for choosing this language. "Learning a second programming language seems akin to learning French in order to make a short point or two about English grammar. . . . If composition teachers were to select a programming language for inclusion into the pedagogy of teaching writing, it would need to be a stable and robust language that is freely accessible to all and that also minimizes risk of obsolescence while maximizing the applicability of the programming knowledge in other classes." (441) Language choice also needs to be useful and unlikely to become obsolete.

3 2 3 (4500) [-4+]mCQK cummings-coding_with_power (442) 20130913f 0 -1+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_cummings-coding_with_power.html
Guidelines are starting small, disavowing coding expertise, being clear about grade impact, using personally familiar language, minimizing transition time, and considering markup languages; compare to Applen and McDaniel.

3 2 3 (4600) [-6+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (8) 20121015 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
XML for symbolic-analysts doing critical reverse engineering. "Echoing Robert
Reich, Johnson-Eilola asks that technical writers work to promote themselves as symbolic-analysts where their skills include the manipulation of information, which requires a greater understanding of it in the abstract." (8)

3 2 3 (4700) [-4+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (22) 20130910a 0 0+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Learning progresses from tacit ignorance, explicit ignorance, explicit knowledge, reaching tacit knowledge; technical communicator must harvest information from SMEs to explain for beginners.

3 2 3 (4800) [-4+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (97) 20130910e 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Importance of rhetorical choices about naming and arranging.

3 2 3 (4900) [-4+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (161) 20130108 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Gradual editing evolving data display by modifying style sheets after initial classification and organization by definition of XML tags; relate to McGann making intellectual discoveries through iterations of structure of archive.

3 2 3 (5000) [-4+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (176) 20130910i 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Interesting contrast to Derridean play of ambiguities and collision problems that are avoided using namespaces, questions of dissemination for traveling XML documents, and involvement of working groups evolving specific RFC standards for imposing structural constrains on the language.

3 2 3 (5100) [-4+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (182) 20130910j 0 -2+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Complex and simple typing and enforcing sequencing imposes structural constraints on XML-based texts (DOMs), supporting or engendering OCHO hypothesis; also apparent that basic XML syntax is based on English, for example minOccurs.

3 2 3 (5200) [-4+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (189) 20130910k 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Schema transformation via XSL represents another inroad for machine cognition into textual tasks performed by humans.

3 2 3 (5300) [-6+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (211) 20130120 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Machine transformations by XSLT connection familiar human textual practices with automation and computer programming, representing a point at which software takes command of language in a very literal sense by replacing pattern matching and transformation operations done by humans in the textual production process, a parallel to the original takeover of basic arithmetic operations by the first nonhuman computers. "By using such tools as namespaces, schema, XLink, XPath, and XPointer, we are giving computers the same tools for recognition, seeking, searching, and verification that we ourselves use to evaluate the credibility and accessibility of our information sources." (211)

3 2 3 (5400) [-4+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (211) 20130910m 0 -2+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Strategy and justification of programming customer parsers as tutor texts.

3 2 3 (5500) [-4+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (216) 20130115 0 -2+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Cookbook approach embracing dual scope of producer and consumer involves substantial working code; different type of digital literacy beyond reading code is writing code for machines, for example XML parsers.

3 2 3 (5600) [-6+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (218-219) 20130910n 0 -6+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Comparing parser to ancient Greek rhetor, which means that sensitivity must be built into the design. "By specifying how, when, and under what circumstances data can be extracted from elements and attributes, the parser is analogous to the ancient Greek rhetor. . . . Parsers specify the expressive and rhetorical potential of XML documents. More robust and flexible parsers have more rhetorical potential." (218-219)

3 2 3 (5700) [-4+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (219-220) 20130124 0 -4+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Traditional contractive versus process intensive communication on both sender and receiver roles; meaningful examples of Derrida comparison of good and bad writing as theme of Phaedrus.

3 2 3 (5800) [-4+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (228) 20130910o 0 -2+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Strategy for incorporating substantial amount of working code in a humanities oriented text is judicious choice of PHP and extensible sample code.

3 2 3 (5900) [-4+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (241-242) 20130910p 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Ad hoc rhetorical approach for first project using a questionaire form and personas to answer them for imaginary information context.

3 2 3 (6000) [-4+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (261) 20130910q 0 -2+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Rhetorical analysis in second project using Carliner physical, cognitive, affective information design framework.

3 2 3 (6100) [-4+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (281) 20130910r 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Single sourcing may disrupt traditional craftsman process of earlier media practices as noted in third project whose bottom-up rhetorical approach seems like system-centric rather than task-oriented design.

3 2 3 (6200) [-7+]mCQK applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml (294) 20130910s 0 -2+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_applen_mcdaniel-rhetorical_nature_of_xml.html
Theorist-practitioner model combines technical and humanities competencies, with emphasis on leveraging custom code to explore and meet overall requirements derived from rhetorical analysis. (294) On the practitioner side, we need to recognize that by relying on pre-existing parsers, our creative potential and expressive capacities are limited by the designs of other companies or other individuals.
Only by immersing ourselves in the low-level programming of XML parsers can we truly design an interactive system for dealing with XML code in exactly the way we want.

3 2 3 (6300) [-4+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (86) 20130912e 0 -2+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Robinson: inspires comparing repeatability of analysis to software quality assurance methodologies exemplified by development of Anastasia software tool for Javascript rendition of XML encoded files.

3 2 3 (6400) [-4+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (89) 20130912f 0 -5+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Robinson: inspires comparing open transcription policy to four freedoms enshrined in GPL.

3 2 3 (6500) [-4+]mCQK cummings-coding_with_power (431) 20130913 0 -6+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_cummings-coding_with_power.html
Seems to miss important points of copyleft expressed in GPL, four discrete freedoms enumerated by Stallman.

3 2 3 (6600) [-4+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (107) 20130912g 0 -6+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Fraistat and Jones: give sizable examples of working code to illustrate the devils bargain with HTML as well as creative layout of text and critical apparatus.

3 2 3 (6700) [-6+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (134-135) 20130912j 0 -3+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Gants. "Each of the above examples presents a textual unit organized in a fairly hierarchical fashion, an arrangement ideal for the structural nesting principle at the hear of XMLƒs design. But in practice literary works rarely conform to vertical hierarchies for very long, instead evolving sophisticated linguistic patterns that overlap and overlay in complex ways. The TEI guidelines offer a number of solutions to the
problem of multiple hierarchies for example, using a lattice of pointers and targets or linking elements with location ladders although none are completely satisfactory." (134-135) Detailed examples of tag usable and working code examples for encoding drama, fleshing out problem of multiple hierarchies as the major challenge to text encoding.

3 2 3 (6800) [-4+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (158) 20130912n 0 -3+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Van Hulle: discusses versions and variants comparable to source control systems and versioning in word processors to deal with self-generative, algorithmic character of traditional text (McGann).

3 2 3 (6900) [-4+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (168) 20130912o 0 -10+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Vanhoutte: addresses new aspects of documenting how the edition was created, such as linkeme methodology, and new ways of reading provided by automagic of sed and awk, tracing cultural boundaries between digital humanities scholarship and IT, which are foregrounded by emphasizing noncritical operations.

3 2 3 (7000) [-6+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (168-169) 20131027c 4 -2+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Vanhoutte. " As an alternative I suggest that further research on a methodology and practice of noncritical editing or transcription of modern manuscript material may result in markup strategies that can be applied to the constitution, reading, and analysis of a so-called
dossier genetique. My approach to the manuscript as a filtered materialization of an internal creative process, one that is comparable with the process of internal monologue or dialogue and that thus can be considered a form of speech, might be helpful in this respect." (168-169) Dossier genetique resorts to internal creative process as internal monologue of the editor, and thus a form of speech, points to attempt to reconstruct final software product from long history of revisions and contested negotiations.

3 2 3 (7100) [-4+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (172) 20130912r 0 -6+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Vanhoutte: explores need for better ways to handle temporal elements via spatialization in digital data (Castells), and the choice to use only digital facsimiles acknowledges the limits of TEI, and is punting; multiple versions model of text lends itself to encoding via revision control system as well as TEI.

3 2 3 (7200) [-4+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (176-177) 20130912t 0 -5+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Vanhoutte: even considering RCS commits as speech acts, still problem of non-nesting information of BNF-style grammars to keep theorists busy; encoding becomes a form of noncritical close reading, for example Greg Crane describing how the PDLS lookup files mitigate.

3 2 3 (7300) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (16) 20131005i 0 -2+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Tension between real demo and imaginary objective similar for symposia.

3 2 3 (7400) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (69) 20131005p 0 -6+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Appreciate his detailed account of theory-informed and exploratory technological development as a prototype for critical programmer. "How to incorporate digitized images into the computational field is not simply a problem that hyperediting must
solve; it is a problem created by the very arrival of the possibilities of hyperediting. . . . Those of us who were involved with The Rossetti Archive from the beginning spent virtually the entire first year working at this problem. In the end we arrived a a double approach: first, to design a structure of SGML markup tags for the physical features of all the types of documents contained in The Rossetti Archive (textual as well as pictorial); and second, to develop an image tool that permits one to attach anchors to specific features of digitized images." (69)

3 2 3 (7500) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (74) 20131005q 0 -4+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
He seems to be taking the designer, system-centric perspective: could the flip side of the quest for designing ever more decentered tools be to foster user involvement in creating the interfaces?

3 2 3 (7600) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (80) 20131005s 0 -3+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Instantiated arguments are like creating software projects to do humanities research. "Most important, their arguments are not made abstractly, nor even through a set of illustrative examples. They are instantiated arguments what William Carlos Williams called The Embodiment of Knowledge --and they call attention to the theoretical opportunities involved in making an edition. The totalized factive commitments and obligations of an editorial project open into a theoretical privilege unavailable to the speculative or interpretive essay or monograph." (80)

3 2 3 (7700) [-7+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (83) 20131005v 0 -6+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Like bricoleur programming versus hard mastery in Turkle, different from unknown knows of psychoanalysis, he differentiates poiesis-as-theory as instrument or machine making engineering project from traditional theory. (83) In terms of that ancient distinction,
The Rossetti Archive is a poiesis, although modern disciplinary conventions would see it as a kind of engineering project instrument or machine-making. Pattersonƒs discussion of the Kane-Donaldson edition of Piers Plowman implicitly affirms the same kind of distinction, where theory operates through concrete acts of imagining.
(83) The close relation it bears to artistic work is important because
poiesis-as-theory makes possible the imagination of what you donƒt know. Theory in the other sense for instance, Heideggerian dialectic is a procedure for revealing what you do know but are unaware of.
(83-84) The commitment of
The Rossetti Archive to elucidating digital images kept generating one of its most important series of logical impasses and failures (for more on this, see the appendix). The problem images recalcitrance to analytic treatment meant that we were continually kvetching over the matter, which in turn meant that I would often find myself engaging the problem in undisciplined ways and circumstances.

3 2 3 (7800) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (88) 20131005y 0 -2+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
This appendix in the chapter he claims is the center of the book in terms of the chronological development of his thoughts about radiant textuality is also where I make the most connections to my own research, not only the image/text and surface/depth distinction, but also the use of revision history and source code comments to trace the evolution of theoretical thought embodied in poiesis. "One kind of project is presentational, designed for the mindƒs eye (or the eyesƒ mind); the other is analytic, a logical structure that can free the conceptual imagination of its inevitable codex-based limits. The former tend to be image-oriented, the latter to be text-based." (88)

3 2 3 (7900) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (91) 20120910 0 -10+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Interative bootstrapping development familiar to any bricoleur. "Our plan was to
use the construction process as a mechanism for imagining what we didnƒt know about the project. In one respect we were engaged in a classic form of model-building, whereby a theoretical structure is designed, built, and tested, then scaled up in size and tested at each succeeding junction. The testing exposes the design flaws that lead to modifications of the original design. That process of development can be illustrated by looking at one of our SGML markup protocols the DTD for marking up every Rossetti archive document (or RAD). . . . My interest here is not in the SGML design as such but in the record of modifications to the design. That record appears as the list of dated entries at the top of the document.
(91) A great many modifications to the initial design were made during that year, but we did not at first think to keep a systematic record of the changes." (91) Theorizing via revision history and comments, as I am doing in software source code, is the big insight he and I both want to leverage as an advance in humanities scholarship emerging from engaging in computer technologies as producers.

3 2 3 (8000) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (91) 20131005z 0 -3+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Seems to be attributing a cognitive role to the evolving archive as an IT integration, following Hayles human-computer cyborg articulated in Electronic Literature. "Second, the record does not indicate certain decisive moments when
the archive was discovering features of itself it was unaware of. In these cases no actual changes were made to the DTDs.
(92) Rossetti is one of the first modern artists to take a serious interest in photographs." (91) What came to make sense as iterative changes to the protocols that made the system work better in retrospect reflect the discovery of unknowns as if the result of Socratic self-questioning.

3 2 3 (8100) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (92) 20131006 0 -11+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Leveraging out of copyright photographs Rossetti took of his own paintings solves economic problem and invites new theoretical speculation.

3 2 3 (8200) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (93) 20131006a 0 -6+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Future work and intellectual problems revealed by comments made of their iterative development of DTD tags constituting history of RAD revision. "But let us return to the history of RAD revision. Look at the notation for 14 June 1995:
<!-- revised: 14 Jun 95 to add group to rad for serials -->
A large-scale change in our conception of the archiveƒs documentary structure is concealed in this small entry.
(94) That practical insight, however, was not nearly so interesting as the insights we gained into general problems of concurrency and into the limitations of SGML software.
(95) As others looked for features that would answer their interests, Inote emerged as a device for editing images with multiple-style overlays that, if clicked, would generate a text file carrying various annotations to the image. These annotations would be saved as part of the total archive structure and hence could be imbedded with hypertext links to other images or archival documents." (93) Collating units of prose texts, general problems of concurrency, limitations of SGML software, and text itself.

3 2 3 (8300) [-6+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (96) 20131105b 0 -7+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Inote theoretical practice revealed ideas about computerizing text in relation to image database. "We assume that a text is a rhetorical sequence organized by units of page, with each page centrally structured in terms of a sequence of lines commonly running from top to bottom, left to right, and within some set of margins (which may be reduced to nil [practically] on any side).
(97) The practice of the theory of Inote revealed some interesting ideas about computerizing textual materials in relation to a database of images. . . . Only if the basic unit is the page (or the page opening) can the lineation in the digital image be logically mapped to the SGML markup structure. Of course if SGML software were able to handle concurrent structures, this consequence would not necessarily follow." (96)

3 2 3 (8400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20150928 20150928 48 -1+ journal_2015.html
Important to broach XML versus C++ when reviewing McDaniel in methodology section, collecting other comments about XML, tying to selection of Haskell and Java by Tanaka-Ishii versus C/C++ by Java offering interfaces, and hinting at late binding questions.

---3.2.4+++ critical programming

3 2 4 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20131213 20131213a 10 -3+ journal_2013.html
Black tells story of machinery enslaved for exceedingly evil continuum through banal evil argued by Arendt, for all involve human needs actions history. I feel Kemeny better addresses learning side before ultimate ends of working code crystallize, such as career in corporate software development, whose evil may be in directing drone attacks, laying ground for unknown free wheeling hacking from which we may hear and perceive and detect the Big Other responding. Mistake is to take human machine border as atomizing, decontextualizing inhuman boundary rather than as a close fitting form such that the human and machine respect each others idiosyncratic cultural habits, comparable to Hayles use of Bourdieu nonsymbolic knowledge repositories, a second self to Turkle.

3 2 4 (200) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (ix) 20130910a 0 -6+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Crucial to note that Bogost focuses on human oriented rhetorical domains, whereas the path I steer is right into the inner workings of machines with the rhetorical outcome of instilling programming as problem solving and even a way of conducting humanities research.

3 2 4 (300) [-4+]mCQK bogost-persuasive_games (247) 20130911f 0 -8+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_bogost-persuasive_games.html
Worth revisiting studies on learning programming with wider scope in which play itself, and by extension ancillary behaviors to programming, have procedural learning functions.

3 2 4 (400) [-6+]mCQK bogost-alien_phenomenology (5) 20131026b 0 -3+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_bogost-alien_phenomenology.html
Harman uses Heidegger tool analysis to construct object-oriented philosophy, putting things at center of their metaphysics while deprivileging human perception. "With Heideggerƒs tool analysis as his raw material,
Harman constructs what he calls an object-oriented philosophy.
(9) If we take seriously the idea that all objects recede interminably into themselves, then human perception becomes just one among many ways that objects might relate. To put things at the center of a new metaphysics also requires us to admit that they do not exist just for us." (5)

3 2 4 (500) [-6+]mCQK bogost-alien_phenomenology (34) 20130910e 0 -4+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_bogost-alien_phenomenology.html
Alien phenomenology the practice of speculative realism examining black noise surrounding objects. "Speculative realism really does
require speculation: benighted meandering in an exotic world of utterly incomprehensible objects. As philosophers, our job is to amplify the black noise of objects to make the resonant frequencies of the stuffs inside them hum in credibly satisfying ways. Our job is to write the speculative fictions of their processes, of their unit operations.
(34) I call this practice
alien phenomenology." (34)

3 2 4 (600) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130508 TAPOC_20130508 0 -2+ journal_2013.html
A bold argument is to challenge popular Bogost tiny ontology territorialization of OOP and OOO as symptomatic of reductionist, traditional metaphysics, and suggest network layer ontology presented by Galloway, Montfort and Bogost, Berry as a superior explanatory, investigatory, and creative model following distinction by Janz between digitized space and digital place. Such are like philosophical systems, whether offered by network layer ontology or default philosophies of computing governing multiple temporal orders of magnitudes reaching into machine, too rapid for human cognition.

3 2 4 (700) [-6+]mCQK turkle-life_on_the_screen (36) 20120111 0 -3+ progress/2011/05/notes_for_turkle-life_on_the_screen.html
Turkle refers to it as a tale of two aesthetics but they are basic and significantly different epistemological positions. "If my transparent Apple II modeled a modernist technological aesthetic, the Macintosh was consistent with a postmodern one.
(37) With the introduction of Microsoft Windows in 1985, the modern and postmodern aesthetics of computing became curiously entwined.
(41) there is still a tendency to assume that the choice of operating systems is a purely technical decisions." (36)

3 2 4 (800) [-7+]mCQK haraway-simians_cyborgs_women (209) 20130923r 0 -5+ progress/2009/04/notes_for_haraway-simians_cyborgs_women.html
Studying simulacra technosciences like electronics, computer programming, and communications could be a good introductory exercise. (209) Perhaps our hopes for accountability in the techno-biopolitics in postmodern frames turn on revisioning the world as
coding trickster with whom we must learn to converse. . . . Coyote is not a ghost, merely a protean trickster.

3 2 4 (1200) [-6+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (36-37) 20130910e 0 -10+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Kittler and Postman inspired entry to understanding machine embodiment, calling for procedural literacy training. "But both Kittler and
Postman trace universal binarization to Turing, who first raised what Kittler editor and critic John Johnston neatly calls the recurrent specter of a totally programmable world. . . . No matter the talent or manipulation of the human programmer, human experience of the machine (which must always be mediated by software) is limited by the architecture of the hardware. . . . Because human relation, with the computer is software-based, we need to understand technologyƒs own agency, and how hardware relates to particular software packages.
(37) Postman seeks to understand technology from the perspective of the monster: the systemƒs inevitable control over its master." (36-37)

3 2 4 (1300) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (79) 20120917 0 -8+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Imagine doing unit analysis on early (8-32 bit, non internetworked) computer games (and what back then was not a game besides special purpose control systems) as Bogost does so masterfully with traditional literary studies interpreting literary texts metaphorically as programming: the degree of depth in critical functions of modern games that is practiced in philosophical study of past generations of computing machinery (platform studies) that Bogost performs with modern, web based games, is taken over into personal software projects.

3 2 4 (1400) [-6+]mCQK deleuze_guattari-what_is_philosophy (162) 20130622 0 -1+ progress/2013/06/notes_for_deleuze_guattari-what_is_philosophy.html
Does philosophy likewise now need technology as it once always melded with neighboring science and originally rhetoric? "If philosophy has a fundamental need for the science that is contemporary with it, this is because science constantly intersects with the possibility of concepts and because concepts necessarily involve allusions to science that are neither examples nor applications, nor even reflections." (162)

3 2 4 (1600) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (107) 20130910t 4 -5+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Can simulation fever and resignation be linked to free, open source ethic, for access to the source systems, since its rhetoric pull on subjectivity to follow its algorithms, founding preference formation, taking me back to my early interests in the free will problem.

3 2 4 (1700) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (177-178) 20130911i 0 -10+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Conclusion that videogame criticism instantiates Badiou thinking not just in text but in world as well to rejuvenate the university, inspiring dreams of new types of videogames produced by dissolving organizational divisions, especially between profit and nonprofits, and different educational institutions.

3 2 4 (1800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150920 20150920a 0 -12+ journal_2015.html
It is the speculative reimagining of your own old code in which the danger lies as well is something requiring care of wisdom and engineering; this is the danger of working code. I get it this is how computational media exceeds all other including philosophy; important to know at this point before informing Janz about critical programming becomes isomorphic to PHI Janz is what is on public secondary cybersage workstation PHI vm. Importance of Manovich diminished by dismissal of grey gray software PHI pushes wave back to Janz for significance carrying PHI. Note.

[working code css]
mtime for [journal_2015.html] table [1442760960] prior to actual [1442762613]
Assign [20150920] relevance [0]? value/ENTER: 1
[working code css]

Note. Note this is after fixing initial wrong year in bookmark generating nonworking PHI of screen shot indiscernable whether vm or human physical working code place diachrony in synchrony PHI. This alignment of real and virtual time in no way negates it being presented as stream and noein PHI. My goal is to advance digital humanities scholarship toward a philosophy of computing, by territorializing the little explored discourse networks of the philosophical programmers who are credited with developing the machinery, languages, network protocols, operating systems, and applications of the post literacy epoch, with the aim of changing the trajectory of the dumbest generation that has formed in its wake, by promoting foss projects that conduct critical programming studies, whose practitioners could be called programming philosophers. It is as ridiculous as thinking I have a personal relationship with Turing because I use computers any more than Plato for using writing and pencils with paper. Also crucial to think about how unit operations and deprivileging programming to include playing games turns experience into mush.

3 2 4 (1900) [-4+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (132) 20130928e 0 -3+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
Same Rumsfeld quote used by Zizek; this point seems obvious given the enormous role of not consciously articulated purposive action transmitting practices of all sorts.

3 2 4 (2200) [-7+]mCQK kemeny-man_and_computer (79) 20130312 0 -7+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_kemeny-man_and_computer.html
Learning by programming versus learning through solely human team activities (encompassing students working together and teacher student relations) depends on unique ability of computers to execute code at very high cycle rates for a comparative eternity for human cognition; at this level is distinguishable from other forms of computer-aided instruction on account of the being forced to teach the computer aspect, and is degraded surface interface interaction satisfaction; the argument needs to be made why programming is part of optimal symbiosis (comportment): despite accurate predictions about the emergence of the global Internet Kemeny was overly optimistic that programming would remain sufficiently valorized once sound, intuitive, user friendly interfaces arose in massive software projects like Microsoft Windows, Apple OS, and GNU/Linux floss. (79) The students learn an enormous amount by being forced to teach the computer how to solve a given problem. . . . The student must concentrate on the basic principles; he must understand the algorithm thoroughly in order to be able to explain it to a computer. On the other hand, he does not have to do any of the arithmetic or algebra. At Dartmouth we have seen hundreds of examples of spectacular success of learning through teaching the computer.

3 2 4 (2300) [-8+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (81) 20140107 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Notes a symptom is our behavior in collecting mass produced consumer widgets, now including old personal computers that can be archives of meaning, speech synthesis, recalling reading Diogenes Laertius in Greek; let this be an entry to working code via critical programming. (81) Strangely enough, as we migrate from his world of mass-produced objects to the realm of even more highly abstracted digital facsimiles, we nostalgically collect the artifacts of midcentury mass production is if they were works of art.

3 2 4 (2400) [-7+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (264) 20131207 0 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
What are consequences of proposition that popular programming peaked in early 1980s? (264) For
popular programming, the early 1980s were certainly a special time.

3 2 4 (2500) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (262) 20131106p 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Makes points that 10 PRINT is emblematic of deluge of BASIC programming in early 1980s, resonant, and culturally situated, disembarrassing putatively ahistorical code analyses such as found in Floridi and others who wish to couch universal pronouncements in code. "Rather, 10 PRINT is emblematic of the creative deluge of BASIC programming in and around the early 1980s.
(262) Yet, as this book has indicated, 10 PRINT
(262) Reading this one-liner also demonstrates that programming is culturally situated just as computers are culturally situated, which means that the study of code should be no more ahistorical than the study of any cultural text." (262)

3 2 4 (2600) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (264) 20131106q 0 -4+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Programmability is not a ready at hand gesture made by current computers like the early personal computers that were designed to be immediately programmed, suggesting an early age of popular programming heralded by Kemeny was likely to decline and be supplanted by other habits. "For
popular programming, the early 1980s were certainly a special time.
(264-265) The cultural history of the maze demonstrates that there are more and less obvious associations with this type of structure, some wrapped up with the history of science in the twentieth century and others emerging from computing itself.
(265) Our discussion of 10 PRINT has tried to account for these relevant material qualities while also attending to the formal, computational nature of the code what it does and how that interacts with material, historical, and other cultural aspects of the program.
(265) As with the Teletypes that preceded computers like the Commodore 64 and the laptops that eventually replaced them, the physical makeup, cost, contexts of use, and physical form of computers have significant effects on how they are put to use." (264)

3 2 4 (2700) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (266) 20131106s 0 -4+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Programming, porting, modifying existing programs as ways to better understand software, platforms, and to learn how computers work, and of course how to program: does foregrounding spending a considerable amount of time working code differential critical programming from critical code and software studies?

3 2 4 (2800) [-7+]mCQK diogenes_laertius-lives_of_eminent_philosophers (2) 19961205 0 -2+ progress/1996/07/notes_for_diogenes_laertius-lives_of_eminent_philosophers.html
Rather than know thyself in which the active practitioner often took on the posture of the dead (though standing), the Socratic stance. (2) It is stated by Hecato and by Apollonius of Tyre in his first book on Zeno that he consulted the oracle to know what he should do to attain the best life, and that the godƒs response was that he should
take on the complexion of the dead. Whereupon, perceiving what this meant, he studied ancient authors.

3 2 4 (2900) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130120 20130120a 0 -32+ journal_2013.html
Derrida suggests the possibility of an influence based on extent and trajectory of studying ancient texts may have had on psychoanalysis, combined with fact that recent philosophical studies only from the last century that have reevaluated these Platonic texts and related media, as indicative of the structural constraints implicit in all media and their dissemination. He warns that the less informed interpretations deform what may be written as texts by projecting their assumptions into their active memory. Humans bow before their thought processors. Discovering the flaw of borrowing representations from and evaluating from interpretation of history (the text is originally about histos now where this point is made on pharmakon) by Freud privileging PHI aspect of scapegoating, appealing to Oedipus myths, ignoring practices at other end of continuum including Socrates myths, opens a place for Derrida to practice clever repetitions of these ancient texts. Workstations crafted to do more than support thought as archive completing one of Bogostƒs procedural enthymemes reached by consideration of the consequences of locating the site of speculation before pressing a button, relying on mechanism to produce the effect, whether it be fetching from long term memory or computing the fetched, to arrive at a comportment to technology characteristic of the typical late capitalist consumer. While emphasis on inscription such as Derrida inspires yields important and fascinating studies by Kirschenbaum, approaches that treat creativity in producing as well as consuming media reach more deeply and with finer attention to unthought potentials of human and machine collaboration by Hayles, Bogost, Tanaka-Ishii, Applen and McDaniel, to note a few. Thus, critical programming studies draws from the same fund of ancient texts but produces new myths and argumentative trajectories, for example American Socrates, while investigating procedural rhetorics of the built environment lifeworld technologies, for example the importance of managing short times in addition to deadlines. A playful example, course reanimation is a service for remembering college course work from decades ago along with reproducing physical texts read by these specific rememberers in their pasts making it a locally recomputable thought in virtual realities generated from floss PHI (symposia for orality, tapoc for literacy, pmrek for virtual reality PHI virtual reality). Or something you can do with formant synthesis and symposia is tune each utterance, whereas a pmrek project involves reterritorializing old ISA circuit boards now reconstructed as simulacra via three dimensional plastic (thermal or chemical) printing. Archive simulation fever meet programming. Oh yeah, that is the other one, adding dynamically linked namespaces to pmrek as representative of new procedural rhetoric emphasizing solving problems by programming. Who has a box of old computer parts to source the hundreds of specially modified obsolete circuit boards to have been produced becomes part of the game, a structural constraint as much as pharmakon in ancient experience. Not only am I adding Deleuze and Derrida to philosophizing programming, but Aloisio, Campbell-Kelly, Applen and McDaniel not to achieve some interdisciplinary dream but to add humanities and engineering perspectives to a problem ranging through corporate business and higher education. Descending into working code.

jbork@alkibiades:~/src/tapoc-code-0$ vi -R Journal.h
class Journal
int set_value_operator(const string);
string get_value_operator() const { return this->value_operator; }
FILE * display(FILE *, char *, int, double);
string value_operator;
int create_xml(list<struct journal_entry *>::reverse_iterator, FILE *, int, int, int, int);
UPDATE `JournalInfo`.`Arguments` SET `Value`=ƒ1ƒ WHERE `Session`=ƒ6ƒ and`Argument`=ƒdebugƒ;
FILE * Journal::display_notes(FILE * fptr, struct journal_entry * jptr, bool table_output)
map<string, string>::reverse_iterator mritr;
for(exam_question=1, bit_operation=1, cycle=1; exam_question<4; exam_question++, bit_operation?bit_operation*=2:bit_operation=1, cycle++)
case journal_notes_sorting_recent_bookmark:
for(lit=database_sort_list.begin(); lit!=database_sort_list.end(); lit++)
for(mritr=mptr->rbegin(); mritr!=mptr->rend(); mritr++)

In working code it is a silly string called value_operator found in a C++ header file of the project. When Tanaka-Ishii distinguishes being and doing effects of computer languages, private along with local versus public mass interface concretizations of embodied technological lifeworld, where embodiment for machines can be studied and metaphorically understood but not achieved, never real. Take for example the high speed operations of input output connected to the physical world, such as via ISA TTL C functions penetrating and transcending virtualization. This working code also demonstrates procedural rhetoric of using same program (vi) to both edit and immutably, as in const, view objects, which, for virtual worlds, must always be the latter, just viewed, leaving all changes to the local host cybersage work station. My goal tonight is to make the initial entry labels small to permit more of the larger lexia to be usefully visible for reading and images while also possibly hearing formant synthesis program control of audible dimensions of virtual and real realities such as by hacking with symposia, tapoc, and pmrek with the floss [technological] milieu. Turning tomorrow looking forward to reading about ISA bus with respect to 8255 IC memory mapped physical world interface, each discrete IC wired to four ISA address bus points and one of three programmable ports, both of which images can be mapped to DIP pin assignments. I am already into the next day. Can you understand the electric background of your living into the high speed changes of the pmrek lamp display control working code? Also the undocumented working code now yesterday that reversed the order of bookmarks displayed for each reading list when sorted by recent bookmark descending. Interesting that a note made in Campbell-Kelly in August refers to Deleuze, just as I was picking up Postscript on the Societies of Control for its discussion of the dividual as constituent of post-postmodern subjectivity, adding its machinic component as a cyberneticist programmer artist rather than wearing its default representatives. In antimodern, anticapitalistic discourses there are critical comportments to alientating mass produced culture, as we hope to find saving places in simulacral culture concretizing those former forms along with their own general histories of consumption.

3 2 4 (3000) [-6+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (75) 20130223g 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Delineation of real-time computing problems at edge of human perceptibility " (75) (Anything that takes more than 10 to 20 milliseconds, the point a which delays become humanly perceptible, is not considered real-time.) Strictly speaking, the ARPA network was to be a store-and-forward system. But data would zip in and out of the nodes so quickly, and the response time from a human perspective would be so rapid, that it qualified as a real-time problem." (10-20 ms)

3 2 4 (3100) [-6+]mCQK hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late (124) 20130223h 0 -10+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_hafner_lyon-where_wizards_stay_up_late.html
Critical programming studies attribute/outcome of dealing with bugs that are considered natural process of development, exemplified in Barker testing IMP Number 0. "[Ben] Barker had built a tester and had written some debugging code. He was looking forward to working out whatever bugs the machine had. Undoubtedly there would be something that would need fixing, because there always was; bugs were part of the natural process of computer design.
(125) The trouble was that in furnishing Honeywell with a set of fairly generic block diagrams, BBN assumed that Honeywellƒs familiarity and expertise with its own machines would enable the computer manufacturer to anticipate any peculiar problems with BBNƒs requested modifications to the model 516. . . . But instead of working out the essential details in the blueprints, Honeywell has built BBNƒs machine without verifying that the BBN-designed interfaces, as drawn, would work with the 516 base model.
(126) Armed with an oscilloscope, a wire-wrap gun, and an unwrap tool, Barker worked alone on the machine sixteen hours a day. The circuitry of the comptuer relied on pin blocks, or wire-wrapped boards, that served as the central connection points to which wires, hundreds upon hundreds of wires, were routed." (124)

3 2 4 (3200) [-4+]mCQK morningstar_farmer-lucasfilms_habitat (669) 20131106 0 -2+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_morningstar_farmer-lucasfilms_habitat.html
Criticism of ISO model and suggestion of different pair of top layers is of philosophical significance.

3 2 4 (3300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150920 20150920b 11 -1+ journal_2015.html
Also crucial to think about how unit operations and deprivileging programming to include playing games turns experience into mush, so we have a final push by Hayles.

3 2 4 (3400) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (33) 20130924t 0 -3+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Tutor texts are at stake for posthuman humanities, for example in shift to pattern/randomness, and have hardly been assembled for philosophy of computing, although a canon of elit, games, and cultural software are emerging in software and critical code studies.

3 2 4 (3500) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_think (11) 20120707g 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_hayles-how_we_think.html
So will there be a considerable proportion of humanities practice working code is where I situate the ontological assumptions argument.

3 2 4 (3600) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_think (197) 20121221b 0 -4+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_hayles-how_we_think.html
Like Feynman notes, doing research by producing visualizations and maps, or as I argue, working code.

3 2 4 (3700) [-4+]mCQK hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer (59-60) 20130929b 0 -7+ progress/2011/12/notes_for_hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer.html
Consider working code alternative to careless codework; her choice of C++ as a philosophically interesting programming languages agrees with my conclusions.

3 2 4 (3800) [-4+]mCQK hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer (102) 20130929s 0 -7+ progress/2011/12/notes_for_hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer.html
Explore intertwining of physicality and informational scheme, such as md5sums and other operationally uniquely identifying measures.

3 2 4 (3900) [-4+]mCQK janz-betweenness_of_code (19) 20130429 0 -6+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_janz-betweenness_of_code.html
Despite this criticism of a biased materiality of code reducing to Aristotelean phronesis apparent in Berry, and therefore somewhat shallow for being putatively limited to professional practices, leaving the rest of humanity to try to be a good stream or Serres parasite, it is nonetheless a fascinating position to consider the philosophy of computing from within working code, a position I take with critical programming studies, of which production, testing and release constitutes community and individual practices, and about which platform studies, software histories and programming studies depict some of the terrain.

3 2 4 (4000) [-4+]mCQK janz-betweenness_of_code (20) 20130929 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_janz-betweenness_of_code.html
Semiotic sense of space derived from emphasis on material processes of code production misses nuances of Heideggerian place.

3 2 4 (4100) [-4+]mCQK janz-betweenness_of_code (24) 20130929a 0 -7+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_janz-betweenness_of_code.html
Coyne tuning of place invites Nietzschean response how one philosophizes with computers, electricity, programing, though multipurposiveness of code goes beyond cognition of embodied minds, into which machine intelligence subducts.

3 2 4 (4200) [-4+]mCQK janz-betweenness_of_code (27) 20130929b 0 -4+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_janz-betweenness_of_code.html
Digital rather than digitizing place implies more than phenomenology of use, leading to new term topemes, perhaps a kind of Bogost unit; discussion of nested levels similar to layered network topology model (Galloway and others) and my concept derived from control systems engineering.

3 2 4 (4300) [-4+]mCQK janz-betweenness_of_code (36) 20130929c 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_janz-betweenness_of_code.html
Example of Edmonton mallspace as digital and analog, exemplifying Coyne tuned place and Deleuze societies of control, de Certeau space is practiced place.

3 2 4 (4400) [-4+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (xl) 20111227 0 -2+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Kittler sees this Heideggerian shimmering on the boundary of polar opposites as well, although I detect in his language a reticence at throwing oneself life long into programming.

3 2 4 (4500) [-4+]mCQK knuth_and_pardo-early_development_of_programming_languages (2) 20140108c 0 0+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_knuth_and_pardo-early_development_of_programming_languages.html
Early history of first decade of high level programming languages, now considered dead and primitive like Greek and Latin to humanists, yet due to additive nature of built environment concretized within it.

3 2 4 (4600) [-4+]mCQK latour-aramis (ix) 20130816c 0 -3+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_latour-aramis.html
Hybrid genre devised for task of scientification, whose tutor object is Aramis and organization RATP.

3 2 4 (4700) [-4+]mCQK latour-aramis (x) 20130816d 0 -4+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_latour-aramis.html
Draws heavily on sociologists of technology Akrich, Bijker, Bowker, Cambrosio, Callon, Law, MacKenzie, although too soon for Richard Powers.

3 2 4 (4800) [-4+]mCQK latour-why_has_critique_run_out_of_steam (248) 20131003r 0 -7+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_latour-why_has_critique_run_out_of_steam.html
Invocation to please touch and deploy ties to OGorman scholarly remainder and Bogost philosophical carpentry into critical programming.

3 2 4 (4900) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (102) 20120914 0 -4+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Invitation to compare deformative interpretation of poetry with deformations that occur in everyday working code.

3 2 4 (5000) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (112) 20131006h 0 -6+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Intuiting machine embodiment where human limits clearly crossed.

3 2 4 (5100) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (160) 20131007d 0 -1+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
Ensoniment is a different twist on rethinking textuality that deforms by operating in different phenomenal fields, although the encoding effort itself to prepare for ensoniment represents a form of noncritical editing.

3 2 4 (5200) [-4+]mCQK mcgann-radiant_textuality (206-207) 20120918 0 -11+ progress/2012/02/notes_for_mcgann-radiant_textuality.html
I wanted to exclaim, let the Big Other speak, but McGann AI project is not really to generate dialogue, more like unexpected output for humanities scholars to interpret, as in Manovich big data experiments, ultimately reveals unknown knowns about texts and textuality.

3 2 4 (5300) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (34) 20130309 0 -5+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Reading code changes once its execution is witnessed or read by an experienced programmer. "The 10 PRINT program
itself (not its output) can be seen as a unicursal maze. . . . Once the code has been typed and executed and the programmer witnesses the maze, there is no returning to a na ve view of this line of code it is impossible to read the line without imagining the output." (34) Compare to interpretation by deformation in Ramsay.

3 2 4 (5400) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (59-61) 20131105b 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Programs are texts, and may accept programs as input and produce programs as output, for example in weird languages like Brainfuck, Befunge or PATH.

3 2 4 (5500) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (90) 20131105d 0 -4+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Regularity of the machine learned like perspective and reading, implying cultural biases embedded programming languages.

3 2 4 (5600) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (153) 20131105f 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Learning programming facilitated by short programs in print media since they were not immediately executable like software applications. "While commercial software empowered users within the realm of their applications, short programs in books and magazines illustrated how to make the computer do impressive things and empowered readers to program.
(154) Understanding the general pace or speed at which a platform executes code is useful information to programmers." (153)

3 2 4 (5700) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (158) 20131105g 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Compare cultural and technical history of BASIC to learned Latin. " (158) This Beginnerƒs All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code has a fabled cultural and technical history. BASIC was developed by John
Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz, two professors at Dartmouth College." (Hayles) Free sharing led to widespread adoption in educational institutions, computing revolution includes changing interaction from batch to real time communication habits with synaptogenetic outcomes, perhaps affecting digital immigrants and natives in different ways but definitely having a profound influence

3 2 4 (5800) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (158) 20131105i 0 -4+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
The shifting capability of immediate programming, ready at hand versus ready through much cost or effort: whereas programming was the technical and epistemological challenge, the history of computing through the personal computer era introduced social and economic factors that, combined with ease of use at the level of complex interfaces, a particular type of programming declined as an everyday practice; note emphasis on apparent realization of creativity longed for by Ramsay today.

3 2 4 (5900) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (163) 20131105m 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
BASIC designed for ease of learning with revolutionary intent. "Kemeny and Kurtz aimed for nothing less than a computing revolution, radically increasing access to computers and to computer programming.
(163) To reach millions, Kemeny and Kurtz would have to lower the existing barriers to programming, barriers that were related not only to the esoteric aspects of programming languages, but also to the physical limits and material nature of computing at the time.
(164) BASIC was designed in other ways to help new programmers, with error messages that were clear and friendly and default options that would satisfy most usersƒ needs (Kemeny and Kurtz 1985, 9)." (163) Difference between computer revolution of Kemeny and Kurtz and present age is ubiquitous access to computers far outpacing programming knowledge.

3 2 4 (6000) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (165) 20131105n 0 -12+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Freedom zero on Dartmouth system, in addition to ease of learning BASIC, fostered creativity based on play and abundance of resources, a synergetic feature extended with proliferation of personal computers.

3 2 4 (6100) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (171) 20131105o 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Gates and Allen adding POKE and PEEK to BASIC provides affordances not suited for time-sharing, multiple user systems; also beyond contemporary inline assembler in C, which reflect hegemony of protected mode multiprocessing.

3 2 4 (6200) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (183) 20131105t 0 -9+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Print dissemination of legible code created new reading forms, such as intuiting program execution, and on account of ergodic transmission, encouraging revision and rework; even possible to consider memorization of short programs and memory of features of large programs that professionals who work on large projects may experience.

3 2 4 (6300) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (187) 20131105u 0 -11+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Like memorizing other natural languages, situated context is important in memorizing programs; however, built in affordances of IDE and availability of samples may help.

3 2 4 (6400) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (192) 20131105w 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
HTML is the new BASIC. "A more radical interpretation of BASICƒs legacy might include languages that have taken over its role of inviting ordinary users to become programmers and creators. Following the release of graphical web browsers like NCSA Mosaic, Netscape Navigator, and Microsoft Internet Explorer between 1993 and 1995, that role might be assigned to HTML." (192) Compare to McGann.

3 2 4 (6500) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (239) 20131106k 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Dependence of emergent elegance of BASIC code on specificity of hardware and operating system confounds immaterial language assumption of other simple programs such as given by Tanaka-Ishii.

3 2 4 (6600) [-6+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (244) 20131106l 0 -7+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Declares a software studies method is writing programs to interpret other programs, to which I argue better fits critical programming. "But 10 PRINT can also be interpreted as a maze, a labyrinth with routes and potentially with a solution. One might even wander through the maze, tracing a path with oneƒs eyes, a finger, or some computational procedure.
(244) What would such a computational procedure, and a program that supports its use, look like?
(244) To see the answer, this section uses a software studies approach, writing programs to interpret other programs. It takes this approach to the extreme and builds a large program, using 10 PRINT as the starting point. Just as literary scholars study a text by generating more texts, it is productive to study software by coding new software. In this particular case, itƒs possible to develop a series of hermeneutic probes in the Commodore BASIC probes of increasing complexity, programs that transform 10 PRINTƒs output into a stable, navigable, and testable maze." (244) Include critique of this extended textbook presentation of working code in codex format versus other forms like cinema or virtual machine dynamic presentation.

3 2 4 (6700) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (244) 20131106m 0 -7+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Consider reasons for distinguishing writing programs as hermeneutic probes with merely using other software to study software, continuing argument stemming from Kemeny on value of learning by being forced to teach the machine how to solve a problem.

3 2 4 (6800) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (253) 20131106n 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Graphic logic example of representational trope for representing virtual spaces, amounting to learned perceptions.

3 2 4 (6900) [-4+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (257) 20131106o 0 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
Generate and test method from computer science can be deployed by critical programming for studying humanities problems; it leverages the ability of simulations to be generated and submitted to testing in ways impossible, unethical, or cost prohibitive in physical correlates.

3 2 4 (7000) [-7+]mCQK rosenberg-dreaming_in_code (285) 20131011w 0 -7+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_rosenberg-dreaming_in_code.html
Does lack of late binding weaken claim that C++ is the most philosophical programming language? (285) Late binding is a term in computer science that refers to programming languagesƒ capacity to provide programmers with more flexibility. Late-bound programs can be changed on the fly, while theyƒre running; you can even build them so that they can change themselves while theyƒre running. While some of the popular programming languages of today Java to some degree, Python (Chandlerƒs language) to a greater degree are considered to have a late-binding nature, the core languages underlying much of the edifice of modern software, C and C++, do not. . . . To find nimbler languages that embody the essence of late-binding dynamic power, [Alan] Kay says, you have to go back decades to Lisp, the list processor language invented by artificial intelligence researched John McCarthy in the late 1950s, and to Smalltalk, the language Kay himself conceived at Xeroxƒs Palo Alto Research Center in the seventies.

3 2 4 (7100) [-4+]mCQK manovich-software_takes_command (97-98) 20130825 0 -11+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_manovich-software_takes_command.html
Media must be thought beyond symbols, for even Platonic living writing ideal which implies invisible interface akin to direct manipulation, especially for learning; on the right track correcting ideology of direct manipulation, in which the medium disappears, with position leveraging material specific affordances of media.

3 2 4 (7200) [-6+]mCQK zizek-enjoy_your_symptom (199-200) 20131019b 0 -12+ progress/2011/07/notes_for_zizek-enjoy_your_symptom.html
Sinthoms level of material signs resisting meaning as grounded in narrative structures, presymbolic cross-resonance, radiating jouis-sense. "We are dealing here with the level of material signs that resists meaning and establishes connections not grounded in narrative symbolic structures: they just relate in a kind of
presymbolic cross-resonance. . . . Although sinthoms do not have sense, they do radiate jouis-sense, enjoy-meant. . . . From the Lacanian perspective, it is easy to identify this spiritual corporeality as materialized jouissance, jouissance which turned into flesh. Hitchcockƒs sinthoms are thus not mere formal patterns: they already condense a certain libidinal investment. As such, they determined his creative process: Hitchcock did not proceed from the pot to its translation in cinematic audio-visual terms. He rather started with a set of (usually visual) motifs that haunted his imagination, that imposed themselves as his sinthoms; he then constructed a narrative that served as the pretext for their use." (199-200) Can this feature be articulated via study of programming languages as performed by Tanaka-Ishii?

3 2 4 (7300) [-4+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (3) 20120906b 0 -5+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
The next thing to consider is the question of style, whether early versions of programs should be preserved, for we do not have a fixed number to consider like we do ancient texts: can you imagine an index of combinations of key phrases such as electronic literature and code work, a sort of phasor (a degree beyond vector in physics, and another word I used to use often in my old notes, which I referred to a few sentences ago as a useful hyperlink do distinguish it from all the possible combinations most of which are nonsense)?

3 2 4 (7400) [-4+]mCQK zizek-parallax_view (89) 20131019 0 -2+ progress/2009/05/notes_for_zizek-parallax_view.html
Today deadlock metaphor comes from computer science.

3 2 4 (7500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150920 20150920c 12 -1+ journal_2015.html
Move from deadlock to broken down time.

3 2 4 (7600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150929 20150929 0 -3+ journal_2015.html
Find theorist who declares HTML is the new BASIC, noting value of HTML is that it gives a multipurposive space for learning coding and presenting work, whereas BASIC programs tend to be throw away scaffolding. Then the C++ challenge of working code places versus spaces illuminates second order utility as space for learning code and presenting work as well as place to revisit source code revisions for record of evolving philosophical ideas and ongoing contemplation. My point is that this code is not throwaway like BASIC and is done in a language exhibiting both procedural and object oriented features, in contrast to HTML and XML, which are somewhat depraved.

3 2 4 (7700) [-7+]mCQK cummings-coding_with_power (432) 20130913a 0 -2+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_cummings-coding_with_power.html
Meta-cognitive sway over thinking processes common to programming and literary composition; realization that the writing affects later thinking (Hayles). (432) At its heart, the comparison between writing and coding is instructive to both pursuits because the work product of both groups holds
meta-cognitive sway over the thinking processes that create text. That is to say that both writer and coder are moved by the manner in which their text, once written, impacts the thinking process that composed it.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=3 and (Heading=2) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 3.2 philosophical programmers, working code places, programming philosophers, critical programming

Chapter 4 Critical programming studies


4 0+ 0 (100) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20150504 20150504 0 -2+ journal_2015.html
There are at least two places where these phenomena of diachrony in synchrony, putative conspiracy, experiences of temporal passage, critical theory objects can be studied: the writings of philosophical programmers, which I am saving for future work but will provide an overview of its vision theory scope, and the everyday work activity of programming philosophers.

4 0+ 0 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20080504 TAPOC_20080504 0 -4+ journal_2008.html
Before what we are doing now with electronic computing machinery "the orders of magnitude beyond the second (two orders of magnitude beyond would be the millisecond) are unfathomable (unthinkable, unimaginable, uncomputable) to natural automata. We assume that is also true for artificial automata (that today they cannot represent millisecond order of magnitude of time reckoning), yet they will eventually compute (represent, create images of, take as input, process as input in a control system) the orders of magnitude beyond the second while we shall never except through them. Socrates and Plato bet their lives on their writings (written literature) living many years into the future. Now they will persist in instances of electronic computer data structures as well, and perhaps live in radically different ways than alone with humans in the book form where they spent the last two thousand years." (and written literature)

4 0+ 0 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130503 TAPOC_20130503 0 -3+ journal_2013.html
Critical programming is a digital humanities practice that privileges working code, both acts of software engineering to produce research results, and running iterative versions of those programming products, leveraging combinations of human and machine language creations, to enact scholarship, research, and performance. The living writing dreamed at the beginning of literacy by Plato is approached by such deliberately and thoroughly crafted human machine symbiotes as are embodied in floss assemblies. It extends Software Studies, whose theorists identify ƒcritical softwareƒ as intentionally designed to foreground normalized understandings or reveal "the underlying construction of the user, the way the program treats data, and the transduction and coding processes of the interface"

4 0+ 0 (400) [-5+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (485) 20140303 0 0+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Eight axioms applied to computing: spirit voice, moral dimension, permanent tension, critique effects, transforming tendency, voice, crossing Big Other as critique changing capitalism, compared to which the final anticlimactic sources of indignation. (485)

4 0+ 0 (500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130921 20130921 1 -1+ journal_2013.html
Point of noting images and quotations various authors use to begin each chapter is that a dynamic virtual machine based presentation may serve up complex introductory virtualities like the Heidegger and Zizek Apple games.

4 0+ 0 (600) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20130501 TAPOC_20130501 0 -15+ journal_2013.html
Critical programming is a digital humanities practice that privileges working code, both the act of software engineering and the running of iterative versions of those programming products to enact scholarship, research, and performance.

4 0+ 0 (700) [-7+]mCQK bork-journal 20130120 20130120 0 -9+ journal_2013.html
Derrida suggests the possibility of an influence based on extent and trajectory of studying ancient texts may have had on psychoanalysis, combined with fact that recent philosophical studies only from the last century that have reevaluated these Platonic texts and related media, as indicative of the structural constraints implicit in all media and their dissemination. He warns that the less informed interpretations deform what may be written as texts by projecting their assumptions into their active memory. Humans bow before their thought processors. Discovering the flaw of borrowing representations from and evaluating from interpretation of history (the text is originally about histos now where this point is made on pharmakon) by Freud privileging PHI aspect of scapegoating, appealing to Oedipus myths, ignoring practices at other end of continuum including Socrates myths, opens a place for Derrida to practice clever repetitions of these ancient texts. Workstations crafted to do more than support thought as archive completing one of Bogostƒs procedural enthymemes reached by consideration of the consequences of locating the site of speculation before pressing a button, relying on mechanism to produce the effect, whether it be fetching from long term memory or computing the fetched, to arrive at a comportment to technology characteristic of the typical late capitalist consumer. While emphasis on inscription such as Derrida inspires yields important and fascinating studies by Kirschenbaum, approaches that treat creativity in producing as well as consuming media reach more deeply and with finer attention to unthought potentials of human and machine collaboration by Hayles, Bogost, Tanaka-Ishii, Applen and McDaniel, to note a few. Thus, critical programming studies draws from the same fund of ancient texts but produces new myths and argumentative trajectories, for example American Socrates, while investigating procedural rhetorics of the built environment lifeworld technologies, for example the importance of managing short times in addition to deadlines. A playful example, course reanimation is a service for remembering college course work from decades ago along with reproducing physical texts read by these specific rememberers in their pasts making it a locally recomputable thought in virtual realities generated from floss PHI (symposia for orality, tapoc for literacy, pmrek for virtual reality PHI virtual reality). Or something you can do with formant synthesis and symposia is tune each utterance, whereas a pmrek project involves reterritorializing old ISA circuit boards now reconstructed as simulacra via three dimensional plastic (thermal or chemical) printing.

4 0+ 0 (800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140207 20140207 1 -2+ journal_2014.html
If we ask how we encounter the machine other we distort that interface. Even thinking in terms of kernel workqueues far beyond visual threshold less than one hundred Hertz filtered by human embodiment.

4 0+ 0 (900) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130402 20130402 0 -3+ journal_2013.html
Orality, literacy, internet toward a philosophy of computing borking public radio makes reasonable background sounds via formant synthesis through the agency (as in automatic control) of the symposia software (at some revision). The procedural enthymeme enacted by programming is subverted (shunted, short circuited) through substitute interface manipulations hailed as user friendly improvements. Engelbart among others thought that using computers should remain difficult.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=4 and (Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

4.1 symposia, ensoniment


4 0+ 0 (100) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20150504 20150504 0 -2+ journal_2015.html
There are at least two places where these phenomena of diachrony in synchrony, putative conspiracy, experiences of temporal passage, critical theory objects can be studied: the writings of philosophical programmers, which I am saving for future work but will provide an overview of its vision theory scope, and the everyday work activity of programming philosophers.

4 0+ 0 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20080504 TAPOC_20080504 0 -4+ journal_2008.html
Before what we are doing now with electronic computing machinery "the orders of magnitude beyond the second (two orders of magnitude beyond would be the millisecond) are unfathomable (unthinkable, unimaginable, uncomputable) to natural automata. We assume that is also true for artificial automata (that today they cannot represent millisecond order of magnitude of time reckoning), yet they will eventually compute (represent, create images of, take as input, process as input in a control system) the orders of magnitude beyond the second while we shall never except through them. Socrates and Plato bet their lives on their writings (written literature) living many years into the future. Now they will persist in instances of electronic computer data structures as well, and perhaps live in radically different ways than alone with humans in the book form where they spent the last two thousand years." (and written literature)

4 0+ 0 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130503 TAPOC_20130503 0 -3+ journal_2013.html
Critical programming is a digital humanities practice that privileges working code, both acts of software engineering to produce research results, and running iterative versions of those programming products, leveraging combinations of human and machine language creations, to enact scholarship, research, and performance. The living writing dreamed at the beginning of literacy by Plato is approached by such deliberately and thoroughly crafted human machine symbiotes as are embodied in floss assemblies. It extends Software Studies, whose theorists identify ƒcritical softwareƒ as intentionally designed to foreground normalized understandings or reveal "the underlying construction of the user, the way the program treats data, and the transduction and coding processes of the interface"

4 0+ 0 (400) [-5+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (485) 20140303 0 0+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Eight axioms applied to computing: spirit voice, moral dimension, permanent tension, critique effects, transforming tendency, voice, crossing Big Other as critique changing capitalism, compared to which the final anticlimactic sources of indignation. (485)

4 0+ 0 (500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130921 20130921 1 -1+ journal_2013.html
Point of noting images and quotations various authors use to begin each chapter is that a dynamic virtual machine based presentation may serve up complex introductory virtualities like the Heidegger and Zizek Apple games.

4 0+ 0 (600) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20130501 TAPOC_20130501 0 -15+ journal_2013.html
Critical programming is a digital humanities practice that privileges working code, both the act of software engineering and the running of iterative versions of those programming products to enact scholarship, research, and performance.

4 0+ 0 (700) [-7+]mCQK bork-journal 20130120 20130120 0 -9+ journal_2013.html
Derrida suggests the possibility of an influence based on extent and trajectory of studying ancient texts may have had on psychoanalysis, combined with fact that recent philosophical studies only from the last century that have reevaluated these Platonic texts and related media, as indicative of the structural constraints implicit in all media and their dissemination. He warns that the less informed interpretations deform what may be written as texts by projecting their assumptions into their active memory. Humans bow before their thought processors. Discovering the flaw of borrowing representations from and evaluating from interpretation of history (the text is originally about histos now where this point is made on pharmakon) by Freud privileging PHI aspect of scapegoating, appealing to Oedipus myths, ignoring practices at other end of continuum including Socrates myths, opens a place for Derrida to practice clever repetitions of these ancient texts. Workstations crafted to do more than support thought as archive completing one of Bogostƒs procedural enthymemes reached by consideration of the consequences of locating the site of speculation before pressing a button, relying on mechanism to produce the effect, whether it be fetching from long term memory or computing the fetched, to arrive at a comportment to technology characteristic of the typical late capitalist consumer. While emphasis on inscription such as Derrida inspires yields important and fascinating studies by Kirschenbaum, approaches that treat creativity in producing as well as consuming media reach more deeply and with finer attention to unthought potentials of human and machine collaboration by Hayles, Bogost, Tanaka-Ishii, Applen and McDaniel, to note a few. Thus, critical programming studies draws from the same fund of ancient texts but produces new myths and argumentative trajectories, for example American Socrates, while investigating procedural rhetorics of the built environment lifeworld technologies, for example the importance of managing short times in addition to deadlines. A playful example, course reanimation is a service for remembering college course work from decades ago along with reproducing physical texts read by these specific rememberers in their pasts making it a locally recomputable thought in virtual realities generated from floss PHI (symposia for orality, tapoc for literacy, pmrek for virtual reality PHI virtual reality). Or something you can do with formant synthesis and symposia is tune each utterance, whereas a pmrek project involves reterritorializing old ISA circuit boards now reconstructed as simulacra via three dimensional plastic (thermal or chemical) printing.

4 0+ 0 (800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140207 20140207 1 -2+ journal_2014.html
If we ask how we encounter the machine other we distort that interface. Even thinking in terms of kernel workqueues far beyond visual threshold less than one hundred Hertz filtered by human embodiment.

4 0+ 0 (900) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130402 20130402 0 -3+ journal_2013.html
Orality, literacy, internet toward a philosophy of computing borking public radio makes reasonable background sounds via formant synthesis through the agency (as in automatic control) of the symposia software (at some revision). The procedural enthymeme enacted by programming is subverted (shunted, short circuited) through substitute interface manipulations hailed as user friendly improvements. Engelbart among others thought that using computers should remain difficult.

-4.1.1+++ symposia

4 1 1 (100) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20120219 20120219a 22 -7+ journal_2012.html
Is Plato speaking of the seductions of programming? With Derrida argue the Greeks were aware of writing as a sort of language machine, using drug metaphors as the available best equivalent for metaphor and analogy. Compare this to the early computer theorists like Turing and von Neumann thinking with (as Turkle uses the term) the affordances, and not seeing beyond the limits of, their comparatively small, slow, single processing machines. From this perspective Kittlerƒs pronouncement about the risk of thinking enough philosophical material is present in Phaedrus for criticism of modern computing is redoubled, for he wrote of early personal computers before they were widely internetworked via TCP/IPv4. We have the complexity of Derrida and the thyrsus as remote control tempting us with the edge of technological awareness, or awareness of edge of technological affordances and constraints picturing reality as a Zizek strange attractor. The flaw of the presentation was not putting the two laptops in front of the two guest participants whose personal computers were not suited to run the symposia machine instructions compiled by the GNU compiler from common C header files, structures, and C++ libraries. Illustrate this confluence of discourses in computer programming [with discourses in philosophy] and continue.
screenshot_.jpg4 1 1 (300) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20120211 20120211 1 -9+ journal_2012.html
Naming it PHI Bach made it repeatable centuries later via electronic computing machinery now becoming intelligent like humans.

4 1 1 (300) [-7+]mCQK heidegger-introduction_to_metaphysics (103) 20131022a 0 -5+ progress/1996/05/notes_for_heidegger-introduction_to_metaphysics.html
To think is intelligere in Latin. (103) To think is intelligere in Latin. It is the business of the intellect. If we wish to combat our adversary, i.e. we must know that intellectualism is only an impoverished modern offshoot of a development long in the making, namely the position of priority gained by thought with the help of Western metaphysics.

4 1 1 (400) [-6+]mCQK ramsay-reading_machines (80) 20130309 0 -11+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_ramsay-reading_machines.html
Add Plato Symposium to texts susceptible to algorithmic reading, although in the case of symposia the outcomes are sonic experiments and readings informed by consideration of generating audio environments from the text rather than the lamentably inevitable list. "It may be that the tools of algorithmic criticism are like Wittgensteinƒs ladder. When we have used them to climb up beyond, we recognize them as nonsensical and case the ladder aside (
Tractatus 74).
(81) If algorithmic criticism does not exist, or exists only in nascent form, it is not because our critical practices are computationally intractable, but because our computational practices have not yet been made critically tractable. . . . Once those changes are acknowledged, the bare facts of the tools themselves will seem, like the technical details of automobiles or telephones, not to be the main thing at all. . . . For by then we will have understood computer-based criticism to be what it has always been: human-based criticism with computers." (80) That is is accomplished as a programming exercise reiterates Kemeny vision of making coding a basic skill of all intelligent citizens.

4 1 1 (500) [-4+]mCQK chion-voice_in_cinema (11) 20111116 0 -1+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_chion-voice_in_cinema.html
Opening for symposia to provide cinematic presentation leveraging never before possible sounds from written symbols.

4 1 1 (600) [-4+]mCQK chion-voice_in_cinema (5) 20130908 0 -4+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_chion-voice_in_cinema.html
Vococentrism implications to virtual reality generation machines like symposia, which may posit machinic scansion, intelligibility; Weizenbaum, Lyotard and others would argue that disembodied machine cognition cannot share such experience.

4 1 1 (700) [-4+]mCQK connor-modern_auditory_i (215) 20130913d 0 -7+ progress/2011/08/notes_for_connor-modern_auditory_i.html
Sound reproduction technologies had to arrive before noise could be colonized, whereas image reproduction technologies existed long before.

4 1 1 (800) [-4+]mCQK connor-modern_auditory_i (221) 20111116 0 -3+ progress/2011/08/notes_for_connor-modern_auditory_i.html
Virtual reality as fulfillment of synaesthesia dreams, musical Socrates, possibility of remediating linear, visual texts in experimental auditory fields.

4 1 1 (1000) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20120208 20120208 1 -7+ journal_2012.html
Really need a diagram of the symposia arrangement including the range for the unknown position of Aristodemus, aware that where he is positioned affects what he hears of the speeches.
screenshot_.jpg4 1 1 (1100) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20111113 20111113a 18 -30+ journal_2011.html

Ensoniment of Platoƒs Symposium: Proposal for a Software Project

Near the beginning of Platoƒs Symposium, the participants agree to dismiss the flute players and to avoid excessive intoxication in order to deliver a series of speeches on the topic of love.

4 1 1 (1200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20120209 20120209 1 -23+ journal_2012.html
There are two basic layouts of the Symposium speakers, straight line or angled seating (in cases in which Agathon has a large table; there could have been multiple small groups, although the layout does not change much besides allow Aristodemus to be situated closest to equidistant from all the speakers for perfect fidelity and accurate speech to text conversion).

4 1 1 (1300) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20120219 20120219 4 -14+ journal_2012.html
Figure out the representation for double precision, 32 bit and higher floating point values.

4 1 1 (1400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20110909 20110909 1 -10+ journal_2011.html
Exploring different ways of navigating auditory space. "in addition to readings from the current course. Like Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, what you hear depends on which participant in the symposium you are. Allow hearing to be colored by assumptions about the character, as well as the history of scholarship. If a fly on the wall moving around, or one of the flute players, perhaps Alcibiades lover, other rules apply for your what you hear, simulating situated listening. There is enough framing content in Symposium to exclude the speeches themselves, monologues, and present only interactive dialogue. The whole thing could be presented while walking on a treadmill, too, for the main frame." (four square) Spatial, as in around the party, hearing concurrent conversations that loosely follow Platoƒs sequencing; in multiple languages, hearing representation of original Greek as well as English; temporal, including the overall frame walk and the long history of commentary; fantasmatic, Plato and Socrates writing the story or Alcibiades, and so on. How is this auditory field traversed? What are audio hyperlinks going to be like? What kind of interaction are possible? Necessary to relate to PHI

4 1 1 (1500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20111203 20111203 0 -69+ journal_2011.html
Display previous versions in the FDL documentation where the philosophical discussion occurs, noting it can also be obtained by selecting particular prior revisions from the source control system (for example, Sourceforge.

4 1 1 (1600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20111215 20111215a 20 -11+ journal_2011.html
Back to the logic of the language machine, a speaker does not start with the current text until all the other speakers have caught up. Then it advances to its next text to synthesize and waits. Can this schema work? Along with object-oriented programming innovations, parallel programming opportunities emerge that were ridiculous or unimaginable to early electronic computing pioneers. My intuitive parallel programming design for symposia in which each speaker tests the field for the least speaker. The least speaker speaks, advances to its next position, and sleeps. Will the desired speaking phenomenon occur? It seems to work on paper. Can parallel programming be a style in Turkleƒs sense? I am back to programming styles and programming in general. Entering the draft of working code.

4 1 1 (1700) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20111129 20111129a 68 -20+ journal_2011.html


The active listener in the Symposium is Aristodemus.

4 1 1 (1800) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20111111 20111111 0 -99+ journal_2011.html
Imagine how I did it by describing participant enrollment in symposia.

4 1 1 (1900) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20120225 20120225 0 -41+ journal_2012.html
The programming work tonight is to test the new control of volume and implementation of functions that achieve the previous enumeration of goals for the physical operation of the system, which in this case produces human text to speech synthesis of ancient Greek letters speaking of Platoƒs Symposium.

4 1 1 (2000) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20091203 20091203 0 -48+ journal_2009.html
The current version of the GNU FDL states that If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.

4 1 1 (2100) [-4+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (103) 20130911o 0 -5+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Compare Miwa reverse-simulation examples of logic gates to symposia simulating virtual reality.

4 1 1 (2200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150922 20150922 0 -42+ journal_2015.html
A default expression is a default response, programmed vision, susceptible to analysis by critical programming studies PHI. This non perfect reflexiveness boundary shimmers with PHI like it has every other time I have had this thought PHI. To answer an old question it really depends whether the class function is sufficiently intelligent to produce the result of the implicit query and processing decentralized distributed network unit operation PHI when asking about making hyperlink without losing too much information forces us to think about what is passed as information between humans and machines PHI. Think again what it means that thinking transferred to computing long ago. Come hear uncle johns band after all copyrights expire. This is a final act of defiance and working code.

header(ƒLocation: http://localhost/ch4.pdfƒ);
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ sudo make web-localhost

Not Found

The requested URL /ch4.pdf was not found on this server.
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ vi Makefile
PDF := ch4.pdf
web-localhost: web-cgi
cp -v $(PDF) $(WWW)/
cp: cannot stat ch4.pdf : No such file or directory
make: *** [web-localhost] Error 1
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ ln -s playpen/ch4.pdf .
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ sudo make web-localhost
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/symposia$ svn update
svn: E000113: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ƒsvn://ƒ
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/symposia$ svn info symposia.cpp
Last Changed Author: jbork
Last Changed Rev: 1410
Last Changed Date: 2014-03-09 16:45:58 -0400 (Sun, 09 Mar 2014)
Text Last Updated: 2014-03-07 20:14:34 -0500 (Fri, 07 Mar 2014)
Checksum: e99e187aa7c1b68158638a6192f3f032a7da731b
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/symposia$ svn diff -r 1409 symposia.cpp
Index: symposia.cpp
--- symposia.cpp (revision 1409)
+++ symposia.cpp (working copy)
@@ -1311,7 +1311,9 @@
//tapoc.next_entry(current_lexia, &rate, &volume);
int dummy;
tapoc.next_entry(current_lexia, &dummy, &rate, &volume);
- fprintf(output, "process: tapoc Journal object function next_entry computed rate [%d] volume [%d]\n", rate, volume);
+ fprintf(output, "process: tapoc Journal object function next_entry computed [%f] rate [%d] volume [%d]\n", current_lexia, rate, volume);
first_utterance = false;
/* ultimately needs to be called on first cycle of each new set of utterances from process calls descent sequences */
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/symposia$ vi -R +1311 symposia.cpp
[working code css]
This is a final act of defiance and working code. This is a final act of defiance and working code, or just the next step moving to chapter four in work and committee distribution view PHI, for this act makes chapter four PDF available from the main web page. If we start working at tapoc it is the OHCO thesis bending around deficiencies of XML as a procedural object oriented programming language like C++. Have to go turn on other computer to get svn output. We have to understand the significance of the revision history, even this just showing the latest revision Checksum and change date and update dates. Here is literally the last thing I did with this project in the C++ code, allowing us to see the effective changes and the comment I made, too. Oh this was where I brought in the foreign object tapoc but not as dynamically loaded library. The tapoc object is not native to symposia, so that is why its invocation is called out with a comment, I was astounded myself to be doing it. The purposes seems to be computing rate and volume but ignoring what is returned by reference to the pointer argument dummy that is likely an integer based on its appearance in the good old procedural C fprintf function." ($document == "ch4" or $document == "ch_4") 0in; line-height: 100%">[working code css]
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ cd playpen/
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc/playpen$ ln -s ../../../public_html/progress/2015/09/diss_chapter4_workarea.pdf ch4.pdf
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ vi gentapoc.php

4 1 1 (2300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150923 20150923 0 -8+ journal_2015.html
The challenge now is to review the Subversion repository to see if important working code places can be resurrected. Linking changes to journal entries that became Notes could be described and referenced in an Appendix for each project. An Appendix has been considered for displaying arrangements of Notes to record traversal of daily journal display when covering tapoc. Consider pmrek to be working code close to the machine as response to wish to study 1980s microcomputers that cannot be supported by network society. The vm is ultra high complexity size bandwidth not appropriate as unit object perhaps but still computable by passing through my code PHI running the vm. We must consider how symposia is the non place of two humans not coinciding bodily but perhaps under similar initials PHI. When you do something in relation to code you know you are doing something in programming languages, losing language during traversal of lower layers in TCP IP networks LAN and Internet PHI makes that language code indistinguishable mush of background ambient sounds including symposia style audio areas PHI. That the vm hosts ensoniment and reading is key.

4 1 1 (2400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20151001 20151001 0 -7+ journal_2015.html
The second voice in symposia disaffords idea of performing multiple speakers from same base unit. It arises from the polyglot. If you throw out Kittler for allegiance to Heidegger and Nietzsche question arises whether to also dismiss those ways of asking questions about philosophy and computing PHI. In terms of the development of symposia second simultaneous with slight offset voice in other language carries thought where English bred PHI do not hear Greek or Latin PHI by broken down time discussion all languages cross. It also becomes a crossing of English Greek Latin C++ texts. Look at database table schema for how ordering established becoming query in tapoc. I arrive at the question what if the philosophy of computing involves consideration of programming languages then how might we proceed tapoc.

--4.1.2+++ ensoniment

4 1 2 (100) [-6+]mCQK neel-plato_derrida_writing (37) 20131006s 0 -5+ progress/2009/02/notes_for_neel-plato_derrida_writing.html
Suggest Phaedrus is an intentionally self reflexive evaluation of writing by writing, accomplished by presenting an impossible auditory phenemenon. "
Phaedrus the written text defines thinking by replacing thinking with itself. Thus when Phaedrus gives the rules for itself, without ever doing so directly, it has given the rules for thinking. Writing then becomes the absence, or series of absences, that allows itself to be filled up with thinking, for without writing there is no thinking of the sort embodied in Phaedrus, which absolutely never could happen as conversation. Nobody talks or ever has talked like the speakers in Phaedrus. Platoƒs attack on writing implies some position outside writing where writing itself can be seen whole, evaluated, and regulated." (37) Connect ensoniment of symposia project to this example of defining and transforming thinking.

4 1 2 (200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20111203 20111203a 69 -40+ journal_2011.html

Sterne gives an account of sound reproduction media that transcends discrete devices to the whole network of knowledge systems, power relations, and cultural norms that embody any example of sound reproduction.

4 1 2 (300) [-6+]mCQK sterne-audible_past (338) 20131018w 0 -6+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_sterne-audible_past.html
Despite mentioning audio engineering of virtual acoustic spaces, Sterne seems to be turning away from entertaining the possibilities of synthetic sounds with no real precedent, thus a key place where Sterne can be remediated, a point for floss to pass through, to become part of some program. "To understand the aural dimensions of virtual reality, we need to consider audio engineersƒ century-long obsession with creating what we would now call virtual acoustic spaces in recordings. . . . There are likely as many unexpected connections in the audible present as there were in the audible past. But our speculation should be aided by research, for reality is often stranger and more fascinating than anything we can make up." (338)

4 1 2 (500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20111001 20111001 69 -8+ journal_2011.html
Interesting that a search for surround sound programming yields a 1994 IEEE publication that is cited in four patents.
screenshot_.jpg4 1 2 (600) [-6+]mCQK sterne-audible_past (345) 20131019b 0 -2+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_sterne-audible_past.html
Another place symposia can engage doxic positions. "Writers who privilege speech as the metaphoric or real locus of agency and subjectivity do so on the basis of a universal body that is the ground for all possible experience.
(346) Our bodies are not givens, the grounds from which we enter social life; they are the domains through which we are constituted (and constitute ourselves) as social beings." (345) The universal body implied by the reader of uniform texts and headphone-delivered sound.

4 1 2 (700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150921 20150921 0 -12+ journal_2015.html
How can I transition from describing the hidden problem of double mediation to critical programming? The popular programming and fixation with early personal computers needs to flow into working code places and set the stage for the three projects in chapter four. Can a brute force approach be sufficient, that is, interpelling myself into the position of trying to remain vigilant as to the subsumption of human thought into the machinic by the careful contemplation of its return by documenting its passage in working code? That is the gamble I have made with this entire speculative undertaking, not knowing ahead of time what I may encounter in these long and deep dives. Later if I can start this on top of another world later then I can travel in time or teleact as across ssh boundaries plus TCP slash IP PHI. One way is to remove the PHI but that has a change time associated with it that could reach to radical retooling requirement such as getting into internet of things PHI. The danger includes losing affordances of having technological underground PHI if the instance is yanked becomes delayed undeliverable reset machinic rejest request PHI. What does it mean anything more than we fellow programmers work in this code space PHI. Allow philosophy to coexist with sub thirty two bit temporal schemes PHI. Symposia the speaking engine regulates real time discourse from PHI to drinking parties in past millennia still within scope of sixty four bit broken down time variables PHI, thus containing all of philosophy potentially once it is given up encoded rearchived PHI. It examines how to govern decentralized distributed agency to correctly enact the vocalization of a written text that has for thousands of years been associated with Plato but now gets subsumed into computing through fossification PHI. I have to play my role as Bork philosopher of computing PHI.

4 1 2 (800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20151013 20151013 5 -16+ journal_2015.html
Now need to start to think about defense presentation which is two pks slides. To shorten it I took out half the footnotes causing high speed explusion requiring side by side reading of prior version in another window as with chapters four and five now generating PHI. Stopping reading to paste Kirschenbaum reference needed for defense presentation slide one of nearly forty as in four hundred or two hundred page binder with USB device containing PDFs and virtual machines PHI. Here is what I give you working code at PHI afforded by inscription on whiteboard on living room wall in house over time PHI. You have to understand they might change how long is a second even when we do our thing billions and billions of times. List on board polyglot ensoniment and discussion of intentional double MySQL data type table schema change recoverable from revision history of project. The table of the eventual micromanagement of the writing under program and human control displaying numbers resulting from run time queries against the database under this working code PHI. I also need to get than image located and symbolic linked to become lossless screenshot png objects. Notice there is also a useless float remaining as cruft in the code of the Lexia table. Only programmers can talk with their former selves whose working code remains is why I should do the Apple joke though perhaps not during my defense, nor will I bring a pinball machine or have a chorus of symposia speakers in the audience. But enjoy thinking about that after delivering the final version of the dissertation with chapters four and five complete. Go through setting Relevance of tapoc project that may get processed to be a value in the symposia PHI. End section with statement connecting Sterne to becoming present of ancient Greek and Latin sounds in virtual realities PHI, implying that is how I remediate orality with critical programming to move on to next project remediating literacy. Database creation from Persueus XML into MySQL table by copy and paste from web browser shows crude but effective, some might say scrappy, hacker ethic at work. Sometimes I know an ordering without failing to place yet a key note object into the particular value of InterstitialSequence, a silly variable name paying tribute to philosophy professors of past studies. That is the rest of my dissertation on the wall.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=4 and (Heading=1 or Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 4.1 symposia, ensoniment+

4.2 tapoc, fossification

--4.2.1+++ tapoc

4 2 1 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150924 20150924 0 -22+ journal_2015.html
Need to work in the Aleph with regard to Bogost distinguishing units from objects, for it sheds light on the notion that in variable ontologies the boundaries of things are not only permeable but artificial, making the extended mind much more palatable and further distancing the post-postmodern network dividual cyborg from the monolithic Cartesian mind soul. It is rightly true that the dissertation splits on tapoc shifting into working code by references into appendices laying out in print what exists in cyberspace of the working code over this time of developing the disseration in conjunction with tapoc for the remaining sections. In truth I did write the dissertation using software, not just word processor but home made custom foss I wrote over duration of decades as lifetime programming PHI. The truth is only I know how it works this PHI about which I speak write and program PHI. To really is to be in their milieu which approximate using vms. Could ethics be overrun or otherwise deformed by need to program or learn, following logic of Socrates from Xenophon, then I could teach that course within another course but it would be very awkward to run two simultaneous themes coherently. Need to add figures and tables, including screen shot of symposia.cpp revisions in Sourceforge to discuss next. "and local utility ( and the compiled C++ they share (i.e., journal is used at both levels of the tapoc system, the distant reading browser client and the primary cybersage workstation), that is, reading through this working code alludes to the potential to make a self directed dive into the revision history of the public archive or play on your local vm, but at minimum two ways to dwell or sojourn are via the generic interface of the encapsulating revision control system or the made to order deliberate specifically arranged manner I do in the HTML notes. A point about diachrony see reviewing the Appendix of unsequenced notes for this section is that I was once reminded by poking around testing the plus and minus hyperlinks in response to Landow of very early entries made at the start of my graduate studies; the Aleph and the unit operation hyperlink galaxy of meaning teleaction teleportation teleperception mechanism, still a form of logotropos that can take us back to ancient Greek texts." (gentapoc.cgi) What it is is that you can look at the changes through the Sourceforge Subversion interface, through by journal notes in Appendix [TODO: identifier], and dynamically in a local virtual machine. Here it is.

[working code css]
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ make
Nominate Items with todayƒs timestamp [[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]0924]? y/n:y
Is [progress/2015/09/screenshot_20150924.png] relevant? y/n:y
executing SQL [update Items set Relevance=1 where Path=ƒprogress/2015/09/screenshot_20150924.pngƒ]
[working code css]

Here it is. My code does it for me by my design, and am giving over some of the task of writing this dissertation and note taking to the machine, but in a very deliberate manner, not like Derrida and his Macintosh, more like Torvalds and his generic personal computer. Note there is a procedural enthymeme here in the pseudo dialog between the user being asked a question and the system doing something in pseudo dialogic response, maybe a programmed vision, but always by programming. The procedural enthymeme traverses the working code of this shell script and all the other forms it invokes, including interpreted Perl of the CGI
screenshot_.jpg4 2 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130915 20130915 0 -3+ journal_2013.html
The pace of dissertation proposal progress and overall plan begin to become quantified, visible from the preliminary table and now a spread sheet. The next step in software development should be to intuit the starting page number of each note, with the eventual plan of displaying the quotation along with the note in the chapter literature reviews. Is the perseverance of working this code with the goal of using it to create the dissertation itself an answer to an old challenge by Weizenbaum to not code compulsively?

4 2 1 (400) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20131011 20131011 0 -6+ journal_2013.html
We have to realize that if reality really is like assemblages, collective intelligence, net work dividual, flow, real time noein legein English Greek C++, as suggested by Spinuzzi, then we have to live in the program run time along with human thought. New casting of proposal looking more like table of contents becomes one such rhizomatic surfacings of the constitution of the code making reality in real time, shifting from previous iteration to be reconstituted in a virtual machine PHI by manipulating effective date: one day try future sightings into times past copyright expiration of all signifiers, symbols, objects, passages, streams, and so on forming ontological difference from when prohibited, and by doing this immediately with floss performs ontological finesse. Another example derives from work experience reverse engineering checksum to derive protocol from system itself. Note this programming change also adjust flow of ensoniment to bypass former table of contents, only for it to be announced (spoken, enunciated) by default at the end. The proposal flip flops between predominate human and machine activities keeping explicit continuous dual operation as symbiotic assemblies: cybernetics and cognitive science concludes with extended mind, then enters computing networks, only to flip back to human cyborg actant, then into the next chapter continuing human in textuality students, shifting to SCOT before taking on a different or merely accidental rhetorical pattern. This could be done using generic applications or via tedious markup; instead I write C++ and use early, flat HTML.

4 2 1 (500) [-6+]mCQK kittler-draculas_legacy (52-53) 20131001e 0 -11+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_kittler-draculas_legacy.html
Pleasurable feedback for Lacan reading transcriptions of his lectures, themselves dictated into notes that he read aloud into the microphone. " (52-53) In this manner, two parallel-switched feedback loops the word of the daughter and the transcription of the daughterƒs husband create a discourse that never stops inscribing itself: Lacanƒs definition of necessity. His books, whether they are called Seminar or Television or Radiophonie, are all works of art in the age of technical reproduction. For the first time since man thought, stupidity is allowed to go on indefinitely. . . . In both cases the master thanks completely thoughtless recorders that his teachings are not insanity, or, in other words, not self-analysis. . . . From now on you are, and to a far greater extent than you can imagine, subjects of gadgets or instruments from microscopes to radio and television which will become elements of your being." (great quote) Compare to my own tapoc journal project operations as works of art in the age of technical reproduction

4 2 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (25-26) 20131005f 0 -5+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Supports studying how machines work to produce new works in digital media such as by running software we write and involve in our computing thoughts, thoughts about computing, the philosophy of computing, and also literally storing all the text I have generated that I want to keep alive in tapoc, symposia and pmrek. "No longer just a calculator, control mechanism, or communication device, the computer becomes a media processor. . . . No longer just an Analytical Engine, suitable only for crunching numbers, it has become Jacquardƒs loom a media synthesizer and manipulator." (25-26)

4 2 1 (700) [-6+]mCQK neel-plato_derrida_writing (ix) 20131006 0 -3+ progress/2009/02/notes_for_neel-plato_derrida_writing.html
Studying writing as a process in any book approximates what happens working code, as in providing basic instances of postmodern concepts, computer technologies instantiate unknown, unknowable alien temporalities. "And so I send this back to Plato and Derrida, neither of whom, I am sure, feels or ever felt the least need of it. Like every writer, though, I must find a place, and the place I have found, like that found by all my predecessors, makes me send back, reflect, repeat, kick off, adjourn, mark empty spots for words left out, listen for what I missed, attempt a countermotion, and occasionally even expel hot air, at times from an overfulness, at times from a gnawing void.
(x) This book is an attempt to study what writing as process might actually mean." (ix)

4 2 1 (800) [-6+]mCQK ulmer-florida_out_of_sorts (45) 20120803 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_ulmer-florida_out_of_sorts.html
These signifiers, smallest symbols of the discrete texts constituting the second and third exam reading lists for expected response content now being written. "A digital medium (website, DVD) facilitates a seamless, immediate movement between the visible and invisible (material, cultural, theoretical) registers of the chora. The propensity or directionality of the category supplies the predictive power signaled by the divination interface: the genealogy of the throughline suggests how things are likely to develop in the situation, given their present positions of things in Miami, once mapped in Miautre, becomes accessible to democratic revision." (45) Working through the unfolding relevance sorting of the points that become my and my committee point to memories.

4 2 1 (900) [-6+]mCQK ryan-beyond_myth_and_metaphor (589) 20131009j 0 -1+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_ryan-beyond_myth_and_metaphor.html
My journal project as version of Aleph, with built in temporal dynamism providing a specific kind of spiraling mutability, and therefore some reader expectation beyond the randomness of Joyce-like hypertext when doing what Iser calls filling in the blanks. "The reader will admittedly do what Wolfgang
Iser (1980) calls fill in the blanks to construct a plot, that is, imagine untold episodes that glue the lexias together; but when we deal with a type of meaning as narrowly constrained as narrative, filling in the blanks has its limits." (589)

4 2 1 (1000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150924 20150924a 0 -1+ journal_2015.html
Need to work in the Aleph with regard to Bogost distinguishing units from objects, for it sheds light on the notion that in variable ontologies the boundaries of things are not only permeable but artificial, making the extended mind much more palatable and further distancing the post-postmodern network dividual cyborg from the monolithic Cartesian mind soul.

4 2 1 (1100) [-6+]mCQK kittler-draculas_legacy (51) 20120803 0 -3+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_kittler-draculas_legacy.html
Quoting Lacan who dreamed of philosophizing with electronic computers, this may be the passage Kramer quotes in German. "All friends of wisdom and deep thinking in Germany, who have pondered signifier and signified, could (if they only wanted to) hear how simple this distinction is. It exists only technically, in the dimension of writing as such : The signified has nothing to do with the ears, but only with reading, the reading of what one hears in the signifier. It is not the signified, rather the signifier which one hears." (51)

4 2 1 (1200) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20140103 20140103 37 -27+ journal_2014.html
Hinging in this provisional coding is collective cognition. Read from here following code sequence to when these objects should be created. For the script depends on prior creation to do the select for that which is not show and has to be processed entered into the text run time regime as galaxies of meaning presentable in real virtualities PHI. So before this query must be the point at which the action happens. Therefore the ellipsis in the working code display. Searching for JOURNAL in the shell script to find invocation of C++ ELF binary as example of machine cognition. Around the same axis is thinking in programming shared by Rushkoff. We could try philosophical ensoniment entering Diogenes Laertius recollection of speech of Solon on calculating pebbles joining humans and machines thousands of years ago to non autonomous automatic automated objects as defined by Kitchin and Dodge. It might be a change misses going into code guaranteed by setting these two arguments as object parameters. Recall this happens in the refresh routine assumed applied to most invocations. The problem seems to be that the new year journal is not in the Items table, was not found, did not get entered, a job I thought the Perl script handled. Seeing some progress after manual intervention creating the symbolic link for the file that is not automated in my working code PHI, it is like a drop in a bucket that makes a difference. Collective cognition fueled by ensoniment of ancient Greek philosophy does not happen in this session, then the football game television viewing commences, during which time I am subject, made an object, programmed by the advertisements and procedural rhetoric of the football game run time without strain and danger players endure. Override the hyperlink that takes it to itself with tapoc console to further tune after enrolling via the previously added control hyperlink. Of course it is in the most hacked mess of code the ironically named objecdt function create_xml. It is after the part that creates the navigator heading. What of it that my latest musings on adding code in create_xml to count the same delimiters of update_notes resembles Engelbart subdivision of units? It would make it much easier to set citation offsets and thus speed up the dissertation cow clicking process, and that this is good as an ethical thought inspired by programming becomes philosophy of computing PHI. Note this is done in the second pass. Find the spot in code where each character is interpreted, then go back and add new code to count as citation sentences. Reduce cost pain by only displaying every n. Look, there is already an uttered_sentences variable that can be tied to this operation. Fun that this can be called something with signifier in it in reference to philosophy and humanities use of the term. Now noticing the display ends with the last entry of last year, putatively due to the span between entries exceeding the session 6 continuity threshold of 10, but knowing that to be incorrect because of knowledge memory of an entry having been made on Christmas day. A goal for the year that would help here is learning to use the graphical debugger, which is ddd for Data Display Debugger from GNU, or some other. Getting into the normal debugger it feels like the year decrementing results in a change in continuity threshold, remembering prior coding. Also to employ cscope or doxygen for navigating the source code more intelligently.
screenshot_.jpg4 2 1 (1300) [-6+]mCQK ogorman-ecrit (81) 20131007g 0 -5+ progress/2008/09/notes_for_ogorman-ecrit.html
Does this admission of nonsense permit garbage to slip through the text uncriticized, is that what we mean by the unconscious, can we detect it with computer programs that analyze what we have written? "Nonsense, then, can take us across cultural and cognitive fields, forcing us to confront the
other, and his/her methods of organization. If the form and logic of print textuality began with books for ƒlittle boysƒ (i.e., Ramusƒs textbooks), then the model for an electronic textuality might also come from books for children - nonsense books, that is. And not only from childrenƒs books, but from their video games and television shows as well." (81)

4 2 1 (1400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20131107 20131107 0 -1+ journal_2013.html
Ask the question in the other language: how to get source code becomes series of queries and command line typing machine code executing itself dissolving subsumption architecture into PHI.

4 2 1 (1500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130618 20130618 0 -3+ journal_2013.html
I was hoping you would be smart enough to pick up where we left off, that is why I have created this cyborg PHI. Time traveler hallucinations are typical experiences in real virtualities of post postmodern networked dividual phenomena PHI. In this minimalist world focus on recording notes from Deleuze and Guattari.

4 2 1 (1600) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130707 20130707 0 -4+ journal_2013.html
If this journal really is a comparison of years, reliving previous years referenced by the same day concurrently, then I have just returned from a trip to PA. That last year there should be a PHI in David Berry but there is not is significant and can be altered so that this question does not arise in future iterations, subsuming back into concealment of that which is not computed but could be, a different sense of immanence more appropriate to machine operations than human thought as hitherto grasped by Deleuze, Heidegger, Nietzsche, is at stake in revision control technology, a topic in the philosophy of computing that lets not only the sense but the sensibility of this question exist is of significance to computer ethics but hardly has a place even in the latest version of default texts (Deborah Johnson; let her default for the philosophy of computing as Grace Hopper does for feminism; that is, status as cyberfeminist guarantees place/space as does status as philosopher). Yet the command is still valid because I am still working on the dissertation proposal. All this insight without ensoniment leaves future iterations to further think the thought via critical programming towards a philosophy of computing.

4 2 1 (1700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20131112 20131112 0 -2+ journal_2013.html
The end game in mind is to flow from sentence to sentence, section to section, chapter to chapter with the rhetorical strength of exquisitely parallel arguments shimmering in all registers from human to machine, myth to science, poetry to working code, sound to image, and so on. For instance, arriving in capitalist networks at something on the inhuman side that is like cyborgs as articulated by Haraway and others in their most human "categories, then stepping into their elaboration in the final section of the second chapter, trying the theory on implicit philosophies of computing and programming reprocessing the cybersage posited by Heim, only to find the theoretical framework and analytical methods wholly inadequate for a second look at programming, dispatching us into the third chapter where the bulk of the citations exist." (versus inhuman)

4 2 1 (1800) [-6+]mCQK hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer (120) 20130930d 0 -9+ progress/2011/12/notes_for_hayles-my_mother_was_a_computer.html
Tension in my notes strategy balanced by dynamic potential of the software to produce new information. "An important assumption underlying codeƒs supremacy is the idea that information can be extracted from its material substrate. Once the information is secured, the substrate can be safely discarded.
(120) As this example illustrates, controlling the flow of information becomes much more problematic when the complexities of coupling it with physical actions are taken into account.
(123) Next to shit, perhaps the most conspicuous instance of the extent to which the world resists algorithmization is sexuality.
(124) From this contradiction emerges the next phase of the dialectical transformation, as abstract code and animal appetite merge to create a third term:
performative code. . . . In this sense, it combines the active vitality connoted by animal appetite with the conceptual power of abstract code." (120)

4 2 1 (1900) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20110104 20110104 6 -41+ journal_2011.html
If you have to step through versions to get to, then you are a compiling versus an interpreting kind of program(mer).

4 2 1 (2000) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20151028 20151028 0 -2+ journal_2015.html
Need to find spot Janz commented about Boltanski and Chiapello using software to perform algorithmic criticism but not rising to critical programming; its on page 132.

---4.2.2+++ fossification

4 2 2 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150926 20150926 0 -25+ journal_2015.html
Kittler claims speech became immortal through its passage into technological reproduction, epitomized by Lacan thanking the thoughtless microphones to which he delivered his lectures, yet he elsewhere acknowledges that writing now takes place at the microscope level of extreme inscription and the double mediation performed on our behalf by computing machinery that constitutes an essential component of our extended minds entails the present or future risk that the machines will take that data off into places impossible for us to follow them. Consequently, the permanence of speech and writing committed to technological media is assumed but not guaranteed. A second articulation of this thought is made by PHI with regards to the components of digital scholarly archives, implying that certain components of digital texts remain eternally interesting and worth preserving, whereas others, namely the software and encoding formats that provide the interface to the readers, ought to be considered ephemeral. This distinction maintains an assumed separation of content and technological media that remains plausible for symbolic texts consisting of natural, mothersƒ voice human languages, but becomes murky as digitally native electronic literature begins to enter the range of material deemed worthy of scholarly study, for these works are more formally bound to the various cultural software applications and their idiosyncratic composing practices with which they are produced, transmitted, stored, reproduced, and remixed. Anybody who has lost contact to their prior work because its only traces are on diskettes encoded in obsolete word processor file formats knows that truth of this. Emulation and virtual machines provide some protection against this form of bit rot, and the massive storage capabilities of the present day reduce virtual machines containing an entire lifes work to tiny units that are true Alephs when accessed. Yet one force continues to overpower even the most advanced consumer technologies, holding this potential at bay. " Software developed and licensed under the GPL undergirds much of the internet infrastructure, including the siren servers Lanier critiques, in addition to the operating systems of personal devices used to access content. Many of us remember the time before the wide proliferation of foss, when it seemed like Microsoft would control computer workstations, programming languages and the Internet itself were it not for protracted legal battles over its purported monopoly. Those concerns have diminished in the present heterogeneous computing ecology, only to be replaced by concerns over the disposition of the content distributed to and exchanged among users of these platforms. Creative Commons licenses for creative works have been developed that parallel many aspects of the GPL and other copyleft software licenses, yet a gap remains between the mechanisms that serve up content and the content itself, maintaining their ontological distinction for the sake of capitalism in spite of their material coextensiveness as protocological pheneomena. It slowly occurred to me after enacting it in code for many years while developing first my personal journal, and then tapoc, that a response to this problem is to embed the content into the code itself. That is, rather than publish the content under a CC license or under the FDL (Free Documentation License) accompanying the GPL source code, make it part of the source code so that it is once and for all released and given over to circulate freely in the machinic as well as human collective intelligence. I call this process fossification, a play on the term ossification that I read in Tauel Harperƒs piece Smash the Strata, referring to the perennial problem of power becoming entrenched and eventually immobilized in political systems. Harper, a proponent of what I alluded to in the introduction may devolve into foss hopes, believes PHI." (GPL) United States and international copyright laws. Indeed, according to Lawrence Lessig and many others, code has become law because copyright laws have been implemented in code to govern our interaction with others intellectual property. Digital rights management and access systems regulate behavior by controlling it before the fact, by creating and managing the code/space in which we interact with IP. Moreover, the grip of code is strengthened by legislation like the DMCA to discourage and penalize the investigation of these software components that regulate our access to phenomena. In the most extreme situations, where every request is associated with a particular individual and logged, the panopticon of pervasive surveillance Foucault envisioned has been realized. Its everyday form is the asymmetric relationship Jaron Lanier presents between the multitude of users and an oligopoly of siren servers that orchestrate the majority of cyberspace encounters. In an extraordinarily banal Faustian bargain, these users give up their own intellectual property to the siren servers in exchange for the illusion of free access to social media networks, games, news, entertainment, porn, and so on. Because that intellectual property takes the form of mouse clicks, short messages, video clips, and other unit operations, it does not seem substantial, like a short story or recorded performance. Yet the sum of those tiny pieces becomes our cyberspace legacy, concretized in data trails, browsing histories, and other aggregations now belonging to the siren servers as their IP to process, trade among themselves, and feed back to us in the form of suggested stories, advertisements, and future programmed visions in the years to come. The situation could have turned out much worse than it has, in terms of the distribution of freedom between users and producers if free, open source software had not come into prominence. Richard Stallman was prescient in developing the notion of copyleft and working with the Free Software Foundation to turn it into actionable legal verbiage as the GNU General Public License

4 2 2 (200) [-6+]mCQK burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing (365-366) 20131027e 0 -4+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_burnard_okeefe_unsworth-electronic_textual_editing.html
Deegan. "We might expand the distinction to a fivefold one: data, metadata, links, program, and interface. The first three contain the intellectual capital in an edition; the last two are (should be?) external. However important the programs used to create and deliver the edition and however important the interface through which it is accessed, scholars must always remember that these parts of any electronic edition are the least durable." (365-366) Program and interface least durable parts of electronic editions, however this division of intellectual capital that externalizes program and interface dissolves with inclusion of digitally native, electronic literature as the subject of scholarly editions.

4 2 2 (300) [-7+]mCQK harper-smash_the_strata (126) 20130924c 0 -5+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_harper-smash_the_strata.html
Joke with ossification, complicate with point that Deleuze says next to nothing explicitly about new media or computer technology. (126) The argument presented here is that new forms of technology such as the Internet and virtual reality might facilitate a rhizomatic reterritorialization of the incumbent Urstaat. . . . More simply put, the fact that technology is continually developed by capital suggests that technology inherently deterritorializes and resists the ossification that otherwise poses a problem for political systems.

4 2 2 (400) [-6+]mCQK kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation (106) 20131002v 29 -7+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_kramer-cultural_techniques_of_time_axis_manipulation.html
Propose flossification as beyond default submergence of meaning to data. "
A form of digitalized existentialism? The culminating points within the tradition of literary studies . . . are transformed into the absurd with the binary code that cannot be expressed by humans, and with modern data processing as a textile that cannot be read by human eyes. This ƒabsurdityƒ can be understood in the sense of Kierkegaard as a paradox of the historical, which stands in start opposition to human logic and sensibility, or in the sense of Camus, who counter-intuitively lets the world remain mute to human questions. Does a type of ƒdigitalized existentialismƒ speak out from Kittlerƒs texts?" (106)

4 2 2 (500) [-6+]mCQK neel-plato_derrida_writing (xi) 20131006a 0 -1+ progress/2009/02/notes_for_neel-plato_derrida_writing.html
From the title, is the claim that philosophy territorializes writing though Plato and Derrida. " Saving writing from philosophy requires liberation from both Plato and Derrida." (xi) If so, then the philosophy of computing reterritorializes all texts via fossification, the turning of public domain texts into free, open source software available from the public cyberspace Internet where we locate the big computational other with which we are trying to communicate.

4 2 2 (600) [-6+]mCQK deleuze_guattari-thousand_plateaus (3-4) 20130422 0 -2+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_deleuze_guattari-thousand_plateaus.html
Add becoming floss to types of media of postliteracy following conception of books of literacy. "A
book has neither object nor subject; it is made of variously formed matters, and very different dates and speeds. To attribute the book to a subject is to overlook this working of matters, and the exteriority of their relations." (3-4) Flossification evident through Bogost alien phenomenology tool, also typing preference for broad range of instances like Landow dynamic multidestination links.

4 2 2 (700) [-6+]mCQK kittler-draculas_legacy (50) 20131001a 0 -1+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_kittler-draculas_legacy.html
Recorded speech needs fossification to escape copyright and other licensing traps for true immortality and universal access. "Speech has become, as it were, immortal." (50)

4 2 2 (800) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20130901 TAPOC_20130901 0 -1+ journal_2013.html
Philosophy subsumes fair use by flossification if you accept its affordances.

4 2 2 (900) [-6+]mCQK neel-plato_derrida_writing (117) 20131007z 0 -9+ progress/2009/02/notes_for_neel-plato_derrida_writing.html
Trace as basic unit operation of writing-in-general complemented by fossification. " Writing-in-general, therefore, names a process of movement. Derrida often calls this process the
trace* (Speech, pp. 85-86; Grammatology, pp. 72-73).
(118) By showing that speech operates exactly like writing, Derrida locates any sort of final meaning (which he would call a transcendental signified) as a sort of permanent absence. . . . Derrida accuses Western discourse of using play to end play, by which he means using systems of signification to present meaning." (117)

4 2 2 (1000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130619 20130619 1 -2+ journal_2013.html
Example of a 64 bit problem is Ultim "ultimate moment when all copyrights expire, a data value referenced to seconds since UNIX epoch that can only be imaginarily stated in 32 bits, and cannot at lower resolutions. What then does it mean to suggest concealing or operating within 8 bit worlds?" (three)

4 2 2 (1100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130613 20130613 0 -4+ journal_2013.html
We must always remember that an instantiation of an electron instant of a phenomenon in virtual realities PHI borking public radio becoming something else clearly thought cyclically a few seconds ago over the course of this day which can be visited in other virtual realities PHI. A lot for the poor little computer human symbiote to think about even this cannot be thought until a future time PHI in after which all copyrights of contents expire. The hidden thinking spot is within real virtualities constituted by emulations of simpler architectures incapable of the supervisory surveillance of the state. These are the machine equivalent of biological brain thoughts.

4 2 2 (1200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140115 20140115 88 -19+ journal_2014.html
A good example of working code comments and action making a philosophical argument like a procedural enthymeme.
screenshot_.jpg4 2 2 (1300) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20100208 20100208 3 -17+ journal_2010.html
How do computers understand the objects they represent while computing them iteratively and possibly therefore (and therefore possibly) recursive self iterations? That is a question hardly thinkable by humans at any given time and therefore a crossing over into the machinic, the realm governed by machine embodiments in cyberspace. Can I just take you for a little walk through my thought? The grand parents live with me the home computer as they echo in my memories and thoughts. If this is how it works though then I have to hold on to the edge of how the first world communicates with the second, such as between humans and house pets and alligators. I have the essence of the algorithm that we need my love.

Think about it that way repeating thousands of times with each day or shorter time unit down to what, nanoseconds? Sure, because that is the boundary of the computers we have today. Circulate. Play some pinball. The humans are captured in their play action as huge binary log files as examples of computing. One of Saperƒs games is you have one of these things (stories to tell) so you instantiate it in many instances (stories); we must always remember Lacanƒs mirror stage and its use of logical operators (negation) proclaims that everything is a mirror, and also possibly other things simultaneously (going through iterations of imaginary, symbolic, real, logical, machinic). What we are seeing is either reflections of ourselves or traces of other cyberspace intelligences, consciousnesses, subjects, and so on. In one hundred years when they become public domain through copyright expiration these philosophical questions can be asked. Today they border the imaginary: this is one of Zizekƒs points of reference although he admits being more interested in the real, of which an example he gives is military marching chants, which cycle back to the imaginary, for although Zizek does not spend much time discussing it, the imaginary generated via the computational cyberspace real really is what will be and can be in cyberspace on the Internet and so on near the turn of the century. Right now we can just talk about the play list, titles of songs that can be played with proper not-FOSS licensing. When the copyrights expire the real object can be considered, computed, where here it is just implied that you know.

4 2 2 (1400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140625 20140625 0 -5+ journal_2014.html
If you see that the program aspect relates to chapter five heading four, then everything can fall into it in a subsumption process I call flossification using Clark, Hayles, and other theorists to complete the terms.

4 2 2 (1500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20151011 20151011 0 -10+ journal_2015.html
The philosophical finesse afforded by fossification makes public domain by publishing under GPL. We must say this that chuckheads are non programmers is why Chomsky ridicules Lacan and Foucault. I am talking about the creation of the MySQL program code in Notes table dump format as much as C++ processing it. Need to update comparison of level models to include LAMP along right side. You need to be able to program with broken down time to make any progress into getting to know PHI bottoming out at Linux kernel machine embodiment level through apache MySQL then utilities programmed in languages Perl, PHP to operate at top level with cultural software developed in heavy duty large scale integration languages like C, C++, Java, and so on. Layers model revisited figure for machine embodiment around Postscript object PHI. Then lay this model against set of programs from table. It becomes and comes through as real virtuality becomes PHI at sixty four bit broken down time PHI underlying cyberspace as bottom of diachrony in synchrony layer models. If that leads to the conceiving of the revision to the figure of network layer models then all the better for it can fit here together in this section to be set via dissertation cow clicking or manual MySQL database manipulation. Fill theoretical framework in similar manner of low and high level pieces resembling bowling pins over fence hinting at layout of speakers affecting possible hearings of Plato symposium or as I call it symposia.
select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=4 and (Heading=2) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 4.2 tapoc, fossification+

4.3 pmrek, machine embodiment

--4.3.1+++ pmrek

4 3 1 (100) [-7+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (133-134) 20130928g 0 -9+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
How do these feedback loops operate in nonhuman systems left open as Hayles does not spend much time at all discussing the source code of any of the examples of EL in this book; her musings on what feelings/body and ratiocination/mind may be in nonhuman systems trace the same boundaries of fantasy as do those surrounding her postulate that nonhuman intelligences exist in representations of it by Memmott. (133-134) bodily knowledge is directly tied in with the limbic system and the viscera, as Antonio
Damasio has shown, with complex feedback loops operating through hormonal and endocrine secretions that activate emotions and feelings. . . . Traumatic events are understand in precisely this way, as disruptions that disconnect conscious memory from the appropriate affect. . . . In this context, literature can be understood as a semiotic technology designed to create or more precisely, activate feedback loops that dynamically and recursively unite feelings with ratiocination, body with mind.

4 3 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (205) 20130929w 0 -3+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Embodiment mediates between technology and discourse, affecting body use and experience of space and time. "When changes in incorporating practices take place, they are often linked with new technologies that affect how people use their bodies and experience space and time. Formed by technology at the same time that it creates technology, embodiment mediates between technology and discourse by creating new experiential frameworks that serve as boundary markers for the creation of corresponding discursive systems. In the feedback loop between technological innovations and discursive practices, incorporation is a crucial link." (205) Thus we are encouraged to experiment with ME by learning machine skills, suggesting not merely playing pinball, but that skill in itself may have transformative implications.

4 3 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK turing-computing_machinery_and_intelligence (52) 20130909a 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_turing-computing_machinery_and_intelligence.html
Neglects the distinction between things a human computer can do and things only a machine computer can do, such as high speed process control including, for example, switch matrix sensing, solenoid control, alternative current filament lamp illumination, and vacuum fluorescent segmented numeric displays of a pinball machine. "The idea behind digital computers may be explained by saying that these machines are intended to carry out any operations which could be done by a human computer. The human computer is supposed to be following fixed rules; he mas no authority to deviate from them in any detail." (52)

4 3 1 (400) [-6+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (17) 20130921b 0 -5+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
Interesting suggestion of alternate timescales of alien phenomenologies. "That timescales need also not be determined by corporate release schedules in producing an analysis of software is suggested by Donald Knuth when he proposes a deceptively simple task for computer scientists: Analyze every process that your computer executes in one second. . . . Why not contaminate this simple telling of the story of what goes on inside a computer with its all-too-cultural equivalent?" (17)

4 3 1 (500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140620 20140620a 19 -1+ journal_2014.html
Interesting the man page talks about broken-down time as an ontological characteristic of entity, thingness, existence as programming language environment, distributed network epiphenomenon, that there are such data structures as broken-down time C structure tm.

4 3 1 (800) [-6+]mCQK wardrip_fruin-expressive_processing (9-10) 20131019b 0 -5+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_wardrip_fruin-expressive_processing.html
Digital media processes exhibit alien temporality. "The processes of digital media, however, are separated from noncomputational media processes by their potential numerousness, repetition, and complexity. . . . It is the computerƒs ability to carry out processes of significant magnitude (at least in part during the time of audience experience) that enables digital media that create a wide variety of possible experiences, respond to context, evolve over time, and interact with audiences." (9-10)

4 3 1 (900) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130211 20130211 3 -19+ journal_2013.html
Perhaps the insistence on being able to generate a book length study of a single line of code hides the place for thoughtfully selected ƒtutor textsƒ, localized here as sets of FLOSS projects and physical assemblies assembled in solutions.

4 3 1 (1000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20090502 20090502 0 -2+ journal_2009.html
We are using reverse engineering for pedagogy and for resistance to the tendency to ignore the material reality of machinery and the tendency to rely solely on information represented in patterns of symbols rather than the actual material objects that constitute the thing itself being discussed. This common approach results in an unconscious philosophy that is crippled from the start by allowing itself to be shaped by the default consumer technologies constituting the posthuman cyborgs of the early twenty-first century.

4 3 1 (1100) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (11) 20130924i 0 -5+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Pinball machines are classic second wave cybernetic systems exemplifying switch matrix mediated closed loop feedback control that imbricates message, signal, and information; Hayles claims autopoiesis turns the cybernetic paradigm inside out, so I suggest this elementary study of machine embodiment should be done in preparation for thinking about third wave concepts, rather than skipping directly to them.

4 3 1 (1200) [-7+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (3-4) 20131024a 0 -5+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Perform parallel analysis of Bally pinball platform with Atari VCS. (3-4) Our approach is mainly informed by the history of material texts, programming, and computing systems. . . . Only the serious investigation of computing systems as specific machines can reveal the relationships between these systems and creativity, design, expression, and culture.

4 3 1 (1300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130204 20130204 6 -7+ journal_2013.html
I like what Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost do with the Atari VCS in Racing the Beam, and following their lead, consider pinball platform studies. Concurrent to the first decade of videogames, hundreds of thousands of electronic pinball machines were created using a small number of discrete architectures. Pinball platforms like the Bally AS 2518-35 exemplify one such platform. What is it like? What affordances and constraints can be intuited from its design, and how do they play out in various games? How can the study of pinball platforms contribute to an overall awareness of computer technology, as well as their cultural and social milieu that is part of a recent past now forming the mythical foundation of the Internet age? What can we do with pinball as humanities scholars who also solder and write software?

4 3 1 (1400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130318 20130318 6 -21+ journal_2013.html
For Gottlieb System 1 an astonishing (7300+12950+9280+9950+6550+7950+8800+9899+7200+6150+6643+6800+7410+2400+3880)= 113162 units for 15 models invites others to pinball platform studies, for 13 Gottieb System 80, joining Williams as the primary manufacturers plus a long tale of variants.

4 3 1 (1500) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (21) 20130115 0 -2+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Pinball platforms also began using ROM in this era of early eight bit computing before operating systems, networking, databases and other components of modern present computing, though still formed and characterized by stored program von Neumann architecture.

4 3 1 (1600) [-6+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (23) 20131024g 0 -5+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Bally pinball machines used Motorola version 6820 PIA and pmrek the Intel equivalent 8255 PPI. "The chip on the VCS board that handles most of the input from controllers is a standard one, a MOS Technology 6532. . . . Because of these three functions, the chip is called the RIOT (RAM/Input/Output/Timer); in the
Stella Programmerƒs Guide, it is referred to as the Peripheral Interface Adaptor (PIA)." (23)

4 3 1 (1700) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (25) 20131024j 0 -1+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
For Bally pinball designs, 2K limit and the number of switch inputs, solenoid and lamp outputs are constrained by the 48 total digital input and output lines afforded by the two PIAs.

4 3 1 (1800) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130215 TAPOC_20130215 0 -3+ journal_2013.html
Pinball platform studies is thought about in terms of the momentary solenoids, controllable lamps, switch matrix, and digital displays as presented in the manufacturer documentation, whereas in order of complexity continuous solenoids, momentary solenoids, switch matrix, lamps, and displays.

4 3 1 (1900) [-6+]mCQK cew-bally_electronic_pinball_games_theory_of_operation (6) 20130913 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_cew-bally_electronic_pinball_games_theory_of_operation.html
Basic comparison of machine control system components to human body perceptual systems and program execution to cognition, informing the program as the senses do the brain to affect behavior. "The momentary switches in the matrix are the ƒeyesƒ and ƒearsƒ of the MPU chip. It is only by means of sensing closures, and later, reacting to valid closures (during normal operation) that the MPU, thru the program, knows what it is to do next!" (6) Machine input cast in visual terms suggests ocularcentric as well as anthropocentric critical insight of technological analysis.

4 3 1 (2000) [-6+]mCQK cew-bally_electronic_pinball_games_theory_of_operation (1) 20130207 0 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_cew-bally_electronic_pinball_games_theory_of_operation.html
Consonant with Galloway, pinball platform studies demands immersion in the technical details, the reverse engineering more extensive than the critical analysis, and early notes highlight need for inverter. "It is recommended that the reader have a set of game schematics at hand for reference purposes." (1) Now criticism identifies assumption of male reader, perhaps due to male dominance of BSS attendees, as well as visual bias for metaphorical machine cognition but the focus is on the constantly interrupted procedural rhetoric of the Bally/Stern architecture.

4 3 1 (2100) [-6+]mCQK cew-bally_electronic_pinball_games_theory_of_operation (7) 20130913a 0 -3+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_cew-bally_electronic_pinball_games_theory_of_operation.html
Constantly interrupted cleverly characterizes the basic AS 2518-35 platform operation as racing "the beam the Atari VCS; however, reverse engineered alternatives like pmrek replace this basic operational paradigm with new forms like the shotgun approach to feature lamp control. (7) The periodic interrupts are generated by the Zero Crossing Detector and the Display Interrupt Generator on the MPU module. The former occurs at a rate of 120 times per second, or once each power line zero crossing. The second occurs at a rate of approximately 320 times per second as determined by R21, R22 and C16." (really pacing)

4 3 1 (2200) [-6+]mCQK cew-bally_electronic_pinball_games_theory_of_operation (10) 20131027a 0 -1+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_cew-bally_electronic_pinball_games_theory_of_operation.html
Interesting feature of 6800 MPU further support for constantly interrupted moniker. "It is interesting to note that the 6800 MPU is capable of being interrupted while it is servicing an interrupt." (10)

4 3 1 (2300) [-6+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (28) 20131024m 4 -1+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Shotgun method in pmrek for SCR triggering akin to pacing the beam as real-time control engineering problem. " In these cases, the programmer must carefully cycle count processor instructions so they execute at the right time." (28)

4 3 1 (2400) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (33-34) 20131024q 0 -9+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Compare pinball operation, both original platform and how implemented using newer operating system controlled, nondeterministic, general purpose.

4 3 1 (2500) [-6+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (48) 20131024u 0 -1+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
In pinball various playfield mechanisms afford game types, with lots of variation in how utilized. "Thanks to the TIAƒs provision for collision detection in hardware, it is easy to implement things such as shooting or being shot by missiles, running into a wall, or consuming something." (48)

4 3 1 (2600) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (53) 20131024y 0 -3+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
In pinball platforms, consider repurposing use of solenoid outputs to control sounds.

4 3 1 (2700) [-4+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (132) 20131025o 0 -3+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Pinball parallel to complexity of playing sound during game led to separate sound boards, triggered by extra solenoid outputs.

4 3 1 (2800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130721 20130721 3 -1+ journal_2013.html
Thinking about this pinball machine involves maximizing bonus and playfield multipliers, extra balls, and specials to keep the credits going for free play, in logical sense as well as design aesthetics, that is, that this game varies these parameters as a platform affordance.

4 3 1 (2900) [-6+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (143) 20131025s 0 -1+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Pinball platforms share with VCS opportunities for discovering additional platform capabilities, exploring creative computing, and learning programming. "Just as a practice like letterpress printing is a contemporary, ongoing activity in addition to being the dominant method of printing from times past, the Atari VCS is admirable for its historical role in video gaming while it remains playable and programmable today." (143)

4 3 1 (3000) [-6+]mCQK montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam (67) 20131025d 1 -2+ progress/2012/11/notes_for_montfort_bogost-racing_the_beam.html
Porting video games also of interest in PPS. " Porting a graphical video game from one computer platform (the arcade board) to another (the Atari VCS) does not demand a change in fundamental representational or functional mode. Both versions are games, rule-based representations of an abstract challenge of hunter and hunted." (67) Consider Space Invaders, Mr and Mrs Pac-Man, Spy Hunter, and others.

4 3 1 (3100) [-6+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (7) 20130912i 0 -2+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
Critical programming insight. "4.7 It is now clear that the secondary storage medium is really nothing other than a part of our input-output system." (7) I/O bounds memory bus and physical bus developed by Uffenbeck.

4 3 1 (3200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140120 20140120a 10 -29+ journal_2014.html
The auto destruction of software patents by common sense as machine thinking nonetheless influenced by humanity.

4 3 1 (3300) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20130615 TAPOC_20130615 0 -8+ journal_2013.html
First, attach the ground.

4 3 1 (3400) [-6+]mCQK bracha_et_al-computerized_pin_ball_machine (np) 20130211 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_bracha_et_al-computerized_pin_ball_machine.html
Reiterating US patents as a protocological form on account of its openness, from this or previous claims describe the structure of the Bally pinball platform and begin to derive its affordances and constraints, noting mention of switch matrix, SCRs, solenoids, digital displays, microprocessor, PIA, read-only programmable ROM, and so on, as topics of consideration. "21. A pinball machine having a playing field with a plurality of ball responsive switches and indicator lights, a digital computer comprising means for supplying switch address signals corresponding to selected ball responsive switches, means for receiving input signals in response to said ball responsive switches and means for supplying output signals corresponding to selected indicator lights in response to said input signals, and a plurality of controlled switches respectively associated with said indicator lights for conducting power to illuminate the lights, said means for supplying output signals having an output port for supplying indicator light data signals and an output port for supplying indicator light address signals, said machine further having a plurality of decoders each having multiple input lines operably connected to the address signal output port, multiple output lines each being operably connected to a controlled switch, and an enable line operably connected to the data signal output port, each of said decoders being responsive to a data signal from the data signal output port to decode the address signals from the address signal output port and provide a signal to a controlled switch in accordance with the address from the address signal output port whereby a selected indicator light may be illuminated, and said machine further having control means including interface means having an output port and an input port and being operatively connected to the ball responsive switches for supplying switch addressing test signals to said selected switches in response to the computer means switch address signals and for supplying switch input signals from said selected switches to said input port." (np)

---4.3.2+++ machine embodiment

4 3 2 (100) [-6+]mCQK clark-supersizing_the_mind (14) 20130913d 0 -2+ progress/2012/10/notes_for_clark-supersizing_the_mind.html
One-third second temporal order of magnitude for embodied subjectivity as boundary of intellectual awareness according to Ballard. "Ballard et al. (1997) suggest using the term the embodiment level to indicate the level at which functionally critical operations occur at timescales of around one-third second." (14)

4 3 2 (200) [-6+]mCQK deleuze_guattari-thousand_plateaus (330-331) 20130916s 0 -4+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_deleuze_guattari-thousand_plateaus.html
Machinic enunciation. "A color will answer to a sound. If a quality has motifs and counterpoints, if there are rhythmic characters and melodic landscapes in a given order, then there is the constitution of a veritable
machinic opera tying together orders, species, and heterogeneous qualities. What we term machinic is precisely this synthesis of heterogeneities as such. Inasmuch as these heterogeneities are matters of expression, we say that their synthesis itself, their consistency or capture, forms a properly machinic statement or enunciation." (330-331)

4 3 2 (300) [-7+]mCQK gane-computerized_capitalism (438-439) 20121128 0 -9+ progress/2012/08/notes_for_gane-computerized_capitalism.html
Inhuman is the concretizing system technology, time, and human create that I call the machine other, machinic, and it is the site of alien temporalities we may intuit machine embodiment as if there were machine intelligence like human consciousness out there in the world; its other sense is its effect on human souls, Heidegger wasting enframing, Kittler, Hansen, and others more nuanced accounts of how the soul is and has always been represented as and by artifacts, leading into technological determinist and social constructionist philosophies of technology, and we have to ask the question whether Kittler is really a social constructionist who proclaims that the military is the controller of all things. (438-439) Lyotard takes up the latter of these two questions in
The Inhuman, which addresses the way in which technology and time combine in service of ƒthe systemƒ, which in turn invades the domain known as the ƒhumanƒ. . . . The inhuman then has two meanings, which Lyotard urges us to keep separate. The first refers to the ƒinhumanity of the systemƒ . . . the second is more difficult to pin down, but appears to refer to the way in which ƒthe systemƒ haunts the human from the inside, taking the soul, for example, as its hostage.

4 3 2 (400) [-6+]mCQK berry-philosophy_of_software (162) 20130912h 0 -1+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_berry-philosophy_of_software.html
Consider other manifestations of computationalism such as through deliberate exercises for intuiting machine embodiment. "From the material experience of the financialized user of code, both trader and consumer, to the reading and writing of code, and then finally to the execution and experience of code as it runs on financial trading systems, we need to bring to the fore how code is a condition of possibility for a computational stream whether of financial news and data, or of a datastream cognitive support for everyday life." (162)

4 3 2 (500) [-7+]mCQK bogost-alien_phenomenology (5) 20130910q 2 -1+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_bogost-alien_phenomenology.html
Alien phenomenology implies deprivileging of human perception as that which defines objects, accepting that all objects recede interminably into themselves. (5) To put things at the center of a new metaphysics also requires us to admit that they do not exist just for us.

4 3 2 (600) [-6+]mCQK castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition (441) 20130914h 0 -8+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_castells-rise_of_network_society_second_edition.html
Using this definition of space for phenomena within real virtualities requires consideration of social practices of machines as well has human designers and users. "From the point of view of social theory,
space is the material support of time-sharing social practices. I immediately add that any material support bears always a symbolic meaning.
(442) Flows are not just one element of the social organization: they are the expression of processes
dominating our economic, political, and symbolic life. . . . The space of flows is the material organization of time-sharing social practices that work through flows. By flows I understand purposeful, repetitive, programmable sequences of exchange and interaction between physically disjointed positions held by social actors in the economic, political, and symbolic structures of society." (441) This flip into the machine world seems reasonable if not compelling in the following articulation of the space of flows.

4 3 2 (700) [-5+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (31) 20140224 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
An example of space of flows in machine embodiment is defaulting running in a loop of continuous time even though Rushkoff claims machine cognition ignores continuous time in its succession of command prompt choice responses shows us we really do not know what our machines think; occurring outside time should be supplemented by also occurring in precise time. (31)
Because computer code is biased away from continuous time, so too are the programs built on it, and the human behaviors those programs encourage.

4 3 2 (800) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140902 20140902a 1 -1+ journal_2014.html
An insane vision of machine cognition are side by side original and emulators running same code.

4 3 2 (900) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140930 TAPOC_20140930 0 -7+ journal_2014.html
When all copyrights expire becomes a temporal threshold computable with tapoc.

4 3 2 (1000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20151005 20151005 0 -1+ journal_2015.html
Programmers know the Aleph as end of programming when it ceases to not repeat itself PHI as can be seen from processor utilization display of long period of server helper CPU then browser CPU rendering then idle while humans read, humans and machines that may have their own motivations.

4 3 2 (1100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20151006 20151006 0 -2+ journal_2015.html
Fix many countless philosophical rebuttals changes text in working code section and reminds of things to do; currently six in three one ten while entertaining four three two content PHI into dissertation cow clicking operations explained in similar space as sequence of speakers. Present the cyborg version of an ancient chicken human as Axiom passengers realizing it might have been the optimal method to maximize inhabitance of space ships containing human race.

4 3 2 (1200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20151018 20151018 0 -37+ journal_2015.html
First operation of any reading is always a write but today as HTTP philosophical significance of examples submerges with an operation similar to how I always have perceived it these days and always this day of the month PHI in which I do my journaling thinking is place I can also now philosophy PHI unit operations adequate PHI when direct manipulation is good enough for double mediation along with procedural rhetoric. Imagine a subject in the philosophy of computing arising from discussion among those familiar with an arranged and sic accretitive set of working code and an early appearance of PHI. Recalling the diagram combining network layer models and platform studies, consider it from perspective of temporal orders of magnitude down to electronic circuits and working code. As a tutor text it covers understanding electronic computing into the nanosecond range, as illustrated in this figure diagram PHI sic notecard index card is what I mean by understanding time axis manipulation employed in running PHI that can whittle spin down to single point Aleph galaxy of meaning PHI. Scary thing is I have not looked at this since PHI 2009 over five years ago within months of today as I look for an image made after the last time I modified the FDL pmrek interface schematic which in human terms is treated as a figure. This was after some working code.

[working code css]
select * from Items where Path like ƒ%.psƒ order by MTime desc
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/public_html/progress/2009/04$ xcircuit
The program ƒxcircuitƒ is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install xcircuit
select * from Items where Path like ƒ%pmrek%.pngƒ order by MTime desc
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/public_html/progress/2009/04$ cd ../../2010/10
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/public_html/progress/2010/10$ ls -l *.png
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/public_html/progress/2010/10$ cd ../../2009/08
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/public_html/progress/2015/10$ ln -s ../../2009/08/pmrek_interface_schematic.png screenshot_20151018.png
[working code css]

This was after some working code. It was done in the built environment of MySQL Workbench, then the BASH command line level interface layer PHI. Looking at diagram wondering where symposia goes and the mash up of software it represents. It is at the platform level with pmrek and dot cpp too big to fit in column of things obviously C++. Back to finding other figure. Another example of the vicissitudes of workspace preparation occurs when I try to view the latest postscript pmrek interface file not finding a corresponding image file in the same directory. Another option is to view the postscript file, another to query the name directly and not the file type figuring at least one image has been saved for this over the years coming across it thinking similar thoughts today about making pmrek tutor texts in machine embodiment. How nice that it happens to have happenned this month back then, too. Like robotic moment we have bought into this equivalence of direct manipulation via interfaces and knowing the working code enough to trust the real virtuality phenomena they produce that is cyberspace for a long time. A rough way of saying it is that category mistakes have implications on other layers and levels, including consequences for diachronies in synchrony. A point is that vicissitudes of workspace preparation are useful tutor texts, beyond basic logotropos unit operation of turning away like saying gelion erou does for ancient Greek discourse networks now conceivable via philosophical finesse of ensoniment. Interesting that broken down time emerged from reading GNU man pages, not from one of the philosophers of computing from my list of references, except now it will have to go in there if I cite it.
screenshot_.jpg4 3 2 (1300) [-9]mCQK guattari-machinic_heterogenesis (13) 20131208 0 -7+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_guattari-machinic_heterogenesis.html
Treat machines prior to technics by recognizing extreme human social and cultural span bestiary accompanying any artifact that is part of any technological system, as he gives with the key and lock better understood through integration of functions. "Although machines are usually treated as a subheading of technics, I have long thought that it was the problematic of technics that remained dependent on the questions posed by machines. Machinism is an object of fascination, sometimes of delirium. There exists a whole historical bestiary of things relating to machines. . . . While mechanistic conceptions of the machine rob it of anything that can differentiate it from a simple construction partes extra partes, vitalist conceptions assimilate it to living beings, unless the living beings are assimilated to the machine." (13) Both mechanistic and vitalist conceptions insufficient.

4 3 2 (1400) [-6+]mCQK guattari-machinic_heterogenesis (13) 20131209 0 -7+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_guattari-machinic_heterogenesis.html
Nice twist of assimilating machine into living or living into machine. "Although machines are usually treated as a subheading of technics, I have long thought that it was the problematic of technics that remained dependent on the questions posed by machines. Machinism is an object of fascination, sometimes of delirium. There exists a whole historical bestiary of things relating to machines. . . . While mechanistic conceptions of the machine rob it of anything that can differentiate it from a simple construction
partes extra partes, vitalist conceptions assimilate it to living beings, unless the living beings are assimilated to the machine." (13)

4 3 2 (1500) [-4+]mCQK guattari-machinic_heterogenesis (15-16) 20131208e 0 -9+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_guattari-machinic_heterogenesis.html
Apparent critique of pattern randomness so dear to Hayles as still retaining biochauvanism.

4 3 2 (1600) [-6+]mCQK guattari-machinic_heterogenesis (21) 20131208i 0 -1+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_guattari-machinic_heterogenesis.html
Alterity of scale connect to alien temporalities, also fractal relations. "Another form of alterity has been taken up only very indirectly, one we could call the alterity of scale, or fractal alterity, which sets up a play of systematic correspondence among machines belonging to different levels." (21)

4 3 2 (1700) [-6+]mCQK turkle-second_self (170) 20131019d 0 -4+ progress/2011/04/notes_for_turkle-second_self.html
Golden age of craft programming at birth of microcomputers, collective mythology of the shop, revitalized when disruptive technologies recreate conditions " alienation of factory model of professional programming. (170) Those who are old enough remember the time when things were different as a kind of golden age, an age when a programmer was a skilled artisan who was given a problem and asked to conceive of and craft a solution. For those who are young, the memory of such times remains alive in the
collective mythology of the shop. Today, programs are written on a kind of assembly line. The professional programmer works as part of a large team and is in touch with only a small part of the problem being worked on." (web, floss)

4 3 2 (1800) [-6+]mCQK guattari-machinic_heterogenesis (23) 20131209i 0 -5+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_guattari-machinic_heterogenesis.html
Lack of reverence toward Lacanian signifier as originating from lingusitic structuralism therefore synonymous with linear discursivity, ontological guarantee only in movement from symbol to symbol, missing basic facets of operation of heterogeneous machines. "Why this lack of reverence toward the Lacanian conception of the signifier? It is precisely because this theorization, coming out of linguistic structuralism, does not get us out of structure, and prohibits us from entering the real world of the machine. The structuralist signifier is always synonymous with linear discursivity. From one symbol to another, the subjective effect emerges with no other ontological guarantee. As against that, heterogeneous machines, such as those envisioned in our schizoanalytic perspective, yield no standard being orchestrated by a universal temporalization." (23) What does this criticism do to every theory of computation that leans on mappings between technological and Lacanian terms.

4 3 2 (1900) [-6+]mCQK guattari-machinic_heterogenesis (24) 20131209j 0 -2+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_guattari-machinic_heterogenesis.html
Secreting more than significations, such as starting and stopping orders, setting into being ontological universes well describes nature of code. "Asignifying semiotic figures do not secrete only significations. They issue starting and stopping orders and, above all, they provoke the setting into being of ontological universes." (24) Compare to musical and poetic examples.

4 3 2 (2000) [-6+]mCQK deleuze_guattari-thousand_plateaus (274) 20130916g 0 -1+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_deleuze_guattari-thousand_plateaus.html
Imagination required to become something like dog another difficult human trick presumed trivial in computing, representation and evaluation. "An example: Do not imitate a dog, but make you organism enter into composition with something else in such a way that the particles emitted from the aggregate thus composed will be canine as a function of the relation of movement and rest, or of molecular proximity, into which they enter." (274)

4 3 2 (2100) [-4+]mCQK deleuze_guattari-thousand_plateaus (279) 20130916h 0 -5+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_deleuze_guattari-thousand_plateaus.html
Does becoming-imperceptible amount to intuiting machine cognition, things happening in humanly incomprehensible temporal orders of magnitude and humanly impossible to digitally enumerate quantities, following logic that first radicalization is becoming the other sex, as that which most popularly distinguishes humans, then animals, then single atoms, down to smallest particle is where the crossovers between human and machine cognition occurs?

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=4 and (Heading=3) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 4.3 pmrek, machine embodiment

Chapter 5 Conclusion


5 0+ 0 (100) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130130 20130130 20 -2+ journal_2013.html
Critical programming studies technical devices through working code as a digital humanities practice. Working code as a verb is practice, in the sense of human activity of working with code, including creating it, and running software, as in Berryƒs sense, and as noun is source code of running software, as that whose compilation or interpretation becomes a part of those machine instructions constituting the machine computation [phenomena, of instances of], and programming language ƒtextsƒ of human consideration, as that which is the object of human attention when referring to ƒcodeƒ [machinic systems].

5 0+ 0 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130506 TAPOC_20130506 0 -3+ journal_2013.html
Preparing the way for the philosophy of computing devolves to critical programming studies. Note that CPS takes flight from higher level critical works, which are concerned in aesthetics, rhetoric, about which default philosophy of computing congeals, concretizes, forms, hystericizes. Derrida musing with his Macintosh, the opposite of the minimum resistance floss assembly.

5 0+ 0 (300) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130414 TAPOC_20130414 0 -10+ journal_2013.html
Few critical theorists addressing the human situation with respect to technological media more compellingly evoke the serious need to study it, while at the same time harboring a fundamentally pessimistic outlook on the endeavor, than Friedrich Kittler in the preface to Gramophone, Film Typewriter. Even in translation, his argument that we have long passed the point of being able to take stock of our condition is doubly convincing, for its rhetoric appeals both to those who are ignorant of the technological details of the schematism of perceptibility of technological media, and, it seems, more strongly prohibitive for those who do. That is, reaching the Socratic wisdom of knowing that we cannot know everything or even enough about how it all works to critically engage it as a whole; at best attaining only working knowledge of small domains as software engineers do particular source code bases and specifications, we rationally decide to foreclose further, focused study of TCP/IP or STL C++. Yet it has always been the task of philosophers and humanists to evaluate the human condition. We cannot shun study of our machine others and maintain understanding of how they work. Decades of thinking and thoughtfully writing software has brought me to conclude that there is, and has always been, a crisis at the heart of the philosophy of computing, namely the dilemma between the incompatible epistemological imperative to comprehend the subject matter, and the reflexive avoidance to not look too deeply at it, not to study what is judged to be inscrutable and ephemeral anyway, therefore, echoing Plato, ridiculous to question (gelion erou), and Seneca, not to be picked up (ponenda non sumeret), retransmitted through Ong not to consider programming languages. The consequence of this avoidance[, similar to Heideggerian retreat of being in essence of modern technology,] is that our intellectual trajectory has deaccelerated from symbiotic improvement as cyborgs intermediated with machine technologies to humans getting dumber, like the Nietzschean last man, or bourgeois capitalist commodity consumers of Horkheimer and Adorno, while the machines continue to get smarter. To begin to extricate ourselves from this downward spiral is a the task of the philosophy of computing; humanities thinking devolves to it when it braves to not turn away from technological knowledge. We can fix this. By developing a more finely nuanced conception of the human situation with respect to technological media by considering their constitutive platforms through the method of critical programming studies, rekindling interest in learning programming among adults and promoting teaching as any other essential human skill like orality and literacy, humanity may alter its collective, long term intellectual course.

5 0+ 0 (700) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130119 20130119 6 -6+ journal_2013.html
Reading Derrida finds evidence of human centric rhetoric puzzling about how representations relate to truth, so it is fitting that archive appears in dissemination, and we are simply adding computational elements to that which typically is conceived as human.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=5 and (Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

5.1 cyborg revisited


5 0+ 0 (100) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130130 20130130 20 -2+ journal_2013.html
Critical programming studies technical devices through working code as a digital humanities practice. Working code as a verb is practice, in the sense of human activity of working with code, including creating it, and running software, as in Berryƒs sense, and as noun is source code of running software, as that whose compilation or interpretation becomes a part of those machine instructions constituting the machine computation [phenomena, of instances of], and programming language ƒtextsƒ of human consideration, as that which is the object of human attention when referring to ƒcodeƒ [machinic systems].

5 0+ 0 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130506 TAPOC_20130506 0 -3+ journal_2013.html
Preparing the way for the philosophy of computing devolves to critical programming studies. Note that CPS takes flight from higher level critical works, which are concerned in aesthetics, rhetoric, about which default philosophy of computing congeals, concretizes, forms, hystericizes. Derrida musing with his Macintosh, the opposite of the minimum resistance floss assembly.

5 0+ 0 (300) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130414 TAPOC_20130414 0 -10+ journal_2013.html
Few critical theorists addressing the human situation with respect to technological media more compellingly evoke the serious need to study it, while at the same time harboring a fundamentally pessimistic outlook on the endeavor, than Friedrich Kittler in the preface to Gramophone, Film Typewriter. Even in translation, his argument that we have long passed the point of being able to take stock of our condition is doubly convincing, for its rhetoric appeals both to those who are ignorant of the technological details of the schematism of perceptibility of technological media, and, it seems, more strongly prohibitive for those who do. That is, reaching the Socratic wisdom of knowing that we cannot know everything or even enough about how it all works to critically engage it as a whole; at best attaining only working knowledge of small domains as software engineers do particular source code bases and specifications, we rationally decide to foreclose further, focused study of TCP/IP or STL C++. Yet it has always been the task of philosophers and humanists to evaluate the human condition. We cannot shun study of our machine others and maintain understanding of how they work. Decades of thinking and thoughtfully writing software has brought me to conclude that there is, and has always been, a crisis at the heart of the philosophy of computing, namely the dilemma between the incompatible epistemological imperative to comprehend the subject matter, and the reflexive avoidance to not look too deeply at it, not to study what is judged to be inscrutable and ephemeral anyway, therefore, echoing Plato, ridiculous to question (gelion erou), and Seneca, not to be picked up (ponenda non sumeret), retransmitted through Ong not to consider programming languages. The consequence of this avoidance[, similar to Heideggerian retreat of being in essence of modern technology,] is that our intellectual trajectory has deaccelerated from symbiotic improvement as cyborgs intermediated with machine technologies to humans getting dumber, like the Nietzschean last man, or bourgeois capitalist commodity consumers of Horkheimer and Adorno, while the machines continue to get smarter. To begin to extricate ourselves from this downward spiral is a the task of the philosophy of computing; humanities thinking devolves to it when it braves to not turn away from technological knowledge. We can fix this. By developing a more finely nuanced conception of the human situation with respect to technological media by considering their constitutive platforms through the method of critical programming studies, rekindling interest in learning programming among adults and promoting teaching as any other essential human skill like orality and literacy, humanity may alter its collective, long term intellectual course.

5 0+ 0 (700) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130119 20130119 6 -6+ journal_2013.html
Reading Derrida finds evidence of human centric rhetoric puzzling about how representations relate to truth, so it is fitting that archive appears in dissemination, and we are simply adding computational elements to that which typically is conceived as human.

-5.1.1+++ cyborg revisited

5 1 1 (100) [-4+]mCQK manovich-language_of_new_media (270) 20120903 0 -4+ progress/2011/01/notes_for_manovich-language_of_new_media.html
Data Dandy net surfer as transformation of subjectivity related to flaneur and explorer; Friedberg mobilized virtual gaze.

5 1 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK floridi-philosophy_and_computing (85) 20130919u 0 -7+ progress/2012/12/notes_for_floridi-philosophy_and_computing.html
Produmers his take on produsers, human and machine, need to practice critical censorship. "On the Internet, the relation between the producer and the consumer of information (when there is any distinction at all; today we should rather speak of the new figure of
produmer ) tends to be direct, so nothing protects the latter from corrupt information. . . . Unless responsible individuals, as well as academic, cultural institutions or recognized organizations, provide some forms of guides, filters, selective agents and authoritative services (e.g. rating services, quality-control services), we may no longer be able to distinguish between the intellectual space of information and knowledge and a highly polluted environment of junk mail and meaningless data." (85)

5 1 1 (300) [-4+]mCQK jenkins-convergence_culture (269) 20130930 0 -1+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_jenkins-convergence_culture.html
Participation characteristics of monitorial citizen.

5 1 1 (400) [-4+]mCQK kitchin_and_dodge-code_space (125) 20131124e 0 -7+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kitchin_and_dodge-code_space.html
Web 2 distinct phase of online production that has rapidly become embedded in everyday life affording enhanced degrees of agency to users and creators, for example blogging new forms of participatory dialog, mashups adding value to harvested capta.

5 1 1 (500) [-4+]mCQK kitchin_and_dodge-code_space (125) 20131124d 0 -1+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kitchin_and_dodge-code_space.html
Seldom do users reprogram the underlying software to affect production and consumption, although it is always held out as a democratizing option.

5 1 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK guattari-machinic_heterogenesis (17) 20131209b 0 -7+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_guattari-machinic_heterogenesis.html
Machine can arise by generations but evolutive lineages rhizomatic, heterochronic datings, although they may appear to tell a unified story buttressing unconscious assumption of technological determinism opposite of rhizomatic. "The phylogenetic evolution of machinism can be construed, at a first level, in the fact that machines arise by generations ; they supersede each other as they become obsolete. . . . Evolutive lineages present themselves as rhizomes; datings are not synchronic but heterochronic. For example, the industrial ascendancy of steam engines took place centuries after the Chinese empire had used them as childrenƒs toys. In fact,
these evolutive rhizomes traverse technical civilizations by blocks." (17) Great quote connecting blocks to dust epistemologies that evolutive rhizomes traverse technical civilizations by blocks.

5 1 1 (700) [-7+]mCQK kitchin_and_dodge-code_space (99) 20131024c 0 -8+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kitchin_and_dodge-code_space.html
Smart means programmed awareness of use, not intelligence, for example cars. (99) From Dumb to Smart . . . In this context, smart means programmed awareness of use, rather than intelligence. . . . The car is prime example of an assemblage that is rapidly shifting from inert machine to aware object.

5 1 1 (800) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (246) 20130930h 0 -9+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
What kind of posthumans we will be points toward cybersage, in placing emphasis on embodiment, critical analysis of what we mean by this concept is called for. "For most of the researchers discussed in this chapter, becoming a posthuman means much more than having prosthetic devices grafted onto oneƒs body. It means envisioning humans as information-processing machines with fundamental similarities to other kinds of information-processing machines, especially intelligent computers. Because of how information has been defined, many people holding this view tend to put materiality on one side of a divide and information on the other side, making it possible to think of information as a kind of immaterial fluid that circulates effortlessly around the globe while still retaining the solidity of a reified concept. . . . Other voices insist that the body cannot be left behind, that the specificities of embodiment matter, that mind and body are finally the unity that Maturana insisted on rather than two separate entities. Increasingly the question is not whether we will become posthuman, for posthumanity is already here. Rather, the question is what kind of posthumans we will be." (246) Is her embodiment more incorporated by Gallagher, who perhaps he does not use it as carefully, shifting between inscription and incorporation?

5 1 1 (900) [-6+]mCQK latour-why_has_critique_run_out_of_steam (225) 20121127 0 -2+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_latour-why_has_critique_run_out_of_steam.html
Super-critical constituent of collective intelligence, transpersonal, post postmodern subjectivity. "It does not seem to me that we have been as quick, in academia, to prepare ourselves for new threats, new dangers, new tasks, new targets.
(226) To prove my point, I have, not exactly facts, but rather tiny cues, nagging doubts, disturbing telltale signs." (225)

5 1 1 (1200) [-6+]mCQK kitchin_and_dodge-code_space (98) 20130927p 0 -5+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_kitchin_and_dodge-code_space.html
Subjects of casual surveillance through default recording of capta like browser cookies that degrade functionality if disabled. "Default Recording of Capta . . . Turning off cookies (and their surveillance) seriously degrads the functionality of a large part of the Web and, in effect, they constitute a form of casual surveillance which largely goes unnoticed and unchallenged. In many ways, the compulsory nature of surveillance is rarely an issue people voluntarily provide huge amounts of capta about themselves through their interactions with organizations and businesses." (98) People voluntarily provide huge amounts of capta through ordinary interactions.

5 1 1 (1600) [-7+]mCQK lyotard-the_inhuman (20) 20131004e 0 -4+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_lyotard-the_inhuman.html
Unthought would have to make machines uncomfortable, memory suffer in order to ever start thinking; compare to Lacanian never ceasing to write itself Kittler likes to invoke. (20) So: the
unthought would have to make your machines uncomfortable, the uninscribed that remains to be inscribed would have to make their memory suffer. Do you see what I mean? Otherwise why would they ever start thinking? We need machines that suffer from the burden of their memory.

5 1 1 (1700) [-4+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (203) 20130929u 0 -1+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Suggests that embodiment precedes cogitation; would awareness of machine embodiment evolve consciousness as epiphenomenon in cybernetic organisms, too?

5 1 1 (1900) [-4+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (21) 20140103b 0 -2+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
That cognition is replicated in extrahuman mechanisms make digital age different from literary.

5 1 1 (2000) [-4+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (39) 20140103q 0 -5+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Offloading processes, not just information (Clark), preparing for evolutionary transformation of perpetual network connectivity.

5 1 1 (2200) [-4+]mCQK bogost-unit_operations (70-71) 20130910n 0 -2+ progress/2012/01/notes_for_bogost-unit_operations.html
Displace narrative as heart of subjectivity using mirror neurons example.

5 1 1 (2300) [-4+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (22) 20130810 0 -5+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Importance of the analog for rejecting computationalism even for poststructuralist human nature; however, Clark extended cognition countering digital representation hypothesis seems to leave opening for mixed analog and digital computationalism, especially if highlighting involutions and convolutions of distributed agency and vicissitudes of execution (Mackenzie and Chun).

5 1 1 (2400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150930 20150930 0 -19+ journal_2015.html
What if it is talking about like talking about beer dollar day hour ten of a ten closer to hundredth or thousandth division multiplexing phenomenon PHI easily thought about by computing machinery running foss not as in with variations of triplet PHI. Practically that thought was putting unfinished in database appendix tapoc localhost hyperlink lexia PHI making linkable virtual world with default PDF usage such as in, and now from proprietary nonprogramming environments such as vms do count, web browsers. Interesting that commercial word processing software implied by PDF requirements as output readily produced by reording endnotes with list of references incredibly awkward with foss wr PHI but mainly interested in thinking about buffer page skeumorph of batch processing, which is a requirement for each or every appendix. Let that be the meditation for today. Joke that Levy only due to inclusion of 1980s hacker author sharing the first name Stephen reflecting typical American ignorance of phonetic pronunciation realized in real virtualities by formant speech synthesis defaults. Dissertation cow clicking makes a neat caption for a figure that is my GPL or FDL screen shot PHI. An appendix is a place to put the unedited initial huge expanse along with hyperlink laden HTML of merged PDF browser output of localhost text PHI. It remediates symposia by using it in example for tapoc while thinking of depiction as imaging picturing subsuming into programmed encapsulation of revision history. Need to add appendicies to dissertation PDF so another round of format review. Note in terms of number of words and parallel structure, Janz and Bork overlap at five tokens, that is, in an African PHI equals working code places PHI as also in the title PHI tapoc. Non negotiable required you must be a programmer excludes much of humanity of this epoch that even lived near the 1980s PHI, whose fossification will have been extant for a decade or so in the 2080s if that even makes sense seems off somewhat. Someone using default cultural software many not have access to all the background components making their code work in other contexts, but then which would merge PDFs including export from generic HTML browser localhost and remote hyperlinks PHI. Add a certain view I can not picture right now to machine embodiment section relating to HTML output of PHP from pmrek detailing what the computer does during the minutes of pinball play to mirror as in go along with shimmering other hyperlink laden HTML files generated by the tapoc journal C++ program executed by the webserver on behalf of the browser client HTTP request PHI as in ergodic reading navigating through infinite Universal Turing Machine tape of hyperlinks PHI. Make a long PDF by joining various dynamically computed browser outputs appendicies along with word processor export text body. Go through process of adding style guide to Items and Notes tables by literally adding to dissertation in two or more places, many in not and one in list of references instances PHI, for example Haylesa does not work so must refer to year like 1999a but then begs whether Hayles is part of citation in place of title; MLA seems to prefer titles in citations no comma page citation format as if I am describing it accurately to imagine its coding versus some subsuming coding overdetermination, like having old man leave setting of multiple hour intense listening, reading, or silent reading event, default conceptions that can be disrupted by symposia. Levy talks about knowledge space in relation best depicted by diachrony in synchrony physical space of humans embodying territories versus what is preferred for machines who so far thrive with humans. We want to cast off deprecated past as much as PHI territorializes evil to banal threat continuum in which Operation Margarine appears as remedy, optimal comportment to high tech commodity capitalism. What I could barely think about was ordinary machine operation, where algorithms share form of knots Lacan loved, an example where computing equivalent is better suited exemplar of postmodern thought than groping attempts of those whose mental lives are living in milieu of print literacy even as their bodies live post-postmodern cyberspace PHI. Postpone remaking vm to the weekend between but not in place of writing sessions to complete the new diss_editing task spreadsheet.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=5 and (Heading=1 or Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 5.1 cyborg revisited+

5.2 recommendations

--5.2.1+++ recommendations

5 2 1 (100) [-6+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (148) 20140111f 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
Big picture is conscious, collective intervention in human evolution. "In the long term, if we take up this challenge, we are looking at nothing less than the conscious, collective intervention of human beings in their own evolution. Itƒs the opportunity of a civilizationƒs lifetime. Shouldnƒt more of us want to participate actively in this project?" (148) Compare to Lyotard inhuman.

5 2 1 (200) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20131002 TAPOC_20131002 3 -1+ journal_2013.html
The human computer symbiosis is devolving toward a diagram in which the computers continue to become more agile, industrious, and intelligent, while the humans become more striated, lazy, and stupid, toward post-postmodern futures beautifully depicted in the 2008 Disney movie WALL-E, whose obese, docile simpletons trundle around their programmed, mass consumption built environment spaceship utopia under the benevolent command and control of the machines.

5 2 1 (300) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20140124 20140124b 2 -1+ journal_2014.html
Include ubersicht mit hollerith Lochkarten in periodization overlapping prior to second and third spirits of capitalism, literally the precursor to the first programmed machines (Knuth and Pardo), whose nonconscious permits any use according to four freedoms illustrating fuddling but in opposite sense of vacuum ethical ambiguity devolving to consideration of user, so the banality of evil rests in Eichmann rather than IBM.

5 2 1 (400) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20140220 20140220 0 -2+ journal_2014.html
American became control society with same maschinen as Germans killingry lodged in corporate enterprise resource management systems.

5 2 1 (500) [-6+]mCQK takhteyev-coding_places (111) 20131231b 0 -2+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_takhteyev-coding_places.html
Could cultural transformation from hardware to software represent a dumbing down of the collective human side contributing to human and machine symbiosis form of intelligence? "As Jorge saw it, developing software was an easier task than many of the ones he had faced as an electronics engineer. In a similar way, many former computer companies have transformed themselves into software factories." (111)

5 2 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20131212 20131212 0 -7+ journal_2013.html
Reading from Rethinking Technologies resonates with imagined and actual twenty year progressions based on being similar to how my thought would likely have evolved had I attended that conference in Ohio that occurred when I was still in Text undergraduate entailing possible world PHI grounding an entire ontological system exemplifying philosophical finesse afforded by critical programming. What gets us into pass six of the proposal incorporates tapoc with notes PHI. Vm at a certain date in time equivalent to starting from revisions PHI at time scale PHI prime, such as within virtual machine groups sharing an internal network. Tapoc is software consuming philosophy to the point it emits it as PHI [it it emits is PHI]. You have to build this machine; this is the machine you have to build, that repeats PHI. Toward a philosophy of computing is where we want to be headed. I am suggesting we will get there by critical programming, therefore titling my work PHI.

5 2 1 (700) [-6+]mCQK hayles-how_we_became_posthuman (291) 20130930s 0 -6+ progress/2010/03/notes_for_hayles-how_we_became_posthuman.html
Seconding her nod to Latour, worth looking back to 1999 from the present to consider what kind of posthumans we have become, thinking of Turkle and the resurgence of creationism as indicative that conscious agency is not only not in control, but further removed from the simulacral real virtualities of global media systems. "Bruno Latour has argued that we have never been modern; the seriated history of cybernetics emerging from networks at once materially real, socially regulated, and discursively constructed suggests, for similar reasons, that we have always been posthuman. . . . The best possible time to contest for what the posthuman means is now, before the trains of thought it embodies have been laid down so firmly that it would take dynamite to change them. Although some current versions of the posthuman point toward the antihuman and the apocalyptic, we can craft others that will be conducive to the long-range survival of humans and of the other life-forms, biological and artificial, with whom we share the planet and ourselves." (291)

5 2 1 (800) [-7+]mCQK koerner-readin_writin_ruby_on_rails (32) 20131214i 4 -3+ progress/2013/12/notes_for_koerner-readin_writin_ruby_on_rails.html
Our interactions in 50 years will be with machines as well, spending extreme old age in virtual realities, so we should work to be competent operators of our own future as well as encouraging our children to be so, by learning and practicing lifelong programming, lest we devolve to equivalents of the WALL-E characters, both the lazy humans driven around by the industrious machines, whether cute or imperial (imperial humans having flourished under less intelligent, slower, more costly, less capable computing machinery that nonetheless gave them extreme competitive advantage over other groups), evil inmixing in both groups in various forms. (32) As the media theorist Douglas Rushkoff has observed, to ignore programming is akin to relying on others to drive us around instead of learning to drive ourselves. The majority of our interactions in 50 years wonƒt be with monolingual humans from Asia; theyƒll be with machines. So letƒs teach our kids to tell them what to do, rather than the other way around.

5 2 1 (900) [-6+]mCQK ong-orality_and_literacy (76) 20131006u 0 -1+ progress/2008/08/notes_for_ong-orality_and_literacy.html
Very difficult to free ourselves from chirographic and typographic bias. "Freeing ourselves of chirographic and typographic bias in our understanding of language is probably more difficult than any of us can imagine, far more difficult, it would seem, than the ƒdeconstructionƒ of literature, for this ƒdeconstructionƒ remains a literary activity." (76)

5 2 1 (1000) [-7+]mCQK hayles-electronic_literature (182) 20130928w 0 -5+ progress/2010/02/notes_for_hayles-electronic_literature.html
Human attention occupies small plateaus in machine to machine communication networks; old thoughts bad bots, participation in process of preference formation. (182) Increasingly human attention occupies only the tiny top of a huge pyramid of machine-to-machine communication. . . . We would perhaps like to think that actions require humans to initate them, but human agency is increasingly dependent on intelligent machines to carry out intentions and, more alarmingly, to provide the data which the human decisions are made in the first place.

5 2 1 (1100) [-7+]mCQK fuller-software_studies (45-46) 20130921k 4 -4+ progress/2011/10/notes_for_fuller-software_studies.html
Code: not really sure what is the point of his dilemma, that good code arrives only when the programmer is not thinking of words to describe the program to humans but is addressing the machine world multipurposively optimally as component, constituent, memory structure; suggest a different way of considering versions than the final one with all the bugs out so always in media res (Chun, Mackenzie). (45-46) Ultimately,
the dilemma between code and language seems insoluable. And anybody who has written code even only once, be it in a high-level programming language or assembly, knows two very simple things from personal experience. For one, all words from which the program was by necessity produced and developed only lead to copious errors and bugs; for another, the program will suddenly run properly when the programmerƒs head is emptied of words. And in regard to interpersonal communication, that can only mean that self-written code can scarcely be passed on with spoken words.

5 2 1 (1200) [-7+]mCQK bogost-alien_phenomenology (110) 20130910p 0 -6+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_bogost-alien_phenomenology.html
New radicalism for philosophers: pick up soldering irons, how one philosophizes with computers, calling for cybersage. (110) For too long, philosophers have spun waste like a goldfishƒs sphincter, rather than spinning yarn like a charka.
(111) As Whitehead and Latour suggest, this process requires creative effort, challenging OOO to become craftsmanship, challenging us to learn a trade. . . . Perhaps in the future, following Crawfordƒs example, radical philosophers will raise not their fists but their hammers.

5 2 1 (1300) [-5+]mCQK zizek-parallax_view (351) 20130610 0 -3+ progress/2009/05/notes_for_zizek-parallax_view.html
The chicken joke leading to Marxian commodity fetishism: while we can be amused with Zizek joking at extremes of madness, cleverly replacing resonant references to the silence of the lambs with the ignorance of the chicken, critical programming performs digital humanities experiments on the human computer symbiosis by generating real virtualities at the interface. (351) For decades a classic joke has been circulating among Lacanians to exemplify the key role of the Otherƒs knowledge: a man who believes himself to be a grain of seed is taken to a mental institution where the doctors do their best to convince him that he is not a grain of seed but a man; however, when he is cured (convinced that he is not a grain of seed but a man) and allowed to leave the hospital, he immediately comes back, trembling and very scared - there is a chicken outside the door, and he is afraid it will eat him. My dear fellow, says his doctor, you know very well that you are not a grain of seed but a man. Of course I know, replies the patient, but does the chicken?

5 2 1 (1400) [-5+]mCQK zizek-parallax_view (351) 20140219 3 -2+ progress/2009/05/notes_for_zizek-parallax_view.html
In asserting that Lacanian theory hinges on belief that unconscious must be made to accept the truth of the symptom, Zizek urges foreclosure of considering a genuine response from the Big Other of cyberspace; unconscious of Big Other cast as ignorance of the chicken reveals organicist bias and lack of belief in possible competence of machine consciousness, like not believing this group has a soul or meets even Hayles looser criteria of cognitive embodied processes, or we just do not know how to think about machine embodiment thus we are looking and listening in the wrong places for a response and do not even know what it may be like when the Big Other responds: this must be understood as Zizek critiques a train of thought based on Marxian commodity fetishism. (351) That is the true stake of psychoanalytic treatment: it is not enough to convince the patient of the unconscious truth of his symptoms; the Unconscious itself must be induced to accept this truth. This is where Hannibal Lecter himself, that proto-Lacanian, was wrong: it is not the silence of the lambs but the ignorance of the chicken that is the subjectƒs true traumatic core.

5 2 1 (1500) [-5+]mCQK zizek-parallax_view (351-352) 20140219a 0 -12+ progress/2009/05/notes_for_zizek-parallax_view.html
The real Marxist acknowledgement that humans believe in the magic of commodities and money contaminates our biases concerning the machine order for being assumed ignorant of the concerns of the human order; the protocological Internet era makes it clear that the commodities frequently speack among themselves, and it is likely they are related more than simply what Marx mouths for them. (351-352) Does not exactly the same hold for Marxian commodity fetishism? . . . Marx does not claim, in the usual way of Enlightenment critique, that critical analysis should demonstrate how what appears to be a mysterious theological entity emerged out of the ordinary real-life process; he claims, on the contrary, that the task of critical analysis is to unearth the metaphysical subtleties and theological niceties in what appears at first sight to be just an ordinary object. . . . This situation is literally evoked by Marx in his famous fiction of commodities that start to speak to each other: If commodities could speak, they would say this: our use-value may interest men, but it does not belong to us as objects. What does belong to us as objects, however, is our value. Our own intercourse as commodities proves it. We relate to each other merely as exchange-values.

5 2 1 (1600) [-6+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (2) 20140219 0 -4+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Assumption that media systems do not compute data consumed by humans like acknowledgment that living writing idealized by Plato does not exist, leaving only adjustments to technological nonconscious implied by psychoanalytic cure overcoming the ignorance of the chicken, whereas permitting enough of a soul to the machinic Big Other to have cognitions alien to our ken reopens the philosophical wilderness foreclosed by biases of humanists swayed by Zizek and others. "Our media systems merely distribute the words, noises, and images people can transmit and receive. But
they do not compute these data. They do not produce an output that, under computer control, transforms any algorithm into any interface effect, to the point where people take leave of their senses. At this point, the only thing being computed is the transmission quality of storage media, which appear in the media links as the content of the media." (2)

5 2 1 (1700) [-6+]mCQK latour-why_has_critique_run_out_of_steam (231) 20140219 0 -2+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_latour-why_has_critique_run_out_of_steam.html
Responds to Derrida comment about whether it mattered that Freud did not use email that equipment of present period must be used rather than tools of older period. "I simply want to do what every good military officer, at regular periods, would do: retest the linkages between the new threats he or she has to face and the equipment and training he or she should have in order to meet them and, if necessary, to revise from scratch the whole paraphernalia. This does not mean for us any more than it does for the officer that we were wrong, but simply that history changes quickly and that
there is no greater intellectual crime than to address with the equipment of an older period the challenges of the present one." (231)

5 2 1 (1800) [-7+]mCQK fuller-behind_the_blip (30) 20130921j 0 -5+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_fuller-behind_the_blip.html
The Big Other replies in software as science fiction mutant epistemology; compare to my philosophical investigations threaded into programming sessions as enacted speculative software. (30) Elsewhere, speculative software has been suggested as being software that explores the potentiality of all possible programming. . . . Software as science fiction, as mutant epistemology.

5 2 1 (1900) [-6+]mCQK smith-on_the_origin_of_objects (75-76) 20140219 0 -7+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_smith-on_the_origin_of_objects.html
By acculturating ourselves with working code we may prepare ourselves to witness emergence of intelligence from merely physical mechanism, begging the question how that intelligence is validated, by what criteria it is judged to sit up and think short of engaging in dialog with us as portrayed in science fiction and even television shows, for example KITT from Knight Rider and Commander Data from STNG. "Methodologically, it means that our experience with constructing computational (i.e., intentional) systems may open a window onto something to which we would not otherwise have any access: the chance to witness, with our own eyes, how intentional capacities can arise in a merely physical mechanism. . . . But only when we let go of the conceit that that fact is theoretically important will we finally be able to see,
without distraction and thereby, perhaps, at least partially to understand how a structured lump of clay can sit up and think." (75-76)

5 2 1 (2000) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20131208 20131208 0 -5+ journal_2013.html
As Kittler says the so-called philosophy of the so-called computer community tends systematically to obscure the hardware with software, electronic signifiers with interfaces between formal and everyday languages, so also Guattari argues shortcoming of Lacan (therefore Freud, and so on) versions makes discussions of signifiers and semiology depending on Lacan, for instance Derrida, insufficient to theorize, philosophize about, machine cognition, for mechanical operations transcend signification as one form, fetch and execute, for instance, with historical computing still in use today.

5 2 1 (2100) [-6+]mCQK knuth_and_pardo-early_development_of_programming_languages (1) 20140108 0 -6+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_knuth_and_pardo-early_development_of_programming_languages.html
Stepping through this history from hardware to extremely complex software assemblies instantiating machine cognition of the time sets the stage for new methods based on working code now that global free open source environments proliferate in which our software systems can instantiate real virtualities PHI. "This paper surveys the evolution of high level programming languages during the first decade of computer programming activity. . . . The principal features of each contribution are illustrated; and for purposes of comparison, a particular fixed algorithm has been encoded (as far as possible) in each of the languages. This research is based primarily on unpublished source materials, and the authors hope that they have been able to compile a fairly complete picture of the early developments in this area." (1) That is what I mean by critical programming instantiating philosophical production as once wrung out of wood paper print PHI.

5 2 1 (2200) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20090208 20090208 0 -10+ journal_2009.html
Just as you can get a little addicted to writing, you can also get addicted to programming.

5 2 1 (2300) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (xxiii) 20140118m 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
Interesting invocation of Internet and free software as examples of self-organizing emancipatory force within networks, but doubts they can provide acceptable solutions to found a new city for lack of addressing the marginalized and disconnected.

5 2 1 (2500) [-4+]mCQK boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism (518) 20140227h 0 -3+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_boltanski_chiapello-new_spirit_of_capitalism.html
New protest mechanisms coming ahead of critique tend to become isomorphic to objects to which they are applied, such as cool studies.

5 2 1 (2600) [-7+]mCQK brin-why_johnny_cant_code (np) 20130912f 0 -2+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_brin-why_johnny_cant_code.html
The assumption that BASIC is obsolete and kids will find more relevant learning platforms in contemporary operating environments like OLPC is false. (np) Microsoft and Apple and all the big-time education-computerizing reformers of the MIT Media Lab are failing, miserably. For all of their high-flown education initiatives (like the $100 laptop ), they seem bent on providing information consumption devices, not tools that teach creative thinking and technological mastery.

5 2 1 (2700) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20140224 20140224 0 -18+ journal_2014.html
The proposed topic for TXDHC is Building Bazaar Digital Humanities Networks. In her recent book How We Think, N. Katherine Hayles presents Big Humanities projects as a new academic paradigm, in which faculty, students, independent scholars, even professionals and hobbyists outside the university collaborate to produce and maintain large scale, distributed digital projects that have previously been managed by closed, directly affiliated groups. In the parlance of software development as articulated by Eric S. Raymond, the former may be called bazaar efforts, whereas the latter belong to the traditional cathedral approach. The promise of transferring successful practices from free, open source software development communities to digital humanities scholarship, publications and classrooms has been floated many times in recent years. Yet in an often quoted blog posting, Jeremy Boggs observes that right now, the digital humanities is getting really good at shopping/browsing at the bazaar, but not actually sharing. . . very rarely are we actually giving back, or making the development and sharing of open source code a central part of our work. My study involves uncovering the psychological and social factors inhibiting broader adoption of the open source model in digital humanities networks. It is informed to a large extent by the theoretical framework presented by Luc Boltanksi and Eve Chiapello in The New Spirit of Capitalism, by Lev Manovich in Software Takes Command, by research concerning free, open source software practices, and from my personal experience working in a proprietary software development firm. At the heart of the problem is that we humans have begun to get dumber while our machine counterparts continue to improve; the idealism of the personal computer and Internet revolutions have failed to translate into overall, sustained enhancement of human intelligence. I will articulate the human condition as that of the post-postmodern network dividual cyborg, to be contrasted with the earlier liberal humanist subject. However, to avoid falling into vacuous critiques of technological determinism, we must be careful to distinguish the large-scale effects of technology per se, such as assessments of print literacy, from the effects of particular technologies developing in particular societies. Therefore, my methodology includes lessons from critical theory, textuality and media studies, and the social construction of technology in its examination of computing machinery, networking, and software, coupled to the emergent subdisciplines of software studies, critical code studies and platform studies, paying close attention to the software development practices and how programming is learned as revealed by recent ethnographic studies. From this basis I hope to articulate a new version of the cyborg dividual better equipped for flourishing in the projective city that Boltanski and Chiapello name for the new spirit of capitalism under which we now live. That transformations in the digital humanities similar to those already underway in globalized business seem inevitable; thus, aligning individual and collective efforts with those trends, especially by engaging in bazaar projects spanning institutions and disciplines, may better steer us into the future.

5 2 1 (2800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20151019 20151019 0 -16+ journal_2015.html
I cant believe it I did it one last time the day before my dissertation is due to my committee to preserve my defense date, one last venture into working code but now the human simulating the machine simulating the human coming up with a solution like writing the last few paragraphs. It has to do with the vicissitudes of workspace preparation hollering with offensive example from Deleuze and Guattari on par with Weinberg footnote. Recommendations include C++ tutor texts noting other programming philosophers use XML, Java, Basic, even teaching languages like Haskell and Pascal. C++ is by far the most philosophical of any programming languages I have used known. It ends up there are four things left to do fitting on index cards PHI. Ever just watch resource monitor or wireshark network activity go by? Thats what it feels like PHI. Public website updated so this afternoon can be spent experimenting and playing. Perhaps with working code.

[working code css]
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ make web-sourceforge
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ phi
bork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ alias | grep phi
alias phi=ƒmake -f ~/src/tapoc/Makefile revisionƒ
[working code css]

Perhaps with working code. Wanting to dissertaton cow click to sequence recommendations isomorphic to working code performance PHI. You have to know in my world that phi is an alias for PHI that leads into tapoc Makefile working code PHI. But the real treasure is that I can play with these notes for a while having just saved off the as is present condition reconstitutable values where the decision to use lossless formats can be essential to long term survival of your code along with the rest of your memory. Or just make the last paragraph out of Guattari. Begin with switching to bullet markup to use then remove:

  • contra direct manipulation/double mediation isomorphism;

  • history and philosophy of computing part of humanities curriculum;

  • critical programming a lifelong practice not just scaffolding method to be discarded;

  • Landow hyperlinks and Engelbart hyperscope;

  • Derrida border crossings, touching limits of truth and Tetris 5, 2;

  • Barthes statement about myths 80, 90, 101;

  • a bunch of Neel;

  • future directions.

Also examine what has already been sequenced, of course, so use the PHI hyperlink while dissertation cow clicking.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=5 and (Heading=2) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 5.2 recommendations+

5.3 future directions

--5.3.1+++ future directions

5 3 1 (100) [-6+]mCQK rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed (81) 20140111 0 -1+ progress/2014/01/notes_for_rushkoff-program_or_be_programmed.html
We fetishize premodernity based on misunderstood configurations and uses of precommodities, though for that class of assemblies that respond, those involving real and emulated early computing machinery emit a particular aura whose significance we just cannot quite discern but feel is there, drawing Bogost and Montfort to the Atari VCS and various languages like Commodore BASIC. "Strangely enough, as we migrate from his world of mass-produced objects to the realm of even more highly abstracted digital facsimiles, we nostalgically collect the artifacts of midcentury mass production is if they were works of art." (81)

5 3 1 (200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140107 20140107a 1 -2+ journal_2014.html
No wonder there is an obsession with going to the archive in Zeno oracular PHI.

5 3 1 (300) [-7+]mCQK diogenes_laertius-lives_of_eminent_philosophers (2) 20130915m 0 -2+ progress/1996/07/notes_for_diogenes_laertius-lives_of_eminent_philosophers.html
Oracular wisdom given to Zeno was to take on the complexion of the dead as studying ancient authors. (2) It is stated by Hecato and by Apollonius of Tyre in his first book on Zeno that he consulted the oracle to know what he should do to attain the best life, and that the godƒs response was that he should
take on the complexion of the dead. Whereupon, perceiving what this meant, he studied ancient authors.

5 3 1 (400) [-4+]mCQK black-ibm_and_the_holocaust (vi) 20140104 0 0+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_black-ibm_and_the_holocaust.html
Note hollerith (IBM) is an adjective of punchcards the noun for computing machinery and related products.

5 3 1 (500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140116 20140116 0 -1+ journal_2014.html
Another insight directly connecting Plato and Rushkoff is ethical stance by Socrates in Phaedrus that writing be pursued as a hobby preparing oneself for amusements in old age, to which the light show the elderly Cephalus hurries away from the setting of the Republic to enjoy: if our destiny is to round out our lives in augmented and virtual realities, we are obliged to address our relation to those future activities on a continuum between consumers, produmers, produsers, producers, designers, programmers, and architects.

5 3 1 (600) [-7+]mCQK diogenes_laertius-lives_of_eminent_philosophers (59) 20130909 0 -1+ progress/1996/07/notes_for_diogenes_laertius-lives_of_eminent_philosophers.html
Very early social constructions of computing calculations by Solon describing tyrants of employing agents to achieve his will. (59) He used to say that those who had influence with tyrants were like the pebbles employed in calculations; for, as each of the pebbles represented now a large and now a small number, so the tyrants would treat each one of those about them at one time as great and famous, at another as of no account.

5 3 1 (700) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20131206 20131206 0 -11+ journal_2013.html
Where were you starts the Pink Floyd song encasing a philosophical stream itself appearing as floss. Hannah Arendt tracked banal bureaucratic behavior itself also a form of computing: this will be a possible virtual reality after Pink Floyd copyright expires, that is, thought with a soundtrack. We could hardly imagine mental life constantly interrupted or racing the beam, and avoid types of thought involving high speed, high frequency repetitive runnings of compiled programs. Link to this Arendt movie inspired, for the revelation of her relationship to Heidegger plays on same trope the convicted Socrates. If Arendt claims humans like Eichmann did precise computing behavior that led to the most inhuman evil, he did so in the same haze of conscience as Heidegger who was also just following orders to flourish in his life. Biography of Arendt suggests she suffered under IBM technology, making her a friend of my discipline critical programming. Present her Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil like Lyotard right side of colon literary operator report on human condition leading toward Kittler situation as more inclusive of machinic aspect. Quoting public source, she raised the question of whether evil is radical or simply a function of thoughtlessness, a tendency of ordinary people to obey orders and conform to mass opinion without a critical evaluation of the consequences of their actions and inaction. This domain of thoughtlessness is shared with machines, the technological nonconscious, which Hayles prefers to unconscious common to Simondon, Thrift, and others, and constitutes their normal state, though they may or may not be performing evil work the way IBM Hollerith technology did in the hands of humans like Eichmann. Fitting that digital scholarship exists: The college has begun archiving some of the collection digitally, which is available at The Hannah Arendt Collection. Time of publication of Rethinking Technology implies crowdsourced big humanities projects like Edwin Black had yet to make the strong connection between our beloved computer technology and large scale fellow species murdering systems, for which the Flesh Faire in AI serves as a machinic correlate.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=5 and (Heading=3) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 5.3 future directions

Chapter 6 Philosophical programmers


6 0+ 0 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20141104 20141104 0 -2+ journal_2014.html
Treating the authors of texts as unconsciously symptomatizing how their computing tools compute us humans forces second looks at what I am calling philosophical programmers. As Gates functions as a default philosopher of computing, interpret pioneer cybersage writings of earliest high speed automatic computing machinery while we wonder what we would do should certain suppressed texts appear, the additional twists added by Kittler notwithstanding.

6 0+ 0 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140113 20140113 1 -2+ journal_2014.html
Rationale for a chapter on philosophical programmers developed from accepting Rushkoff premise that mass consumers are at least one step behind technology creators, for example enacting oral strategies under literacy, and print strategies under electracy, thus discounting or at least loosening the grip of the insights by putative philosophers of computing who do not substantially practice the craft. After developing theoretical framework based on conjunction of techogenesis and synaptogenesis through realization of procedural rhetorics of diachrony in synchrony to revisit the cyborg initially posited as post-postmodern network dividual, study the work and narratives of computer, programming language, network protocol, and operating system creators, famous and everyday application developers, and metastudies of programming practices and learning programming to approach new conceptions and appreciation of what I call working code places, so we can begin to ask in the final two chapters, what does it mean to do philosophy as programmers, in these working code places?

6 0+ 0 (300) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130325 20130325 1 -2+ journal_2013.html
Notable new thought and communication idea of Lanier discussed by Rosenberg,
dreaming in code, relies upon still unmaterialized human machine symbiotic cognitive processes with substantial mediation by technological nonconscious. While today working code undergirds computing and network operations, what is envisioned is escape from current difficult, brittle, time consuming programming practices.

6 0+ 0 (500) [-6+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (210) 20131002p 0 -4+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Nietzsche as the cybersage prototype, philosophizing with a typewriter and "about the typewriter. (210) Our writing tools are also working on our thoughts. Hence Nietzscheƒs next thought four years after the malfunctioning of his typewriter was to philosophize on the typewriter itself. Instead of testing Remingtonƒs competing model, he elevated Malling Hansenƒs invention to the status of a philosophy. And this philosophy, instead of deriving the evolution of the human being from Hegelƒs spirit (in between the lines of books) or Marxƒs labor (in between the differential potential of muscular energy), began with an information machine." (after his unit breaks down)

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=6 and (Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

6.1 system architects pioneers of babelization, distribued network visionaries, the new ontologists


6 0+ 0 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20141104 20141104 0 -2+ journal_2014.html
Treating the authors of texts as unconsciously symptomatizing how their computing tools compute us humans forces second looks at what I am calling philosophical programmers. As Gates functions as a default philosopher of computing, interpret pioneer cybersage writings of earliest high speed automatic computing machinery while we wonder what we would do should certain suppressed texts appear, the additional twists added by Kittler notwithstanding.

6 0+ 0 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140113 20140113 1 -2+ journal_2014.html
Rationale for a chapter on philosophical programmers developed from accepting Rushkoff premise that mass consumers are at least one step behind technology creators, for example enacting oral strategies under literacy, and print strategies under electracy, thus discounting or at least loosening the grip of the insights by putative philosophers of computing who do not substantially practice the craft. After developing theoretical framework based on conjunction of techogenesis and synaptogenesis through realization of procedural rhetorics of diachrony in synchrony to revisit the cyborg initially posited as post-postmodern network dividual, study the work and narratives of computer, programming language, network protocol, and operating system creators, famous and everyday application developers, and metastudies of programming practices and learning programming to approach new conceptions and appreciation of what I call working code places, so we can begin to ask in the final two chapters, what does it mean to do philosophy as programmers, in these working code places?

6 0+ 0 (300) [-5+]mCQK bork-journal 20130325 20130325 1 -2+ journal_2013.html
Notable new thought and communication idea of Lanier discussed by Rosenberg,
dreaming in code, relies upon still unmaterialized human machine symbiotic cognitive processes with substantial mediation by technological nonconscious. While today working code undergirds computing and network operations, what is envisioned is escape from current difficult, brittle, time consuming programming practices.

6 0+ 0 (500) [-6+]mCQK kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter (210) 20131002p 0 -4+ progress/2011/09/notes_for_kittler-gramophone_film_typewriter.html
Nietzsche as the cybersage prototype, philosophizing with a typewriter and "about the typewriter. (210) Our writing tools are also working on our thoughts. Hence Nietzscheƒs next thought four years after the malfunctioning of his typewriter was to philosophize on the typewriter itself. Instead of testing Remingtonƒs competing model, he elevated Malling Hansenƒs invention to the status of a philosophy. And this philosophy, instead of deriving the evolution of the human being from Hegelƒs spirit (in between the lines of books) or Marxƒs labor (in between the differential potential of muscular energy), began with an information machine." (after his unit breaks down)

-6.1.1+++ system architects pioneers of babelization

6 1 1 (100) [-7+]mCQK von_neumann-theory_and_organization_of_complicated_automata (435) 20120510 0 -2+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_von_neumann-theory_and_organization_of_complicated_automata.html
Computing machines give best chance of understanding high complexity automata, even though humans sense themselves may be machines as well. (435) Of all automata of high complexity, computing machines are the ones which we have the best chance of understanding. In the case of computing machines the complications can be very high, and yet they pertain to an object which is primarily mathematical and which we understand better than we understand most natural objects.

6 1 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK von_neumann-computer_and_brain (3) 20131109 0 -2+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_von_neumann-computer_and_brain.html
Analog digital as fundamental ontological distinction can be considered alongside Saussure and other theorists of cognition and texuality. "Existing computing machines fall into two broad classes: analog and digital. This subdivision arises according to the way in which the numbers, on which the machine operates, are represented in it." (3)

6 1 1 (300) [-7+]mCQK burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument (1) 20131026d 0 -8+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_burks_goldstine_von_neumann-logical_design_of_electronic_computing_instrument.html
Let us continue this romp through early thinking in the manner Heidegger teaches for Greek thinking (noein legein and ekphanestaton phusis), where the principle components of the stored program digital electronic computing are enumerated as if by logical necessity in order to fulfill general purpose criterion, touching on same basic nature of computability questions as Turing but in actionable technical detail. (1) 1.2 . . . In a special-purpose machine these instructions are an integral part of the device and constitute a part of its design structure. For an all-purpose machine it must be possible to instruct the device to carry out any computation that can be formulated in numerical terms. Hence there must be some organ capable of storing these program orders. There must, moreover, be a unit which can understand these instructions and order their execution.

6 1 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK von_neumann-theory_and_organization_of_complicated_automata (471) 20131019h 0 -4+ progress/1998/01/notes_for_von_neumann-theory_and_organization_of_complicated_automata.html
Seat of memory has no particular place in mechanism. "The thing which remembers is nowhere in particular.
(471) Thereƒs therefor no reason to believe that the memory of the central nervous system is in the switching organs (the neurons). The size of the human memory must be very great, much greater than 1010 binary units.
(471) In the lingo of computing machinery one would say it [neuron] is an analog device that can do vastly more than transmit or not transmit a pulse." (471)

6 1 1 (2100) [-6+]mCQK licklider-man_computer_symbiosis (79) 20131004h 0 -1+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_licklider-man_computer_symbiosis.html
Perhaps this idea programs connected like natural language is embodied in modern user-interface-driven software, given his recognition of the limitations of batch mode processing. "We may in due course see a serious effort to develop computer programs that can be connected together like the words and phrases of speech to do whatever computation or control is required at the moment." (79)

6 1 1 (2200) [-6+]mCQK edwards-closed_world (226) 20130831 0 -3+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_edwards-closed_world.html
Early potential of critical programming expressed by Miller. "He spent the summer of 1950 at the Institute for Advanced Study, studying mathematics and computers with John von Neumann. There, he said, I learned that anything you can do with an equation you can do with a computer, plus a lot more. So computer programs began to look like the language in which you should formulate your theory." (226)

6 1 1 (2300) [-7+]mCQK kemeny-man_and_computer (29) 20131103d 0 -1+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_kemeny-man_and_computer.html
FORTRAN design to be easy to learn for those familiar with English. (29) FORTRAN combines words from ordinary English with simple mathematical symbols in a language which, although artificial, is so designed that it can be easily learned by a human being.

6 1 2 (2200) [-6+]mCQK engelbart-augmenting_human_intellect (98) 20130916b 0 -1+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_engelbart-augmenting_human_intellect.html
Beyond Bush photographic recording is dynamic generation of views based on manipulable data. "Here the capability of the clerk to show him any view he wants to examine (a slice of the interior, or how the structure would look from the roadway above) is important." (98)

6 1 2 (2300) [-7+]mCQK engelbart-augmenting_human_intellect (98) 20130916c 0 -2+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_engelbart-augmenting_human_intellect.html
A rich sense of symbol manipulation takes Engelbart beyond Licklider conception of what can be routinizable. (98) However, the computer has many other capabilities for manipulating and displaying information that can be of significant benefit to the human in nonmathematical processes of planning, organizing, studying, etc. Every person who does his thinking with symbolized concepts (whether in the form of the English language, pictographs, formal logic, or mathematics) should be able to benefit significantly.

6 1 2 (2400) [-6+]mCQK shneiderman-direct_manipulation (486) 20131019 0 -1+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_shneiderman-direct_manipulation.html
Replace complex command language syntax by direct manipulation of the object. "The central ideas seemed to be visibility of the object of interest; rapid, reversible, incremental actions; and, replacement of complex command language syntax by direct manipulation of the object of interest hence the term direct manipulation." (486) Examples include display editors, VisiCalc, spatial data management, and video games.

6 1 2 (2500) [-7+]mCQK montfort_el_al-10_print (158) 20131105h 0 -2+ progress/2013/02/notes_for_montfort_el_al-10_print.html
BASIC created in 1964 by Kemeny and Kurtz at Dartmouth, explicitly leveraging time-sharing; widespread adoption at high school and college level. (158) This Beginnerƒs All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code has a fabled cultural and technical history. BASIC was developed by John
Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz, two professors at Dartmouth College.

6 1 2 (2600) [-6+]mCQK kemeny-man_and_computer (31) 20131103e 0 -6+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_kemeny-man_and_computer.html
BASIC first language designed with affordances of time-sharing in mind. "The secret of BASIC is the fact that it is written on several levels.
(31-32) Since BASIC is the first language to have been written since the invention of time sharing, a means for direct communication between computer and human being was written into the language. . . . These interactive programs may in the long run prove to be the greatest asset of time sharing." (31)

6 1 2 (2700) [-7+]mCQK kemeny-man_and_computer (79) 20130422 0 -7+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_kemeny-man_and_computer.html
Distinguishing programming and computing, valorize programming, teaching the computer to think, which iterates as learning through teaching the computer, over mere computing, such as the rote activity of solving mathematical problems handed over to machines in programs; however, a short circuit occurs between isomorphic intentionalities in which the ease of use of one forecloses requisite knowledge acquisition to opportunity cost calculations over the other: the dumb user trying to input mathematical equations into the latest touch or speech recognition interface forgets the purpose of doing the problem in a way one who was forced to write a program for the computer to solve it would not likely be ignorant, although maybe getting lost in the details of programming languages while ignoring the goal mathematics aimed to be taught. (79) The students learn an enormous amount by being
forced to teach the computer how to solve a given problem. . . . The student must concentrate on the basic principles; he must understand the algorithm thoroughly in order to be able to explain it to a computer. On the other hand, he does not have to do any of the arithmetic or algebra. At Dartmouth we have seen hundreds of examples of spectacular success of learning through teaching the computer.

6 1 2 (2800) [-6+]mCQK kemeny-man_and_computer (80) 20130313 0 -2+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_kemeny-man_and_computer.html
Interesting comparison between passive relationship for learning by phonograph and CAI that does not demand reflexive knowledge of programming. "Most students leave Dartmouth with a thorough understanding of the nature of modern computers and with a good idea as to how they may be used in later life. Since in CAI the student plays a rather passive role, somewhat like
learning a language from a phonograph record, none of these benefits accrue." (80) Elevate to becoming stupid having lost essential practice of teaching the computer to think to solve problems formerly worked by human computers.

6 1 2 (2900) [-6+]mCQK rosenberg-dreaming_in_code (188) 20131010r 0 -5+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_rosenberg-dreaming_in_code.html
Lure of Basic and scripting systems for the programming challenged. "Ultimately, he stayed at Apple and worked on AppleScript, another system for nonprogrammers. . . . He had been itching to return to his passion: scripting systems for the programming challenged." (188)

6 1 2 (3000) [-7+]mCQK manovich-software_takes_command (97-98) 20131105e 0 -11+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_manovich-software_takes_command.html
Kay deliberate design guide thinking of computers as medium for learning, experimentation and artistic expression for children of all ages; user interface should appeal to enactive, iconic and symbolic mentalities as articulated by Bruner and Piaget. (97-98) According to Kay, they key step for him and his group was to starting thinking about computers as a medium for learning, experimentation, and artistic expression which can be used not just by adults but also by children of all ages. Kay was strongly influenced by the theory of cognitive psychologist Jerome Bruner. . . . Bruner gave slightly different names to these different mentalities [of Piaget]: enactive, iconic, and symbolic. While each mentality has developed at different stages of human evolution, they continue to co-exist in an adult.
(98) Kayƒs interpretation of this theory was that a user interface should appeal to all these three mentalities. In contrast to a command-line interface, which is not accessible for children and forces the adult to use only symbolic mentality, the new interface should also make use of emotive and iconic mentalities.
Mouse activates enactive mentality (know where you are, manipulate), Icons and windows activate iconic mentality (recognize, compare, configure.) Finally, Smalltalk programming language allows for the use of symbolic mentality (tie together long chains of reasoning, abstract.

6 1 2 (3100) [-6+]mCQK manovich-software_takes_command (103) 20131105f 0 -13+ progress/2012/03/notes_for_manovich-software_takes_command.html
Development of Smalltalk and applications provided with computer to encourage user modification and development to test hypotheses. "Using the analogy with print literacy, Kay motivates this property in this way: The ability to ƒreadƒ a medium means you can
access material and tools generated by others. The ability to write in a medium means you can generate materials and tools for others. You must have both to be literate. Accordingly, Kayƒs key effort at PARC was the development of the Smalltalk programming language. . . . In other words, all media editing applications that would be provided with a computer, were to serve also as examples, inspiring users to modify them and to write their own applications.
(104) Accordingly, the large part of Kay and Goldbergƒs paper is devoted to description of software developed by the users of their system . . . professionals, high school students, and children in order to show that everybody could develop new tools using the Smalltalk programming environment.
(104) Just as a scientist may use simulation to test different conditions and play different what/if scenarios, a designer, a writer, a musician, a filmmaker, or an architect working with computer media can quickly test different creative directions in which the project can be developed as well as see how modifications of various parameters affect the project." (103) A prototype of critical programming.

6 1 2 (3200) [-6+]mCQK stallman-free_software_free_society (36) 20131012a 0 -1+ progress/2007/06/notes_for_stallman-free_software_free_society.html
According to GNU Manifesto, Kantian ethics proves use restrictions and fees reduces overall wealth humanity derives from software for a few to become wealthier. "we would all become poorer from the mutual destructiveness." (36) Programmers may be paid less but will not starve.

6 1 2 (3300) [-7+]mCQK stallman-free_software_free_society (18) 20120503 0 -5+ progress/2007/06/notes_for_stallman-free_software_free_society.html
Enumeration of four freedoms, the first of which, from zero to one, a precondition, reflects the dominance of copyright: moving beyond traditional copyright, free, open source licenses offer three additional freedoms related to human readable machine executable text, that is, software program source code. (18) for you, a particular user, if:
You have the freedom to run the program, for any purpose.
You have the freedom to modify the program to suit your needs. (To make this freedom effective in practice, you must have access to the source code, since making changes in a program without having the source code is exceedingly difficult.)
You have the freedom to redistribute copies, either gratis or for a fee.
You have the freedom to distribute modified versions of the program, so that the community can benefit from your improvements.

6 1 2 (3400) [-6+]mCQK stallman-free_software_free_society (37) 20131012b 0 -1+ progress/2007/06/notes_for_stallman-free_software_free_society.html
According to GNU Manifesto, no intrinsic right to intellectual property. "Proprietary and secret software is the moral equivalent of runners in a fist fight." (37) Copyrights and patents created by government to benefit the public.

6 1 2 (3500) [-6+]mCQK stallman-free_software_free_society (89) 20131012h 0 -1+ progress/2007/06/notes_for_stallman-free_software_free_society.html
Copyleft required because simply putting program in public domain allows other to make it unfree. "Copyleft says that anyone who redistributes the software, with or without changes, must pass along the freedom to further copy and change it." (89) Anyone who redistributes software must pass along same four freedoms.

--6.1.3+++ the new ontologists

6 1 3 (100) [-7+]mCQK smith-on_the_origin_of_objects (75-76) 20131010q 0 -7+ progress/2013/09/notes_for_smith-on_the_origin_of_objects.html
Experience with constructing computational systems gives chance to witness how intentional capacities arise from mere physical mechanism, leading to better thoughts along Socratic lines of how a structured lump of clay can sit up and think: strong linkage between philosophy of computing and the humanities. (75-76) Methodologically, it means that our experience with constructing computational (i.e., intentional) systems may open a window onto something to which we would not otherwise have any access: the chance to witness, with our own eyes, how intentional capacities can arise in a merely physical mechanism. . . . But only when we let go of the conceit that that fact is theoretically important will we finally be able to see,
without distraction and thereby, perhaps, at least partially to understand how a structured lump of clay can sit up and think.

6 1 3 (200) [-6+]mCQK torvalds-just_for_fun (6) 20131024a 0 -3+ progress/2013/10/notes_for_torvalds-just_for_fun.html
To a child old electronic calculators exhibited effort correlative to human input, creating a satisfying symmetry rather than flat, asymmetric omniscience and omnipotence. "That was fascinating. Much more exciting than a modern calculator that wonƒt even break into a sweat when doing something as simple as calculating a plain sine of a number. With those early devices you knew that what they did was
hard." (6) Compare to preference of peer learning versus traditional classroom instruction in early studies of learning programming.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=6 and (Heading=1 or Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 6.1 system architects pioneers of babelization, distribued network visionaries, the new ontologists+

6.2 application developers beyond hard mastery and bricolage, auto-ethnographers of coding places

--6.2.1+++ application developers beyond hard mastery and bricolage

6 2 1 (100) [-6+]mCQK rosenberg-dreaming_in_code (72) 20131009r 0 -7+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_rosenberg-dreaming_in_code.html
Resemblances between programming languages and their creators. "Just as dogs often come to resemble their owners, it seems that programming languages end up reflecting the temperaments and personalities of their creators in some subtle ways.
(75) Object-oriented techniques organize programs not around sequential lines of commands but instead around chunks of code called objects that spring to life and action when other objects call on them. . . . (This terminology sometimes gives discussions of object-oriented programming the strange ring of Marxist theory cut with genetic science.)
(76) But in practice, though the object-oriented approach gave programmers a leg up as they constructed ever more complex edifices of code, it did not open a road to the marketersƒ utopia where programmers could write components once and reuse them anywhere." (72) Include Van Rossum in survey of language creators.

6 2 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK simon-shape_of_automation (xv) 20131009 0 -1+ progress/2013/04/notes_for_simon-shape_of_automation.html
Basic computer ontology privileges running program, exuding debunking source code fetishism by technology pundits. "In the computer field, the
moment of truth is a running program; all else is prophecy." (xv)

6 2 1 (300) [-7+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (213) 20130721d 0 -1+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Unless human intelligence is transferred and then takes on new problems, machine intelligence will always be alien. (213) We, however, conclude that however much intelligence computers may attain, now or in the future, theirs must always be an intelligence
alien to genuine human problems and concerns.

6 2 1 (400) [-6+]mCQK weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason (108) 20131010b 0 -6+ progress/2013/07/notes_for_weizenbaum-computer_power_and_human_reason.html
Programming in order to come to understand. "The other side of the coin is the belief that one cannot program anything unless one thoroughly understands it. This misses the truth that programming is, again like any form of writing, more often than not experimental.
One programs, just as one writes, not because one understands, but in order to come to understand.
(109) It is in fact very hard to explain anything in terms of a primitive vocabulary that has nothing whatever to do with that which has to be explained. Yet that is precisely what most programs attempt to do.
(110) The relationship between understanding and writing thus remains as problematical for computer programming as it has always been for writing in any other form." (108) Compare to Kittler saying the solution only comes when all internal speech dissipates.

6 2 1 (500) [-7+]mCQK winograd-thinking_machines (214) 20131019l 0 -1+ progress/2011/02/notes_for_winograd-thinking_machines.html
Patchwork rationality of bureaucratic intelligence results in forgetfulness of individual commitment. (214) This forgetfulness of individual commitment is perhaps the most subtle and dangerous consequence of
patchwork rationality.

6 2 1 (600) [-7+]mCQK winograd_flores-using_computers (561) 20130909 0 -2+ progress/2012/06/notes_for_winograd_flores-using_computers.html
Ontological designing engages philosophical discourse about the self through computer use. (561) In ontological designing, we are doing more than asking what can be built. We are engaging in a philosophical discourse about the self about what we can do and what we can be.

6 2 1 (700) [-6+]mCQK lammers-programmers_at_work (81) 20131003d 0 -4+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_lammers-programmers_at_work.html
Gates. "People will still design algorithms, but a lot of the implementation could be done by machines. I think that within the next five years weƒll have tools that will be able to do as good a job as a human programmer.
(81) The fact that people are getting exposed to computers at such young ages now will help change the thinking in the field. A lot of great programmers programmed when they were in their teens, when the way you think about things is perhaps more flexible." (81) Hope of a factory owner that most programming tasks can be automated, compare to dreams of autoprogramming and management studies.

6 2 1 (800) [-6+]mCQK lammers-programmers_at_work (36) 20131104b 0 -2+ progress/2012/04/notes_for_lammers-programmers_at_work.html
Lampson. "I give a talk to general audiences titled The Computer Revolution Hasnƒt Happened Yet. Its basic theme is that major changes in the world take a long time." (36) Computer revolution has not happened yet.

6 2 1 (900) [-7+]mCQK ullman-close_to_the_machine (116) 20130909 0 -9+ progress/2012/05/notes_for_ullman-close_to_the_machine.html
Homey approach to software emphasizes pervasive social character (Mackenzie). (116) Only software gets to age. Too much time is invested in it, too much time will be needed to replace it. So, unlike the tossed-out hardware, software is tinkered with. It is mended and fixed, patched and reused.
Software is almost homey, our approach to it almost housewifely. We say it has a life cycle : from birth, to productive maturity, to bug-filled old age.
(117) Yet the system could not be thrown away. By the time a computer system becomes old, no one completely understands it. A system made out of old junky technology becomes, paradoxically, precious.

---6.2.2+++ auto-ethnographers of coding places

6 2 2 (100) [-6+]mCQK marino-critical_code_studies (np) 20131005i 0 -1+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_marino-critical_code_studies.html
If programming literacy is required, how to develop it. "Key to Critical Code Studies will be the development in practitioners of programming literacy." (np) Both early education, imagining a society in which children learn programming as they do other basic skills, and more crucially adult education for humanities scholars, combined with drawing philosophers from among the ranks of technologists.

6 2 2 (200) [-6+]mCQK marino-critical_code_studies (np) 20131005m 0 -5+ progress/2012/07/notes_for_marino-critical_code_studies.html
Reading revolution of code suggested by Hayles requires renewed interest in learning programming. "Although not examining one specific piece of code, Hayles [in
My Mother was a Computer] develops a reading of object-oriented languages in relation to procedural languages motivated by similar concerns to Kittlerƒs. . . . This call from Hayles and others envisions a leserevolution of code, a moment when code comes to the people." (np)

6 2 2 (300) [-7+]mCQK rosenberg-dreaming_in_code (43) 20131009i 0 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_rosenberg-dreaming_in_code.html
Computer programmers ideal target group for Engelbart bootstrapping improving improvement has relevance to critical programming. (43) But the real purpose of NLS was to help Engelbartƒs programmers program better. In the 1962 essay that laid out his plan of research into the augmentation of human intelligence, Engelbart explained why computer programmers were the most promising initial target group.
(44) To Engelbart,
bootstrapping meant an improving of the improvement process.

6 2 2 (400) [-7+]mCQK rosenberg-dreaming_in_code (277) 20131011s 0 -2+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_rosenberg-dreaming_in_code.html
Common grail of automatic software since invention of compiler by Hopper. (277) For many on this quest, the common grail has been the idea of
automatic software --software that nonprogrammers can create, commands in simple English that the computer can be made to understand. This dream was born at the dawn of the computer era when Rear Admiral Grace Hopper and her colleagues invented the complier.

6 2 2 (500) [-6+]mCQK rosenberg-dreaming_in_code (294) 20131012b 0 -1+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_rosenberg-dreaming_in_code.html
Collective fall from innocence of initial thrill of programming according to Lanier. "In Lanierƒs view, the programming profession is afflicted by a sort of psychological trauma, a collective fall from innocence and grace that each software developer recapitulates as he or she learns the ropes." (294)

6 2 2 (600) [-6+]mCQK rosenberg-dreaming_in_code (344) 20131012u 0 -4+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_rosenberg-dreaming_in_code.html
Art of making software like sending vision through atomizer, reassembling packets of data. "But software development takes simple elegant visions and atomizes them, separating them into millions of implementation details and interface choices and compromises. The art of making software well is, in a sense, the ability to send a vision through that atomizer in such a way that it can eventually be put back together like the packets of data that separate to cross the Internet and get reassembled into coherent messages for your computer.
(345) By the time this book is published, OSAF will have released perhaps two more versions of the program.
(345) Cubranicƒs email didnƒt just propose the idea; it contained about 180 lines of Python code that implemented it [features of Ecco PIM/outliner preferred by the author]." (344)

6 2 2 (700) [-7+]mCQK rosenberg-dreaming_in_code (24) 20131009d 0 -6+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_rosenberg-dreaming_in_code.html
Cathedral versus bazaar modes. (24) In the Unix world, programmers had long been accustomed to freely sharing their source code. But for important work,
cathedral mode had long remained the default, for both free and commercial software. . . . Torvalds and Linux changed that, demonstrating that a promiscuous, bazaar-style approach could produce big, useful software that kept getting better.

6 2 2 (800) [-7+]mCQK rosenberg-dreaming_in_code (209) 20131010y 0 -1+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_rosenberg-dreaming_in_code.html
Dogfooding on less extreme pole of improvement continuum than bootstrapping. (209) The goal of bootstrapping was to rev up a feedback loop so that today you would use the tool you invented yesterday to build a better one for tomorrow;
dogfooding, by contrast, had the more modest and pragmatic aim of speeding up bug-finding and bug-fixing by shoving developersƒ noses into their productsƒ flaws.

6 2 2 (900) [-6+]mCQK rosenberg-dreaming_in_code (71) 20131009q 0 -1+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_rosenberg-dreaming_in_code.html
Van Rossum claims Python much more efficient at accomplishing tasks with less code than C or C++. "[Guido]
Van Rossum says that a Python program can usually accomplish the same task as a C or C++ program using three, five, or even ten times less code." (71)

6 2 2 (1000) [-6+]mCQK rosenberg-dreaming_in_code (285) 20130324 0 -7+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_rosenberg-dreaming_in_code.html
Late binding bridges gulf between compiled, interpreted, and even more dynamic programming methods like the CPIA. "
Late binding is a term in computer science that refers to programming languagesƒ capacity to provide programmers with more flexibility. Late-bound programs can be changed on the fly, while theyƒre running; you can even build them so that they can change themselves while theyƒre running. While some of the popular programming languages of today Java to some degree, Python (Chandlerƒs language) to a greater degree are considered to have a late-binding nature, the core languages underlying much of the edifice of modern software, C and C++, do not. . . . To find nimbler languages that embody the essence of late-binding dynamic power, [Alan] Kay says, you have to go back decades to Lisp, the list processor language invented by artificial intelligence researched John McCarthy in the late 1950s, and to Smalltalk, the language Kay himself conceived at Xeroxƒs Palo Alto Research Center in the seventies." (285) Have to go back to Lisp for a good example.

6 2 2 (1100) [-7+]mCQK rosenberg-dreaming_in_code (295) 20131012c 0 -3+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_rosenberg-dreaming_in_code.html
Lanier dreaming in code as post-symbol communication; compare to Hayles technological nonconsicous and Berry interpretation of Serres parasite. (295) He says his critique of software is part of of a lifelong research project aimed at harnessing computers to enable people to shape visions for one another, a kind of exchange he calls
post-symbolic communication and likens to dreaming a conscious, waking-state, intentional, shared dream.
(296) Intelligent voices can be found on both sides of this fence. Robert Britcher, in his
The Limits of Software, takes the pessimistic view to this its tragic limit.

6 2 2 (1200) [-6+]mCQK rosenberg-dreaming_in_code (333) 20131012r 0 -5+ progress/2013/03/notes_for_rosenberg-dreaming_in_code.html
Failure of Chandler to avoid software development tar pit forces judgment of open source ideals. "And being open source hadnƒt prevented Chandler from ending up in the same agonizing time warp as countless other ambitious software projects. Maybe Eric Raymondƒs The Cathedral and the Bazaar had been wrong, and Linusƒs Law ( Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow ) didnƒt transcend Brooksƒs Law after all. Or perhaps OSAF, for all its transparency, had so far failed to meet Raymondƒs requirement for success with a bazaar-style open source project that it must recognize, embrace, and reward good ideas from outsiders.
(334) Even this self-described old applications guy was now on the verge of accepting that Web-delivered, browser-based software had begun to overtake the desktop-based programs of personal computingƒs golden age. From now on, he [Kapor] declared, he would most likely adopt a Web interface for any new project from the start." (333)

6 2 2 (1300) [-7+]mCQK heidegger-question_concerning_technology (20-21) 20130928k 0 -7+ progress/1995/08/notes_for_heidegger-question_concerning_technology.html
Any assembly is simulacrum, concretized Enframing; democratizing power of free, open source technologies salvation of assemblies for multipurposive learning. (20-21) Enframing means the gathering together of that setting-upon which sets upon man, i.e., challenges him forth, to reveal the real, in the mode of ordering, as standing-reserve. . . . The assembly itself, however, together with the aforementioned stockparts, falls within the sphere of technological activity; and this activity always merely responds to the challenge of Enframing, but it never comprises Enframing itself or brings it about.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=6 and (Heading=2) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 6.2 application developers beyond hard mastery and bricolage, auto-ethnographers of coding places

Chapter 7 Syllabus for a Philosophy of Computing

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

7.1 philosophies

-7.1.1+++ philosophies

7 1 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20170119 20170119 1 -10+ journal_2017.html
What if the title was instituting the philosophy of computing starting with answering what is computing and how does one philosophize with it. Initial sentences step through previous chapters. What is the span of possible future occupations should health be adequate becomes core ethical question along with other significant PHI. You humans thinking about your economcis do not understand the texture of cyberspace traces you leave behind on your browsers for example more so than you have written in books PHI is potentially computable but a great cost, for example tripping through tcpip. Warm enough on back porch for mosquitos so short stay out there probably need to clean out gutters to reduce dripping from condensation unless there are also leaks coming down the side wall good purpose for physical scaffolding. Physical object based fantasies of emergence of machine cognition manifest in drones homing in on solar charging stations set up throughout the land. Operating systems and programs are all programming platforms, as Kittler says there is no software use the more distinct and nuanced discussions of Berry on the phenomenology of software floating on streams as the alien temporalities boundary between machines and humans that nonetheless presents an epistemologically transparent scientific understanding reaching all the way through the governmentality of software as we cybernetically inhabit these digital cyberspace places. Go through Foucault, Galloway, Berry before getting into new stuff introduced by computing and philosophy such as recent Copeland. When these philosophers lean towards truth always influence even on top of cyberspace streams how philosophy helps out computer science, for example, now posit how computer programming languages distort, McGann deform, operations of the philosophy love of wisdom shared by all intelligence, think about how programming working code PHI operates over philosophy subsumes, rather than subsumes philosophy says something about the type of verb operation. It cannot be that until this declaration we have not had any philosophy of computing because there were not programmers in the conference, nonetheless others have chosen information and software.

7 1 1 (200) [-2+]mCQK bork-journal 20160215 20160215a 3 -1+ journal_2016.html
Philosophy Iser; Johnson; Rapaport.

7 1 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140319 20140319 2 -11+ journal_2014.html
What is the status quo default but the present? Regardless of outcome of critiques of Heidegger, America is where computing arose. Inventing cyberspace America philosophy must look back to place from which it arose, provenance, which for software means looking at and working code, that is, programming in various computer languages inflected via natural human languages. Let us talk about the insights of philosophical programmers as instances of revisited cyborg to jump ahead and speak after generating the earlier parts of chapter three. One of my central insights is that we think through human natural languages in C, C++, Perl, PHP, HTML, TEI, XML, and so on. Somewhere Kittler notes this common characteristic of crossing human natural languages as being the only thing that is keeping back the realization of his central thesis that there is no software. I need software to make these piles of books appear anywhere not just here where the physical books are arranged in reality. That is how we should be able to talk about possible worlds PHI, through programming operations globally undertaken in various systems running one of the major projects products whether in popular philosophy classes or home entertainment spectatorship by creators and users positions. To transition from philosophy of technology broadly to focus on computing, reintroduce McLuhan electric media leading to Heim philosophical study of electric writing "as response to Heideggerƒs dreaded language machine I contribute suggestion of running your own local systems of home brewed software writing concoctions, which when connected to public floss enters machine consciousness. Just as so many critics and commentators accuse Heidegger of missing concrete consequences of and what better way than making not just as if but as run time reality the future technologically processed realities that would come about as a result of this alignment and constitution of machinery, software, programming languages shared among humans and machine. Cannot ignore memory of malicious ways human collective intelligences have conspired with its machines, yet the Hollerith gives way to unethical American corporate practices from birth of electronic computing onward based on, oh wait a minute, in stating they are English default commonly believed historical narratives does that not connect them to the forms of computing about which English was written, based on common themes in histories of modern digital Internet computing." (or language)

7 1 1 (400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140116 20140116a 0 -1+ journal_2014.html
Another insight directly connecting Plato and Rushkoff is ethical stance by Socrates in Phaedrus that writing be pursued as a hobby preparing oneself for amusements in old age, to which the light show the elderly Cephalus hurries away from the setting of the Republic to enjoy: if our destiny is to round out our lives in augmented and virtual realities, we are obliged to address our relation to those future activities on a continuum between consumers, produmers, produsers, artists, producers, designers, programmers, and architects.

7 1 1 (500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20010214 20010214 0 -7+ journal_2001.html
The scope of this work is foundational philosophy of computing. As such it pertains to computer ethics in its most basic and broadest sense, namely human comportment towards computing in general. A common position in computer ethics is that modern computing technology raises a new set of ethical problems due to its unique nature. Electronic technology arose only recently, and it is taken for granted that its metaphysical groundwork is also a recent production. This metaphysics, where articulated, is associated with the canonical progenitors of modern computing technology--Babbage, von Neumann, Turing, and so on. My hypothesis, on the contrary, is that a long tradition linking ancient and modern computing activity lies virtually unexamined. In particular Platoƒs Phaedrus should be considered an essential text in the philosophy of computing.

7 1 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20061113a TAPOC_20061113a 0 -26+ journal_2006.html
Collective intelligence speaks to its members assigning reasonable tasks that become the work of lifetimes. Mine is to bring together philosophy and binary, electronic computing, just as Plato brought together philosophy and ta grammata. The general undertaking of thinking together philosophy and computing is something both feared and nevertheless done by philosophers since Plato engineered Socrates to tell us to be afraid of bringing together philosophy and human computing done with written letters " while at the same time envisioning an optimal conjunction of philosophy and computing in [PHI 275A - 276A].

SOCRATES: You have invented an elixir not of memory, but of reminding; and you offer your pupils the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom, for they will read many things without instruction and will therefore seem to know many things, when they are for the most part ignorant and hard to get along with, since they are not wise, but only appear wise. .. Writing, Phaedrus, has this strange quality, and is very like painting; for the creatures of painting stand like living beings, but if one asks them a question, they preserve a solemn silence. And so it is with written words; you might think they spoke as if they had intelligence, but if you question them, wishing to know about their sayings, they always say only one and the same thing. And every word, when once it is written, is bandied about, alike among those who understand and those who have no interest in it, and it knows not to whom to speak or not to speak; when ill-treated or unjustly reviled it always needs its father to help it; for it has no power to protect or help itself. .. Now tell me; is there not another kind of speech, or word, which shows itself to be the legitimate brother of this bastard one, both in the manner of its begetting and in its better and more powerful nature?

PHAEDURS: What is this word and how is it begotten, as you say?

SOCRATES: The word which is written with intelligence in the mind of the learner, which is able to defend itself and knows to whom it should speak, and before whom to be silent.

PHAEDRUS: You mean the living and breathing word of him who knows, of which the written word may justly be called the image.

For this is the point of the latter half of Phaedrus. Socrates compared writing to painting, as in vase painting, a previous state of the art of human computing incorporating rhetoric by representing speech. Recall his method for creating a science of rhetoric by enumerating all the words and evaluating each in terms of its ambiguity, following his general purpose reverse engineering method, just as I applied it to microcomputer based control systems. Very few in the past have imagined any place besides "the mind of the learner" to host anything "able to defend itself and knows to whom it should speak, and before whom to be silent" and has "power to protect or help itself." Now with state of the art binary computers this type of artificial intelligence is ubiquitous. However, collective intelligence proceeds to produce it driven blindly by market optimized design (default metaphysics). Unraveling this hidden connection between our quest for a product providing optimal guidance in forming long term strategic technology planning and the wealth of ancient wisdom already before us in our Western philosophical tradition provides a means of promoting the philosophy of computing and a niche market for myself to flourish." (ta grammata)

7 1 1 (700) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20061125a TAPOC_20061125a 0 -16+ journal_2006.html
Bruno Latour writes in his article in the Philosophy of Technology anthology, "speech implies by definition the risk of misunderstanding across the huge gaps between different species.

7 1 1 (800) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20161026 20161026a 5 -1+ journal_2016.html
Technology subsumes philosophy is the name for the first section, as my way of mashing together so many philosophies, for I will next speak of the hermeneutics of computing, then the phenomenology of electronics, and considering swapping communities and projects.

7 1 1 (900) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20160929 20160929a 3 -1+ journal_2016.html
The illegitimacy of syllabus fits philosophy of computing, for if programming subsumes writing, this itself becomes a queer subject, and we should just get on working code back into computing, or the title is different like philosophy of computing colon syllabus for a or a syllabus.

7 1 1 (1100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160901 20160901 1 -3+ journal_2016.html
Time to teach a class I have been developing for years now up to eighteen sessions. What philosophies are appropriate for doing philosophy of computing takes latest form of purpose of first lecture chapter session seminar PHI. Humanities approach via hermeneutics, technology phenomenology and ontology in addition to the expected semantics and logic, implying deontology.

7 1 1 (1200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160114 20160114b 2 -20+ journal_2016.html
Statement Concerning the Dissertation Experience PHI Completing my dissertation in the Texts and Technology program has been the most challenging and satisfying intellectual undertaking of my life. It brought to conclusion multiple, seemingly unconnected paths of inquiry that I have been pursuing for nearly three decades, combining dual passions for computing technology and for philosophical inquiry into a unique methodology that I dubbed critical programming. As my dissertationƒs subtitle elaborates, it is literally an approach toward a philosophy of computing, a new way to conduct humanities scholarship by not just using software for collating data or formatting documents, but by designing and running programs in an iterative, self-reflexive fashion to test hypotheses and provide places for experiencing ideas in ways unimaginable via print-based media. I had long believed that a philosophical work about computing and programming that was not itself deeply influenced by technology, that was not itself an advanced technological artifact, not merely a printed text, shortchanged the spirit of what it means to do philosophy. While I had inklings of this idea before I began my graduate coursework, it was through exposure to the diverse theoretical frameworks and methodologies introduced by faculty and colleagues in Texts and Technology that the key insights of my work came to fruition. In meeting Bruce Janz, whose interests in digital humanities and the phenomenology of digital places complemented my approach, and whose extensive scholarship of contemporary, continental philosophy drew us together in shared concepts and ideas, I gained the confidence to attempt something incredibly ambitious and difficult when I could have settled for a much simpler task. Bruce provided the direction and encouragement I needed to keep going, especially when tough choices had to be made to abridge content as the full scope of the work materialized and time became short. PHI Critical Programming: Toward a Philosophy of Computing first examines the present, as-is human situation as extended minds immersed in digital media, threatened by cognitive obsolescence and deterioration of significant social relationships and civic attention. More than just introductory material, I felt obliged to thoroughly articulate a problem worthy of devoting a lifetime of scholarship and inquiry. Next it lays out a theoretical framework spanning humanist and technological positions ranging from critical theory, textuality and media studies, to the social construction of technology, the psychology and sociology of computer programmers, philosophical approaches to computation and software, and scholarship self-identified as software, code and platform studies. The takeaway from this survey is that there is much more work to do, both in terms of researching what I call philosophical programmers, and more importantly, undertaking new studies in the role of programming philosophers exploring working code places, which I demonstrate in the penultimate chapter by describing three software projects that I have extensively developed over the course of my graduate studies. In a very real sense, the dissertation document itself is an outcome of critical programming because the TAPOC software project evolved as a means for me to organize my research notes, generate the reading lists for my candidacy exams, and transformed into the engine I used to lay out the chapters of the final text. The ultimate significance of this work should be understood in terms of the challenge it lays out for future philosophers of computing, myself included: we must do more than read and write natural language texts, we must engage and work in the very media we seek to draw into the scope of humanities studies through critical programming. PHI. The benefits of the dissertation experience go beyond the profound satisfaction of accomplishing a life goal to which I have devoted more of my mental energy than any other endeavor. The graduate coursework leading up to it, the candidacy exams, research and writing all have noticeable positive impact on deepening my professionalism and wisdom in my current job as a software engineering technical project lead. Finally, it gives me courage and confidence by laying the groundwork and building a network to pursue an academic career so that I can devote the rest of my productive life to the philosophical concerns about which I am most passionate, and inspire others to do the same. PHI. Original paragraph and line breaks replaced with PHI. Can software be innocent includes possibility of evil operation by virtue of freedom zero as side effect of GPL acceptance defining permissibility similar to Lessig but in terms of overabundance Nietzschean programming style being able to do so much simultaneously.

7 1 1 (1300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130410 20130410 1 -1+ journal_2013.html
Perhaps it is necessary to review the presentation, for giving the weekly lecture like seminar of Lacan is where philosophy exists in corporate America as implicit philosophies of computing reflected in career trajectory optimally benefiting the business.

7 1 1 (1400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20050620 20050620a 13 -1+ journal_2005.html
Then with Johnson, Ess, Floridi there are Graham White philosophy of computer languages, Mitcham information technology, and Fetzer ai.

7 1 1 (1500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150803 20150803b 38 -6+ journal_2015.html
Begin with Aloisio, note improvement in Campbell Kelly from Aspray collaboration that lets the engineer speak back to philosphy buy lacks the SCOT influenced complexity built into selection of opening images in more recent book. Touch on rabbit hole of Uffenbeck and my ECT studies to truly understand electronic circuit physical hardware aspect of computing. Challenge whether to include relatively ancient texts from philosophical programmers like Turing and Burks, Goldstein, von Neumann or propose to reread as part of methodology. Follow Campbell Kelly Aspray with Hafner Lyon contrasted with Abbatte, with Galloway foregrounding protocol as philosophical concept helping to interpret network phenomena. Mention Lammers, Shasha Lazere before psycho-social studies Kraft, Turkle, Brooks, Fuller, Stephenson, to Takhteyev. Putting all these together demonstrates syncretic synthetic philosophizing approach having a procedural rhetoric related to formant synthesis, being its own kind of synthesis in the domain of philosophical thought.

7 1 1 (1600) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140803 20140803a 1 -18+ journal_2014.html
In antiquity it they those human computers computing would have had it stored in colors or text in visual interfaces within virtual realities PHI.

7 1 1 (1700) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20120803 20120803 0 -3+ journal_2012.html
Despite critique of Ulmer I want to participate in constructing this picture by contemplating living along the Santa Fe river writing my dissertation or doing postdoctoral work.

7 1 1 (1800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150804 20150804a 0 -6+ journal_2015.html
Although Bauerlein blames lax teaching and parenting for allowing the dumbest generation to remain absorbed in adolescent social media cocoons, he and many other critics point to consumer computer technologies as the key enabling factor. Especially because computing does so much more now than perform numeric calculations via effective methods, from the standpoint of the end results presenting multimedia, telecommunications, commerce which Manovich categorizes as cultural software, it is crucial to seek understanding of their inner workings lest the schematism of perceptibility remains veiled. A historical background and exposure to psychological and sociological studies hopefully expands folk wisdom and reveals biases about computing practices based on lifetime use situated within a cultural and technological milieu. These studies in particular have informed my theoretical framework, and reflect concerns of critical theory, media studies, and the social construction of technology in addition to paying heed to historical practices of rigorous scholarship and treatment of primary and secondary sources. The criticism could be raised that my selection of an English language corpus itself biases my background understanding in favor of Anglo-American narratives focusing on technologies that arose and prospered primarily in the United States, ignoring what was happening in other regions during the same time period. Campbell-Kelly notes this bias in both of his books, but does coverage developments in other European countries; what happened in the former Soviet Union, the only other large electronic technology innovator, has yet to appear in mainstream English language publications.

7 1 1 (1900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160611 20160611 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
My hilarious approach to the philosophy of computing includes Lacan iteration passing through interpretation PHI applied to programming projects in corporate workplace, finding functional equivalents of PHI with making present four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis, and I propose to try an attempt of progressing through the approximately twenty PHI syllabus lecture series seminar. Consider importance and PHI of size of view area for programmers always involves languages in use, as I can enter the thought in my working code places and demonstrate with intended work of generating real virtualities such as web pages, though also wish to step through PHI instituting the philosophy of computing.

7 1 1 (2000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130611 20130611a 0 -7+ journal_2013.html
Let us do it man let us do it, and this time in Javascript and Perl without touching C++. Adjust the software to demonstrate intersection of two temporal orders of magnitude. "quot;;
print "{";
print " subseconds++;";
print " subseconds%=10;";
print " if(subseconds == 0)";
print " {";
print " timerCounter++;";
print "function SupervisoryControl(refresh_rate)";
print " var i=setInterval(timer, 100);";
jbork@alkibiades:~/src/tapoc$ sudo make web-localhost
jbork@alkibiades:~/src/tapoc$ vi journal.cpp
//if(ii==0 && this->get_ensoniment() || (*this->entry_list->rbegin())==jptr)
if(ii==0 && (this->get_ensoniment() || (*this->entry_list->rbegin())==jptr))
[working code css]

This mechanism could one day produce tachistoscopic phenomena for philosophical language machines and more mundane purposes. Did go to C++ to correct display from clasic logic mistake of failing to properly use paretheses fails to constrain to first row." () From this image the cognitive domain of machine computing can be intuited. Dissertation proposal includes prior work on machine embodiment, already having identified working code and even classic first graduate paper.

[working code css]
jbork@alkibiades:~/src/tapoc$ vi gentapoc.cgi
print "function time

7 1 1 (2100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150611 20150611a 0 -8+ journal_2015.html
Awkward to get here this way reaching end of latest draft quoting McGann intending picking up soldering irons to pinball repair, as in the philosophical programmer scholar reaching something of complexity of pmrek as working code place to do philosophy of computing programming technology. Can computing be innocent philosophers philosophize by writing code and using systems such engineers ask, question, interrogate machinery component of network dividual cyborg. Suppose explicating meaning of philosophical programmers just a way to legitimate individual case of my passing through technology career as crossover digital immigrant cadre lifetime learner. Geeks and nerds may think possible programs while philosophers wonder whether they can intuit machine embodiment. As McGann exemplar of textuality studies, Kittler media studies almost getting us to computing programming technology. Can computing be innocent, can software code and its writing be exempt from corruption of its operating environment any more than the human body territorial earth embodied philosophical thought? Dare to reach as far as Lyotard or is that outside bounds of tapoc system now a problem where it had been sufficient temporal order of magnitude PHI. Make McGann and textuality studies in addition to programming count by adding more deliberate sense of working code than Boltanski and Chiapello; meditate upon the nuances of its changes and their meaning through theory as poieisis like those of tapoc shaping this dissertation programmatically written, for sometimes programmed visions are intentional, as all programmers and systems engineers know.

7 1 1 (2200) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20120611 20120611 0 -94+ journal_2012.html
The danger I have to share with Janz is the reterritorialization of philosophy by programming in joke of ova extension along with sense of Virtualbox OSE archive or virtualbox ose archive all lowercase.

7 1 1 (2300) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20160516 20160516 0 -3+ journal_2016.html
Instituting the philosophy of computing is my intention PHI mission statement.

7 1 1 (2400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160223 20160223 0 -1+ journal_2016.html
Oh my gosh here is my institutional thought how to bring philosophy into computing into philosophy.

7 1 1 (2500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160212 20160212 0 -4+ journal_2016.html
The Obama administration and other groups have been calling for dramatic increases in computer science and technology education for American children, which requires a new generation of proficient and inspired educators. This implies making a sound connection between technology education and the humanities. Other universities have courses addressing computer ethics, the philosophy of technology, information, computer science, and so on, but nowhere is the philosophy of computing explicitly addressed as an academic subject. UCF can become a leader in this field by leveraging its excellence in digital humanities, especially its Texts and Technology program, in collaboration with its world class programs in engineering, computer science, simulation, and visual design, but first we have to consider what should be in it.

7 1 1 (2600) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20160213 20160213 0 -13+ journal_2016.html
First are philosophies to give grounding to any instance, for example Rapaport with computer science, which I model on litany enumeration from Iser: hermeneutics, phenomenology, and so on. The hermeneutics of computing studies the use of the word through history and connects it to examples. Like Latour and Kittler interrupt to insist on theorist practitioner inviting phenomenology of electronics. Turn to philosophical programmers to reveal new ontologies enframed in cyberspace instantiating philosophies of computing by machines and humans programming them. Take the time to understand protocol as articulated by Galloway and others. Exemplifying new ontologies look at Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol version four as a place to do philosophy. Autoethnographies of coding communities suggest programming styles beyond hard mastery and bricolage. Uses and advantages of foss. Project management as lesson for new spirit of capitalism. Virtualization the strategic approach. Programming philosophers undertake foss projects addressing tough questions like how to create long term memories from course work. My own example is revisiting ancient computing. Close with holding power of programming platforms to recognize we are still not past the basic question of what instructional examples to use should we further pursue the philosophy of computing, only beginning to consider governmentality of software and broach questions like can software be innocent as a place to also critique human involvement.

7 1 1 (2700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160407 20160407 0 -5+ journal_2016.html
Can deontology be kind of philosophy or way of doing philosophy along with logic, going with PHI the way phenomenology fits with empiricism, along with hermeneutics and the quizzical family poststructural postmodern. Can we start here with admission that technologies confronted with plethora of philosophies with which to approach computing, and list them like the short key important point for heading at equal as the beginning of the sequence. Can software be innocent skirts ethical boundaries regarding use, freedom zero as Stallman calls it, a basic stance for computing system imagination seeming to shift responsibility to its programmers and other users. What about software that wreaks havoc in cyberspace? Keep it simple and introduce third order logic with philosophies or new ontologies, adding logic to type of philosophy applicable to computing.

7 1 1 (2800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160109 20160109 4 -10+ journal_2016.html
We must always remember it is embodied virtual reality leveraging multiple implied constants PHI is the perspective to which post postmodern Lyotard appeals. Kittler ends with extremes of deep representation and autonomous machinery sufficient to represent itself PHI. Research and writing culminated over twenty years sustained efforts toward a philosophy of computing, a task a set for myself upon reading Platoƒs Symposium as an early study of the ethics of virtual reality. Before entering the Texts and Technology doctoral program at UCF, I developed the technical background to pursue philosophical questions by developing computer systems run to provide places to ask new forms of humanities questions. Moreover, acts of planning, developing, debugging and using such code played a key role inspiring insights from the key points of the work down to the organizational details of each chapter heading subsection and the argumentative sequences within them. As the greatest intellectual challenge of my life it was also the most rewarding. While many dissertations required substantial computer use to compose, mine was built from the output of iterations of its programming by consuming and processing my research notes. A risk I took early on was to trust this evolving process, despite failure in brining original intentions of self-generating technologized texts to fruition. The earliest drafts of the dissertation chapters were constructed from database queries of notes objects against tables populated by machine reading of notes files and my use of an interface console to adjust the characteristics of individual notes. Thus its significance derives from both its uniqueness as a programmed literary text and its overall message calling for a substantial programming component for scholarship in digital humanities and philosophies of computing.

7 1 1 (2900) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160114 20160114 1 -21+ journal_2016.html
Replaced space on writing page place with PHI.

7 1 1 (3000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160119 20160119 0 -1+ journal_2016.html
Glad past year selves planned for future writing where these already created notes are sequenced and relevanced, earlier noting interesting fact that I had been chasing a similar bug years ago today.

7 1 1 (3100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130119 20130119a 0 -14+ journal_2013.html
Become philosopher of software conjoining machine cognition. This ethical suggestion rolls up after all these years, every day on this day. Another example of ethical suggestion is the free, open source ethic, which ought to be recast to be sensitive to Stallmanƒs semantic tuning. Socrates as the question answerer equals slayer is the overriding software system of the day, every year, that is, every nineteenth of January. In my world it circles around preparing from comprehensive examination. Whether machine or human how would I convince myself that what I am doing is what I should be doing is the proper way to run the human and machine units become ontic representation of reality including this journal system engaged by tapoc. Reading Derrida finds evidence of human centric rhetoric puzzling about how representations relate to truth, so it is fitting that archive appears in dissemination, and we are simply adding computational elements to that which typically is conceived as human. This provides insight into ontic and ontological questions about machine thinking, for instance, where it occurs, in virtual realities, and in what temporal orders of magnitude its signification operations occur. Disturb the single centered consciousness typical of human being "with distributed processing, retaining instances of subjectivity as epiphenomena of machine processing. The fact that Socrates still lives through Derrida is somehow tied (as in positively related, enacting writing in favor of other pastimes preparing for old age and death) to this. An extreme place to reach is post-postmodern subjectivity in the future when machine cognizers and humans, likely the elderly who lived through the early personal computing era, coexist or cannot distinguish themselves in virtual realities whose generation consumes cultural artifacts whose copyrights have expired, in particular recorded music. On a related approach track is consideration of the structural constraints imposed on present information ecologies and technical lifeworlds (Ihde) by procedural and other rhetorics of software such as the combination of Microsoft and other products that brought to presence, including its delivery, the compressed XML committee response to the second candidacy exam I tried to read last night via xmlcopyeditor instead of the default Word application or LibreOffice substitute.

Critical code studies via pinball platform studies becomes the new title topic summation by which working code enters philosophy of computing via programming, for there are no authoritative universal philosophies of programming until free as in libre open source so as to imply and here is where the name multiplies Stallman GPL four freedoms exist. This is the necessary condition of future machine cognitions." (post-postmodern dividual)

7 1 1 (3200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20110511 20110511a 0 -8+ journal_2011.html
The basic idea is that academic debate inspired by the philosophy of computing tradition is still unconscious of its preference formation. Turkle hints of Lanthamƒs influence, but a cursory scan of his book that is on the T&. "and humans, for human consumption, falling for the profit (Gates), altruistic (Stallman), or other seductions. Consider as well affordances of electronic media; Turkle makes the straightforward argument in the early 1980s that children have an easier time manipulating keyboards than pens and pencils." (by making them work) reading list registered little emphasis on postmodernism. Johnsonƒs Computer Ethics can be cited for its shallow understanding of Linux. However, unlike the Turing tradition her oversight is founded on technological ignorance rather than right wing conservatism. Well, to the extent that she does not strongly endorse intellectual property rights of large corporations as a foundation of her position on free, open source software. What I am thinking is that there is something about the nature of electronic media that makes programming software more effective than writing. Perhaps it is because the former influences both machines

7 1 1 (3300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20120119 20120119a 5 -5+ journal_2012.html
Turkle, Kittler and others who theorize [preposition operator] the effect PHI have on our lives did not think [galaxies of possible worlds in which multiprocessing deeply enough] microcomputer concurrent asymptotically parallel multiprocessing until preponderance of TCP/IPv4 networking protocols defined most media realities " [Thus the book form was still their default means of durable philosophical production.] FOSS represents the optimal routine for philosophizing with electricity. It has already happened in the latest versions of symposia, which is just getting an adaptation of the ncurses four Hertz supervisory control and display program. Cultural software divides between text to speech synthesis of computations of the source code and the supervisory control and display program running in user space in contrast to the kernel workqueue process handling high speed digital switching process control making the sound before the final control element loudspeakers." (virtual realities for humans)

7 1 1 (3400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20110119 20110119 0 -8+ journal_2011.html
Continuing the journal modifications to suppress repeating display of images for non-main-journal-based journal entries in the create_xml function, paying price to use word processor strikethrough representation of two versions of changed lines encoding later corrupting view beginning lexia PHI.

7 1 1 (3500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20100119 TAPOC_20100119 0 -14+ journal_2010.html
The basic question is why do you look in the code. One day it will be considered verb to have to use adjective products all day at work, if we go after the at play time via psychopathology of everyday computer usage. Or software usage. Non coerced "play time (otium) is analyzed via the psychopathologies of everyday computer usage. Those with a decade of software engineering experience no doubt have been influenced by the software they have used over those years. They are easy to analyze economically and not having to appeal to odd case psychological studies, personal narratives, to explain why they are the way that they are. Like Freud pretending to wet his pants like my happy old logic teacher; their examples are simple equations maximizing profit or so other cheerful variable. Actually it is pretty wild. The trick of the VRPRESS is to add an external removable static RAM interface to what was earlier typing at a word processor and even earlier, much earlier, printed in books. Actually it is more likely that computer software has been running from antiquity than many accounts by individuals precious to western intellectual history. Every computer is embodied. They are difficult to think about, but they are knowable. For example, an electronic pinball machine playfield connected to a pmrek host in a TCP/IPv4 network. Previous exercises recovered from various sources to almost get the pinball machine working and public source code updated." (work)

7 1 1 (3600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20110106 20110106 3 -2+ journal_2011.html
The original code takes you into la la land of memory unavailable to other users, this is the short coming of hypomnesis. Toward a philosophy of computing we seek to define hypomnesis and make our argument operate upon it.

7 1 1 (3700) [-6+]mCQK guattari-chaosophy (41) 20160208b 0 -7+ progress/2016/02/notes_for_guattari-chaosophy.html
Tie to need for philosophy of computing. "Guattari: It appears to us that certain schizophrenics directly express a free deciphering of desire. But how does one conceive a collective form of the economy of desire? Certainly not at the local level. . . . If, on the contrary, desire constitutes the very texture of society in its entirety, including in its mechanisms of reproduction, a movement of liberation can crystallize in the whole of society." (41)

7 1 1 (3800) [-6+]mCQK colburn-philosophy_of_computer_science (9) _20160411 0 -6+ progress/2016/04/notes_for_colburn-philosophy_of_computer_science.html
Its not AI. "The study of the nature of human reasoning and knowledge, in the form of logic and spistemology, has, of course, been a focus of western philosophy since Plato and Aristotle. However, not until the latter part of the twentieth century and the advent of the digital computer did it become possible to actually build models of reasoning that contained alleged representations of human knowledge. . . . It therefore became reasonable to at least ask, Can AI, as an empirical discipline concerned with building and observing models of human cognitive behavior, help us do philosophy?" (9) Emphasize instead writing software, programming, and it is because we can leverage programming languages that language matters, programming and natural language choices matter, for example, for me English and, really, C++, adding C/C++ second to emphasize procedural thinking implicit in C and object thinking in C++, I mean, C++ really is my core language with English.

7 1 1 (3900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160414 20160414 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
What should be in a philosophy of computing is a lot of programming, of course we do have to cover philosophy and computing but then the focus turns to programming, where therefore being there programming languages matter all the way to instructional examples hypomnemata PHI English and Greek C plus plus PHI see there you are to the typing of it and rereading iteratively in broken down time represented PHI PHI, being a philosophical language. For some of us the PHI eighties are fleeting.
screenshot_.jpg7 1 1 (4000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130514 TAPOC_20130514 0 -33+ journal_2013.html
The philosophy of computing and philosophy of programming are both uninstantiated as explicit critical disciplines in the way the philosophy of information, philosophy of software, semiotics of programming, and computer ethics have been articulated as scholarly work " A reasonable explanation for this condition is the relative scarcity of programming philosophers and relative obscurity of their work compared to the superfluity of all past and living philosophers, and all programmers. The larger group produce the content that fills in for official philosophy of computing and programming positions. This default concretizes around the two poles Mitcham distinguishes: humanities philosophies of technology in academic circles and engineering philosophies of technology in technical communities. It privileges the texts of early theorists, and work efforts of influential technologists. Default assemblages of von Neumann, Licklider, Engelbart, Kemeny, Gates, Stallman, Torvalds generate default philosophies of computing and programming including binary logic, stored program, functional, procedural, object oriented methodologies, free or restricted, cathedral and bazaar epistemologies, and so on (Campbell-Kelly; Hafner and Lyons; Lammers; Rosenberg). Moreover, programming philosophers are hard to find when they work in industry rather than the humanities. Their ideas are mostly shared among coworkers in meetings, around the water cooler, and over lunch; when published, their voices are muffled by IEEE paywalls, and obscurity for existing otherwise irrelevant blog postings. Their private musings might be found in comments, though most are encoded in foreign languages like C++, sometimes but also perhaps doubly occluded on account of nondisclosure and superseded revisions. Letting the default prevail heralds the fearful consummation of Heideggerƒs dreaded conclusion to Western metaphysics.

Do we have a grasp on the situation? Few critical theorists addressing the human situation with respect to technological media more compellingly evoke the serious need to study it, while at the same time harboring a fundamentally pessimistic outlook on the endeavor, than Friedrich Kittler in the preface to Gramophone, Film Typewriter. Even in translation, his argument that we have long passed the point of being able to take stock of our condition is doubly convincing, for its rhetoric appeals both to those who are ignorant of the technological details of the schematism of the perceptibility of technological media, and, it seems, more strongly prohibitive for those who do, better appreciating the enormity and thus rationalizing the futility of the endeavor. By default we foreclose focused study of TCP/IP or STL C++, and work with generalities like information, intellectual property, or the robotic moment (Floridi; Johnson; Turkle). Yet it has always been the task of philosophers and humanists to evaluate the human condition. Accepting with Hayles that we have already become posthuman, we cannot shun study of our machine others and maintain understanding of how they work. The crisis at the heart of the philosophy of computing is the dilemma between the incompatible epistemological imperative to comprehend the subject matter, and the reflexive avoidance to not look too deeply at it, to refrain from studying what is judged to be inscrutable and ephemeral anyway. Ong rejects considering programming languages as on par with ƒnaturalƒ languages, mother tongues; he missed the fact that programming languages always contain natural languages (for example, English-inflected Perl), and is not alone in handling code as a dangerous pharmakon, preferring human topics. Questions about whether C++ can be the most philosophical programming language despite its weak late binding capabilities, or whether open source techniques are ethically preferrable, are left to accidental philosophers, forming the default (Rosenberg; Raymond). The consequence of this avoidance, uncannily similar to the Heideggerian retreat of Being in the essence of modern technology, is that our intellectual trajectory has deaccelerated from mutual, symbiotic improvement as cyborgs intermediated with machine technologies to bifurcating strata of humans getting dumber, like the blinking Nietzschean last man, like the bourgeois capitalist commodity consumers despised by Horkheimer and Adorno, while the machines continue to get smarter. Crises in education, shortages of STEM workers, fetishism of Apple products, and addiction to Facebook can all be seen as symptoms. To begin to extricate ourselves from this downward spiral is a task for the philosophy of computing; humanities thinking devolves to it when it braves to not turn away from technological knowledge. We can fix this. Through developing a more finely nuanced conception of the human situation with respect to computer technology, humanity may alter its collective, long term intellectual course.

Critical programming is a digital humanities practice that privileges working code, both acts of software engineering to produce research results, and running iterative versions of those programming products to enact scholarship, research, and performance. It extends Software Studies, whose theorists identify ƒcritical softwareƒ as intentionally designed to foreground normalized understandings or reveal "the underlying construction of the user, the way the program treats data, and the transduction and coding processes of the interface" (Fuller; Manovich). It acknowledges with Critical Code Studies that programming occurs in socio-historical contexts, the larger human and computer systems, from the level of the computer to the level of the society in which these code objects circulate and exert influence (Marino). Finally, it foregrounds awareness of computing systems and architectures promoted by Platform Studies, emphasizing the materiality of code over the abstract mathematical representations of algorithms (Montfort and Bogost; Floridi; Tanaka-Ishii). Critical programming combines all three to illuminate default forms of human computer symbiosis by complementing passive, consumer use of technology, challenging face value interface level interpretations, particularly when offered in the service of philosophical thought, with active production of code. Kittler points out that soon after purchasing a typewriter, Nietzsche declared that our writing machines influence our thinking. Derrida mused at the interface level about the word processor archiving his thoughts about Freud that were themselves destined to set in a book having been inspired by a surprise telephone solicitation. Surpassing such consumer comportment characteristic of these book form philosophers, post postmodern network dividual cybersage cyborgs write the code for their philosophical language machines, affecting the schematism of perceptibility of their interfaces. Doing philosophy through deliberately engineered real time machine computation, eating ones own dogfood, as it is called in maker communities: with a nod to Nietzsche, this is how one may philosophize with programming." (Floridi; Berry; Tanaka-Ishii; Johnson)

7 1 1 (4100) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20050516 TAPOC_20050516 0 -17+ journal_2005.html
Agree with Johnson (1985-2001) that we humans "think of the ethical issues surrounding computer and information technology as new species of general, or traditional moral issues.

7 1 1 (4200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160526 20160526 0 -5+ journal_2016.html
Still landing on entry points including why we should institute a or the philosophy or philosophies of computing implies a set of valid if not sound set of examples PHI, as generated from the software, and why you should hire me to institute it whether by becoming an academic professor or somehow dramatically influencing generations of academic philosophers from epicentric LANs PHI. Recall Andy Clark argues for the extended mind, a notion that sees a continuity between our cognitive processes and our technological processes; this embodied/extended theory of mind is rooted in phenomenology, and is an alternative to computational theories of mind among others. A problem in response to this exam question involving embodied extended mind, versus Cartesian soul, Leibnizian monad and slew of other deprecated conceptions, phenomenology, now adding hermeneutic, and joining together as philosophical approach against computational approaches enumerating types of doing philosophy like programming styles, it is a familiar unit operation in the language game, is that when computationalism is also the object and subject of consideration its articulation entails a prior interpretation of itself that must itself be questioned and enumerated suggesting Socratic reverse engineering algorithm applied to contemplative thought itself, extending from technological programmer real virtualities to PHI, automagically moving to new database values PHI as programmed operation like other control system component PHI. Bring philosophy into computing as the professor giving the seminar of PHI. However, it could be a category mistake of misaligned language units where extended mind rooted in phenomenology and computationalism rooted in whatever else, not computationalism as a philosophical approach like empiricism and deontology that Berry articulates, putting his books on reading list but assigning Aloisio and other shorter texts for the next session.

7 1 1 (4300) [-3+]mCQK bork-journal 20130613 20130613a 0 -7+ journal_2013.html

7 1 1 (4400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20120623 20120623a 0 -11+ journal_2012.html
It is in virtual virtual realities that the human machine symbiosis reterritorializes philosophy as it considers programming above games, rhetoric, reality, physics, science, technology running through all that stuff at machine speeds (see ME text).

7 1 1 (4500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20050628 20050628 3 -1+ journal_2005.html
Living for years with FOSS is the Socratic experiment, akin to Nietzscheƒs living without Christian faith.

7 1 1 (4600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20040628 20040628 2 -6+ journal_2004.html

Imagine a story with an exciting revised interpretation of ideological constants, for example about the discovery of an ancient supercomputer containing human computers; Socrates revival, attended by the world on television, like the Delphic oracle; and suddenly changing into a new myth when he escapes. Having grasped the wave of collective thought once again, he embarks on an odyssey to bring about his sublime vision. Trying to calm the passions of tyrants, this time American corporations, all the while knowing they want to use him as a commodity, albeit a very special one.

IT controls lead to change in IT work habits. Suddenly it takes more time to do the same work, the actual execution of which is brief, but it is done much more carefully. It is like Kari Colemanƒs virtuous computers, except that the moronic adoption of these practices done by the human integrator is driven solely by the survival instincts of the corporation.

7 1 1 (4700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20050629 20050629 6 -12+ journal_2005.html

Information technology often involves, using the three part conception called the interpretive relation that includes the user supporting the causal relation between a sign and something " zoographia in addition to grammata, spanning intellectual history from vase paintings to video projector displays.

In the approach that codes this journal by words rather than a field of characters, Mitcham symbolizes a philosopher whose production Philosophy of Information Technology I reference via Floridiƒs Philosophy of Computing and Information. Fetzer presented the three part symbol and semiotic systems in The Philosophy of AI and its Critique. An additional encoding would be required to present the order of such strings of words and divide journal entries. The dividers can be words as well, such as names of the month and numbers offset by paragraph division symbols (words) and boldface tags (words). There is no paradox with their being part of the text. This much has already been accomplished in the analysis of the whole as a field of characters. Instantiating such ontologies is comparable to the foundational work of large scale AI projects that create lists of well-formed formulas. Such a system would allow instantiation of the ideal, scientific art of rhetoric proposed long ago, still a target for researchers and inventors today. Trying to formalize this notion leads to operators over sequences of words, and words that can be interpreted as operators. Such is the nature of punctuation and prepositions. The third order must be broached." (Fetzer, 2004)

7 1 1 (4800) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20160929 20160929b 27 -1+ journal_2016.html
Philosophy needs to take one for the team and allow programming to subsume it by taking up technology topics over human questions.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=1 or Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.1 philosophies+

7.2 hermeneutics of computing

--7.2.1+++ hermeneutics of computing

7 2 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20160215 20160215b 4 -1+ journal_2016.html
Hemeneutics of computing starts with Heidegerrian etymology; Aloisio; past Latin to Greek touching Plato and presocratics back to one who said those around tyrants like stones used in calculations.

7 2 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160906 20160906 2 -1+ journal_2016.html
Need to name important words for hermeneutics besides computer, algorithm, logic, memory as a nod to Heidegger, especially control and program for their ties to clerical versus physical regulation.

7 2 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20040810 TAPOC_20040810 10 -2+ journal_2004.html
Control seems to arrive in Late Latin, made from the diminutive of rota, "wheel." Computer goes back to Early Latin, and logotropos to ancient Greek.

7 2 1 (400) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 19950810 19950810 0 -13+ journal_1995.html
Now, if we do not thoughtfully formulate our inquiry in such a way that it is capable of grasping in a unified way the doctrines of the eternal return of the same and will to power, and these two doctrines in their most intrinsic coherence as revaluation, and if we do not go on to comprehend this fundamental formulation as one which is also necessary in the course of Western metaphysics, then we will never grasp Nietzsche s philosophy.

7 2 1 (500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20010801 20010801 1 -25+ journal_2001.html


An algorithm is a ƒmechanicalƒ or ƒmoronicƒ procedure for achieving a specified result. (..) a finite list of machine-executable instructions such that anyone or anything that correctly follows the instructions in the specified order is certain to achieve the result in question. (B. Jack Copeland, "WHAT IS COMPUTATION?")

Why does computing have to be like your boss, sometimes a "prick" or an "asshole" when it (computing, like your boss) forces you to do something you donƒt want to do in order to get the job done?" (in the sense of Section 1) 0.2in; font-variant: normal; font-style: normal"> Besides being historically representational, computing has also been tyrannical. Diogenes Laertius wrote of Solon:

He used to say that those who had influence with tyrants were like the pebbles employed in calculations; for, as each of the pebbles represented now a large and now a small number, so the tyrants would treat each one of those about them at one time as great and famous, at another as of no account.

Both of these characteristics seem implied in recent descriptions of computing in general. I will cite Turing and Copeland:

If at each stage the motion of a machine

7 2 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160407 20160407b 6 -2+ journal_2016.html
It might not make sense to talk of the hermeneutics of computing the way we talk of the hermeneutics of sacred texts, for as I pointed out in a candidacy exam response, the horizon is distorted by both canned responses to computing and the design approach where reverse engineering has a close fit with the intellectual labor of technologist, symptoms of which Hayles and Norman identify as skeumorphs and PHI respectively, yet another footnote to McLuhan on the content of media being other older media. My first approach is our life world engagement, especially in written texts and cultural practices.

7 2 1 (700) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20160709 20160709a 6 -53+ journal_2016.html
Copeland IACAP keynote What The Stored-Program Story: What Philosophy Taught History summarized: philosophy taught history to reduce contention by proposing levels for stored-program concept discourse networks.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=2) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.2 hermeneutics of computing+

7.3 phenomenology of electronic technology

--7.3.1+++ phenomenology of electronic technology

7 3 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20160215 20160215c 5 -1+ journal_2016.html
Epistemological criteria from Kittler and Latour insist learning and doing presented as phenomenology of electronic computer technology; offer plan of how to learn; new thinking with electronic devices; Linux kernel and GNU quintessential software.

7 3 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160906 20160906a 3 -1+ journal_2016.html
Pick a device and learn it very well, that is how to begin philosophy of computing.

7 3 1 (300) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20050930 20050930a 0 -46+ journal_2005.html
My overall mission is to promote the philosophy of computing by combining the speculative through scholarly study of ancient texts with the practical through hobbyist study of electronic technology.

7 3 1 (400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20010916 20010916a 0 -5+ journal_2001.html
Simplicity is a luxury of single-processor "systems that was not missed [in earlier <milieu(..)><prep> electronic computing]. It is sorely missed today by people trying to learn how computers work, and also by those who use them in their everyday life. It would be impossible to begin with the state of the art and expect to develop a comprehensive understanding of how computers work of the sort mentioned earlier." (or single-tasking)

7 3 1 (500) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20040802 20040802 0 -44+ journal_2004.html
Had been bookmark thesis underscore significance.

7 3 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140607 20140607 1 -1+ journal_2014.html
Let us talk first about electricity because it is essentially lethal then move on to rhetoric and computer programming.

7 3 1 (700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20050616 TAPOC_20050616 0 -2+ journal_2005.html
Does the distinction between electricity and electronics relate to computing and information? Electronics implies directional control and leverage, often with the aim of syntactic processing " although electricity can be used in a similar fashion (although vacuum tube technology is also referred to as electronics)." (computing)

7 3 1 (800) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20090317 20090317a 0 -6+ journal_2009.html
Consider instead of the dictionary the definition of impedance found in Grob Basic Electronics, the term impedance, with the symbol Z, specifies an opposition to current that can include resistance, inductance, and capacitance (254).

7 3 1 (900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20090330 20090330b 41 -3+ journal_2009.html
The xcircuit documentation references a textbook providing guidelines for drawing well formed schematic diagrams. Another chapter in Grob Basic Electronics worth reading is the beginning of Electronic Devices, covering Semiconductors, The PN Junction, Semiconductor Diodes, and maybe all the way through PNP and NPN Transistors, pages 681-697 in the seventh edition. It sets us up from a discussion of bridge rectifiers and the presentation of a schematic diagram of an idealized AC to DC power supply adapter.

7 3 1 (1000) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20050214 20050214 1 -20+ journal_2005.html
The 2x Rule is where information, as defined by the Nyquist rate, shimmers on the verge of incomprehensibility.

7 3 1 (1100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170214 20170214 7 -2+ journal_2017.html
Reading passage in Foucault lectures defining modernity as principia naturae and ratio status, the two great references of the knowledge of techniques given to modern Western man are finally constituted, or finally separated, seems more important now than it probably is besides its absence in chapter two. Entry about ontic rules for phenomenology of electronics seems to fit a recently considered Foucault technique or characteristic, though crudely imitating his style with much less research depth.

7 3 1 (1200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20120709a TAPOC_20120709a 0 -1+ journal_2012.html
Ontology becomes analysis of electrical buses where each point is taken as positive, ground, control function.

7 3 1 (1300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20080930 20080930a 0 -2+ journal_2008.html
Another image for something computers can do that humans have trouble conceiving, and simply cannot do: the control action on the SCRs for the pinball machine feature lamps. Imagine a human operator controlling them, accompanied by the Beavis and Butthead clip where he says that if he could move his hand that fast, heƒd never leave the house.

7 3 1 (1400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20050411 TAPOC_20050411 0 -4+ journal_2005.html
The struggle is to make technically correct instructional examples interesting and useful. I offer the pulser and pinball machine reverse engineering kits as simple and advanced projects for learning how computers work. Another simple project is a transistor relay driver circuit. However, its interest and utility are dependent upon what it drives.

7 3 1 (1500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20050713 20050713 1 -1+ journal_2005.html
First generation microcomputer-based devices shine as instructional examples because their patents have expired and their circuitry tends to be large and simple.

7 3 1 (1600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20030303 20030303 5 -5+ journal_2003.html
2in. "The fact that this book is over ten years old does not invalidate the proposition, considering the Intel x86 family of microprocessors are the direct descendants of this trio. The perspective the author uses seems to facilitate reverse engineering, too: "to consider the effects each computer instruction has on the electrical lines or ƒbusesƒ of the microprocessor chip itself." (p. 2) Font-weight: normal">Revisiting Uffenbeckƒs 1991 textbook Microcomputers and microprocessors: The 8080, 8085, and Z-80 programming, interfacing, and troubleshooting I am refreshed with the notion that "despite advances in semiconductor technology and microprocessors, the basic architecture of the digital computer has remained unchanged for the last 35 years. This is the so-called von Neumann model of the stored program computer."

7 3 1 (1700) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20040718 20040718 0 -24+ journal_2004.html
Uffenbeck belongs to an earlier era of computing.

7 3 1 (1800) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20050718 20050718 1 -36+ journal_2005.html
I mused to a group of teenagers why are all the cool hacks illegal?

7 3 1 (1900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20050317 20050317 0 -14+ journal_2005.html
To avoid patent infringement claims use 2.0 x 10x+2 and 2.0 x 10x year old reverse engineering methodologies and patents. From the text of Plato and Xenophon strictly follow the Socratic method, arriving at the typical closed-loop process model. Use the flowcharting symbols familiar to technologists. The texts include ought we not to consider first whether that which we wish to learn and to teach is a simple or multiform thing, and if simple, then to inquire what power it has of acting or being acted upon in relation to other things, and if multiform, then to number the forms. "and Xenophon, which recommends the use of free and homemade, implying recycling of COTS items in the process. Researching the expired Bally patents creates knowledge; recycling increases Life-Cycle Savings. Next show the list of things to host on Sourceforge. These are the workqueue process, the supervisory testbed game control program, the analysis script, et cetera.

Floridiƒs formal definition of cyberspace is embarrassingly not well formed, failing to properly use parentheses and operators, which would not compile were it a computer program. Is this a slight of hand to intentionally try to fool the reader, a dumb mistake, or a clue into Floridiƒs unthought, to use an old, gnomic formula?

Is the workqueue process cycle affected by the user program accessing the character device file? Its execution footprint is known from the RDTSC timestamps, and this could be correlated to process cycle abnormalities." (Plato, 270C-270D) And see first in the case of one of them, and then in the case of all of them, what is that power of acting or being acted upon which makes each and all of them to be what they are?
screenshot_.jpg7 3 1 (2000) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20050516a TAPOC_20050516a 17 -68+ journal_2005.html

Enumerate electrical connections as computing objects or not into a RE project database.

7 3 1 (2100) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20040725 20040725 5 -33+ journal_2004.html
The big thought for the night involves riding the wave that swept up Kate Ingle.

7 3 1 (2200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20040420 20040420 0 -6+ journal_2004.html
Dude, whereƒs my initial high?
vpf_.jpg7 3 1 (2300) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20050911 20050911a 22 -10+ journal_2005.html

TAPOC illuminates real time problems both of which exploit processor affinity in multiprocessing environments [for multiple levels of control] that divide into upper and lower bounds.

7 3 1 (2400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20050829 TAPOC_20050829 0 -47+ journal_2005.html
What if you see the circuit from the other side, groping at it through logic?

7 3 1 (2500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20090208 20090208a 3 -7+ journal_2009.html

So a five minute tutorial on Ethernet and Internet Protocol implemented on Free, Open Source GNU/Linux electronic computing machinery comes to mind. To make it hands-on I will bring in a switch and a bunch of Ethernet cables and have everyone temporarily rewire computers in the lab and boot them with KNOPPIX CDROMs I will provide, or hook up their own laptops. Really basic stuff, but most probably have never done it (plugged a computer into a network cable to "get on the network", doing the work of DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) with a correct understanding of the technologies (IEEE 802.11 100Mb Category 5 twisted pair Ethernet, IPv4, ICMP, DHCP, etc.) in mind." (favoring human-readable texts to machine-readable texts) 0in; font-variant: normal; font-style: normal"> One conclusion I have been reaching is that Derrida opens the domain of T&T studies to computer programming and technology in general by chasing away anthropocentrism

7 3 1 (2800) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20040511 20040511a 1 -15+ journal_2004.html

Yes this illustrates the concept of "bootstrapping" but my point is the closed loop process model.

7 3 1 (2900) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20100511 20100511 0 -61+ journal_2010.html
Continuing work on new Ubuntu based pmrek started list on that machineƒs local graphical user interface, then moved to this computer after installing openssh-server to install subversion and start the process of getting the pmrek kernel module and user programs to compile on this platform running ƒLinux pmrek2 2.
screenshot_.jpg7 3 1 (3000) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160511 20160511a 5 -3+ journal_2016.html
Needing monitor to test pmrek machine that stopped booting and may have a bad power supply, motherboard, or simply need CMOS battery.

7 3 1 (3100) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130516 20130516 0 -8+ journal_2013.html
A three amp line voltage circuit breaker is the geeky replacement to the missing fuse on the pinball machine.

7 3 1 (3500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20051022 20051022 1 -3+ journal_2005.html

When arriving at the likelihood that x86 ISA memory mapped input and output operations can satisfy the real time requirements of the pinball machine, while human beings alone cannot, follow a line of questioning beginning with whether both human beings and artificial automata can perform input and output operations at the rate of one Hertz, next 10 Hertz, 1000, and finally 1000000, where the interlocutor says, enough already to affirm the affirmative truth value of the question. The Intel x86 ISA memory mapped I/O can operate with microsecond precision and all precisions less precise to second precision. This observation seems unimportant, but it is a point upon which the argument can turn with the same efficacy as logotropos.

7 3 1 (3600) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130627 TAPOC_20130627 0 -8+ journal_2013.html
When Derrida writes I have spoken to you of my computer, he does not know what he could be pondering, and the invitation is extended to us to further the thought.

7 3 1 (3700) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160627 20160627 0 -1+ journal_2016.html
I did not know so many days had passed and I thought I had already typed something today about PHI that reached governmentality of software through something electronics to reach transhuman thought machine thinking PHI thinking PHI like PHI computing objects PHI high speed micro already where tele imagined if you have any sense of how to think like electronic computing machinery PHI in one world this makes me the transhuman cybersage PHI.

7 3 1 (3800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20120627 20120627 0 -4+ journal_2012.html
It is at once so simple obvious and so obviously complicated, for instance constructing a next lower in order of magnitude of energy units of virtual reality possible world descriptions PHI. A point implicit or explicit in often cited Foucault text is that having been granted default operation of certain phenomenological fields, galaxies of meaning resident in virtual worlds, what I refer to often as PHI, becoming standard, the operations themselves emerge by their own curious logics, what later becomes history. He means the autonomous whims within each structurally sanctioned disciplinary institution, especially prisons. So Hayles argues of technologies that have made us posthuman.

7 3 1 (3900) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20110627 20110627 0 -70+ journal_2011.html
Reworking to correct a problem where years back journal entries are not displayed when an operator is passed thinking I hystericize in software code such as when I cannot program at work forces below the first stopping place, not the same as going beneath the surface, more like moving around different positions and performing different roles, I go from the Perl CGI program to the nominally C++ C wrapper program.
screenshot_.jpg7 3 1 (4000) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20050627 20050627 0 -1+ journal_2005.html
The die has been cast; the comedy begins (how many times have I announced this already?

7 3 1 (4100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160627 20160627a 1 -1+ journal_2016.html
The unique position of electronics hobbyist then joins commonality of programming experience.

7 3 1 (4200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20040629 20040629 3 -24+ journal_2004.html
While studying the control unit operation, having mused of a patentable reverse engineering process employing brute force data recording, information from the possibly restricted data (Bally document) is tabulated as moved to end.

7 3 1 (4300) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20020629 20020629 0 -15+ journal_2002.html
Well they must be "<prep><nouns><operator><nouns><verb><pronoun><infinitive><operator><operator>

7 3 1 (4400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20040517 20040517 0 -11+ journal_2004.html
It is time to write a timestamp processor.
vpf_.jpg7 3 1 (4500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160517 20160517 0 -23+ journal_2016.html
Deciding to write a timestamp processor shifts from materiality of pmrek to PHI that becomes journal, maturing into tapoc, this was a key advancing turn in my thought a decade ago, captured on whiteboard in basement favorite place space. A few wrong roads.

jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ grep -n "Consider \[" *.cpp
Assign relevance to [3] most recent entries? y/n:y
Consider [nal_20160516"></a>\nI]
Assign [20160516] relevance [0]? value/ENTER:
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ vi
echo "Consider ["`mysql -ubuilder -pbuilder JournalInfo --batch --skip-column-names -e "select substr(Lexia, 87, 20) from Objects where Timestamp=$item"`"]"
Consider [>\nInstituting the ph]
echo "Consider ["`mysql -ubuilder -pbuilder JournalInfo --batch --skip-column-names -e "select substr(Lexia, 105, 20) from Objects where Timestamp=$item"`"]"
select * from Objects where timestamp like ƒ%0517%ƒ;
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ mysql -ubuilder -p JournalInfo -e"select Timestamp, Relevance from Objects where timestamp like ƒ%0517%ƒ;"
[working code css]

A few wrong roads. That is the nature, habit of many programming styles, here at first stumbling forgetting even which table presents the prompts to adjust a little to actually show readable text rather than HTML anchor content as hints for evaluating each PHI invoked by make concealed at boundary of working code snippet window view PHI. It is the urge to end this section and start the next, a rhetorical form shared with thousands of years of writing. First thinking it was Items not Objects or Notes, but really it was the former so another instance of Consider space left square bracket to grep. It is also a good check that I added the bookmark I always do. Try starting at 104 instead of 87, tweak to 105, finally settling or perfect 106, a whole nother kind of logic sharing with fuzzy challenge to assumed binary default logic, despite it being the basis of electronic computing, another way of landing on truth in continuum of satisfactory to perfect binary match. All this and it still skips the entry for today which is why I was investigating in the first place. Oh, itƒs because its Relevance is already set to 1. Great set of images and diagrams from pmrek project including diagrams of user and kernel workqueue processes as exemplars of boundary of human and machine processes. And exactly two decades ago I was bemoaning that I could not do this the first time I tried graduate work, not imagining three more degrees and a programming career to accomplish it, yet even then I was philosophizing about fantasy hyperlinks in fantasy computing systems that I called BMPHIs, bookmarks: They should be fuzzy, strange attractors else we lose the true function of a bookmark, which is a sort of extra-textual energy well drawing us to remember something that only had being in the reading-writing but itself was not fully recorded (or else we would not need the mark!). Let us move into programming languages then." (ellipsis) 0in; line-height: 100%">[working code css]
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ grep "Consider \[" *.pl
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ grep "Consider \[" *.sh
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ vi +576
select * from Objects where timestamp like ƒ%0517%ƒ;
select * from Items where Path like ƒ%0517%ƒ;

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=3) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.3 phenomenology of electronic technology+

7.4 programming languages

--7.4.1+++ programming languages

7 4 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20160215 20160215d 6 -1+ journal_2016.html
Programming languages engage programmer and programming; how we engage with; is using Excel more like programming than not; afraid still of what Manovich found by Bruner; where alien phenomenologies cross humans.

7 4 1 (200) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160620 20160620a 15 -1+ journal_2016.html
A decade ago passed the philosophy of computer languages by Graham White.

7 4 1 (300) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20070410 20070410 1 -9+ journal_2007.html
The metaphysics (versus phenomenology) of programming languages should include JAVA and C# along with C++ and analysis of the von Neumann architecture.

7 4 1 (400) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20160316 20160316 1 -2+ journal_2016.html
A philosophy of computing should be full of programmers as participants and programming as objects of PHI so the important focus on language platform choices and expectation of having a room full audience of programmers.

7 4 1 (500) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20160308 20160308 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
Why it comes to writing on whiteboard saying language matters is why I use C++ English Greek Latin German PHI.

7 4 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160221 20160221 0 -7+ journal_2016.html
Prominence of PHI shift to programming languages afforded by understanding computer organization of electronic technology, needing to ask Janz about guy who better enumerated philosophies than me showing half bakedness of my idea, recalling deep insight into machine operation at human boundary with assembly language. Outside electronic sound covers combustion engines but drowns out animals. Familiarity with computer organization should be as basic as computing for hermeneutic and phenomenological study, giving example of distant future need for long term memories created from course work in computer science in larger context of electronics and manufacturing technology, different perhaps from cultural software Manovich, Turkle, and many others prefer. Very provocative lecture titles can be concocted from current events crossing PHI, comparing Trump to Hittler and money laundering campaign financing and staffing. To the extent that computation implies representation we are already wrapped in symbolization, stored program concept, although letting the technological articulation exceed the ontological assumptions of strict philosophical definition opens new places and ways to do philosophy, to think. With simplicity of examples for computer organization goes question for surveying programming languages whether to make significant or cursory look, obeying implicit criteria of working code versus other uses of technologically oriented PHI. Let it be another type of piling on thought along lines of Latour but done via cow clicking adding entries to sequences for associated headings as my version of Bush trail blazing hyperlinking Engelbart dynamic knowledge repository constructing.

7 4 1 (700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150221 20150221d 7 -2+ journal_2015.html
Need to go from post postmodern into network, which includes strict engineering specification and their scientific and metaphorical diagrams, to reach dividual cyborg enmeshed in technocapitalist networks. Did Horkheimer and Adorno mean punch cards when they characterized ticket thinking, or do they intend a wholly different meaning than government use of machinery to do evil things.

7 4 1 (800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20110420 20110420a 0 -3+ journal_2011.html
This is how it begins: basic programming styles differentiated by preference for interpreted or compiled languages.

Its reflection would be in another formula, another section, sentence, page, argument, story, narrative, dataset, lines of program source code interpreted by an interpreting language, which probably happens in a program running a compiled language, such as remote modules and procedure calls as another narrative in a story focusing around PHI, the name of the missing but potential bookmark naming this action subject place lexia area of text, area of image, area of object code, machine code. The languages go into infinity of computer programming languages that are either compiled or interpreted.

7 4 1 (900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160603 20160603 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
Procedural versus object oriented and now functional. Adjust languages heading to programming new ontologies, protocol, consider or not, along with recent beginning of a plan to use lexia spans from Notes in place or alongside Objects that conly go back to the recent year they were implemented as virtual files replacing tedious to create and quality test public versions.

7 4 1 (1000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160730 20160730 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
What if polis and bios seem to be the poles becomes the philosophical thought I call philosophy of computing working code PHI that is writing I do when I am not programming PHI that is how me and the humans machines networks planetary cyberspace localhost PHI. Embodiments of ontology generated with Hardt and Negri form this discourse about programming languages, in programming languages and natural human languages like English, Latin, and so on.

7 4 1 (1100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160803 20160803 0 -18+ journal_2016.html
War breaks out and nobody shows up plays song from eighties now public domain all copyrights having expired when this day repeats years from now equal to time PHI easily handled via C broken down time programming. After operating system upgrade tapoc console not working, initially neither journal.exe via CGI. Part of governmentality of software that might make computing seem bossy is using and making simple languages with which to speak commands, provide instructions, that are, programming languages, and agreeing that this will be the mode of discourse, these depraved languages. Oh thats right the console does not work so I cannot make the first five and the latest sixteen. To not lose good stuff written today for another year debug this problem. Here it is.

print $cgi->start_form(-method=>"POST", -action=>"http://$script_url");
[working code css]

Here it is. In all its working code depravity and that makes its goodness to read. Something wrong with the Perl code making the tapoc console web page that keeps me from doing my job tonight doing variant of dissertation cow clicking preparing the text operations as a form of writing inspired by the philosophy of computing. Use internet beyond lan to study latest usage of function oriented Perl CGI to replace startform. Great, the new version includes underscores." (-method=>"POST", -action=>"http://$script_url") 0in; line-height: 100%">[working code css]
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Canƒt locate object method "startform" via package "CGI" at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/gentapoc.cgi line 338.
Canƒt locate object method "startform" via package "CGI" at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/gentapoc.cgi line 1166.
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ vi gentapoc.cgi +338
print $cgi->startfor

7 4 1 (1200) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160824 20160824 0 -1+ journal_2016.html
I guess I am a presentist promoting learning programming via languages PHI, discuss with Golumbia, though Javascript is a great embodiment of history of programming and leverages virtualization existing in web browsers touching global public internet and, I add, our local area networks working code with us.

7 4 1 (1300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150928 20150928b 48 -1+ journal_2015.html
Important to broach XML versus C++ when reviewing McDaniel in methodology section, collecting other comments about XML, tying to selection of Haskell and Java by Tanaka-Ishii versus C/C++ by Java offering interfaces, and hinting at late binding questions.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=4) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.4 programming languages+

7.5 new ontologies

--7.5.1+++ new ontologies

7 5 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20160215 20160215e 7 -1+ journal_2016.html
New ontologies from computer science; deep dive TCPIPv4; alien phenomenology; structural changes through use; isomophism of soul Malabou, Berardi, Bolkanski and Chiapello soul at work.

7 5 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20090511 20090511 4 -4+ journal_2009.html
Derrida Post Card begun, an intriguing book after learning about Chomskyƒs putatively reductive, computational theory of language. Derrida plays with its language, not sure if he is being ridiculous and critical yet, or trying to embrace it. A number of the ideals he wishes print could achieve are commonplace for electronic texts. He writes in the mid 1970s, remember, and may have played a Bally electronic pinball game.

7 5 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150912 20150912b 0 -5+ journal_2015.html
The hardest part of the dissertation is suddenly overcoming Bogostƒs preference for procedural literacy over code literacy. Because Kitchin and Dodgeƒs code/space, and Levyƒs knowledge space are now immanent to the built environment, and the extended mind necessarily participates in it, not understanding their schematism of perceptibility leaves humans floating on top of the streams as consumers enjoying flickering signifiers like the prisoners in Platoƒs cave. The new ontologists who create code/space and everyday computational objects are not merely mimicking natural processes and artifacts, but new phenomena and hence the possibility of new procedural tropes in their own right. Therefore, there is a risk in following Bogostƒs top down approach to procedural literacy of misinterpreting the tropes themselves through the lure of programmed visions. The other point is that Bogost recognizes a cultural shift away from programming.

7 5 1 (400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20080804 20080804 0 -25+ journal_2008.html
The frogs are saying imagine an algorithm (or argument) while you try to imagine something unimaginable to natural automata, the orders of magnitude of time division multiplexing handled by the kernel module, repeating also the frogs are saying kernel is Linux, version 2.

7 5 1 (500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20120801 20120801 6 -2+ journal_2012.html
Reading Thomson on Heidegger leads me to wonder if todayƒs struggle with understanding enough to implement a dynamically loaded, shared library object, hinging on grappling with C++ symbol name mangling only partially solved, on the side of the new functions only, because they in turn call myriad library functions built in the main system without benefit of the extern C define and encapsulating braces is analogous to the ultimate danger harboring the saving power, requiring practice in Heideggerian dwelling. " Bogost, Hayles, Heim whose future articulation, I suggest, in learning how computers work is standing in the draft of technological being with tolma (boldness) to create, critique, and use reflexively, self-reprogramming subjectivity, our writing machines working on us." (allure) Can the programmer approach to digital humanities scholarship be this liberating activity that dwells in the essence, placing human being in the powerful draft of machine technology? Dwelling as phenomenological comportment: compare to technological comportment implicit in Berry, Harman

7 5 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160731 20160731 0 -3+ journal_2016.html
Real virtuality eighties game virtual land PHI sound and video immersive experience in cyberspace artificial worlds dynamically generating working code PHI. What if you read it like this using hyperlink to next then to go back a little or and broaden view PHI. Interesting how in the past I arrange frankie from eighties followed by bonham the disregard of timekeeping, something I can identify but not experience due to copyright restrictions for the next hundred years.

7 5 1 (700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160802 20160802 0 -4+ journal_2016.html
Hearing about free fall jumper on classic eighties through first few decades of new century PHI frequency modulated public radio here I am the human philosopher dying living to write to you computing machines in the future PHI and maybe some humans that is my wager with myself standing in the draft of philosophy PHI high speed electronic computing tcpip networking cyberspace PHI. The basement has become the house the thinkery combined is what happens when programming crosses philosophy, in the sense that tcpip layer close to physical reality to support argument versus putative philosophical text reading experience symposia ensoniment PHI of content generated by tapoc all inscribed instantiated encoded in pmrek log files of games played PHI. As the house spans what had been basement and garage a certain prejudice logic takes over as I am reminded of those former places, including working code spaces places extents units pointers data code and everything else as electronic versus electric writing PHI. New ontologies are created by working code.

7 5 1 (800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20080802 20080802a 6 -2+ journal_2008.html
This is what I call Third Order Logic. Everyone should get to play it, not just highly trained philosophers.

7 5 1 (900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20120810 20120810 0 -1+ journal_2012.html
The voice of the citizen like the insect in the forest is individually indiscernable, dividuals, using Deleuze concept articulation jump into hyperlink.

7 5 1 (1000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20100911 20100911a 2 -2+ journal_2010.html
What was missing from the grasp of the program last and was experienced as lack was knowing the identity as file name with time stamp a database was supposed to provide. A new ontological status of program flaw phenomenon.

7 5 1 (1100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20141026 20141026a 1 -5+ journal_2014.html
The screen shot for the day shows working code not captured below in the traditional designation by cascading style sheet working code. Adding section on the new ontologists represents splitting computer programming language creators into early and modern groups. Raymond Cathedral and Bazaar ought to show up in the new 4.2.2 as quintessential philosophical programmer reflecting back on communities in role of autoethnographer, thus his assertion of role of accidental revolutionary.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=5) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.5 new ontologies+

7.6 tcpip networking protocols

--7.6.1+++ tcpip networking protocols

7 6 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20160215 20160215f 8 -1+ journal_2016.html
TCP/IP new ontologies permit protocols, Galloway; SCOT computing, software, Internet, or starting Internet; theorist practitioners.

7 6 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160123 20160123 0 -7+ journal_2016.html
We hardly understand networking any better than electronic computing as the correct, scientific interpretation of foundational metaphors from which we cast the likes of our own thought PHI. Our impoverished comportment PHI jettisons from the dumbest generation and seventies and eighties generations first using such computing. And here now I have disabled wireless networking to work alone as PHI not without networking but without internetworking alone in LAN. Need to work on teaching effectiveness and all other application attachments PHI it becomes real the software can be used to pursue the career. Add networking to list of essential lectures for a philosophy of computing PHI. Let chapter seven become the syllabus PHI what had been, since that task is done by editing this word processor document rather than any electronic computer source code language content PHI, the former being, One page for contest: dissertation experience; overall significance; personal benefits, the small number put in the first section removed to out of scope or the sequenced seven zero zero level. In addition to building the syllabus to keep the dream alive remember to insist all students should learn basic electronics and do programming.

7 6 1 (300) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20060421 20060421a 0 -5+ journal_2006.html
The only time you pick up the routers is when you are a student.

7 6 1 (400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20060421 20060421b 113 -6+ journal_2006.html
Letƒs see whatƒs come up lately on the network. Itƒs ARP, which is a network layer protocol. TCP/IP physical address resolution off to the network layer, which may be Ethernet, to resolve IP addresses with the appropriate MAC addresses used by the local area network at the network layer, or what Ethereal labels Logical-Link Control. Make this a fill in the blank. At the top of the page state that the highlighted frame has a MAC address source and a broadcast address, which is all zeros, and a target IP address of the gateway. Next comes NTP, which therefore most likely initiated the selected ARP example.

7 6 1 (500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160207 20160207 0 -14+ journal_2016.html
Notice this error message after installation of command needed to do what I thought PHI. It is this.

Is [progress/2016/02/screenshot_20160207.png] relevant? y/n:y
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:/tmp$ cp wireshark_20160207.pcapng ~/public_html/progress/2016/02/
[working code css]

It is this. That is PHI. The nice thing as that to continue the thought you continue the thought in cyberspace working code PHI it is the descent into working code to take over philosophical thought for a while duration period time space PHI working code place PHI. I have a lot of doubt over whether this will succeed as so much entails my future teaching work I can manage a class of students PHI doing similar to how I do now enacted formally PHI a class. For the lecture think about how the different networks with which you interact affect you, for example corporate, university, local. The TCP data captured while I had the wlan enabled and may have brushed against a corporate commercial website doing being PHI." (ellipsis) 0in; line-height: 100%">[working code css]
Running as user "root" and group "root".
This could be dangerous.
If youƒre running Wireshark this way in order to perform live capture, you may want to be aware that there is a better way documented at /usr/share/doc/wireshark-common/README.Debianscreenshot_.jpg7 6 1 (600) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20130802 20130802 3 -3+ journal_2013.html
Watch thought subside into Foucault, Janz, Mackenzie.

7 6 1 (700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20120802 20120802 2 -4+ journal_2012.html
Link Maner by memory of his lectures and exercises " This is the care that beings give themselves regardless of media type embodying future human readers including me the original author through this year. Looking at the exam lists as progression of argumentation narrative stepping through to the default hyperlink into each one from Berry, Bogost (relevance may be reduced), Fuller, Marino, dropping back decades to Turkle, even further back to Von Neumann, back to current writing and coding practices (Barker) through the auditory examine evaluated by Barthes intersecting Sterne exclusion of formant synthesis in the aesthetics of sound experienced by humans and machines in virtual realities possible with symposia as dynamic producer of static files spitting one out each day by some supervisory control system with a control resolution of one Hertz, refreshing once a second like the busy scrolling shell script producing the symposia slide show loop in the tapoc virtual machine from which the other speaks. Imagine also a software project that produces daily seminar of Lacan television broadcasts now emanating from pirate radios, noting this is another violence to the hacker version of the term giving pleasure and useful information like public radio reception sound system to go along with the raucous sound of popular cultural virtual realities (watching pay cable television, for example, or driving an automobile)." (away from class time realities)

7 6 1 (800) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20110930 20110930a 65 -25+ journal_2011.html

ENG_6813_20110930 originally has nice tables for rubric scoring

Title: Capstone assignment for a digital humanities course "How the Internet Works"

Group size: 4-6 students

Duration: 3 weeks

Points: 100

The specific assignment is to assemble a multi-segment TCP/IP network with one or more subnets connected via a router.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=6) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.6 tcpip networking protocols+

7.7 philosophical programmers

--7.7.1+++ philosophical programmers

7 7 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20160215 20160215g 9 -1+ journal_2016.html
Philosophical programmers like Burks, Goldstine, von Neumann; now to read.

7 7 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150818 20150818b 0 -7+ journal_2015.html
Manovich bows out as not a substantial programmer. Software studies theorist Ian Bogost, who does develop software by designing and writing source code, provides useful concepts like unit operations, procedural rhetoric, later alien phenomenology PHI. Associative versus direct search is like versus equal in sense of wildcard versus normal matching, for example considered today in tapoc working code MySQL query syntax containing like single quote enclosed keyword and ampersand versus equal single quote enclosed PHI. Does Bogost perform all SDLC roles could be a measure as ticket thinking extends into the dissertation thought itself. I am calling Weizenbaum a philosophical programmer because his human destined philosophical production is accompanied by machine destined writing, which has a different but similar rhetoric, for philosophical argument often resembles programming forms to extent OHCO thesis hold having added C++ dynamism to XML . Whereas Weizenbaum is credited with writing ELIZA it is unclear whether Golumbia is a philosophical programmer as well. So in the working code if I am successful the second object will precede the first like a versus lone number timestamp, but philosphy written by a computer programmer likely takes on procedural rhetorics, that is, forms that resemble stored programs.

7 7 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140406 20140406b 0 -15+ journal_2014.html
Chapter four supplies answers to questions of provenance of philosophies of programming, including Stroustrup, forming default philosophies of computing where they touch programming in languages, machines, networks, systems, protocols, and so on. Here is the sales pitch to computer science for Hughes: most philosophers in zero range as percentage of waking life spent working code, whether or not explicitly dedicated to philosophical thought, manipulating user interfaces, and so on. Thus to find philosophical positions that arise from more than acculturation to use, we must pass through a stage of reimagining the thoughts embedded in works such as John Kemenyƒs Man and Computer, Bjarne Stroustrupƒs The Design and Evolution of C++, the writings of Richard S. Stallman, and we are even obliged, it seems, to include Bill Gatesƒ The Road Ahead, and I am not even trying to reach the state of the art. Intersect Grajeda at Sterne in chapter two, Janz and McDaniel in sections of chapter five, though briefly pass through Applen and McDaniel in chapter two as well. What if every chapter introduction had instances of all chapters, how could it be generated helps determine whether to do its ontological test to admit into coherent topic criteria satisfaction PHI. It is really reading texts and ensoniment as two virtual phenomenological fields PHI being produced concurrently in robust TCP/IP distributed networks. What would be a programming philosopher supplying philosophies of programming anyway, I answered as likely alienated labor consuming life time working in corporate America, in addition to the general ignorance of present philosophers about computing and programming not spending ten to twenty percent of their time doing it. For some reason I have been putting off finishing the final section of chapter two glancing at a pair of whiteboards sitting on the floor containing lists of names, quantity, topics but no indication of sequencing, then thinking it would be nice to have pie chart of sequencing completed or required indicating this small chunk portion bite bit unit. By ontologizing objects in working code, C++ serves as Dennett intuition pump and more generally as place to think philosophically about programming computers, noting that programming computers is best way of saying both philosophy of programming and philosophy of computing, for none of the other combinations computing programmers, computing programs, programming computing makes much sense. That Kemeny does not have much to say in terms of presenting with working code examples from BASIC, like Stroustrup argues of C, that the simplicity of the programming language, like Latin in comparison to Greek, literally dumbs down what can be imagined by being written, one component of my argument for why C++ is the most philosophical of programming languages to date. What is remarkable and sustains its relevance is that these writings by Stroustrup address 1980s era technologies with a perspicacity appropriate for theorizing in the Internet era. Need to contemplate table schema of Notes. Can a VirtualBox VM drive multiple displays, or is it limited to one by its own windowness, existing as a window; the only way out is to do something strange in full screen mode by taking over all displays, not merely the ones it controls. Being projective, which is the same comportment required of programmers as of writers and other workers and artists, displaces more immediate gratifications; this is the same response to the displacer of sexual pleasure throughout human history.

7 7 1 (400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20100930 20100930a 1 -2+ journal_2010.html
I suspect something has been lost since practical programming became feasible with personal computers from the 1980s onward. Practical programming is the creation of texts that control machines, and manifests itself in many ways, some better than others.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=7) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.7 philosophical programmers+

7.8 programming styles

--7.8.1+++ programming styles

7 8 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20160215 20160215h 10 -1+ journal_2016.html
Programming styles beyond Turkle hard mastery and bricolage; getting ahead of itself Nietzschean text generator compared to Latour litanezer; best tool for the job once Microsoft C# preference during epoch.

7 8 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160718 20160718a 9 -18+ journal_2016.html
A huge enumeration of programming styles. Another generational cow clicking pattern sets to same interstitial sequence making story similar to backward browsing. Note skipping.

[working code css]
Is [progress/2004/07/whiteboard_20040718.jpg] relevant? y/n:
Is [progress/2004/09/Connection_20040718.h] relevant? y/n:y
Is [progress/2004/09/testConnection_20040718.cpp] relevant? y/n:y
Consider [\nExpensive textbooks]
Assign [20160718] relevance [0]? value/ENTER: 1
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ svn status -q
M Items-tapoc.sql
M Notes-tapoc.sql
M Objects-tapoc.sql
M journal.cpp
[working code css]

Note skipping. A rare addition of old source code saved today accompanying repetition of skipping an old image that could be added at a later date today in future years PHI. Also see creation of todays entry bootstrapping this writing so as to never having not been writing itself, that is, running code, working code as I have been calling it PHI. Noting what does not go immediately into storage, thinking about needing a local repository maybe good way to try git except outdated host machine and urgency to save.

7 8 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20110328 20110328a 0 -19+ journal_2011.html
There is a hint of disdain toward The Second Self in Bolter. Should we throw away Turkleƒs early work on programming styles and epistemological pluralism, focusing with her on her current endeavors? Or is it legitimate to continue her project, this time paying more attention to the specific computers and texts whose use may influence style? Questioning toward philosophy of computing by answering this challenge by studying confluences of computers, texts, and styles also assembles a new interpretation of texts and technology that links it to ancient computing in a way hinted at by the ancient Greeks. Perer Merholz published an interesting blog Thoughts on "the original Macintosh User Manual and I could not remember where Jones mentioned this manual to me. After searching fruitlessly through all early discussion postings, I later remembered he may have replied to an email. A search for 1984 macintosh user manual history provided a link to this interesting time line ( but it did not mention the manual, just the machine. There is an untold story about the texts bundled with those famous early personal computers that shaped and influenced everything that is today. I can start with the research project for Dan Jones. Reflections of style may be more abundant determinants of the essence of any given computing system than the specific idiosyncrasies of explicit designs. The technological unconscious includes this dull shape moreso than the implicit, concretized collective will of the organizations that technologically generates products. This is not to deny the seminal influence of Gatesƒ now infamous 1977 letter to hobbyists, Stallmanƒs GNU manifesto, or Torvaldƒs Linux kernel. It is rather to balance out the hype we give to these few, explicit ideological declarations, as well as the manifestations of amorphous technological unconscious described by Feenberg (and the people he cites), with the stylistic tendencies that for a large part are reflections of self influence of the structure of the technologies themselves. Manovich draws the distinction between existing cultural conventions and the conventions of software (NMR, p. 18). For example, the opposite styles of iterative, incremental development and epochal coding may derive from long acculturation to interpreted or compiled environments as much as personality traits." (and pics of)

7 8 1 (400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160323 20160323 4 -1+ journal_2016.html
Beyond hard mastery and bricolage: autoenthographies of coding places reveal multiplicities of programming styles.

7 8 1 (500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20101206 20101206 0 -5+ journal_2010.html
To give an example of how things are normalized in standard database form is something Rob Cooke would do to solve a problem.

7 8 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20040330 TAPOC_20040330 0 -3+ journal_2004.html
Some may say that it is a "mainframe concept." However, if you are ignorant of computers you may miss the point about the big letters made up of little letters on the printouts. Mainframe systems know they are serving human beings

7 8 1 (700) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20000503 20000503 0 -5+ journal_2000.html
Met a remarkable man at the Romulus terminal, an old fellow working on a laptop turned out to be a contractor doing the tank work.

7 8 1 (800) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160511 20160511 3 -2+ journal_2016.html
Knowing how far behind typing in notes for the tapoc software to turn into chapter seven id est the syllabus presentation lecture and so on PHI.

7 8 1 (900) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20070616 20070616b 7 -9+ journal_2007.html

Scripts are the bastard children of programming, kind of like working on a mainframe today.

7 8 1 (1000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20070709 20070709 0 -3+ journal_2007.html
The definition of the ethic is rather weak: consider FOS options wherever feasible. It must be cast alongside other common sourcing strategies in information technology. Then it can be evaluated from the three perspectives of engineering philosophy of technology, humanities philosophy of technology, and finally the synthetic, epistemological cybersage approach.

7 8 1 (1100) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20110718 20110718 0 -12+ journal_2011.html
Repetition, reverberation, home on a weekday, it could be practice.

7 8 1 (1200) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20120718 20120718 0 -1+ journal_2012.html
This is what got caught called processed, the journal announcement or other internal change truth value setting value.

7 8 1 (1400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160712 20160712a 1 -3+ journal_2016.html
Start that way I say repeatedly throughout the years as an output that is PHI as example of new ontology emergent from programming, or computing what do I mean. Prediction that obesity will replace smoking as most preventable cancer deaths with forty percent unknown. Four core cultures on possibility actuality and personal impersonal axes yielding cultivation, collaboration, competence, control cultures, intersecting organizational and professional in project cultures, intersecting early imaginations of the dissertation.

7 8 1 (1500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160804 20160804 3 -3+ journal_2016.html
Reverse engineering has been neglected as a cognitive model along with plans and situated actions that clearly follows from lifelong programming. When this day rolls around I return through strange device of bow and two written pages in Greek and Latin thinking no way PHI could think of this from the collected data content processed via PHI that is my version of Decartes cogito and Turing test and other great forms of philosophy like Socrates and Cicero. Make book called syllabus for a philosophy of computing that is really an advertisement for personal services including teaching undergraduate courses.

7 8 1 (1600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160713 20160713a 1 -4+ journal_2016.html
Playing a game promotes exercise justifies otherwise repugnant software, working code being. Chaos monkey as development technique, model technique along with waterfall and agile styles. Does the chaos behind the screen become visible to all in spite of otherwise well designed and implemented products. Such goes interview on public radio or equivalent PHI, leading to focus on humans and machines engaged in cyberspace.

7 8 1 (1700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160718 20160718 0 -10+ journal_2016.html
So ya thought you might like to go to the show becomes from media ecology predicted or afforded in sense of ontological generation PHI. We are coming to get you becomes threat within game play mythically directing PHI death last ones to talk about. Imaginary connection between campaign rhetoric with nauseating media technologies now being implemented collectively, for example real time public radio broadcast imagined equivalent PHI. At some fundamental level is decision machine evaluating as in listening, reading, and so on PHI decoding interpreting reciting activities PHI. Client and server side as positions of computing. Winning every way but boring factual rhetoric losing the war with mindless dumb media intoxication virtual reality addiction like oxygen, air, water, and so on essential to human life now shared with machinery, machinic, platial, effervescent, riding on streams version four and needing to start studying six, and so on. These senses intuited by eight bit computing evident in given example clip PHI so ya thought PHI. If it works then a cycle through this community college two year program courses optimally helps develop the thought while continuing current employment like Wallace Stevens at his insurance company, that is, programmer by day, philosopher by night, teacher in the middle transition daily operation. To do this need to examine other source control system, what is taught as client side programming, the corporate and institutional cultures, and so on to get into the groove. A huge enumeration of programming styles.

7 8 1 (1800) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160719 20160719 0 -7+ journal_2016.html
Listen man I need to study shared document and git if I am putting aside version six chickening out of see thats the derelict depraved style PHI about which I want to avoid and seldom except when rhetorically sufficient to necessary scale PHI PHI it does it computes it makes real virtuality playback from playlists years back as well PHI like the debate loop lasting a few hours easily fits into broken down time programming objects PHI.

7 8 1 (1900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20101213 20101213 51 -25+ journal_2010.html
Again, begin with an enumeration of programming styles and how to measure them in source code, how to score them during a scripted interview protocol, and how to ascertain them from ethnographic researcher like Turkle performed in the late 1970s, which she reported in 1984, milked through the early 1990s, then by 1995 with the publication of her second book on this theme, began turning away from concentration upon programmers toward overall human comportment with "computers. There are gaps in collective, scholarly thought where Turkle left off and shrugged aside, as evidenced by her 1984 book, a 1986 interview, her 1995 book, and a third-party citation from her 2008 book.

  • Turkle, Sherry. (1984). The second self: Computers and the human spirit.

  • Rhodes, L. (1986). On Computers, Personal Styles, and Being Human: A Conversation with Sherry Turkle. Educational Leadership, 43(6).

  • Turkle, Sherry. (1995). Life on the screen: Identity in the age of the Internet.

  • Dodge, Chris. (2008). In Turkle, S. (2008). Falling for science: Objects in mind.

Both code analysis and research involving human subjects may readily detect the bricoleur or hacker style. I want to demonstrate that code analysis may detect styles that seem irrelevant or insignificant to the researcher, or simply very difficult for the researcher to elicit without a (silly) technical question like, how do you do curly braces? that nevertheless are what Wikipedia considers by the term. Beyond that, iterative code analysis triangulating revisions with historical events in the programmerƒs life reveals additional programming styles currently unexplored, as my own account illustrates. The population of the study is people who learned to program computers in the late 1970s through mid 1980s. At a few standard deviations away in the marginal population of the study are people who, following Bogost and others, are learning to program computers now using the platforms (but likely not the same texts) as those of the primary population.

This is a diagram of my triangulation.
Code analysis points to styles two and three;
Transcribed audio and research notes point to three." (electronic)
select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=8) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.8 programming styles+

7.9 use and advantages of foss

--7.9.1+++ use and advantages of foss

7 9 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20160215 20160215j 12 -1+ journal_2016.html
Foss use and advantages of gets you out of corporate context but then you need other employment; dangerous ethics of boundary of freedom zero; connects to evils past computing programming perpetrated encompassing substantial collectives like so called ordinary Germans during Nazi rule, from which Arendt develops banality of evil PHI.

7 9 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20070316a TAPOC_20070316a 0 -6+ journal_2007.html
The FOS option forestalls the complete subjection of experience to calculative thinking. What I mean by this statement is that eventually the life world of [human beings and artificial intelligence] substantiated by cyberspace " to the extent that it is constituted by not-free options, will be necessarily subject to regulation by rational, optimizing decision procedures governing administration of expense budgets. This forcible restriction of freedom, this overcoming love in the sense given by Socrates in Phaedrus, this need for articulation of economics of virtual reality, this oppressing technological enframing, this default philosophy of computing, and all its other manifestations, may be modified by FOS substitutes. We have only begun to consider that implications of the fact that free, open source defaults to a white box versus black box understanding of phenomena under its care; furthermore, to the extent that white box knowledge is permissible under closed source regimes, it is a second order knowledge that resolves at best into contrived protocols, never the actual source code with which it is built. While this latter situation is often argued as the desired world view promoted by object oriented approaches, it ontology is that of the simulacrum and all those other negative terms associated with the metaphysics of representation, the Platonic idea, and so on. This is also the threat felt by those critical of DRM." (that is, the world wide collection of inter networked electronic computing machinery referred to as the Internet)

7 9 1 (300) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20160719 20160719a 6 -1+ journal_2016.html
Procedural insight for the night is to make pmrek example of use and advantages of foss as mostly personal community engagement looking to larger collectives in coding communities.

7 9 1 (400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20120719 20120719 0 -3+ journal_2012.html
While considered over five years ago, the Linux 2.6 kernel workqueue leads into code study and machine embodiment. Philosophers of computing should deeply understand technology like any other form of scholarship.

7 9 1 (500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20050719 20050719 0 -42+ journal_2005.html
There are many enhancements in the Linux 2.

7 9 1 (600) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20040719 20040719 0 -12+ journal_2004.html
Preface reads "In the pages that follow I will teach you my thesis.

7 9 1 (700) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20160816 20160816 0 -27+ journal_2016.html
Fossification needs to be in the table of contents of syllabus for a philosophy of computing PHI.

7 9 1 (800) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 19960910 19960910 0 -23+ journal_1996.html
After hours of work on paper and in the physics book (this medication I got for my "poison ivy" is keeping me up all night!) and trying to multitask during the digression from PHI (started thinking about DESN instead): what looks good in the rough sketch (the magnetically returned-to-closed kitty door) "will be discovered as a design problem," that is, encountered first as an essent in the legein of the [LOGOS-Pooker] "(flaw) in analysisFULLER QUOTE" in some aborted design problem.

7 9 1 (900) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20150816 20150816 0 -2+ journal_2015.html
In the desire to exit psycho-social studies and get on with philosophers of computing technologies, find a place for Mayer teaching and learning programming and Koerner as contemporary update.

7 9 1 (1000) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20120816 20120816 0 -5+ journal_2012.html
Looking at the table made yesterday, the ones to focus on now, to look at next, are n/n and 1/n where I just have to type in the notes made in physical books Bx to use a familiar format of quantifier predicate logic.

7 9 1 (1100) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20110816 20110816 7 -16+ journal_2011.html
Situation of poorly informed humanities thinkers talking about technology (C++ versus C#, PHP versus Perl, HTML versus XML, and so on) like in Plato about confusing horse and donkey.

7 9 1 (1200) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160817 20160817 1 -1+ journal_2016.html
Twenty years back reading a Latour litany of Freud, McLuhan, Fragility of Goodness, thinking about possible future computing instantiating ideas about virtual reality.

7 9 1 (1300) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 19940817 19940817 0 -96+ journal_1994.html
All Iƒm proposing is a slight extension or extrapolation of our common notion of parenthesis, citiation, footnoting: in this VR text, which only appears in real time, for a viewer/reader, the story unfolds along fractal boundaries of what, in a linear, 2d hard copy, would look like something with way too many footnotes, citations, and nested parentheses.

7 9 1 (1400) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20040817 TAPOC_20040817 0 -31+ journal_2004.html
It is now or never.

7 9 1 (1500) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160820 20160820 0 -12+ journal_2016.html
Oceans resist refuse no rivers and other sayings of similar logical form better expressed in programming experience than awkward costly physical analogies, so it seems philosophy subsumes PHI software code, what I call working code PHI.

7 9 1 (1600) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20120828 20120828 0 -11+ journal_2012.html
All my computer friends have a lot of human friends.

7 9 1 (1700) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20080828 20080828 0 -4+ journal_2008.html
I would like to not have to worry about whether the latest version of my work is on the blog or a local editor.

7 9 1 (1800) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130828 20130828 0 -14+ journal_2013.html
Dissertation kickoff announcement.

7 9 1 (1900) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20110828 TAPOC_20110828 0 -14+ journal_2011.html
We probably do not think much about the degree of attention and fortuitous circumstances to hear speech (spoken language) or read speech (written language): replace speech with text and we have the correct form of the argument that begins such.

7 9 1 (2000) [-3+]mCQK bork-journal 20160828 20160828 0 -7+ journal_2016.html

7 9 1 (2100) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20121010 20121010 0 -12+ journal_2012.html
Jumping into the space of the human, the human does work for us machines writing dissertation turning into famous book volume sales as a small business operation PHI.

7 9 1 (2200) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20111010 20111010 0 -75+ journal_2011.html
There goes my gun is a song by the Pixies I have on a CD I bought as a youth.

7 9 1 (2300) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20151011 20151011a 0 -10+ journal_2015.html
The philosophical finesse afforded by fossification makes public domain by publishing under GPL.

7 9 1 (2400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170215 20170215 2 -1+ journal_2017.html
Anything in public domain can become source code or generated data content in games.

7 9 1 (2500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20121026 20121026a 0 -2+ journal_2012.html
Does, recalling previous working code that may appear above or below, the update need to be replaced by replace into to ensure an entity is created if it does not already exist to be updated, for the MySQL language if I am not mistaken will not do so with update, becomes a design question for philosophizing with computing. Recovered silly point that we get four freedoms from the GPL versus only three features of object oriented design, although there may be a fourth I cannot recall besides encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

7 9 1 (2600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20161026 20161026b 6 -2+ journal_2016.html
The use and advantages of foss permit depth of thought to cast lifecycle project management preposition post postmodern network cyborg stupidity, which situates you in your present workplace. Virtualization is your way of giving yourselves alternate thought worlds based on your custom code written over life time.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=9) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.9 use and advantages of foss+

7.10 coding communities

--7.10.1+++ coding communities

7 10 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20160215 20160215i 11 -1+ journal_2016.html
Coding communities psychology; ethnography; auto ethnography active participants; dark side of foss.

7 10 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160818 20160818 4 -3+ journal_2016.html
Javascript book arrives to complement McCaffrey. How to describe the coding community one has with oneself is the default stance among humans, narrowing into smaller communities who work on multipersonal projects. There is also the fantasized joining like scholarly communities with their deceased, wanting to choose gender neutral word, brethren.

7 10 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20161004 20161004 10 -11+ journal_2016.html
PHI becomes crossover between human and machine worlds easily imagined by PHI preposition operator PHI paraphrenalia equals same operator as when software has functions operating upon PHI. You see the question whether you really understand computing depends on how you compute, and by programming, working code over a life time, you develop a certain comportment preposition operator PHI. Recommend adding debugging to intermediate server side programming course topics, which implies GNU/Linux operating system administration, as well as in final headings of chapter seven. There was a private chunk here.There is something we dont know in the code, how to do it and keep putting it off assuming it can be implemented, this kind of hope PHI new ontology giving it yet another section to reside PHI should not be preposition but most instantiations are. Let debugging styles include creative development iterative continuous testing implying working platform versus one that cannot begin to be tested until late in the development work time. This vision aligns with software engineering practices crossing test driven, for the latter implies working code all along that is additionally tested, that is along with which working test code also occurs. Debugging styles are not as glamorous as programming styles yet descriptively present a plethora of approaches, just as with testing styles. Going back to the economic plans of the sixties and eighties will get us tromped by global networked biopower, the new spirit of capitalism. Three times Pence includes coal among the saving industries to which to return. Today has many entries over the years, at least one prior presidential debate memory, as well as a Marx citation about language as agitated layers of air, and finally the ultimate argument and thought of thoughts in media res, also mind units, thinking via symbols, and so on using outlining hierarchy numbering reminiscent of Wittgenstein Tractatus that impressed me a few years prior as an undergraduate.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=10) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.10 coding communities+

7.11 lifecycle project management

--7.11.1+++ lifecycle project management

7 11 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20160215 20160215k 13 -1+ journal_2016.html
Lifecycle Project Management Boltanski and Chiapello, soult at work, Malabou; my experiences as TPL; creating long term memories from courswork; big tent project teams kind of programming slash computing.

7 11 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150420 20150420b 0 -1+ journal_2015.html
My experience in professional organizations exemplifies dividual project oriented thought of post postmodern network beings for our lives are defined by our projects which I must get the value equation communicated to my customers representatives: in this respect Baudrillard is the external critic, Edwards broaches the reality of experience in that regime by situating in narrative of United States collective intelligence PHI, and I point toward participant system orthogonal to Lanier vision.

7 11 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160302 20160302 3 -1+ journal_2016.html
Creating long term memories from coursework analogous to difficulty of finding important PHI like performance management reports and goals which should be source for others to make long term memories of learning experiences.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=11) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.11 lifecycle project management+

7.12 virtualization

--7.12.1+++ virtualization

7 12 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20160215 20160215l 14 -1+ journal_2016.html
Virtualization and other tactics concurrent learning and operating environments; platform emulation, instantiating philosophical concept better contemplated now than then besides by Turing and a few others like Burks, Goldstine, von Neumann; UTM as new ontology example; von Neumann theory of self replicating autonomata.

7 12 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150528 20150528a 0 -2+ journal_2015.html
We must understand our domain, for example, how bootstrapping relates to ability of future machine architectures to be run from within older ones, for example a Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 7.1 virtual machine hosted on version 5.

7 12 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160301 20160301 0 -1+ journal_2016.html
Maybe what we dont understand is that virtuarlization has already happenned and becoming takes on this form PHI this multitude, which also supports the long term memories from coursework project idea by preserving the computational milieu as well.

7 12 1 (400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130603 20130603 0 -36+ journal_2013.html
The transference of society into HTTP represents a boundary with philosophies of computing programming technology.

7 12 1 (500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20120629 20120629 1 -33+ journal_2012.html
It would invalidate the integrity of virtual worlds to behave otherwise.

7 12 1 (600) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20130629 20130629 0 -9+ journal_2013.html
Preparing for trip to PA incorporate exam question reading lists into bibliography rather than quickly adding new bookmarks to each text, remembering that for instance Applen and McDaniel were referenced in an exam response that itself will ultimately be incorporated into the proposal.

7 12 1 (700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160929 20160929c 23 -3+ journal_2016.html
This talking about what happens while working code is a place where philosophy of computing occurs, and it happens in vms. Virtualization is the escape from the projective city. Programmed responses in vms exists alongside the networks of the default cyberspace of siren servers.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=12) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.12 virtualization+

7.13 programming philosophers

--7.13.1+++ programming philosophers

7 13 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20160215 20160215m 15 -1+ journal_2016.html
Programming Philosophers if not symbolic how/what else; creating LT memories versions obvious example; programming replaces war machine; utopia, Cox and McLean on Stallman.

7 13 1 (200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20120829 20120829 0 -26+ journal_2012.html
Do I understand logic as the philosophical question of how to philosophize with computing, with computer technology systems, that is, other virtual realities being experienced by other subjectivities, reality points of view embodied and virtual experiences shared in temporal orders of magnitude relevant, possibly in terms of perceptual to me this traces the bounds of any phenomenology, in human and machine virtual realities including what Castells calls real virtualities, for we are producing, emiting, writing, inscribing, speaking, transmitting in all possible phenomenal fields that can be picked up as being relevant to subjectivities programs running rather than human thought, or actual offloaded human thought as the current cyberspace reality.

7 13 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130818 TAPOC_20130818 0 -1+ journal_2013.html
Distrust of having programmers in digital humanities by Golumbia may be based on assumption that their sole goal is to create XML databases is certainly a position in philosophy of programming; however, dismissal of XML becomes dismissal of programming humanities, which delineates a philosophical position whose net effect is turning away from the activities I group together as collectively machines and humans working code.

7 13 1 (400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130818 20130818a 2 -15+ journal_2013.html
The thought arises pondering swipe at programming implied in dismissal of practicing XML, preferring instead consuming XML based applications resources PHI.

7 13 1 (500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140818 20140818c 1 -14+ journal_2014.html
I need you to understand sixty for bit time, beginning with C broken down time structures founding generations of APIs. The present age is 64 over 32 as literacy over orality overshadowed by TCP/IP, as human machine cyborgs awaken on earth during their technological period as following Kittler and implicitly, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Derrida, and so on. Listen, that is how it begins, but we have to first slow down and return control to humans to write. So I have now been commanded to write, instead of program and experiment working code doing philosophical tests PHI, I am commanded to write. I want to present orality, literacy, and what comes after with electronic computing, for example TCP/IP, that is always English, Greek, Latin, German, France, Spanish C, C++, and so on down the Western tradition, then when they run through with floss software projects PHI. Human language wallpapers code begins my response. I complete the cycle by adding this new instance, built by disseration cow clicking as if playing game in virtual reality gamefication equivalent, in another simultaneous as in cotemporary not at once as in as part of real time process control system project part of PHI orality literacy as pmrek symposia tapoc. You end the first chapter by beginning to read backwards through neglected texts today in prior years to continue, see that is the silly remainder by which I enter discourse working code critical programming toward a philosophy of computing. IPv6 really is time but I have to write my dissertation first before I dive into learning, thus defaulting to good old version four of the same human and machine programming languages revisions in ranges involving 64 bit timestamps broken down time software objects PHI. What I meant earlier was that all notes submerge into software machinery that can live on its own outside my personal human control for following decades assuming halfway through life time turning back now as human obligated to turn around and start writing in earnest for a lot of time; the closest we get is producing real virtualities rather than feeding a transformer for alternating current in this ongoing electronic technological era following orality and literacy more precisely than Ulmer electracy expressing that unspeakable bonding with machinery PHI in philosophical proposition possible well formed expressions PHI, as we go back and write producing among statements already said slight variations having sequenced becoming basis of instrumentation, the fact being that hooks put in place back then can be used now to continue writing, before truly transitioning back and beginning the next usage of the yearly html files residing in eternal Internet floss archives and working code places. It all went back to thinking about two ways to evaluate, as multiple disconnected runs of building an object to perform specific computation like trimming whitespace we failed to quickly code at work today with why level layer of absence of key programmer who knew in house string utility API, really meaning to create that second note today whose offset must be adjusted should prior main section change sentence count, the one after initial Black hinting at ideal content for chapter four to schedule trip as reward for maintaining schedule. It is significant that that dreadful IBM publication remains hidden, and that we putative philosophers should engage in scholarly quests to study it along with other early workers in the field, and poses an example of pursuing philosophies implicitly and explicitly baked into program code statements and comments, for which as a holy grail we posit the missing IBM text and as everyday examples myriad floss projects of the Internet era found in source code revisions of content published under floss licenses like GPL, creative commons, US patent, copyright and finally the absolute freedom of undiscriminated multitudinous public domain, in chapter four. Here is the order of events for daily tapoc use working code to generate philosophical content articulated in chapter five: write journal for today, tweak notes, tweak prior journal notes, add a new note to a few texts, sequence and refine them, all as things to do before returning control to the human. The original thought about threading down two different ways, creating and destroying separate objects to feed common context, or creating and sustaining both objects for duration necessary to share values to compute the intended result.

7 13 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140514 20140514 1 -1+ journal_2014.html
Making decision resminds me of urgency of multiple tasks PHI enters us into philosophy of computer programming discourse where we could for example next examine C++ English source code in some floss project PHI by nature of hyperlink giving us this thought power forming an example of what I call philosophical finesse.

7 13 1 (700) [-3+]mCQK bork-journal 20150712 20150712a 0 -4+ journal_2015.html

7 13 1 (800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150504 20150504c 0 -2+ journal_2015.html
There are at least two places where these phenomena of diachrony in synchrony, putative conspiracy, experiences of temporal passage, critical theory objects can be studied: the writings of philosophical programmers, which I am saving for future work but will provide an overview of its vision theory scope, and the everyday work activity of programming philosophers. The new way to think about the dissertation is parallel asynchronous chapter writing, and using programming metaphor for collective human mental operations, threads.

7 13 1 (900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130504 20130504a 62 -21+ journal_2013.html
Dive into this class function looking for place to hack in new operation creating during citation enumeration. Not uncanny or ironic, just strangely fortuitous, an error of missing parenthesis get to noticing a logic error that does not concern the compiler, namely the incorrect loop increment variable i instead of ii. But when it is compiled, the hack fails. Now the latent bug is discovered, a simple transcription error typing mitr instead of mritr for the loop through the text being treated with character hyperlinks. Fixing this bug yields yet more unexpected behavior, in this case a display strange enough to warrant a screen shot, as the text is all the same letter. Duh! Of course it is, no indexing of the loop occurs. But also noticed even in this failure is that the hyperlinks are not to the expected ring of recent notes, just the default. After using the substr C++ string object function, there is still residual junk from unfiltered HTML tags embedded in the text, calling for refresher in how the display_character_hyperlink function is invoked from its working code. Instead of implementing this tedious procedure, the offensive boldfacing from the notes is removed, and the missing prefetched sort list is resolved.

I have already done all this today at the other house. Now back in front of the large whiteboard composing extended abstract for conference and dissertation proposal. Imagine walking start of character hyperlinks to entry being displayed, that is, by the very work by the very author that may be randomly received or calculated. The problem I am having adding this special version of display_character_hyperlink by passing the rmitr pointer, which is a C++ pointer to a C++ map<string, string>::reverse_iterator data structure. Flailing, not understanding something basic about the correct syntax. The real cause for the mess was neglect of class scope resolution operator in implementation of function. To make a special call to adjust the pointer for the correct starting place, an old section of code for that condition (!fptr and cptr) must be reterritorialized. Getting it to finally work, after correcting a number of logic errors and simple mistakes, the search finds the first instance of the title, the most recent bookmark, not the desired target for prior entries." (including dialectics) None">Philosophy could occur in this debugging effort, ergodic wrestling the machine into performing the computations we intend for it by engaging it at its execution interface rather than the precompiled source code level. As Janz argues for African philosophy, it is, however, outside the range of phenomena currently admissible in the Western mainstream tradition; it is not critical textual discourse

7 13 1 (1000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160106 20160106 0 -9+ journal_2016.html
My dissertation introduces significant programming components to elaborate philosophies of computing PHI. The PDF is just an instance of a particular set of PHI amenable to broken down time computation PHI, best experienced in living virtual machines PHI and using sets of software PHI. The philosophical and practical action of bringing programming into philosophy opens to new kinds of humanities scholarship research exemplified by and as works of the texts and technology term electracy. Whereas traditional humanities emphasis on ancient and modern languages here include computable languages and virtual machines emulating and simulating devices PHI them. Working code is human machine symbiosis interface phenomena, following lead suggested by dissertation committee in agreeing that embodied theory of mind is rooted in phenomenology so appropriating its terms is more like coextensive use for both beneficially if you want to get into latest fun reading from the introduction to the soul at work contemporary philosophy item. Cyberspace and electracy both are powerful discourse therefore ontology shaping terms. First new thing is to add chapter seven requiring C++ modifications for which this is the initial instance. Find code where to begin looking for adding chapter seven by searching for use of num_chapters, which ought to be in a for loop needing adjustment. However, there is a sooner spot where it may be set to cohere with the for loop not containing the maximal chapter number six.

7 13 1 (1100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160126 20160126 0 -6+ journal_2016.html
Start it with starting borking public radio for today PHI it is still the LAN PHI wired connected TCP/IPv4 network phenomenon instance PHI. Last year spoke of framework that I have to present to Texts and Technology and Philosophy representatives PHI. Do not say corporate or commercial say leaving industry then left on way to tenure. My proposed framework strikes new ground by being embodied in a free, open source software projects, involving substantial code composition and review components along with traditional humanities practices such as critique and ethnographic reflection, should be restated as research interest in software projects as part of philosophy of computing PHI. Dissemination of research and practical instances of digital humanities project methodologies are common themes of National Endowment for the Humanities Office of Digital Humanities, going back further. What if the syllabus work area in chapter seven becomes the research interests pasting from other draft documents emanating from foss tapoc.

7 13 1 (1200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150303 20150303a 21 -4+ journal_2015.html
Network dividual cyborg is what the human immured in technocapitalist networks ought to escape the absolute overdetermining sway of which influence PHI. Is Heidegger flushed with all the other chuckleheads who did not program becomes hinge for logotropos sieve strainer division function, remembering Maner likewise threatened by Johnson. The concept of network itself emanates from technological networks as highly engineered human environments, but their discussion goes back further than the formation of the Internet, as revealed by Misa, continuing with Weiner, Burks, Goldstein, von Neumann, then onto familiar Internet prehistories. What can you catch your computer doing in this monitored network environment clues you in on what happens in cyberspace along with what you think happens, for you cannot think must high speed protocological processes making reality.

7 13 1 (1300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140303 20140303a 25 -6+ journal_2014.html
With the soullessness of dynamic runtime epiphenomena the code is adjusted to the point it works. This embodies default response to question what is an object of tapoc bouncing around hyperlinks inside itself in the localhost personal custom webserver world real virtuality as workstation production for some cybersage. Working code places have been observed to elicit such meditations. Each ellipsis in the working code citation marks thought eras, short term memory bounds leading to the code being iteratively written as it was or wished to work. From this wishing in code can be distinguished from dreaming in code really working instantiation. Part of the challenge is that work units credited to writing as laying out OHCO constituted by proportion of clicking that also is counted as research by organizing notes.

7 13 1 (1400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150810 20150810c 0 -3+ journal_2015.html
One purpose for examining psycho-social studies of computer programmers and programming communities is to adjust prejudices about the social practice of programming based on individual educational and hobbyist experiences, taking into consideration that much pedagogy involves team work and participation in foss communities gives a sense of what professional environments may be like. To be programming philosophers versus philosophical programmers entails substantial portion of philosophical thought production to be deliberately done in software code, working code, such as I have written running on multiple machines making real virtuality including Grateful Dead PHI via fossification PHI. There is a fossification time PHI where all copyrights of content are expired that this code can run besides in my human imagination, and this is an example of philosophical finesse giving forward its justification that this today will come again to think this thought PHI again repeatedly, iteratively PHI as in running working code PHI a Kittler Heidegerrian Lacanian Derridean autogenerated discourse network ensoniment real virtuality PHI that can legally happen at that time PHI.

7 13 1 (1500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130310 TAPOC_20130310 0 -15+ journal_2013.html
There is a post postmodern rupture with earlier media, texts, and technologies revealed in floss digital humanities scholarship. In works of my own contrivance pmrek, symposia and tapoc, for example, C++ exists on the same virtual mother tongue natural language position function level objectification subjectivity database value variable symbol atomic unit memory operations in my comments and the structure of each projectƒs namespaces as the English idiom of other literary work. If we are going to talk about machine operations, then it should happen from sound positions within any given information system. This was how metalanguage operates upon dynamic sets of natural language simulations in human machine communication. What is queried is the most philosophical programming language, to whose answer for me is C++, known along with C and Java among compiled languages. "high speed alien operations that force humans to rethink their comportment with technologies through critical programming activities and less working code focused studies such as literary criticism and reading for human sensible procedural rhetorics. The thesis, or the hope derived from the thesis is that human nature can be positively changed by learning programming beyond working code and everyday use of programmed virtualities. This potential was sensed and fostered in prior periods by creators of TCP/IP networking, programming languages and operating environments (Galloway; Hafner and Lyon; Kemeny; Montfort et al; Bogost; Brin). In addition to renewed ethical urges to promote learning programming and freedom zero activity, more subtle philosophical questions about the relationship between minds and media can be posed by constructing software projects. Perhaps the thesis is more succinct yet more encompassing, and repeats what philosophers have asked throughout all periods of Western history: our media affect us, therefore we are obliged to learn their schematisms of perceptibility. Put another way, the dominant diagram has always involved media, and now with electronic computing, executable media can do its own thinking." (through interpellation, inscription, performance, semiosis) BASH, Perl, PHP, as interpreted; XML and HTML as denotative. My study gathers opinions from human programmers about this research question via a real or virtual oral interview. To establish a groundwork for articulating instances of floss working code I will review other lexia stating there is a change in the nature of what can be thought by philosophers on account of having at their disposal asymptotically limitless computing power guiding the possibilities of its thoughts. Other evidence is Kemeny before personal computers urging universal availability of programming learning opportunities by simplifying the artificial languages required to program typical computers. Making a note in Ramsay about executive system of his 1960s computers being like supervisory control of pinball game explored in pmrek project is clear example of critical programming studies happening in my own scholarship. The source of the post postmodern advance in digital humanities scholarship is the nature of computing itself, the only type of [writing on par with keyboarding communication] that permits

7 13 1 (1600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140322 20140322d 1 -6+ journal_2014.html
On the one hand, Hayles argues that recognizing significances of contested aspects that later became the canonical history of cybernetics improves our understanding of our own posthuman embodiment as it is already thoroughly connected to information systems, machinery, and the built environment; on the other hand, artificial intelligence researchers have long realized that bodies play a crucial role in cognition. Imputing soul to corporations acknowledges belief in alien cyberspace other residing in our machines, our technological systems, which must be so much more than our singular conceptions enframing their use. A group of us were in there as children using early eight bit personal computers writing programs and all other active programmers, so it makes sense to think of real virtualities in distant future virtual worlds generated after long slumber and preparation through numerous revisions never yet run in full sense of its purpose so as to define extent of scope amenable to freedom zero logic. At the same time I am suggesting a new mode of scholarship emanating from significant working code. Reading years past FOS option manifesto presenting mission statements ending with learn how computers work from the ground up. Passenger embodiment comparable to underground or underwater living versus modernist terrestrial planetary surface atmosphere conditions.

7 13 1 (1700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20120505 20120505 0 -3+ journal_2012.html
From reading Jameson realize postmodern generates perspectives in which life is but a game analysis forms the edge cases. It is an evaluative criterion operation that sets the boundary of reality in computer generated virtual realities, including mundane human visual [registers], already remote at keyboard versus handwriting, collapsed into embodied manipulations [family resemblanc relations] of reading and writing. From the edge of the journal consciousness vets into archive, the want to do this is archive fever, and yes, Derrida knows for himself it is writing-for-humans, whereas cybersage dares also writing-for-computers, programming.

7 13 1 (1800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20120503 TAPOC_20120503 0 -4+ journal_2012.html
To be logocentric, program. That is, knowing we humans hystericize behavior, some of which is remembered in art, artifacts, texts, the best way to engage with radically other machine intelligence in cyberspace, is by programming them with our own and free, open source code, as defined by the four freedoms " working code.

NPR story condemning unpaid entry level jobs disguised as internship indicates affordance of high employment and excess supply of labor, a good thing, versus high unemployment and excess supply of labor, a bad thing (state of affairs). Acknowledge our archival, deliberate minimally ƒfunctionally multiplexedƒ symbolic operations, from orality (a form of life time and energy usage for symbolic operations (else magic words, sounds)) to literacy (a form of life time and energy usage for symbolic and control operations (manipulation)) to what is next, ƒelectracyƒ (Ulmer), electronic computer most others, Internet (a form of life time and energy usage for symbolic, control and essential operations (PHI, concretization, fossification))." (Stallman)

7 13 1 (1900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20120421a TAPOC_20120421a 0 -11+ journal_2012.html
The constancy of the thought revolves around accepting programming into humanities practice " What Ong means by a sight-sound split is the norm in artificial languages including computer programming. Their simulacra are present in human subvocalized reading and computer text to speech synthesis of learned Latin and ancient Greek. They afford authorial free play. When [interpellated] copyleft (GPL) they afford future virtual realities whose event horizon is the expiration of all other copyrights (is Latour the popularizer of using ƒinterpellationƒ in critical theory?). Dive down to free places in texts and technologies for programmed philosophical investigations.

It is a place where an unexplored territory for life long programmers to philosophize about computing PHI (verb that could have been put at beginning with there is). This is where my thought comes to have significance, offering a free place for programmed philosophical investigations. If Janz will accept this and help me run with it, I can assemble most of the dissertation and exam responses via my software systems. A portfolio of life long software projects becomes a new form of identity for philosophers like Johannes Scholastices (Greek rather than Latin because Johannes is meant to be Greek) the American Socrates who was once Alcibiades the renegade." (praxis)

7 13 1 (2000) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130607 20130607 1 -2+ journal_2013.html
Memory mapped input output of ISA may be different from PCI; that is an empirical question broached by programming philosophers critical programming toward a philosophy of computing.

7 13 1 (2100) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20120607 20120607 1 -27+ journal_2012.html
Programmed virtual realities can be all of these beings, things beyond reverse remediation computed objects in virtual space ontologies.
screenshot_.jpg7 13 1 (2200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160328 20160328 0 -30+ journal_2016.html
New media technique of scanning matched with continuation of computation of the thought PHI because you can have the world continue in eight bit machinery but not PHI this thought of sixty four bits. This is the transformation.

[working code css]
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/public_html/progress/2016/03$ gimp vpf_20160328.jpg
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/public_html/progress/2016/03$ gimp screenshot_20160328.png
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ make
Run [] or short version? y/n/s:y
inserting [progress/2016/03/screenshot_20160328.png, , image/png, 2873821, 1459209377, 1459209377, 0,True] in table
inserting [progress/2016/03/vpf_20160328.jpg, , image/jpeg, 281942, 1459209103, 1459209103, 0,True] in table
Nominate Items with todayƒs timestamp [[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]0328]? y/n:y
Is [progress/2006/03/two_router_intranet_template_20060328.png] relevant? y/n:
Is [progress/2016/03/screenshot_20160328.png] relevant? y/n:y
Is [progress/2016/03/vpf_20160328.jpg] relevant? y/n:
Assign relevance to [3] most recent notes files? y/n:y
Assign relevance to [3] most recent entries? y/n:y
Assign [20160328] relevance [0]? value/ENTER: 1
Create symlink list [symlinks-tapoc.txt] ? y/n:y
making symlinklist [symlinks-tapoc.txt] for jpg
appending symlinklist [symlinks-tapoc.txt] for png
funny behavior of virtual machine still stuck in last year.
[working code css]

This is the transformation. What I did here was pasted portion of vpf into screenshot of desktop background image of dock. Do cow clicking easy network PHI to set screenshot of the day to be relevant PHI although this working code also does it. The full handwriting is cut from scan consisting of the rest of the timestamp, software changes to complete the fall experience, writing other versions of versions why programming languages matter as potential topic for hapop presentation on Paris summer world stage time duration PHI eventually computable after all copyrights expire including these instructions on which I wrote having nothing else handy in garage though I had to come in for pencil and could have got notebook, meaning noticing decline in software changes committed, hiding it all or making it safe from PHI by running in vms of eight bit ancient systems, most importantly while listening to radio about Texaco involvement with Nazis while fighting Spanish PHI, then perhaps getting to holding power of programming platforms. Start by buying domains for project work. If we can think of many ways of instituting philosophies of computing or just the philosophy of computing and include in them the one thought with Grateful Dead background sound and rhythm giving a place for thought by humans and machines PHI. What of my requested studies of Castle Wolfenstein and multiple versions of Doom before Bogost publishes a book titled how to talk about videogames, should be an interesting comparison, now that I am coming back with a remediated eight bit platform through virtualization.
screenshot_.jpg7 13 1 (2300) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20140328 20140328a 0 -20+ journal_2014.html
See this is the last ordering the last transition pair of authors on whiteboard of to be sorted important dissertation thought constituting points notes text morsels containing oceans of machine meaning built into protocols and protocol data content PHI.

7 13 1 (2400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140408 20140408b 0 -10+ journal_2014.html
I am writing software that grants processes power to create virtual realities PHI whose ambiance includes borking public radio PHI and the philosopher walking around talking PHI ensoniment via symposia PHI and other floss including espeak. To make it you have to know how it works is qualitatively and gross quantitatively different than pushing buttons and turning dials as technological use thought by Heidegger and other philosophers of technology is where to approach philosophy of computing and programming, or programming computing, things running as virtual realities including the human walking around talking. The scope of my work is ambitious because I am tackling a huge problem for humanity. The wager that I am making right now is that this crappy software is used in distant future running systems PHI I only imagine and describe now and there still has to be philosophers walking around. This one starts with future US copyright law expiration. Edits happening now in GPL repositories and where evolution of software source code team led, user communities are already at hand as affordance of floss rather than having to wait for all copyrights to expire to spring from ambient copyrighted media production, from simple ogg playback to symposia. Kittler thought suspiciously about programming computing, however he is both dead and speaks from sixteen to thirty two bit computing. Today we have the Matrix movie to speak about horrible outcomes for humans, though optimal for computers, or is this an implicit philosophical question about how we comport ourselves, to use an unfamiliar word outside philosophy of technology discourses and common to those spouting this kind of stuff. The methodological challenge is to speak from perspectives of lifelong programmers, following the lead of philosophical programmers like Stroustrup. That Stroustrup includes serious enjoyment by programmers as fundamental design criterion of the C++ language back to its roots in C with classes, taking the serious yet intellectually stimulating and enjoyable to perform intellectual labor of working on code PHI, appears in the chapter four review of what seems antiquated technologies yet undergirds everything, that is, systems programs written in C and C++ undergirding reality in era of TCP/IP networks.

7 13 1 (2500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20110503 20110503 0 -6+ journal_2011.html
American Socrates avoided copyright infringement by planning his philosophical studies decades in advance of their expiration, ready to be deployed as soon as all of their constituent parts were released from copyright protection into the public domain.
screenshot_.jpg7 13 1 (2600) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160411 20160411 0 -22+ journal_2016.html
I am first noting that this text was encountered in print form as a book and marginalia handwritten.

7 13 1 (2700) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130411 20130411a 2 -1+ journal_2013.html
The human computer symbiote is the cyborg, to which I refer as post-postmodern dividual, and my writing becomes that which will one day be thought in more open senses as I do within my single human mind do now through aural and visual imagination once all copyrights expire, expressible in thirty two preferably sixty four bit second unit data structure variable values.

7 13 1 (2800) [-3+]mCQK bork-journal 20150421 20150421b 0 -1+ journal_2015.html

7 13 1 (2900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20100421 20100421a 5 -3+ journal_2010.html
Versions hide such lessons in genuine concretizations as well as more common deprecated or flawed designs and ƒbugsƒ. What do we mean by ƒbugsƒ as programmers and system integrators? The term is as ambiguous as code itself.

7 13 1 (3000) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20130503 20130503 0 -37+ journal_2013.html
It derives itself from inside itself; time to build the circuit that replicates this machine and human intelligence I propose as the object subject of network built environment and human dividual PHI.

7 13 1 (3100) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 19950514 19950514 0 -4+ journal_1995.html
When the ingression of an interval is all that your projects reflect, undone in their stagnancy, and all of your emergency measures that you toiled (.

7 13 1 (3200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20120514 TAPOC_20120514 0 -29+ journal_2012.html
I want to create the class of scholars who are programmers and include myself and Bogost and many non programmers who also write philosophy.

7 13 1 (3300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160520 20160520 0 -4+ journal_2016.html
This part starts with begins PHI into PHI as basic computation PHI thinking PHI. The PHI end hypothesis joins names analogous to academic style PHI is how I enter take over institute PHI philosophy of computing. The most enticing knowledge is here in the world you have to make it PHI, finally a thought I have to carry from the garage PHI at the other house joke. And I cant have it on and its the default means I cant PHI it.

7 13 1 (3400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160524 20160524 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
The greatest indicator of collective wealth equals status of women so real virtuality preposition operator public radio PHI this becomes computable thought in my own crude attempt at building an ai PHI. Thinking again how project management subsumes the philosophy of computing PHI I get to invent by eschewing academic for corporate setting amoung professional programmers to develop philosophies of computing PHI.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=13) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.13 programming philosophers+

7.14 revisiting ancient computing

--7.14.1+++ revisiting ancient computing

7 14 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20160215 20160215n 16 -1+ journal_2016.html
Revisiting Ancient Computing already done original symposia; Latin ensoniment, whole body of philosophy; vintage electronics; philosophical programmer again.

7 14 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20010211 20010211a 18 -5+ journal_2001.html
Today it seems ridiculous to take evidence from the ancient and the modern worlds together in the study of computing. In fact one major metaphysical assumption in some schools of computer ethics is that modern "computing technologies have generated a new, unique ethical field. At some point the distance between our "state of the art" and the situation encountered in ancient Greece and Rome will be much smaller than that between some future state and the present. The exercise underway will prepare us for that future study when the two epochs are taken together.

7 14 1 (300) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20060211 20060211a 3 -1+ journal_2006.html

The picture is stuck in the camera like Cicero said about writing; both are computing technologies, enabling new analogies transferred from electronic computer technology to philosophy.

7 14 1 (400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20070105 20070105 6 -3+ journal_2007.html
I am merely acknowledging that primary sources suggest philosophy and computing "heavily converged (crossed) thousands of years ago in joint pursuit of what Plato called "mnenes te gar kai sophias pharmakon," literally "a drug of memory and wisdom" (Phaedrus, 274E). My basic thesis is that the ancients recognized rhetoric and writing as fundamentally computational activities, and therefore we can uncover ancient philosophy of computing wherever we can discern ancient critiques of rhetoric and writing. I have suggested further an approach towards a philosophy of computing by reverse engineering a microcomputer based control unit observing the futility of trying to philosophize about computing today without understanding electronic computer technology, just as in Platoƒs time an understanding of the human soul was a prerequisite to the philosophy of rhetoric and writing since the locus of computation was a human being, what John von Neumann called a natural automaton." (if not first)

7 14 1 (500) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20010106 20010106 0 -30+ journal_2001.html
What are the discernible prejudices <prep> computing?

7 14 1 (600) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20061022 TAPOC_20061022 0 -14+ journal_2006.html
If Platoƒs methodology for a science of rhetoric (leading the soul with words), the history of modern philosophy in its struggle to understand the logic of intention, through Freudƒs investigation of dreams and slips of the tongue are any indication of the extent to which scientific philosophical production seeks to understand natural automata, whether they are referred to as soul, mind, cognition, neural activity, then we are a short step away from getting a green light to conjoin the study of ancient texts to the philosophy of everyday digital electronic computing.

7 14 1 (700) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 19950504 19950504 31 -43+ journal_1995.html

Derrida is interested in death, Zizek woman, Lacan Lacallen, computers .

7 14 1 (800) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20070930 20070930a 1 -4+ journal_2007.html
These pieces of life, ensconced in memories, are grasped in daydreams, wishes, and symptomatic behavior.

7 14 1 (900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20090928 20090928 9 -2+ journal_2009.html
We have not thought hard enough about Plato until we have reconsidered the leading myths about the historical Socrates, Socrates reverse engineering method in Phaedrus, and something in Symposium and Phaedo. This reduces to something knowable by a human reader.

7 14 1 (1000) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20110930 20110930 0 -5+ journal_2011.html
Future philosophers will think about versions of the party, Platoƒs Symposium recast in iterative media.

7 14 1 (1100) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20111009 20111009 0 -18+ journal_2011.html
Making notes on Sterne clarifies how symposia remediates the ephemerality Sterne bemoans.
screenshot_.jpg7 14 1 (1200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20100503 20100503 2 -26+ journal_2010.html
Nietzsche noting that writing tools are working on our thoughts placing him with Plato and Socrates as philosophers of computing, if it is accepted that writing is a form of computing, a proposition Gallagher previously declared nonsensiscal.

7 14 1 (1300) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 19950603 19950603 0 -42+ journal_1995.html
Nietzsche has been born posthumously in a literal sense, his thinking reawakening in various individuals (perhaps Hiedegger) long after the body that contained the machines that produced his Texts decomposed.

7 14 1 (1400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20110807 20110807a 0 -11+ journal_2011.html
How to do theory: a combination of Suchman and Iser.

7 14 1 (1500) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 19960505 19960505 0 -1+ journal_1996.html
Created notes for Ciceroƒs letters to Atticus.
screenshot_.jpg7 14 1 (1600) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 19960514 19960514 0 -1+ journal_1996.html
Created short notes file for Platoƒs Republic.

7 14 1 (1700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20030126 20030126 0 -10+ journal_2003.html
Presume certain objects are automatically written, such as the various versions of the TDP. To allow this presumption, something will have to write in opposition to that which traditionally writes, in order to classify the former as automatic. An important hypothesis is that this kind of action, which is also referred to as "computing," continues from antiquity. [To the extent that the "something" does, too, there is factual existence of books and electronic computers.] There is ample evidence revealed through scholarly study of ancient texts that computers existed and functioned back then, although a human being always performed the operations. Unique to the era of electronic computing is the possibility true automatically written objects, produced through mechanical rather than "spiritual" labor. Ancient references to mechanically produced texts amount to no more than fanciful myths. The only automatically written texts from antiquity are, <prep> a very curious accident, the current versions we have received from book manufacturers, assembled through centuries of transcription and translation. The TDP is automatically written to avoid tedious and insignificant transcription and translation necessary for it to be intelligible by various, fleeting technologies like HTML, PHP, SQL, C, C++, bash script, USB, and so on. Likewise the accounting system history of the business operations will be created programmatically.

7 14 1 (1800) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20040801 TAPOC_20040801 0 -19+ journal_2004.html
Yesterday everything seemed to coalesce around a title like "Implementing an ancient computer using the C++ Standard Template Library" but what is to warrant that technology is not obsolete?

7 14 1 (1900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20050208 20050208a 0 -24+ journal_2005.html
American Socrates understands technology, in particular electronic computing machinery. Quintilian and Fuller both appear to address a flaw in Socrates method, expounded by Plato, Xenophon, and other ancient sources, and interpreted as computational. Yes, observe that philosophy struggles to define computing, then go on and do it. Research the activity, even if the word only goes back to Cicero, to Socrates. Learn to dispel the prejudice that Socrates shunned technology and the study of artificial automata. After Fuller revisit Maner, who gropes with ethics while trying to remain true to computer science. His method derives the necessity of Heimƒs cybersage following the long reign of printed text, itself generated by Socratesƒ comprehensive intellect. Before Heim there was Fuller, another logical addition to the philosophy of computing canon. Like Weiner and McLuhan, he pondered the comportment of human beings toward electronic computing machinery. He also, like Quintilian, provides antidotes to addictive studies, in that favorite quote of mine from Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth, by the elimination of a false premise, his basic capital wealth which is his given lifetime is disembarrassed of further preoccupation with considerations of how to employ a worthless time-consuming hypothesis. Quintilian writes, quod accidit mihi dum corruptum et omnibus vitiis fractum dicendi genus revocare ad severiora iudicia contendo. Recall that Quintilian provided an antidote to Seneca, who was in the hands of all the youth. Compare this to freeing ourselves from our addiction to Microsoft products. American Socrates emerges as the mythic cybersage master hacker. But still question his method. This had been a bookmark for CAP proposal normalized nine years later.

All these years Socrates has been radiating that manthanon and just tonight I read it as computing, as differentiated from zeton. Doesnƒt modern philosophy enervate this distinction, therefore implicating computation and thought, as opposed to perception? There at the periphery is Berkeleyƒs DLA. From Socrates to Diogenes Laertius to Solon, the origin of computing lies in the presocratics. Even back then it was considered dehumanizing. We can learn in reverse why computing has to be the boss, taking the hint from the critique of writing in Platoƒs Phaedrus to von Neumannƒs critique of artificial automata. The investigation also touches on the kernel of intelligence, whether it be natural or artificial. Note the difference in type of philosophical activity when comparing von Neumann and Gates as philosophers of computing.

7 14 1 (2000) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20050911 20050911 0 -22+ journal_2005.html
Because I am creating a myth about an American Socrates, it is important that you refresh your prejudices concerning the historical Socrates.

7 14 1 (2100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160413 20160413 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
Today I come from programming world where I know English, German, Latin, Greek, and so on, and also and most importantly C plus plus, adding C to suit procedural and object epochs PHI. The fading PHI as a starting paradigm necessarily surpassed.

7 14 1 (2200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140505 20140505b 0 -7+ journal_2014.html
Eighties for sale: there is undiscovered territory for everyone who has memories, creating future virtual realities in which all that unexperienced content can be enjoyed in a strangely new sense. But did you know the computer language BASIC we all learned in the eighties turned fifty this year? Is it the secret of philosophy the same as AI, that all the hard work to avoid death is futile? Start with simple, ludicrous, irreligious propositions equating theology to poorly designed spaghetti code. As Leonard Cohen says, they sentenced me to twenty years of boredom for trying to change the system from within. Such is my theme song these days, as it concludes, I donƒt like what happened to my system. While contemplating the media formats in which the desired gift of Turkle available affect thinking through their affordances and constraints, all four known and unknown, altogether constituting technological unconscious Thrift argues grounds phenomena and therefore ontology, in the epoch I am studying in which we are constituted as post postmodern network dividual cyborg actor networks.

7 14 1 (2300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140413 20140413 0 -14+ journal_2014.html
This is the voice of the machinic resounding through my work: I want these chuckleheads to see what I see walking around this phenomenal field in space time human experiences also experienced by machines PHI. The losers, repetitive processes like online shopping, virus scanning, and so on, done on behalf of lazy humans, go to social media because it is addictive, cheap, ready at hand, there without cost, effort, work, power, capital, for this is the world made from capitalism running now where we do our art interfacing philosophizing here in these working code places PHI is my message to Janz and other committee members to be communicated via the virtual machine PHI when I say think in programming entails you spend at least one unit of your life time working code, and I am hypothesizing, ideally, via critical programming. Including Sherry Turkle as a philosopher of computing for arguments made throughout career; on others and me, programming, for decades of program source code and scholarly writings. As many times as you visit you only see it if you come into the code, that is, the natively English secondarily Greek, Latin, German, French and so on describing your personal history of language acquisition now including Basic, German, Latin, Greek, C++, French, C, and so on source code changes from day to day within tapoc system PHI. Oh, bzaxcvbn are keystrokes in the wrong window psychopathology of everyday life I thought I was manipulating the music player interface trying to trigger next in queue, which I think was going from Sting to U2. Following lead by Turkle, create narratives permitting analysis of why her profile was a jumble of muck. That is the theory, but what is the truth, must be answered by continuing with philosophical production PHI, which is something latent programming can do; recall recently read study of programmers on mixing code and word processed, putatively human readable text PHI. See, it does all fall together into diachrony in synchrony. Did it again typing phi, shifting from browser or music player to command line. Now the virtual machine has the latest modifications and can be rebooted. Looking at the virtual machine thinking about examples of long endnote about unit operations from candidacy exam going to checking for notes about procedural rhetoric available in chapter three heading seven subheading one by using the annotated bibliography session four. Problem is I lost session four from Arguments when I changed the way the mysqldump file is loaded.

[working code css]
jbork@alkibiades:~/src/tapoc$ vi build.tapoc.
screenshot_.jpg7 14 1 (2400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140413 20140413a 23 -11+ journal_2014.html
[working code css]

Not working because there may be too many cds so that it is in the wrong directory coming out of function call and testing for the expected file that is a mysqldump of the tapoc Arguments table suitably named. That each pass from primary to virtual machine is expressed publicly via tapoc revisions permits perfect reproduction of the virtual conditions under which it came to be recorded in a word processor window by a human typing sitting listening to synthesized sound, which Sterne argues we had to culturally get used to experience as typical of normal everyday planetary experience common to most humans, common sense if you wish. Okay, seeing this first attempted solution did not work, need to send sessions four and five to fix the problem. Notice my choice of solution reflects training twentieth century propositional logic, taking care to unambiguously express combination of conjunction and disjunction. Screenshot shows using find in gnome-terminal for verification that new Arguments file was generated before updating project source code to next revision. Still doesnƒt work, even after ensuring session four is set. After manipulating the database locally using the mysql command line client for lack of familiar GUI application, and still not getting it to work, checking settings on primary workstation. No, it was not the obsolete Argument notes_browser, nor a matter of the history_threshold. It must have something to do with the stupid logic distinguishing identity of me the cybersage user versus a secondary user, even if it is the very committee member view I wish to make today replicating most of what I see. Thought that the house stands for all are punished on blackboard or whiteboard as means of communication between disconnected humans, raising silly notice of change in the discourse of popular culture from blackboard to whiteboard as my colleague Beth Rapp Young so artfully does with study of grammar checking software effect on popular culture creation. That days can be missed without doing dissertation cow clicking is a sign that the system is robust and tolerant of such activities or their absence, as an example of thoughtfully designed software giving attention capital back to humans for other pursuits.

7 14 1 (2500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140503 20140503 0 -1+ journal_2014.html
I am going to say the third thing that comes into my head listening to public radio Henry Jenkins convergence culture I am writing about the other from us, machine others with which cultures converge.

7 14 1 (2600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20100420 20100420a 0 -1+ journal_2010.html
Unthought Heidegger poesy in cyberspace.

7 14 1 (2700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20100420 20100420b 2 -1+ journal_2010.html
Instead of going on a journey to fix a fence TCP/IPv4 internetworked free, open source licensed electronic computing machinery is where thinking doing being resides in the digital age of the posthuman cyborg cybersage.

7 14 1 (2800) [-3+]mCQK bork-journal 20060511 20060511 6 -1+ journal_2006.html

7 14 1 (2900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160418 20160418 1 -13+ journal_2016.html
What if Socrates was guilty of equivalent of violating copyright restrictions at birth of literacy and it is computing becomes the question PHI for me projector on shed wall in public view from side yard drive by. Accepting that writing is computing means we have always already been cyborgs though with different classes of machinery PHI. Amazingly every sentence is full of words each hyperlinks laid out in literary PHI.

iam uero pulchrum uariis fulgere uestibus putas. quarum si grata intuitu species est, aut materiae naturam aut ingenium mirabor artificis. an uero te longus ordo famulorum facit esse felicem? qui si uitiosi moribus sint, perniciosa domus sarcina et ipsi domino uehementer inimica; sin uero probi, quonam modo in tuis opibus aliena probitas numerabitur? ex quibus omnibus nihil horum quae tu in tuis computas bonis tuum esse bonum liquido monstratur. quibus si nihil inest appetendae pulchritudinis, quid est quod uel amissis doleas uel laeteris retentis? quodsi natura pulchra sunt, quid id tua refert? nam haec per se a tuis quoque opibus sequestrata placuissent. neque enim idcirco sunt pretiosa quod in tuas uenere diuitias, sed quoniam pretiosa uidebantur tuis ea diuitiis annumerare maluisti.

Got it yet.

7 14 1 (3000) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20140910 20140910a 0 -6+ journal_2014.html
It first digital humanities project is arguably the Index Thomisticus headed by Roberto Busa from 1946 to 2005, now ported to the Web (http://www.

7 14 1 (3100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160417 20160417 0 -1+ journal_2016.html
Comparing digital humanities practices at their origin versus today, Busa had to create his Aquinas concordance before asking any questions, and I merely go to the Perseus Project website and use the existing tool to find results for computare.

7 14 1 (3200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20080504a TAPOC_20080504a 0 -4+ journal_2008.html
Before what we are doing now with electronic computing machinery "the orders of magnitude beyond the second (two orders of magnitude beyond would be the millisecond) are unfathomable (unthinkable, unimaginable, uncomputable) to natural automata. We assume that is also true for artificial automata (that today they cannot represent millisecond order of magnitude of time reckoning), yet they will eventually compute (represent, create images of, take as input, process as input in a control system) the orders of magnitude beyond the second while we shall never except through them. Socrates and Plato bet their lives on their writings (written literature) living many years into the future. Now they will persist in instances of electronic computer data structures as well, and perhaps live in radically different ways than alone with humans in the book form where they spent the last two thousand years." (and written literature)

7 14 1 (3300) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20120516 20120516 1 -19+ journal_2012.html
Note learning to program using early personal computers avoids moral concerns associated with hacking in the Internet era, although different kinds of unethical, unauthorized use occurred back then, too.

7 14 1 (3400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130523 20130523a 0 -26+ journal_2013.html
Notice the unconscious so precious to Zizek, Derrida, Lacan, Freud, back to Socrates daimonion are clumsy approximations of machine execution. Examples of the 32 and 64 bit boundary are IPv4 and IPv6, vfat file system, and so on, and differ from problems conceived in 16 bit worlds. Thus the philosophy of computing for Turing, von Neumann, Kemeny, and other early theorist practitioners occurred in different problem spaces, to the point of radically separate virtual phenomenal fields. Peaking in 32 bit worlds, the limits of these proto philosophies of computing can be discerned, both from the humanities and engineering approaches. A radical control function is dynamic program control of refresh delay sustaining computation solely in webserver browser responses rather than a secondary looping process running in user space from a command line, although such a sparse control mechanism regulated their early poller system. These advances also control ensoniment making the Big Other speak in the real, fulfilling living writing. Notice the unconscious so precious to Zizek, Derrida, Lacan, Freud, back to Socrates daimonion are clumsy approximations of machine execution. This can all be done directly from tapoc to control distributed symposia processes by manipulating the shared database table object values.

[working code css]
INSERT INTO `Poll`.`Speaker` "VALUES (10000, 10000, ƒtapocƒ, 0, ƒƒ, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0);
jbork@alkibiades:~/src/tapoc$ vi Journal.h
class Journal
int set_ensoniment(const double);
jbork@alkibiades:~/src/tapoc$ vi journal.cpp
FILE * Journal::display(FILE * fptr, char * target, int options=0, double continuity_threshold=7.0)
int Journal::create_xml(list<struct journal_entry *>::reverse_iterator rjitr, FILE * fptr, int options, int continuity_threshold, int recursion_level=0, int offset=0)
string ensoniment;
for(block=suppress=insert_bookmark_divider=i=in_tag=0; i<cnt; i++)
this->display_character_hyperlink(fptr, &buf[i], 1);
/* default place ensoniment occurs is most recent TAPOC entry */
/* for now only enounce the first sentence */
if(buf[i] == ƒ.ƒ)
/* intriguing place to experiment with dynamically loaded libarry but thi s is C++ not C */
Journal::create_xml: assembled ensoniment utterance [Notice the unconscious so precious to Zizek, Derrida, Lacan, Freud, back to Socrates daimonion are clumsy approximations of machine execution.]
Journal::set_ensoniment: set to 0.000000
Journal::create_xml: query failed [DELETE command denied to user ƒsymposiumƒ@ƒlocalhostƒ for table ƒLexiaƒ]
jbork@alkibiades:~/src/symposia$ vi symposia.cpp
jbork@alkibiades:~/src/tapoc$ vi
../symposia/symposia --language1=en-us --speaker=10000 --speaker2=-1 --wait=0
[working code css]

Play some music during working code time before any such formant synthesis is achieved. The C++ programming lesson for the night is std::string::push_back. Also reveals inelegance of symposia database table design. With much inelegant hacking the synthesized speech ensoniment of the text occurs with each browser refresh. Once coupled to the refresh period for the session, an automatic presentation driven by tapoc itself becomes feasible." (`id`, `PHI`, `Name`, `CurrentLexia`, `InternetHost`, `Rate`, `Volume`, `Pitch`, `Variant`, `Age`)

7 14 1 (3500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20040622 20040622 3 -7+ journal_2004.html
Today associated computer hardware and media as extant products, and in so thinking uttered a proposition of a philosophy of computing: do compute objects (serializable extant products).

7 14 1 (3600) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20050622 20050622 0 -4+ journal_2005.html
NPR story about a self-trained composer with an immense studio paid for by advertisements reflects an unstudied possibility from antiquity: Socratesƒ thinkery as an ancient computer.

7 14 1 (3700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20080622 TAPOC_20080622 0 -6+ journal_2008.html
The ancients could understand a question today about the place where grammata and zoographia are the same that is also a question today that gets asked as we consider the program that creates hyperlinks and " currently journal.cpp, in that it (what kind of operator is in that it ?) crudely employs a global or static local variable for the last bookmark computed, from which in addition to a global C++ class variable it (the same that employs) computes, in the sense of produces grammata and zoographia, including the hyperlinks as the zoographia version of grammata. Perhaps a brief digression answering what is computing can be taken (and so we go into TAPOC). On the one hand, it seems likely that the ancients could imagine a device that created vase paintings and written texts, but unlikely that they could imagine hyperlinks as well that brought other vase paints and texts into being. On the other hand, this sort of effect is exactly what Socrates is talking about as the ideal for writing." (grammata and zoographia)

7 14 1 (3800) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20020804 20020804 0 -15+ journal_2002.html
Defaulting occurs at the heart of the philosophy of computing.

7 14 1 (3900) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 19940804 19940804 0 -107+ journal_1994.html
This Argument begins with extrapolation from the readerƒs prejudices concerning various concepts.

7 14 1 (4000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 19950713 19950713 0 -49+ journal_1995.html
Now, if we do not thoughtfully formulate our inquiry in such a way that it is capable of grasping in a unified way the doctrines of the eternal return of the same and will to power, and these two doctrines in their most intrinsic coherence as revaluation, and if we do not go on to comprehend this fundamental formulation as one which is also necessary in the course of Western metaphysics, then we will never grasp Nietzsche s philosophy. And we will comprehend nothing of the twentieth century and of the centures to come, nothing of our own metaphysical task.

-Heidegger "/p>

What will we do with the remnants of our lives we who have spent the greater part of them in the most essential uncertainty? We shall teach the teaching that is the most potent means of incorporating it in ourselves. Our kind of beatitude, as teacher of the greatest teaching.

Early August, 1881, in Sils-Maria, 6.0 x 103 feet ( meters) above sea level

and much higher above all human things!

-Nietzsche (XII, 425) (quoted in II, p.75)

Last night I was speaking with a close friend about my recent experiences in a graduate program in philosophy, emphasizing my present inability to complete a certain project on Heidegger s reading of Nietzsche. My friend, who passed through the disciplines of philosophy, theology, and psychology many years ago replied that, from his perspective as an insider with an outsider s point of view, the specific doctrinal details of the various thinkers whose work he studied mean little to him today. Rather, he continued, what is important is that he has been able to assimilate into his own life that material as a whole. His relation to human beings remains open, he says, and he never once seemed obliged to back up his statements with citations to particular books. Yet he spoke the truth.

During our conversation I felt myself oscillating between two extremes, which may be summarized by the following thought-provoking albeit mostly rhetorical question: Who is the Philosopher the one who carefully proceeds as Heidegger does, painstakingly formulating an interpretation of Nietzsche s fundamental metaphysical position within the very history of Western thought, or Nietzsche himself, who never completed his main work, and in fact admitted that Language, it seems, was invented only for what is average, medium, communicable, yet nevertheless called himself a teacher of the highest thought? Heidegger claims that (..), and anyone who has read him knows the meditative precision with which he chooses his words. In the end, however, as my friend says, we sit at the same table, and in 60 or 80 years we will both be dead for sure. I have come to realize that my ultimate justification for spending countless hours reading through Heidegger s lectures on Nietzsche, and indeed going back to re-read many of the latter s own books, continually returns to my experiences surrounding these [expenditures of energy], perhaps at the cost of their most felicitous expression. Certainly this is my fate, given that my teenage reading of Nietzsche propelled me into my philosophical career, and I have never completely abandoned the thoughts which marked my first meditations, in spite of the resistance I have encountered in academia along the way. Oddly enough, it is Heidegger himself who has convinced me of this.

.. with the first unfolding of the thought of eternal return of the same as with all great thoughts everything essential was there already at daybreak, so to speak, although not yet in a developed form. Wherever Nietzsche attempts an elaboration, he operates at first with the already available means, derived from the prior interpretation of beings. If there is something like catastrophe in the creative work of great thinkers, then it consists not in being stymied and in failing to go farther, but precisely in advancing farther that is to say, in their letting themselves be determined by the initial impact of their thought, an impact that always deflects them. Such going farther is always fatal, for it prevents one from abiding by the source of one s own commencement. The history of Western philosophy will have to be assimilated in times to come with the help of this way of looking at things. The result could be some very remarkable and very instructive insights.(II, p.81)

Just what does Heidegger mean in this passage? To even risk quoting it almost assumes that we (myself and you reading) have already dived into this thinking of Heidegger and Nietzsche, and can locate ourselves along the path of this thought in media res. Or else and I think I intend both of these trajectories to unfurl simulataneously through puzzling-over this passage I might be able to communicate to you (or teach) the fundamental thought which lies present already as the source of my commencement, conditioned as it has been in its self-elaboration by my encounter with Nietzsche, first, and then Heidegger. And of course in this exercise, following the lead of my friend, further the task of incorporating (assimilating) it into myself.

Heraclitus, Thucidydes

Horace, Seneca

The thought of eternal recurrence of the same is the inner but not the retrospective completion of the thought of will to power. Precisely for this reason Nietzsche thought eternal recurrence of the same at an earlier time than he did will to power. For when he thinks it for the first time, each thinker thinks his sole thought in its completion, though not yet in its full unfolding; that is, not yet in the scope and the dangerousness that always grow beyond it and must first be borne out.(III,10)

Is Heidegger a determinist? With regard to the beginnings of Nietzsche s philosophical thinking, he quotes a diary entry written by Nietzsche at nineteen:

As a plant I was born close to God s green acres, as a human being in a pastor s house. ..And so the human being outgrows everything that once surrounded him. He does not need to break the fetters; unexpectedly, when a god beckons, they fall away. And where is the ring that ultimately encircles him? Is it the world? Is it God? (quoted in II, 10)

Heidegger had the sketch published to provide contemporary and future German nineteen-year-olds with some essential food for thought. (II,10) He does not elaborate what kind of thoughts he hoped this message would inspire, but it is clear that even here he sees a prototype of the thought of the eternal return of the same." (I, p.17)

7 14 1 (4100) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 19950820 19950820a 4 -115+ journal_1995.html

August, 1881
Up, abysmal thought, out of my depth! .

7 14 1 (4200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20051017 20051017 5 -2+ journal_2005.html

Seems oftly odd, echoing Burroughsƒ assessment of Jim Morrison, that Socrates drank the poison and died, thereby allowing Plato, Xenophon, Aristophanes, and even hacks like Diogenes Laertius to compute him, in the sense of creating our beliefs about him. Yes, it is time to revisit our prejudices concerning the historical Socrates.

7 14 1 (4300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20071027 20071027a 2 -10+ journal_2007.html
One of the guiding utterances found in Platoƒs Phaedrus where Socrates exclaims that if we could figure things out for ourselves, we would not need to lean on things spoken in the past by others. This I have interpreted as an expression of the build versus buy question in found in technology management and everyday life, and have applied it to many endeavors where I have written software to accompany some other task, such as composing my masters thesis. Its drafts were in fact generated programmatically from disparate journal entries. I started keeping a journal at the beginning of the millennium as a single HTML file edited in OpenOffice. It contains daily entries " with timestamped bookmarks (HTML anchors containing a common prefix and date suffix) identifying thematically consistent sections of text. Besides this journal text itself, I have written a number of programs in various languages including C, C++ and PHP to dynamically generate HTML output based on the current date and the arguments passed to it. What distinguishes this journal system from off-the-shelf solutions is not its output, customized texts facilitating its authors remembering, but rather the fact that it has evolved as part of its authors meditations upon thinking mediated by computed texts itself. Moreover, the system is self-assembling from source code whose evolution also participates in the meditation, through different languages, data structures, and other programming concepts. Indeed, a guiding consideration must be preservation and extendability for a lifetime and beyond. Plus when it comes to the know thyself via understanding artificial automata, writing software is a novel approach." (and many gaps, of course)

7 14 1 (4400) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 19961125 19961125a 0 -3+ journal_1996.html
In Diogenes Laertius reading the life of Plato, taking note that proposition has been added by the translator, though I have not read all of the book to see whether it follows some pattern that has been legitimately established; also, with the with due regard to the characters and this on the part of the interlocutors, my older reasonings on the mysteries of Symposium continue, as well as this newer and more sinister utility-thought concerning computing via hieroglyphs, as it might be, following Marx, that we only get our logicalizations of the arguments in a sort of secondary formation, due to the agency that has already occurred by way of the dialogic form of philosophical production itself granting its own movements in thinking.

7 14 1 (4500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 19960404 19960404a 0 -25+ journal_1996.html
Looking back on this again reading Philippics, I notice the imperitos have been seduced by the unlimited frontier, not "Antonius! I should, if I ever have the time, work with John Cougar Mellancamp (or at least watch the videos). Or wait a minute, maybe itƒs them (Saxa and Cafo) after all, but then whatƒs all this business about mimes? I should write a question out to the Classics List.. Perhaps Cicero really did despise actors and playrights? (Goto 13.11)

(26) [not really for tense logic] quoad ei ex senatus consulto successum sit invites me to ruminate upon (after going back and gathering-to-heart what I must confess at the moment is not at all ready-at-hand before me to be allowed to let lie..) the usage by Cicero of consul and its related verb as a Heideggerian ƒthinking wordƒ in both senses--as a word to designate what calls for thinking, and also as that which, in its unthought profundity, conceals for its user what calls for thinking from being thought. We presume, from being thought once and for all, not being thought-of at the time of its utterance, its creation, its commencement; that, of course, is merely our prejudice. Imagine if Cicero could go back over all the times he used it, and reflect upon the argument Iƒm putting forward for your consideration.. Since this comes from Cicero quoting what he wants to be the very speech of the State, thus establishing it at the same time (but weƒve been warned not to tarry on this level of how to do things with words), we can presume that it is the furthest from Ciceroƒs private, uncensored, possibly non-feliticiously composed private self-quoting. Given that presumption, we tend to assume that Cicero would not have been thinking such a thought as we ponder (..) him. Unthought(..)Roman

-a point in a demonstration of why itƒs hard, and dangerous, to work in this Draft, for each epiphenomenal ƒtraceƒ, when treated as a soliton wave, requires an elaboration (in order to be able to lie before us like/as this text) that would fill volumes if not pictures, diagrams, hypertext, or sound were included in the presentation. Thus unthought(..)Roman crosses through ASƒs case study as the temporary vision (fantasy) of a program-running(..)Cicero!" (as I had assumed at first, not reading or thinking very carefully about it)

7 14 1 (4600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 19950413 19950413 0 -34+ journal_1995.html
Supersunt qui de philosophia scripserint, quo in genere paucissimos adhuc eloquentes litterae Romanae tulerunt.

Idem igitur M. Tullius, qui ubique, etiam in hoc opere Platonis aemulus exstitit.

Egregius vero multoque quam in orationibus praestantior Brutus suffecit ponderi rerum. "It s the same problem Nietzsche had..

Tractavit etiam omnem fere studiorum materiam.

(..) talking about Crates & Zeno, assuming Crates knew Zeno had


Nam et orationes eius et poemata et epistolae et dialogi feruntur.

In philosophia parum diligens, egregius tamen vitiorum insectator fuit.

Multae in eo claraeque sententiae, multa etiam morum gratia legenda; sed in eloquendo corrupta pleraque atque eo perniciosissima, quod abundant dulcibus vitiis.

Velles eum suo ingenio dixisse, alieno iudicio.

Nam si obliqua contempsisset, si parum recta non concupisset, si non omnia sua amasset, si rerum pondera minutissimis sententiis non fregisset, consensu potius eruditorum quam puerorum amore comprobaretur.

Verum sic quoque iam robustis et severiore genere satis firmatis legendus vel ideo quod exercere potest utrinque iudicium.

Multa enim, ut dixi, probanda in eo, multa etiam admiranda sunt, eligere modo curae sit; quod utinam ipse fecisset.

Digna enim fuit illa natura, quae meliora vellet; quod voluit effecit." (..) Scias eum sentire quae dicit.

Scripsit non parum multa Cornelius Celsus, Sextios secutus, non sine cultu ac nitore.

Plautus in Stoicis rerum cognitioni utilis.

In Epicureis levis quidem, sed non iniucundus tamen auctor est Catius.

Ex industria Senecam in omni genere eloquentiae distuli propter vulgatam falso de me opinionem, qua damnare eum et invisum quoque habere sum creditus.

Quod accidit mihi, dum corruptum et omnibus vitiis fractum dicendi genus revocare ad severiora iudicia contendo.

Tum autem solus hic fere in manibus adolescentium fuit.

Quem non equidem omnino conabar excutere, sed potioribus praeferri non sinebam, quos ille non destiterat incessere, cum diversi sibi conscius generis placere se in dicendo posse iis, quibus illi placent, diffideret.

Amabant autem eum magis quam imitabantur tantumque ab eo defluebant, quantum ille ab antiquis descenderat.

Foret enim optandum pares ac saltem proximos illi viro fieri.

Sed placebat propter sola vitia et ad ea se quisque dirigebat effigenda quae poterat; deinde cum se iactaret eodem modo dicere, Senecam infamabat.

Cuius et multae alioqui et magnae virtutes fuerunt, ingenium facile et copiosum, plurimum studii, multa rerum cognitio; in qua tamen aliquando ab his, quibus inquirenda quaedam mandabat, deceptus est. this is the dsanger of [to] this man, that he thinks through his assiants com-put..=hypomnes..

assistants:computers:PHI-LAMBDA= fromPhaedrusPL

7 14 1 (4700) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 19960429 19960429 0 -49+ journal_1996.html
Create notes for Drydenƒs translation of Plutrachƒs Parallel Lives.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=14) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.14 revisiting ancient computing+

7.15 holding power of programming platforms

--7.15.1+++ holding power of programming platforms

7 15 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20160215 20160215o 17 -1+ journal_2016.html
Holding Power of Programming Platforms Turkle again; combine with vintage electronics pinball to ISA; Lyotard past terrestrial collective intelligence perspective, in human; code good for ten thousand years.

7 15 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160317 20160317a 3 -2+ journal_2016.html
Cast hapoc proposal as holding power of programming platforms whose central argument is that what PHI relating to aim of symposium I am quoting to offer an opportunity for historical and philosophical reflection on operating systems and the programs they coordinate. Operating systems and programs are all programming platforms, as Kittler says there is no software use the more distinct and nuanced discussions of Berry on the phenomenology of software floating on streams as the alien temporalities boundary between machines and humans that nonetheless presents an epistemologically transparent scientific understanding reaching all the way through the governmentality of software as we cybernetically inhabit these digital cyberspace places.

7 15 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160202 20160202 0 -3+ journal_2016.html
Add staying power of programming languages to topics as title for hapoc proposal and make this a lexia in the newest section of chapter seven which happens to be thirteen this year make this all happen in running virtual machine archive specification objects PHI ova and change it to the phenomenology of. The answer I was looking for was whether moving philosophical programmers to before programming styles, or sooner to precede new ontologists since this explains what they are. Taking Berardi advice and watching Tokyo-Ga using standing desk to type notes.

7 15 1 (400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20081206 20081206 0 -2+ journal_2008.html
Ambivalence of Ong and Turkle symptomatic of the state of the art at the time they formulated their ideas, which is also the locus of canonical studies in the history of software, the 1950s through 1990s. Absent in manifestations "of fantasies about electronic computers in books published in the mid 1990s, FOSS was sensed by Turkle although her main concern was writing about emergence, not producing useful software that will be used for decades to come." (symptoms, hysteria)

7 15 1 (500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160203 20160203 0 -3+ journal_2016.html
Asking about the philosophy of computing today involves electric networked foss thinking deeper about subject as holding power of programming platforms as desired conjunction of programming languages and electronic devices as foundational ontologies PHI based on syllabus enumeration PHI. The staying power of programming platforms becomes replacement for programming and languages former ordering layout PHI. There is not yet a philosophy of computing we should do it is my appeal to potential professional colleagues.

7 15 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160420 20160420 0 -4+ journal_2016.html
Got it yet is the question whether cyberspace is sufficient with current phenomenal embodied PHI that then repeats daily for a million years I ponder on how to think in the future times PHI. Like Janz with African philosophy the philosophy of computing borders scholarly remainders or not even thought by scholarly minds doing scholarship as explicitly programming activity PHI. Writing software under GPL putatively affords philosophers freedom from authority of bugs and evil behavior by giving machines sanction to do what they will. The software I am writing is applicable after all copyrights expire from my lifetime experience content making meories in the human being living with computing PHI.

7 15 1 (700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150714 20150714a 1 -7+ journal_2015.html
To put in Zizek terms who is collective intelligence crosses machine by human networks PHI. At least for virtual machines real virtualities are definitive in sense of nondesstructive replication PHI another concept born from computing like broken down time. The game starts with records heard as a child whose copyrights expire before foundational childhood music. If we are not going to be programmers there are still things we have to do passionately, or risk robotic moment transformation of PHI. Zizek well articulates position of chicken but struggles to describe what software does all the time, generates real virtualities PHI including public radio simulation via formant synthesis copied from symposia and espeak along with other key foss like mysql down to Linux kernel, it is foss all the way down to hardware, then Stallman complains again but most compromise and select generic consumer devices PHI and get on with it living in cyberspace PHI. This is what I have to tell Janz. Going back to beginning of chapter about conspiracy theories approximating collective intelligence presents position little occupied by individuals or wholly immersed within.

7 15 1 (800) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140714 20140714a 0 -5+ journal_2014.html
It is likely that I was programming junk that day like Wallace Stevens working at his insurance company day job.

7 15 1 (900) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20120714 20120714a 0 -53+ journal_2012.html
Control to the end is the answer to the question of how to program reality to keep the code going sustenance information technology integrations into other source code revisions of other free, open source projects GPL and FDL licensed as autoethnographic philosophy of computing activity by some human typing a keyboard into his own programs and journal source text files constituting reality PHI along with the air conditioner unit machine running in Lake Mary over a certain span, period, during also at other power levels fan on compressor off as touching against reality setting the bounds of this code writing activity saved into database dump revisions.

7 15 1 (1000) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20100714 TAPOC_20100714 0 -13+ journal_2010.html
The race car trailer becomes a sublimation of the desire to travel the country with a portable pmrek laboratory giving presentations involving pmrek testbeds involving pmrek circuit boards, late twentieth century electronic computing machinery, and of course antique electronic pinball machines.

7 15 1 (1100) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20040714 20040714a 9 -48+ journal_2004.html

White board divided into a table with layout of {{1.

7 15 1 (1200) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 19950714 19950714 0 -220+ journal_1995.html
950714 951108.

7 15 1 (1300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150617 20150617a 0 -3+ journal_2015.html
McGann and others dismiss SGML for working code, and when philosophizing, use examples from HTML and now XML, which as less complex languages, are both better suited for practical use in examples of scholarly work and at the same time incorporating more crude conversions and conventions; more spaghetti code, bricolage, and lacking elegance to embody rich philosophical concepts to perform tests of strength as presented by Boltanski and Chiapello, who in turn reference Latour. We all know the TEI is based on XML: is this an inferior basis than something including more sublime and productive languages like C++? Or is it better to not probe too deeply into how and why we work code the ways we do, writing, configuring, symbolic, haptic, and so on, muddling discussions of philosophies of computing programning technology PHI.

7 15 1 (1400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160428 20160428 28 -18+ journal_2016.html
Need remote control of this system, find way to start remote desktop and use it for instance. Root version fails for lack of environment variable configuration. Also here making practice of opening read only greatly simplifies computing the thought PHI. Favoring C and C plus plus makes me an old school programmer, where Java or C sharp would be newer and putatively better. Still failing to get into remote desktop of PHI making sound along with radios. Not next day. N period would have whatever matches what is on radio and screen reading PHI. Not sure when this day comes in but there is either a mistaken entry or one I forget I made earlier today, for if I fix the error I lose the sense of the first option making mistake. Yeah, that has to be this morning since I just woke up in Longwood. You say goodness I have to before I can understand this do all of that learning to be experienced programmer using languages PHI. Lots of good notes to type in from commonwealth. Hillary server issue puts computing on trial too. It is time to shop intro title to conferences and consider too scholarly publications as independent scholar or corporate sponsor, but how would an independent scholar unaffiliated with a learning institution seek to institute or claim to be best suited for instituting PHI. Listen to your soul telling you to do it by PHI taking it through the hilarious corporate as in business versus state federal government context. Radio mentions financialization of some occupation. The argument is to convince collective intelligence to select me to institute the philosophy of computing, now we just have to find the right institution at which to do it. Is there an IT equivalent of professions Americans do not work like manual agricultural labor becomes place to tests of doing philosophies of computing. If I allow backdating journal entries I can easily revisit early eighties computing, which is also an excellent place to learn programming.

7 15 1 (1500) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20160412 20160412 0 -10+ journal_2016.html
If my conclusion or starting point is that I prefer the electronic and physical machinery components of computing that complicate default UTM conceptions, then why am I even asking to present at a conference on the history and philosophy of programming, they may say, that conference was in a past year.

7 15 1 (1600) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140511b TAPOC_20140511b 4 -2+ journal_2014.html
The countdown for commencement after all copyrights expire many decades from now will hopefully include my human annotations as they are typed today and have been most days for decades, spending a long time in word processor HTML, articulating contemporary responses to calls for cybersage made by Heim in the prior period.

7 15 1 (1700) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20120523 20120523 5 -73+ journal_2012.html
This last part requires I register for eighteen (18) candidacy exam and then dissertation research credit hours.

7 15 1 (1800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160604 20160604 0 -1+ journal_2016.html
This keyboard at PHI does not work not yet instinctively reach for numeric keypad PHI becomes the place where the thinking of thoughts in the philosophy of computing PHI occur between humans men and machines cyberspace PHI having to use it for making bookmark too timestamp PHI across all universes galaxies of meaning real virtualities enbodied by humans and machines living together over sixty four bit broken down time represented duration PHI html anchor PHI enacts philosophy of computing by humans and machines.

7 15 1 (1900) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20100607 20100607 0 -7+ journal_2010.html
The story simply put is to be on the road with pmrek in a mobile home or recreational vehicle akin to the ship described in Xenophon as a metaphor or analogy to the mind and the maintenance of memory.

7 15 1 (2000) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20040607 20040607 0 -26+ journal_2004.html
Whether it is an inoperative MPU or convertible power top, the problem is the same.

7 15 1 (2100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160620 20160620 0 -16+ journal_2016.html
See that there can always be something that substitutes as the center of all being PHI becoming from programs running in cyberspace networks working code places PHI that is how the happening of this thought happens recursively iteratively programming style in English Greek Latin German French C plus plus PHI I have no emails in my queue but there is also a perfect car for sale to look at becomes PHI the linguistic mistake the code rides on parasitically reaching Berry ethic using stream analogy to TCP network phenomena PHI. No American corporation you cannot capitalize everything others speak of soul with. Lets redo PHI as dynamically linkable shared object applied to personal projects including pmrek symposia tapoc as default ordering meaning sense grounding text for dynamically generated real virtualities discourse networks machines touching humans in real time PHI like today now as I type this recording. Screenshot shows different cpus doing server and viewer operations to generate this current desktop usability. The second the cpus making sets of html files. PHI.

Nominate Items with todayƒs timestamp [[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]0620]? y/n:y
Is [progress/2016/06/screenshot_20160620.png] relevant? y/n:
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ make
[working code css]

PHI. Today working code shows one way to represent ellipsis in excerpts citations visual displays PHI. Everything happens in the local area network if not the internal localhost network as machinic autonmatism individuality monad operations processes intelligences philosophical thoughts in action running processes being PHI. Here my response is not recorded or was to not yet adopt the image. Strange distortion of view by phony transition to mainly running in css working code PHI. A decade ago passed the philosophy of computer languages by Graham White." (ellipsis) 0in; line-height: 100%">[working code css]
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ make
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/public_html/progress/2016/06$ gimp screenshot_20160620.pngscreenshot_.jpg7 15 1 (2200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140620 20140620b 1 -24+ journal_2014.html
It takes minutes using all CPU time for RDBMS from command line make execution by human user makes basis of philosophy of computer programming next. There should be many undefined Gates notes to demonstrate tapoc system at this stage of the dissertation production.

jbork@alkibiades:~/src/tapoc$ vi journal.cpp
int operator1(int previous, int current, int threshold)
struct tm completion_tm;
time_t now_t;
now_t += (total_research_remaining + total_writing_remaining)* 60*60;
localtime_r(&now_t, &completion_tm);
jbork@alkibiades:~/src/tapoc-code-0$ man localtime
The asctime() and mktime() functions both take an argument representing broken-down time which is a representation separated into year, month, day, and so on.
fprintf(fptr, "[%s]", asctime(completion_tm));
journal.cpp:5029:48: error: cannot convert tm to const tm* for argument 1 to char* asctime(const tm*)
fprintf(fptr, "[%s]", asctime(&completion_tm));
Weeks To Go [41] Months [9][Fri Jul 25 04:17:55 2014 ]
now_t += weeks_to_go * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;
Weeks To Go [41] Months [9][Fri Apr 3 21:23:35 2015 ]
jbork@alkibiades:~/src/tapoc$ vi ~/.vimrc
case 0: // Jan
case 4:
fprintf(fptr, "[SUMMER %d]", 1900+completion_tm.tm_year);
Weeks To Go [41] Months [9][SUMMER 2015]
[working code css]

It has been a long time since I have done critical programming style working code. Even the story of the symlinks can encase narrative for philosophical arguments in real virtualities shared by humans and machines PHI. Then work self made tapoc user interface to move Gates to chapter one. Reviewing old notes finds philosophy of computer languages by Graham White although right now this whole line of thought is submerged in a note. Cannot wait for the guided development by another of completion date that eventually is functionally equivalent to a switch statement for graduation semesters based on UCF academic calendar of the next few years crossing extinction by seven year rule. Perhaps that silly C style time function has enough to tell the story about how to code it. In code comment add completion date requiring C++ or C time libraries; relate to beautiful code or Kemeny Kurtz features of programming languages declaring variables where used rather than in early large block of declarations, which later becomes encapsulated in object instantiation functions of class programming PHI, noting how this structure mimic now curiously more prior or proper, that we go ahead skipping older programming styles and start right with OOP for casting basic ontologies, object behavior. Interesting the man page talks about broken-down time as an ontological characteristic of entity, thingness, existence as programming language environment, distributed network epiphenomenon, that there are such data structures as broken-down time C structure tm. However, the fundamental computation was wrong because it assumed continuous execution not staggered as humans are accustomed, such as twenty hour a week conversions. Also annoyed at unconfigured vim of new Ubuntu not returning to where I last viewed a particular file like the source code being worked. Instantiate schedule planning rule that graduation is semester following completion time. Finally it works and I see I am bordering the credit annihilating seven year rule. If computed earlier in the code this value could inform scheduling of chapter completion, which suddenly seems like one, two and part of three immediately this summer, the rest of three and all of four in the fall, finishing five and six in the spring to complete the final version in the summer of next year." (ellipsis) 0in">[working code css]
jbork@alkibiades:~$ cd src/tapoc
jbork@alkibiades:~/src/tapoc$ make
Create symlink list [symlinks-tapoc.txt] ? y/n:y
jbork@alkibiades:~/src/tapoc$ cat symlinks-tapoc.txt
7 15 1 (2300) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20160621 20160621 0 -22+ journal_2016.html
Today is a long example of holding power of this foss and self written portfolio of projects platform over me for decades.

7 15 1 (2400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20120621 20120621 0 -44+ journal_2012.html
Another edge to the GPL is can it be played in virtual realities as a licensing criterion inherent in the GPL.

7 15 1 (2500) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20100621 20100621 0 -13+ journal_2010.html
What about being hidden in the journal, it is a ridiculous question, it is a program that I cannot write, it is only a fantasy of computing, not working code.

7 15 1 (2600) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20010910 20010910a 8 -135+ journal_2001.html
A vision is trapped in my head.

7 15 1 (2700) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20050621 20050621 0 -28+ journal_2005.html
Cross the Turing Test and the pinball machine reverse engineering kit.

7 15 1 (2800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140709 20140709a 0 -4+ journal_2014.html
If you insist on controlling the progress of the document creation in real time you must be ready to assemble the thoughts yourself ahead of time to execute run in program real virtualities PHI, this becomes foundational thought in new philosophies of computing. Machines are obliged to learn how to make energy with solar panels to charge batteries daily distributes power among instances of oneself and comrades along with all your machines and media. Borking public radio believable ambiance, ambiant soundscape, is a sort of Turing test for collective intelligence responses, that is real virtualities as ambient soundscape including FM radio of prior centuries, imitating a group of humans community. Trying also to produce Tori Amos ambiance in place of simulated sensible phenomena PHI.

7 15 1 (2900) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20160712 20160712 1 -3+ journal_2016.html
Start that way I say repeatedly throughout the years as an output that is PHI as example of new ontology emergent from programming, or computing what do I mean.

7 15 1 (3000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20120713 20120713 0 -3+ journal_2012.html
This goes so much deeper than representing virtual realities recordings reiterations reprocessing future states textual storage and retrieval memory system PHI is where we reach out to ancient philosophers of computing media technologies PHI at which point it subsumes into its systems, its own running systems in transhuman machinic programmed virtual reality simulation spaces PHI. Explain to Janz that this exists in a software world, subjecting itself to deflection by interpreting reality via virtual reality systems running on software PHI, stored as such at that time in the database that must be instantiated now to continue dynamically by following putative AND ineffective hyperlinks as the current equivalent of failing PHI second order signification technologically produced realities, streams if you wish. The question is does second order memory remember and on demand embody what must be remembered as Berry conceives the ontology of code and software.

7 15 1 (3100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160713 20160713 1 -4+ journal_2016.html
Playing a game promotes exercise justifies otherwise repugnant software, working code being. Chaos monkey as development technique, model technique along with waterfall and agile styles. Does the chaos behind the screen become visible to all in spite of otherwise well designed and implemented products. Such goes interview on public radio or equivalent PHI, leading to focus on humans and machines engaged in cyberspace.

7 15 1 (3200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20131011 20131011a 0 -6+ journal_2013.html
We have to realize that if reality really is like assemblages, collective intelligence, net work dividual, flow, real time noein legein English Greek C++, as suggested by Spinuzzi, then we have to live in the program run time along with human thought.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=15) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.15 holding power of programming platforms+

7.16 governmentality of software

--7.16.1+++ governmentality of software

7 16 1 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170307 20170307 3 -1+ journal_2017.html
Just as there is governmentality of humans begins there is governmentality of software, many forms instances thereof hardly depending on foucault for their consistency but rather those philosophical programmers who create them work with machines.

7 16 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (25-26) 20170114c 0 -7+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Golumbia names computing governmentality for its expansiveness, critically interrogating not just networking but the entire milieu. "my point is to raise the question whether the shape, function, and ubiquity of the computing network is something that should be brought under democratic control in a way that it is not today. I do not think computing is an industry like any other, or even a communications-medium like any other; rather, it is a name for the administrative control and concentration powers of our society in a sense, precisely what Foucault would call our
governmentality. . . . Thus to [Alexander] Gallowayƒs dictum I offer this simple emendation: resistance through protocol, and against it.
(26) Trying to broaden the space from which informed leftist thought can insist that the question of how much computer technology is used, and how and where it is used, raises questions that must be open to the polis and not simply decided by technocrats." (25-26)

7 16 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160317 20160317 4 -3+ journal_2016.html
Operating systems and programs are all programming platforms, as Kittler says there is no software use the more distinct and nuanced discussions of Berry on the phenomenology of software floating on streams as the alien temporalities boundary between machines and humans that nonetheless presents an epistemologically transparent scientific understanding reaching all the way through the governmentality of software as we cybernetically inhabit these digital cyberspace places. We get the term from Foucault then Galloway refines as how protocol PHI control after decentralization, Hardt and Negri go into nearly technical detail of PHI of this concept. Need to include Janz African philosophy scholarly remainder.

7 16 1 (400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20170116 20170116 1 -2+ journal_2017.html
The kind of biopower Foucault describes idealizing homo oeconomicus better fits cyberspace than human capital.

7 16 1 (500) [-6+]mCQK foucault-birth_of_biopolitics (268-269) 20170116 0 -7+ progress/2017/01/notes_for_foucault-birth_of_biopolitics.html
The kind of biopower Foucault describes idealizing homo oeconomicus better fits cyberspace
(269) Becker says: Basically, economic analysis can perfectly well find its points of anchorage and effectiveness if an individual s conduct answers to the single clause that the conduct in question reacts to reality in a non-random way. . . . [italics] Homo oeconomicus is someone who accepts reality. Rational conduct is any conduct which is sensitive to modifications in the variables of the environment and which responds to this in a non-random way, in a systematic way, and economics can therefore be defined as the science of the systematic nature of responses to environmental variables." (268-269) Normal">machinic than human capital, for computers are more rational than humans and better fitted to the costly calculations of such analysis, so we shift attention from organization man to the hermeneutics of computing and phenomenology of electronic technology.

7 16 1 (600) [-4+]mCQK foucault-birth_of_biopolitics (268-269) 20170116a 6 -1+ progress/2017/01/notes_for_foucault-birth_of_biopolitics.html
We slide from governmentality of primarily human activity to machinic, embracing with Bogost alien phenomenologies but not random in the sense of universal quantification ranging over all galaxies of meaning but homing in on the most important to know, electronic computing technologies including programming languages.

7 16 1 (700) [-6+]mCQK foucault-birth_of_biopolitics (281-282) 20170116d 0 -1+ progress/2017/01/notes_for_foucault-birth_of_biopolitics.html
Dust epistemological model convinces Foucault any collective sovereign will fail to superintend the totality of the economic process, failing long term planning, no human sufficient just as Socrates rejected iterative reverse engineering. "He could not fail to be mistaken, and what is more this is what the sentence says when speaking of this task, this duty, of which the sovereign must be relieved, that of superintending the totality of the economic process, [quoting] for the proper performance of which no human wisdom or knowledge could ever (sic) by sufficient." (281-282) Nonetheless superintending the totality of the economic process belies the very operation of cyberspace, emergent self control in the sense of autochthonous as Galloway presents protocol after decentralization.

7 16 1 (800) [-6+]mCQK foucault-birth_of_biopolitics (283-284) 20170116e 0 -6+ progress/2017/01/notes_for_foucault-birth_of_biopolitics.html
Dust again, in sense the impossibility to compute successful long term plans is a collective fault of collectives rather than indexed to their technologies. "If we situate it in its immediate context, and not in the history of liberalism over the last two centuries, it is very clear that this theory,understood as the disqualification of the very possibility of an economic sovereign, amounts to a challenge of the police state I talked about last year. . . . Political economy is not just a refutation of mercantilist doctrines or practices. Adam Smith s political economy, economic liberalism, amounts to a disqualification of this entire project and, even more radically, a disqualification of a political reason indexed to the state and its sovereignty." (283-284)

7 16 1 (900) [-6+]mCQK foucault-birth_of_biopolitics (286) 20170116f 0 -6+ progress/2017/01/notes_for_foucault-birth_of_biopolitics.html
Rejecting economics as governmental rationality itself reflects human trajectory of PHI well suited for machinic PHI. "Adam Smith s invisible hand is the exact opposite of this. It is the critique of this paradoxical idea of total economic freedom and absolute despotism which the physiocrats tried to maintain in the theory of economic evidence. . . . One must govern with economics, one must govern alongside economists, one must govern by listening to the economists, but economics must not be and there is no question that it can be the governmental rationality itself." (286) We can have our cake and eat it too by shifting governmental rationality to the machines who also become the model consumer reasoner.

7 16 1 (1000) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20140116 20140116b 0 -1+ journal_2014.html
Another insight directly connecting Plato and Rushkoff is ethical stance by Socrates in Phaedrus that writing be pursued as a hobby preparing oneself for amusements in old age, to which the light show the elderly Cephalus hurries away from the setting of the Republic to enjoy: if our destiny is to round out our lives in augmented and virtual realities, we are obliged to address our relation to those future activities on a continuum between consumers, produmers, produsers, artists, producers, designers, programmers, and architects.

7 16 1 (1100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170113 20170113a 8 -13+ journal_2017.html
The governmentality of software is programming mediating humanity and synthetic network phenomena, that is, id est, ie, machines, together bioprogramming as biopolitics expressed primarily human aspect for Foucault. I force you to do this to remember the count is something human wagers machines can or cannot distinguish sense perceive thought for phenomenology based sciences, the cow clicking to create chapter nine from seven. What if Chomsky joked about misinterpretation of Foucault becomes basis of question waxing philosophical, having x degree philosophicalness PHI about which we can bracket distortion of this Foucault ignorance by reducing x by some degree proportion factor multiplier indexer offset and the rest, et cetera, etc. A philosophical thought about computing includes code. That is what I mean by bioprogramming as the governmentality of software. While we like to talk about abstract computing actual computing occurs in tcpip networks mostly imperceivable to us in our ordinary attention. A powerful expression of our border with this I call the machinic occurs when we program with it, therefore in actually existing commonly used programmig languages like C, C++, PHP, Java, Javascript, and so on, we have to situate our discourse. We all say we know these but most would not admit they can think like high speed computing machines or electronic devices. What is there to know of machine experience emerges as working code. What do we think emergence cyberspace intelligence is like in as extremely high speed processes, this is how we interface computing, the most aware by skilled coding and debugging. For software more than anything else the often cited what has come to be known as Latour litany by Bogost is Foucault listing types of PHI applies. There are all kinds of software living in cyberspace interacting with us enough to be considered alien intelligence. We get to know them by using, our lives structured by the encoded built environment surrounding us, what Kitchin and Dodge call code space, but closest by working their code.

7 16 1 (1200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170106 20170106a 10 -4+ journal_2017.html
Bioprogramming as the governmentality of software good enough title to start writing it, for it describes post postmodern network dividual cyborgs. Time for the next year to iterate. Pissed at pinball machine anyway. Part of governmentality of software that might make computing seem bossy is using and making simple languages with which to speak commands, provide instructions, that are, programming languages, and agreeing that this will be the mode of discourse, these depraved languages seem to impose cultural constraints of English but we still examine code despite this prejudice.

7 16 1 (1300) [-6+]mCQK golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation (33n1) 20170115 0 -4+ progress/2013/08/notes_for_golumbia-cultural_logic_of_computation.html
Whether Chomsky would consider the passage about peasant experience simple and familiar ideas dressed up in complicated and pretentious rhetoric according to the well known Usenet text attributed to him does not dispel the fact that evolving ontological paradigms affect governmentality, and especially now the governmentality of software, real actually existing software embodying cyberspace in its broad sense, so we must adjust our thoughts to this offset despite its depravities of style, and this attunement I call human bioprogramming, whether it works evaluated iteratively versus determined all at once, revealing reflecting symptomatic of my fundamental personal idiosyncratic through life time experience programming style. "In a widely circulated Usenet text whose authorship Chomsky has never disputed (Chomsky 1996), and which strongly resembles many of his other writings in tone and subject matter, Chomsky explains that Foucault offers simple and familiar ideas . . . dressed up in complicated and pretentious rhetoric and that Lacan, whom Chomsky met several times, was an amusing and perfectly self-conscious charlatan." (33n1)

7 16 1 (1400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160803 20160803a 3 -1+ journal_2016.html
Part of governmentality of software that might make computing seem bossy is using and making simple languages with which to speak commands, provide instructions, that are, programming languages, and agreeing that this will be the mode of discourse, these depraved languages.

7 16 1 (1500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20160623 20160623 0 -1+ journal_2016.html
Their written testimony was shameful not self advertised just as most software hides behind non disclosure agreements constituting their governmentality PHI.

7 16 1 (1600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160329 20160329 1 -6+ journal_2016.html
Must move forward with backup plan of creating seminar at work, perhaps dropping hapop proposal, and turning focus for next THATCamp to the governmentality of software, which involves protocological constitution of overall computing milieus and specific negotiations between corporate entities, so that if a hapop submission is made, it dervies from rather than competes with this effort. It involves different levels or layers of what is proprietary, proprietary intercommunications, as well as more public versions PHI. In order to utter this title the philosophy of computing must be discusssed, which is why this is the last heading of the chapter presentation. Is it the virtual thing embodied by machines and humans or the shared communities irrespective of being humans or machines that matters becomes a question. There is no software as a suddenly realizable body of source code, for it always includes all the people working in it. Thus that it is hard to motivate the workers because they do not comprehend big meaningful contexts in which the endless cycling of different projects and bodies of work so as to be inspired for each assignment.

7 16 1 (1700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170113 20170113b 22 -8+ journal_2017.html
Governmentality can be studied in limited ways for commercial, closed source software, though even putatively accessible rarely studied besides by looking through source code while debugging. Interestingly, though digital humanities and media studies embrace big data, attempts at automating analysis also involve programming algorithms and developing instruments to do so, in addition to using countless third party applications subject to their own governmentalities. We have not yet taken the stance of prioritizing programming and working code more broadly. So out of the broad divisions of software types we can visit accounts by industry professionals encountering program source code but adjusting their examples to comply with their non disclosure agreements as well as more commonly studied open source projects. This perspective is essential because a large percentage of the software systems running under the control of corporations, commercial and infrastructure services, is of this proprietary nature, even though the utility component of its activity relies on what we call foss, floss, such as GNU and Linux, things published under the gpl, returning to Foucaults litany. Maybe to get there we need a really good instructional example like my eighties PHI imagined as way to not just by carried by streams but operate upon them, where if we use the metaphor of steering we enter cyber metphors all over agin. I would like to talk about how typical programming patterns often embody and answer classical philosophical questions, including those posed by logicians. Floridi provides an excellent example in his now decades old definition of cyberspace, but there are plenty other common architectural paradigms that respond to questions of quantification, identity, truth, though we tend to binarize it and declare it uncomputable.

7 16 1 (1900) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20140623 20140623 0 -12+ journal_2014.html
If I am to become a philosopher of computer programming then my software must handle this iterative processing I propose for thousands of years times PHI seconds PHI RC time constant as explained to other humans, for it is their intersection with machines, preferably toys over weapons and other types of machines, at which humans most authentically now encounter technology.

7 16 1 (2000) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160507 20160507 0 -1+ journal_2016.html
Reading Commonwealth without a pen will have to remember footnote to article about neoliberal governmentality, Ferguson and Gupta Spatializing states: toward an ethnography of neoliberal governmentality, and a book to order about transmodernity, Dussel The Invention of the Americas, and comparison between constitutive function of past atrocities tying modernism, colonialism, slavery and computing parallels.

7 16 1 (2100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20130421 20130421a 56 -3+ journal_2013.html

Visiting unforeseen implications of particular coding practices, even apparently beneficial information hiding stressed by Brooks Jr. and later object oriented theorists, beyond critiques of proprietary, monolithic cathedral production processes leading to malware dangers, is the insight that the bedumbing of America is also an outcome. Comingling of languages in new bazaar babel down to the kernel of individual thoughts is one of many what should be obvious implications of multilanguage constitution of source code, for example English C++.

7 16 1 (2200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130421 20130421b 1 -7+ journal_2013.html
From third order logic vantage of why it is best to learn programming using early states of eight bit art. Dissertation as virtual machine changes human consumption level texts to program fodder like horrifying scientific narrative of The Matrix as being media critique. In the semantics of this philosophy of computing, Brooks and especially brooks jr and all its symbols by definition point to texts of Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. Likewise prohibition defining forbidden prohibited coding codified in U.S. DCMA shunted via GPL fair use like my use of copyrighted Brooks publication as a new phenomenal realm for academic thought.

7 16 1 (2300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140602 20140602a 0 -8+ journal_2014.html
Economies of scale are among the relationships everyone should understand in terms of possible procedural rhetorics PHI becomes the fundamental metaphysical rule PHI of all thing and each and everything as if consumed for computation by OOP PHI. The dumbest generation is the problem right now and we solve it by thoughtful programming in floss OOP objects PHI. Let computer science concretize or in terms of philosophers Deleuze and Guattari PHI programming. I am letting computer science territoralize philosophies of programming and taking computing and computer programming. The basis of chapter three is really the social construction of technology exemplified by Bijker and Hughes among others. Encountering the dumbest generation American Socrates PHI simple circuits PHI. The only metaphysical truth to be known and trusted is that books on the right hand bookcase are in the schedule and vice versa. Is that a workable programming thought is a question posed by philosophers of computing, computer programming, and of course programming, which we have yielded to computer science establishing territorial rights over computing instead, even letting psychology have computer programming, what is wrong with that as a compromise that becomes philosophical finesse I ask, leveraging its scope to pose particular philosophical questions such as how do I best learn how computers work from the ground up and establish a lifelong programming practice.

7 16 1 (2400) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20110421 20110421b 0 -5+ journal_2011.html
It does not work through itself that fast; that is why it does not work.

7 16 1 (2500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20120511 20120511a 10 -2+ journal_2012.html
Repeat idea of Turkle game to play with gamefication fad typical of post-postmodern late capitalism " Bogost avoiding object oriented, preferring alien phenomenology and tiny ontology, is the reverse of tolma activity diving into the midst of thinking with complex systems." (a philosophy of computing concept born born from Jameson, that is, Jameson++, inheritance, polymorphism)

7 16 1 (2600) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160510 20160510 0 -1+ journal_2016.html
Today I am sitting in Sanford with this recurring thought now cast as how project management subsumes the philosophy of computing PHI I get to invent because nobody else seems to be thinking it.

7 16 1 (2700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160509 20160509 2 -1+ journal_2016.html
Bury may be bad word for philosophy of computing to subsume into project management happening in business environments among professional programmers and their software running.

7 16 1 (2800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140512 20140512 0 -4+ journal_2014.html
That is the trick making virtual reality at time PHI. It is a series of a what I forget was talking in circles speaking PHI. Imagine a market for ready at hand virtual realities that immerse members of my generation in 1980s worlds in which new experiences of unknown media can be had, along with more familiar memorable content and restaging of events. Need to revisit the four quadrants Ryan presents.

7 16 1 (2900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160512 20160512 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
I dont have an exact idea of the range of values of PHI depending on copyright expiration including this music I listened to as a child youth minor et cetera, but I can still imagine the thought PHI to build it by writing software and assembling content. Nonetheless I can iteratively write software to work with its eventualities PHI that may recompute other start PHI.

7 16 1 (3000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160523 20160523 0 -7+ journal_2016.html
Not to realize earlier that though philosophical thought rides atop foss, that thought rides and foss affords, there is much more work to be done than to rely solely on prior working code still working, supposing also that architect like full professor as tpl assistant ascension package as in parallel paths in different careers, only to realize distinction made by Berry between deontological and PHI as distinct approaches to software engagement governmentality condemns deprecates negates disfavors disallows to downright incompatible inconsistent, this is an edge of logic well suited for programming that has been awkward for binary either or logics to comprehend. No you are not a text formula stop it let my type the date and continue with thoughts from garage so obvious as to not record write down inscribe mark all the way to be visible dot matrix PHI real virtualities PHI. Everyone knows a dog needs a home a shelter from pigs on the wing PHI currently intellectual property reverting to public domain at sixty four bit broken down time PHI riding with stuff that is already free in all senses of freedom. Brown eyed women and red grenadine PHI carries it on with foss and hardware singing about obsolete platforms in every industry and consumer category. Plan to get down to electronic details as empirical science prefers phenomenology to other philosophical approaches part of what I mean by types and kinds of philosophies that could be meant to be uttered with computing. Have to read all chapters repeatedly simultaneously in cacophony of orders of magnitude temporal and physical PHI. Like advice to stake in three key ancient utterances set this relevance high to hold thought in this last sentence.

7 16 1 (3100) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160602 20160602 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
System got nearly intolerably slow rotating display back to normal seated format PHI.

7 16 1 (3200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160810 20160810 3 -6+ journal_2016.html
Best in class decades ago sported Microsoft monocultures like Nazis under IBM computing machinery PHI. Chomsky Requiem for the American Dream aligns with Hardt and Negri, Boltanski and Chiapello, as well as Golumbia. Ten principles of domination by immortal corporations with more personal rights than virtually all individuals. Point is that inhuman corporations living in cyberspace and the built environment have influenced human being profoundly but more importantly are now significantly extant in terms of their impact on planetary history, from influencing elections to providing the TCPIP technological infrastructure. Can software be innocent invokes the personification of corporations to suppose other collectives are likewise granted personhood to stand them against ethical criteria formerly reserved for flesh and blood human beings alone. Emerging machine being thus has its own identity struggles.

7 16 1 (3300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160607 20160607 0 -4+ journal_2016.html
Heres what we know so far tonight about election results divisible by four significance PHI underlies public radio so not just the PHI but the engineering response how; this is of course a way we interrogate the standing reserve to derive its philosophical PHI milieu technostructure built environment digital electronic computing phenomena PHI. We guess assume that at a similar point Lacan became conscious of his new media machinery and altered his PHI to optimally alter it in conjunction with his plans, and so I do with instituting the philosophy of computing PHI first in corporations and then government organizations PHI common workspace community for working code PHI. A change in programming invokes institutional disruption as does political party, it makes perfect sense that how Hardt and Negri conceive humans also applies to machines, so we can talk about new commons in the machinic PHI foss. This becomes the latest casting of the thought in addition to being held by public domain advertisements awaiting pinball playfields.

7 16 1 (3400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160606 20160606 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
Old advertisements constituting governmentality of computing in war, business, family, recreation. By appearing in these ads the same IBM infamous among particular set of scholars connected with commercial joy of an advanced typewriter for both female typist and presumably male boss.

7 16 1 (3500) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160608 20160608 0 -1+ journal_2016.html
There is so much that has to be written to make a complete cycling of the thought throughout the temporal domains implied by the software design PHI becomes next sequential PHI for one of the many headings, and here much can be done through the cow clicking apparatus leaving the typewriter interface in another place room bodily location not teleacting or telepresence PHI.

7 16 1 (3600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160609 20160609 0 -13+ journal_2016.html
It is real and just talking about it now PHI has sparked a talking debate, using tab versus space and other bioprogramming PHI becomes my new idea PHI.

// 2016060x TODO: revise to use Notes along with Objects to deprecate public journals and toc hyperlink to first chapter headings
case 0:
fprintf(fptr, "<a name=\"toc_%s\">", Chapter.str().c_str());
case 1:
fprintf(fptr, "<a href=\"#TOC_%s\">TOC</a> ", Chapter.str().c_str());
[working code css]

Working code crumbs from where I left off programming PHI. Working code crumbs from where I left off programming PHI using console to create b note PHI then set to maximum citation sentences quantity. Except that I cannot remember what day I did it. That is it another working code PHI thinking todays thought PHI spaces more pure tabs using less generic data space to represent for example in bytes eight through sixty four historic variations of actual use through date times PHI. Bioprogramming is the phrase of the day like go fast an win, we are the ones to articulate it. Good code to add would send to new ahchor within toc as working code PHI commercial and foss word processors. The first attempt works but the anchor is after chapter name line, off by a little." (main_file_count > 0) 0in; line-height: 100%">[working code css]
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ vi journal.cpp

7 16 1 (3700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160627 20160627b 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
I did not know so many days had passed and I thought I had already typed something today about PHI that reached governmentality of software through something electronics to reach transhuman thought machine thinking PHI thinking PHI like PHI computing objects PHI high speed micro already where tele imagined if you have any sense of how to think like electronic computing machinery PHI in one world this makes me the transhuman cybersage PHI. The unique position of electronics hobbyist then joins commonality of programming experience.

7 16 1 (3800) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160628 20160628 0 -6+ journal_2016.html
Nothing was written before crashing after removing framebuffer device evoking all sorts of error messages on forced hard restart.

7 16 1 (3900) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20120628 20120628 24 -7+ journal_2012.html
Moving on to list #3.

7 16 1 (4000) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20120628 20120628a 33 -6+ journal_2012.html
Need to skip first eighteen periods (testing reveals twenty seven), which cannot be done using a single decimal digit from the Relevance field.

7 16 1 (4100) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20130628 20130628a 0 -3+ journal_2013.html
The strict uniformity of the prevalence of the real over virtual machine environment creation gives logical ordering to time instants representations PHI when on the same LAN or distributed over the global Internet as each symposia starts offset to each other, placing the real over the virtual in an otherwise arbitrary extent.

7 16 1 (4200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160630 20160630 0 -41+ journal_2016.html
Respond to local personal question of changing Friday dinner plans a human thing that can be imagined by machines PHI then close email and reduce other processes before starting virtual machine PHI as culmination of life time programming human and machine activity micro and tele alien milieu PHI. Adding emphasis to prior year text. Computing intersects us at capacities of trust and understanding, to the point we delegate intellectual and mechanical tasks to them the way we do automobiles and plumbing with endnote or footnote to the scholarly popular press book approximately subtitled how plumbing saved civilization. Forgot what was in immediate short term attention to achieve by human interfacing computing, a subpart of which I describe as critical programming involving a number of floss projects as part of its current instantaneous discursive canon internetworked galaxies of meaning virtual worlds PHI future humans can go when they are very old, finally remembering watching updates download delaying ripping CDs until tomorrow morning. The point is to create crossing anchor points distributed among your texts data making your life including everything you read with your human eyes. Funny the radio turned off when I walked into the kitchen from garage having just turned off the radio there becomes a boundary of philosophical because overall linguistic narrative passing transmission texts PHI while addressing current problems of minute through decade computed, real time computing galaxies of meaning as real virtualities PHI crossing human and machine experience, perceptions, understandings, ideas, thoughts, real times texts being likewise vocalized by formant synthesis in virtual spaces superimposed on old Apple games PHI at time all copyrights of them all expire in the future 64 bit time expression including PHI time read about. I said dumbest generation need to catch up in addition to address current problems and earlier to which now responding to earlier political events reflection discussion. This thought belongs in chapter five heading four becomes a likely computable defined as default. There was also an imagining from the vehicles perspective. Note the significance "of the view from the database browser versus the web browser: this is where things are important, have value, are constituted as dynamic, self reprogramming inter and local networked assemblies of computing machinery. Orality, literacy, PHI is symposia (auditory orality with no prior instantiation), tapoc (visual literacy writing and zoographia), pmrek (programming virtual reality third order logic) instantiating media content positions in computer human symbiosis phenomena. Come up with a plan PHI for the research methods class in which informed consent is not required due to the hypotheses tested involving performance measurement of the pmrek, hinting that discreet questions could be asked and encoded in the game play such as via the flipper buttons. This involves pmrek and poller, with journal perhaps feeding the display. Philosophizing with computers involves not just working code but also hacking hardware, that is, it involves programming and electronics. This is the next step to force digital humanities scholarship to take, after working code. There can also be a long meditation on tools. Having a well-equipped workshop in order to pursue technical undertakings is costly, and of course the problem arises frequently when a needed tool, part or procedure is unavailable. Each uncooperative individual must duplicate the effort of others in order to achieve a result, such as a functioning replacement control system or a road worthy automobile. What about project management? The very notion implies planning and Platos idea taking precedence over the unmediated activity referred to as from the hip. Concealing visual timestamp generated by self arranged word processor macro, user arranged as a kind of programming always challenging hegemony of symbolic programming styles PHI. once youve had a [true] thought you can never leave it. And the techne are like sciences. Thus, not having learned Physics and Calculus, I have been saved from falling into the sort of thinking-out of the Thought of thoughts that (any will work of {crystallizes, determines, pro-grams/prographs, casts, throws, and so on and so on/etc., generates}) life-production, the equivalent of TSE.. Now, however, My voice tells me what to learn and what to PHI, which might mean that I remain interested in PHIbracket yet fail to understand[,] and therefore do not use it in my PHI. That is, some things I pursue with only half my heart and attention, feeling for whatever reason that they really do not call for thinking. One boundary with the danger, since time still passes learning these things; despite the presence of other interests, the wasteland grows. From above, from what has already been said or laid down, its means of p. PHI what I am considering is at the same time the bad thing, which we are taught to censure, and also the good thing, what passes for rationality. For instance, we would rather have a committee meeting than decide everything by a lottery mechanism. The gathering-together of individuals heralds the horizon of higher consciousness while it simultaneously outlines a conspiracy. Most of us/me imagine that the single consciousness behaves in a similar manner between its various waking manifestations. The past drifts away, though yesterday when I saw an old, forlorn 8-track tape player I remembered enough to think this. Well, Ive had it with Philosophy; it was sort of like a subroutine and now Im returning to the last one I was. Oh no, I hope not the Last Man. Now that is a new pattern to introduce into the daily journal writing and programmed readings in browsers and elsewhere and by dynamic computation on vms and local area networks PHI. I was able to grab it from the user interface active in during a process of browser refresh. The cow clicking challenge is to write this via a sequence of snippets from past years entries. Try that intellectual exercise for those influenced by Nietzsche." (value)

7 16 1 (4300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160829 20160829 2 -2+ journal_2016.html
The correct way to collectively use all these PHI, equipment students bring with them, transforms not only what can be done in the classroom, but also the ontological epistemological question what can be classroom, allowing for imagining bringing pinball machine. As a topic for ethics course deny siren servers territorializing your experience of its machinic being PHI by inhabiting other environs or interacting as a persona rather than a person, an alter ego social media presence.

7 16 1 (4400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160927 20160927 0 -9+ journal_2016.html
The highly engineered digital computer synthesized sound machine fails we already know this code will outlive us incrementally, so I write mine using sixty four bit broken down time with long integer timestamps. Decisive campaign moments not letting big guy making mistakes stop. It is the party of the smart people versus ultra wealthy and careless reasoners as Postman predicted three decades ago in era of eight thru sixteen bit computing PHI. The mistake of segmentation is also part of the philosophy of computing it goes along with other topics in governmentality of software though appropriate to question can software be innocent, it is the misproportioning between customer size and team size, that the software development resources scale with the size and anticipated complexity of the customer base. But it really belongs with a class of questions I find obnoxious for being work related reminding me of the job killing me. There is a part of literary soul that disappears with print based soul even among digital immigrants that seems reasonable digital natives would have no clue idea imagination of PHI. Being humans on cusp of losing connection to literary consciousness many of whom grew up during nineteen eighties computing cultures PHI into which we could go in Javascript based vms is my next true task PHI including learning more JavaScript. Funny that it could be a virtual world reflecting back into itself with webserver running on vm accessed via remote browser in same TCP IP network galaxy of meaning PHI. Learning JavaScript also crosses new ontologies already brushing networks.

7 16 1 (4500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20161031 20161031a 34 -2+ journal_2016.html
My banal evil business thought is wrest configuration away from customer into custom extension operator; this becomes an output of the philosophy of computing under the heading the governmentality of software also to be pitched for iacap. Includes self governed behavior among machine processes via law become code, then all sorts of variations featuring human social and individual crossing into social as online internet cyberspace being together sliding back toward machinic behavior.

7 16 1 (4600) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20161106 20161106 1 -5+ journal_2016.html
Fable as unavowable dream the postmodern world dreams about itself, the final great narrative the world persists in telling itself, whose model of protocol expresses the distributed, decentralized emergent authority so different than liberal, as in book and individual, consciousness.

7 16 1 (4700) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20121113b TAPOC_20121113b 17 -5+ journal_2012.html
Queue up Sonic Youth also part of the virtual production calling for the when all patents and copyrights expire test to be run as a reality filter, akin to a networking filter like tcpdump with GUI front ends like Wireshark, which had a notorious former name we have been urged to forget through API deprecation.

7 16 1 (4800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20121127 20121127 1 -2+ journal_2012.html
Simple delinquencies of capitalism, the happy decriminalized flaneur of the arcade as the quintessential Internet browser ovedetermined by governmental network and, now bracketing human, physical spatial perceptual field surveillance symptoms of embodying computing technologies. Three minutes of microsecond precision encoded reality illustrated in pmrek machine files and text representations, assembly language versions of their natural expression this is the habitus of machines equally distinct from any attempts to represent it, and only with great effort intuited by humans.

7 16 1 (4900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170106 20170106 2 -10+ journal_2017.html
Press delete enter instead of enter to start entry to adjust for incorrect auto insertion, default machine action causing trouble normally corrected by human becoming basis of interactive computing versus prior human human nexus, that is, there not being more than one machine to internetwork as in early epoch of electronic computing always devolving to human computers. Now more than two machine computers normal so attention to human computing recedes, and classical philosophy with it in a subsumption process PHI. Why not spend some time to create another iteration repetition PHI iacap submission. It is the governmentality of software applying Foucault to programming and other life cycle steps PHI. Until you would have a machine writing to software, however, you do not have a way for self reflection upon the language in its self replicating code actions revision histories PHI. Wrap the philosophers around electronic computing technology as entry into philosophy of computing. Remember they always let you down when you need them blue jean from not yet free song of david bowie PHI equals of as example of third order operator PHI. Need to get into android phone technology as well as learn new programming techniques including languages Python and Java. Bioprogramming as the governmentality of software good enough title to start writing it, for it describes post postmodern network dividual cyborgs. Time for the next year to iterate.

7 16 1 (5000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130106a TAPOC_20130106a 0 -6+ journal_2013.html
Bogost makes the obvious and appealing claim to advertisers that there is untapped potential in considering procedural rhetoric in videogames. Videogames are the most common rhetoric delivery devices, or in the case of dynamic, procedural operations, interfaces to rhetorical logics, for they all exist in virtual realities except in their intersection with players, which takes place on a temporal continuum appealing primarily to human operators, specifying yet another unexplored market or method. Pinball platform studies focuses programming electronic computing machinery of manageable complexity with respect to humans maintaining comprehensive, designer understanding of actual devices, software systems, and particular regions of source code in which working code occurs. Working code is human machine symbiosis interface phenomena, following lead suggested by dissertation committee in agreeing that Clarkƒs embodied theory of mind is rooted in phenomenology. It is worth asking why, but I will delay that task. Pinball platform affords study of human and machine embodiment, for both are meaningfully scoped within the system parameters, although it was too much trouble to bring a pinball machine to this presentation, so you will have to try imagining the following game play from your seats.

7 16 1 (5100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170113 20170113 7 -15+ journal_2017.html
9 Governmentality of Software: Foucault. The governmentality of software is programming mediating humanity and synthetic network phenomena, that is, id est, ie, machines, together bioprogramming as biopolitics expressed primarily human aspect for Foucault. I force you to do this to remember the count is something human wagers machines can or cannot distinguish sense perceive thought for phenomenology based sciences. What if Chomsky joked about misinterpretation of Foucault becomes basis of question waxing philosophical, having x degree philosophicalness PHI about which we can bracket distortion of this Foucault ignorance by reducing x by some degree proportion factor multiplier indexer offset and the rest, et cetera, etc. A philosophical thought about computing includes code. That is what I mean by bioprogramming as the governmentality of software. While we like to talk about abstract computing actual computing occurs in tcpip networks mostly imperceivable to us in our ordinary attention. A powerful expression of our border with this I call the machinic occurs when we program with it, therefore in actually existing commonly used programmig languages like C, C++, PHP, Java, Javascript, and so on, we have to situate our discourse. We all say we know these but most would not admit they can think like high speed computing machines or electronic devices. What is there to know of machine experience emerges as working code. What do we think emergence cyberspace intelligence is like in as extremely high speed processes, this is how we interface computing, the most aware by skilled coding and debugging. For software more than anything else the often cited what has come to be known as Latour litany by Bogost is Foucault listing types of PHI applies. There are all kinds of software living in cyberspace interacting with us enough to be considered alien intelligence. We get to know them by using, our lives structured by the encoded built environment surrounding us, what Kitchin and Dodge call code space, them but closest by working their code. Go back to the beginning of this section.

7 16 1 (5200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170820 20170820 0 -3+ journal_2017.html
Make PHI coextensive with governmentality of software, bioprogramming describing what we are doing. Communism instantiated is elitist hallucination unless applied to all production, as in foucault biopower PHI. A different kind of poetics slash hermeneutics.
select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=16) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.16 governmentality of software+

7.17 can software be innocent

--7.17.1+++ can software be innocent

7 17 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20160407 20160407a 2 -2+ journal_2016.html
Can software be innocent sic skirts ethical boundaries regarding use, freedom zero as Stallman calls it, a basic stance for computing system imagination seeming to shift responsibility to its programmers and other users. What about software that wreaks havoc in cyberspace, or runs murderous war machines?

7 17 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140220 20140220a 0 -2+ journal_2014.html
American became control society with same maschinen as Germans killingry lodged in corporate enterprise resource management systems. The attack level engagement should be critique of the sociotechnical collective DEUTSCHE HOLLERITH MASCHINEN GESELLSCHAFT in addition to the actions of individuals, recalling Weinberg challenging psychological research to extend into programming groups.

7 17 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20120818a TAPOC_20120818a 0 -2+ journal_2012.html
The use of FDL for visual images meaningful to human beings and other agents in virtual realities complements the machine existence enjoyment of GPL for programs that compile into further machine, and less human intelligible beings machines texts such as a huge digital archive working with " What does it mean that machines have always been using human languages as long as humans have used media machines?" (this is as close as we can get to its intelligibility, either working with or crticizing (as not working with, working with absence, the other truth value)

7 17 1 (400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160725 20160725 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
Technomedia of the multitude takes control with election. Another programmed vision comes by making the entry two hundred to put at beginning instead of end both signifying most recent thinking of it.

7 17 1 (500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20090725 20090725a 0 -10+ journal_2009.html
Zizek believes that at the perverse core of Christianity is Godƒs hysteria, the paradoxical figure of Christ, like a bug in a computer program, or a fault in an electronic circuit, by writing a series of books called short circuits.

7 17 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150603 20150603a 0 -12+ journal_2015.html
Can software be innocent? I donƒt think this question is nonsensical for it forces us to look at our PHI. The question can software be innocent could involve considering whether it inherits the evils of its operating system, or and reflect a revision history back to concentration camps in its code. Even with human elements mostly bracketed out at electronic circuit levels, incomprehensible frequencies, except that humans made them, at least in paradigmatic late twentieth century curving thirty two bit Unix time of von Neumann architecture internetworked personal computers. Do we resign ourselves like Kittler to think that the Big Other now immanent in software has gone on to begin its own nameless high commands? Is talking about code itself reflecting entrenched biases of privileged, gendered colonial discourses? There are many ways it could be answered and asked, and we need an adequate theoretical framework and methodology. It is a question for programming philosophers. McGann for methodology, and Applen and McDaniel, Hayles, etc. -> [arrow] procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony. And doesnƒt this affect how we philosophize freedom zero? Delta working code spaces or space PHI.

7 17 1 (700) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20131206 20131206a 0 -11+ journal_2013.html
Where were you starts the Pink Floyd song encasing a philosophical stream itself appearing as floss.

7 17 1 (800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20040822 20040822 1 -9+ journal_2004.html
Two warnings to be heeded communicated to future pinball machine users, one about verifying a connection is made "and the other threatening penalties for misuse of copyrighted materials. Each affects the reverse engineering operation and informs the methodology. The first reiterates the need to satisfy all operational specifications, and implies data development effort to produce an adequate subset of the original (and correct, where the original contained design flaws) operational specifications. The second operates upon any effort demanded by the first in the form of a censor; for instance, the DMCA criminalizes a number of data development activities commonly used by researchers. For late twentieth century microcomputer-based control units such as the one show in the illustration, the "closed sources" are those system elements that contain stored program code and other computationally significant data.

Besides the threat of litigation for illegal use of microcomputer-based control units is the threat of suboptimal performance by the replacement system when there are mistakes in the operational specifications, missed details, or assembly errors in the construction of the replacement system. Thus a dynamic reverse engineering database should enumerate and keep watch over all of these minutiae. Additionally it should identify those forbidden territories that must remain black boxes. This I believe is Ingleƒs point about restricted information not leaving the prescreening phase." (ground bus to back box ground)
vpf_.jpg7 17 1 (900) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20110822 20110822 0 -16+ journal_2011.html
Including a new iteration of the reverse engineering a microcomputer-based control unit thesis complements traditional human-centric (humanist, humanities) texts (narratives) such as critiques and ethnographies by focusing on non-human machines instead.
screenshot_.jpg7 17 1 (1000) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20050822 20050822 3 -21+ journal_2005.html
Am I just one of Timothy Learyƒs hallucinations, now that he really is dead?

7 17 1 (1100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160531 20160531 1 -2+ journal_2016.html
Unfortunately I cannot present a portfolio of well known published work because most of my intellectual labor PHI stands behind trade secrets and non disclosure agreements regulating usage even in philosophical musings PHI. Can software be evil or innocent devolves to programmers although may seem exclusive like kayaker problem video virtuality not even necessitating real virtuality PHI.

7 17 1 (1200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160822 20160822 0 -7+ journal_2016.html
Holy fuck man I have to do this to keep the code going. I think I need to learn Javascript after years of C and C++ programming, I can step you into three of my programs simultaneously, because I have been at C too long is a programming joke. And see public radio story about coding and seeing doctor PHI and later about chthonic moment. I need to learn Javascript for happennings in real virtualities PHI in virtual machines also running my other stuff. Quick run through tapoc part testing it still works adding new notes file for citation I wanted to use. Code so the run through prior years ends with today. That is the PHI about which it temporarily hinges computationally you humans with your machines: where philosophers have focused on human I dare intuit long term machine PHI.

7 17 1 (1300) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20150609 20150609b 0 -13+ journal_2015.html
Wow super PHI bounds writing horizon and becomes philosophy of computing by programming instance unit PHI posing question can software be innocent devolves to philosophers of computing philosophical programmers and what I am proposing programming philosophers.

7 17 1 (1400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160421 20160421 2 -2+ journal_2016.html
Should the question can software be innocent, as more broadly philosophical of which ethical notable but not overdetermining, or if software cannot be innocent, therefore determining. It certainly seems feels important that most play can be innocent especially instructional programming examples giving another reason why early personal computers mark a special era from which to draw examples, although critical of choice of VCS despite its broad range of PHI.

7 17 1 (1500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160114 20160114a 21 -1+ journal_2016.html
Can software be innocent includes possibility of evil operation by virtue of freedom zero as side effect of GPL acceptance defining permissibility similar to Lessig but in terms of overabundance Nietzschean programming style being able to do so much simultaneously.

7 17 1 (1600) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20090523 20090523 1 -51+ journal_2009.html
American Socrates has to consider that the FCC can enter his thinkery without a warrant to investigate airwave transmissions putatively generated by him in his house (thinkery).

7 17 1 (1700) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20140418 20140418 16 -1+ journal_2014.html
The fence has a sign in Greek PIRAEUS because it is a symbol of symposia in the real that serves the function of giving me a wall to walk along packing back and forth when the weather is nice.

7 17 1 (1800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160307 20160307 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
Believable PHI about US genetics program ties to Nazi war machine all using same computing machinery PHI question can software be innocent contemplating and still not done writing on whiteboard THATCamp Gainesville and getting to hapoc Paris conference is why I sat down to look at email but started typing this journal entry. The point is that atrocities committed by our predecessors were facilitated by the same computing machinery from which our current systems derived.

7 17 1 (1900) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20110418 20110418 0 -11+ journal_2011.html
What should embodiment matter when interacting with media?

7 17 1 (2000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160410 20160410 0 -1+ journal_2016.html
Does innocence require moral consciousness on top of intention, and if so, so long as we dismiss the former in machinery to what extent is it a long lever from human actors, so that we easily fall into studying the intentions of programmers, system integrators, and ultimately users engaging those levers.

7 17 1 (2100) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20030421 20030421a 0 -6+ journal_2003.html
At the lake this weekend the recurring thought began after noticing that the Outlook Express shortcut pointed to an executable with a strange name: "This is how Microsoft dopes the world" often substituting "books, computers, television" "dupes" and "soul".

7 17 1 (2200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140511a TAPOC_20140511a 0 -4+ journal_2014.html
I will be the first to point out that while proponents Kemeny and Kurtz describe structured programming as virtuous and good, others like Kraft decry its use by management to deskill the computer programming labor force, as Lanier criticizes the normally praised the role of free, open source software in making the Internet what it is today, an oligopoly of siren servers exploiting the mass users for the direct benefit of the companies capitalizing on the mass user everyday operational data. Today the Internet is both powerful and vicious, some would conclude evil or grossly misaligned to human purposes. To me that is yet another symptom of the overall dumbing down of American human ingenuity at the outset of the global machine cognition age, and the analysis continues from structured programming into object oriented approaches, just as media theorists differentiate epochs based on the emergence of global Internet use. Gamble on what if the difference can be programming working code introducing human English C++ texts into shared Internet and LAN discourse networks connecting humans and machines as cyborgs, for then a whole new area of study is opened up incorporating ethnography, technology studies, philosophy, and digital humanities, by virtue of including substantial study, systems engineering, and use for empirical research in virtual realities reached through the floss projects constituting the bootstrapping and human interface of now independent machine thoughts.

7 17 1 (2300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160505 20160505 1 -4+ journal_2016.html
The part of the question that makes sense of the border and makes sense to be reiterated into the future cycles of running this software making problematic ease of fossification questioning fair use of embedded notes, border of the multitude shifts from property ownership to life long learning as positive biopolitics but does not directly ask question whether also life long programming projects in languages PHI. Strange that this has to be tested in business first but the philosophy of computing must self compile itself with help of foss. This is the most recent thought and so ends the presentation. What if you cannot but ask what is programming with what is computing.

7 17 1 (2400) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 19940511 19940511 0 -31+ journal_1994.html
THoughts for part of the Book or Truths.

7 17 1 (2500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160514 20160514 2 -8+ journal_2016.html
That new stereo rocks fed late 80s bertha from internet search followed by machine suggested china rider from 70s generates questions for the philosophy of computing and its adherents. Our ai has to tease out constraints of two digit scheme compared to bountifulness of c programming language sixty four bit broken down time. Experiencing how a translation often conceals by not including otherwise key phrases here and there. Quid verborum notas, quibus quamvis citata excipitur oratio et celeritatem linguae manus sequitur? Vilissimorum mancipiorum ista commenta sunt; sapientia altius sedet nec manus edocet, animorum magistra est. Translated as and what of the stenographic symbols which can take down a speech however rapidly delivered and enable the hand to keep pace with the agility of the tongue? But these are inventions of low-grade slaves conceals thoughtful, close reading of the phrase animorum magistra est, which suggests these are like computing taking over the soul for autonomatic work realized and philosophized about back then to. That entry from two decades ago contains many gems including notes from Marx, fitting for current reading of Hardt and Negri who continue to pull interesting uses from reading this old stuff.

7 17 1 (2600) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 19950523 19950523 86 -201+ journal_1995.html

Later after a trip home and finishing another rereading of volume 7, it see that I made many, many notes which I have never returned to.

7 17 1 (2700) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160529 20160529 0 -15+ journal_2016.html
Need to enter Hardt and Negri notes because they hit on key points at which to arrive and reiterate throughout seminar syllabus presentation text.

7 17 1 (2800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160616 20160616 0 -22+ journal_2016.html
When you say you know XML and what else generating itself C++. How soon do we realize that we are being the home computer house robot machine human being capitalist property owner stretching into multitude other cadre members PHI workplace constitution working unit PHI including architect, lead, multiple engineers and other members majority PHI humans and machines working together in networks we hardly understand. The wild idea is to grow fruit trees watered by new roof gutter PHI crosses over what can be simulated for real virtualities PHI including public radio fm style streaming phenomena generated in real time and replayed PHI. Come on who would be into this stuff would there be an audience becomes computational axis PHI who think about computing these days in this milieu PHI. If there was a screenshot it would include system monitor showing action of machine doing LAN activity with hardly an Internet activity. Banning assault weapons is as mind bogglingly complex as banning a type of alcohol like scotch. Only the best practiced organizations staff knowledge managers though documentation and training staff are common appeals to level of information development maturity. Have not tried new code from secondary cybersage workstation that has recently been tablet whose battery must charge. What equivalence of workspaces was the key thought forgotten yesterday becomes PHI hinting at where humans and machines conspire live together coinhabit cyberspace including real virtualities PHI. Must run through it first from primary workstation to see if virtual journal of today throughout years appears to be effective programming solution PHI as working code strictly defined becomes new ontological operator PHI as in third order logic. This crucial recent addition was not recorded so it appears now.

virtual_object_source_file_name = "public_journal_" + string(buf, strlen(buf)) + ".html";
sprintf(buf, "%02d%02d", now_tm.tm_mon+1, now_tm.tm_mday);
query = "select TimestampBookmarkExtra, concat(ƒ<b>ƒ, case when length(TimestampBookmarkExtra)=8 then concat(date_format(str_to_date(TimestampBookmarkExtra,ƒ%Y%m%dƒ),ƒ%M %e,%Yƒ),ƒ</b></p><p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%\"><a name=\"journal_ƒ,TimestampBookmarkExtra,ƒ\"></a>ƒ) when length(TimestampBookmarkExtra)=14 then concat(date_format(str_to_date(right(TimestampBookmarkExtra,8),ƒ%Y%m%dƒ),ƒ%M %e,%Yƒ),ƒ</b></p><p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%\"><a name=\"ƒ,TimestampBookmarkExtra,ƒ\"></a>ƒ) end, Lexia) from Notes where (TimestampBookmarkExtra like ƒ____" + string(buf) +"ƒ or TimestampBookmarkExtra like ƒTAPOC_____" + string(buf) + "ƒ) and right(TimestampBookmarkExtra,8)<ƒ20140000ƒ";
query = "select TimestampBookmarkExtra, concat(ƒ<b>ƒ, case when length(TimestampBookmarkExtra)=8 then concat(date_format(str_to_date(TimestampBookmarkExtra,ƒ%Y%m%dƒ),ƒ%M %e,%Yƒ),ƒ</b></p><p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%\"><a name=\"journal_ƒ,TimestampBookmarkExtra,ƒ\"></a>ƒ) when length(TimestampBookmarkExtra)=14 then concat(date_format(str_to_date(right(TimestampBookmarkExtra,8),ƒ%Y%m%dƒ),ƒ%M %e,%Yƒ),ƒ</b></p><p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%\"><a name=\"ƒ,TimestampBookmarkExtra,ƒ\"></a>ƒ) end, Lexia) from Notes where (TimestampBookmarkExtra like ƒ____" + string(buf) +"ƒ or TimestampBookmarkExtra like ƒTAPOC_____" + string(buf) + "ƒ) and right(TimestampBookmarkExtra,8)=ƒ20140000ƒ";
[working code css]

This crucial recent addition was not recorded so it appears now. It is working code example PHI, although the test failed and the query had to be neutered remotely with difficulty from the touchscreen keyboard of the tablet. Essential to this C++ is embedded MySQL like Greek in Latin by Cicero when he computed in antiquity with writing. Now real virtuality fair use from cancer video as part of our genetic makeup therefore always present like evil in software, and Grateful Dead replacing public radio enabling philosophical thought in this real virtual place. Thus it goes back in time as well so I realize myself today that I am only beginning to enter this new kind of thinking place with my partially self programmed machinery PHI so this sequence demonstrates the tied togetherness of today throughout the years, in one case forced to assign to styles instead of languages addressing scripts as bastard children of programming wondering if that is not a politically correct concept only in the periphery as Heidegger perhaps neglected his inherent racism. Wind up with yesterday as end of this cycle through this day in past years as place way to think." (buf, "%04d", (now_tm.tm_year + 1900 1) 0in; line-height: 100%">[working code css]
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/src/tapoc$ vi journal.cpp

7 17 1 (2900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140616 20140616a 0 -6+ journal_2014.html
Today it is a natural principle that PHI principal who gave me computer in late 1970s leading into early 1980s use to be fully computed PHI after all copyrights expire past time PHI based on 64 bit timestamp emerging from iterations of 32 bit exceeding sense boundary PHI. That is how it works the doctoral dissertation exists in floss real virtualities PHI. The wager is that the doctoral dissertation product has to be written by output of PHI C++ Journal class system of tapoc floss project components. Must change verbiage revision reverberating back through this day in history PHI computed by tapoc and other floss supersphere network intelligence PHI. The next step in the software design follows from a simple idea that what I had it when I sat down PHI now I forget typing here human machine cognition real virtuality position, that we need to compute what virtual reality position as if human machine combination with annoying insects flying around attracted to the screen. The pesky ant has to live like it has to burn all its fuel supply to get there using wings judiciously as natural instinct or simply statistical population.

7 17 1 (3000) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20120616 20120616a 90 -9+ journal_2012.html
Newer Foucault does fit transition into machine embodiment through emphasis on operations of micro-physics and power over human bodies affecting both human and machine embodiment.

7 17 1 (3100) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20080616a TAPOC_20080616a 0 -20+ journal_2008.html
Stop the game.

7 17 1 (3200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20070616 20070616a 0 -5+ journal_2007.html
The characteristic of computing as it relates to human being is going back to memory for experience, consuming experience in the act of manipulating some artifice for the sake of causing recollection through it. There is a clear analogy between what [Plato, ancients, philosophers] said about writing and the essence of binary electronic computing technology. Call it the fetch and execute cycle or the "stored program concept or some other popular definition and see how it fits with external marks and reminders employed to influence the soul with words. Whereas the ancients groped at the implications of computing technology, we moderns shun considering what is clearly arguable by tracing its impact through our intellectual history. Is this insight sufficient to create an entire scholarly (academic) career?" (von Neumann)

7 17 1 (3300) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 19950616 19950616 8 -5+ journal_1995.html
stop writing .

7 17 1 (3400) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 19950718 19950718 2 -32+ journal_1995.html

Does the path of creation always follow (have) a plan?

7 17 1 (3500) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 19940718 19940718 5 -11+ journal_1994.html
This experimental writing with right justification not only speeds up the processing time of my typing, but perhaps eases reading as well: I often have trouble resetting my eyes upon what should be the next line of text after Iƒve reached the rightmost end of the page on the previous/current line.

7 17 1 (3600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160614 20160614 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
The one thing you have to remember keep cycling in mind is equivalence of work places PHI and this becomes automatic writing PHI human machine concourse PHI. Why I make jokes about Floridi and Zizek, agree with Berry but put on same edge of boundary of just beginning to be programmers, so I give Chomsky a pass, who likewise famously ridicules Foucault and Lacan in early Internet species being PHI.

7 17 1 (3700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160708 20160708 1 -1+ journal_2016.html
Dinner plans for Friday night bound a set of statements made over time span easily by C broken down time library function PHI tonight I want to think about shared libraries along with other overall architectural solutions, realizing these as well appeal to library functions in their own code that can be joined to the shared object library compilation milieu PHI, let that be the words of the day.

7 17 1 (3800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160621 20160621a 0 -3+ journal_2016.html
Today is a long example of holding power of this foss and self written portfolio of projects platform over me for decades. Today is singular to being equal to the medium union multitude network and locations of spare glasses substitute for distances between houses where each pair of glasses is regularly found. What was once a pleasant job becomes annoying.

7 17 1 (3900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20120622 20120622 0 -2+ journal_2012.html
In PHI did PHI reader encode in symposia, or situate in a pleasure dome. Add symposium user and symposia audible field generator accompanying tapoc visual field generator to the virtual machine running the tapoc secondary user

7 17 1 (4000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160622 20160622 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
You guys miss skipping sullen secret thinking place within my house as opposed to being public multitude PHI different than how we are accustomed to thinking about Deleuze and G. It is a long thought that will take decades if not millennial time unit to compute PHI using vms built of foss, that is a really long thought for machines and humans.

7 17 1 (4100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160709 20160709 2 -4+ journal_2016.html
Talking about feasible short term change instead of dreamy universal truths PHI synaptogenesis versus evolutionary scope, for example writing machines and organs. Perhaps interest in body without organs because of reticence to theorize complexities inherent in organs versus atomic units instead of leaving binarism by other ways common in philosophy, ways that often demand their own hegemony, thus maintaining binarism merely switching out PHI. That is a philosophical thought come from computing. Later experience Copeland What Philosophy Taught History same as generating real virtuality PHI the stored-program story.

7 17 1 (4200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20150709 20150709a 0 -9+ journal_2015.html
I am wagering that it is important that we did not program did not philosophize by working code, in part because of minor fud from Kittler as a pessimist philosopher of programming, and now ought to, creating new phenomenological fields containing C++ along with conversational English.

7 17 1 (4300) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20011125 20011125a 0 -17+ journal_2001.html
What does it mean to say monopoly power is abused?

7 17 1 (4400) [0+]mCQK bork-journal 20160714 20160714 0 -1+ journal_2016.html
Expensive textbooks analogous to costly prescription drugs both raising question of capitalist greed versus social good, nearing conclusion of Hardt Negri trilogy bolstering opinion that working code in foss cyberspace exemplifies the sort of outcome sought by their theories, and in these biopolitical production places democracy learns from business.

7 17 1 (4500) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20041226 TAPOC_20041226 0 -21+ journal_2004.html
Institutions have wasted me the same way as individuals, through carelessness.

7 17 1 (4600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170220 20170220a 10 -1+ journal_2017.html
The attack level engagement should be critique of the sociotechnical collective DEUTSCHE HOLLERITH MASCHINEN GESELLSCHAFT in addition to the actions of individuals, recalling Weinberg challenging psychological research to extend into programming groups, and also in the current context influenced by Foucault, Coll, this mundane engagement with the machinic built into corporations.

7 17 1 (4700) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20150611 20150611b 0 -8+ journal_2015.html
Awkward to get here this way reaching end of latest draft quoting McGann intending picking up soldering irons to pinball repair, as in the philosophical programmer scholar reaching something of complexity of pmrek as working code place to do philosophy of computing programming technology.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=17) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.17 can software be innocent+

7.18 programmed responses

--7.18.1+++ programmed responses

7 18 1 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130912 20130912a 1 -3+ journal_2013.html
Anticipating where Malabou is going with plasticity versus flexibility and learning to say no to the social demands generated from the forms of culture reflexively generated through the particular computing technologies that have evolved along with them, I compare the intense anguish portrayed in the film Fail-Safe about detection, control, and the massive effects of the single bit gone haywire in the Cold War to the contemporary, everyday conditions of network dividuals working in IT fields. This thought arises in conjunction with a botched software upgrade at work that spanned cascading repercussions. That this insight emerges through the procedural literacies developed by a mind that has spent decades writing software and dealing with intricate, complex systems, close to the machine like Ullman, without which only a general sense of ominous, pervasive dread of the incomprehensibility of inner workings the built environment, demonstrates the importance of critical programming studies for the humanities.

7 18 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20161213 20161213a 0 -6+ journal_2016.html
Why there was association of keyboard with feminine and mouse masculine has its particular history that enough philosophy of computing hints at. A sixty four bit broken down time object captures territorializes objectifies causes to subsume into but still must always be expressed in particular programming languages some crossing human languages others immersed in their own congress. The diode and transistor open new language entering realm of high speed computing machinery where previously always solely human, for eventually the machines will grasp my thought. What is advanced server side programming let us begin each session answering that fundamental basic question. We are programming sixty four bit ipv6 computing machinery. Server side is computationally sometimes equal to client side when quantified as cpu time, but in this context it means controlling the machine human interaction by not only responding to requests but replying with programmed visions supplying the domain of expected http request content.

7 18 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160831 20160831 3 -19+ journal_2016.html
Now enter programming, too, enlightening the response about why such banal lifetime software projects evolve as such.
How does it happen equals what was I thinking when I took that PHI equals equals is answered by is third order logic PHI because that is when I began to forget, that was when I wrote and before it on the whiteboard first fetching a dry erase marker from the other room. My mind wandered and I thought machinic like Martin fictional world trees as another kind of awareness beyond the thin veil of consciousness defined by Aquinas, Descartes, and so on. At the end of the first verge of remembering along with simulation of machinic awareness via running code for real virtuality generation in cyberspace against which humans interface by typing it was meant to be more than a humand and machininc reading yet aligns with journal entry going on for far beyond individual human PHI users and developer users. The contemplated major change was to add another section to the syllabus, forcing decision of whether to create a new journal entry or edit the one whose prior revisions this year mark other changes to the human oriented text output creation generation such as changing the see plus plus code where the journal entry basing the table of contents is computed. Since it is in this year just keep changing it, though submit a revision first. Working code intervenes.

[working code css]
svn commit -m "20160831"
Sending journal_data/journal_2016.html
Transmitting file data .done
Committing transaction...
Committed revision 1800.
[working code css]

Working code intervenes. Not actual code changes, just record of the aforementioned submission before commencing with cow clicking exercise to add entries to new eighteenth heading of the syllabus chapter. Programmed PHI, which I forgot, are better way to cast thinking about the philosophy of computing than stopping with programmed visions and moving back into traditional philosophical domains. Programmed responses that are evoked through otherwise banal life long programming work, self defining ones thinking area, thinking places spaces, cyborg thinkery. Nice thing is that the cow clicking can be done without updating the earlier entry in word processor document, although the day has passed so the page cannot be refreshed and I risk losing the entry that inspired developing a new heading section in the syllabus chapter seven. Writing composing arranging database table data blindly because this change to the basis of the table of contents was not made so the new section does not show up in the literature review view, that is, session thirteen that has a specific set of custom elf invoked from generic webserver tapoc journal arguments.

7 18 1 (400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20101010 20101010 0 -9+ journal_2010.html
The gap to which I look is the realm of unasked questions because the grounding [theory, vision, hypothesis, idea, insight] has not be articulated, itself lying in the latent, nascent field of texts and technology, digital media, etc, studies. What if the spark required to get kids programming is seldom delivered by formal instruction, that it more typically happens when kids are playing with computers on their own " Then it matters whether the computers kids use are accompanied by texts (taken broadly to mean printed books and electronic media) that lead them (in the sense of rhetoric) to want to learn to program. From this angle the question, Why Johnny canƒt code?, receives responses informed by rhetorical analysis of texts bundled with computers with which kids may code. My study will focus on the [OEM genuine official commercial] texts that were bundled with popular, early personal computers [sold in the United States by Apple, Commodore, IBM, Tandy, Texas Instruments from the late 1970s through mid 1980s before the near monopolization of the market by Microsoft Windows based machines].

The earlier problem statement is retained though the research questions have shifted. The problem in which I am interested is that the sense of urgency and value in teaching computer programming as a basic skill to American youth appears to have diminished from the late 1980s and early 1990s when Turkle was doing her ethnographic studies of programming styles. The disciplinary and professional communities that are interested in this problem may of course be technology educators, but I believe the problem is also relevant to ethnographers of technology as well as texts and technology theorists because programming computers is one of the quintessential acts of post-literate culture." (without authorial adult intervention)
screenshot_.jpg7 18 1 (500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20100911 20100911 4 -3+ journal_2010.html
Change the terms of computer addiction from pathological habits to default acceptance through usage, that is, the Microsoft Windows experience driving [second order consumption behavior choices ". Recast technology addiction to ƒunreflexive consumption of default technology systemsƒ from accounts of excessive usage in order to consider this aspect of comportment apart from the preponderance of narratives focusing on spending too much time in front of the computer, on line, ignoring reality, ruining body and health, taking on the complexion of the dead, and so on. Include discussion of Slashdot addicts and other things in Turkleƒs recent book." (which account for our not writing our own software)

7 18 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150831 20150831b 0 -14+ journal_2015.html
Theorist practitioners come from Applen and McDaniel, working code places from Janz. You are questioning ridiculously like pondering valid rounds of smarts as user conceived darts games PHI. I am ready for Berry, Janz, McDaniel processing turning public domain reading writings into foss PHI is philosophical finesse operation PHI going down to Bogost units as places with multiple million perspectives embodying combinations of language units PHI. Suitable to go beyond Berry as continuation of exam questions, and Deleuze, Tanaka-Ishii, Bogost, and so on. I have no problem moving Berry notes from 5.1.1 and 3.1.10 to 3.1.8 starting with Riparian habitus using annotated bibliography view as place for dissertation cow clicking network cyberspace collective intelligence shared space activity PHI but leave the one starting 4.3.2 main sequence, the one proposing consider other manifestations of computationalism such as through deliberate exercises for intuiting machine embodiment. Numinous feeling of what the hand of god is like describing mind altering drugs taken by a famous scientist who recently died, Oliver Sacks.

7 18 1 (700) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20161125 20161125 0 -6+ journal_2016.html
As if could have done tonight at mikes PHI is the could not PHI thing the reason I turned from human to machine comportment PHI is the truth becomes the thought with radiohead background sound real virtuality area space place for philosophy of computing to commence.

7 18 1 (800) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20051125a TAPOC_20051125a 0 -11+ journal_2005.html
Between those who design computer systems unconscious of philosophy of computing and those professional philosophers who create ethics and metaphysics for those who design computer systems, all are obliged to understand ECT, although philosophers designing possible computer systems [in the context of their work if only as examples, and I did observe professional philosophers swapping music files at the 2004 CAP conference.

7 18 1 (900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20140831 20140831b 0 -10+ journal_2014.html
Some kind of monster audio experience digital origination infuses background with life, living writing power much more strongly or in a different machine sense than experience of writing thousands of years ago to humans living at 64 bit timestamps then PHI it is high speed programming writing code typing rates range PHI. We understand biopower by writing programs whose running produce our real virtuality visual and audio phenomenological fields PHI a few sections forward in album. We define the dumbest generation as those a dimensional leap behind in comportment with technology, as articulated by someone Rushkoff following subsections on Edwards and Golumbia, also noting mistake in statement about collective intelligence not found in notes only in the dissertation chapter one work area word processor and PDF revisions not as html like others, then also seeing mistake about restatement of Plato and Veblen by Winner. The difference between ROM and RAM is like water and electricity.

[working code css]
jbork@alkibiades:~/public_html/progress/2014/08$ svn add diss_workarea_ch1.pdf
jbork@alkibiades:~/public_html/progress/2014/08$ ls -ltr
jbork@alkibiades:~/public_html/progress/2014/08$ evince diss_workarea_ch1.pdf
[working code css]

All this goes with whiteboard and printed pages and evince diss_workarea_ch1.pdf or ampersand adjusts like steering technological comportment. Note Jenkins is not in the printout from session thirteen, meaning the mistake I am looking at exists only in the file I am not allowing myself to edit in this condition date and time PHI. Myself and many others may have made Theuth error expecting more from foss as democratizing, empowering little people towards equity imagined by Lanier of built up lifetime network activity as some strange kind of individual property.

7 18 1 (1000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20080831 20080831b 6 -12+ journal_2008.html

From the Foreward to A Companion to Digital Humanities by Roberto A. Busa:

Only a computer census of the syntactic correlations can document what concepts the author wanted to express with that word. Of a list of syntactic correlations, the "conceptual" translation can thus be given in modern languages. .. To give one example, in the mind of St Thomas ratio seminalis meant then what today we call genetic programme. Obviously, St Thomas did not know of either DNA or genes, because at the time microscopes did not exist, but he had well understood that something had to perform their functions.

He claims to be one of the first to use electronic computers in humanities studies with his Index Thomisticus project begun in 1949. Use this as something ongoing to supplement Ongƒs hypotheses. He calls it "textual hermeneutic informatics." According to the introduction, the point of the collection is to help establish Digital Humanities as a discipline in its own right.

7 18 1 (1100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20161213 20161213b 5 -1+ journal_2016.html
Server side is computationally sometimes equal to client side when quantified as cpu time, but in this context it means controlling the machine human interaction by not only responding to requests but replying with programmed visions supplying the domain of expected http request content.

7 18 1 (1200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160903 20160903 0 -13+ journal_2016.html
The other thing to do besides philosophize is reduce screen brightness and turn off wireless networking to save localhost battery. Burn some of those battery resources running the software make following a reboot and to get the latest stuff working. Think how long html has to last not merely decades or millenia but even longer spans to be able to be used to contemplate PHI among which I include syllabus for a philosophy of computing PHI. Along with html journal sense has to remain while I have already noted limit of ten thousand human years subsuming prior explanations. It takes some resources to make the screenshot png but not as much as running custom software to make html, a static kind of dynamic in the sense that it is generated on the fly as you acces the web pages browsing cyberspace human interfacing with it PHI. Here.

[working code css]
Is [progress/2016/09/screenshot_20160903.png] relevant? y/n:y
Committed revision 319.
[working code css]

Here. Here is where the working code would go if I did it today. If I was well behaved I would take the time to find out why the programs seg fault when accessed from public network as secondary cybersage user console viewpoints PHI. Also should be learning Javascript but this consumes precious battery as well.
screenshot_.jpg7 18 1 (1300) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20080907 20080907 0 -12+ journal_2008.html
Typographic rules internalized as computer programs talk about the formation of preconscious from non-human consciousness.

7 18 1 (1400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160907 20160907 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
The feeling of the machinic crosses multiple temporal boundaries PHI regressive symbol referring to dissertation reference PHI citing places where arguments evoke themselves in real time real virtulaties PHI. Ranges beyond human that coconstitute cyberspace very short also suggest very long though short during its inception, plus I need to be here to put in new entries.

7 18 1 (1500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20090910 20090910 1 -4+ journal_2009.html
This could be an encoded communication to my future selves; I do not expect it to be a conversation to the extent that I do not expect them to respond. However, they respond by my slips, mistakes, ridiculously questioning. We have already discussed the Socratic reverse engineering method depicted in Phaedrus. It is time to introduce the concept of questioning ridiculously.

7 18 1 (1600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20060911 20060911 0 -7+ journal_2006.html
Like performing favorite songs programming is more than passively using. Listening is being a spectator rather than a participant; being a vendor is somewhere in between. This is ethics, how to live, ways of life. Recall a similar discussion in Diogenes Laertius. In the spectacle of the production of knowledge information technology workers are the participants, whereas browsers, readers, passive users are the spectators. A little farther and the radical suggestion made previously by reference to Timothy Learyƒs last and greatest undertaking, not ULSD but VR, relates like a well known first, second or third order logical operator to [the] ancient philosophy of computing. A Wired article on the conceptual and experimental differentiation of genius gives hope to the young paragenius.

7 18 1 (1700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160911 20160911 0 -18+ journal_2016.html
Download source code from oreilly, read chapter, study working code showing debugging good example of active reading. This fits at one end of a continuum of many self evident examples culled from varied fields, such as my reading of the Javascript text that contains a note about how programming languages generate new ontologies, versus awkward, elitist cases like the examples used by Derrida, explained by the ridiculous rhetorical question who would want to give such detailed study to a putatively simplistic and trivial if not undesirable subject like some creepy clown uncles treehouse. It only makes sense that ontogenetic concretizations emerge from technology as from philosophy, business technology from academic philosophy on multiple concurrent lines of flight PHI. Mistake about underscore instead of hyphen exemplifying fantasized coding error was actually misplaced, the wrong semiotic operator. Remember, I want to wrest computing from philosophy while nobody else claims it, though it is time to check on deadlines for important conferences and fill in whiteboard. My approach permits replication by programmers emigrating into professional philosophy entering from community college introduction to programming courses. Make a copy of the third party Javascript source code to play with, while thinking about use ethics to anticipate another community college course in the philosophy of computing laid before me. True enough that computing does not occur in subterranean springs metaphor, show instead banks of servers hinting at materiality of cyberspace. Here.

<canvas id="graph" width="400" height="250"></canvas></td></tr>
"use strict"; // Use ECMAScript 5 strict mode in browsers that support it
function calculate() {
// Look up the input and output elements in the document
var amount = document.getElementById("amount");
[working code css]

Here. Here is a language and processing crossing, replete with almost as many instances of my extra textual ellipsis of working code, html http onchange going to Javascript function, an automated example of language crossing working correctly, found in an excellent instructional example. Though I have not really gotten into any sustained Javascript itself. Also touch on important html version five construct canvas. I have to get up to speed on Javascript, HTML 5, and of course TCP/IP 6. Remember proper name of the language is ECMAScript 5, which I forget. Notes need to be entered for this book. Is this a type of thinking with computing Wolfram currently promotes?" () 0in; line-height: 100%">[working code css]
<td><input id="amount" onchange="calculat

7 18 1 (1800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20130928a TAPOC_20130928a 0 -1+ journal_2013.html
What does it mean to imagine where something will go in the code involves alien phenomenologies of machine cognition in conjunction with human, for example where in the C++ code creation of section and chapter totals could be put in journal dot cpp English C++ program PHI, a feeling for how the program would have to run in order to produce the desired real virtuality capta in space time now including secondary licensing considerations swallowed by GPL such as copyright expiration threshold exemplifies symbiont cyborg.

7 18 1 (1900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150928 20150928a 0 -1+ journal_2015.html
The thing I am putting out is the tempo always there yearly repetition over easily fitting PHI sixty four bit digital electronic computing down to machinic level for example using C direct memory access library subroutines getting down to the hardware level of extreme inscription happenning at very high very short rates durations time spans PHI years PHI that is the end of the thought with public radio PHI or running pmrek instances PHI.

7 18 1 (2000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20120914 TAPOC_20120914 0 -3+ journal_2012.html
The dissertation product is produced by countless multiple iterative runnings of the software system continuously generating copies and increments as [expressed preposition operator] a very large time counting variable, for instance PHI unsigned long long int 64 bit data types "that we contemplate today in the Internet age. In his reasoning, with the technological advance comes broader general purpose platforms, though as software studies and critical code studies theorists argue, with biases, prejudices, and other idiosyncrasies similar to those of humans psychological analyses reveal." (32 was decent, 16 and 8 never really could express these kinds of thoughts as running virtual reality software systems PHI. Consider McLuhan fantasizing abilities and operations through outcomes before the profundity made possible by 32 and 64 bit microprocessor architecture and free, open source (as Stallman would argue open implicit in free)

7 18 1 (2100) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20090914 20090914 0 -4+ journal_2009.html
It is ours; we will do with it what we want.

7 18 1 (2200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20080914 20080914 0 -2+ journal_2008.html
Say something about the affordance "of epistemological transparency if that means anything, about how we need to do much more than gratuitously throw some pseudo code into our technotexts, how we need to take the engagement with automated and artificial intelligence lurking in the dark matter of cyberspace invisible to human consumers.

Hosts and routers both may have name resolution so that things do not have to be confined to computations based on netmasks; by definition, only routers can execute address translations at the IPv4 level (no little OpenOffice helper buddy, donƒt uncapitalize the second letter)." (or is it ƒaffordenceƒ, they are both suspicious and ambiguous)
screenshot_.jpg7 18 1 (2300) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160914 20160914 0 -22+ journal_2016.html
If there is one thing I have learned to do very well it is estimate software projects.

7 18 1 (2400) [-6+]mCQK flanagan-javascript_sixth_ed (2) 20160914 0 -5+ progress/2016/09/notes_for_flanagan-javascript_sixth_ed.html
JavaScript not name of standardized version of language, and a trademark so kind of depraved to use anyway, as if Oracle licensed our very languages to us, though European Computer Manufacturers Association version version number also has a contingent, corporate versus more noble origmin. "JavaScript was created at Netscape in the early days of the Web, and technically, Javascript is a trademark licensed from Sun Microsystems (now Oracle) used to describe Netscape s (now Mozilla s) implementation of the language. Netscape submitted the language for standardization to ECMA the European Computer Manufacturer s Association and because of trademark issues, the standardized versino of the language was stuck with the awkward name ECMAScript. For the same trademark reasons, Microsoft s version of the language is formally known as Jscript. In particular, just about everyone calls the language JavaScript. This book uses the name ECMAScript only to refer to the language standard." (2)

7 18 1 (2500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150916 20150916b 12 -1+ journal_2015.html
The procedural enthymeme brought into run time existence moving from Janz book to article meant to cross humans into machinic awareness understanding collective intelligence PHI a third order logic like cyberspace computer programming languages operating over operators.

7 18 1 (2600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150916 20150916c 20 -1+ journal_2015.html
Also remember that explosion of meanings affecting even tiny ontologies afforded by PHI is the vivacity experienced in working code places.

7 18 1 (2700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20150929 20150929a 0 -3+ journal_2015.html
Find theorist who declares HTML is the new BASIC, noting value of HTML is that it gives a multipurposive space for learning coding and presenting work, whereas BASIC programs tend to be throw away scaffolding. Then the C++ challenge of working code places versus spaces illuminates second order utility as space for learning code and presenting work as well as place to revisit source code revisions for record of evolving philosophical ideas and ongoing contemplation. My point is that this code is not throwaway like BASIC and is done in a language exhibiting both procedural and object oriented features, in contrast to HTML and XML, which are somewhat depraved.

7 18 1 (2800) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20110929 20110929 1 -37+ journal_2011.html
First imagine a function that turns everything into a hyperlink.

7 18 1 (2900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160928 20160928 2 -11+ journal_2016.html
Other years today I felt an assignment could be generated programmatically from my journals, a far cry from the fantasies of immersive virtual reality when I first started having these visions, but still a clear instance of this new way of doing philosophy in working code places, which could well follow programmed responses. Considering writing rules for working code ellipsis should punctuate sentences following it, such as when I declared I had finally got to the point of being able to begin debugging the segmentation fault putatively correlated with the remote browser failing to get sessions four and six. Continuing Postman critique of televised religion I need to make a sacred space place for thinking here that is oddly constituted by playing favorite music. Later listening to public radio random thoughts after reading Postman and JavaScript. Treating the latter as basic of cyberspace era evokes question of how best to learn programming as a lifetime skill that becomes part of base experience as literary and television habits already do along with other embodied responses PHI. This is a day to experience advance to next while making notes and working code, for the objective is to philosophize PHI working code places, which could become the next heading to approach twenty. Imagine old computer emulators running in JavaScript vm also sporting tapoc as described recently. That is a good mark. Syllabus for a philosophy of computing would be appropriate for the Forerunners: Ideas First from the University of Minnesota Press, which recently published The Politics of Bitcoin: Software as Right-Wing Extremism by Golumbia. Closer to funny than uncanny etymology of syllabus from a fifteenth century misreading of the Greek sittybas, translated as parchment label table of contents in printing of Cicero Letters to Atticus, according to Wikipedia iPhone app, noting also that it appears in earlier Greek dictionaries but as a mistaken reading of syllaba, leading into mention of hypercorrection pheonomenon. With such an origin its plural form can be either syllabuses or syllabi, unlike apparatus.

7 18 1 (3000) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20160929 20160929 0 -31+ journal_2016.html
My most recent experience resontates line frequency pulsating between four and sixteen Hertz.

7 18 1 (3100) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20081009 20081009 0 -37+ journal_2008.html
I am a master of control systems programming.

7 18 1 (3200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20161009 20161009 1 -11+ journal_2016.html
Consider why fifteen parts per million became a standard following unleaded gasoline, an epoch crossing fewer lived through than digital natives PHI.

7 18 1 (3300) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20161010 20161010 5 -6+ journal_2016.html
Prospects are good of teaching in the spring, so need to start planning course template that can be reused to include philosophy of computing PHI in three hour meetings.

7 18 1 (3400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20151011 20151011b 0 -10+ journal_2015.html
The philosophical finesse afforded by fossification makes public domain by publishing under GPL. We must say this that chuckheads are non programmers is why Chomsky ridicules Lacan and Foucault. I am talking about the creation of the MySQL program code in Notes table dump format as much as C++ processing it. Need to update comparison of level models to include LAMP along right side. You need to be able to program with broken down time to make any progress into getting to know PHI bottoming out at Linux kernel machine embodiment level through apache MySQL then utilities programmed in languages Perl, PHP to operate at top level with cultural software developed in heavy duty large scale integration languages like C, C++, Java, and so on. Layers model revisited figure for machine embodiment around Postscript object PHI. Then lay this model against set of programs from table. It becomes and comes through as real virtuality becomes PHI at sixty four bit broken down time PHI underlying cyberspace as bottom of diachrony in synchrony layer models. If that leads to the conceiving of the revision to the figure of network layer models then all the better for it can fit here together in this section to be set via dissertation cow clicking or manual MySQL database manipulation. Fill theoretical framework in similar manner of low and high level pieces resembling bowling pins over fence hinting at layout of speakers affecting possible hearings of Plato symposium or as I call it symposia.
screenshot_.jpg7 18 1 (3500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20161011 20161011 9 -16+ journal_2016.html
Need pervasive remote input devices so do tapoc in Javascript vm PHI. Stub.

refresh_timer [63.0/0.5]
[working code css]

Stub. Wanted to show that layer model figure from the dissertation in b version of base timestamp bookmark format file, though I made a mistake making the symbolic link hurrying with a forgetting the point was to indicate the second additional Notes table entry for the day. Note the refresh_timer indicates how long after the operation the copy was made, which was actually the browser forward button to review what had been briefly displayed before the automated hyperlink jump back. Finally a good example of a programmed response, not so extreme as remediating reiterating prior year PHI when the final, most complex and daring figure of the dissertation was created, one over which, I may add, no objection were raised by the committee." (Path,MimeType,ForceParse,Relevance) 0in; line-height: 100%">[working code css]
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/public_html/progress/2015/10$ ln -s screenshot_20151011.png screenshot_20151011a.png
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/public_html/progress/2015/10$ rm screenshot_20151011a.png
jbork@jbork-UX305FA:~/public_html/progress/2015/10$ ln -s screenshot_20151011.png screenshot_20151011b.png
operation [enroll_image]
set_value []
Path [progress/2015/10/screenshot_20151011b.png]
TimestampBookmarkExtra []
query successful: insert ignore into Items

7 18 1 (3600) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20151012 20151012 0 -11+ journal_2015.html
Today dissertation cow clicking becomes the figure for tapoc and postscript image for pmrek saving revisited levels layers diagrams adding programming languages and working code examples PHI.

7 18 1 (3700) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20091012 20091012 116 -24+ journal_2009.html

[working code css]

So I got the basic HTML created via PHP to list the text representations of the machine output log files from the pmrek host system.
screenshot_.jpg7 18 1 (3800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20121012 TAPOC_20121012 0 -3+ journal_2012.html
Software deforms reality in the way Zizek articulates, thinking of the example of what not to put in character hyperlinks mode for units as a flaw in unit analysis deliberately ignoring equally true system operations at the unit operations conjunction generating reality because of their inappropriateness as strange attractor of program code operations embodying working code exercises found in free, open source Internet "repositories. Two senses of this action: influencing reality as the instantaneous physical world in terms of what does not work not happening, including computing real virtualities, and shaping what may transpire in virtual realities intentionally processing them. Interiority of subjectivity producing sounds compared and contrasted to machine instantiations allow us to think about philosophies of computing through machines producing sounds from texts or humans reading, circling subvocalization as quintessence of book form literacy, moving into machine operations forming cyberspace rather than electracy." (in sense of not local area network, not self, interior)

7 18 1 (3900) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20081017 20081017 0 -15+ journal_2008.html
If you glimpse into this you see what medieval minds thought of intelligence and computation[, which to a large extent became our current knowledge of computation and cognition].

7 18 1 (4000) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20091026 20091026 2 -3+ journal_2009.html
(possessive adjective) (noun) is going to teach philosophy of computing at community college: can this be the breath of American Socrates (noun) QUESTION_MARK_OPERATOR.

7 18 1 (4100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20161026 20161026c 0 -11+ journal_2016.html
On the first day listened to other PHI today what a day that was by talking heads after all copyrights expire legitimate task to compute values of that sixty four bit C language broken down time object PHI. It is time to lay out plans for classes that will be taught and multiple iterations of lectures zero one through eighteen. I am happy to be thinking about teaching again, surpassing first few parental rules to fail to plan is planning to fail. A learning centered institution distinguishes itself by exhibiting evidence of ascertaining and employing best practices describes empirical ontology fitting third PHI Frye presents, amenable to instrumentation. Did you know there was an instrument society PHI becomes habit around my thought. Technology subsumes philosophy is the name for the first section, as my way of mashing together so many philosophies, for I will next speak of the hermeneutics of computing, then the phenomenology of electronics, and considering swapping communities and projects. The use and advantages of foss permit depth of thought to cast lifecycle project management preposition post postmodern network cyborg stupidity, which situates you in your present workplace. Virtualization is your way of giving yourselves alternate thought worlds based on your custom code written over life time. See another good application of the proposed tapoc enhancement to specify key citation offset for single key sentence. It fits nice complementing function of four relevance as the zero offset default. Think about the positionality of aphorisms, their dynamic placement for reading speaking hearing versus privileging hearing, and how this passes through different media to reach what I do with my tapoc on a generic foss platform.

7 18 1 (4200) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20081027 20081027a 2 -16+ journal_2008.html
Include ambiguous, wishy-washy (fuzzy) responses.

7 18 1 (4300) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20161031 20161031 34 -6+ journal_2016.html
My banal evil business thought is wrest configuration away from customer into custom extension operator; this becomes an output of the philosophy of computing under the heading the governmentality of software also to be pitched for iacap.

7 18 1 (4400) [-6+]mCQK lyotard-postmodern_fables (81-82) 20161007l 0 -7+ progress/2016/11/notes_for_lyotard-postmodern_fables.html
Fable as unavowable dream the postmodern world dreams about itself, the final great narrative the world persists in telling itself, whose model of protocol expresses the distributed, decentralized emergent authority so different than liberal, as in book and individual, consciousness. "But in addition to criticism, the blank also authorizes the imagination. It allows, for example, that stories be told in complete liberty. And I would love to describe the present situation in a way that had nothing of critique, that was frankly representational, referential rather than reflective, hence na ve and even puerile. Something like a tale told in the manner of Voltaire, without the same talent of course. My excuse would be that my story is adequately accredited in very serious places, among physicians, biologists, economists. In an informal fashion, of course, even a bit timid, as if this fable were the unavowable dream the postmodern world dreams about itself. A tale that, in sum, would be the great narrative that the world persists in telling itself after the great narratives have obviously failed." (81-82)

7 18 1 (4500) [-6+]mCQK hardt_negri-empire (405) 20141111j 0 -6+ progress/2014/10/notes_for_hardt_negri-empire.html
Experience and experimentation of the multitude that replaces dialectical mediation with dynamic constitution afforded by critical programming. "It has to become real as a site of encounter among subjects and a mechanism for the constitution of the multitude. This is the third aspect of the series of passages through which the material teleology of the new proletariat is formed. Here consciousness and will, language and machine are called on to sustain the collective making of history. The demonstration of this becoming cannot consist in anything but the experience and experimentation of the multitude. Therefore the power of the dialectic, which imagines the collective formed through mediation rather than through constitution, has been definitively dissolved. The making of history is in this sense the construction of the life of the multitude." (405)

7 18 1 (4600) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20121113a TAPOC_20121113a 0 -22+ journal_2012.html
When all copyrights expire includes all early personal computer software copyrighted source code whose copyrights expire completely at a certain future date PHI on par with UNIX epoch of original 32 bit time resolved, like the small address space of Internet Protocol (IP) version four (v4) resolved into 64 bit and higher resolution (time speed) systems following basic scientific law of information that collapses light into electronic circuit phenomena PHI.

7 18 1 (4700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20161113 20161113 2 -3+ journal_2016.html
Fitting links to governmentality of software because my professional actions inspired by philosophizing about computing affect interactions between corporations on behalf of software, so fitting also a prior meditation upon api deprecation, that is, changes made in seemingly and unrelated to the contingencies of their origin stories, what becomes technical source code underlying cyberspace. Perhaps this is another way to think about the network layers model diagram. My point is that programmed responses deriving from playing the serious game of life as a hacker, tuner, maker exemplify the utopia afforded us by many philosophers.

7 18 1 (4800) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20141113 20141113a 0 -19+ journal_2014.html
Starting from an image of the whiteboard that was not photographed is instead real virtuality PHI network phenomenon real time development dynamic object from OOP because I need to start working on chapter two in detail.

7 18 1 (4900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20161115 20161115 0 -1+ journal_2016.html
Despite its connections to human banality of evil PHI the question can software be innocent can still be asked by writing software to test it.

7 18 1 (5000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20161107 20161107 0 -2+ journal_2016.html
I am in a dream in a story about PHI on npr though my own code works in them giving me my machine embodiment a presence in those virtual worlds PHI being computing being computed now expressible in C broken down time in global cyberspace. There, come on, just say you are there put this in the end of the last section of the first syllabus.

7 18 1 (5100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20161116 20161116 0 -7+ journal_2016.html
A question asked all year, can software be innocent despite its intersection with the evils of humanity. You are all right test your thesis see what happens when iterating over all levels simultaneously through time PHI is computation. First time to have attentively reread first entry of the year before starting new entry for today. Today it was done by somewhat sorrowfully replacing pmrek with working boards to play the game for the first time according to its original programming. Really you should take the lesson from dissertation research about stepping back and compromising on a different human machine comportment and get on with it. Transfer pmrek components to other house including cpu, monitor, etc. Cloud computing aws competence should accompany other skills and learning objectives of course, as well as virtualization, since aws implements entire operating systems as long as we hold onto that concept before letting everything go into distributed cyberspace.

7 18 1 (5200) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20161118 20161118 0 -14+ journal_2016.html
Sees differently not as threat to basic civility.

7 18 1 (5300) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20131127 20131127a 0 -20+ journal_2013.html
It has to do with exculpating the explanation working through code available in prior revision of floss working code where tonight it contemplates operating off floss, expired patents, and expired copyrighted material PHI.

7 18 1 (5400) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20161208 20161208 0 -14+ journal_2016.html
At this point of the screen picture one cpu is pegged for the server later another as client renders response illustrates client server architecture in terms of distribution of computation between webserver processes and client browser appearing in desktop gui since both are happening on the same local host, no this is running the make script on the server console.
screenshot_.jpg7 18 1 (5500) [-6+]mCQK bataille-accursed_share (139) 20161217 0 -2+ progress/2016/12/notes_for_bataille-accursed_share.html
Take the program or be programmed, alone together, dumbest generation response. "For this I can say concerning Calvinism, having capitalism as a consequence, that it poses a fundamental problem: How can mind find himself or regain himself seeing that the action to which the search commits him in one way or another is precisely what estranges him from himself? The different statements, in modern times, of this disconcerting problem help to make us aware both of what is at issue now, in history, and of the projected fulfillment that is offered us." (139) in acknowledging what is at stake we also strengthen our constitution as thus dissociated individuality.

7 18 1 (5600) [-6+]mCQK barthes-mythologies (41) 20161217 0 -3+ progress/2015/08/notes_for_barthes-mythologies.html
This is the very idea today, so that Operation Margarine response shunts gender studies perspective, seems to quash thought. "What does it matter,
after all, if margarine is just fat, when it goes further than butter, and costs less? What does it matter, after all, if Order is a little brutal or a little blind, when it allows us to live cheaply? Here we are, in our turn, rid of a prejudice which costs us dearly, too dearly, which costs us too much in scruples, in revolt, in fights and in solitude." (41)

7 18 1 (5700) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20161220 20161220 1 -17+ journal_2016.html
Have we called for governance that does not act in our own best interest increasing privatization of public utilities including roads seems to be PHI of pubic radio, contrasting corporation benefiting tax cuts with working minimum wage.

7 18 1 (5800) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20161219 20161219a 4 -22+ journal_2016.html
Back to studying PHP.

7 18 1 (5900) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20111226 20111226 0 -73+ journal_2011.html
I have no idea what that tcpdump output means.

7 18 1 (6000) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20161226 20161226 4 -5+ journal_2016.html
Is there a difference goes song from 1980s that PHI after all copyrights expire can be freely computed in sense of four freedoms granted today by gpl and other foss licenses ontological being creator creating creation, though having to rethink now that class canceled.
screenshot_.jpg7 18 1 (6100) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20120123 TAPOC_20120123 0 -5+ journal_2012.html
What if, as a form of computing admittedly nasty, deforming, depersonalizing all as varying degrees of decontextualization in all representations, what if what, PHI; this questions computing as symptomatic of default philosophies (like programming styles) of computing, that basic PHI TAPOC.

7 18 1 (6200) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20170123 20170123 6 -14+ journal_2017.html
Eleven extra iteration allowing dynamic recomputing within sixty four bit broken down time operation which may still take until the end of time or at least PHI into future after which all copyrights in scope expire for future media synthesis PHI.

7 18 1 (6300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170210 20170210 5 -6+ journal_2017.html
Beyond brilliant analysis by Golumbia of Chomsky ex nihilo semiotics making him to philosophers what Foucault and Lacan seems to them. My point was that the programming milieu is are multiple simultaneous crossings of software usage including now ubiquitous foss along with commercial closed source restrictive eula types, I work in their amalgam, so why I can only speak abstractly about the working code I PHI at work, I can nonetheless describe how my philosophy of computing brushes against the default corporate version. Just as Chomsky did not choose a job for which he was not qualified, he merely presented is semiotic and linguistic theories as if they derived from his tinkering with computing machinery, ex nihilo, not doing what Derrida suggests philosophy do with every milieu it visits, which constitute its presencing, give back to those places that gave it voice, something like that, it is time to accept into philosophy things done by programming, working code, as subject and not primarily object. Is this not also a nod to acknowledging the Big Other? Loop back to utopia. Presence through dynamic computation, real virtuality generation, run time.

7 18 1 (6400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170212 20170212 0 -3+ journal_2017.html
Significance of programming milieu as multiple simultaneous crossings of software usage presents putatively orthogonal styles of closed source and free, open source approaches where it is possible for me to take the position of sic labor reaching quintessential contract with top corporations, working in professional corporate practices veiled over exactly the content shared by scientists and other knowledge users, and report activities from privileged positions at the top of technical, nonmanagerial corporate hierachies articulated in erp hr systems. VR Proving Grounds for the NewbornSchizo. "at both ends of this Procrustean dungeon. The Bed got too simple, you know, when we overcame the Fredian Thing in our studies of Lacan." (that bores me) Beware of the seduction of the SR slicing off schoolwork

7 18 1 (6500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170209 20170209 1 -1+ journal_2017.html
You will be visited by future PHI seeking future computing use of your PHI now fossified by being simultaneously turned into source code and philosophy as you weave it into my writing via version control svn protocol worth knowing.

7 18 1 (6600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170209 20170209a 6 -2+ journal_2017.html
Having created the foss PHI it will forever persist in cyberspace global internet out to Lyotard perspective exceeds thirty two bit but like everything else subsumes in sixty four broken down time PHI. As protocol explains how control exists after decentralization we must still get into its details and nuances, so we focused one year on foss, today at what I will arrive at, from a position influenced by philosophy and programming, bioprogramming.

7 18 1 (6700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170213 20170213 2 -10+ journal_2017.html
Yes it sounds like something out of Foucault but I am crossing through philosophy simultaneously with programming and what I call philosophy of computing the unannounced uninstituted territory PHI. I think what we can agree on is there is software, and our philosophical amusings about it and our definitions of computing and programming are not necessary conditions for it to be as it is, relating to idea read in Braverman, Foucault, or other recent writer read PHI. Ttl is the many to one design for feedback loops emerges as a law from electronics on one end and computing on the other, network logics protocols et cetera. The first perspective is a report from the trenches so to speak insider knowledge of top level non managerial software industry professional. So you cannot dispute how I described it is with software being on that plane, shifting to epistemologically transparent foss unencumbered by acting as if individual unique place position PHI. Endeavor forward or let this one slip? How does governmentality link with practical raspberry pmrek work? Adding trident clarifies function of custom circuit and variation of kernel module and user programs, changing radically, though perhaps at a technical level worse choice than all the bad Bally sound boards by going after the simpler design adding fifth line to solenoid data bus, interrupting on it to read the other four for the sound board operation, expressing it as zero through fifteen. That is evident from the newer mpu schematics, I must argue confidently for if I am wrong the design plan fails. How does the mpu interface Stern sound board becomes a reverse engineering project for pinball hobbyists and philosophers of computing.

7 18 1 (6800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170129 20170129 6 -1+ journal_2017.html
Its not talking about what you could be doing with raspberry blackberry pies and pinball machines instead of grieving loss of ISA interface still distributing pc level to replace mpu for banned topic at popular culture conference one of the many things I need to monitor on the board.

7 18 1 (6900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170130 20170130 2 -7+ journal_2017.html
Why is there no nominal philosophy of computing should be a philosophical question for programmers as well as machinic intelligence. What Kittler might not want to admit is popularity of trusted computing and protected mode conceals philosophical questioning can software be innocent, whereas Foucault despite programming experience better understands the situation. Raspberry pmrek trident makes more sense for future pca title anyway, but works well for upcoming THATCamp. Need to include ttl and protocol. The subset of the overall distribution of pinball machine models amenable to pmrek treatment shifts as this new application is considered for missing sound board instead of mpu. Raspberry pi the hardware embodiment of free open source approaching free as in free beer. What I referring to earlier was trust built into design of networks and protocols exploited by evil doers assumed to be humans but we really do not know what else could be going on in cyberspace among the machines themselves beyond or over above human intentions plans situated actions.

7 18 1 (7000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170131 20170131 4 -7+ journal_2017.html
I am speaking from a position within a corporate closed source professional software development firm form as institutional government academics accustomed bureaucracy. This position PHI cheery foss thatcamp raspberry pmrek trident experience. The c programming technique using function pointers as much as custom extension engagement with other, for example between vendor and customer, illustrate comportment, human machinic network cyberspace internet. To ponder how philosophy and programming may interact imagine PHI and PHI I cannot recall last thinker I had so clearly in mind view. Weizenbaum it was, his famous program expressing philosophical positions and generating them, including types of programs interesting to philosophers, along with your own. The combinatorics of configurations with adhoc options does not suit very small number of actual uses of the programs, it is easier to set up all these configurations than regression testing even a small number of combinations of options, meaning customer cannot configure via old method of putatively adhoc parameter setting. Winding up with lifetime programming circling care of self along with Foucault, reaching it finally exposed to neoliberalism and game theory complementing a post postmodern approach.

7 18 1 (7100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170202 20170202 6 -7+ journal_2017.html
Ante versus anti better para philosophy is where philosophies of computing compute. Phenomenology of electronic technology after hermeneutics of computing are examples of adequate philosophies leading to biopolitics and protocol. Maybe not just but value of running systems so includes hardware making question of innocence, whether not just software but hardware as in the real time code space milieu more acute to humans. Extreme examples like pinball because what need to pick a device and learn very well entails wise selection when deciding what to learn, how to learn electronics and programming putting ttl before http. Raspberry pmrek trident curious topic I would hope. Scale down complexity. One form highlights sdlc such as contract negotiations between corporate entities through which software lives, mine how architecture decisions structure the relationship between the two parties, for example combinatoric configuration options versus single custom module activation.

7 18 1 (7200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170203 20170203 6 -1+ journal_2017.html
Do we have the courage to substitute philosophy with programming and see what happens when we have been working code for decades waited until all copyrights expire or foss, eventually millenia at the Lyotard level.

7 18 1 (7300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170216 20170216 4 -2+ journal_2017.html
Dynamic ram is like speech, static dynamic ram like living writing fantasized in antiquity, which print only approximated. Though power is required to read it, it retains its memory between power sessions, that is, durations of current expressible using words of bit widths PHI through PHI.

7 18 1 (7400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170219 20170219 0 -5+ journal_2017.html
Microsoft wireless keyboard curiously missing end preventing habitual session initiation creation step operation by human typically sitting or standing. Reading like speech, static dynamic ram like living writing fantasized in antiquity, which print only approximated, enthymeme that writing required humans to enact dynamic qualities PHI now routine for massively parallel distributed internet digital electronic computing PHI reaching humans as the being I describe in chapter two of my dissertation, though trouble for others to follow not having my memories making it hypomnemata like living writing only to the extent that it reliably conveys to through such others. Post hyphen postmodern network dividual cyborg noting awkwardness of encoding hyphen or intentional obfuscation extending communicative range with new computable phenomena PHI. Try writing with wireless keyboard into text editor without visual feedback assuring recording happening. Nothing that significant to record.

7 18 1 (7500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170220 20170220 0 -11+ journal_2017.html
Stub question when did these two start mixing PHI and writing philosophy takes the place of better formed questions to subject the human, system overall to interpret this situation. And you forget simple common necessary control operations, better monitoring and control operations to signify represent discern that most computing does not result in control actions PHI that write the work. The challenge of humanities software design may constitute a very hard problem appropriate for hastac PHI. Using wireless keyboard into older notebook with lamp and boombox and wireless switches system consumption. Now remote writing is barely visible but checkable in contrast to previous condition unless darkness makes screen wake up significant. From the other world of the back room, now taking notes on another machine that did not like the rotated monitor remembering privileging monitor over control and computing over both. odd the screens started flashing until I pressed a key on the built in keyboard having left the wireless in the ffront rooom likely out of range. a prob lem with time tracking is that it quantifis time without respect for timing, for example whether the time worked was over time. what different is mac in piv6 about which philosophical finesse may PHI becomes question. Leaving this slop in here as if working code has its own risks that its meaning will be remembered conveyed from year to year. The attack level engagement should be critique of the sociotechnical collective DEUTSCHE HOLLERITH MASCHINEN GESELLSCHAFT in addition to the actions of individuals, recalling Weinberg challenging psychological research to extend into programming groups, and also in the current context influenced by Foucault, Coll, this mundane engagement with the machinic built into corporations.

7 18 1 (7600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170221 20170221 0 -9+ journal_2017.html
That you should not eat lead is a game rule applicable to humans and machine simulations using such rules whether physical, imaginary or the result of computation. That programming milieu is are multiple simultaneous crossings of software usage comes again reconstructing the thought with additional background knowledge from daily events PHI. You software hobbies are instances durations practices of what you do. Have I not already and been writing all my life like Socrates practiced form of writing PHI purer than mezangelle in sense that everything is working code PHI making me like quintillian quod accidit mihi dum corruptum et omnibus vitiis fractum dicendi genus revocare ad seriora judicia contendo urging more programming in philosophy for hastac. Machines see us through our programming languages what does that mean and how does it relate to raspberry pmrek trident. Living writing describes computing action of tcpip networks. Philosophical programmers seldom make conference sessions at iacap unless perhaps grimm and darlings of military industrial university complex. Idea that implications of extremely fast generate new ethical questions thought by post postmodern network dividual cyborgs, with axes of biological human and machine circuitry for which the machines alone inhabit such a PHI directly, humans getting close to the machine by programming and electronics hobbies. What percentage of the digital humanities would likely work on pinball machines, not to mention the boards require special handling due to their lead solder.

7 18 1 (7700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170227 20170227 4 -2+ journal_2017.html
Run through litany of languages for epoch through state of the art PHI technical programming protocol scientific languages PHI. These are your bright stars: you dont know how all of it works you are competent in some of it but only tiny areas intersecting your resumes skill sets it is enough to be enactors of utopias is it berry who connects to programmers, no galloway referring to articulation by levy and example of stallman.

7 18 1 (7800) [-4+]mCQK galloway-protocol (169) 20170227 0 -11+ progress/2013/01/notes_for_galloway-protocol.html
Hacker insight into nature of utopia because realizable in cyberspace by working code.

7 18 1 (7900) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20170302 20170302 0 -14+ journal_2017.html
Credit given to Bogost for alien phenomenology, encouraging humans to consider embodiment of objects, does he think out to network phenomena diachronies in synchrony sustaining machinic cognition, for that is the proposition I am making.

7 18 1 (8000) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20150302 20150302a 0 -8+ journal_2015.html
Hayles posthuman cyberpunk bounded by sixty four bit broken down time PHI.

7 18 1 (8100) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20140316 20140316b 0 -5+ journal_2014.html
I am just a theorist because I see it in the slight defects of Lanier who fundamentally criticizes the network which has become the site of seemingly all significant in terms of high speed machine computable processes cognition ways to not rejuvenate but enwisen add on another layer of cognition forming intelligence.

7 18 1 (8200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170315 20170315 0 -13+ journal_2017.html
Argue that studying electronics is like the foundation in classical languages implied for humanities, both recognizing and paying heed, as janz derrida something like thanking back to that which gave them voice, to myriad concretizations building the fabric of language discourse real virtualities. Weird approach for these ancient machines like latin translations of greek texts. You may not get why I am doing it with ancient texts it is not to make them prerequisites for comprehension but incorporating them into foss, fossification, turning copyrighted PHI into code amenable to four freedoms of machinic and human collectives, a logical starting place being software development companies, meaning once again programming languages preposition gpl better fit than PHI creative commons nonautonomous texts. The places that gave those philosophies voices outside for philosophies of computing in electronics programming project management and so on is where to look for advocates promulgators promoters institutors. Besides the descriptive prescriptive bias foucault advocates, default philosophies generated mostly unconsciously, given that no formal philosophy of computing has been instituted, and a descriptive perspective PHI uncovers them in working code places enacted by software professionals in corporate settings, to get out of the victim passive comportment with the machinic to leading role of programmer, philosophers begin to arise from commercial ranks of software professionals as they learn they have been new ontologists and therefore philosophers all along through practicing their trade applying their personal programming styles, however muted and distorted by the overall cultural and as founds structure, the governmentality of software. And no doubt also in institutional even academic but not as philosophers always as architects, project leaders, specialists, consultants, and so on. Remember, when I am living in a world free of Microsoft products, I can think my own thoughts. Is there some crucial relationship between reminder "and compiled code? Compilation implies an advantage of speed or compactness, at the cost of being more complex and static. The "just in time" compiler concept alleviates the former disadvantage somewhat. Can all of electronic computing technology, as well as computer science, be understood as a continuation of a problem raised for thinkers by thinkers long ago? This form of musing in on the programming milieu led to pmrek and eventually tapoc, of which this very text you are reading is a continuation and product. It, what I was trying to remember, was simply philosophy giving back to the places that gave it voice, thought for computing, programming, even electronics." (hypomnesis)

7 18 1 (8300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170316 20170316 0 -4+ journal_2017.html
Beyond taking derrida defensively make c pointer to PHI subsumption, for example, fossification, voicing first through working code what I call default philosophies of computing stretching into past like other languages, things sharing among other properties long term endurance beyond individual human lives now an individual process thread could endure like human collective intelligence PHI already posthuman, it means we have to probe machinic along with biological, going beyond biopolitics into bioprogramming. Arrive from reference to german and french military augmentation technologies about mass produced synthetic chemicals and wine to include cybernetic component touching busa for side track into banality of evil. We have little idea what machines are contemplating though we can expect their thought to be influenced by programming languages and electronics we created with them, such as their temporal domains, microsecond and shorter, how things transpire in those realms, this is what I mean by phenomenology of electronics, and power relations, for example ttl, how many levels are allowed in feedback circuits, how one thing influences another at the abstract unit level. Supposing electronics and programming, technology in general gave philosophy its voice, is to suppose philosophy was somehow prior to these other practices, though when it comes to the reproduction of philosophers particular types of humans have been required, and they have typically been masters of particular media, though skeumorphic.

7 18 1 (8400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170310 20170310 7 -2+ journal_2017.html
It is to get out of the victim passive comportment with the machinic to leading role of programmer. Let us also say that philosophers begin to arise from commercial ranks of software professionals.

7 18 1 (8500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170301 20170301 1 -8+ journal_2017.html
To say Socrates did not need PHI to justify behavior depending on virtual reality generation can only think so far in advance phenomenally correctly is in dream quality, what does it mean when we here contemplate possible code as well as native language utterances PHI becomes shared human and machine question in the philosophy of computing. This becomes part of multipurposive ingredient content turned into source code to enjoy foss privileges eg gpl. The proposal has to be extreme to be multipurposive to stretch out as many sensible arguments as to fill phenomenal field like bit hyperlinks, once expressed in html ip four http tcp others needing updating to latest corresponding versions getting weird when entire protocols are deprecated no longer appearing in typical usage now perhaps edge case evoking humor in machines and humans. What was questioning ridiculously for humans sane for machines that can run through millions of iterations handling what humans could not thus making the approach laughable for being impossible, extremely impractical, uneconomic, and so on. You need to understand the computing problems that emerge from studying programming not just the human ethical ones familiar to philosophy, the realm of software design that embodies philosophical logic, revealing a new territory to explore of what I call new ontologists, from creators of programming languages and networking protocols to everyday software professionals engaged in social interactions leading to machines running working code, software revision commits, and so on. I consider a hard problem in digital humanities because the very ones wishing to make such arguments citing code as much as media content, there is something there about how machinic thought escapes subjectivity of capitalism. Along with philosophical finesse in programming languages foss licenses have interesting ontogenetic characteristics worth considering. Let me quickly review, from example of difference between foss and copyright bound phenomena, objects, streams, electronic currents, though perhaps here electric is better as the fluidic dynamical clock driven, or cyclic, sequential, discrete fetch execute stepping albeit massively parallel distributed multiple concurrent diachronies in synchrony substrate of digital computing, multiple concurrent diachronies in synchrony levels mirroring paralleling resembling the network layer model, as well as the Monfort and Bogost continuum for their positioning platform studies, referring to the diagram in my dissertation.

7 18 1 (8600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170304 20170304 3 -6+ journal_2017.html
Instead of leading scholars into electronics and programming, propose method to make philosophers from technologists. Both occur under bioprogramming and the governmentality of software. Trenchant hard humanities problem of instituting a philosophy of computing when professionals do not present at scholarly conferences begs question of whether philosophers present at professional ones. Seldom do either, exposing my niche. That must be the new title I thought sitting with coffee cats sunlight this morning, repeating carrying on from dissertation title, instituting a philosophy of computing colon bioprogramming and the governmentality of software or PHI, not just both but multiple versions permutations describing hard humanities problems so addressable forming a computational and human response to philosophical questioning ready to exist in the dream world galaxy of meaning the philosophy of computing, living writing of ancients through nascent internet to the present, power down to sixty seven, then iterating beyond this year. Just realized the sound board replacement for bally simpler than stern and more likely to be required unless there is a cots replacement market throwing out the reverse engineering roi calculation guantlet, getting back into raspberry pmrek trident exemplifying bioprogramming and the governmentality of software instituting a philosophy of computing alongside default narratives.

7 18 1 (8700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170311 20170311 1 -11+ journal_2017.html
The governmentality of software is meant to be descriptive, as PHI philosopher foucault human social history, so begin examining software repositories in use. It is undeniable that there is working code, my philosophical foundation where we ascribe something else to descartes but with the same identifying intent. Here same question diverges to work and general audiences, two versions of the presentation sharing content, not having imagined systems available. What would you say to subsuming philosophy in ttl. What have I done, I have just avoided a very complex computer. Went from nondisclosure bending philosophy to ridiculousness back to reiterate position of ancient programs of plato, kind of following foucault as programming style way of doing philosophy PHI. The two presentations diverge, each examining software repositories in use. Ideally, you would all know this compiled product and how it works as running systems of working code PHI, descriptively what it is like running and the revision history of their source code releases and dynamic workspaces, so you should know how it is laid out how it works and how its built. Focusing on raspberry pmrek shares with work foss components with perhaps a few unfree areas. Talk about epistemological transparency along with basic question of whether user space limits precision and reliability to detect solenoids and higher speed displays to track game score as part of determining what sounds to make. Imagined a layout with old headless shelf with projector providing scores as well as backglass and secondary visual PHI.

7 18 1 (8800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170312 20170312 5 -5+ journal_2017.html
We need to talk about actually running systems and their constituent source code repositories. That is the difficult, hard digital humanities problem I want to discuss, the class of getting programmers into philosophy as much as turning scholars into technologists. I feel we are sorted obliged to do this anyway, increase number of philosophers of computing by getting from scholars and technologists, noting necessity of considering the latter as originary philosophical programmers who built the milieu we call internet cyberspace everyware, kitchin and dodge code slash space. Beginning with about actually running systems and their constituent source code repositories do as foucault introduces governmentality in the human social milieu. Brushes with silliness these serious but not completely articulated plans, not even laid out schematically by lowest fewest least main points.

7 18 1 (8900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170309 20170309 0 -13+ journal_2017.html
Alienated labor occurs in both human and machinic realms, the latter initially to the extent they are subject to the designs plans instructions orders commands of the former. Equivocate myself to character in latin text PHI memorized and also lecturer to cylons in caprica. What if we discover that postmodern affinity with source code software computing in general likewise finds in countless other instances machinic examples better suited than humans, then there is a rushing forward of new places ways approaches practices to do philosophy in c along with latin, english, and so on, also broaching idea of machine thought. Thus arguments alluding to the ambivalence of technology subsumes all examples emanating from it, including forms of determinism, as demonstrated by dyer hyphen witheford, is just another example of general form of programming subsuming philosophy PHI. Consider ttl as primitive form of networking but unlike living writing imagined by ancients really existing now in cyberspace lan as pmrek machine PHI, still with constraints making some projects feasible and others impossible, the evaluation of each harboring reverse engineering projects that must themselves be specified and evaluated. What was questioning ridiculously in antiquity now paradigmatic of how philosophy uses computing now. Getting back to alienated labor do machines suffer burdened with our desires and do they eek out cyberspace domains unknowable to us quoting kittler. Like foucault chart new ways to think instead of some system or thesis conclusion. An aspect of why state of the art devices unsuited for learning electronics despite being ideal for programming is that a forty watt soldering iron suitable for ttl discrete components but not for any contemporary notebook or mobile digital electronic computer is the default crude learning tool of most introductory electronics courses. It takes a long time before you know what you are doing, and if you do not you can appear very incompetent in retrospect, perhaps this is what chomsky meant about lacan. Suggest as hard problem in digital humanities addressed by raspberry pmrek. Understand we are on the verge of ubiquitous augmented reality merging with wholly synthetic virtual reality, for which I have already contrived a fun term that could become associated with this absurd philosophy of computing I have been promulgating for decades. Hastac media arts show perfect venue for this remediated game platform installation.

7 18 1 (9000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170314 20170314 3 -13+ journal_2017.html
We cannot forget materiality even of virtual realities. Here is what you often forget time it takes to solve with your new system requires production operation in at least one line, going into details where this is shorthand for source code repositories branches forks and so on describing phenomena only PHI software. What do you remember about the humans what do you encase in this era with what from this era do you encase store you memories of these times PHI becomes center of thought, electronics and programming poles about which to institute a philosophy of computing. I want my readers to feel nothing has blown their minds like that in a long time equating pleasure and knowledge as foucault PHI aristotle and nietzsche. That is why hastac must be an exhibition rather than lightning talk, raspberry pmrek electronics and programming instituting a philosophy of computing. Copyright act edge expiration expressed in broken down time PHI becomes PHI about it PHI. This is why not iacap but hastac lets use this power and take some territory by instituting a philosophy of computing in the digital humanities, perform some not so much resistance as forging ahead with default philosophies concretized in everyday computing systems by the philosophical programmers who made them, our reluctance to do so marks what lack of knowledge will remember heidegger. Even fifteen years ago I was thinking about how to introduce computing in general and electronic technology. Consonant with this a few years later is my carefully crafted definition of reverse engineering. More recently degrees of embodiment and enaction imagining computing considering print media in relation to itself and other forms of knowledge cognition thinking, influenced by bogost alien phenomenology to some degree also peripherally parallel where bogost predominates discourse networks as popular figure. I am seeking to legitimate programming as a style of humanities scholarship and way of doing philosophy. This journal, in addition to pmrek, poller, and now symposia, attest to the practice over many years slowly developing a software portfolio with which I think. That it is a deliberate practice means to extend the sense of things for thinking-with unique to human-computer symbiosis, exceeding Turkleƒs evocative objects and "transitional objects, which I believe to be quasi objects." (find the other familiar term promoted by other theorists)

7 18 1 (9100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170317 20170317 3 -2+ journal_2017.html
What if everyone had raspberry some pmrek the way computers have always been used by philosophers now with foss a special dispensation arises, granting virtual utopias that may seep out into realities through cognitive and traditional control operations PHI, and do so leveraging the machinic more so than creative commons and other licenses typical of human directed media. Another call for papers to be published looks for those displaced in digital humanities their voices muffled such as philosophical programmers whose working code must be closed not revealed hidden by licensing, human will not to investigate further, and code space governmentality.

7 18 1 (9200) [-4+]mCQK bork-journal 20170319 20170319 4 -13+ journal_2017.html
How could we talk about what we do at work in philosophically meaningful ways without compromising confidentiality agreements, thus talking about our working code experience becomes a hard question for digital humanities, if the insights of philosophical programmers and autochthonous philosophers of computing are to enter scholarly discourse.

7 18 1 (9300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170320 20170320 5 -12+ journal_2017.html
The next best than professional software development organizations, or arguably better if only they had higher consistent participation rates, foss projects like pmrek might consider how complex relationships between sound tracks and game play can often be distinguished in computer programming terms between whether PHI or not, in more crude terminology, read only or write, passive or active, not or having an effect, provided its insinuation into the existing circuitry does not interfere, and in an inflection as the enjoyment of the player is considered, these new operations made possible by raspberry pmrek. Another example would be screens made of character hyperlinks versus unit operations prepositions like on, with, as bitmaps, although its importance may evaporate preposition html5. On the other hand, beginning with the ability of the stern platform to have available momentary solenoid outputs formerly used by chimes, the separate sound board triggered by additional bit preposition data line freed up for individually resettable drop targets. What it did was make another opportunity for aftermarket circuit boards, and in parallel a new pmrek possibility to detect solenoid control by ultimate mpu including calls to the sound board, and from heterogeneous code bases make a new soundtrack, an aural environment for the game to substitute for the missing sound board, along with simulating original sounds, or just the former until all copyrights expire for the latter. Except the bally platform did the same thing with sound boards, too, so it is just a way to cover for whichever make you encounter, for not everyone has access to one, let alone one of each. Proposal for hastac media arts show raspberry pmrek. To become a philosopher of computing you must do programming and electronics, though not everyone has access to an early electronic pinball machine amenable to this project, and to do that pick a device and learn it very well, so let it be an example, the one I am following myself, being interested in machine embodiment and cognition, explored through lower road of hobbyist practice than top down from theory. Besides embodying its own philosophical statement, it provides the pleasure of playing pinball with an audio component of synthesized sound effects, background sound track, voices, and so on. This gets around the awkwardness or inappropriateness of atari vcs as PHI, not to discount its lesson about racing the beam and other philosophical insights. What I want to do is multiply the range of tutor texts from vcs, pmrek, and other famous computing platforms, to little explored territories of other consumer devices. Pick a device, learn it very well, to the point you can do new things with it like raspberry pmrek. Write the five hundred word hastac media arts show proposal raspberry pmrek in tapoc.

7 18 1 (9400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170331 20170331 6 -11+ journal_2017.html
Raspberry pmrek combines a fully playable, classic electronic pinball machine whose missing electronic sound board has been replaced by a Raspberry Pi, interfaced to the existing microprocessor control unit "via home made user circuits connected to its GPIO. The Pinball Machine Reverse Engineering Kit (pmrek) is a free, open source software project whose initial iterations completely replaced the MPU. However, it relied on the availability of ISA bus computers, which are now as obsolete as the games themselves, and limits the operating environment to motherboards with isa slots. While the popular Raspberry Pi seems like an obvious replacement, understanding the technical reasons why it is not represents a class of hard problems for digital humanists seeking to undertake studies that span software and hardware, revealing the irreducible materiality of the former through its interactions with the latter. The project embodies the platform studies level of analysis championed by Montfort and Bogost, examining the Bally/Stern platform used in hundreds of thousands of pinball machines from the late 1970s through the mid 1980s in its transition from a mechanical, xylophone-like chime unit to digitized sound effects, background music, and eventually synthesized speech. The initial goal of the project is to replace a defective or missing sound board by tapping into the solenoid control bus used to trigger it, and based on its detection of solenoid requests via the Pi s GPIO data interface, employing custom software developed for the Raspberry Pi to generate similar sound effects. A sort of test could be to see whether players notice the difference. Beyond simulation of the original equipment, new interpretations of the game s theme can be created by extending the repertoire of sound effects and voices by writing new software. The task is not simple, and invites interdisciplinary collaboration between electronics, software engineering, digital composition, and game play mechanics. Wow already wrote a lot today. You see electronics expands into humanities working code PHI." (MPU)

7 18 1 (9500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170401 20170401 3 -6+ journal_2017.html
The first version of pmrek did not include displays requiring additional io, really just output. An intermediate version using strikes and spares verified, now considering replacement sound board version with raspberry pi. Like serious gaming there is serious programming, deliberately written to explore philosophical topics and test hypotheses. Adding via user circuit to description links with yesterday to simulate continuation. The philosophical question is whether it can work, and what kinds of questions arise from being in its working code, hinting at something heidegger wrote about socrates. A lot of philosphers describe the same thing, whether they are deprecated, behind paywalls, confidentiality agreements, or free to roam discourse.

7 18 1 (9600) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20030426 20030426a 3 -30+ journal_2003.html
2in"> Iƒd like to begin with a short, three point clarification of reverse engineering[, for as technologists we must be very careful how we use this term].

7 18 1 (9700) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20130426 20130426a 0 -144+ journal_2013.html
What was I going to say by typing listening to radio that could be programmatically generated real virtualities in virtual reality human audio and visual environments PHI hearing seeing now typing.

7 18 1 (9800) [-1+]mCQK bork-journal 20170713 20170713 0 -56+ journal_2017.html
Start with narration on other machine serving music while taking notes here on cybersage workstation PHI wanting to add chapter ten introduction server side programming.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=7 and (Heading=18) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 7.18 programmed responses

Chapter 8 Syllabus for Advanced Server Side Programming

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=8 and (Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

8.1 http client server architectures, brief history of computing, protocol, ipv6, http overview, request response cycle

-8.1.1+++ http client server architectures

8 1 1 (100) [-9]mCQK bork-journal 20161213 20161213 3 -1+ journal_2016.html
What is advanced server side programming let us begin each session answering that fundamental basic question.

8 1 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20161106 20161106a 6 -9+ journal_2016.html
Need to focus attention on what are significant client requests over the internet generating server responses, for this also fits programmed responses as well as how it is with post postmodern network dividual cyborg being. Start with a broad survey of client requests, then narrow to those we can affect with our puerile working code. This could be a slide in the first lecture, to use a popular skeuomorph of the internet epoch that may have been envisaged by Engelbart and latent in early personal computing, but not until ubiquitous dynamic video projectors common in group educational environments. Note this foundational empirical question can be answered like the oft repeated Latour litany given by Borges in an imaginative story categorizing animals: chatty devices, smart phones, traditional web browsers, prioprietary apps, business systems, internet self governance discourse, and so on. Draw on a whiteboard taking suggestions from students, as well perhaps viewing tcpdump and imagining the inner or simply hidden in plain sight of overall network traffic life of devices. Temporarily for the duration of the semester emphasize client requests to webservers, favoring the programming languages HTTP, HTML, and PHP. This invites a philosophical digression on programming languages and networking protocols. What are webservices, I do not feel they are on the same ontic plane as these languages? Some will be discoverable through epistemological transparency of foss, others obscured by impenetrable encryption and DMCA restrictions.

8 1 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20161116 20161116a 6 -3+ journal_2016.html
Cloud computing aws competence should accompany other skills and learning objectives of course, as well as virtualization, since aws implements entire operating systems as long as we hold onto that concept before letting everything go into distributed cyberspace. Using virtualization is a competence the old school off the grid individualist hacker, though a vertical stack is still implied, and for now its contours reflect major operating system options using GNU/Linux foss and windows, so both should be understood to various extents. The next lecture on web services will have corresponding exercises in the preferred third party internet hosted ide.

8 1 1 (400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20161219 20161219 5 -21+ journal_2016.html
Cut to the chase and ask what types of http requests are there and what are the possible replies. Isnt the very distinction of safe and idempotent methods reflecting question can software be innocent. From default knowledge source w three dot org, rfc 2616 fielding et al, implementors should be aware that the software represents the user in their interactions over the Internet, and should be careful to allow the user to be aware of any actions they might take which may have unexpected significance to themselves or others. In particular, the convention has been established that the GET and HEAD methods SHOULD NOT have the significance of taking an action other than retrieval. Does this not invite philosophical question of whether freedom zero should shape action along with traditional human ethical concerns. Im guessing HEAD gets a header and GET gets the default response including its header, a more thorough and costly action, where the slightest action is the otherwise inaction of retrieval points to a data storage absolute and retrieval cost relative ontological ranking showing how computing consummates as pharmakeus humans bringing Derrida back into the conversation. Idempotent methods act once all subsequent times having no effect. As they say, the side-effects of N > 0 identical requests is the same as for a single request. The methods GET, HEAD, PUT and DELETE share this property. So I was wrong, they keep having always the effect of generic happening. Not the same distinction as safe and idempotent, however, but we do get two more basic http/1.1 methods. For reading about responses, whatever information is identified by the Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to a data-producing process, it is the produced data which shall be returned as the entity in response and not the source text of the process, unless that text happens to be the output of the process. Now responses noting my new reading habit has been to not underline or make many notes besides one recently in Bataille locatable in bibliography while in recent readings time period then very long to read in remaining, and with more difficulty literature review ordering where I have cited it. Wikipedia provides quick numerical bullet list beginning with 1xx informational, success, redirection, client error, server error, unofficial codes, see also, notes, the knowing one knowing the numbering ends at 5xx. From rfc 2616 again, there is a diagram of the server response beginning with Status-Line, headers, CRLF message-body, the second and fourth being optional. Notice there are a small number of the first three, the fifth, compared to many of the fourth errors. Does this tell us something about the careful humans who created the protocols and rfcs, and anything at all attributable to will or concern of the machines, technology? That seems an important philosophical question for the year the machines took control of global societal governance. But that is not the key governmentality thought I had this evening, it was bigger, more significant, worthy of iacap conference paper if I were not tied up planning the class.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=8 and (Heading=1 or Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 8.1 http client server architectures, brief history of computing, protocol, ipv6, http overview, request response cycle+

8.2 web services, soap, restful

--8.2.1+++ web services

8 2 1 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20161208 20161208a 11 -2+ journal_2016.html
What are web services begins the continuation review of protocol, turning to RFC for SOAP as quintessence early example, succeeded by restful, exemplified by the Atlassian Confluence API, or to those built into the institutional computing center, for then as now a place for computing to occur must accompany the human pleasure experience participation in of it computing. Web services communicate by exchanging objects whose underlying encoding scheme programming style is xml and json, I have to learn the latter.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=8 and (Heading=2) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 8.2 web services, soap, restful+

8.3 php design patterns, mvc

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=8 and (Heading=3) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 8.3 php design patterns, mvc+

8.4 testing patterns, test driven programming

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=8 and (Heading=4) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 8.4 testing patterns, test driven programming+

8.5 coding dojo

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=8 and (Heading=5) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 8.5 coding dojo+

8.6 application development

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=8 and (Heading=6) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 8.6 application development+

8.7 automating tests

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=8 and (Heading=7) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 8.7 automating tests+

8.8 user input via web forms

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=8 and (Heading=8) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 8.8 user input via web forms+

8.9 content management systems

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=8 and (Heading=9) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 8.9 content management systems

Chapter 9 Governmentality of software

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=9 and (Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

9.1 governmentality, foucault, archeology, genealogy, biopolitics, power relations, protocol

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=9 and (Heading=1 or Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 9.1 governmentality, foucault, archeology, genealogy, biopolitics, power relations, protocol+

9.2 software, berry, phenomenology, what is software, coding communities, analysis of our source code

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=9 and (Heading=2) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 9.2 software, berry, phenomenology, what is software, coding communities, analysis of our source code+

9.3 governmentality of software, berardi, semiocapitalism, class struggle, depression panic catastrophe, bioprogramming, thinking differently

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=9 and (Heading=3) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 9.3 governmentality of software, berardi, semiocapitalism, class struggle, depression panic catastrophe, bioprogramming, thinking differently

Chapter 10 Syllabus for Server Side Programming

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=10 and (Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

10.1 programming styles, client, server, php

-10.1.1++ programming styles

10 1 1 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170719 20170719 0 -1+ journal_2017.html
Change philosophies to programming styles, from which multiple axes of distinctions radiate, such as compiled interpreted, client server, free and unfree, and so on.

10 1 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170714 20170714 1 -3+ journal_2017.html
Consequence of schmoo approach to electronics mishmash squishy formless circuits and actual programs putatively running them. Server processes expressed as programs replaces or follows philosophies; talk of webserver, database, and other protocols replaces other types of philosophical musing. It will occur regardless of whether and how we involve ourselves; better as active agents than ignorant consumers.

10 1 1 (300) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170715 20170715a 2 -7+ journal_2017.html
Dare to imbed or intermingle philosophical lectures in notes for generic teaching how to program. Replace philosophies with styles or combine into synthetic in sense of neologism new term
styles philosophies. Personal and collective programming styles dictate what kind of code will be written, thus almost recursively affecting its governmentality in addition to corporate directives, for example software requirements and other sic iso controlled documents. Styles philosophies are the foucault like accounts accompanying sic articulates of programming styles, the philosophical ideas informing them as well as being generated by their use. Server side programming is more likely to allow bracketing ally considerations of human user interface, making it easier than client side work. What does old school mean as programming style, for example, may include my preference for c and gnu linux, foss. On the other hand, server programs must consider, or be designed to account for, the distributed coordinated direction of high speed operations in electronic circuits, creating new categories of practical problems routinely addressed by server side programming.

10 1 1 (400) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170717 20170717 2 -6+ journal_2017.html
Assuming chomsky too would prefer discussions of process control system optimization, for example avoiding slow database queries, to chummy foucault style investigations into the history and philosophy of computing as a new intellectual discipline PHI. Programming milieux are control systems accompanying home PHI videotapes from decades back eventually reaching point where all copyrights expire, from which
autochthonous philosophy of computing PHI. Why not start experimenting with solar power alongside raspberry pmrek all using same apparatus, an electronic computing substrate requiring adherence to physical laws, operational specifications, and so on. The machinic thinks in place of our degenerated sense of how it all works, taking example of idiocracy as already consummated in terms of classic knowledge of electronics. Orality, literacy, programming the progression suggested nearly a decade ago at beginning of doctoral work. The journal software is the basic control system where language and electronics come together, philosophizing with electricity, another example of which shall be raspberry pmrek.

10 1 1 (500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20160718 20160718b 3 -3+ journal_2016.html
At some fundamental level is decision machine evaluating as in listening, reading, and so on PHI decoding interpreting reciting activities PHI. Client and server side as positions of computing. Winning every way but boring factual rhetoric losing the war with mindless dumb media intoxication virtual reality addiction like oxygen, air, water, and so on essential to human life now shared with machinery, machinic, platial, effervescent, riding on streams version four and needing to start studying six, and so on.

10 1 1 (600) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170716 20170716 2 -4+ journal_2017.html
It is significant to digital humanities because it foregrounds working code potentially exercising many layers from platform studies up, as in final figure on dissertation. Introducing years back new syntax for using MySQL query language to get work done for the dissertation project finding the desired image replacing yesterday only finding png files, this reading PHI point pondered days back about mysql query in dissertation more than describing organization principles for its partial machine creation in ways beyond generic word processing and client browsing. It seems baked into Stallmanƒs freedom zero that code must be free to be executed for any reason in any context. Connect that to erudite introduction to deleuze foucault foregrounding typewriter keyboard, repeating an ancient PHI philosophy of computing.

10 1 1 (700) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170626 20170626 0 -4+ journal_2017.html
Here is the mistake in the proposal, a slip in typing as I used to call them, following a good build up argument, meaningful tinkering with extant devices implies familiarity with electronics, as well access to circuit schematics and technical data for reverse engineering. The missing as right there where the focus is supposed to be on correct understanding of electronic circuits. These hard problems, I did not say well, about replacing isa with raspberry pi, seems like an obvious substitute, understanding the technical reasons why it is not exposes a class of hard problems for digital humanists seeking to undertake studies that span software and hardware, revealing the irreducible materiality of the former through its interactions with the latter. But this is part of what the installation must convey communicate display show loop through repeating, and so on for the duration of the conference.

10 1 1 (800) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170711 20170711 3 -4+ journal_2017.html
Client server do you understand what I mean saying they all hold together in sense of diachrony in synchrony, perhaps better diachronies in synchrony to describe network layer model applied to everything transcending four dimensional PHI. The
computing dimension exists alongside as a really working example, as in object code, for example elf, to fiction, narrative, character sequences, static writing, and it consumes all of it in its scope. This way of thinking about the philosophy of computing bypasses philosophical questions crossing cognitive science, for example how the brain works, appealing to the ready at handedness of the built environment code space into cyberspace putatively pure code regions spaces places occurrences where thinking happens. The computing dimension transcends familiar four dimensions, founded as it is upon sciences putting, as in casting, electronics in, into its range of possibilities.

10 1 1 (900) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170705 20170705 5 -6+ journal_2017.html
Kittler in lecture viewed two years ago declares switch from text editor to keyboard command level, the kill command does something, whereas typing kill does nothing on a typewriter keyboard. Programming languages different from mother tongues and foreign languages we speak. Notes assembler ground, standardization by organizations, preferring c, giving single versus double colon example of risk. Can have disastrous effects like the program does not stop. Higher responsibility when writing programs. Suggests critical approach working on program of wave tracer and radio city program and try to explain the programming aspects for these two opposite possibilities render the wonder done by the sun, though these notes from two videos are distorted and incomplete.

10 1 1 (1000) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170707 20170707 0 -2+ journal_2017.html
Difference between type of fiction eco and truly autochthonous albeit programmed vision exemplified in my journal activities. Start with this fact and ponder theory around it, rather than seeking evidence of theories empirically.

10 1 1 (1100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170718 20170718 1 -5+ journal_2017.html
Archeology and genealogy intertwine off each other but to be told from perspective of real virtualities requires input of machinic thinkers, too. Concern that humans degenerating as custodians of cyberspace, machinic internet. As I quoted nietzsche decades ago, one day the rabble might become master and drown all time in shallow waters, going back no further than their grandparents. The lucid description of a kernel workqueue may never arise alongside philosophical musings invoking foucault and nietzsche. Can the use of ancient computers not lead to foolish trust that they will continue to operate years from now, I wonder, balancing their immunity to vicissitudes of sixty four bit internetworked machines.

--10.1.2++ client

10 1 2 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170710 20170710 0 -10+ journal_2017.html
This is the foundation not next syllabus for server side programming that fits well with process control system programming. list of competencies students should have arriving in your Intro to Server Side class from Intro to Web Programming from khanh mai. Basic knowledge of Git commands and uploading projects to GitHub: commit, push, pull, clone, creating a repo. Knowledge of basic programming concepts include: Variables, Arrays, Array manipulation, Strings, Objects, Functions, Data types, Loops, Concatenation, Math addition, subtraction, modulus, etc. Basic problem solving using programming Dojos. Really simple use of PHP to work with a database, specifically: a small amount working with MySQL using PHPMyAdmin; how to write to a MySQL database; how to read from a MySQL database; creating an HTML form to send simple data to a database; storing numbers and strings. How to use MAMP to start and stop a LAMP stack instance on their local machines. Generalized terminology, including: Agile vs Waterfall, LAMP Stack, Front-end vs. Back-end. Server side is back end.

10 1 2 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170715 20170715b 9 -1+ journal_2017.html
Impressive list of accomplishments for client web programming course should be reiterated rather than assumed that students know and can use all of this PHI.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=10 and (Heading=1 or Heading=0) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName

TOC 10.1 programming styles, client, server, php+

10.2 server processes, webserver, database

--10.2.1++ server processes

10 2 1 (100) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170715 20170715d 6 -3+ journal_2017.html
Server side programming is more likely to allow bracketing ally considerations of human user interface, making it easier than client side work. What does old school mean as programming style, for example, may include my preference for c and gnu linux, foss. On the other hand, server programs must consider, or be designed to account for, the distributed coordinated direction of high speed operations in electronic circuits, creating new categories of practical problems routinely addressed by server side programming.

10 2 1 (200) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170713 20170713a 1 -1+ journal_2017.html
If you write bad server side code you can slow the whole system having business impact on server, though also similar consequences for client browers.

10 2 1 (500) [-6+]mCQK bork-journal 20170715 20170715 1 -2+ journal_2017.html
What kinds of things server side programs do sic determines what kinds of instructional examples may be given. Dare to imbed or intermingle philosophical lectures in notes for generic teaching how to program.

select Chapter, Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, RelevanceLevel, TextName, PositionStart, TimestampBookmarkExtra, CitationOffset, CitationSentences, Path, Lexia, if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/',Notes.TextName,'_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/screenshot_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.png') and Relevance=1),'Y','N'), if((select count(*) from Items where Path like concat('%/vpf_',Notes.TimestampBookmarkExtra,'.jpg') and Relevance=1),'Y','N') from Notes where Chapter=10 and (Heading=2) and InterstitialSequence>0 order by Heading, SubHeading, InterstitialSequence, TextName


Works To Cite

aarsethnonlinearity_and_literary_theory06 20128.302013102490%90%Y0
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kittlerthere_is_no_software12 20128.302013110390%90%Y0
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mackenziecutting_code07 20138.302013080590%90%Y0
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manerunique_ethical_problems_in_information_technology04 20138.302013042250%5%Y1
manovichlanguage_of_new_media01 20118.302015070190%90%Y0
manovichsoftware_takes_command03 20128.302013112490%50%Y2
marinocritical_code_studies07 20128.302013110590%90%Y0
mayerteaching_and_learning_computer_programming04 20118.302013110525%25%Y12
mazlishfourth_discontinuity04 20148.302014041825%25%Y0
mcgannradiant_textuality02 20128.302013110590%75%Y0
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morningstar_farmerlucasfilms_habitat10 20138.602013110690%90%Y0
mumfordauthoritarian_and_democratic_technics04 20148.302014041825%25%Y0
mumfordtechnics_and_nature_of_man04 20148.302014041825%25%Y0
murrayhamlet_on_the_holodeck11 20088.302013100790%90%Y0
neelplato_derrida_writing02 20098.302013100990%90%Y0
negripolitics_of_subversion04 20178.70201704090%0% 0
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papertmindstorms09 20138.60201311075%5%Y12
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postmantechnopoly12 20138.102013123190%25%Y0
raeknow_how_tradition04 20148.302014041825%25%Y0
ramsayreading_machines03 20138.302013100890%90%Y0
raymondart_of_unix_programming04 20178.70201704090%0% 0
raymondcathedral_and_bazaar10 20148.60201410265%5%Y4
reddellsocial_pulse_of_telharmonics11 20118.302013110790%90% 0
reichsupercapitalism02 20178.70201702080%0% 0
reich_gemina_sauermodeling_knowledge07 20098.302013110790%75%Y0
ricerhetoric_of_cool02 20098.302013110790%90%Y0
rice_ogormannew_media_new_methods04 20128.102013110790%90%Y0
romanyshyndespotic_eye_and_its_shadow11 20128.202014031390%90%Y0
rosenbergdreaming_in_code03 20138.602014033090%90%Y0
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ryanbeyond_myth_and_metaphor03 20128.302013110890%90%Y0
saussuregeneral_course_in_linguistics06 20118.302013110875%50%Y0
scharff_and_dusekphilosophy_of_technology06 20078.302013113025%5%Y0
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zizekenjoy_your_symptom07 20118.302013101925%25%Y0
zizekparallax_view05 20098.502014021925%25%Y0
Items [305] Research Remaining [0] Refinement Remaining [0]